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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
flUfjmj'vr.r f ' W(' i lp1 ifsjnv"1 w nOMEANDFARjr MAGAZINE SECTION The Necessary Pure-Bred Bull t...llH n Inulnn nntn linlt vgUIi UUI1B uaiiifc, ..w... u.v dairy fnrmcrs millions 01 uonars. Tho annual buttorfat nverago la kept low by cows which trnco back In ono or two generations to mongrel, nondescript sires. Horrid nro too oft on bonded by bulls In whoso breeding and conformation thcro 1b no hubbcs- tlon ot uniry typo or production. Many of these could render their best Bcrvico to dairying by Going tho bo logna routo to lessen tho high cost of living. Falling this, thoy accomplish tho next host result. Tho low produc tion of their get forcibly Itnprosses tho need of bettor dairy sires. Tho profit In nny dairy is deter mined to a largo degrco by tho worth of tho herd bull. Tho Ohio station lias lately shown tho vnluo of a good elro by comparing two bulls used at 'on3tor. Ono Increased tho nvorago yearly production ot his daughters over that of their dams 1299 pounds of mlllc nnd 10 pounds ot buttorfat. Tho other decreased tho nvorago of his daughters below that of their dams 700 pounds of milk nnd 45 pounds of buttorfat. Figuring tho average producing period of a cow as six years tho diffcronco In vnluo of theso two bulla In tho producing llfo of each heifer aired Ib about 12,000 pounds milk and GOO pounds butter fat a difference well worth notlco and sufficient to point out the vnluo of superior bulls. Apply this In tho dairy hords of tho country. A vory llttlo extra caro In selecting onlmnls for sires would ralso tho buttorfnt nverago at least 10 pounds por cow. When multiplied by tho number ot dairy cows In tho United States this amounts to 200. 000,000 pounds of buttorfat worth $60,000,000 enough to pay for caro ful consideration ot the need of real dairy sires. Iohii'h Debt to llulK Wisconsin and Iowa rank high as dairy states and owo much to tho use of Pino bred bulls. Wisconsin's cattlo associations and county sales scatter bulls of Uic four breeds throughout the state. Iu ono porlod ot 14 weeks last year more than 1200 purebred bulls were sold to Wiscon sla farmers and breeders. Iowa heads many of her dairy herds with nnlmnls brought In from other states. Last car 5,000,000 nioro poundH of but ter were made n Town than hi 1912 la spite of tho fact that there wcro 100,000 fewer cows In tho stato. This Increase netH tho farmers uenrly $1, 750,000 besides tho satisfaction of knowing their cowa nro nvoraging at least 10 pounds moro buttorfat than la tho ear before. W. D. Barnoy, Stato Dairy and Food Commissioner, credits this ralso In standard for tho most part to tho high quality ot tho bulla brought Into tho stato during tho past 10 years. A yearly Incrcaso of 5,000,000 pounds ot butter duo largely to tho use of better sires en courages tho purchnso of moro. To figure tho Intluonca nnd impor tance of tho herd bull Is difficult and many breeders dodgo tho tronblo ot estimation. Tho old adago "a bull is half tho herd" loses its forco through repetition. It Is true wher'o tho blood of sire nnd dam arc ot equal power. Howovcr, whon n puro blood bull Is mated to grado or scrub cows, his ability to stamp his characteristics on his offspring Is relatively increased. It added to tho advantago ot being ot puror blood than tho cows, n bull Is a "strong constltutloncd, woll-bal-tnced animal that can bo safely in bred to his daughters and" grand daughters," ho becomes much moro than "half tho hord " Tho prnctlco of breeding a bull back to his prog eny may bo debatable but there la no question of tho great effect of tho sire. A single cross with an In ferior animal may tear down what It has taken years to build up In n herd. On tho other hand, a' strong dairy slro may so firmly fix his qualities In his progeny that oven when matod with scrub cows ho produces a dis tinct dairy typo. Tho prepotoncy of a purebred dairy bull was woll shown In tho Government demonstration nerd at tho Notional Dairy Show last Fall. Ono ot tho two most profit able cows In tho tost wns n second cross Holstein-Frlosian a cow of uch excellent typo as to rank high on the breed score card. A "Good, Cheup Hull"! Not long ago a doalor In dairy cat tle received an ordor for "20 good, purebred Jorsoy heifers good milky stock with register of merit blood and also a good, cheap bull." A good, cheap bum a llttlo study would nave shown tho writer tho folly of U1. With him a "bull's a bull." Yet laiS 19 AYnntlv wlinl It ma ,1HA ime, highly developed bunch of dairy ne ters Is mated to an animal whoso Is tho fact that ho Isn't a heifer. A "no-purposo" bull can do moro In thrco years toward classifying a herd ns "boardeis" In tho ranks ot un profitable producers than can bo un done by years of careful breeding. A llttlo Investigation of herds nnd tho cause of monoy-loslng cows brings us faco to faco with tho scrub bull proposition. More purebred sires nro needed but moro important Is tho intelligent USO Of thnRO wn linvr. Tlmo spent lu selecting a bull to head tho herd la profitably Invested. Dairy blood sells high and purebred Birua m grnuo or Bcruu nerds will easily produco ?1G0 heifers from $75 to $100 cows. A leader in dairy breeding has recently said: "Thorc novor was n tlmo in tho world'B his tory when tho market prospect was as oncournglng for tho raising of cowh io sen as now. Tiioy must bo well bred, not necessarily puro bred but from registered dairy sires." Thcro is no lino of dnlrjjng of moro Importanco than building up tho or dinary hord and no easier means than by tho uso of better sires. Owners Advised as to Care of a Sick Horso FEW horso owners nro Justified In nttcmntlnc to front n bnran (1ml ia really sick, yet overy ono ought to bo nblo to do something for an 111 nnlmnl until professional help ar rives. Impropor feeding In tho Winter liroducos much Indlgestivo slcknoss among horses, and nn nnlmnl with ncuto Indigestion needs veterinary as3lstauco quickly. Thoro Is not much uso pouring mcdlclno into tho stomach, ror that organ la already in a deranged condition and will not asslmllnto tho drugs. Tho Injection of concentrated med icines under the skin Is tho only ratlonol way of treating such ail ments, nnd tho ordinary horsoman Is not posscssod of either tho Instru monta or tho necessary skill to do this "work. Howovcr, ho can well udopt measures of rcllof, such as placing the sick animal In n largo stnll plentifully supplied with good bedding nnd an attendant to prevent tho patient from injuring himself when tho pains nro most Intonso. Many a horso has sufforcd violently and thrown himself on a hard floor, bursting the stomuch which had been distended with gas, nnd thus de stroying wliatovor chanco thero might have been for successful treatment. It always gives somo relief In casos of abdominal pain to npply hot wntor cloths to tho lower part ot the abdomen. Theso should bo ns hot as tho aulmal will stand nnd usually may bo easily applied as tho sick animal will almost ulways lie down and often on his back. Horses suffer moro from pulmon ary diseases In tho Winter than In tho Summer becnuso so many stables nro Insufficiently ventilated. This nrcdlsnoscs to lung trouble, and many a slmplo cough or cold do volops Into Inflammation ot tho lungs simply becnuso tho animal has to stand lu n poorly vontllatod stnblo. Tho avcrago caso of Influenza or oven cold distemper will clear up without much medical troatmont If tho patlont Is only allowed an nbund nnt supply of fresh air. Keep tho body warm by blanketing, stimulate tho circulation in tho extremities by massaging tho legs, and kcop tho bowols relaxed by tho uso of succu lent feed. It tho breathing is labored, apply a hot poultlco to tho throat and chest, and you will havo gono a long way towards preventing any compllcatlonri from sotting In and will probably not noed nny profes sional advlco nt nil. If a plentiful supply of froah air Is nccossdry to maintain a horso in good henlth, it will readily bo aeon how essential It Is to an animal suf fering from nny sort of respiratory trouble. Tho most skillful medical treatmont will bo useless without It. Cnn It lef Down my mind's corridors do inurmiirlnsr tne mcm warn: Ily day nnd nlRlit they haunt me. an guished cries ot.. fialila wliannA nnlv 1110 1QTK s iiff slimlhl rlKO. Or the blithe reaper's shout amidst Hie Brain. , . And now there comes a Brimmer, groat, or pain . , , . Voicing- Its suffering. Oh, Clod, what v. il l.f.i urn. nf nntlnng? Can It bo Through tho dork valley that mankind shall win ... , From lust of power and Jealousy anu sin StDonnicrt mtf bie SnS Cclictilcftc nub nrufjJc SmiIicu.53on)CiiumK tut SSJcftcit fitr iiur $1.00 bvo ftnljr. 3rhtgt fids bie tmtefteniU-iegsnadjncfyen, in untx'rfalfcfytci' IDcifc Crrfdjcint iebcit 2oniter5.oo mit 20 ceitcn, bantntcr. cine 8fcitiae GoimtaoSDcifnoe "tit nur Scfcftoff. Cntrjiift ou&er. belt ncitcflcit nub infcrcffnuicftcu SMtOcoeCenfaitcit bic tiid tiofieu 9cad)ridjtcit Don bee ncific Su'tfle, ferncr. lucribolfi! fflntfdjraoc fiir Snrm, $au8, of nub Clarfcit, nii(jlid)e SBiirfc fi'ti- bic .flanSfrmi, fpnnncnbc Oicfdjicfjtcu nub rurjc Sfobeflen, Ufuftriertc Sfbljcniblitnoen i't&cr. ben iTricg, cine Uuiftricrte, Ijiimoriflifdje cite itfiu. itfiu. djrciDt nut cine rokmmiliier obec fdjitft ahd) belt SfGomtcmcitfflhrciS lion nur 1.00 ciu. Sober nene Scfcc Dc fommt cw&crbem ben rcidjljciltioeii, IjiiudUfiitricrten garni IicnfnTcnbci: pro 1915 it info it ft. DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG Cirric mtb enrmoit Sfrnfic, I'orlfnub, Crcnoit. fflefifKjcttel. fficttlfdjc Scitttim, iporirnub, Orcnoit. Grftc iinb Snlmoit Stvatje. Gliiticncitb fiubcit Gic $1.00 file tlit IJtaljreS.SrOoHiitment nuf bit .ffieuJfdje flclhinn". Senbcu Gie mtc fjren SiuniHciifntcubec pro 1015 portofrcl a". Wamc Glrafjc iinb .OmiSnuiiimec n. . . suor Miofficc ; Giant THE GEORGE GOGGLE Is Worn and Indorsed by Automoblltsts Hunters Oolfero rishermen Ilnneball Flayers Motorcyclists Laborers Rnglneers Firemen Tarmera Mill Workers Stonecutters Harvesters Throohern Motormen No Equal at Any Price Three Colors CLEAR SMOKED AMUKIt M Protect your eyes from sun, wind, dust and injury Automntlrallr niljimta to )Oiir fnee. Pleilhlc Will bend but not break. Protection No danger from brohen glass. Kull Vlnloii Unobstructed: will not tog. JVon-Itrtrnt-tril rrovents nny cyo strain. Sanitary No to sweat. I'catber-WrlKlit weighs lets than 1-G-ounc. allrU lotpaia for 1'5 Cent. Ucnlrra Wanted. Commerce -Utility Corporation 413 1'nnnnin llullillac, l'ortlnnd, Oregon. memories of old BEST for the WEST Twenty years' practical experience horo enubles us to servo you Intelligently. Our 1015 Coniplrte 1-S page C'utiilogiie No, HS Is a reliable and truthful guide. Tolls nil about our "iiinimvr uai,it" si:i:is, (i.itni:v and row,. THV MM'IM.IKS, Sl'ltAVr.ltS, IlIIITIMKlt.S, TOOLS, etc., and glvos new prepaid prices, by parcel post, on most stocks, no Mom: .nn.vrs, imt spkciai. IllICi:S direct to planters. VOU OlVf THIJ IIIJXIM'IT. Write todar fur I'utulogur No. 8S. Routledge Seed & Floral Company HID. 17 1 I'd St., l'ortlnnd, Orrgon. fV flwqrsiin Uve Acrnti Wnimi2vTcry- nnrrr. ApplrXoW. nr fia i iimtr (Iia I boolc and mile osiers 13 mated to an animal whoso to heights of peace and perfect amity! only recommendation as a dairy slro I Clinton Scollard. In New York Sun. A. J. KIKSTIN CO., 221 Com'l St., Salem, Or. TTIF there is nny particular commodity in which you III are interested, and you do not find it advertised in these columns, let us help you. Write advertising manager, Oregon-Washington-Idaho Parmer, Ore gonian building, Portland, Or. .-,-f,n,ru-mVMTWKriTrt,