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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
MJIIOliliJMIiiOtl H ItlPBiniinTTTWlinn-ffnTmiTr m - TT rrTTM"iiriTT TiifiTiTuu MfcrfsKfcHH THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHHELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SIX ' tcrtalned a host of friends in honor HOt'IAfj CAI.KNIWH .f ,,cr, "ovpntn birthday nnd was I list Included: Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. H. E. Dtirmlstor, Mrs. C. M j fHyler, Mrs. Claud Nasburg, Mrs. A. n .. .--.I - r n ilnrn Mm. ' tho Bnptlst church parlors and tho fallowing officers woro elected for tlio ensuing term. President, Ksmond alossop; vlco iiresldont, Jcsso Frantz; secretary, Howard Kelloy; tronsur cr,; Loren Davis; missionary treas urer, Harry Swartz. Tho roninlndcr of tho ovonlng wns spent In gnmco of vnrlous sorts .nnd wholesomo rcCreshnionts woro pnrtaken or. THoso present ivoro: Howard Kollcy, Esmond Glossop, Herman Glossop, Jcsso Frantz, Hec tor ptovens, Harry Swojrtz, Loren Davis, Charles Doano and tho touch er Chns. Smith. . ino recipient ui iiuihuiuuh vj imvi- .......,. (v nil. I nanritl lilrtllllnv L'lftS. me recipient ui iiuihuiuuh vc ty and useful birthday gifts. l J UtIU UOUHH " t."ViJ o ' a. Ullllllliuuil. mm. u. w. j.u..., . Ida Conrad, Mrs. Frank Cattorlin.l Mrs. Harry Moffott, Mrs. 13. A. Itoso, Mrs. II. Ilorgman, Mrs. Kano, Mrs. C. V. Cumcrs, Mrs. Clinton Vestal,, Mrs. C. S. McColluni, Mrs. T. It. Slior-' Idan. Miss Sheridan nnd Miss Graco Knstsldo La til 03 Aid with Jfrs. It. KltFon. A Rpoclal fcaturo or tno arternoon a it-no l!m rtniiriv linliV litmt In wlllrh On,. .. Ladles' Guild at hall, i Alice Holmes was declared tho wln- nor. l Tho refrcslimcnts as well as par- ' lor decorations wero of pink nnd ,'whlto and tho llttlo hostess was ' assisted in serving by Mls3 'Thelma Dlack and Maybcllo McLaughlin to tho following Guests: 'tlio Misses: I'm inn Hansen, Lois Ulack, Lois Dassford, Kvolyn Conk- lln, Allco Holmes, Allco Mauzey, iGIonda Abbot, Virginia Dalglo, Stcl- la, Dalglp, Francis and Phyllis Hall, nnd .Masters: Dalo Mauzey, Henry i i Jlniiscn, Charles-Vascy, Win. Dash-j I ney, Everett Harrington nnd Ger-1 C Noblo ontertninea at a ''"'"ty innci, ' Kuosts Included L ' Sclirocder, Mrg r B" 'wry, Mrs. 0. w n ! North Hend Mothers' and Teachers' meeting at Central echool building. WKDNKSDAY Hohcrtson Johnson nup tials at Knstslde. K!s ball at Masonic torn plu. I'rcsbytcrlnn ladies' chick en dinner nt Guild hall. I'rlsclllas Willi Mrs. Itob crtson In Hunker Hill. Auction Urldgo Club with Mrs. Carl Davis. TlltIISIMY Alert Club with .Mrs. W. i Sheridan. i It. It. It. I Tho meeting of tho Haptlst Hoy's Ilrothcrhood was hold last evening In i (Continued from pngo 2) I fllllrntlnn with wlilpli In lioirln llfn .'nun.. tit.. ..n1 nf ill. rltlr.ti.ln.1 nf- I - fortB of Ulshon Sumner In tho heart I A NEW JOLLY 110'AKS MKKVH j of tho worst district of Chicago, how 0 . mi. ii i...iiftiii .... V i ... ..... ..... . . ' ' nui Aini.niKTMiiii -'nu His. tmfirl nf ihn rnmnilunfnn in- . V I). riper on Coos Illvcr. " H IIIU IJUUI1 VI iUU .ifllillMOOIuil ' i . . ., .. Tho Jolly Dozen Club spent n pointed by tho Mayor of Chicago, tho ' j t! Ilnll a t ii 7,7 , , '., ii at ino appointed tunc, .tuss .(lino 8 A. N. . Club with Mrs. friends loft for their homes nil wlsh- pleasant ancrnoon oi sowing with wholo city felt tlio beneficial effects . FUIDAV ' lng nor mnny hnppy returns. ' I Fill DAY CLUlt " A A Tho ladles of tho North Hend Fri- V tin i t 'I ill nirtf Vnatnrtln v n finftinnn Mrs. Urockmuollor last Wednesday 0( what lio had undertaken, nn In- Thimble lit tho closn Of which tlio ImstnsH .... ... .. . ... ,.. A If. f)'.Miir:i Thlmlilu Club with Mrs. nucnco WHICH mis sprcnu io uuiur ., , , ,, ,. ,, served, refreshments to Mrs. Mar- , ( ... ., ' lry Tho,0 Norwegian Lutheran . 1! ,nffo Mr. i-ina -,. a ti a... . so c ' couniry. inoso s nt cm,,c pnrlors. Horror, Mrs, Davis, .Mrs. A. II. Snow, rcBont woro 8o srcd by tho re- O Ladles' Art Club with Mrs, -- ''AltTV. - HHaaawapnvWMMHHMHHnMniMBnBaNBMMaHan AND !! VlltU IIV.fc J .UbV.I HJ m,tlU'(t Jolnson, and Mrs. n. F. llusli who 011M ,,,, lindcrtakon nI, accom- ". ' U- w,th Mr8' A' special guests Mrs. Frank Muscus ijii nil i uuii:h hi liiii iitixi riiniiiiir . .. i. it. . ' meeting. KNTKUTAINS AT KKWINCS j Pllshed among tho poor nnd mi for- a ' 'a aaaaa ""d Mlss lM" '""?? Tho members liinnln Minf flinv fnlf If wnnl.l lin H ' 0Mt WCrc 'Mr8' " COM. .Mrs. H. J. tunnto tint thoy felt It onIi bo a ,ndpn nnd Mfs j n nart,c m helpful thing to St. Mary's Mission, ' rofreslvments were served after rt In North Hend. to linvu a nart In tho 1 -MMl. LLIII. 1. L. A. fen. i.ours 0f sewlnir. soclnt rhnt nnd work nnd Sister Janet agreed to lot " music. On account of the death of t n pleasant afternoon spent -""mson in iimiKer inn. Following Tiie club ... . ... .... . inn Rnnm nramnn. niittniiitni- iinfnniid uj eiruiuK 1 in sowing, ino meeting aiijourncii "itr it ni I... ... . 1 . ...... worn Knrrm! thn rtlpstn wlin Inrlmlnil- 1"3' " W M 1 m puruiitu ui rcircHiiiiiciiis, which - - " -- mt tho hostess, Mrs. Ilobcrt K. Drown-, ,lov- n,ul J,rs- " - Thorpe, Mr. ; 'i. . ...... .. ...... .'nn.l Mrs n Tnr.iliann tt- Ihtn.. I .4'K served, wiui 1110 assistance 01 ' ' """--- DS'lMrs. K. Lothnrd McCliiro and Miss ,an,, tl,c Mlcs: Klsle Jacobson. Mrs. Uerg- Larsen, Jen- AT:uN(x). of skwixg I N. It. CATHOLIC OUILI) A. . Lost Tuesday afternoon tho Ladles' I Mrs. K. Lothnrd McCliiro and Miss ' "" l,,c ": bisie I.arsen. Jen- Yesterday afternoon a number of Guild of tho North Hend Catholic , i' lorenco iianngan. ,;; I f , -'" r"","""" , neisnuors caiiea ou .Mrs. . n. noss Church met nt the homo of Mrs. I Those present at the meeting were: SiTiffi "a.?Ili!lelL".!' il""!"? QS( nines: C. M. IlV or . John ... rV.-Wrr "" "v ".v ""' sl'1-"1 the Hoss Cnrrlo frosliinniita nd Mrs. Clarko woro present ns Mrs. Charles Metlln, Mrs. Marshall, . to Mrs. J C Doane, Mrs. Mears, Mrs. .... ......... . WaltPP Hill. Mm Vnlilrmnn Ma ... , ....... ...... ........ guests nnd tho members being in .Mrs. K. Lotliard .MeClure. Florence nttendnnco woro: Mrs. McDonald, Flanagnn, Mrs. Ilobt. Drowning. Tho ISAINHOW CLFIt .. .. ...... ...av, . wl n. ....,. .nidi J. Nacle. Mrs. T. n PlniiniTnii Vr J. T. Brers. Mrs. Dr scoll. Mrs P. .. , . ... . " ' '. .'115. UII7I.UII. .11111. .MC- On Thursday was held the first Manama.., .Mrs. H. E. Heanler and ---.- , - r, , a-..u. ........ ...... ......a., ...u Mrs. A. Iliinllinir. Mm. W'nllnr !!im. 'novl mnntln nt 1. nuii.i i. sell, Mrs. Lolghton, Mrs. Itedniond. no(1 Thursday week nt tho homo oriI1,00,,,n: nf ",p Hlbov Club In their -Mrs. Storm airs. it. nanus, Mrs. stlckilsh, and , jjrs. Parr, In North Hend nonse on soutu uoos itiver. ' Mrs. Geo. Hlack. ' '.. j, . ' , Through the generosity of'tho mem- i .ers, tno uiui) House is now nelii? . . . fiiriilshed throughout with evp-v- Mrs. F. K. Hague was a nleaslnc .!. Tho ladles are planning to glvo n A ball at Kcklioff's hall on tho even-' lng of tho first .Monday after .Castor, ' which win no Apru o. Mrs. McDonald will bo hostess A. X. V. CLIII COTILLION CM'II . iiiiiiimiPd inroiimioui witn evp-v- .wrs. t. k. Hague was a pleasing i thing whlc.i might contribute to the hostess last Thursday afternoon to - comfori of tin. .noniiinrn Tiniiorin tho ladles of tho A. N. V. Club who I Tim sorinl -I v.... inHf"w,,it. comtn "f the members. Hitherto " o 'atues of tne A. N. W. Club who The social given last Wednesda) , with the special guests Mrs. H. Iteed to 0V0I1 lie U' fin fnl an ITIiili una ,"- v-"1" "ns '"S met at 1110 1101110 , ,,,. ,,i. ,...,, ., ,,, .,, ,,... tlio Guild tho second Tuesday In ' attended by nn unusunlly largo num- .f. tho ho8tcss for tho la b,'t on i fnne. work ,, gocIal cllnti April. I her of guests nnd members and all con thoy wero entertained Dainty refreshments wore served AAA imiinrl n flnn tlnin , COIUIllllieo 01 TOUr: .MTS. t'llllKell- "J '. IWK1IU io mo oiiowiiik: .Mrs. . i r';;" M,r ','::;. ., , "-- " " i irrsijrsi. PWHIIIKKS CLUlt ; Thursday evening, March IS for a "", , rs .,1tKrS; . ' l,tJt' "V1'0. rs. R. Mlngus. Mrs. " social meeting, also to talk over , lntorOB,,,B nddrosses wero given Geo. Murch, Mrs. W. P. Murphy. Mrs. Tho regular meeting of tho Prog- H'o big launch rldo to bo held, Sun- I,y Mr8- McCnnn, of North Hond, and nr' McKnlght. Mrs. C. F. JlcKnlght, ress Club was held last Monday af- Any. March 21. given ns a welcome Mr8- 'Mnry " Sml"' f Mnrshfleld, s,"iff "B Q'"8t n,Ul JIrS- Cl"lr,cs tornoim at the homo of Mrs. It. i o Miss Knto Martin, who recently lrncl"B tho development of tho so- Mrs; J T w, cntortn . xt W. Morrow with tho topic "Tho arrived hero from California. Tho rln-orKanlj:atlon-ldcn on Coos River Thursdny. ' Southwest" for discussion. members of tho club all hopo that from "B orR', forty-eight years ago, 4 Mrs. Hen Chnndler nsslsted by j11'88 SMrtln will onjoy her first vis- when tho pcoplo canio In row boats I X. II. MOTHI.ItK AND I Mrs. It, K. Hooth nml Mrs. A. T. ,l tn Coos '"' and also hope that nl met nt tho church to discuss TKACHHHS . Lngerstrom rend n vory Interestliig' la wl" n,)t ',0 llcr ln8t- pvc questions after tho sorvlco was '. " J nml Instructlvo nrtlclo on tlio "Grand Tll ,a,P8t 10''11"-''- J"'" wni ovor, up to tho present time, when tJ'L ,,r,, "r,"'1 JIotll's, nnd Canyon." "Cliff Dwellers nnd Their .'' L'nvow. the only nccordlnn' they have a civic club with Its own 3S nfSmoo' a V'o'elock"'..". Homes" was tho subject of Mrs. l''er In North Hend. 1 0I11I. house. .Central .School bulldhig 'when tlio Fred Powers' paper. j All"t U'o mldillo of April, tho This wns tlio first meeting held f"""wlng program will bo rendered: Tllll lllllllll llf Mry llnrrt. X',. u !,, ..,. clllll Will ll.lVll Itn flrnf Plllni-tflln. iilwlnr n,n ..1..1. .. . ., .. Drill liv tho iiUIiIIr nf Mr. ' n's room. 1 - ' ....0.....1, - 1 ...u nuinTiiiMKiii ui 1110 rocoiiuy urn,,., wnu ,i,l,l,l I,, il,.. ..w...,l.....,i.i.. ..n lllllllll Kn fur H,ii r.illntvl.i.. 1 . ..!..... . ... ... . . llllin, """ " "' "" iiiiiiniiuiniii 1 Hill. I ' (, niuillliuin lllt-rivil nil I'P'S, II I 10 llg ttlSO tllO Itnilillmr All in ..I ,. Iii two w,.nk ii... ni..i. win of llin .tin. i.Mv.. viin..i....r...i ii . ....... . .... . . . l. .0"I"1K-" Mlss Minnie Pnrkor ., ,. ,;.,,. 'snrvli- ....... i.-uuiik in um emu noiiso, it 'i"no uiuu M ssrs Mar- Wltll MrB. V. V. PllVIln lllll in Inlil.. .".". ' Wii,. i... n..ul.... -. ..... .. Inrl.. O...... ..!... , ..,...... ..,-.. irin.. , will bo "Tho Pacific Coast States" nnd tho following Indies will have Violin S.,i Herbert Morton.'."" l.ot ' .' "U- ., J!1n! ''"'l, ""'' 'flBSs ,,,,u" Hex Stratton nary Interest. It Is now felt that they , Pa;"!'''"j!,.u Ventilation. .Mrs. a.' 11. oww Vi !.. i.; I;!; " cav! ST.?. Z 12 ,;"" ""I ! TO ""'" "KSK" '! KUiel Connorn ami i, , i,.i . ,i ' """W"K oiiiiiorH: Mre.T. T. Smith, ' '" lurinii uiiurcii win glvo a iuoTi'TttmvmC M"- Fnu,,c ,l0B,,r,,' Mra- B- 5"Pk.on """u,r Wn,n'y 'v'"'. T. Stoll. Piesent Inst Mondav worm Mrs W. M. Dlnlut, MrH. It. K. Hooth. ' Mrs. Ilea Cliiiinlli.r. Mm. it ll ! fninv Mr, A ll ii.ii ... m . UlK. . lllll !,..! V ' '"" ,l- ' '"""iwill, MTH. ('. II " ",u .mini llllll, 01 i-oiej, nirs. A. II. Gldley, Mrs. .1. '" Hill D.ivls Dmiumim m.. ... .... ...... 7. ..." n. tp,,iu,.....i ,. ........... B Hanson, Mrs. D. K. Maloney, ,. "oldie Itlggs M.JuHtron,; Mrs. II. Smith. Mrs! .in m " "K " H. Nerdriini, .Mrs. It. Neidriim, Mrs. T"ll". Vocal j, Maud Martin ' W. ('. Morgan, Mrs. W. L. Wlrth. a W, S. NIl'llolMdll. Mrs. '. V Pinn.i i nilllol Toiiev Jlrs lirniiTfi r..tll.. xii..' ...'.. ......,.' i " ' ,, n . 'ii ... n...', ..iinn .inn jiiiik. 11,11(11 II.Ml'.S I'MITV Mi&. Otto hcliottor, Mrs. Fred Pov-i"rl" S"li . ,., urr8 enbeard. Mrn. H. L. DoMor Mrs Wm en.. Mrs. A. t. Lngeintroni. MIm "' Klliul Conners Uli'honlH. Mrs. S. II. Cutllp, Mrs. K. Tills ovonlng tho Norwegian Luth i.ruiiT Piivermiiu and hid U'ihI.'hh, Mrr. It. v. .Morrow. I Ills lllllf will ll.l lllllliMi.,1 I... Am ll,... l..r....... ..... .... . npnil ',m... 1 ...11 .... . . . ,, .. . ' ' " '.."" ",'i.. .'irs, iiavni liiinch ....... i,,mm inn are enieriain- iiiiir nirris. preMiiiunt or the cluli. ' " Honori lloliertson, Mrs. Kim lng ut tho chapel parlors with n while the n.mmltleo of urnuiKinoiilH K. Colwell. Mrs. H. M. King. Mrs. "Hard Times Parly." t.)iilslM or Herbert Morton. Chair-, Geo. F. Smith, and tho following L. . mini- ii,.v vt ,.. i.. ..i. " i I ' ... """" """'"" iiiors: .Mrs. .1. Hoiloll. Mrs. Row- j PAItTV (JltllAT SI'CCI'S I Dry. MrH. A. F. Correlt, Mrs. Mary ' . , , It. Smith. Mrs. (Inn Mull,... .i-.. Tlio liuril fliimu un.i- ..,... .. i.. .. I, . i .i V ' ''' ,uin, i". is. ivii lam Lplscopul Church, mot on Thursday " O K. A. Menufeo. Mis. Robert M,.f.. s"'rday evening ,v tho L..inKt ... ' . ll. Il.t:. IIAXCIJ Mrs. H. H. I.,,,.,,. I tho Myrtle Arms was a great me- ST. .MAIIY'K (.'llll.h .. nml Goldio UIkks. St, Mary's Guild, or the North Hend IlluflJll.ll I l. .. I. ... .... . , afternoon nt tho rectory In Marsh num. owing to tho nbsunro of Mrs. .-- a Tho noxt nuiotliu- win i. ... m. ' In everv wiiv. Dm n,wi Ilarllo through lllnosH, tho President,! ; "' "," .';" K-J- ('"rfoU ",l"," club house on Mm tweniy-riril, w. , c",r", t tho "hard tlmos" Idea Mrn. Jlylor. decided that tho bust- , ""' " ln,mll0r r J'"K l't'll In tho members will bo entertained by vry completely. For tho most Jiona part or tho meeting bo trans-, ,01,r.n"w ,m' ' XrlU Hen.l tho hostoss-cominltteo consisting r: 'orlKliul costumes, Mrs. Fnrrlnger erred to tho next meeting. Tho Iteo-, " h H"t Tud..y ovonlng. Mrs. W. II. Smith, Mrs. M. Ju.strom "! Tlmyor wo, , r S tOr. Ill fl f.ivi. llliliri...,.l.. -., -I...1 A 1 0 II V UIWIil lllll.. ....... ....I......1 ,... ,. .. , ... 'i ,.,..., ,. . ' ' : ; " ' ''""' " -'iiiin , ', " """ ""J"i nj-,.iin, ii. nnuiidors, nui Mrs. It. ltob- -'""owing tno party, Mr. and Mrs lntrmliip.1,1 glut..- in,.n ..r n. .. . nil llllil w milium..., ...fn....i -. "' ,k '" ,. . ,. ... '. "'"" "'"I .Mrs. ." . u..i, in oi, .n iii j - i.'i.iiniiiiivniN wero uriHiiu, Mission House, Chicago, of which In- m'm"1 " In'" l'"ur to tho follow-' a IllVt Mm n.... .u II. i.. .uay served a dol uhtfni nn. , i'r iiiiii'iieou 111 t in r n ti:i -,..... i .. Btitutlou she s Sister Superior, lie '""fj . n'"l Mrs. Youngiueyer. v ., ... .,.. . i t tho Myrtle Anns to tho rollowln,. m.7n V;'" ",""","n Misses: Jesulo lieckelthorn Mnv nmi I . , 'V v' ' ' wlu ,,0'l "s eg. ' " "" -,,r' "" ". H. S. Harris, dill. si. co coming hero should bo . Yo , J "U ,,or f n l uhir business nnd social session noxt J"- B. Farrlngor. Mr. and Mrs I ono bearing tho nnino or her own or- chanson. . J..?. nn,.V I;.0.- lrMay ovonlnK with Mrs. A. '.. W. II. Painter, mi.. ii.,i I '.. . 'n r i 1...H.I. ,. " dor of S4t Murv UIuIom !,.... .... .... i mno .imi v.vanniiKii, Hornlco i most Inspiring and lmlnfnl fnllr nn Illllber. DnrU l nil,.. ........ .. . !- hop wnrlf li. ni,i.,.. ... Vi.nin vi i .. .....' , "h" i..i.t. m mi' " .-.iiiiiimiiii, (inn .Messrs; Hoy i ..n ..ii'pimb; uOy ' I iiinny forum of liolpfulimss which liecKMhorn, Tony Vounineyoi' 'm the Mission House car.Iod on the Krl. Tom Cofre",. tM.arUw otion" lTAllt ...... .. t . I .. I .. inn.. ... .. TLi: FOLKS lllltTIIDAY PA I IT IKS Ker, Mossrs. Hon Flslmr it m. I .. ... IIJUI- ' I drum, A. J. Mondel, Jool Ostllnd Thayer Grimes, V. J. niBBills nmJ Hurry Gordon. Kreat metropolis, among CMr min .u ZrS ZyT& aTSt 1X,1x7 1 tho womnn and tho children who "ont and Kvan Ho.Uon, .loo Hmlier V"""1 rrlui,llfl '" hor or her birth-1 1 round for themselvea at tho Mission H"'oo Williams, Howard nml c.r' "?", Thursdny afternoon at tho homo M1f3 francos Franso entertained Homo u haon of rohiKo and an In- land Vrw, " l,,,r "f liV ,,BroilU Mr nn'1 J,r8- Henry 05,n,l' lil8t evening, serving dainty - -.,.. - I oiirler. rofreshmonts at a late hour to tho i " lT" i...'.- ,,"trl(',k1 r"lors of wiodlund "'lowlnB guests: Mr. and Jlrs. a. w. f,00l,s, nirnished tho dining room f'". Mlss Anna Volz. Miss Kva I A ... n . ,- decorations while simile.! ?rn.... ,..,. Dresser and Messrs i.Mn.i t ;, Are You Going, Yes, If You Want To WK'LL PAV VOIH WAY TO Till: PA.VAMA l!. POSITION IF Ytlf JfST WOIIK A Lirn.i: AT O IIMKS si:k is Red Cross Drug Store Phones 1U'. dies and npproprlate nlueo rar,i, ran ami V. Johnson. atlni'iii.,1 ti... ini.t.. i.. .... . . . .,,," ,"v " tno center ot o which a largo cako with 13 candles. I ivi..V8 ?nmos wortf' ,,rt'01' nt which a w " v'r. !" ' ' "n? ".la losram Mrs. Georgo Stevens.;,, te- A AVri'lOX IlKIDGK PAUTY were the'vMnnes I bfoVo iJavh HollLhiMi i rB St1ovoso ho thol.oval i,i. ..-.,i...r ..on.N111:' lolKbtful hostess last Friday after. ess with a bot ,' ToaRiio w oon re tv ..n."'' "J"l08vf brll,B0 at hor ' The invited guests were- Airs tn ?,. " V1 North Dend. thai i Walters and the Misses ' Clara KorWu Ii daKo IR, TW , a"anged luson. iiolon liena m. i ' , ' ur? V.1" '""fodlls and huckloborrv. thai t!. ,., , iasa Ba-saa, wasn.'tsrws Ynsiei'ilnv nfiernnn,, ,.... n . . :N.a8.,,urK nml Mrs. Harry Moffott wnn In time of war wc are preparing for peace. During the past wesk The Go'd Rule has received seventy-six large cases of new goods, aggregating more ih twenty-one tons boat measure. It is doubtful if there is another dry goods si" in Coos County that will receive as many goods in twelve months. i Prices Reduced on Many Lines These goods were bought in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and St. Louis ar were bought right. This fact, in connection with the low price of cotton has mad it possible for us to reduce our prices on many lines. ' A Few of the Possible Savings 15c Percale, now 12c 15c Indian Head 12Vc 18c Indian Head 15o 23c Indian Head ."..... 19c 10c value White Outing 7Jc 6':c Standard Calico,... 5c 5c House Lining 3'.c 5c Clark's 0, N, T, Thread 4c - The:e are only a few of the many reduced prices. Come in and see the NEW GOODS. The en Rule First National Bank Building. No Need To Upset The House For Spring Cleaning nPl f irJ! Tl Jh f SUCTION SWE EPER Will do all this work for you in the course of a few hours of your time, and with very little effort upon your part. .Don't more around the furniture and remove the floor cov erings. There is no necessity for all this extra work. The Cadillac will clsan the floor coverings just where they are, removing every particle of em bedded dirt and restoring the original colors. CLEANING, with the CADILLAC is not work. It rolls i ns v mnp inn nnr in t inut n (fnni nn uniiK nirr i;unr . . ,. --.-..j .ul ilu nuuij vviuiuui unuii ui I yum VMi i. ml binas at one time sweeping, shaking and suction. And because of the ease with which it is usedthe rapidity with which it cleans and its ability to remove all pWpabW WITHOUT INJURY TO THE MOST DEL; ,,c JB?'?S' ihe CADILLAC is the only vacuum cleaner that women will or can use regularly for the doing of the daily and weekly cleaning. In construction the CADILLAC suction sweeper is simplicity itself. There are no complicated parts to get out of ordsr, and will last a lifetime with ordinary care. ntHoh? cent per hour, and will attach to any electric light socket. ihnPth:f"e ?i1"J' ?nd W3 wi" demonstrate tho CADILLAC in your home, showing that it is the only vacuum cleaner that will give absolue satisfaction in every way. $5.00a month3 S'2e n'y" Pr'CCd at $35,00, Terms' $5'00 tfown and the ' WHY PAY MORE? Jofansoft-Golovsen Company The Quality Name With the Service Fame 30 ,o MIM JllU0 Mihy-'.. ra.snV?!;? -S ',w'T,rni