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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
i jti in j JlwMrQlalltlftlTUlDff.lBl THE COOS BAY TIMSS, MMSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. iiMWwi mmwatvtm - i FIVE kuppnheimer Clothes for Young Gentlemen plaids and Checks are in high favor this sea son; you'll sce licrc t,ie new fal)rics superbly tailored. MODESTLY PRICED Other Suits $8.50 to $20 LllSllHi:i'! Two .Stores NORTH REND How Much of What You Are Paying Out Are You Going To Get Back? flat If something everybody lias got to tlilnk. of sooner or liter llio sooner tho bolter. Vou, of course, expect ( begin ncciimuhiliiig someday every one ilocs U'lillc most people are thinking f N others are doing It. There's Midi itn easy xviiy. It's lieen demonstrated 'n hundred limes llwt a little saving each inontli, put Into a Hay Park lot, has como back to llio Investor with a good rale of Interest often l'crlwps It would Interest you lo know liow xvo'vo made money curjehes by buying Hay Park lots from our principals at full list price, nnd turning them ox-er. Wo nro putting our profits light lack Into other Hay Park lots, because we fully believe In their Invotmcnl value. Wo know how to pick llio best lots, and we'll gl.vlly help you to select the l'inlit ones, if you want us to. Let m trll J on about it. IPs a good thing. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. Peac If peace were to be declared in Europe to morrow values would immediately advance in real estate right here on Coos Bay and the "pick tips" we are now offering would no longer be yours for the taking Why wait for values to advance? You will never be able to buy or build for less money on Coos Bay than right now. You can save from 25 per cent to 40 per cent Is it not worth while? "See Rcid About It." W. A. REID, 150 Front Street TWO PHONICS. CAM US FOIt OAKS, 'IUX1CAHS, EXPRESS WAGOXS. I'Arcsiirnu.i) oyclkry. i. hroarway feQSij . WEATHER FORECAST riy Amo' InteJ Ttett to Cooa Hay Time. OREGON Slioxvcrs, south- cast winds. LOCAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD For llio 2t hours ending nt 4:18 a. m March 13, by UoiiJ. Oatltnd, special go'- ornment moteorologlat: Maximum 57 Minimum 45 At 4:43 n. m 51 Precipitation 25 Prcripltatlon Blnco Sept. 1, 1911 53.92 Precipitation Bamo poriod last year 51. CO Wind: Southwest, cloudy. (rntilcil Divorce. Mrs. Delmorc, , n North Jiend toaelior, wns granted n . divorce and tlio custody of a minor , child yesterday hy Judge- Coko nt a , spcclnl session of court In Coqulllc. i tho Dclmarcs xvero married In Tlio Dalles. i I Hauls Man From Hay. A drunk j man yesterday toppled Into tho bay off n boat In tho rear of tho Porry I Fish Market. P. K. Porry heard his , cry and rushed out In time to drag ttho man out of tho wntor. Ho seem ed to bo little tho worso for his cx I pcrlcncQ and more sobor tjinn before, j Hoodoo Ship. Tlio Washington, which wns formerly operated out of ILK CANS 5 gal $2.25 each 10 gal $2.50 each 10 gal, extra heavy, $3.25 ca. ! STILL LOWER PRICE FOR QUANTITY : teM ! , BuyihebesfMr IMarshfield :: :: North Bend Kindly romcmlior to glvo us a trial. Everything In tho bakery lino MARSHFIEU) HAKING CO., 133 No. 2nd 8t., near Central Phono 428. Coos Day by W. a. Scnmmcll, 1st t'galn In trouble. Sho was xvieekod once nt Peacock Spit In the Columbia nud had a number of narrow escapes and wns finally tied up. Wlillo at1 Eureka tills xve'e flro broke out In ' tho englno roor and for four hours I threatened to destroy tho craft. The amount of damogo Is not known lleturus Here Dick Mills or Mil ler, xvho xvas taken to California to I answer n charge of non support of his xvlfo by a former marriage, re-1 turned on tho Nairn Smith and xvlll, resunio his position as tirakemnn om tho Smltli-l'owers trains. A telegram , stating tnat ho could have his old position hero if lie returned result-1 ed In tho Judgo granting him clem ency. Conductor Albert Abbott sunt1 tlio telegram. I To Quiet Title. Constoblo Cox this morning served n summons on I Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank K. Potorson, of, Eastaldo, and Ed Peterson, a brother, to appear in n suit to bo brought In tlio circuit court by Jnlius nnd Augusta Nelson to show why they, lay claim to cortain marsh lands on Ilnyncs Inlet xvhlch the latter claim as their own. Tho complaint states i thnt tho Petersons acquired tlio title through fraud. j Xexv Flro Escape. Not waiting for i now ordinances requiring moro tiro escapes on bulldlngos Harry Mc Keown, of tho Chandler Hotel, has' had n ladder nindo which reaches from tho roof abovo tho first floor in tho rear of tho building to the' ground. This xvould allow a hurry j up egress of lodgers from tho lirst and third floors without needing tho ' sldo of tho building. 1 Must Pay Money. Judgo Pennockj tills morning decided in favor lot tho plaintiff in tho caso of August' Hcndrlckson vs Otto Hlcher1 meaning that tho latter must payi $41.50 xvhlch It Is claimed ho borrow-1 cd from Ed Koskcln beforo his death. Hlcher claims that ho did not owoi tho money, never having borrowed It. Noto books xvoro introduced to show tho claim. It Is said that now Mrs. Richer xvlll buo for $50.7(5, due, clio says, for board xvlillo Koslceia stayed at their home. Sonic Ato Salmon. Tho grocers i roport that there xvoro a fow extra tins of canned salmon sold for con sumption yesterday, not many moro' hawover, Canned Salmon Day is not' definitely knoxvn over tho coast! though tlio big dinners of tho Sound dcclnro that tho Day shall bo l:opt until they have tho cntlr jj public ; eating canned snlmon on March 12.! rnl.i- l- - i.i ,.... ........! , .l.J una 10 u nifc iu.ii.iiiu uuujuuu lui uiu purposo of calling attention to ono of tho biggest Industries of tho Norlh- xvest. i Alt Jlnvo it Jamboree. Holt call , In tlio city jail this morning took ' longer tlinn usual, not a bit strnugo elthor, for tlio police blotter hold' thrco names on n drunk chnrgo nud! another for fighting. Will Thorpe, J xvho claims no relationship to tno Olympic athlete, William Davis, dis tant rolatlvo of tho man xvho Invent ed tho Hon Davis applo, and Charles "Sidewalk" Jackson xvoro "teo'ed" j In tho technical seuso of tlio xvord. They xvoro assessed 5 a pioco and an imaginary $15 found its way to the city treasury. Joo Sltlnbal was flght- 'j4,' .. , NOBLE THEATER ' TOM Pictures & framing Walker Studio lug In tho Urewery Saloon about 10 ' o'clock last nlglit. He also mado a slight gift. Probate Estate.-- It. C. Cordes has nrked to bo appointed administrator i of tho estate of his son, Herman Cordes, xvhlch Is valued at $10,000. C. W. Hoice, of Hantlon, Is to bo ad mlnlstrator of tho estate of Zach Holes, who died in California, leax1 Ing about $2000. Frank Morris xvlll administer tho Ira W. Hoss cstato of Myrtle Point. Itii.s Home. Through the I. S. Kaufman ngency, Fred Weaver tins sold his residence property at 13 11 Commercial to Mrs. (loo. Hlack, xvlm Is moving hero xvlth her family from North llend, for $2100. Tho house xvlll bo remodelled into two apart ments and both tho Weaver and Hlnck families will reside there. Mr. Hlack Is to bo identified xvlth the Sumner Hardware Company. Times Want Ad Did It. "Stop that chicken ad of mine," phono F. C. Hireh of tho Red Crors today. "I only xvnntcd n dozen nnd nlreay about seven hundred owners have endeavored to have mo buy their." The chicken wnnt nd was printed In Tho Times ono day nnd Is but ono of the ninny evidences that Tho Times xvant nds bring tho quickest and biggest returns of any medium in Southern Oregon. Gets Kino Position. J. F. Cat trail xvho has been chief engineer on tho Rcdondo for several years up until the tlmo of tho sale of tho ship recontly has been appointed thief engineer of tho William O'Hrlon, n new steel ship to ply between Now York nnd Jacksonville, Flor ida. She is about thrco times as largo as tho Adeline Smith and tho appointment Is n decided promotion for him, xvhlch xvlll bo gratifying news to Ills many friends hero. Ho starts east at onco to tnko tho now run. Mrs. Cattrall, xvho xvas formerly Miss May Stauff, xvlll como to Coos Hay soon to visit her sister, Mrs. J. T. Hall and other rolntlves, and xvlll join her husband later In tho east. Mrs. Stautr, her mother will accompany hor hero from California. Need .Money: It Comes There xvas a dearth of money In tho school treasury today. This is pay day for tho teachers; tho day on xvhlch dis trict number nlno pays out $2,712 In Bnlnrlcs. Judgo Hall looked at tho smalt cash balanco on hand nnd . thought funny things about tbo coun ty treasury, especially xvnon uio first tencher mado hor nppearanco and xvont axvay empty handed. Ho pictured himself making oxcuscs tho rest of tho day nnd xvns almost nbout , to lack n clgji on Ills office door when tlio ninll man appeared. A letter from tlm cniintv treasurer had re-' llovcd tho money famlno and Judgo Hall heaved n sigh of rcllof. Dr. Derby Called Soutlt.-Dr. Walt er S. Dorby loft for hos Angeles to- uny xvnoro no xvm join .Mrs. ucruy and son xvho knx'o been thoro for sovoral montliB. Tbo entire oqulpniout of his dentistry oftlco has been stored tho doctor stating that he oxnects to voturn, Mrs. Dorby is suffering from tuberculosis of tho throat. Dr. Derby states ho received a letter from hor doctor sovernl days ago toll ing him it xvlll bo Impossible for hor to recovor. For tho last four months Dr. Dorby has conducted Ills oftlco in tho First National Hank building. While his wlfo and eon xvero hero thoy llvod at tho Myrtlo Arms. Two xveeks ago Mrs. Dorby xvas In Portland, boing called thoro by tho donth of hor ! father. j AliKAI.KAn$l.-S. 1IAINKS. Why Talk About Hard Times When You Can Get A i Postal Card Photos For $ 1 .00 Per Doz You Know the Quality of Our Photos. naterraass Studio. Opposite Blanco Hotel. DON'T BE MISLED They Miy WAR PRICES mo high. Wo say Ol'R PRICES nro not high and WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY as wo carry no over head expenso and mivo you that on the cost In HARDWARE, PliUMHINO and KARM IMPLEMENTS, which Is (o YOUR AD VANTAGE. Schroeder Hildenbnmd's General repair shop, Hardware X- Plumbing. Get alt your KODAK Supplies at "THE OWL" Frank D. Cohan. "The Central Avenue Drug Store." n hwf JHH n IML NA. . M A ft. I 1'OR RENT Cottage on Coos River for tho sunimor. H.. enro Timca. 'OR RENT Good B-rooni cottage In Uunkor Hill, xvlth pnntr; nnd bnth. Phono 3125. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SAIjE Thoroughbred Wlillo Leghorn eggs for setting. R. A. handrlth. Phono 3031 Fnrniors,. FOR HUNT Housekeeping suite, Morskfleld Hotel, Cor. Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L. KOR RENT. Rooms xvlth or xvlth out board. ICC So. 10th Strcot. KOR RENT Hoiimj In rear of Ijflwls' candy store. John Ferguson. R. I. RED HATCHING EGGS, 100 lions (not pullots) mated xvlth 10 vigorous males. Call and In spect flock; It satisfied Boloct lnrgo unblemished egga Just laid. CO cents dozen. I3IS0 No. Sth ktroot, Forndulo. .OS'P WcdiicMlny Red and hlack Swentor bolt. Return to Hox "J"' Times office. l,ORT Mister IVuvl, gold nioiinted stickpin, valued for asHoclatlous. Howard for return to Times offlo. l-'r Rent. Modern furnished bung alow. Phono 1 17 J. I LOST AND FOUND ' I FOUND Some tlmo ngo money. Ennulro nt tlio Golden Rulo. ' V mmmiun.mmumwaimmmammwmmammmammmMWMwmuimmMimunsaOKnUMSvmuuaMmna I MESSENGER SERVICE ISfr-B I! .MARSHFIELD MATERNITY O JIOSPlTAh .Xlrs. M ..I. OsUoxv, Mgr. Mrs. J. E. Edmunds, (Formorly Mrs. Dillon.) Head 'uro 5G2North Second btrcot. Phono 1CC-R Open to All Physicians $$$ unr i m iinin r" Ion't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today ou cannot afford to ho without health or accident Insurance 0U not only need tho insurance, but you xvnut to bo sure and ve the correct policy In tho best and most rollablo company in 1'6 business. 6 mo or Phono mo at onco and I xvlll explain It to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent, Aiarshflcld. 300 Coko Building. YOU MAY BE SORRY j: YOU ACCEPT A h. n ,JU"5T1TUTE FOR ijg Reliable Cough Medicine l4"oS ',r,oeui"l"'lo. , It must hi rlw. ii Uu"yt tho drug store for '; Honey and Tar Compound B.h . ,ID Bs CC IT IS Tnn nrvn vn coDrt.'J.?", ld a Jubstltute. Unrs- iiy set worse, especially at "" f'elitfall. Kolev'b hu.iki AND XAU UOU' rot no vtUEoothaail heal tho irritated throat, taka away the t cklo odU rellaTO tho tight feallns in the chest. It has no equal 'or any kludof coueh. loroTer forty sears igOLCl'B IIONEV AND Tab CostrocND hai l. wumeiianaoy wita if???1! tbe n.mPousanda ' faiullieii. ffC?Wc"S?S?rl.J,B' Jlo!iE AND Itilow rp"r4 ,01' ff "e btfehtre ou fcEVRr0sAnUEND. V Owl rrcsirlntlnn i),n,,f OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION Is tho company tbat pays ovory loss xvlthout laxvaults. John Mnttson baa received his $1000 Insurnnco held on his liomo that burned. Tho assessments had run out four months boforo tho fire, yot tho company camo for- xvnrtl and paid the above amount. D. L. ROOD, ' is agent for this association Phono 123-J A I vU 21 THE ART DECORATING CO. Is now ready for business xvlth a flno selection of wall papor and paints. Wo do houso, sign, ami auto painting, papor hanging nud tinting. Your patronngo Is solicited, and xvo xvlll guarantoo satisfaction. Cilvo uso a trial. Wo can savo you monoy THE ART DECORATING CO. A. T. LEWIS, Mnnagor. Shop 2CC Mnrlt avonuo Wcat. IIKJ NEW VAl'DEVIIiliE ACT MAX C. WELLS, Geriiiaii' Coim-dlnn, eccentric danc Jug, singing nud talking, 'llio second t-plsodo of THE EXPLOITS OF ELAINE tho serial story that lias taken tlio town by storm. Over J IOO satis fied patrons saw llio first In , stalliiieut of this wonilcifiil picture. This number will bo increased this evening. THE CRIMSON MOTH .Special leal mo Hlograpli dramatic play In two parts. A picture J.'iut 1 wilt satisfy. THE LEVEL 1 Vltngriipli Western Story. A Rood picture well done. A DOUBLE ELOPEMENT Dan Mason of tho Kdlsnu Com. ininy In u ilcli comedy production. An elopement that Is n surprlso to nil those lio paitlcipato, SIX REEI-S OF EXCEM.EXT PIC TURKS AND VAI'DEVIDIjE ACT Ijoxxcr floor, l."5e; balccny, JOe; ci Idien, 5c. Tiiiioitow night Daniel I'ruliiuaii presents "Tlio Hpltflro" xvlth Cmlylo Dlachuell, in Tour parts. Martin's urchestrn t'X TEN pieces will funilsli special niusle for this nttractloii. HOMME'S liAXATE.VA Often called tho Coos County medicine, In u mild nnd plcusanti errectivo la.xnuvo io coiiHiipnuon. aivo it a trial. Trial slzo 10 cents, nt any drugstore. OST Friday morning between MniBhflelil nnd North Ilond Jllgh School string of plnlc nnd pearl beads. Howard for Its roturn to Paulino Htthr, phono 18CX Marsh field or notify drawing teacher, North Rend. 1 HI Mil I -M HE HOME ! 0 AFFY MADE j g AVF-RN CANDY Wo iiiaho ico eieaui I 7H Centrnl nvo., P'mo 1:M-!j PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR H. H. Hamer HOUSE RUILDER Oenoral Repnltlng and Cabinet Making, t'hone .14n-J. Commutation Tickets $2.00 0RF HEUM 20 rBhfleld.Nortlt Rend Aato tint Ht excry tea minutes from O a. m to 1U p. m.; to South Slough onco day, leaving nt 11 w. m.j to Empire threo trips u day. OfHIMT KTVO. Vrnv MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUHLIO A regular fetnto licensed undertaker xvlll be In charge. Phono 1I)."..T Where Motion Pictures Look' Better ; 1 TONIGHT J Saturday night unci Sunday Matlneo A CELEBRATED CASE A Kiilcm special feature In four parts. A drama adapted from n I 1 ruinous Incident of tho historic j tie of Fontonoy. Featuring AMt'E. JOYCE and nil nil-star cast. PRICE OF DRINKS t Rlo'inpli comedy. WIDOW MUGGIN'S WEDDING' JMogriiph comedy. ADVENTURE OF THE j SMUGGLED DIAMONDS TlirUIIni; Edison defective Mry. Matlneo Sunday at 1!:0( p. in. I 10c :: ALWAYS :: 10d Coining Suniluo' night unit .xiomiay "I'alnl Wedding," the well known play pie-iited by a Maw .V Urlnii. i'joh'ont for the ROY SCOVT 'coining soou, I. M. Wright Phono J8M-R. J1UIU1INO CONTRACTOR Eatiinnteo furnUhod on requeit Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Tlinini. GI;AHHE8 Fl'ITED lilt. SIA'ITIE II. SHAW Diseases of Women nud Children Office Phone 330 J. Rooms 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. Benjamin Osllind CONSUIriNO ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT OfflccB. 206 Irving Illnrk "hone 103-k or 07-J. Marshflold, Oreroi FOR ,SAIE Household goods, tililek oim fuel and xvluit provisions on hand. $75.00 If sold at once, -n-uulro "D" Times oftlco. PIMIMO STENOGRAPHER Smith Terminal dock. I WANTED I - WANTED Expei luucel miIoniiiiiii for this territory by local firm. Ad dress "N" euro Tlinos. NOTICE OF FINAIi SiriTIJIMEXT Notlco Is hereby glvon that tho undorBlgiied, executrix of tho cstato of Robert August Herman Krugor, doceaseil, has filed her final account herein. And llio Court lias appoint oil Monday tho Jlrd day of May, 1U15, at tho hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, and thu Court Houbo at Couulllo City, Coos County, Oregon, nn tho tlmo nnd plnco for tho hearing of objections to snld final account nnd tho sottlomont thoroof. JOHANNA fl. KRUOER, Executrix of tho eatato of Robort Augint llurmnn Knigor, deceased. First pub. March IT, hiBt pub. April 10. aMBUWMMirii JMISJ TM.aLWi WANTED Sinall National cash leg Istor. O. K. Darbor Shop. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT' (looms 301 and 302, Coke Outldlus Marsufleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Ornson, Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER ftesldonce Studlp, 217 No. Third Bt I'honf 3RR-T. T. J. SCA1FE A. II. 1IODGINS Mnrshfield UZ, co. Estimates Furnished Phono 110-R, MnibhfielU, Oregon WANTED Practical iiurso" xxould lll:o to care for Invalid nt own npnrtmonts. Phono 37-D, Homo Hotel. ART NEEDIjE SHOP Corner See. oiiil nnd Market. FOR SALE I . FOR SAMC Improved Blocked nud equipped dairy ranch, good roads, oroam route. $12,000. Terms. Ad dross "E. M.," caro Tlinos. FOR TRANSFER AND . STORAGE llOUSEHOIil) GOODS Freight nud Raggage, V Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone !:. Residence Phono 1!!-J. Market uve. and Wntorfront FOR SAM: ICggs for Imtchliig, S. O. Whlto I.oghorus, none bottorj $5.00 por 100; baby chicks albo; Rocky Point Poultry Farm, Em pire, Orot'on. Phono C02S. THE REAIj QUESTION Tho quostlon Is not, xvlll mon honor you for your work? Rut doos your work honor you? Your concorn Is not only to croato profit for yourself, but to mnko that xvhloh xvlll profit many ho- sides yourself. COOS RAY STEA.M IiAUXMtV Phono r7-.l. . 'OR SALE M'olor boat. .Excellent engine, F. A. Sacehl. FOR SAM-: Chester White boar, $.30.00 Phono 307XC or nddrosi P. O. Hox 312, North Head. FOR RENT I i t'OR RENT FurnWii'd housekeep liiK rooms, (i'.iri First and lllrch. FOR HEXT Newlj furnished front room, 702 No- -'d. St, WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on the most delhato fabrics. Wo posl. thely guariintco all xvork Phone litl-X. Address U31 Ceiitml Afcntio. - p, - - -9 t kM v , i - ,. . uM um.iA m,N.. t jkkMim i fmm!Wrtwnimvmtnm-h-mtMKiin(tm xteflt