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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
issnirssB-sssB SlliSii&a i-,. EVENING EDITION. r-' - ,i.i' i rW51t f- . si . .. ' ;.:, , m i gt-"T "'! '? FBBBBgg"HilHTY1w4ffliTTHiiii ' HI illTTiriii iMIIM'lHIIHIIII'HIIT'lH iirirPMiiiiiiHtmiiffiffiuiMai apftWRWWT CAT IHnAYy IWflRCH 73. 7UIO Hh i: mis mui invici. v Hnanr cuu. uiiuuuu. v." i wnr..., -- . . . . I.c . , , w-j.. - ' ,ti h if1 B ' -Vl -, i u;.t! ft mm ' iVf B ' -l , is tftf 'j v ' i , ' ' in . t i h, i . i .;:ta.- m,- "'V.r'Hj i p. i . f " . ...i ' t . r J to , ' '';'! nm Dlmmi H ;:M!f ,3 -'5 ' ' ' ' f u ''0, ' if irill lift M ?; u .. tfi M"JJ , . ,;: - t . .W J ia t !i ' lis J il 'i-V ' ' '&.; I 1 1 K .. .i'j K' .i t.( , 'M I '1 II .!' 5 pa .. jii 'j ffl -f; i r it am iSi ,; : . 3 ?J IfflK . lii ' fti COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MATiOXKV, Kdltor nml Tub. DAN K. JIALOXKV, Nor KdlUir i .I . Address all communications to COOS HAY DAIIjV TI31KS. ' 'XI IK CIIAMIIKIt OP CO.M.MKIU'K M M HANI) CONCKH'P THIS Coo3 llay Clmmlior of Com morco litis a splendid fluid for tlio uxorclso of Hh onorKlus In tlio dovoloiimont of tlio commtinlty. T nnlllwit nl f ti tit nil nli tititlct 1iilifrfn unless nil tlio Influences and all JIloro wnB n rcvor,i "l,u,",al,c0 child, and so it seeing when Hium tlio motives nro lofty. It will lio,ftt ll, lian'1 t'oncort nt tlio Ojiera ,noliini. mi rlsters jlvo tholr ioi- what tho men In It chooso to maKo I ,,0,,B0 Iast Suntlny uflonioon, Jiinny forte(, work trj.ill(C ,0 vroant then It. It cannot bo cffcctlvo unloss hclnj; turnod nwny for lack of room. !wor,i. i,est music. Mr. Unno'u ' Its ndmlnlslratlon nml Its counsels bo wIfo. Its host success may only bo attained whim It la roprosontntlvo of tl.o entire community. It ennnot bo ttervlco.iblo as a cabal or as a faction. It must bo roprosuntatlvo of all Instead of n nioro part, of thu community. It cannot rise to full-orbed utility If those Influ ences t lint divide men on tho out silo be tnlccn Inside. If Its Inspir ation Lo tho eood of all mid not tlio p.ood of one or bovoii, If Its pur poses bo taintless find tireless, If inotnborslilp bo controlled by n deep spirit of broad patriotism, tho Cham ber of Commerce mny bo mndo of Inflnlto vnluo to Coos Hay. The Times trusts ami believes that It has such u dostlny, lug particularly well received. "" ' ; ;: ; , j i aHHi " "-- " , S"dfe. IXTKKKST IX d& fck JHP QH MI'S! OAf j ad-' i i:vi:xts I r J XOTAWjB f this vi:kk F . I. Jr m. vr jr oprins; lime i . M OVor In FIRST ADDITION SnrliiR activity Is nt Its liolRht. Lawns W P rnhed, gardens being spaded, siiruus set out, sceus aim ihiidh being w USIC AND USICIA MS -,slaters form tho ntidlonco. It Is I I often claimed tho sweotost sotifes iiiro th'iso of tho mother to her Tho numbers by tho High School I ..- on intervals was doriilodly Chorus wore woll recolved, tholr I ron,j,rolienslvo and showed hh un singing of tho Ifeautlful Uluo Da"- Lml amount of Intelleetusl r ube, with bnnd nccompanlnieiil, 'o-! S0nrcli. A beautiful floral Hijuaro of mow outlined with tiny ferns a NEW DESTINATION Him I'liiiiclsro Itepoi'lN Kn.v Itjn iiurlo Iliiiiuil for I'lioit Const Xo Mention of Gold llimdiij; Inovatlon of tho vocal numbers flw ..c. fo. clmmnS(1 , the proved popular, nnu u is 10 oo nop- of m, , t!uIs,ieg, oil will bo repeated nt nn oorly'(t m0M covore,, wllll wonderfully ,mt0, , , fragrant double Knglish violets, was v v ' Iprwonted by the Club to the pros- SVMIMIOXV ORCIIKSTHA ;,,,on, t st(u,ff npprcclatlon There will bo n meeting of tho'of her uutlrlni? efforts in tho man Symphony Orchostra for practice ngomont of the business, sometimes on Sunday mornliiK nt 10:30. Tlio j 0 arduous. orrhoitrn porsonel has been niig-j The now enso for the club's niu mented by two violins. Fritz An-HC waa ,)IU.C( ft fe ,,ece 0( thony. who arrived this wcok from , workmanship, the natlvo wood b- FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD OVor in FIRST ADDITION Spring activity Is nt its height. Lawns rnkod, gardens being spaded, shrubs set out, seeds and bulbs being 4 planted. With tho naslBtanco of tho school chlldron, tlio tonchors hnvo sur rounded tho school buildings with many varieties of flowers mid pluutn, all giving iiroinlso of luxurlnnt growth mid when In full bloom will, niako tho grounds a bower of beauty. Take your Snndny walk over this honio-ownors' section; you'll en Joy tho Btroll. Sco tho new homes being erected, mid lots proparcd for others. You'll like tho location and will wnnt ono of tli03o largo $."00 lots for your homo. Plats nt our office. i ' , Jitney servico leaving tho Ulanco Hotel each hour nnd.'linlf hour; tako car on Urondwny, Hall or Fifth Streets Kureks, will play first violin, nml .Mrs. JJrros Torry Loyland will ptny second violin. Tlio oichestrn Is plnnnliiB a tonrart to tako place shortly after Kastor. CIIAMIXADi: COXOKIIT Tho benefit concert for tho li brary of North llend, which tho According to reports from Sail I Cliiiinltimlo Club gnvo last Tliurs Frnnclsco tho owners, builders nndlday ovonlng at tho Star Theater, crow of tho Ilarnaclo havo declared 'was well attended and netted a that thoy nro bound for tho Knst.'ncnt sum for tho club nml library coast. No mention Is iiiado of gold hunting on tlio west const of Mex ico nml South America, and the puzzle hero Is whether the men hnvo changed their minds nnd ex pect to go to the scat of war in Europe. Tho Harnnclo Is at present nu ehored off Sausallto In Sun Frnn- I'ho chorus snng in their usual ex cellent manner nml both choruses and solos woro heartily encored. Following Is tho program: Chorus Frogs' Singing School Ilartlett Rock-n-llyo Xoldllnger Trio I.ovn Has Clone n-Straylng. .Spencer cIsco liny whllo tho owner tako A Highland Lm my Lovo Was In tho Fair. No warrant asking i bom Old Scotch u search of tho vessel for nrllcles Mrs. F.iikoiio L. Robinson. inlsslng iiiiinedlately nflor her gull-' Miss Kvolyn Andenwii Mrs. Frod K. l'lano Wilson. Ing from hero hnvo beou Issued. A great shnro of the article Hint dls- npponred nboiit thu sanie tlmu wero Noetuine, Op. 37, No. 1 eatables. ' Mr- 1arI """J' IinllinBr. Captain Herninn Kdwards, of tho! V,CG Alort, Htntoti tlmt when the liar- Cn,m n" l,l N,flit Ilim undo was anchored nlongsldo tho ' Tho Krlklns; . . ...... Schubert Alert ho ono morning found ono of! ... Mra- K- Stanloy """"'on- thu gold hunters leaving bis dock Ing of ospculnlly beautiful grain and the dull finish gives It n very rich npponrnnco. Thu printed music of th club fast accumulating and this cfthl t Is of ample le anil an or & t to the lecture room of tb llbreo building. The followia? aaswrt roll call: Miss Kvelyn Anderson, Ml Bes sie Ay re, Mrs. Perl Rller IUHI'i- ger, Mies Louise Ulatt. Mrs. K. '. Chandler, Mrs. J. S. Coke. Mr. V. K. Conway, Mrs. Levi Dalgle, Mrs. Mnlr Dnno, Mrs. Kdwln Dolnn, Mrs. W. N. Kkblad. Mr. Cari Kvortsen .Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mr. K. S. Henderson, Mrs. Wm. Hors fall, Mr. Jos. K. Knotts, Mr. It. N. Lewis, Miss Clara Myren, Mrs. C. F. McKulght, Mr. W. S. Nichol son, Mrs. IlenJ. Ostliml, Mis lllth Preston, Mrs. K. L. Rclilnson, Mis Oenevlevo Sengstackcn, Mr. II. IT. Smith, Mrs. Chas. Stauff, Mr. M. A. Sweotmnn, MIm Allco Tlckell, .Mls Norn Tower, Mr. L. Tower, Mr. C. II. Walter. Mr. Ueo. Wat- Chouln ' k'". Mrs. F. K Wilson nnd two new iiH'inners. .m. Dan Keating nnd Mrs. Lloyd W. Jncob. BiVak ssar km DEbhHH km RliiiiiHI ' ! l Reynolds Development Go. M siii flssir L 178 Central Ave. . p HHMB iHMMMWMHfa MHIMWiMMMIIMa MMNlM H H mmtU MB MM WM mmMM MWSMMMMi BH HI M Hi SMMBH MH wmmMmmBMMmTtWMM M M I-" i" - with n bucket of Alort coal In his humls. When nuked where ho wns going tho uinii replied tlmt ' hu "would try n bucket full" and that If It was any kooiI hu'd buy u ton or so. mi cue 3CZ3C a TTS a ill wind J- that blows no body good, but it's a better tlmt blows nobody ill. Thar ain't nothiti' but good in VELVET. $0f 0 " Timid vorld f.iiiioiiit i!o mmiUiug iiialitiuH that Nutuie iiiiU into Ki'iilucUy llnrli'y tlo I.UX3 uro liroii;lit out In full, ii&t'd-iii-tlir.wixid.iiirlliiwiii'ifi'i'lliin in VKI.Vjrr.'I'lioSiniiiUliMl iimUii; TuImivco. Hi Cliorua A Hong Kong Roninnco .... llndloy Wlogonllod (Cradle Song) . .Hrnlimi Do Coppah Moon Shelley Duet Come, Mnlllkn (from "I.nkino.) Dollbes Mr. Roy Kvorott Mlllor. Mr. ChnrloM Stuuff. I Piano Valmi do Concert, Op. .",, No. t , Wlonlawskl , Clara Isnbol Myron. Volco When tho llonrt Is Young ... Iluck Is Undo (Tho KIm) Arditl Mrs. Levoruo Tower. Chorus Down In tho Dewy Doll . . . Smart Tho Yeur's at tho Spring.... Itoach Accompaniments plnyod by Mr. William Uoi-Mfall, Jr. and Clam Isntiel Myren. : Clll'ltCII Jll'SIC STI'IHCXTS' UKCITAfi The junior students of Miss Kiln a Louise Larson will give a rocltal at her studio on Saturday nftornoon March 20. Vocal pupils of Mr. F. K. Conwuy will usslst In the program. j Tho concoi-t to bo given by tho High School musical orgnnlntloiiH nt tho Hunker Hill school house linn beou postponed to take phu-o prob ably within lwj week. The stu dents are busily prnctlclng for the event. AT Till! C.MKItllllltr.M STCIIIOS The junior pupils who gave a re cital .this afternoon nt llenrlk GJer drum's studios woro nsslsted by Miss Mary Kritko, MIm Ilorthn Da 1. Miss Florence Powers mid Al-' frod Fllesburg, who liluyod the "Poor (iyut" suite by flrleg. JIIhs .Alary Kruse will give n re cital some time the latter part of prii. nor program will bo ono WATER WASTE Little drops of water dripping from mnny fnuccts nnd leaky fixtures makes a flood of waste. New washers nro easily plnced In fnureth mid does not require n plumber If thoro Is n valvo to shut off all tho water from tho house ns there nhould bo in ovory .case. A now wnshor costs nbout nothing but if a leal: Is allowed to contluuo long, tlio vnlvo sent mny bo cut and mi en tile new faucet required. A faucet leaking to tho oxtont of only separnto drops of wnlor will wnsto 1C gallons nor day nnd 5SI0 gallons per yenr. A holo 1-IIL' Inch In dlninolor Is so sinull that nn ordlnnry pin will nearly fill It, yot In ono dny nas gallonH or In ono your 191,700 gallons of water will bo wasted, which Is as much ns II or 1 ram lllos will uto In tho Hnmo tlnio. Multiply tho wnsto from ono fnucet by several hundred nnd tho figures nro to enormous Hint It 1 eaMly understood why vnter systems all over tho country nro trjlng to oducnto tho public in preventing wnsto. Coos Say Water Company. .MAItSIIFIKIil) AND NORTH IHIXI), ORIXJOX. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service-Efficient clerks being out of the hifili rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner &. Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Tho following miisle will bo snug of hlghwt order. Mls KmB1, will at Fmilinnuol KplsOOiml Chimin tirnamit mnnlini-,. I.r U'M..... ni i.. IClrlos; and .MncDowell. Miss Kniso U ono of Mr. llenrlk OJonlnim'H Huuday morning: Processlonul Hymn No. S 10 nnd Picture Framing REHFELD'S UUO CHXTRAL AVHXUK l'liouo iI7."-J. LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS .Tltlo & Trust Co.. Abstracts, inorougniy doponuabio. Imnio diato sorvlco, prompt attontlon to nil Interests of our clients. MINIMUM O O 8 T i. s. kauFman & CO. most talented pupils. "Pleasant aro Thy Courts About" Klvy Venlto iChiint.) , (llorla P.itrl '. . Mornlngton llenodlcto Mncfnrlnno lleiifdlcliis tClinnt.) Ilyiuii No. LSI. Troin K'r Stormy Wind tlmt HIOWS." llnullliun I hum No. ICO. .Organ rin. coii nf M.niii.n.i ii,.niUI. i liouser." .... ...... ... . ... ....ii.ii , ,fi.p... Slalnor Orfertory Aiitliuui, ' l,', Me." Wnrioii I'leHiMitatlon of Alms. Pmlno CimI." lloui'geols Ri'totfHloiml Hymn No, 5S!i. "Slum I'ii. stand Up, for Josus" Webb Mrs. William Uorsfull, Jr., oc k.iiiIhI nnd tholr director. AAj'V....A...a . . . . .! .;. .;. .j. vvvv-v-VV"' sAcitKD coxnntT GOODRUM'S GARAGE There will bo a snerod concort HOMH OF THE CAD1LLAO AND IIOIKJK AITO Sl'PPLIItt l'Oll ALL MAKKS OF CARS :t.7 (Vntinl nv. Phone ;I7:I-L CUAAIINADK Cl.lMl 2T3Z 3CZ1C Jl wue ot mo jotuimt uumiiors auuz n,.,. ii....i.i.. ' ... . in in,, went .ociui of ti.o tuwmJn::r ;:t.". . '..'"T vnom nt Kniiminiiel Fplscopal Church Tuesdsy ovonlng, March 10, 10 1.1 t S o'clock. Following Is tho pro- gram. "Prayer From Thiuiii- WtiKiier ' ! ProroMloiinl Hymn No. tit. ' "O Saviour, PiocIoiih Snvlour." , ,. Mann Anthem. The King of Love my Sluuihiud Is Shelley Anthom. Sweet the Moiuouts, Rich in llloHHlux Solly Contralto Solo. "Iloforo tho c'(''f'-" Lu Foro Mrs. 1. Slnnley lloudorsoii. Anthem. Onlvary lN.dnoy Arlu and Chorus. "Inrininnmtus from "Stnlml Mater". .Rosu Mi, lou'iiio Tower, SOUTU COOS IllVEK 110AT I SKRVICH I lauNcn i:xini:sa j leaves Miiibli field every dny j j 8 a. m. Leaves lienil of river j j nt !!:L" p. in. j j STKAMKIt HAIXIIOW leaves head of river dally nt 7 I j n. in. Leaves Mars"leld nt 2 p. j V ' I III. l')l rlllll'll'P illlliiv nn luifiril I ItOGIIltS .V KM ITU I Proprietors j ' ---.,. -rf-ixr Coos Bay Musical Directory Inado Club 'the Uoiik Kouir Ro mance," attnntiM a of ut- leiiiuiu iihOii hh auiiieuci's were left in Kood clim.'. du imirniuii for the new chinuses, ROOFING REFtMPiMGt CONTRACTING, ,l'" " for u. Mr. KUUFING MATERIALS, i ",w w,lrk ' i'taiiy uwh. FELTS AND CEMENT ' """m . WW"U' ",,,! l,h I I RRIPC number will do u great uiuouut ot B. 118. ..i. i nn Biiiuy of mo cross. Dudley Uiu-k XliloUU: 'I'.nmr. M. it-.... i.. iff r:- 9-"''l! rlln,. Mr. , U d. s " " uni'ttiio. m.-s. Clmrlw Stuuff; ,ou I Ifiill.. m... ii ...... i . n.e KliiKers woro mi fresh Frl-1 "L"r . . ' m "wirtowon. i " wi-iiihi iiMtin .i. or. "O .Mother Dour, .lerauuloiii" Ward Organ, pontludo ProcesHlouul to Culvary from "The Crucifixion" . . . Stulner Meuiln rs of tha ..linl,. ... m. others itnWiig , Clwrlw Stauff. M.-s. Levoruo -fowl Henrik Gjerdrum PIANO INSTRUCTION Studio MYRTLE ARMS Phono 356-J .IPS. E0 Comiway ynii:!e Arms Phomie 269L n on M,u,,' ''r, M,I mimUer U perfected. r, oa. lo se so nimii mi uieir milieu nut'tt a wimlr in n... ... ,.. . " , 'i i .urns i.iiii i rreston. in i 5 iinornlUK to attend tUU alniiliiK r..i m .... .... '..'"' ,,,.B- -hod. i in- ... .......7,." .:"?.. '- r- ' """ M 1,;xol' - - - r em iiibiu n saam. ' i mi umiii ii iii.. i.. - I .(XU U ntoc fxv. VI i -ho il, 'U.I)hiu IU so naliiMlukluu i v.. .!..-.... Handling Trunks I'TV ,r;,,,,w, ,Wr Tr1 " nlS; ,.. &. vaa"J l U" close Imnuony of tJio ' lleujaiuln Ostlln.i. m.,i. , ""'7,"1Vu,"1uwnnnypolnti woir u u lewlntlou. It omiIiiIm ysa'Sij"""'1' . i -u. u ; BTAU TlUNSIMIll il HTOR(JK CO , f 0"tU,,,rt,u. Wiwlully whon frijsiii'r, PioprU-ior ,u,,, llwrore tho student body. whr in lleujaiuln Ostlln.i, Chmlos stauff. Alfrod Flleslwjj, Audrow Landlos, I F. A. Tiwlgou, Uurton Proston, I 0Hro Ay. Mr. Todd. Mrs. Win. I Uorsfull, Jr., organist and choir i director. ecKer Bros, riasios Meet the requirements of the most exact acting musicians. HENRIK GJER.DR.UM. MarsMield, Oregon, j What Has Done So Much For A Clean City As Electricity? Whether amid the whirr of the wheels of in dustry in factories large or small or in the quiet of the residential neighborhood, Electric Light and Power from Central Station clean and efficient has abolished needless grime and soil, at the same time nivinn better re-' , suits at less expense A Still Wider Application of Central Station Service is bound to mean a still cleaner town. Tho segregation of the c onsumption of fuel for light and power in our power plant would eliminate the smudge which is invariably a part of the promiscuous individual consump tion of fuel. i Efficient methods of production mean that by the use of Central Station Service you will be assured of absolute Iv reliable nowcr at less - cosi. wny not investigate now ' Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Pfione 178 1 ilifisWmnll ? lB