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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
: ' Wr-3 yvwwwiwnrnrmrj.iiiL. nMifn-nmn r'11rttiflfll1f 'Tfl t'lllTHMjf fTfffTHiH ft ,W fioMU W'. -11 - Koontz Garage I Marine and Automoune repairing a specialty l'linno :!!)1-.T. TTlnliflcltl at limy Comer 10:00 n.iu. 2:00. p.m. 15:00 ii.m. Uixa North Ileiul ir mill- nlM micr To Portland every Thursday TUB FAST AND COMFORTAULE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. a P. McGEOHGE AGENT V. K. PAINTER Phono 44, Marshflold Phone 421, North Bond TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- bu been a hobby with us for a good many years and n lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to guttli g good, sound, durable framing material at tho right price wo know our busl seti. Jutt tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to iposd find wo'll got busy with our pencil and flcuro out tbo best your uoney can buy. Try ui. a,i j,, , tl , C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO KV USING OUtt WOOD rnoxi: too. 12 south rhoarway IN FIRST AND AFTER COSTS J B-a an CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "THE QUNNEKY" Front Street Marshfield, Ore. Abstracts Foil RULIAHLH AHSTRACTS OF 'TITLE AND INFUHMAT10N AHOU'U COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON CEXEHAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTACKE.VS ADDITION AGENTS FOR OANADLVN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGEH ' ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL t 'n the Heart of Marshflold All Outsldo Rooms. , Steni Henf nvriiSS.'i'i Wnfor o mt C00S HOTEL rifflMJlf f Marshflold ASlU.GTON AVENUE AOItTIT IM,'Mll O. A. Metllu, Prop, ffi AUTO & TAXI CO. I "AY AM) NIGHT SERVICE or taxi, phono 20, Chandler I Hotel. I or tourliB cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotol I ff Cai i : Now Cam I J AUTO PAI I i r.;14r W FOOTE'S AUTOS N,ht mid Day. ltl.,1,. r.... tTn " Vine. 'IP4". n,.,.,f..i t,-i. . L. FOOTE. 171 'PL WOODYARD iui Dur:t, ifnov limnn '. PHI vvuuu u THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD OREGON, Agency for nucRlAND CARS-GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR 0VER MOTORCYCLES-UNION GAS ENGINES ... ! f ... A North Front street n.u.iu lau-j - ' ' We want your cash business and make it an object for you to pay cash, GET A RECEIPT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House, lidifield-Nortli Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Empire. 8: HO 11:30 0:!IO p.m. To Eureka every Monday bi: P. jjmmwn iiiFiraKBtgsrowjffir&vtaani wivBaRfgwwgffCTffBBgwcteagnay fssm THEY SAVE YOU MONEY New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" H0S S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Are Right And ull Woik Guaranteed Call at "The Flresluo," Johnson Bids., 137 Second St. Phone 43-l-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work; -4 D SAVE MONEY by nrOeiiuc the rainnn HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton .$1.00 Lump Coal, per ton $0.00 Or half ton of both 3.00 D. MUSSON, Prop Phono 18-.1 or Iwno orders at Hlllycr'a Cljjur Store. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA IfflpO taut Mice r GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN rOR YOU AMOUNT OF' TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF ' DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST MTI0ML BUNK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus aud uiidlvldod profits $125, 000.00 OFFICEnS: J. W. nonnott, Picsldont Arthur McKeown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett. Vice- President Bennett Swnnton, Treasurer Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns trusteo of express trusts and also as executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outsldo of Portland organized under now trust law In this state. FUJN1 & BEWWETT BUNK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTV Established 188P. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Puld on Tlino Deposits- Officers: J. H'. Dennett, Prrsldcnt. J. JI. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Wlllinmi, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, iRSt. Cmhlor. FREIGHT. ' f l-T"'j-, STORAGE AMI LINE STEMIERS auSAIb FROM flan Francisco Coos nay Portland Plor No; 20. Evory Friday Albers Dock No. J Every Wednesday To Portland Evory Saturday 3 P. M. And Tuesday - 9 A. M. To San Francisco , THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Phono 27. Ocean Dock Mnrshfleld EQUIPPED WITH WUtELKSS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMW. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD EVFHV .MONDAY DURING .MAHCH ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: .MAItCII 15, AT w:00 A. .M.; MAltCH Jiti AT 1 P. M.; MAHCH US), AT :! A. M.J mid fiom. PORTLAND, EFFECTIVE MAHCH 10th, AND EVEHY FHIDAY THEREAFTER. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, OTII AND OAIC STREETS, PORTLAND. Phono 85-J. O. II. LANDERS, Agent ITER Of! THAN Weekly Service Coos Hay nml Sun Francisco. STEAMSHNP MAHU SMITH ' Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays, FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Tl'ESDAY, MARCH KITH, AT il P. M. San Francisco Office, elOO Fife Ilulldlnt;, and l'lei- Number IM Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McGeorqe, Phono 44. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most poHciful, best equipped mid iimt thoroughly modern tueuty.iucli lijiliiiullc UiviIku H Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. roperty Owners S Main office, Seattle, Washington. OfJTATl SUMMONS. rn tho Circuit Court or the State of Orofion, in and for tho County of Coos. Homo Mortgago Co., formerly 1 known as Home Trust Co., a cor poration, Plaintiff, s. L. H. Ilels ner and Elizabeth Ilolsnorl his wife, L. J. Simpson, Albert Seellg, I Patrick Hennessey, C. P. Coleman, E. L, Roberts, Georgo Ross, John IJastorndorf and C. W. Harris, De fendants. To Elizabeth Helsnor, Dofondnnt: You aro hereby notified that you ato reuulicd to appear and answo.' tho complaint now on fllo against you in tho above entitled court, In tho nbovo entitled suit, In which Homo Mortgago Co. Is plaintiff and L. II. Holsner and jou, Elizabeth Helsner, b. J. Simpson, Albert See llg, Patilck UonnesBC, C. P. Cole man, E. b. Roberts, Georgo Ross, John Bastendort and C. W. Harris aro defendants, on or beforo tho 10th day of April, 19 1C, tho samo being tho last day for answering prescribed In tho order of publica tion, nnd If you fall to so appear or answer on or beforo said date, tho plaintiff will apply to tho comt for tho relief demanded In Its com plaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows, to-wit: Judgment ngalnst said defendnnt b. H. Helsner for tho sum of $1, 000.00 with Interest thereon at thu at tho rato of S per cent por an num from tho 1 itli day of Febru ary, 1913, and attorney fees, upon Its first cnuso of Biilt, In tho sum of $100.00. Judgment against tho defendants b. H. HelBiior and Elizabeth Hels ner for tho sum of $1,000.00 with Interest thereon nt tho rato of 8 por cent per annum from tho llth day of February, 19 1.1, and an at torney foo of $100.00 upon Its sec ond cnuso of suit: Judgment against said defendant 1 b, II. Holsuor for tho sum of $1,- j3::r..:!7, with Interest on $100. It j nt tho rato of S per cent por au- I num from tho 10th day of Octobor, I ltiKl, Interest on tho mini of $573 .-it! hit tho rato of 9 por cent per annum 'from tho llth day of December, 1913, and Interest ou tho sum of $592.00 at tho rato of 8 per cont por annum from tho 31st day of December, 1913. And Hint said plaintiff havo Judgment ngalnst tho isnld dofendnnts b. H. Helsner nnd , ElUabeth HolBiior for tho sum of $1383.11 with interest thoreou nt tho rato of 8 per cent por annum from Octobor 13th, 1913, nnd for judgment against said dofondnnt L. II. Helsner for tho sum of $300.00 hb nttomoy fees upon plaintiff's third causo of suit; Judgment against said dofondnnt b. II. Helsnor for tho sum of $071. 98, nnd interest on $511.08 at thu rnto of 8 por cont por annum from April 10th, 1913, nnd Interest on I $127.90 at tho rato of C por cont ' por annum from tho Cth day of l Juno, 191,1, nnd for tho sum of FfCO.OO ns nttomoy fees horeln on Its fourth cnuso of suit: ! Judgment for its costs nnd dis bursements In this suit. Also for a decrco that tho plain tiff's mortgago under dato of No uiiubor 29th, 1902 Is a first and rrlor lieu upon said promises and that Its mortgago dated March llth, 1907 Is n second Hen theioon; that Hh certain deed horoln described and dated tho 13th day of Fobruary, ' 1013, Is In effect a mortgago and tho third Hon upon said promises nbovo described; that tho cortaln agreement of Juno Cth, 1913, be tween snld dofondants Helsnor, A. ,T. Hnlncs and this plaintiff Is tho fourth Hon upon said promises; and for n docreo foreclosing said lions of mortgago and also fore closing nil tho dofendnnts' right, tltlo mid Interest, nnd all tho Inter oats of all porsons claiming by, through or uudor tho snld b. H. Helsnor or Elizabeth Holsner In and to said real propoity, to-wit: tho cast half of lot 2 aud tho cast half of lot 3, and lot C of block 1 8 of tho town of Marshflold, ac cording to tho plat thoroof as sur 'voyod and platted by William Hall I for E. II, Dean & Co. and on fllo land of iccoid In tho County Clerk's offlco of Coos County, Orogon, to I gethor with tho tenements, hered itaments and appurtenances there-' I unto belonging or In any wlso ap pertaining, and nil of said dofond ai.ts' right, tltlo and equity In and to tho samo. That tho court make an ordor II. reeling that said real property bo 1 soKl In tho manner provided by law for tho salo of real proporty upon execution, nnd that tho pro- icondb bo flist nppllod to the costs and expenses of making said sulo, and then to tho payment of whnl oei sum Is found due to plaintiff from said dofondants, including Its attorney fees and costs, In such I mniiuor, however, that said plain tiffs first mortgago lion shall bo flisr paid and discharged, and then' thon tho proceeds applied to tho plaintiff b second mortgago lien shall ho paid and discharged, and pf.ymtiru of plaintiff's said third n.ortgngo Hon, and thon to tho pay ment of plaintiff's said fourth mori gace lien, and tho balance, If any thoro bo, diicct that tho samo bo paid Into Couit to abide tho fur ther order thereof, and that nt such sale tho plaintiff or any of tho parties to this Bult mny bocomo purchasers of said promises; and for such -other and further lellef as to tho Court Bhall seem meet nnd eiviltnblo. Service by this summons Is made by publication In pursunnco to an order mndo by tho Honornblo John S. Coke, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oiegon, for tho County of Coo3, dnted tho 27th day of February, 1915, dhectlng that thu publication thoroof in Tho Coos Ray Times, n newspaper pub lished nt Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, once a wook for tho por lod of six consecutive weeks, com mencing, with the first publlcntljn of tho summons on tho 27th day of February, 1915. W. U. DOUGbAS, Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication, Feb. 27, 1915, Inst publication, Apill 10, 1015.) NONCE. Tho annual meeting of tho Marsh flold band Company will bo hold In tho olfko of 1. S. Kaufman & Co., on Front street, .Marshflold, Oregon, on Monday, April tho 5th, 1915, nt ! o'clock P. M., for tho election of dliectors and for tho transaction of such other business ns may bo hi ought beforo tho meot liiK. Dnted at Marshflold, Oregon, tho Cth dny of Maich, 1915. O. W. LESb'lE, Secretary. First publication Match C; last publication April 3. .NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT III tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Coos County. In tho matter of tho estate of Marlon Jnspur MacDonald, somo times known as ,M. J. McDonald, nluo known ns M. Jaspor McDonald, defeased. Notice Is horoby given to whom It may concern that llonry Sengs taclcon, administrator of tho above entitled estnte, has filed his final account horeln and that Hon. James Watson, Judge of tho nbovo entitled Court, has ordored that April 5th, 1915, at ton o'clock A. M bo tho tlmo appointed for tho hearing of objections thereto nml tho settle ment thcicof. All porsoiiH having objections to snld final account or to thu settle mont thereof aro horoby notified to fllo tho samo with tho Clerk of thu above entitled Court on or be foio tho tlmo appointed for tho set tlement thereof. Dated March 5, 1915. HENRY SENOSTACKEN, Administrator (First publication Mnrdi C; last publication A pi II 3rd, 1915; pub lished weokly. ' DRESSMAKlNr; nnd TAILORED HATS Woik giiM-anteed and prlctw lensoiiablo .MRS. II. C. WILLEY 4 Ovor Norton & Hansen's Phono 1G9-J. 0 BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Creamery MADn UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. ' STERILIZED MILIC AND CRIUM. PURE ICf Fico delhery, 8 u. in. and - p. in. Phono 7.1. Stop here when on business, pious uro or shopping tour, heiiiro mid Equipment REST IN THE WEST bowost rates by compnilson Eaton to You 50 rooms $1.00 100 rooms with bath 100 rooms with bath S.oo 200 largo outsldo Mako this your headquarters J-httrcli' BBra THE SCRIPTURES Tho Ulblo Is a universal boon to mankind; It bolongs to tho world llko tho air. tho ocean, tbo rivers. Red- ford. 4 I SWEDISH EVANGELICAL I I LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. U. F. UangtBon. Pastor. Rosldonco 291 Highland avenuo. Phono 94-R. Sunday school nt 0:45 a. m. 10:30 Funeral Service. North Rend Bervlco, 7:30 p. m. NORTH REND PRESHYTERIAN Rev. Frederick Shlmlnn, Pastor . llllilo school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at C:45 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. S. Hlsoy. Pastor. North Bend Tlia sorvices Sunday vnll bo as follows: Sundny School at 10 a. m. 1 1:00 a. m. Sermon. Vcspor Clrclo and Epworth Loaguo at 7 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH MARSHFIELD Mass will bo celebrated nt 8:00 and 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning by Rev. Father McDovltt. O 4 FIRST HAITIST CHURCH J Albert F. Ilassfoid, M. A. Residence CG.1 So. llth street 59-X niblo School at 10 n. m.. with graded classes and competent tonch ors. Worship at 1 1 a. m. Rnptlst Day. Morning Sormon: "Tbo Vision and Opportunity of Uaptlsts." 7:30 p. in. "What tho Baptist Denomination Stands For." A cordial wolcomo Is oxtonded to all. I UNITED HHETHHEN CHURCH NORTH 1II2NI) Mrs. R. N. Lowls, Pastor Sabbath School nt 10 n. m. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Prayor Mooting Wednesday oto ntng nt 8 o'clock. NORTH REND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. S. Qrogg, Mlnlstor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rlblo School, 10 n. m. Snndny School at 12 Sunday. NORWEOIAN LUTHERAN. I Ilov. R. O. Thorpo Services will bo hold In tho Nor wegian buthornii church ut Marsh flold Sunday ut 11 n. m. Holy Coimuuulou will bo ob-S'-'ved. , Sundny school meets nt 10 a. m. Sorvlcos will bo hold In the Nor wegian Lutheran Chapel at North Rend at 7.15 p. in. Simdny school at 10 n. m. ! EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ' tM Hh and Market. ' R. E. Drowning, Rector 8 a. m , Holy Communion. 9:30 n. in. Sunday School. 11:00 a, in. Morning servlco nnd special music In Intorest of studonts of Marshflold. SuUJoct: "Religion nnd tho Student." 7:30 Servlco In St. Luko's church, Empire. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8T8. I Local Eldor, J. H. Quails. Seventh Day Advontlst sorvlcos aro conducted evory Saturday as follows: Hauimin ticiiooi at 10 a. m. Ulblo Study at 11 a. m. Young Pcoplo's Socloty at 3 p m. Prayer Mooting Wodnesday at 7:30 p. m. I CATHOLIC CHURCH 1 I NORTH REND Rov. Fathor McDotltt- Mass will bo colobrated Sunday morning at 8 by tho Rov. Fathor Wallaco. CHRISTIAN CHURCH I . . Sainuol Qrogg, Minister, . . Resldonco, 280 North Eloventb mono 402. Sorvlcos a3 follows at tho Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular sorvlcos evory 8unday, Rlblo School at 10:00 a, m. Preaching servlco 11 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I Christian Sclouco Hall. I 237 Third Street North Sorvlcos at 11 n. m.. Sunday and 8 p. in. Wodnesday, Subject: "Substunco." Reading room opon ovory day excopt Sunday and holidays from 1 to I p, m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. ,'osoph Knotts, Pastor, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Sorvlco at It a. m. Evening Sormon: "A Gratifying Reward." Mrs, C. F. McKnlght will slug nt tho evening service All aro cordially Invited, Epworth League nt 6:30 p. in. Junior Leaguo Servlco Thursday afternoon at 3:45, i Prayor Mooting Thursday even lug nt 7:30 o'clock. SPIRELLA C0RSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corseticr 352 So, 5th St, Phono 200-X i mm ' . t innEt wmm&, ;16M3r - j b3!fa$T' ' lrfi lA - Aiiu . . -1 en r i i f. W jr$ I ? ?3&:'jr,-T. - ..' 1uwMV &e m . Jl m -' Xt- tti , ,V-i 3T ' . ' ' ".3.' Wt-t W h - (- -,. Jlfct- ia- ii i , iy. jii i. t. -i w.V.V -- -.iui '--n w-'- ' v- - k 1 r-,iii-i VJOi3Kt. :vr vr-M,'j M t 1 - t, t V i, Ml , r N f VXVZ 'H fawtjoHiMMW .- r ; r- - i.-l -M t. . "y v.-,- .vy "? -w.t?a hr W . w 4HW' M li)'t -!' ap i'.ri 'iV o Gv fjtavhidlt. J-lf -u Ws F W - - i- - t, xTem?- jg mt mhAMil .. . J.W..U tiMt ... J- E W fe frtT' ffc.4 ! I rwJhu -tt,rf MM Jf4w i inA j vnrfiw IA (j l 1 . tflKT" w xFktz ' y. mxirwsBEii -"-" IbBHEsheiiSmSE!'" i " iTOWflWIil1 ' ''. Wuni ia iwlal)ti'Tii ffiMj-A t is MESF8K99t 2 "t" ' SfflEr,- -lr m ia rwrffm inr- m Twmfurwnmm i rm .v ; i2SB3CKTZ ilWMWiUta, ij'a g 1 :iikVa; iHHm '-fmnv. I UiPl&NVl -V iulllMriM tBMMWhi i tWHBiS 7 ' r alssE i LvcaTTV I SaBBSTjE' 1. iESKZ1 '!S i 2fK 1 iT'f mmmfr M?$ j fwywr"Hiirr ' t I 1 tlfcWVlAXM i - ' if - I BlkT. t - i i. t x. 13? H SnipwjMM m n MlVfll" .fflSffl WwKnM iwmi fm itm" . - tr .- i, -mi t l V- Ll MtM. tftttlr tm-i - -a k,).- h4 i p -w v " w hfiy n. -i tmin li. V i3MJ t-sj.- H w WpN $"4 t, , Jft. - lM,. " . t 4k Mt. trjr Mt ir ,MrHJ- , "& T-JlrJ.".M - -, . . . VA , , . w.vtulMMb 1W k- . 3mm . r-, n, - , . -3,-m.- ..jgrjrr-sT KU.& 1jMI UMfW-ii mW, -. - Ihf ,Jtf 4- 9i K s JI. "J1 - y Wrs -4 J " i. Ha Mr f' r 'fiN tw -f Mtitr 1M AM0V V1 .,fc, irO.1 Sn WM 1 .?rwfi "." s ":,t: drwrr.a ji .- v y TT i 'i" -w-w. --- . ..r. i-ii w -iwr r. - -, " ' - . iJ-wV 1 .AJkv i ; 3 n ' mk4Lmr- "" " t i - Wfc ."j;- A2ZAMm m-r - Sa rr.itf VJi , wr wttWif T5K?T"T, av iVirV . ww""?' af. SfWvwwJ fHw- "r" j ffdHtAV I rw-w V