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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
WSBSBmsm v , Iy" HOME AND FAHM MAOAZ1NK SECTION' 12 In the Home-Household Hints-Fashion Notes-Recipes IS ; ir Thr IMKiir t III he iilermcil lo rerrltr hiii! putillh fmorlte recipe. TO brighten matting, dlssolvo one pint or salt In ouc-lialf pall of boH wntor, waBli tho mnttlug and dry water, wBh tho mutting and dry .quickly with a perfectly clean Eoft cloth. A atablespoon of kerosene in starch will kcop it from sticking. Alwajs iron embroidery on the wrong side so as to bring out the pattern, Tn ninl'n nn nrMpln VnrV cliff mill n tca8poonful of powdered borax to luo cold Etarcn. Spirits of camphor will remove spots from a polished dining table made by hot dishes. Never use an old frayed rag for a duster as the particles of lint and ravellugs will make double work. . Black goods will not look shiny nrt IKa u'Mtn cfnrph trill nnt ehnn' oa it If it is ironed on the wrong side. If tcc!1i1n unrlnl'fn ttit flntliA4 thA night before ironing day. The damp-' nes will be cenly distributed and they will Iron easily next day. It you scorch an article badly when Ironing, moisten it with lemon juice, rub In some salt and lay It in tho sunshine. If It Is only n slight scorch tho sunshine nlono will remove It. An old granite tea kcttlo with the cntli'o bottom removed, placed over flat IronK when heating, will con sorvo tho head quite effectually. They heat quicker and with much less tuol. When putting nwny stoves tn the Spring, rub nil nickel lightly with vaseline. After replacing stoves in the Fall, remove vaseline with soft cloth and polish utckol with chamois skin. A heaping tcaspoonful of powdered alum in a cup of water will stop the flow of blood In any ordinary wound, whero no largo artery has been. sev ered, snuffing u similar solution will stop bleeding of the noso. When wringing out sheets and tablo cloths, gather up Jn tho hand by the selvage adgo and put them through the wringer In that way and there will bo no trouble with tho edges turning In when tho are Ironed, May Manton Weekly Fashion Talk To keop tho closot floor neat, try keeping tho children's shoes together in pairs by tho uso or clothes pins. This will relievo mother nnd tho owners of tho shoes of constant searching uinl will help In keeping tho floor in order. . Save tho water In which fresh green peas linvo beon boiled. It makes an excellent foundation for soup stock or gravies. So dellcato Is Its flavor that some peoplo like It nerved In bouillon cups with salt, pepper and a bit of butter. "When taking clothes off tho lino fold smoothly tho wash cloths, bath towels and hose and lay them away without Ironing. They nro Just as good for use as though thoy were ironed, nud the farmer's wife needs to avo her time and strength whenover possible. To stop nose-bleed, roll a piece of quite soft paper In a very hard kuot and pack hard between tho upper lip nnd tho gum. Let it remain a few minutes and the bleeding will stop. It umy have to bo renewed onco or twico In tho case of o'.Btlnuto bleed lug but It will bo effective To prevent fern fronds from turn ing yellow, water tlium lu tho follow ing way: Kill u tub with water to the. depth of two Inches, place tho pots In this and allow them to ro main until the soil 1ms absorbed all It requires. Tho chill should bo taken from tho water first, but on no nc couiit pour water on tho top of tho fern. Care of Knife Handles. To removo stains from kulfo handles and also to keep tho Ivory from turning yellow, rub tho handles well with a cut lemon; afterward wash well lu oap and water nnd dry innuedlatel). This removes tho stnlns and keeps tho Ivory a good color. L. " 1 III i Jlttt" Hi Of I Ji i t If rrfri nV vcvrvvv WTUj iJ Jit jtftfjj ffffl iSStttm CPtJOL ' TflKrt ifrrT Hf I fi?a&7r -t J Jl If" H t"TL.LJlr MX trTilQ syv ' ' iffll JalrrmmjirZiXo? I -:tffi -f hTtfit:3P' HM B38i & kyvT I Dniin by Shy Mmiom, 6j8i Uoy'a Norfolk Suit, io to 14 years. A PRACTICAL SCHOOL SUIT CHECKED suitings nro always, prac tical for boys' uso, for they tiro durublo as well ns smart and do not show soil quito so readily ns plain colors. This one shows tho lat est variation of tho Norfolk Idea, tho body portion being laid in tucks nnd Joined, to a yoke, while, below tho belt, the coat 1b plain with patch pockets ar ranged over it. All tho suitings that are fash- ionablo for boys arc np p r 0 p r 1 n t o and tho Scotch cheviots nro of course being gfven un important place, slnco thoy aro durublo ns well ns h n n d h o tn 0 . Wool crash Is liked nud there arc a great tunny handsonio ns well ns serviceable cloths that aro sold under tho name of men's suitings that aro appropriate, one of the advantages of homo making being found in tho ability to select a wider rnngo of materials than is apt to bo found in rendy-mado suits. For tho 12-year bIzo, tho suit will requito TiW yds. of material 27 lu.. 8V4 yds. U,.2i yds. 52 In. wide. Tho May II a 11 1 o 11 pattern SItSI Id cut in sizes for boyH from 10 lo 14 years of age. It will bo mnlled to nny address by tho Fashion Dopart m o 11 1 of this paper, on receipt of 10 cents. Is Wearing Mourning Foolish? EjItOM time immemorial It has oeen me custom 01 most civil- Ized races to,show their respect for tho memory or dead friends by dressing In tombcr black. In recent years many thoughtful men and womon have raised tho question whether this custom solves any use ful purpose. Mrs. Fnllh W. Morgan, n Virginia womnu, is one of these, nnd In a little pamphlet she has written she states her reasons for be llevlug the wearing of mourning not only useless but a positively harmful custom. "To get rid' of meaningless elab orations which encumber our ener gles must bo to remove debris from tho path of progress," t,ays Mrs. Mor gnn. "Taking it from nny standpoint, I enn find no adequate reason for drcssllie out Olio iini-llpiilnr I'liul nr sorrow. Wo only do It because people umujb nap none u. it is a custom hnnded down to us from enrlv sav agery. For n Christian peonlo It Is ludefenslblo to make death a tragedy to tho deceased one. Wo aro taught that death Is a glorious chaugc. "That ouly leaves our own sorrow to consider: nnd why should we nr- l'OCIitn tn tills imrHoitlni- ,., elal garb? It Is terrlblo, nnd differ ent from any other grief, but the. per son who considers It tho worst has beon peculiarly fortunnte. We have only to thlnl: a minute to summon an array of common, bitter, desporato, mug gneis iiuu mnue a peaceful death soem kind. "The only causes I can see for wearlne mourtilnir r tmiiit mm-Ai.. tlon and tho fvar of criticism. Wo aro too lazy to tliiuk things out, and Ms very bard to step nsldo from tho beaten path. Another cause con tributes; that In tho first ecstasy of grler many peoplo hnvo a strong de sire to make public demonstration of their sorrow. Also, wo nil hate to wouud the feelings of our often un- rcnbonablo dear ones who do not seo things from our point of view, nnd who make it pretty linrd for us If wo don't see things from theirs; and at tho tlmo of Intense grief wo nro pecu liarly helpless nnd unable to assort ourselves. "It Is n hnrd fashion for tho poor who follow blindly; their Ilttlo monoy, so badly neoded after tho doctor bills nro pnld, must go for oxpenslvo fun erals nnd black clothing, for thoy m nglno It is dlBrespectrtil K they fall to conform with custom. "For soven years I woro mourning. I never drennipil I rnnlil itn nilmr. wiso, , tnougii an tho tlmo 1 did so agnlnst tny better Judgmont, "Tho main renson I am breaking n lance against the Black Dogey is bopniiHn ft tlin ronptlnn nf hn clnnmv custom, and tho depression resulting 10 iuu mourner; auu even ro tuoso nround her. "How can people bear to parade their grief, when wo bollevo that our trials should not bo obtruded upon otlieiH? It is selfish to impoBo our sorrows, and bad taste to retail our woes; is It not a form of telling them, to dress them up for nil tho world to see, and Is It over right to cast dark er shadows upon llfo?" . Cure of 15 read After lluUiif,'. llread should be removed from tho tins as soon as it Is baked and cooled In fresh air uncovered. Whon cool is should be kept in a tightly covered tin box or n stono Jar. Tho bread box should bo scalded and dried In the suushlno at leaBt every weok. Cloth Bhould not bo kept In the bread box. To stiffen sheer fabrics, such as dimities or chiffons nnd veilings, put three tablespoonsful ot sugar in tho last rinsing water when you wash them. The EilHor will be nlrnnnl )0 receive 11 nil putillnli hint, ot lu. lerrnt to our rrnilrm. Ciller Apple Sauce. RUDUC13 four quarts of new cider to two by boiling; add enough phrcd, cored and quartorcd apples to rill tho kottlo. Lot cook slowly for four hours. This is very ulcc when Borvcd with roast pork. German Apple Sauce. Pour n good applo sauce Into a flat Borvlng dish. Sprinkle thickly with chopped nlmonds and cinnamon. Servo with cream, Apple, Orange, nnd Peach Salad. Equal parts of npplos, peaches and oranges aro cut Into cubes nnd mixed with cream dressing. Servo In applo shells or in tho rind ot oranges. Applo Gaucc. Cut Into eighths nnd core unpared King or Ualdwln npplcs; cook quick ly In thin syrup. Tho skins give It a pretty pink color. From 117 Wajs to Cook Apples. Drletl Applo Pic. Soak and stow apples until tender, pnss1 through a slovo and add sugar, a Ilttlo ornngo or lotnon rind and a small amount of butter. Fill nnd buko as nny other pie. Servo warm with Bweotcncd cream. Applo nml Nut Hnlml II, Propnro one cup of English wal nut meats. Qunrtor, core nnd pare two largo, sour apples. Cut apples Into small pieces and mix with tho nut meats. Mix with dressing and sorvo on Iottuco loaves and garnish -with dressing. Applo mid Nnl Salad I. Mix one pint of celery nnd ono pint of apples cut into small match llko pieces with one-half pint ot English wnluut meats broken into small pieces. Dress with boiled snlad dressing nnd servo in applo cups or on Iottuco leaves. Dried Applo Sauce. Wn3h npplos thoroughly nnd soak for 1G minutes In warm water; dralu, cover with wator nnd lot boll slowly for four hours; mash, add cinnamon and sugar to tasto. Add the sugar Just bofora removing from tho storo or tho apples will bo toughened and darkened. Frozen Applo Sauce. Wlpo, pare, com nnd cut 10 apples Into qunrters. Cook with a few grains of salt, one-halt cup of sugar and two cups of wntor. Hub through a. sieve and add two-thirds ot a cup of elder and two tablespoons of lem on Juice. Freeze to a mush and sorvo In cups mndo of bright red apples, Apple Peanut Salad. Tlnrn phfa anil Minn nllchtlV Aftd apples 'and mix them with half as mnnli Minnnnrt rnlnrv. Mix n dress ing of peanut butter, using flvo ta blespoons ot lotnon juico 10 one iu blcspoon of peanut button Mix ilt-Aaalnn- thrnllfrh tlin nnlllOB nnd Ct'I- ory nnd season with salt and cayenne poppor. Chill tho salad and serve on Iottuco uud garnish with peanuts. Tnplocn Pudding. One-half cup of tapioca, one-half can of pineapples, one-half cup of sugar, tho white of ono egg, a pinch of salt, and tho Julco of one-half a lomon. Soak tho tapioca over night, wash In clean water In the morning. Put on to cook in a double boiler with a pinch of salt and onough water to covor. Whon done tako off the stove.. Put in tho pineapple, sugar nnd lemon Julco. Mix well together, then beat whlto ot egg to stiff broth and Btir In last. Sorvo cold with whipped cream. - A Single Application Banishes Every Hair A imnoth, tialrku Jtln lw) follow the uo ot Dcmoaanf. rho balr rmovtr recom mended and uwl by on of America la. Inar peclallt. Demcwant' will ".o'.'"!'.. -movea iutelt'.ou hatr or fuia In '..?i,r r!V!n' I-P.' f.a".?..uu V'.'Wr nit mart or dliflguro and doe. not UmuiaiJ mo crowm or new nair. ,OB'u"" ... r,ir antoed to glvo entire aatUtactlon. Trie I"; Will bo mailed poetpald In plain WWPJJ upon receipt of Price, or any druMlitca obtain It for you If lie hain't It '" ,0r Ebncot Cbemlcal Laooratorlea, Wrtlano. Oregon,