The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 13, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 11, Image 17

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"T TOU can ALL enjoy
. ---- xx
7 r !HBriSicul2JH
HWDanaiHnHOHBRHr? VJMreaiMtty',)tRll WJJsaWsaaaaaaaaaaM
Y the evenings if they
are brightened by
the beautiful, white light
of the '
Better tJian Electric But Uses
less Oil tlian an Old Style Lamp ,
Try It 10
Showing Aladdin Tabh Lmnp Style (101. A) in Use
Tuere'a an Aladdin atjle (or every place ud purpose.
DAYS FREE-Send No Money
Don't Pay Us a Cent PcEVS FoT Itself ftt fill StUUrl 3 MiUion People Now En-
.,.w.t,l9mnd,rfU1nr HX " JlSCff JfC VM kJUVVU Jnvinff Ihl White Liffhfc
until you have used this wonderful new
modern Incandescent light la your home
for 10 days, putting it to every poeawc
test and then if you don't eay that it la
the greatest oil light that you have ever
teen, or you are not thoroughly satis
fied, you may send it back at our
expense. You can't lose a penny. We
want you to prove for yourself, na thou
sands upon thousands of others have,
that the Aladdin has no equal; that it
makes the ordinary oil lamp look like
a candle; that It tire oat-kall n 3
that It beats electric, gasoline or acety
lene; lights and is put out like old
style oil lamp: burns common kerosene
(coal oil) without odor, smoke or noise;
Is dean, safe. Guaranteed.
Sold 28 In Three Ercmlnaps
Stock ett. Moot., Jin. 14. 1914.
Dear Sin Find enclosed dralt to corcr order.
1 hive been out emir three nlshta and told 15
limps all told. TliU lamp beau anything I ever
saw to sell. Everybody wants It. Look out (or
my next order. I remain. .-
14 Great Universities Back Our Claims'
Recent testa by great light scientists at 14 leading Universities
throughout the United States and Canada, show that the Aladdin
Sives nearly three times as much light as the best round wick, open
ame lamps and yet burns only about one-half the oil.
These same scientific tests showed that the quality of the light of Uic Aladdin has
no superior, even excelling Tungsten electric, and nearest of any to sunlight
Lights the whole room. Reading, sewing, fancy-work, studying, games all can go
on. in any part of the room, with comfort and pleasure for everyone. A good study
light is necessary lax good results in school work. Save the eyes of your children.
Every mail brings hundreds of en
thusiastlc letters from satisfied users en
dorsing the Aladdin at the mot wonderful light
they hare ever seen. Such comment! as, "You
hare aolved the problem of rural home llehtlng";
"I could not think of parting; with my Aladdin";
The grandest thing on earth": "You ceroid not
buy it back at any price": "Beats any lljht I
hare ever acen"; A blessing to any household":
''It ii the acme of perfection"; "letter than I
everdreamed possible"; "Wouldn't have bellev.
ed It 'til I mw It," etc.. pour into our office
everyday. C1 lit lMPi lMtit of New Yor Ic
tested the Aladdin and write us under date of
September 8th. 1913 "We are pleased to inform
roa Uut hr a-ln tbta 4U a most tborvotb
ulal and Sad that na can pjwt It."
Many Men With Rigs or Autos Are Making $100.00 to $300.00
Per Month Delivering Aladdin Lamps on Our Easy Trial Plan
TVis Maa Sacctedtd WitW Experhaca
OuUt. Mmt.. Aug. 24, 1914.
Tht Sfanllt Lamp Co., ef America
GentlememI hav been handling th AU4.
Jin Lamp sine th first ttf Mirth, canvassing
throughout tht entire country, especially
amongst tht Jarmtrt. during th most advert
season of tht year, Th farmtn art then busy
in th field, then It a scarcity ef money and tht
eetmngi art very short In tpitt of this big
handicap as tctUat being only a common laborer
Kith rety Utile education and no experience a
a distributor at all, 1 succeeded very well
Atytt 1 hate not received one complaint. Lad
year there mat another hindofamantltlampin
thu country and tht people teert to dissatisfied
that Ihty threw thett lampt out of their hornet
end th Aladdin hat taken their placet.
f have only toothed during spare time about
thirty dayt in all and halt told eighty lampt.
ihm not mltsed one salt on any one trip and
aoe told at high at four and Jit tamPi a day.
1 always recommend th table lamp at an ill
around lamp but ukert the People Kant a very
fine htht in the parlor or fitting room, th Pit.
115 hinging lamp cannot very Kelt bt beat
, Last Saturday, August ISth 1 told three hang
tog lampt No. 115 and cm No. 101-table lamp.
Ittarted the day at 930 and worked until 4
Jrcloch. Then drove twenty miles for home at
t wot Saturday evening and 1 Ml you, gentlf
mm. my day' t wages tooted fin to me, after
having been used to toothing with a thrashing
machine in the Fall from 10 to 14 hour a day
in tht dust and dirt for only $2.00 a day.
Your very truly.
No previous experience is necessary.
Practically every farm home or small town
home needs It and will buy after trying.
One farmer who had never sold anything
in his life before writes: "I sold 57 lamps
the first seven days." Another who ordered
over 200 In 30 days says: "I consider the
Aladdin the best agency proposition I have
ever had, and I bare done agency work for
10 years.' Another says '"I disposed of 34
lamps out of 31 calls.'' Thousands of others
who are coining money endorse It just as
Another Sold Over 800 Lamps
With Money Back Guarantee
Not One Returned
He writes : "I have sold over eight hun
dred Aladdin lamps in the past year and a
half, requesting every buyer to return the
lamp to me at any time they preferred their
money back. I nave never had a lamp
Sold 275 in Six Weeks
Here is an exact copy of a letter written
us recently by one of our enthusiastic farm
er distributors who has made over $2000
during spare time the past two winters:
It is a pleasure to sell the Aladdin. It
makes good on all your claims and it is
easy to convince people that it is the besl
lamp on the market
1 still use my first lamp as a demonstra
tor and it works perfectly although it hat
had pretty rough usage for over a year and
Between Jan. 2 and Feb. 20 I sold about
275 lamps. I never saw anything that
would sell equal to the Aladdin.
1 am a farmer and have hod but
little previous-selling experience."
Sold $98 Worth in Two Days
Every Customer Satisfied
Marvel, Ark, Feb. 11, 1914.
Gentlemen: The lamps came in yesterday
and all are delivered. Every customer is
perfectly satisfied. .They go now no talk
ing necessary. If I had them I could place
three dozen by night
Please remember to rush all orders.
I aW $18 wtrta el laapa Monday aaj Tseidar.
Just as soon as a second order comes in I
willtendinnlargerone. Next order
will not be for less than six dozen.
Yours very truly, B. L. BELSHA.
Toole Orders for Eight In One Datr
Halgler. Neb.. March 18. 191.
Gentlemen: 1 receive1 your sample lamp
March S. tried it tint nlgbt and the next day
took orderi for elcht lamps, and on the Sth ox
March I sent you the money tor the 110010
lamp and an order for one dozen.
$1000.00 in Gold
Will Be Given
to tht person uho tkowt us an oil lamp equal
to tht Aladdin details of thit Keward Offer
given in our circular which will be tent you).
Would we dert invite such comparison with
all other lights if then were any doubt about
the superiority of tht Aladdin?
Women and Children Can
Operate It With Ease
There are no complicated part to set out of
order, no "insialllntrneceasary.Bopumptngup.
So aub-flame, no danircroua features. Lights and
1 put out like the old style lamp everybody is
familiar with. No nutter how many lamps you
may now have you cannot afford to be without am
an Aladdin If you value the eyesight, appreciate
ood light and with to cut down jour od bilL
O Years Sotlafactorr Serrtce
Tularr, cam.
' rou atked me In a recent letter how I liked ray
Imp purchased over a year ago. The lamp ill'
daniy, 1 am still usine the same mantle and
chimney and they are O. K. My aister bought
oneot your eatly model lamps in 190H; ahejust
ui uic lamp ana couia not 00 wnnoui it.
Your 1 rleod. J. It. LUNDGREN
No Money Required We Furnish the Capital
You can get into a business of your own and make more money than you
ever made before, without investing your own capital. We help you by
giving you liberal credit
You Can Get An Aladdin FREE
Wt want on user tn each locality to advertise end recommend the Atadoin.
To that pent we have a Special Introductory Offer under which ONE LAMP
10-Day FREE Trial Coupon
3113 Aladdin BulMuif. PORTLAND, ORE.
. . Gentlemen: Without obligating roe in any way. you may aend me
details oj your 10-DAY FREE 1 RIAL, tell me how I can get an Aladdin
Lamp Free, quote your Bistributor'a l'rice. explain yourhasy Delivery
I1in under which Inexperienced men make llWtoSWOpermontnoa
your capital without Investing any money.
ECKAJJrtu , StaU,
I CUctf, in
Use This Coupon
Today and Ctt Oar Great 10-Day Free Trial Offer.
The Mantle Lamp Company of America, Inc.
Usv CrMM (Cm1 M) Mud Lu IIsbm la Iks WU
3 1 1 3 AUtldln Dutldlnx Portland. Or N
Alt Office and Warehouse at
WalotHT, Cna. Maarrta ud WiaaJptr. Caa.
MKjyj5yy1jtj i? ' Wi aC IsWsWsKsSaaaaaaaaaaB
Styfo No, HS Aladdin Hanging Lamp
For Sitting K'wm. Fulor, Dining Room aad
for Store. Churches. School, Hills, etc.
Rabbits Qualify as
Pests in Orchards
r)UltlNG Winters of deep snows rnb-
bits, especially Jacks, become a
serious pest In young orchards, by
Eiruilng tho trees Just above the
snow lino. Various methods of pro
acting trees have been used with
moro or less success, particularly that
of wrapping tho trees with thin sheetB
of wood mado for the purposo, or tho
colled wlro wrappers.
Tho United States Department of
Agrlculturo recomraonds tho follow
ing wash to bo applied to tho treo
trunks with a brush:
Unslaked lime, 20 pounds; flowers
of sulphur, IB pounds; water, 50 gal
lons. "This wash has bcon used success,
fully," says Professor W. L. Burnett,
of tho Colorado Agricultural College.
"When trees have been girdled, the
gnawed surfneo must bo covered at
once, beforo tho wind and sun havo
access to the wound. Tho Injured
parts may bo painted or covered with
grafting wax.
"As a rule, trees treated In this
manner, lu tho Spring will grow new
bark. In cases of serero girdling,
tho method of brldgo grafting may bo
used, this operation being a simple
ono for a nurseryman familiar with
tho process of grafting.
"Tho following method of poison
ing was used by us successfully In an
orchard near Tort Collins last Win
ter, 50 Jackraublts being killed lu
one night.
"Cut a slit In an apple and Insort
strlchnlno alkaloid, powdered, tho
right amount being what tho tip of a
knlfo blade will hold, closo tho slit
and wlpo tho apple to remove tho
bitter drug on tho outside. Scatter
the poisoned bait through tho or
chard at the pase of tho trees."