..wuwilwmui" iD BAY TIMES. MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 191B EVEWIHO EDITIOH. six - THE COOS 1 ' : ' POSTAL BUSINESS CURELESS FIRING E GOUT! TO BUY II NCREASES HEBE NDAMGERS IVES STEAM SHOVEL Ready ! Spring Suits MAY TAKK OVER E. . rKRHAMS . .OUTFIT NIGHT FERRY ser vice to iustsidk aftrr O.U WRK .vyajs AHUI. t- Tn iiiiimi m limwriti th Caaty O1 !a to liMlnr n ' " WpwtM toARSHFIELR rOSTomCK KM- OOMWAINTS ITIOM HVXKWt CEIPTS SHOW MARKED IV- WW. SAY YKM WlHMWnS CREASE OVER SAMK MONTH WWK MWR HVHlr LAST year saving Tmrosns MVBS. men ivravicD lv i.ivniw.i. j The Imr twIMr, w ar hj tiygaimM imwy at th " K. . rea nrras4 tw generally Ik he huwwW a Imh JMe tan H w tlw business eaaaWaa MIMtr tJma kn aMa aa V ta-Twa aHw aatm for the coaatr ta rtstwee l MarshfieM H eajay la aarahto vaapaa lohaar. t4 war. K rfN create la 1mmmik. The ; ft- tentoe WR k M vflMa ta arte Is aatata tie aatnt, X? eclpts of the MccATMN Hi.mnffir itaaftv thmidan A - Awrtm? 1U aroaaMy rwaaamead during FeJcaury ' tiM Wi w a NujToM aa wt- lu ajwai. ngalnu imT.Mtar wm aamvta Kax imwriNHF J. C Xaan. Mr. Armstraag tatlaMted that the of last year. awe aJ 3 7 Kotow Hwatsat wMli to r wa- crs of P. M. Iwls as county This larreaw fc wmaM .. aaty mr WftJ -raa la Jr4fc)rtaa raadaMuMt? "woaWl he dlMeod with pood, ejertHr h a t tl wag jwittmrttiof vator ti k tJ cmils.oeTS eet April abnorwri 8 wiftrtfcim - m lave. 7. OMMMlsfleiier rvement And Mr. vart K- Tsi t. a wwtJoti f Ote Mate ArwMreB.c are said to bo opposed Not only M oc Mwa! hiHwimi, tsrr im imMkm Hw rf1ow 4- w him an4 walle Jnd.cc Watson first of the rostotfk shun mi Iwni m. innj( tf Riiurwu a Mln4ioaoT. ttorte4 'he roadmaster. It Is said but the jtfwtal -i Hitlma jo ofctwoil -mq Wt. KiwMR. mt iareK-e a llMt fce j,4S jwiaro,! that he will not a material pala. T o WM 1m. wbwmu mm rwaro oot eor ppArt anyoae who Is not In hnr the winpE buoojOuC ta Jo. ht jmm f of jw for to y Wjt, tBC yt 0f tho officials. field PcstoRlw niwMI VMMHW. ni r imq- (ch do noHKMM the total now Vfoc Ji.37mii. tM mi jo V arrwoi Vr on- Postmnster rrtl H ipV pras AaM r -nfffl ju a dkorltf or Ms That Well-Dressed Women Are Buying Now iiSm UAKI.Y NOVK1.TIKS Wll.l, NOT IIK 1IUPMCATKII. . n Sw n,t NvwltJ IVnl Wpnviw. Wc MiURfst nil onrly nelectlon. $ 1 5.00, $18.50, $20.00. $32.50. $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 Ifled over the Incroow LOCALS TO DLllf FR Vsdor Sapcrvlsor Clinton of tho eooaty ick quarry near Coqulllo, It eosts between eighty cents and 1 jr yard to pt out the roclt. Tho iVO H WIMOle fOT -, lr.n,n.riim rntr la ntinllt fl for two miles. Tho county pays fifty cents per yard freight on ship ments to Marshflcld, making It rath er expensive. Mny Selllo CflS It Is said that tho cotity has.of- Tate wooM a -arrast to pr t ar lfore Jlct of toe re C. U Peaoort: a4 toe iprrast oM fee MTvt-i irf CMMtaWe Oox. One omImt oas -wrfttao taut t eral tlmot. p Var ce fired TKJini'JsainxT iuii tossixo ttvt: to simrr couxn siwt itfr r-Vtfio fiats tm -rlr lir little rhUdr taw Ve. at j4ay. often ttni Mr. Ruhl, who sustained tho oawdy 4c tfemi. Toe o4er- tefs f a ,,an' b' n" accldont In tho ta-ao. rtH! oarw oftea iwoeas off wk lua"y nst f". 5()0 t0 BotUo y w irf a oo. or of ootmmu b,s rc. Ho wants $2250. Tho coiin- "VinVTET IX THIRIi GA.MK Ol r tws rose Jlrlap vamlndfal ty has sort of pensioned him, glvlnj; soaK itnr.R. As the local cMranx of a ptjerest iHH iusl:e41iitlJ simson the Marsh Udd Itidopondontfi this evening In the high school gyrannHtum v-fll meet the Coqafllc ludupdirftmu for the rubhcr." each iv&w feat-tag previously won a game. Te tdgata nnd last com em In the local felgb s(hoo tones hid le maped aiad tiiat tney dtnpw. are pnttlag other in TOS COiTES T FOR H DOS iilm a Job as nlghtwatcli nt tho quar ry at $2.50 per day. If ho docs not' fettle tho caeo tho county will fight It and dispense with his service. I Sometime ngo an employe of tho rock quarry who was discharged sent' a letter to tho county court threaten ing to dynamite ho rock crusher. Ho Mid he had stolen two boxes of pow-j der from tho quarry nnd would uso it. ' The powder was found missing nnd' Women's Spring Coats of Fancy Mixtures Spring ContM of Smart Checks, llniiic.sMiiii.s mill SiiiiiII PlaliLs arc n welcoming change nflcr tho .somliio eilois of Winter. The new Coats aro very full, flaring from the ulioiitilcra; some linvo nn at tractive touch of color on the collar and Mcovcm. $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 V Women's Distinctive Dresses Ht'KINU 3IOI)i:i.S ItKMARKAIll.K VAI.UKS TWKVTV IATHST SPltlJJfJ STVI.KS to ,xm, from and every mio cqunlly Inleresthig. CrcalM from Cliarmeiisc, Civpo lo Chine, ('hlffon ffaffc. (a mid Crepo Mcleor. Colors Include Diunson Xui Itrown, Myrtle, Uelglait It lilts Taupe, Avy Mi Illack. Willi Miort hodioe, qtiaint Hlioit nklrl odd lltllo holoios, puff hIcovoh. Also new Spring M. rivals In Wool Street Dres.ses, $7.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 Smart SkirLs for Spring aL $5.00, $6.859 $7.50 A. host of new mode's in smart designs are now ready showing- the swagger new Checks, Gun l'lahl. Serges, '(nhardlnes and lleilfon! Poplins In st-iple and new shades. Xovel and fetching; styles, fancy yokes, novel pocket arrangements, self materials, button trimmed; many full gathered In tho hack. Atl slos. soft impressed folds, uuuut belts of Wednesday evening In North Bbs. MISS P.CTH COWAN WINS FIRST 8lnCo then uuhl ,,ns bccn nctln ns PL.ai AMI lmiKli JOSKPH SC.V SHCOXI) IX JUNIOR OR.. TOIliCAL TRYOUT. Two girts aad tw. Woys were eborua ay the Jodpe last eveaing to the Jaaiar close trjoat at the high arfcooi aadlMriaa tm vtkf. glreii flr place and Ethel tfce plrW, while Tam Waiters won Brat aad Ray Darts eoad la tho !-, HdrUML The Jadiw were wllBt wn bo ncC(,C(, hih ttiuri uraaam. rt. i;. 11. Corr "4 J. T. Itraad. There wore who auea4d the oiorcUee. and on the ontceme of tMr wfll the championship eh&aees far the lo cals be based. In Coqullle about tw wetx up. tho Iocs Indopendeau wore tod qulshod 27 to b la a gas that was fait and exciting, with tar of ginger In spite of the naare. Here, some time prevtaai to that. t Marshflcld Iendepesdcsu Su4 hU up their lead of the caaaty ay nal Ing the five from the ooaaty hu homo with the small d C the score. 'Since the seaon 9t4 oartyja January, the local ladapaadaatt lmvn lost but nnn n - -- . . . of the county team, hare ctoe the "" J '"w quintet a close nib aad a hard g for tho money. According to the protest "iv. tho March field High School aaw heads the teams of the county leagae by a small maloiitv In tho ur. c-ntage column. Threaghoat the Bt1- season Coach Mies' pretagas hate ahown a good fighting alrit. maay times "gum-shooing" up oa their adversaries In the iait few mlaatec of play. They have showa a tea dency toward cleaa ball aad have bctn gentlemanly In thoir plajlax. North llond, holding the latter end of tho column during matt of tlw sqason, has t-bown a sarartolas Kri'rl toward the latt. They de feated llnndon In a fait same. Thai tl(4y will have a rlo dal for the 1oi':il8 on next Wednesday night U Shan id, nrcordltiR to the alms ram ing horu from the nelghborlag camp, . dlotild Marshflold happen to tack nnay another victory on her Mat game, oho will bruah out ahead of l'ini:(TI i: .M;tlo Point and Coqullle In the championship rncn. Tl.c ludupoudonts have no agrea nii'nl (hut (hoy will play a eertaia number of gumog and rloee the taa. eta Tho men aro expecting at least two ni'iro contosu bafere the night watch. Night ferry sorvlco between Marshflold nnd Knstsldo will ho' started April 1 according to O. J. ', Armstrong, County Commissioner, ' who was hero todny looking over' the road to SuiiBct Hay. Tho gaso- llnn linnt Rli-iinl linn lionti lllrn.l nt nuthcow.,noo n month for tll0 80rvC0 n( will nrnb.ililv run frmn Tnn until. Jehoa, weaaa place from among . p nj though Mp Al.matrong Ir Browa. "The Heart of Old Hlr'ry. Betker Asalaad. "The Swan Song." Bthel Jeteahtoa. "The Governor's Laat Le." AUee XatklMHi, "Kmrny Lou's Val. Nalll War'kk, -The Kkldlo ToU- Kath Cawaa. "Ijdale," IMward Molt. "Kxtract from the BaaVer Hill oratloa." Tom Walter. "Saartaeus to tho Gladiators." Erv-1: aiorcard. "The Death of La FM( ' Ry Du The Alternative." BANDDNGASETD COME UP SHORTLY8" MIT( hi:m. says TIIKItK WILL ISK MIH XKW SRX.SATIO.N- IMS IIORX TO Rl'llY alHP.V..Mrl.int. Oa Wadawaiaaj x hoy vu born , la Mr. imA In. imm XmSmt In Ci. Miring uthlotica gain the nmUlFht. qute- anmKt s fmactl W. J. i ...u ....u-uii 01 uio inueaenaeau MllrbvU. fc v.w aer jaaterday. ' for tomorrow ovenlng will ha: ; m vtpmu tkat tha Caaea-Traod-' risticr. center; .N'iloa oh1 OiW, foi- ?0jj -trr, vm wVm a attain ' wards; llufflngton ami Marraa, . . Ulmm ikara will ha tomo; KtuirdB. mar. 7 latarasttM detwlopwents On Saturday night the CoaallU tor taa Aarll raaa jary aad Circuit Hlgli School Is slated to pU with Coart la aaratrt. Mrs. Notler tho Oordlng brothers at the reoaty .k, umhr mmmo. Cf lUadon. and1 suggostcd that no dcflnito schedule! can bo arranged until It Is known , This will ho' tried to start with and may ho changed to meet tho convenience of tho pnsHongors. j i Witli tho opening of tho night forry scrvlco across tho Hay the ' Hastsldcrs now ilcclnro tlioy will Imve tho long-looked for cluuico of coming to Marshflold In tho ovo-! nliiBH knowing they can return homo without staying horo nil night, which j has been tho custom of tho past. I i no 'transit now iimkcs tno run, I starting nt 0:15 In tho morning and continuing up until 0:30 In tho ovoulng. Open SuitM't Itay lload. i Willi (Icorgo Porklns, rond super visor, Mr. Armstrong today went ovor tho Sunset Hay rond, prepar atory to the work that will put It in good condition for tho spring and mimnior travel. Thin highway will ho repaired us soon nn poHslhlo ami nt tho noxt meeting of tho 1 County Court, April 7, tho contract ill be lot for tho repairing of tho South lulut bridge. Put Off Depuly Ouestlou. Pending tho arrival of n ronton Mrauco to tho appointment of a deputy Prosecuting Attorney for this side of the county, said Mr. Arm strong, tho Commissioners left tho question unsettled. Also, ho said, Mr. Llljuqvist has not entirely giv en up tho Idea of coming to Maiali fluld, and If ho does, thin will ho another phase of tho question. Tnko Up Summer Work. Practically $20,000 Is to bo npont this summer, said tho Commission or, on tho nuw road building HaMBHHVHMaaBIHaM MWH NEW SPRING SHOES HERE A woman cannot ho too particular about her boots tills season. The shortened, flaring skirts demand footwear of tho smartest lines and most carefully treated leather. It. Is no- exaggeration to sny Hut tho largest nnd newest assortment of siuh footwear Is to ho found here showing tho fuiorcd lasts, short vamps, new heel shapes and leathers In the very pretty colors and combinations coaxld. vred good with street suits and calling costumes. Kippendorf-Dittman Shoes $4, $4.50, $5. The "Cousins" Shoe, $5.00. HUB DRY GOODS CO. Corner Central Avenue and Broadway. SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN Phone 361 oh; N. 1). Uuckoy, Plcaho, Idaho; Leo i L, W. Moyer, San Francisco; J. C. Kces-ln ling, San Francisco; Mrs. Will Stod dard, Myrtlo Point; Charles I, lloch horg, Portland! C. II. Cnrdor, Port lajid. Lloyd Hotel A. K. Jones, Gardlnor; n.Mlllo7, llnndon; J. Georgo, ilcnryvlllo; C. A. Stanford, Portland; L. O. Swan, As toria; A. A. Jackson, Kurokn; T. Mc Ganloy, Itosohurg. St, Iiwrenco Hotel JamoR Kerrigan, Now York; Ray mond K. Hakor, Coqulllo; A. Wnrron, Coqulllo; R. Anderson, San Krnn clsc; Frncst Gugglshorg, Scottshurg; JiiIIub llepolhluger, Scottshurg. Hlaiico Hotel J. R. I.lpps, Heaver Hill; Alvln Smith, Coos River; T. Sims, Lako Bldo; W. l-'owlor, Lakeside; A. And orson, Lakeside; William Schlld, Co qulllo; Chnrlcs Jackson, Kmplro; Harvey Thomas, North llond. L. Olson, Hnndon; G. R. Ho- lnnd, Sr Ilandon; G, R. Roland, Jr., Randon; Mrs. Roland, Ilandon; Georgo II. Johnson, Hnndon; Fred Rothom, Myrtlo Point; Alvln Smith, Coos Rlvor; Fred Anson, Coos Rlv or; Karl Southard, Scnttlo; Mrs. Ft ta Ilrown, Dufitro, K. W. Dougher ty, Kmplrc. St. Iiwrcneo Hotel Joo Rubble, Portland; C. W. VIo Tlllors. Coos Itlvor; Hlnicr S:inn nml . . , ,. wlfo, Ilandon; Joo Grim, Coos Rlvor; t Raymond 13. linker, Coqulllo; Claud Donovan, Camp No. 1 ; K. L. Fnrnum nnd wUo, North llond; W. M. Peart, Coqulllo; Frnest Gugglshorg, Scottshurg. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate sorvlco, prompt attention to oil Interests of our cllonts. MINIMUM COST i. s. kauFman & CO. THURSDAYS: ARRIVALS Chandler Hotel. . M. L. Luther, North Inlet; W. M. KalHer, North Inlet; J. H. Stan- nnrd, Gold Reach; K, I). Hausor, l,o-1 North Inlet; 11. W. Ilrown, San CF.XTHAL AVUMT: SAYINGS tweon hero and Coqulllo. A great rrnnelsco; Milton Glnss, San Frail sharo of this amount conies from I Isco; R. Cnroy, San Francisco; seat. Thoro nro seven hrotaerr, nil of them fust players and aow they have organized their own haa kotball team to meet all ramers. -eee f T I flrat kaawa for her part In ousting lot Caach fim the saloon liualnuas ' la Laadaa aa the groundH that ho t ar Ii4er ta minor girls, of which ' w mm. For h mouth tho girl nd 1 Katiaort with her sister Lo. rogular road assessments lu each district touched. Work Is to ho commenced soon on tho township road between Ilan don and tho Curry County lino. About $15,000 will ho expended on I U aad u married to "Pug" Nos- UUtbl IUIV fun I fib UAT Jr J before the hearing of Coach, himh.it, Nonlor nnd llerron on a! kidaapplaK charge. i a a a Have you paid your taxes? Attend ItAGLLS HALL, Hall, SATURDAY NIGHT, tin's Orchestra. Kaglcs Mar- Tlinrft lu n Central Avimtin man j(jip thinks ho. m iv pppulnr fellovs , -H ' beCailso ho Is (julto a fawirlto vslth T"H. himself uu tlend L'AGI.ICS HAL, SATl'RDAV NlGH'f, tin's Orcheslru. Kngtcs Mar- Tlnios wnut nils bring results. I I AT THE HOTELS a Chandler Hotel W, A. Harr, Corvnllls; W. K. llest, Ilandon; II, T, Holdeu, Portland; 11. K. McKInnn, 'Coqulllo; H. Willing ham, Coqulllo; G. J. Armstrong, Ilan don; Georgo N. Taylor, Portland; W. K. FgBleston. San Francisco; Andrew Greer, Duluth, Minn; F. G. Leslie, quuie, Coqulllo; Hall S. Lusk, Portland; McGanley, Georgo Harris, Portland; W, 11. T. Lomnnowskl, Kuroka; W. G, Kg gleston, San Francisco; R, Mayor, Pan Francisco; Mrs. Mnxflold nnd daughter, North Inlet; II. R. Chnnt lor, North lnlot; G. W. Mooro, Han don; K. A. Mlddlohrooks, Portland; S. F. Connor, Portland; 11. O. Se cord, Spokane; S. C. Van Armltnge, Portland; William Candlln. Coqulllo; J. H. Chandl.or. Pulntsvlllo, Ky.; II. 11. Donatioy, Portland; J. E. Schilling, Myrtlo Point; W. M. Grant Portland; E, R. Thompson, Port land. E, 11. Van Annan, Portland. Llo)d Hotel. J. Snow, Norway; K. Johnson, Myrtlo Point; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. llartshnw, Portland; A. Martin, Co qulllo; Mrs. W. G. Hrandon, Co- A. E. Jones, Gardlnor; T. RosebitrV. ' Itlnuro Hotel, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10C-L. MAHSHFIELP), OREGON T. J. SCA1FU A Contrnl Avenuo man novor waits for n woman to got tudor tho mlstletoo. Speaking of flowor-plnntlng day, there Is ono that tho Contra! Avo niio bachelors object to and that is orango blossom. W. J. Conrad says n hypocrlto Is a married man who seems to bo glad of It. Tho other day a California paper told of a hrldo who "was becom ingly nttlred In a black volvet hat." Maybo tho rost of It wub doloted by tho censor. Tho dlstlnctivo nllmont with some Central Avenuo mon la nn unquoueh ablo deslro to contlnuo talking long nftor tbnv linvn tnlil nil tho.. v. r..,. "Maybe men would stick around ROOFING homo more," said tho man at Uie!nUV.""JG, CONTRACTING barber shop "If somo wore less like 1 ROOFING MATERIALS ' ' Scrri,,,. J, FELTS AND CEMENT ' a stir lu tho world anil ntliora iJ. ' '- DnlUC loud clothes. ( SOUTH COOS RIVER IIOAT j SERVICE j LAUNCH EXPRESS j leaves Marshflcld every day j 8 a. m. Iicavcs head of river j nt :in p. m. j STEAMER RAINROW j leaves head of river dally nt 7 j n. in, Leaves Mars"leld at 2 p. j in. For charter apply on board. I j ROGERS & SMITH j Proprietors I $ A. II. JIOIIGINS Marshfield PA,NT AND iviaiamiuu DEcoRATING . CO. lCstlmates Furnished Phono MH-H. Mnrshfluld. Oregon PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY H. H. Harper HOUSE nUlLDLR Gonoral Repairing and CablMt Making. Phone 349-J. nUIFiDINO CONTRAOTOR Estimates furnished on requw Dr. H. M. Shaw , Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat GLASSES FITTED OR. MATTIES W. B1IAW Dlsenscs of Women nnd Clm f" Office Phono 330-J. Rooms 200, l. 202, Irving Mlc-ch- Benjamin Ostlind J CONSUITING ENGINEER A" AKCIHTEOT Offices, 200 Irving DIoc ?hono 103-Li or 567-J. Marsbfleld, Ore0 W. G. Chandler ARCIHTEOT ftooma 301 and 302, Coke DulMiU, Marshfleld, uregon Wm. S. Turpen AltCIIlTEOT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Baflinper riANIST AND TEAClIKn Rosldenco Studio, 217 No. Thira Phono ans-i , B. 118. THE REAL QUESTION Tho question Is not, will men honor you' for your worki But does your work honor you? Your concom Is no' only to create profit or yoursolf, but to make thai which will profit many he- sides yourself. D on slde3 yourself. .v P- 89. U COOS RAY STEAM laUXMIV WANT AIS. l.rLIM, ssn. RAINES. jScliurfelp ,md wife, Waterman. Tex-' snm v, llson, Isllunus Inlet: Mrs. Low Rates for Handling Trimkc KOKHNLn;U.341 Ce.",ral aVonUO' ., ,yn trunks between any point, stick of stovewood, droppod from 'n Marshfleld and do general hauling a load. Owner Is requestod to for rea8nable rates, i all and Yju,. .( iaiahic of tho'aTAU TRANSFER & STORAQB OO load. ..,,ovt Rclsner, Proprietor I'houest 1U0-J, 411-Ij, 08-U riiono 57-J. Pictures & framing Walker StMdio " A i VAiinnnTi imaMaaamiM