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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1915)
Lnv :' - -T-fepV'WJWi" rrqBT-vm'nrW " ""i'ttc "- rrt.inT-Hirw ;Vf Tf"'Ty1fTtW J "' "Pjii' n'mii -TBir' -TTTIM) I T nvntyiu TV''nrTrf(-flr'-iWTWI mm THE PMEST PLACE ON EARTH If YOU COUNT ALL THE RUNNING EXPENSES X ,, , Wh irsim f V"" !:J 3i t 4 fw Rnv Times Your Paper 4Vtr'Mr3 kaMAjr k. I 'Jul. A Southwest Oregon Paper 'Mini's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A Hoiith uest Oregon uniwr for Southwest Oregon people and devoted (o tlio best Interests of this great section . 'llio Times always boosts mid nocr knocks. TI,o Coos IMy 'J'line-J If liroml of its (Klo "Tlio B l'lll"-'"'." ft,", ,l 8",,V,'fl "l M" ,ll,U'S ' f,frl lo IN mitiio by tloollittf Us energies to xmt& i.;...-j.' . .ft, f. t.J uS"?' n,"',ti . . Hew JH(VK 9 promoting the 1'coplo's interests. V" $ members op the associated tress 133"'' , 7 i i ;? ' . rf",; ' ., VJ4JIJ13 r 'w fT ?. T" I - VOL. NO. XXXVIII. German Field Marshal Makes Another Swift and Unexpet- ed Stroke in Poland DRIVES CZAR'S FORCE TOWARDS PRZASNYSZ English Forces Reported to Have Won First Part of Im portant Battle in Flanders' (J Anx ltil rri lo Coot D.T Time J LONDON, Mar. 11. Fiold Mnr ifcsll Von Illndenburg rando another of his swift and unexpefcted strokos tklch hao marked tho campaign tlio Russians. Gathering a Urje forco In Northern Poland ho btfin a new movement to tho south nn), apparently Intending to atrlko it Pnaanysz whoro tho aormnns recenllr nict tlic llofcnt which pro teded their retirement. An Impor . tint battlo has dovelopcd, tho result of which still Is at Issue, lhigllsh Troops (Julii. An Important battlo, of which only tbe barest details woro given out today, was fought In Flanders yes terday the result of a Drltlsh at tack on tho German position 'along the extended front. London report tbe Drltlsh advanced throo fourths of a mllo and I'm Is says n mllo and kalf tho Gcrmnii trenches woro ta in. Berlin says merely thnt tho British ndrancod nt somo points and that tjio battlo continued. EBE- T McCIXXIS YHKHUS McOLVNIS 1IOT- lv contested: many wit ms8e8 called to testify jiccixxis was never drunk Already thrco days In court be fore Judgo Coko tlio dlvorco cnao of Ohma McOlunls versus Thomns Mc Claijlj for legal Boperntlon was un finished at a lato hour this afternoon. Iall moro than 13 witnesses, havo teen Introduced by tho attornoya for loth sides. Mrs. McQInnls, who b sovornl Jears younger than Iior husband, Is lng for dlvorco, alleging a series of grievances among thorn Doing "! and Inhuman treatment and runaer:ess. Tlio testimony this morn ing centered arOUIlil Mm nnlnt flu n etber Mr. McGInuls drinks to any weai extent. Neur Saw Jllin Drunk , A Surprise was snriirirr nn tlm ntnln- 1" yesterday when t w n.nnMt R. O'Brien, ivy Condron, M. h! oy, Louis Maschino, Mr. Bon- stt'a Jai) servnnf r.nt .i. i "4 erer seen Mr. McOlunls drunk ithougu they had known him for Tears. Money is Going Fast Arthur McKeown, secretary of tho janett Trust Company testified that tmi I tb laSt year Mr' McQInnls 'th has been heavily tapped on ount of sickness and also for hills "J to bo accumulated -by his wlfot said tho property amounts to 'Proximately $20,000. Tno witnesses who havo been call- jK i far are j, w Bonnett Arthur fcv e!!1'Mrs-Ke Morlarlty, Low. Muchtao, Lulu Anderson, A. It. O'- Bi.k'i,. Ht Mulloy Iyy Condron, tnor I?' Cl M- Nobl0' Ooovso BtnaeJt. Il0rsfaU aBtl Tom T Daao'io S' Kaufman, Mrs. Mallr Harah.. Kaufman. R. T. Kaufman, la,fl)a.1 Car'er, Officer nichardson knit. . ? ero alE0 to bo called to i " "' AKAH 4 '"MtU1l rH to Coo. Bit Time. 1 ' beJi?1A' Mar- 11 Ftro. teauia- nrii . ...... an n """ "i wiiKeson, toorni , from Tacoma, this two?. ,V"" 1os"fflce, and I RD FDUGH iwy, Established 1878 nn Tlio Coast MiSI. ninii iinfti 1 1 1 mi n 1 fii ri 1 1 nil mi hi "ir-?v wc???!! SI M M nnUtHdUHb AM f. Fires. Wist SPRINGS SURPRISES ON RUSSIANS ' 1IA11V TATiLS IXTO KIVKIl AM) J)li:.S Tho two and ono-half year old Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Enogrprr, who rosldo on Cooa Klvor Just bolow tho forks, fell Into tho water today and a mlnulo later wns pulled out by tho fnthor. Ho was uncon scious and although prompt efforts wcro mndo to resuc citato Jilm, thoy woro unsuc cessful. Tho child had been Buffering from heart troublo following whooping cough and It Is believed that tho shock of falling Into tho river caused death. Thcro is no wa ter In his lungs go that death was not caused by drowning. T Capture About 2500 Russian Prisoners in Engagements in Northern Poland tDjf Auocl.toJ I'rc lo Coo. liar Tlmo. Ii;ULIN, Mar. 1 1. In nn en gagement northwest' of Ostrolcnkn, tho Germans woro victorious, U0C prisoners nnd eight muchliio guns hulng cupturod. Gorman attacks noi th and northwest nf I'rzasuysz niado further progress. Noithwest of Novomlnsto, 1GG0 more llunslan prisoners woro taken." ALLIES REPULSES Claim English Aviator Killed Seven Belgians British At tackRussians Repulsed Dr Ai.ocl.tc4 Tit., to Coo. nr Time.. BERLIN, Mar. 11. (WIrolcss to Sayvlllo.) Tho official announce ment today says: ."An English avia tor throw bombs,on Monln, In West Flanders. Only ono exploded, and this killed soven and wounded ten Dolglnns. Tho Drltlsh yesterday at tacked Gorman positions near Nouvo Chapollo. At somo points thoy en tered tho village Tho fight con tinues. A Drltlsh advance near Gov onchy was ropulsod. In Chaihpagno tho French delivered two attacks against our positions In tho forest oast of Soualn, which thoy lost Tuesday. Doth woro ropulsod. West of Sorojo wo captured COO Russians, threo guns nnd two machine guns. A fresh Russian attempt to break through tho Gorman lines south of Augustowo was ropulsod with tho annihilation of tho Russian forces used In this endeavor. . CLAIM DARDANELLES NOT DAMAOED MUCH nr AocUle4 rrM to Coo. Dr Time.. WASHINGTON, March. 11 A wireless to tho Gorman Embassy hero from Dorlln Bays: 'Constantinople roports yesterday's bombardment of tho Dardanelles was unsuc- cessful, and tho disposition at Constantinople Is sill hopeful. Tho landing at- tempts from tho enomy's fleets on tho Outer Dar- .ifinollnj failed." DOMDARD DARDANELLES (Dr AwoeUted Pfes. to Coorf'B.r Tlme..J PARIS, Mar. 11. A vigorous bombardment of the fortifications In tho Dardanelles principally by French warships, continued yesterday, ac cording to a Tenedos dispatch to Le Matin. A heavy fog prevented tho aviators learning tho results of tho flro from tho fleot, but replies from somo Turkish batteries slackened perceptibly. WANTED A dozen Leghorn Uena ono year old. F. 0. Birch, Red Crosa Drug Store. nii m SILL FIG MISM MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1915 Of Amerlcain KING GEORGE SIGNS ORDER EOR BLOCKADE Wt AocltcJ rrr. to Coot Ilx TlmM.J LONDON, March 11. Great Drl- tnln's plan to glvo offect to tho naval roprlsal measures against Germany as embodied In nn order In Council, was signed today by King aoorgo. . SEC. .U'ADOO TO HAVE OPEUATIOX Of AuoclilM FtIM lo Coo. Dij Tlror.. WASHINGTON, Mnr. 11. Secretary McAdoo went to a hospital today to ho operat ed on for nppondlcltls tonight or tomorrow. He wns at his oftlco this morning and It was said no complications had appeared. L OWNER AWAKENED 11V FIRE .MEN AND FINDS HUILDINO ON FIIIKVat ! A. M DAMAGE SAID TO DE ABOUT tflHHM). Flro of mysterious origin occurred In tho rear end of Logglo Hall, at North Pond about threo o'clock this morning nnd boforo it was extin guished had caused about $3000 damngo, tho loss not being covered by IiiBurnnco, nccoidlng to Peter Logglo this morning. Flromen, ear ly on tho scone, woro handicapped nt tho start becauso tho salt water mains fnilod to work and during the sovoral minutes thoy waited tho flamos gained great headway. Tho auto truck was summoned and Engineer Gordon Smith hurried down tho plank road nt 42 miles an hour. Roll call showed that 41 of tho local flromen reported for duty In addition to tho department nt M t4 1. T)nvt l nil r9 iitltnm H'rt trt on hand a few minutes after tho alarm. Potor Loggio, asieop in his bod- room on tho lower floor ami in num. ut inu miliums, mm iiuiiiint nf thn flro until ho was awakenod by tho flromon. He hurried out of bed nnd to tho rear of tho building whoro ho found the flames spread ing at tho head of tho stairs lead ing up into tho lobby and dance hall abovo. At that tlmo tho flro had galnod Uttlo headway, but tho lack of wat er, according to Mr. LogRle, Is tho cnuso of tho blazo spreading then into tho room and down tho roar , wall of tho building. F. W. Ste vens, who conducts a printing shop i tho annex noxt door to Logglo Hall, moved his goods ana macniucs Into tho streot, though tho precau tion was unnecessary as llttlo dam ago was dono in his section and this was all covored by Insurance. Tho Cotillion Club, said Mr. Log gle, hold a danco In tho hall over head and all left for tholr homos at 12 o'clock and botweon , 12:30 and 1 o'clock ho made an Inspection of tho building, going through tho hall and down tho very stairs at tho head of which tho flro startod two hours luter. At that tlmo there was not a thing wrong, ho says. Thoro was no wiring In tho vicin ity of tho blaze, said tho owner, thus putting a stop to tho supposition the fire might havo staitoi from defec tive wiring. Ho does not know whether It "was cauBed by a cigar ette or waa of Incendiary origin. Gordon Smith states that as soon as tho big engine was hooked to tho nearest salt water hydrant, tho water failed to come and It was necessary to uncouple aud shift the hose down to a fresh water hydrant when plen ty of watef- was secured. However, this made a delay of several nun utes, a fault In no way duo to the fire, said Mr, Loggle, but to tho falluro of the hydrants. Ho gives thq firemen much credit for their work, stating that without their MYSTEH DUS FIHE LL w ill Probe Lo; on Announces Searching Investi gation Will be Made of Sink ing of William P. Frye TEN VESSELS OF ALLIES WERE SUNK Captain of Eitel Says Ameri can Ship-Was Carrying Con traband to English Port SHU'S HUNK Br A.iocUteJ rrcx to Coo. 1I.J Time.. NEWPORT NEWS, Mar. 11. Tho vessels sunk In tho Atlantic by tho Prlnz Eltol Fiederlch are: Drltlsh . sailing ship In vorcoc, stoamor Mary Ada Short and steamer Wlllerby. French Stcamor Florl dc, sailing ship Piorra LotI, Bulling ship Jncobscn. Russlnn Sailing ship Isabel Drowne. American William P. Frye. (IKRMANS ON FRYE ENLIST ON EITEL Ilj Anoclitci! I'rrM lo Coo. tlr Time.. NEWPORT NEWS, March 11. The crow of tho Wil liam P. Fryo were roleased tdny from tho Prlnz Eltel Froldrlch nnd tnken nshoro. Twenty-two .arrived, but two of German nationality remained bohlnd and re sponded to tho colors of tho Fatherland by onllstmont. ON DRYDOCK Ilr Aocl.t.l I'rtu to Coo. Ut; Tine.. NEWPORT NEWS, Mar. 11. The Prinz Eitel Friedrich weighed anchor late today and limped into the Newport News Shipyard preparatory to going into drydock for repairs. The Captain of the Eitel earlier today formally informed Collector of Customs Hamil ton it was not his intention to intern the vessel and unless 'the United States refused to grant him necessary time for repairs, the converted cruiser wj attempt to continue her invnnn nf nninntiirn 1 "ja v..,,iw,w. (Dr AJtoclit Pre., to Coo. bar Tim...) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 11. President Wilson nnnounced today that a searching inquiry will bo niado Into tho sinking of tho Amer ican Balling ship William P. Fryo by the German nuxlllury cruiser Pilnz Eltol Friedrich. Tho following stutement was Issued from tho Whlto Houso today: "Tho ircsdont, wnon asked regarding tho sinking of tho American sailing ship William P. Frye, by tho Prinz Eltul Frledrlih, snld: 'A most searching inquiry will bo mude and whataver action Is taken will bo based upon tho finding of that liiqulry.' " Tho discussion of tho affair In official quarters 1b taken to fore shadow strong protests to Germany. That tho United States will ask for damages and explanations is regard ed certain, Tho contention of tho German Commander that tho Fryo had con traband aboard, and hur destruction was justified, has been set up as a plea In other cases, but nevor recog nized by tho United States as a jus tification. In addition to the list of eight prizes all sunk In tho Atluntlc, which the German Commnndor gave last night. It was said hero that threo moro vessels were sunk in thq Pa cific, Thoy were tho steamer Char cas, British; bark Kaldaton, Brit ish, and bark Jean, French. timely work tho damage would havo been much greater. An Investiga tion of tho hydrants is being made today. On the lower floor of tho bufld- lug Mr. Loggle has his apartments, well filled with furniture and the rear Ik fitted up Into a kitchen and small banquet room. This was bad. ly damuged by tho wator. EVENING EDITION. Mp by Eitel PRINZ EITEL MOST SERIOUS WAR PROBLEM Dr AHOcl.ted ri. to coo. Cr Tlmo.. WASHINGTON, Mar. 11. Tho neutrality board mndo a report, which, it is under- stood, rccommonds thnt tho 4 Prinz Eitel Freldorlch bo 4 permitted to mnko such ro- pairs bb to mako her sea- worthy under tho supervision of American naval authorities 4 If tho Commnndor of tho 4 Gorman ship requests it. IDr AiMcLtfcl Treu to Cooa Dr Time.. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Mar. 11. Tho story of tho Blnklng of tho American ship William P. Fryo, by tho Prlnz Eltel Friedrich undoubt edly tho most serious incldont of the war In concorn to tho United States was being Blowly unraveled hero today. Tho neutrality board at Wash ington recommended thnt tho re pairs ho Allowed undor tho super vision of nn American nnval officer. Whether tho commnndor of tho Prlnz Eltel will chooso to mnko them nnd then risk a dnsh through tho British cruisers gathering off tho Virginia capes Is a dovolopmont for tho future Captains Go AMioro. Tho captains of eight of tho Eltol's prizca woro permitted to go nshoro, but thoy complained thnt thoy woro not pormltted to tako tholr crows with thorn. If tho Eltel dccldos to Intern, tho problem of rolcaso will solvo Itself ns only tho German crew of tho Eltol will ho Interned, dipt. KlehnoV Deposit Ion. Captain Klohno, of tho Fryo, fin ished his formal deposition, tolling of tho destruction of Ills vessol, bo foro Collector Hamilton, and It was forwardod to Washington. Klohno was instructed to roport to tho treasury officials at Washington tomorrow. To Clmngo Heglstry. Tho British stoamor Charcas, said to havo been ono of tho Eltol's prizes In tho South Pacific, last Dccombor, wns owned by tho Now York and Pacific Steamship Company," a Drlt lsh corporation, which already had placed four of Its ships undor Amor lean legiswy. It wns said that' tho Charcas wns to bo changed to Amor lean registry when bIio renchod Now York. It wns first reported that sho was owned by W. It, Graco & Company. Ur AKltua rrn to Co n.r Time NEWPORT NEWS, Vn., Mar. 11. Early today tho band of tho Prlnz Eltol Froldrlch was playing aorman National airs In celebration of the birthday of Commnndor Thlorlch son, her captain. All but Port of ficials aro barred from her decks. At 9 o'clock this morning tho Eltol had been in Hampton Roads 3G hours and no sign of an Intontlon to move was apparent. British crulsors aro reportod lurk ing off tho Virginia capes and tho boatman who delivered tho papers to tho Germnu cruiser, declared tho members of tho crow said tho Eltel had actually boen chased Into Amer ican waters. Most of tlio survivors of British, French and Russian sunken merchantmen, oxcopt somo first-class passengors of tho French steamship Florldo, still romalned aboard the Eltol, I WATERFRONT NEWS I Shortly after two o'clock this after noon tho Nann Smith arlved in from San Francisco, but did not come up to tho Smith Terminal Dock until about four o'clock. Tho Elder was In last evening from Eureka and out at 7:30 this morn ing for Portland. At six o'clock tho Carlos left down for San Pedro. , Tho Breakwater camo In thla morn ing from Portland Sho will lay hero until Monday, starting then on tho now schedule A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali tnd Coon Unr Ailvtrflwr GARHANZA REPLY ItUSSELL HEARING WILTj DE NEXT WEEK (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro. March 11. Tho preliminary honrlng or Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Rus soll, on tho chargo of poison ing his brother, Arthur Rus sell, will probably bo hold noxt week. Tho deposition of Portland chomlst who mado analysis of tho vitals of Ar thur Russell has boon sent for and this with tho ovldonco of Wra. Pontland will probably bo tho prlnclpnl ovldonco of tho stato at tho preliminary. Decision of Judge Coke Against uody Lumber Company Sustained at Salem (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., March 11. Tho Oregon Supremo Court In a decis ion just handed down has sustained tho doclslon of Judgo Coku In tho cuso of tho Coach heirs vorsus tho Cody Lumbor Company in which tho plaintiffs woro given judgment for about $20,000. Tho enso wag tried In Coos Coun ty ovor a year ago and Involved a claim as to tho scalo of logs from Conch tlmbor proporty dollvered to tho Cody Lumber Company, Tho controversy covered a considerable porlod by an old contract. Shorwood and Llljeqvlst represent ed tho Coach holrs In tho enso. District Attorney Liljeqvist Wins Appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or,, Mnr. 11. Tho Oregon Supremo Court has granted a rehearing in tho enso of tho State vs. tho Port of Bandou, tho tost caso Instituted undor tho ordor of former Governor Wost nt tho ro queBt of tho Port of Bandou to do tormlno tho validity of tho organiza tion. Tho ordor throws tho caso wldo open, going back to tho starting point and will mean a delay In tho plans of tho Port to havo tho dredge Seattlo drodgo tho lower rlvor this bu miner. It is likely that an effort will bo mndo to hasten tho rehearing In the caso to oxpcdlto tlio work that has beon laid out for tho linprovomout of tho harbor and river, Tho granting of tho rehearing Is a marked victory for District Attor ney Liljeqvist who conducted tho case for tho stato. Ho submitted a sixty-two pago brlof In his argument for n rehearing, Throo Important questions in tlio caso wero not touched upon In tho first doclslon of tho Supremo Court and In addition to this thoro was a showing that the boundaries of tho Port of Bandou Included consldorablo of tho Coos Bay watershed. Mr. Liljeqvist mado an unsunlly strong showing for tho rehearing. G. T. Troadgold is attomoy for tho Port of Bandon. Lccturo Tonight, Thoro will bo a lecturo at tho Bunker Hill school houso this ovenlng at 7:30 when a representative of tho Oregon Ant! Saloon Leaguo will speak on tio sub ject, "Rattlesnakes." Tho lecturo is freo and tho public has beon extend ed an invitation to attend. ADD to your PROSPERITY by HAVING our .MONEY. HAINES will Mtve you .MONEY on FLOUH aud FEED. IillHJY coal. Tho kind YOU liavej ALWAY8 USED. Phono 7U. Pacific LHory ami Transfer Company, Kill S Ml COACH nEIU HIGHER COURTS REEARIC 01 OF No. 197 GIVEN WILSON: L Response of Mexican Leader Laid Before United States Cabinet at Washington MESSAGE SAID TO BE MORE REASSURING Text of Document Not Made Public Few Other New De velopments in Situation SPANIARDS ASSASSINATED tOr Auocl.t.a rrr. to Coo. lit; Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 11. Senor Rlnno, Spanish Ambassador, Informed tho Stnto Department today that four Spaniards wero assaBS luatod in Moxlco City, nnd prcsontcd ropqrts of looting nnd burning prlvnto resi dences In tho outskirts. tDr AmocI.IxI rrro to Coo Hr Time, WASHINGTON, I). C, Mnr. 11. Carranza'a reply to tho American noto was laid before Prosldont Wil son today, and nftorward it was In dlcatod In administration circles that tho Bituatlqn looked moro en couraging. Continued efforts, how. over, will bo mndo by tho United States to assure unbroken commun ication hotweon Vera 'Cruz aud Mo't Ico City and for tho caro of tho des titute In Moxlco City, pomp FIRE- Five Badly Injured in Destruc tion of Mount Tabor School No Pupils There (l)jf Anocl.l.J I'm, to Coo. llr Time. PORTLAND, Or., Mnr. Flvo flromont wero lujurod in a flro that tlostroyod tho Mount Tabor School horo today, Tho second floor col lapsed, hurling four flromen bolow. Tho fifth flroman Jumped from a win dow nnd wns hurt In tho fall, Sov oral others woro burled in tho de bris but escnpod unlnjurod. The flro was discovered boforo tho school session nnd Is bolloved to havo boon of Incendiary origin, Paris Reports Attack in Flan ders captured large portion of German Trenches Or AuocLted rrea. to Coo. IU Time., PARIS, Mar, 11. An official ro port this afternoon says; "Tho Drlt lsh attack yeatorday rosultcd in tho capture of nearly a mllo and a halt of trenches boforo Neuvo Chapollo (Flandors), and of tho vtllago Itself, It progressed in tho direction of Au bers as far as Pietro Mill and In a southeasterly direction as far as tho Northom border of Bols Du Dubluz, that Is to say, a dlstanco of about two kilometers beyond Nouvo CJiapell, The German artillery fired only a few shots. As rogards tho rest of tho front, thoro is nothing now." Elect Tntsteo. Aftor a two dayu deadlock, 11. K. Knapp, of tho adjust ing bureau of tho Portland Credit Men's Association, was elected trus tee In tho Westorburg-Murphy bank uipcy caso. Goorgo P. Topping, at tornoy representing tho bank of Ban oon had a Joint power of attorney with ii. It. Dowart. Togother tho men rtmrosonted big clalmB. Tho ques tion wns whethor or not tho claims had tho voting power, Sidney 'reiser, for tho Merchants' Protective As sociation alleged that they did not, alleging Topping to Btlll bo attorney tor tho bankrupt and therotora not ablq to represent the creditors. Judge HohlbredQ ruled otherwise, G FIREMEN HURT ENGLISH WIN l GREAT VICTOR! T ' 4- 55f - f3 i jjiA -i iii mpHfotllwSSk -j. rgmtr -w -A 1 glW,'J''Vlt'lW s Mik23-v&Si- w 9 tt,i,a& 3S,,y,vi"'ft' ? " trMS8f fHi'ii'w . , i ISiBiSt"1,,"''9, "," v f iHHrTtwa'Jsf, f w " ""a" W&Kbm1M Qtvvs 4 1 jWBw'T J -H-.Hiw?4 ' . i BsWkiibWn' ", ( 2flBiiL. v " o- . (- f - M w - !-. j, jqriiji , str -, s - i - - f - , koft.'r' r r in , .-. jtif , , t irtr rtr & i - M, lw-i-d ' .- n,- (ft -"' Im'I A twiM , i- mDU " -! jMftt j i I m Wt -4 ' Vti V jJ j v t wtm tw m .uiuni jk S2L$&. M4,v. PW'Y , wifO.Sujru L jn tt ,.-, jkf 4VfHWmu" S-4flKT"- - (i ,. S M - . .?!.- Mtm v-4-r asH y nu- - jwwwn w""- -r;-7- " jjt . vKtrifW- lJigtftfvt, ' - 2j M.t- . n lMnlhJ.l' m ' - Vr -iK .. j.. J - -mmw , -w. - ? "' tj-fc-- tf i U j i-j . 'j iftV fc il VKtU4jl 1 e"vl MriSa. ." ;TT. Bsrss.,,. . n. ' t-r? r.i- "5 ,.,,' -' ... - .. - t mn rss? ms&&s-m WW T-"', ..1 a jw mi mwF rmw - " anVwn--f- r -""'- -j -- ri2 t jV-vl,nJ n AXB 4 '' ht m -, . - V mh- "va r 'Ml-wT, waarxris?: y m r i ln w - 6-Wa.litiT. iiMiW"nn TJTI ". " L k-ka. -met rw v " : ' fe?-- k "BMW" rttaiTHaVnTbW-UeVs BvVHWi"rti iwmmimtm - t ix , wik t '5 IffiaEbia: rJMmlzB Mi i . t tn- i iti Trf n ii r h mi Wt t,-4iL - f . ' T? jit tl SJjzfk - - ' K .T.SJ3Z7Zmu (.. "r-2riEfo ss t'tg i?XW.i Vrtfcfl JI WKSSSm f7Z,.1t Ifw r . v ISBksS: