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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1915)
r,,f THE COOS BAY TIMES. HARSHFIE1.D, OREdOH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH IftWIB-EVEHlMB EDITION ' FOUR FINE AUTDS THAT SETTLE THDUBLESTPOHT TO BE HELD BROKER! FLANGE ANNOUNCEMENT ! EOF LIABLE FOR FILL I - "S X WRECK DIVORCE u NOHTH UEND CITY FATHERS RE L1EVE IN RIGHTS OF PEDES- ariUiVXs PiiAN regradixg OF STREETS. Owncrs of nutomobllcs who here after drive their machine on North Bond sldownlka will bo subject to n maximum flno of $GO according to nn ordlnanco passed by tho city fathers at their meeting of Inst evening. Grading of Mcl'horson, Mend and Virginia streets woro au thorized by tho Council and will be carried out as soon as City Engln- cor Kavanaugh has completed his plans. Frequent reports camo to tho Councllmcn that nutolsts have been speeding along, tho 10-foot board' " - sidewalk of Marlon street on of Marlon street on tho other sldo of Pony Slough. Pedes trians woro kept In constant danger of being "butted" off tho walk by, tho "coal oil buggies." Tho old city ordlnanco regarding traffic pass lug over sldowalks was made in tho days previous to the advent of automobiles In North Dend, hence , , :' ,".. ",' '" rbltlrthem The :S.i.Sr lla livening' wfl! take can, of tho troubie anywhere In tho city, To Grnilo Streets, Partial plans wero submitted by Mr. Kavanaugh for tho rcgradlng of Virginia avenuo to tho Pony j Slough bridge tho regulation street1 width of 80 feet. In tho tame proj- cct Mead street will be graded 10 feet wldo for three blocks and Mc- Phorsdn street Is to be graded SO feet wldo from Virginia to Wash- ington and from there tho other two blocks to Main street will boltlons between tho men was friendly 40 feet wide. ,' at tho tlmo, said Edwards. i At tho next meeting of the Coun-, ell, two weeks from last evening, j tho City Engineer will have tho plans nnd specifications complete and It Is expected work will com- monco on tho streets Immediately thereafter. XoI Storm Sewer on Sherman Tho necessity of n storm bower on Sherman avenuo before tho lay ing of tho pavement wait emphasized last evening by tho Councllmcn. Mr. llolllster declared that tho present drnlu on Hint street would not bo ndoquato to carry away tho cntlro surfneo drainage from tho pnvo inont, It was pointed out that this sower must bo laid soma tlmo his spring, ahead of tho paving to bo dono during tho early mininior. Some of tho city fnthcra bollovcd tho Iden best, of Bonding out Interals for lralnngo from Hhermnn to Bhorldnn wlioro tho sowors nro big enough to tnko caro of tho surplus water. No definite- nctUm was taken on this projpet, but It will bo brought up at tho next meeting. To Open Paving Illds. Paving plnns for Hherman nvonuu will bo opened nt tho next regulnr meeting of tho Council. Having ac cepted a bid the. Council will thou dcculo what material will ho used in tho paving ami It la expected tho contracts will bo lot during tho lattor pnrt of Muy. T TiWO I'OUTIjAXI) COXCKItXH Fioirr fou TitrsTEi: ix miu. piiv - wi:sti:uui:iu; uaxic Ul'ITCV CASE. For two days ii lively fight has boon going on in tho office of 0. A. Sohlbrodo between tho represen tative of two Portland credit asso ciations for tho appointing of a tniBtoo In tho Murphy-Wostorborg bankruptcy caso, each ono Btrlvlng to get their claims to tnko prece dence over those of tho other asso ciation. SIdnoy Tolser Is hero representing tho Morchnnts' Protective Associa tion niul 11. It. Dowart, tho Credit Mon'a Association, both of Port laud, With tho claims In onch asso ciation equal there naturally has re , Bulled u deadlock In tho voting for trustee, nnd tho fight has waged for tho throwing out of somo claims and thereby giving ono sldo tho ml. vantage und tho appointment of u trustoo, As n partnership affair tho debts of Murphy-Wostorberg amount to 110,076.80 and tho assets, tho goods contained In tho threo Mores und their fixtures, aggregate J7.1168.7I. Tho personal dobts of Mr. Murphy nmount to l,900 ami his assots , $730, while tho personal debts of !. h, Westerberg aro J3.8C0.71, nnd tho assets 725, Trustco It. L. Babln, of tho Ilan don Dry Goods Conipuny will open bids on tho stock March 15. liyfeU. KKIrV, 1)ENTIS1 PllOU' llOOlu SOI. Cokn t.t.lir CREDITORS FIG BANKRUPTCY CLAIM 1)1- VOUCH. WIFE CONTESTS noTii accuse other of in- F1DELITV. Matrimonial troubles of Walter Oldland and his wife, Mrs. Hazel Oldland, nged 1G years, wero aired ( In Judgo Coke's office today whcn( tho husband camo seeking a dl-i vorco from his girl wlfo on the grounds of adultery nnd her nl-i leged refusal to live witn mm. ' Chnrces as serious wero mndo in ; roni.. i... (ho u-lfn niul most of tho I day was spent In tho examination of tho witnesses of both Bides. Since their marriage laBt October thero has been trouble In tho Old- . .. . .....-.. m land family, witnesses lesuucu. mo i,.,.i,.imi n-lm la 27 vears of nee.; stated that soon after tho ceremony his wlfo left him nnd refused to return Ho taitlflcil that she went , out with other men and told oth ers sho married him for a "meal ticket." A climax camo a few1 days ago when the father, V. C. , Mason, filed suit against waiter Oldland for some 31 weeks board and lodging for Mrs. Oldland when sho wont back home i ti u-r.! n rnrmor 1ml Minn Leo Edwards, a former "ell nop at ll... niinndlor nnlri on tho ness stand that Mrs. Oldland often camo there and asked for Richard Preston, also a former bell-hop, that she went out with him often, One night in January, ho testified, ,v - , the husband of Mrs. Oldland went , with him (Edwards) to Preston's J room where Ulchnrd Preston then j showed lovo letters purporting to i bo from Mrs. Oldland. Tho rela- n0yd Mason, brother of Mrs. oldland. stated that tho husband nau n,ndo arrangements at ono time to sell his property that ho nnd his wlfo might movo to a new country, and that then tho wlfo rofusod to go. Ono tlmo In No- vnmlinr 1m tinlil Mrd nlrllnnil rnmn in mvii wiiii Hm Intenilnn of co- Ing to Mercy Hospital and, changing ' her mind, was found sovornl days later by tho father In a tent In North Marahflold. Uut Mrs. Oldland had her Inn ings when alio en mo on tho stand and testified that sho had been going with her husband wliou sho was 14 years of ago and that tholr rotations at that tlmo woro Im moral and also that bIiico her mnrrlago hu has given her not mora than $ 1 1 in cash and clothes nnd has failed to provldu n homo for her. Tho wlfo nlsn told tho Judgo that Oldland took hor mnrrlago li cense away from hor nnd her wed ding ring and that ho Indurcd hor to sign some papers which sho later found to bo bills of sales on prop erty signing nwny her aharo. "Then ho laughed nt mc," nhu said. Part of her testimony whh unprintable, accusing hor husband In strong tonus of Bhnrlng attontlona with another woman In Portland. Henry Hchmltr. and his wlfo, Ma bel Schmltz, sister of Mrs. Oldland, woro wltncHscB this morning. They said that tho girl wlfo rofuscd to live with her hiiBbaud, Attorney llodge, of Htoll & llndge, Is appear ing for tho plaintiff, nnd C. I. lie! gard and It. O. (Iraves for tho de fendant. AMONG THE SICK Tho llttlo daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F, A. llrlnold iu quite sick nt her homo and is ui'Jor tho euro of a physician. Mrs. V. V. McKldowney Is con fined to hor hoinu on account of sickness but is reported bettor to day. Mrs. John Petorson, who under went nn operation nt Morcy Hospi tal a few days ago Is recovering rapidly. Mrs. V. V. McKldowney who lias been quite sick Is ropurted much Im proved. ' WALTER OLULAXR SEEKS CSetN Mjrtlo stiHk. E. U. Van Ar-lof tno K'Bhth streot fill and on nam, known as "Sure Shot Van" is tn wosl B,l, "' "o atreot, having spondlng a fow days on tho liny with ,l (,l'" ' about 30 feot that could Don Gardiner and other friends andbo wfked. Tho property la own. incidentally boosting for tho Win-10'1 mo8tl' l,' Uio Flanagan and Nas. Chester Repenting Arms Company forburK estttle8 whom ho travels all over tho country.' Mr' Fox'c' B,nl?8 that ho has had Just now tho European war Is taking! miinii nf fhoir nuiimi i... .1. much of their output but thoy nro Still boosting tho camo In tlm itnli.i States. Whllo here, Mr. Van ArmnJ"np"1 l" K"BP" bcfor l'o c"'o "ureil a fine piece of Myrtio which m,,M. 7'. , he will send back to tho factory to bo mndo Into n special stock for nls ' trapshootlng gun. .Sheriff Johnso,, has tho Winchester gun which won) thoprUoatthoLowlsandClarkoox.' position and has u fine mrl.o stock on It. Yesterday they ;, a B.ioot at I'oqullle and are planning ,x trap- hoot hvro. ., coke refuses to guaxt TRANSFERENCE OF HESPOX BIUILITV FOU .MILL SLOUGH FILL TO CITV. APPEAL FILED IX MIIjIj SLOUGH CASK Attorney C. It. Peck, of tho Port of Coos Uay today filed nn appeal to tho Oregon Su premo Court from tho de cision of tho District Court which held the Point Jointly responsible with tho city of Mnrshfleld for perpetually keeping open the Mill Slough drain. The Port accepted the court's decrco hold the Port responsible with tho city for tho repair of tho drain box but it insists that when tho drain is cleared and put In working order that tho city nnd not tho Port, should maintain it. Argument by tho Port of Coos uay to quasii tno injunction maKing them permanently liable with the city for the Mil. Slough fill was fi'"" ' 7 . ..... -... i... .1.. Wl-'"'' "i no oniy recourse now ibii,. . .. . .... rit tun I'irr in tn nnnan in in Supremo Court of tho state. With the opening of tho drain box complete, according to tho ro port of tho Port engineers, tho Com- missionera ucnoveu iuni wey snoum; relieved of any further respon-' Blblllty In tho case. Thoycontcnded that in tho first plnco they wero j llnu, for tho negligence in con-, ..,! 1 -, .,.. .1 1.1 "fueling tno drain uox, uut tnnt ow this has been put In good or- : uer, worKing as good as It possibly 'could nnd thercforo tho work of tho Port is comploto nnd 'their part of j tho contract should bo brought to !n close. To tills argument John D. Gobs, City Attorney, objected stntlng tho city is in no position to shoulder tno cntlro responsibility for tho fill. I As ft wlt,ncS8 f"r A',' hiuilv, uuiiiuur, lUBiiiiuu nun iiuu gntcs nro not working properly nnd thnt this Is at present impeding tho drnlimgo of tho Slough. Tho Port contended that tho drain box Is working according to tho plans nnd specifications first pro vided. D. Ii. nucklnghnm, former city englncor, testified to this fact, but In making his docislon Judgo Coko hold thnt tho proporty ownors nro not gottlng tho proper drnlnnga and that until they nro tho question of shifting responsibility could "t ho proporly tnkon up, and honco tho pcrmnucnt mnndntory Injunction will continue to hold. E A. It. FOXI.EY LEAKIXG TIIHEE UI.OCKS OX EIOIITII STUEET; Pia.NXIXG MAXl'FACTTUE OF UIIICK IN JUG LOTS. Threo blocks on Eighth street In Ferndnlo have boon leased by A. It. Foxloy for tho manufacture of brick. Samples of tho shalo sent to tho Oregon Agricultural Col lego and nlso to exports In tho East havo como back with tho ac companying statements that tho formntlon Is especially woll-fltted for brick, according to Mr. Foxloy. llo Is planning now on tho erec tion of a plant on tho now location and will probably form n company to fluauco tho project. It Is esti mated that nt least ? 10,000 will be nocessary, half of this going for the purchnso of machinery, Estimates of tho amount of shnlo available Is said to bo for about nbout one hundred million brick. At tho present tlmo brick on Coos Uay sell for about $11! n thousand, though tho California price Is loss man uus owing to tno provnlonco i . ni,n viu;b iii iiuu Biuio, Tho lands which nro bolng leased aro located along tho deopest section ,r' ',Rr oNPorlenco In tho mnnufac luro of brUk and that last siiminei nnd that last summer ho was superintendent of n lulck Tho project has interested tho committee on Industries of chamti tho the ,r U'm,.or..of Commerco and nt lernoun juuge tone quusiieu moi; - - .- ,.... ,, .Last nvnnlnir befnrn mldn cht n ro FINDS VALUABL BRICK ITR ne . fnr ,h? urn , U" ant'Ca aml Mr' Thomaa ook It Xt R ter u'T l " ,f thlUP ,0 provont troub,e' FZ&Z 1 II a t. e 2?? M! ', '? , '"! k. . H. C.s I . . t lhia I ., ; i,u n. , K" side mus 1 L ' W"KU n,,, Wo must also bo secured. I freight cars of mixed fas- SEXGER TUAIX LEAVE TUACK XKAU HEXRYV1LLE TRAFFIC IS HELD UP. To n broken flnngo on a loaded lumber car Is attributed a bad wreck on the Coos Uay, Rosoburg &, Eastern near Hcnryvlllo yester day afternoon when three freight cars of tho mixed passenger train ran off tho track nnd traffic was delayed until early this morning, tho train from Myrtio Point not coming through at all yesterday af ternoon. It arrived here this morn ing at about 4 o'clock. Clyde Collier, foreman of tho wrecking crew with helpers, left here on a special train late in tho afternoon, accompanied by Super intendent W. F. Miller, and work was commenced soon nfter In get ting tho freight cars back onto tho track. This was made moro ardu ous because the lumber had to be removed piece by pleco from the loaded car. Uy a Smith-Powers train sent (down from Myrtle Point tho nftcr- ;""" ,rom "e '' IU lH0 j;"", fZ nUuTt Sit' ero ta- atlons inst nmnr ni inn enii or inn line. . . . " . .. u" riirn passenger train left Myrtio Point, remaining over in Coqulllo until thrco o'clock this morning when it camo on through to Mnrsh fleld. E LODGE TO NOMINATES OFFICIOUS FOU KN SL'IXG VEAU SEEK MOUE .MEMUEUS AXI) Ph.VX TO IIUIM) IX)IH.'i: 1I0.1IE. At a mooting of tho MnrsliJIold Lodge of tho Loyal Order of Mooso Inst evening, nominations for tho annual election of officers woro mndo, plana perfected for u mem bership nnd building campaign whlih will innko tho organization ono of tho largest on tho Dny nnd givo it Its own homo. Tho following nro tho officers nominated: Dictator Dr. 13. E. Straw. Vlco-Dlctator F. M, Parsons. Prolnto F. O. Morton. Treasurer Geo. Clottings. Trustee J. F. Tolnndor. Inside Guard Win. Sullivan. Outsldo Gunrd Albort Uldor. A request was mado on tho Grand Lodge for a dispensation for tho membership cnmpalgn. Tho meet ing wns woll attended nnd nil woro enthusiastic ovor tho plans. Tho lodgo recently purchnsod tho north cast corner of Elrod and Second, and thero it Is proposed to build tho homo, ' CIVICS FATIIElt CHILI) Mr. Ueilfleld of North H;mk1 Secures Llttlo Daughter- After Struggle ES nZ ZT'X I Ing boarded out by tho mother wltn Mrs. Win. Mohloy of Mllllcoma, Mr. UciUlold, husband of "Unbo" Dixon who took poison Bevoral days ago nnd now seeks a divorce from him, took possession of tho child, though not bcroro the mother had Bought to restrain him. Tho llttlo girl was taken I to North Ucml by tho father. Tho mothor gnvo him an ordor to got tho ' child but Mrs. Mohloy doubted It. ' Later tho mother claimed Itedfleld I forced her to glvo tho order. Finally ho agreod not to opposo hor appllca- tlon for a dlvorco nnd sho gnvo nim ' tno child. LOOAIi OVERFLOW. Wed TiHlay. lloyd Arnott of Coos- ton, who loft last weok for San Fran. I l isco, ana juss Allco Potter aro to uo iiuuTieu xoiiay, Tnoy will ro- turn to tho Uay soon to mnko tholr homo. Cliango in uwv, Undor tho now Oregon educational regulations, np. pllcants for teachors' certificates aro not required to pnss an examination In physical geography. Physiology Is mndo a compulsory branch nnd allt applicants must pass tho test In It. I Tiikes Fuwii. Deputy Gnmo War don Thomas has taken tho fawn be- j longing to tho Ross family in North ' tnralifl.!,i .. i ...i.. . ... . I " "u wm prouauiy senn It to tho state game farm. The fawn ' ouuangored a number of children by Ine beat 1urso for tho 'ne) ovor otfm'1 (or 8a, ' MaralilloW, Call at HUZEEN'S STORE. muiiej , ... 10 IKE CAMPAIGN I" '&$ 1 SW .11 ' v (IB P 618 North The Firm That t WATERFRONT NEWS $ At six In tho morning tho stonni schooner Carlos will lcavo down for San Francisco, carrying a lumber enrgo nnd pnsscngors. Tho ngonts hero do not know definitely that sho will return, hut It was under stood when sho first camo that thoro is n good possibility of hor holng retained on tho run during tho spring nnd summer. Ucports nro thnt tho Nann Smith will bo In from San Francisco somo tlmo tomorrow morning as alio loft tho South on Tuesday. Tho vessol has Just been in dry dock for her annual Inspection. This ovenlng tho Goorgo W. Eldor Is duo to arrive In from Eureka nnd to lcavo nt 7:30 tomorrow morning for Portland. Visits liny. Dr. J. L. MnBson, of Myrtio Point camo ovor today for n fow days' stay. Ho wont to Coos City to Inspect somo stock on tho Wntson ranch, hut will roturn tonight to moot Mrs. Mnsson, who Is returning on tho Eldor from Eu roka, wlioro sho was called by tho Illness of hor father, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 'LI u Unrnpr I nousF HOUSE nUILDEU General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phone 349-J. u Urlnht wvnyill nuiLDINa CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Z Tj 71 TT ' "". H. M. SllSW Kfvuvmvn'0' OR. MATTIE IirsiIAW Diseases of Women and CfalMrem 0ffIco Pnon 330-J. Rooms 200, 201, z"z. irvmg mode Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND AncniTECT Offices, 206 Irving Block Phono 103-li or 267-J. Marshfleld, Oregot W. G. Chandler " AROinTEOT Rooma 301 and 302, Coke Dulldtm Uarshtleld, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ' AROinTECT Marshfleld, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinner 1-MA1ST ANU TtJACIIER RM,denco 8o, 217 No. Third II SOUTH COOS RIVER UOAT I sxuncE IiAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshflold every day j 8 a. m, leaves head of river I at 3:15 p. m. i BTEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river dally at 7 I in. leaves niar8"!ield at 9 n. m. For charter innU nn k.-i a-!" IIUWIUi 1 " I nnnvno ;. ! ' ROGERS SMITH Proprietors DssO Sauntering through the store tomorrow, taking interest in the ew Sprimg Hats amid Styleciraft Buying of fabrics at a reduction in price You'll fjntj many of your friends, not marsiiiitjiu, ouijuuiu, Ddiiuuu, myruu romi anci surround ing districts. Invitations have been sent broadcast by newspaper announcement and we have been assured from air quarters of its enthusiastic acceptance. i Of' counirse you'll be with ml jenning: Dsso Sells The Best For ROOFING REPAIR', ' CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. YOU AUTO CALL 1 FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono i!(IO-L. Night nnd Dny. Hlghl Cnfo. Good Cars. Careful Drivers D. L. FOOTE. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestlo CHINA Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks botwoon nnr nolnti In Marahflold nnd do general haulln, tor reasonable rates, STAR TUANSFEIt & STORAGB CO. IaivI Ueisncr, Proprietor Phones: 1UO-J, 40.Ii. 08-R CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Adjt Kind of Brick Work at Prices That Aro Right And all Work Guaranteed Call at "The Flrosldo," Johnson Bids., 137 Second Stt Phono 4 31-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfleld WASIUNOTON ArENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH HKND O. A. Metlln, l'rop. .A I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE j For taxi, phono 20, Chandler j Hotel. j For touring caro, phone 20 Chandler Hotel I j LYNN LAMBETH, Pro. j Now Oala : t New Cara New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal dlstrlbutora "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE j S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend THE HEAL QUESTION Tho question is not, will mon honor you for your workT But does your work honor you? Your concern I3 not only to creato profit for yourself, but to make that which will profit many be sides yourself. COOS HAY STEAM LAl'NDHY PIijmiiv fir. 1 -r t -., Garaaeiniits only of North Bend, but from Just a Little Less, i LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS ft Tltlo ft Trust Co., Atitracu. thoroughly dependable. Ima dlato lorvlco, prompt atUfttlei to nil Interests of our clltnU. MINIMUM 0 09f i. s. kauFman & CO, Pictures & Framing Walker Studio T. J. SOAIFE tfi A. II. HOMia Marshfleld KaS3 Estimates Furnished Phono 1KI-R. Marchfleld, Ortpi HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. I ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL: In tho Heart of Mariniw f All Outsldf, Uponn. Hot ami Cold Watfr I DAY ItATES. Wo and-Wp ! .ls. ivliai'iiwi'WWW AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYABO Nortk Froal Btrael, Phone S70. SAVE MONEY by ordering the lajoM urkiDvtni i c nnAL nuivni wiuut- ww.. jj Nut coal, per ton Sjo Lump Coal, por ton jrM D. MUSSOX.IW Phono 18-J or leave order m iiniror'a Clear Store. nn Commutation I! Li Tickets $2.00 . .. .. .t nA AoW to ja p. ni.j i ov- -;- gajfe, aay, leaving m. " three trips day. GORST KINO, fro . aaat fT y T - . Lusia-'iEiii .ii HOSPITAL Mrs. SI .J. Oatrow, Mgr BIrs. J. E. Edmund. (Formerly Mrs. Dillon.) Head Nurse DRY WOOD , 562North Second 6"'eeit;(.R Phone 166-K j -. Open to All physician 'ttti ' .',, ..T II Jt aMUJHHHiiMil