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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1915)
-twmwtw IWW"1Tl Wteftffi! Tff "-. V ''r'iifjp (-' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915 EVENING EDITION Tr-i 4 ! - nsr'&BUHHHDflHv9HI9H297Vi """"" ' - Ji'ri."" 4Js9PWUu.i-JJ Jd-!unSSSSSHH ' THREE I If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us tci l US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT TEL AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS uf huv the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nKhus We have equipped our market to keep and rneri meats and give the most prompt and 1 efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. Important Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF ' DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Bent. DON'T BE MISLED They sny WAR PRICES mo IiIkIi. Wo Bay OUIt PRICES nro not high nml WE CAN HAVE YOU MONEY us wo carry no over load expense ami mivo you (lint on tlio In HARDWARE, l'LUMULVG nml FARM IMPLEMENTS,, which Is to YOUR AD VANTAGi:. Schroeder Hildenbrand's Hnrdwnro & General ropnlr shop. Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: :: Phone 180-J Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. 'General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tlio moot powerful, best equipped, nml must thoroughly modern twenty-Inch hydraulic dredge lu Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon, Seattle, Washington. WHY COMPLAIN f tlio Iilsh cost of living whon you can buy tho following goods at tho prices listed below? GOOD APPLES, per box 90c FRESH RANCH EGGS, per dozen 25c Ordor n few dozen today nml boq how woll you like thorn ?w.IIER' ner two-pound square - 75c WALNUTS, per pound 15c Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House, Phono FREIQHT. WOTFrD'' ' ARROW LIME STEAMERS -SAIL FROM- flan Francisco Pier No. 26. wry Wednesday J P. M. Coos Say Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To Sou Francisco THOMAS U. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Pbooe 27ft. i MESSENGER I" . . . ' "" TWO FIIOXES. CALL US FOfl CARS, TAX1CAIJS, EXPRESS WAGOXS. VHSIIFiKLn OV'( LEHY. lf,0 HI50ADWAY MARKET Phone 58 Plumbing. HOW. STORAGE Portland Albers Dock No. S Erory Saturday 9 A.M. Mnrshfleld. SERVICE 15H Your Trousers Insurance Policy Should Look Like This mi fH. WARRANTY 9 Youmnybuyapalrof S DUTCHESS TnOUSERS JN from 8 to 0 nnd-wear win iwo momns tor every suspender button that comes off we will pay you TEN CENTS. If they rip In the sent or elsewhere we will pnyyouUNEBOLLAHor hivl JUUAHEWPAIR I OflgH It's the warranty of faith in Dutchess Trousers which the manufacturers attach to every pair for your benefit. The warranty is as strong as the product which it repre sents. Trousers "accidents," when due to faulty construc tion, usually occur during the first two months' wear. The famous warranty affords per fect trousers protection. Woolen Mill Store Two Stores ORPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better - ixight. 1'iic.a.. y-Wetlnehiliiy THE CORSAIR Hosed on Lord Ilyron's storx of tho samo uamo mid features Crnno Wilbur with nn nil-star American cast. Full of mystery and sunshlno and deals with tho maguotlc Influ ence of n beautiful slavo girl, An oxcoptlonnlly strong plot nml set tings of alluring orientalism. It's In four rcols. GET OUT AND GET UNDER Mndo for FUN. It Is funny, too. PATHE'S NEWS No. 5, 1915 Tho world boforo your eyes. This week's includes Algorlan troops rushed to tho front, burying tho dead nt Hartlopool, Uolslnns killed by Germans; Cnkea for tho Soldlora, llhclng nt Xow Orleans; Jnpaneso Nurses Leavo for Eliropo; Hotel Do Clink, and many other topical sub jects. Look out for tho Boy Scout plc-tu-fF, coming soon. Coining Thursday-Friday .Edison th.-co-rcel battles of Chlcnningua mid Mobile nay. It's n thriller and nu- 7OiTAN0, OmON Stop hero when on business, pleasuro gr shopping tour. Service iwul Equipment REST IX TIIK WEST Lowest ratos by comparison Hates to You GO rooms $1.00 100 rooms with bath 91.50 100 rooms with bath 92.00 200 largo outsldo Make thls'your headquarters j pmAVi0J-Aai'& MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y K HE HOME IAFFY MADE AVERN CANDY Wo mako lco cream .178 Central avc, P"ono 1.11-L I t'-'-lltlC. , I " II I BTVHi tOCAIi BREVITIES' WEATHER FORECAST IDf Awo-Utoil rri to Cooi Dr Times'. OHKGOX Fnir with east erly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. m March 10, by BonJ. Ostllud, special gov orninent meteorologist: Maximum ... . .? G4 .Minimum as At 4:43 a. in 39 Precipitation 09 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 53.59 Precipitation same, porlod last year CI. 55 Wind: Northwest, partly , Mlnuo-Wls Cluli Tho Mlnne-Wls Club will meet tomorrow with Mrs. A. Z, Downa Instead of Mrs. W. S. Urown. A. X. W. Club Mrs. F. E. Ilaguo will ontortnln tho A. N. W. Club tomorrow afternoon In tho placo of Mrs. F. M. Frlcdborg. Ferry Truffle. During InBt month tho ferry Trnnslt carried GG40 pas songon, SS double teams, 222 slnglo rigs, 97 nutos and 44 head of stock between Marsnfleld and Eastsldo. Change Meeting. Tho girl's nights at tho gymunslum hnvo bcon changed from Mondays 'and Wednesdays to Tuesdays and Thursdays; tho samo to go Into effect on Tuesday of next week. Moves to Xow Homo. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Miller havo Just moved Into their homo on Thirteenth street In Pcrhnm Park. Tho houso has bcon Intoly romodolcd for their oc cupancy. Plinmmcy Meeting. A number of Marshfield druggists nro going to Co qulllo to-morrow to attend a meeting of tho Coos County association which has been called by Sec. C. J. Fiihrninn of- Coqulllo. To Hnvo Meeting. Sec. Smith of tho North Bond- Chnmbcr of Com merco has announced that tho regular mooting of that body will bo hold this evening, it is understood thoro nro sovoral Important matters coming up at this tlmo for consideration. Claim Averages Wrong. That they hnvo still ono moro bnskotball gamo to play this season and that they havo won four nnd lost throo Vaudeville and highest class mo tion pictures. 'FOX and EAVENS Tho comedy team that has prov en to bo tho best offered lu Mursh flold for mnuy moons. Tonight they will presont "Tho Hebrew Mcssongdr and tho Sport.' A scream from start to finish. IN PHOTOPLAYS Miss Mnry Fullor In "Tho Girl of tfio People" A gypBy romance with this llttlo actress In two reels. A story that will appeal to all. "Hoarst Sellg Wcokly." Showing all tho latest happenings of the world. Fnblo of "Agglo and tho Aggrav vutod Attacks." Ono of tho famous George Ado comedies. Always good. "Was Ills Doclslon night?" A pleasing picture mndo by the Lublii pluyors, In two reels. Always the NeWCSt and best1 1 1 I children, 5c. I "Tho Spollors," will bo shown In I this theater Monday and Tuesday, ' March 29th and 30th. LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo. do French Dry Cleaning on the most dolknte tub r lea. Wo posl tlveJy guuranteo M work 4'ioiiQ 4!U-X- Address n.4 Central Arrnne, DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will be kept OPEX TO THE PUHLIO A regular state llcoiifced undertaker will bo in charge Phono 105. J OB III ( -z I games this season Is tho statement of tho Myrtle Point hasketball the. 'This would glvo them a percentage of .591, placing thorn up toward tho top In tho county championship ser ies. . Mnrgnret lie In New York. Ed. IL.Meado has received a letter from Margaret lies, tho actress who Is well-known and welMlked nil through thU section ,nnd who Is now appearing In vnudevlUo on tho I Proctor Knstem Circuit. Her Coos I liny friends will be glad to lenrn thnt she continues to win Biicceas voii tho stage Reject Plan. Tho Port of Coos Day has written M. M. Condron, of Boise, Idaho, who submitted n plan fnr a 1(1.(100.(10(1 Inttirnvnmniif nt -(Coos Uay Harbor that It appreciates i his Interest, but that It deems It lm- -posslblo to carry It out now. Mr. Condron Is said to bo a brother of Ivy Condron and Wnltor Condron, two well-known Coos Day men. Shows Durability. Hugh McLaln is ondenvorlng to get a railroad tlo which Iiob been In uso on tho local railroad nbout 22 years and a por tion of n piling which has been driven a corresponding porlod to the San Francisco exposition. They nro of Port Orford White Cedar and neither shows n particle of decay, domon strntlng tho great durability of this wood. , Pioneer Here Mrs. C. E. Hli born, of .Mllllcoma, was a Marsh field visitor today. Sho Is enjoying good health. Sho colobrated hor Bovonty-elghth birthday October 15 Sho and Mr. Hllborn enmo to Oiegon In 1859 nnd Bottled In Coos Canity In 1807. Sho Is grqntly pleased over tho now schoolhouso on Coos Itlvcr and nttonded tho formal indication of tho building. Directors Elect. The. ton direc tors of tho Coos Bay Business Men's Association mot last ovonlng nnd re-elected their old officers for tho now yenr. They aro E. P. Low 1b, president; ft. A. Copplo, vice-president; Qcorgo II. Ilotuor, treasurer. At tho meeting ot tho Association hold on Fcbrunry 2C, u motion was passed changing tho namo to tho Coos County Business Men's Asso ciation nml this will probably' bo douo at tho next meeting. Rnughter-ln-Luw Died. Mrs. Is, R. Henderson returned yesterday after n Sovcn-wecks' stay nt Gold Iicach whero sho went to holp caro for her son's wlfo, Mrs. W. A, Henderson, who was sick nnd who Inter died of tuberculosis. Sho was In bed flfty-ono days nnd died February 20 and was burled Feb ruary 27 at 3 p. m In tho Forry Flut Comotory. Mrs. Hondorsou brdltght tho three llttlo chlldrou homo with her to enro for. Postmaster lu Soon. JIugli Mc McLaln has just rocolvod an offi cial notlco from Washington Inform lug him ot his nppointmqnt to tho Marshtlold Fostinnstorshlp, and at tho samo tlmo camo offers from bonding companies unxlous to go his bond, Ho expects tha It will bo at least it, mouth boforo ho will bo ablo to take charge of tha of fice Mr. Curtis had boon hoping to got away durjng tho early part of this mouth. CJiilld Mooting. Tho North Ilend Eptscopul Guild will havo tholr reg ular meeting tomorrow nftornoou at the Rectory in Mnrshflold, CG5 Mar ket Avenue. All mombors and those who havo bcon attending tho meet ings nro cordially luvitcd. Tho Gorst and King bus, will leavo Shorman Avenue at 2:30, llesldcs the regular work ot tho Guild thoro will bo a talk by Sister Janot, on tho work of St. Mury'ti Mission Houso, Chicago, ot which Institution sliu Is Sister Su perior. To Heroine n "Gobbler."- In thQ last lssuo of Tho Emerald, tho stu dent publication of the University ot Oregon, It was announced that Albort Haines has just been elected - membership In tho "Gobblers." i n in ! tiiimliuM nf lir ttifiln a til- ago by a number of tho mnlo stu dents. Midnight meetings aro hold and certain mombors of the stu dent body who boconio "too loud" often uttrlbuto cold buths at nights to tho vlgllanco of the Gobblers. Xuvy Sees- Omllng Slnllon, I:i tho last Issue ot tho Oregon Coun try, tho monthly Chamber ot-Com-merco bulletin, of Portland, an THE AUT DECOHATINO CO. Is now roady for business with u flue Eolcctlou of wall paper and paints. Wo do house, slgu, and auto painting, paper hanging nnd tinting. Your patronugq Is solicited, and wo will guarantee sutlHfaetlon, Glvo use a tra. Wo can save you " mpney - THE AnT DECORA V(Xa CO. A. T. LEWIS, Mpungor. Shop 'ild MurKet ..veuuy West, Itemized stntomeut ot tho amount ot coal prpducod In Coos County annually Is given and further that "Coos Hay Is listed by tho Navy as onq of tho most convenient coal ing ports lu tho country." Tho list was ns follows: Beaver Hill mines, 13,000 tons; Honryvlllo mine, 18, 000; Llbby, 12,000; Ulverton, 12, 000; Coqullle, COOO, nnd smaller mines, 2000 tons, aggregating GS, 000 tons ot coal for tho year. Tickled Over Onine. Hy dofent Ing the basketball team of tho Uni versity ot Chicago, 19 to 18, the University of Illinois won the West tern Collego Conforonco champion ship a few days ago, thereby tick ling lien Fisher, who graduated from there last yoar and who him self was In athletics at that school. Slnco Septombor the University has won 23 straight victories, cleaning up soven games In football, 10 lu basket ball ,thrco Bwlnimlng moots and threo Indoor track moots. Tho track toom comes to tho coast next month to meet tho University of Cal ifornia nt San Francisco at Easter time. Sneivd Concert. To aid tho Epis copal Sunday School children In their efforts to mako tho remaining pay ments on tho piano which was pur chased for Guild Hall ,tho Choir, under tho direction ot tho organist, Mrs. Win. ironfall, Jr., will glvo a Bacrcd concert on Tuesday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. Tho concert promises to bo a most Inspiring ono, n can tata by Dudley lluck. "Tho Story ot tho Cross." being a part ot tho pro gram. The Sunday School chlldrou nro soiling tho tickets for twenty flvox cents each, though this does not In any sonso rqprcsont tha vnluo of tho concert,. It Is simply to mako It popular and glvo every ono n chnnco to attend. Xew Mining .Machine. It. J. Long former doputy sheriff nt Los Angeles and ncphow of Colonel Ilosa nt Ilandon, has arrived hero and will lot tho contract lu tho ctt tor tho making ot a now blnck sand mining mnchlno, which ho expects to put In operation on Elk River lu Curry County. Thq mnchlno Is ono In which ho Is Interested with fils fathor, who aided In Its Invention. Tho machines will not bo put up for sale. Ono, already In oporatlou nt Lompoc, California, stated Mr. Long ,1a gottlng out in Its olght-hour shift nbout an ounco of gold and an ounco and n half of platinum, tho latter being worth nbout $51 an ounco. Agitators stir tho sand and wntor bubbles up Into tho eight foot slulcq from tho bottom of tho' now uincl'lno. ' CHARLES WIN3HIP, of HaynoB In lot, was ii Marshtlold visitor to day. WM. CANDL1N was hora from Co qulllo today on business and plons uro. MISS LULU JENNINGS was down yesterday from Haynes Inlot shop ping. J. E. SHILLING of Myrtlo Point Is spondlug a fow days here o'n plonsuro. MRS. CARL SMEDIIEHG and son John Henry, nro down from Catch ing Inlot today. MRS. SWANI PETERSON was among tho shopping visitors in tho city to-day from Huyucs Inlot. MRS. W1LMAM GILLINGS, of Port Orfoid, expects to loavo In the morning far Portland on tho Elder PROF. W. A. HARR, of the Orogoii Agricultural College, expects to leavo tomorrow for the North again, GEOHGM P. TOPPING, Mayor of Ilandon and promlnout attorney, was ovor horo yesterday on a bus iness trip, FRUD WILSON and wlfo have re turned from an ovor Sunday vis It at tho W. A. Luso ranch on South Coos River. C. L. HOPSON, a prominent live stock dealer and wholesale meat deulor of Myrtlo Point, and wlfo spout Sunday with frlouds horo. J. L. SMITH, County Agriculturist, camo over yestorday arranging for tho fanners' meeting today and also to bo present lit tho ses sion. H. A. MURPHY, of tho former Ilandon Dry Goods Store, Is lu tho city, coming horo to utteml n mooting ot tho creditors of tho concorn. SUPERINTENDENT W. F. MILLER, of tho rallrond, was callod to Hon ryvlllo again this morning on ac count ot tho wreck thoro yestor day nftornoou, ARCHIE PHILLIPS, who formerly had chargo of somo ot tho South ern Pacific camps along tho Coos llay-Eugeuo lino wus horo from North IJond yestorday. He has boon lu 111 hoalth. ELIJAH KELLEY who, la looking after tho Smith-Powers logging op erations at Cedar Point returnod thoro day boforo yestorday after his regular ovor Sunday visit with his fumlly horo. T W. HIGGIN8 will Joave tomorrow! for Seattle, whero ho will consult' with Mr. Konnedy. who is figuring ou Installing a coal brlquQUlug' plant here, nnd ho may later visit at his old homo In Chicago. CLINT HANAWALT has returned from Portland whero ho arranged for sonio of thof equipment for tho cafeteria which ho and Mr. Mealier will start In the room for merly occupied by tho Orphotim thcator 0n Front Street. ICLAME. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I. WANTHD-.Man wants wXirk on ranch, Can oporato milking mnchlno. Experlonco as foreman. Address R. M. Kyle, Marshfield. Phono 434-L. FOUND Pint of ctirpenior'H bmni Blldlng foot rule. Owner may get samo nb ' Times -off lco by paying for this notice, WANTED Man nnd wlfo to Aorl: on ranch, ninn must know how to milk. They can board them selves or woman may assist In housowork. Will pay ?50 month nnd provldo houso for them. Ad dress "Rancher,;' caro Tlmos. FOUND On IngciOll nve., Indy'rt bnr pin. Owner mny hnvo Bamo by calling at Uox "C" Times of flcc nnd paying for this nd. WANTED All tho iiinttresses you wish mado ovor, Silk Floss, Folt, Wool, Hair, etc., wo can renovate, them. Woven WIro Matt, nnd Ileddlug Co. It. I. RED HATCIUXa EGGS; iOO hardy opon range hens (not pul lots) mated with 10 vigorous malos. Large, unblomlshcd eggs;' strong fertility, CO cents dozen. 1330 No. 8th.strqqt, Forndalo. WANTED WANTED Practical nut-no would lIUo to caro for Invalid nt own apartmonts. Phono 337-L, Homo Hotel. WANTED Homo ono to pick up snap. 170x140 on Central avo. Phono Titlo Gunranteo and Ab stract Company. WANTED You nnd your frJcndu to bo frlonds ot Laxatona-, that mild and plonsantly offoctlvo lax ative for constipation. Soud somo of theso dainty boxes to your frlsuds in tho distance Trial slzo 10c, at any drug storo. ART XEEDLE SHOP Corner Sec ond and Market. ' FOR SALE I FOR HALE Thoroughbred lirovm Leghorn chickens. 00 contB por 15-egg sotting. J. E. Fitzgornld, phone 3117. FOR HALE First-class pnliiK res taurant on Coos liny, addross "Op portunity," caro Times. FOR HALE Eggs for hatching, S. Q. "Whito Loglioms, nono bottor; IG.00 per 100; baby chicks also;; Rocky Point Poultry Farm, Em pire, Oregon. Phono G028, FOR HALE Motor boat. .Excellent ouglno. F. A. Sncchl. FOR BALI' Cheater Whlto bonr, ' 130.00 Phono 307X0 or address P. O. Ilox 342, North Dond. FOR RENT X FOR RENT HousekcephiK suite, Marshfield Hptol, Cor. Third and Commercial, Phono 137-L, FOR RENT. Rooms with or vltli out board. 10G So. 10th Strcot. FOIl KENT (l-room house, with bath, and lot tor garden, nt Forndalc, Phono 1G11, North Ilend. FOR RENT Houso In rear of Lewis' candy storo. John Ferguson. FOR RENT FuriiMiod 5-room houso. 438 Hall avo. Apply 70S So. Fifth street. A LOST AND FOUND" I LOST Hllsttr pearl, gold mounted btlckpln, valued for associations. Reward for return to Times offlco. FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight anil Raggngo. 4 Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone lOtf. Residence Phono 13-J. Market nve. and Waterfront ftl I .-tW ,&.' VVA1 -VfcitK . iu. i ii ik'w-dt iA i-i. -t ..