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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1915)
lBBMH li i .. ini-i. ii i i.Mi-11. i. 1 ITU WH SSSEM!fcMJ&; Tr wi5wvfmsn'lp7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915-EVENING EDITION IHBiHiHllHiPPnS - ; 'ivfte... aapZSSVSSggBlitM W.maMMEnMtWiraiM SBm"""'" II two i - i . - ; ' it r-rt : r - I coos bay times fiiyi(Cy PATHFR I, M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnil Pnl. UMllllllll.ll uhmiuii i DAN K MA'ONMV Nows Kdtur rnn nin nflrrTiuin I. Offlclnl Paper of Coos County j N H HIL Itj County , Entered at the Postoff Ico at Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second-class nail matter. DAILY. One year JG.00 Por month CO ,. . WEEKLY. Ono year f 1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the. six months, subscription prlco of tho Coos Day An Indopcndont Tlcpubllcnn nowi paper published ovcry owning except Sunday, and Weekly by Die ,Coo Day Times Publishing Co. Times Is fD.OO por year or $2.60 Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. COOS HAY AND COOS RIVER COW TESTING ASSOCIATIONS HIC-OR. GANIKE FOR ANOTHKIt YEAR HAVE made progress. OFFICERS CHOSEN , WEDNESDAY 4 ay City Ladles' Aid with Mrs. Poole. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. ' Ilrockmtiollor. V Cotillion Club In Logglcs " Hall. Itoynl Auction Drldgo Club with MrH .P. K. Oettlns. ' Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. Yates. ' THURSDAY ' American Yeomen with ' Mrs. Urockmuollor. Enatsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. W. Parks. Hnlnbow Club nt tho club ' house. Chamlnado Club benefit concort nt Stnr Thcntor In North Bend. ' Norwegian Luthornn Y. P. S. with Mils Mabel Mnthlson. North Bend AHar Guild with Itov. and Mrs. It. K. Drowning. Minno-Wls with Mrs. A. Z. Downs. " A. N. W. Club with Mrs. V. K. Hnguo. ' FUIDAY Friday Night Club with ' Mrs. Fred Kruno. D. 11. H, at Church par- lors. Ladles' Art Club with Mra. Nets iiasmii8son. O. N. Wilson, President Fred Sclnndcr, vice president Ocorgo Ross, Scc.-Trcas. Officers Coos Itlvcr Asso ciation: Frank E. Hogcrs, president. John Heudrlckson, vice presi dent, t 4 J. L. Stevens, soc-treas. Attend EAGLES HALL, Eagles Hull, SATURDAY NIGHT. .Mar tin's Orchestra. I AT THE HOTELS V Chandler Hotel. J. Slater, San Francisco; C. L. Cnmpboll, Portland; (loorgo P. Top ping, Damlon; llorbert It. Dovnrt nnd wife, Portland; C; 11. Oram, Portland; II. T, Iloldon, Portland; M. Nlcolal, Portland; E. J. Connor, Portland; W. A. llarr, Corvnllls; J. L. Smith, Cotiulllo; L. T. Morgan, San Francisco; J. H. Mourflcld, Portland; L. A. llakur, Snn Fran cisco; J. T. Cooko, Portland; E. II. Cummlngs, Portland; Balfour Spikes, Ilrldgo. Lloyd Hotel. J. Snow, Norway; H. Jolinon, Myrtlo Point; Mr. and Mrs. Charted Hnrtsliaw, Portland; William Sllgett, Coqulllo; J. c. Slullor, Hoseburg; Davis Holm, Portland; Mrs. W. 11. llradon, Coqulllo. Blanco Hotel. W. II. Myers, Myrtlo Point; T. Kline, Lakeside; A. 1). I.nwroneo, Los Angeles; H, Duffy, Myrtlo Point; F. A. Nolson, Myrtlo Point; Davo Cowan, Allegany; 11. 0. Hanson. Myrtlo Point; W. P. Hutherford, Coqulllo; Sam Brunei-, Isthmus In let. St. Iiwiviico Hotel. II. A. Murphy, llnndon; Ernest (lugglbberg. Salem; Raymond E. Hit. kor, Coqulllo; Mrs. 0. W. VluThlur, Coos Rlvor; H. J. Havngo, Coos Hlver; W. A. Melvln, North Inlet; Miss Enuls Itoss, North Inlet, Reorganization of tho Coos River and the Coos Day Cow Testing As sociations was effected today nt a Meeting In tho I. O. 0. F. Hnll of moro than 40 dairymen. That tho work has been moro than satis factory during tho past 12 months was tho declaration of the associa tion members, practically everyone voting to continue for tho next 12 months. Great crodlt was given J. L. Smith, county agriculturist for his untiring efforts an behalf of tho associations nnd his placing of Coos County In tho lend among tho dnlry counties of tho United States Tho business session was adjourn ed shortly nftor noon whllo tho mem bers gathered nround tho long tables upon which tho women of tho Coos Day Association hnd nprcnil n lunch eon that wns well onjoyed by nil present, Cnkcs nnd pies, such iib can only bo mado nt home, put In their npponrnncc, nnd making tho rounds of tho hungry dairymen, ennio back doplcted but having accomplish ed their work well. For that "aftor dinner smoko" Frank D. Cohan, of tho Owl Drug Storo presented n box of cigars with his compliments to tho visitors. ProfvMfnr IIiiit Talks, In nddresslng tho mombcrs, Pro fessor W. A. nnrr, of tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo, laid great stress on tho retaining of tho cow testing association nftor they nro onco Btnrtod. Tho real vnluo of them, ho Raid, must' como nftor a period of flvo or moro yonrg when tho poor cow imvo bcon gradually weeded front tho herds, giving way to ani mals productlvo of tho greatest nmount of buttor fnt nnd profit. "Tho innln troublo with most dnlrymen," said Prof. llarr, "Is that they do not keop records. They nro unnblo to tell you exactly what n cow Is costing them nnd what sho Is producing. I have found cases whoro anlmnls of this typo woro not bringing tho fnrmor n cent of profit. Soiiiotlmes It Is no wonder that I nenr boiiio dnlrymen sny they can mako nothing nt tho business." HMory of Associations. Ho gnvo n brlof history of tho cow testing nssoclntlons to ahow what they hnvo accomplished. Ac cording to Professor Mortonson, a Dnno, tho associations wcro first organized In Donmnrk 20 years ago. At that tluiu tho uvorago buttor fat production of ench cow In tho coun try was 121! pounds; last year tho product was moro than doubled In Deumurk, "Tho history or (standard herds," ho stntod, "shows constant ollmlna tlon of tho poor class of milk cows. Theru nro two laws provalont tn hlgh-i'lnsa hords. Thoy are, first, that llko produces like, and necond, that thoro Is law of variation. Re ports from agricultural colleges In this country show thnt only about GO per cent of tho offuprhiK of noort blooded dauid nnd sires nro up to tho Btnudards of their parents and ancestors, with cow testing asso ciations, tho dairyman Is nblo to follow each cow every month. He n new stiuidnrd for your herd ovury year Is a teaching of tho dnlry export. After reaching ono notch, set tho ono for next year a trifle higher. Mnko the cowB como up to thu mark or discard them. Legislation for Farmers, In nn address Sonntdr I. S. Smith told briefly the' fight that has been waged In tho State Legislature to sccuro appropriations for tho carry ing on o'f agricultural research work. Ho told of how the bill was passed two years ago which gives tho coun ties n ehnnco to mntch dollar for dollar with tho stnto In securing j agriculturists. In every county In ( which this system has bcon tried , out, said Mr. Smith, It hna been n success.. Gathered about tho banquet tablo in .' Hll,. nrn.lilnnf nt flin fmH ' A U A'. M IIOUII, ..o...v...v -- i Hay Association, tno nosis ui mu ut caslon, welcomed tho dairymen and their wives from Coos Rlvor. To this W. H'. Smith, of tho Coos River Association replied, laying emphnsla on the thanks to tho women who I had provided tho banquet. i The business mooting of tho nftor-' noon hold up until boat tlmo when j tho dnlrymen left for their homes and chores. I Those who wero present from tho j uoos jray nnu coos uiver jvssukui tlons woro: Prof. W. A. llarr, J. L. Smith, John W. Motley, F. E. Rog ers, F. A. Sacchl, L. F. Prlco, T. M. Coltver, Mrs. T. M. Collvor, Mrs. C. II. Dungnn, Mrs. W. II. smith, Mrs. J. J. Cllnkonbeard, Mrs. J. L. Stevens, E. 0. Smith, II. I. Savage, Georgo Ross, Mrs. Goorgo Ross, W. II. Smith, A. II. Collvor, Chnrlcs Solandcr, John Hondrlckson, Albert Collvor, J. T. Collvor, Fred Bunnell, R. A. Nnss, John Mnttson, W. M. Hlnck, 0. Solnndor, II. W. Wnlker, N. 0. Wntson, E. W. Smith, II. J. Russclli Pal! Listen to this ESSMEBSMBHNea WILSON REIT HOME. fif AuotMri Prtai to Coot Bit Tlmct.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 10. Formnl announcement that Presi dent Wilson would be unnblo to at tend tho Pnnnmn-Paclflc Exposition this month wns mado yesterday nt thu White Houso. Tho President gnvo ns his reason tho necessity to keep lu closo touch with "various matters with which tho government has to donl. 11 H SUCCESSFUL HERE i COUNTY AGRICULTURIST JUHI-i IiAXT OVER DEMONSTRATION I I SUCCESS DEPENDS LARGELY ON TYPE OF SOIL. VERY GOOD CITIZEN should personally PENSION HIS WIDOW THE MONTHLY INCOME POLICY of QrcgonTifc Does This at Small Cost. Insurance Company BEST l?OU OK12GONIANS HOME OFFICII! CORIU.Tr UUILMNC. riTOI AND MOUHISON STItKirrS. uKsSn i.axMuiu. POKTUNU yV.onK. ' """v ''"""tprt Mrii-tiKlvhli Orv, Alfalfa will grow on Coos Dny; It will grow lu ninny parts of Coos County. A year ago farmers snld It couldn't bo dono. It hns boon dono; wns grown last yenr nnd nl rendy this year Is bovcii nnd eight Inches lu height on tho farm of Chnrlcs Solandcr, on Catching Inlot. J. L. Smith, County Agriculturist, brought down sovcrnl samples. Ho teenmo Interested In tho problem last year nnd aided In Innoculntlitg tho Bced on tho Solnndor plnco and nlso lu sowing tho ncro now In nlf nlfa. Tho results hnvo been en couraging, ho says. "And this wns grown on bench land, too," said Mr. Smith. Over In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy ho told of tvo fields on tho bunks of the rlvor whoro four crops wero raised Inst nr. Tho demonstration, ho points out, bIicwb that alfalfa can bo grown hero, lie ndvlses tho fanners to I o:.perlmont. To start n crop of this perennial Is n painstaking task; ' completed tho alfalfa repeats every season very enslly. The planting of last year was an ' experiment on tho Solnndor ranch. I Tho seed was Innoculntod with nn ' urtlflclnl culture Quickly thoro I developed on tho roots little no- buloa, germ laden that draw tho) nltrogou from tho nlr through the loaves and stems to the roots, This nitrogen spreads through tho soil, replenishing it with tho food noc- esmry for any crop. Should corn or Borne other crop bo raised on this tract next year, said Mr. Smith. tho farmor would at onco see a dif ference Ho would hnvo hotter success now than uvor boforo. Tho foods nro put back In tho soil that wears out tho same as ma chinery. Llmo Is nooded to corroct thu the ncldlty of tho wills, doclnros the agriculturist. Llmo Is costly and so as tho next best oxpedlout ho udvlsea strongly tho use of clam slioUs pumped up from the bottom of tho bay. Samples sent to O. A. C. for analysis show tho shells to contain botweon 75 nnd 7S per cent of c.Uelum enrbonnto which is quickly nvnllablo as plnnt food. iireugor Island Is unlnhnbltod now," sald Mr. Smith. "I bo llovo tho farmers could got hold of tho shells thoro very cnnlly." n is not oven necossnry tho shell be pulverlied. thoujth lu such shape they nro quicker nvnllablo as plant food. Good rub drainage Is necessarv for nlfalfa. Water BtnmHni? m.,ir ucnrtli the. boll rotB tho roots. bmsssm Prince Albert is the one pipe tobacco that gets right under the epidermis of the most veteran pipe smoker. Men who have become case-hardened to tongue tortures are falling in line along with young fellows who are just ge tting pipe oroKet Men every where love the ripping good flavor and fragrance of the national joy smoke but what they like most is P. A. oeace fulness. Thev like the absence of the j f tongue and tiiroat sunermg, taen wgmMmmmwW out of P. A. by our famous patented SB?' r a ,, o15 ; fVi 4-irlxr 'liiiiiiii pocket-handy red tins, 10c; toppy red bags, 5c; also in pound and halt pound tins; but the pound crystal glass humidor fa the jim-dandy pack age for home and office use. You go to it! You can buy any of these at any store that sells tooacco R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. nit 'SfssssaE mrtMwmnmmmtm Mi lilt Tsy' &M UiM burniHg PiPWii 5SSS2JSJ Marshf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrshflcld nt Husy Corner 10:00 11.111. 2:00. p.m. ft: 00 p.m. Lenvcs North Ilcnd 15 inlii utcH Inter Iienvcs Kmplro. 8: .10 a.m. Il:fl0 n.m. li:U0 p.m. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday BENNETT TRUST CO MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undlvldod profits 1125,000.(1 1 OFFICERS: J. W. llnnnrvtt. PrnRfilnnt Arthur MIvnown. RptrstArr " I Tom T. Honnott, VIco Presldont Bennott Swnnton, Treainrer Transacts n trust buslnoss only. Acts ns trustco of express um'i nnd also ns executor and administrator of estates. The only Trut Company In Orogon outsldo o( Portland organized under nev but, I law In this stato. THE FAST AND COMFOHTABLB S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOHTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. O. V. MtGICOKOE AGENT W. M. PAINTEIt Phono 44, Mnrshflold Phono 421, North Bond TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with iib for a. good many yonrs nnd nlot of our customers will toll you whon It comes to gottlt g good, sound, durablo framing mnterlal nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. JiiBt toll what you want to build and tho nmount you want to spoad nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil and flguro out tho best your raoney can buy, Try ui. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL BILL I TWO I1V USIXO OUIt WOOD PHOXK 10. tsa SOUTH HHOADWAY FLHieil & BEIETT HI OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY EnUbUshed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Officers: 'J J. W. Bennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vlco-Prosldent. It M'tui....... Goo.'f. Winchester, Ast. CmW IN FIRST AND-3 1- THEY SAVE AFTER COSTS F J IvJL YOU MOOTY CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "TTTTC fimjvwT.VM Marshfielcl, Ore. Front Street EQUIPPED IVITII WIRELESS. ; " Jj Steamship f&kW&t' ALWAYS ON TIMK. . SAILS l.'HOM M.H.SHFIELI) EVERY MONDAY DIIHN'O MAM1 O.V THE FOLLOWING DATIIS: MARf'II 18, AT :0 A. W MARCH 112 AT 1 P. M.; MARCH O, AT :! A. l.l n,l J, PORTLAND, EFFECTIVE 3IARC1I 10th, AND KEUV F1U THEREAWER. TICKETS ON GALE AT TORTMND CITY TICKET OFFICE, AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. Phono 85-J. o. B. LANDERS, J IITEMEM TUSPOBTITIDi C Weekly Service Coos Bay nnil San Francisco. Abstracts FOR RELIABLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ABOUT AND INFORMATION COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIISUI IELD AND COQULLE CITY, OREGON a!J"' AflKXl'S, FASTSIDE AND SEXCSTACICEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CNDlN PACUMO RAILROAD LANDS HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER STEAMSHIP IJHI SMITH Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays; From Coos Bay Saturdays From San Francisco Tuasday, March 9th, at 3 p. i& San Fiiinclsco OHIce, (100 Fife RulIrtliiT, nnd Pier Number COOS Bnv Airorif. (1 T? Arnarnnnp PhoDO V a ., , . .v.,.w..w t-A $' v