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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1915)
r-u Tryn iU a? IgOAJS, SOWN WHEN THE SUN SHINES ARE USUALLY HARVESTED UNDER A CLOUD n . D Timp: Yniir Panpr (tea wS A Southwest Oregon Paper That's iihnt tho Coos liny Times N. A South west Oregon paper for South wct Oregon pcoplo mill doxotod to tho liest Intcicsts of this great section . Tlio Times nhvajs boosts ami never knocks. fh Coos liny Tl"cs ,s I'1"0"11 of ,H n,, "'r,, It!ei nIH.r," and it strives nt nil times to ,we'0j,8nnmoIylovotljiB Us energies to "to tbe ikwIo" lntre.t. tme s V- r tof MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS Vr yrif - T7 r- - vMoTxxxviii. Established 1878' ah Tlio Coast Mctl. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915 EVENING EDITION ff FDR ANT MOVEMENT NOW STATES HAS BIG FLEET A Consolidation of Times, Conut Mul) nwil Coob Buy Ailvertlpnr No. 196 L. Daniels Announces Coun try's Greatest Fleet is Ready for Action ASSEMBLED TWO MONTHS fj SOUTHERN WATERS Statement Issued Today Con sidered Most Significant i Cuba Naval Base Now GARRANZA REPLY T AWAITED OQ y Prinz Eitel Frederick Arriv' JUL S. After Mdnths ii TURKS DRIVEN HACK ML'XICAN FAMINE B;AuUleJ Trcfi lo Coot Hr Timet. WASHINGTON, D.C. Mar. 10 Tho Mexican Kcd Cross appealed today through Sec reUry Bryan for food for tho twins populaco of Mexico Cltj Tho appeal Bald tho ftmlne wag rapidly growing t worse. Bryan said tho stnto a Department would co-opcr- ate with tho Itcd Cross. ' Of IihcUM Tint Is Coot Dj Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Mar. 10. Secretary Daniels Issued todny n itatement on tho condition of tho Atlantic tlcct and tho auxiliaries tof maneuvering In tho Mexican Gulf anj Carabean sea. It Is con- tliiered significant by soma obsorv tn cl the Mexican situation. 1! follows: "Never beforo In tho lli'ory of our navy has such n pow 3ial fleet been assembled for active rrlce, mancuicrs and target prac tice lth guns and torpodocs ns tkt luti on auantnnamo, Cubn, lor the last two months undor tho wanand of Hear Admiral Flotchor. TWi forco now consists of nine teen battleships and twenty dostroy- with a flagship nud tondor. Bas il also on Guantannmo la a cruiser J?adron, consisting of two armored embers and sovon light cruisers and iu boats. Tlio vessels nro ready tor any eorvlco and nccompnnled by wjutar ships nnd fuol shlim with (applies for an extended porlod. At Key West, a rcscrvo torpedo flotilla, watlitlng of ten destroyers mni imi. ", are encased In oxtendmi onnrn. ! tlOBJ." M Men of Wr "At Pcnsacola. six 8iilimnrliirii lth four tendors aro ongngod In naoeuvers In Joint mmrntinn win. 'r craft and with the San Francisco, mine-laying cssoI. Tim rnmiit. nr tie eatended operations 6f tho nbovo uoned ussols to tho number J tannot fall to bn nf irrnnl linnnflt the navy." Mexican Situation Chanties Little Pending Statement Conflicting Reports Dr Attocliteil I'km to Coot llijr Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 10. Dovolopmonts iu tho Mexican situa tion nro today awaiting Cnrrnnza's nnswor to tho Amorlcnn note de manding an improvement in condi tions at Mexico city. Tiiero woro Indications that tho reply would bo favornblo. Conflicting dispatches ns to the evacuation of Moxlco City during tho last 21 hours havo caused much doubt. A dispatch from Vorn Cruz yesterday morning Indicated Obre- gon was still In control. Tho Villa agency had dispatches from Juarez saying Obrogon's troops ovacuatcd yesterday nnd woro roplaccd by Za pata troops. No changes woro made In tho naval orders which nro send ing tho battleship Gcorgln and tho cruiser AVnshlngton to Vora Crust. IDr AuocliM r-rete to Coot Bar Timet. TIFL1S, Trnns-Caucasla March 10. Turkish forces and Kurds, who havo boon concentrated In tho Khoi dis trict, In northwestern Persia, aro slowly bolng forced by tho Itusslnns to retreat South ward. Tho llusnlans havo al ready como Into possession of sovornl villages in which Turkish troops are quartered. German Converted Cruiser is Chased by British Warships to American .Port Today RUMOR THAT SHE MAY BE INTERNED THERE DENIAL 11Y" ORREGON IE LOIR THAN i east on emu LB. Boyd Declares Railroads iCa.rAn,9 jt To Cheap In Middle West Now xlej rrtM to Coot Dy Timet. CHICAGO. Mnr ,n , chu :" iw- a- " ". Ciurnnii Agent Says lie Did Not Cmiso Mexico City Trouble llr Atioclaieil rrrtt to Cuot liar Timet. VERA CRUZ, Mnr. 10. Tho dec laration that General Obrcgon acted In good faith In bis efforts to ro llovo tha suffering of tho poor In Moxlco City nnd a denial of tho charges that ho provontcd tho dis tribution of food or otborwlso acted In a way calculated to complicate tho sltuatlo.i, Is tho substanco of a statement prepared by Alberto J. Panl, head of tho national railways, for Charles A. Douglas, Cnrranza's Washington nttornoy, who Is now horo. It Is understood that this statement will bo Included In one which Is to bo delivered to tho Stato Department In Washington. 7 SUBMARINES SUNK SINCE WAR STARTED BRITISH SHIPS CUT HATES OX ATLANTIC line. n"o of tho Western Trunk ' COmmlHpp tnoHM.i . . lulu. ' w " Bruin 1 "C "per' t tho Intorstato Com tha ih lB8lon hearlnB yesterday if, , V, il Westorn railroads which I B ,or frelsllt r"t Increases, iu ,J, requlrcd t0 carry Brain W. prolllcts between certain Uu V? PlDts at ratos much lowr territory " DroVftl"S " Eastern ' "-WDOX LIIWAUV IIOAHI) teuS Upon tho reiUC8t of clt- yor rcs!cl ln th0 publlc ,lbrary. hSim B Wodnc8day ovonlng ,t ItA ,a Ilbrary board composou tttoB i ' a"d 0no memhor ot boan .k ' 0t the8 members of Uo H'PVin , J' Ira BWwe". " L torater' J' W" Ma3t wIU 8ervo thrce si f ne yoar and tno other Crin ' h- Kronenberg, N. J. hjM r8rl talker will servo '" Mudon Recorder.. fnd "JTaTt, KaBl Alt, HH, '.srv k,""t- m'" lUr AttocltleJ Trtit lo foot nr Timet. LONDON, March 10. All Hrltlsh Trans Atlantic stoam v ship companies havo followed tho lend of tho Cunard lino nnd reduced tho rato for a second class passage to Now York to $50. BRITISH SEIZE COTTON VESSEL American Steamer Vigilance, Bound for Bremen, Taken to Tirkwall, England Ittf AtiocliteJ rrett to Coot Dr Timet.) NEW YOIUC, March 10. Tho American steamer VIgllancI, which sailed from Savannah with a cargo of cotton for Dromon, has been inter cepted at sea 'by a nrltlsh crulsor and taken Into Kirkwall, according to cablo advices today. fir AiioeliteJ Trett to Coot Hi? Timet. LONDON, March 10. Tho Ger man submnrlno U-12 was sent to tho bottom todny, according to an official announcement. It was ram med by tho Hrltlsh torpedo destroy er Arlol. Mombors of tho submor slblo's crow surrendered nnd woro saved. Tho U-20 is probably tho submnrlno which snnk tho Drltlsh steamer Blackwood yestorday. This makos tho seventh Gorman sub mnrlno sunk hIiico tho boglnnlng of tho war, according to tho Hrltlsh Admiralty. Tho U-20 was built In 1913. She had n displacement of 810 tons nnd a speed of 17 knots on tho stirfnco and 12 knots submerged. Sho wns equipped with four torpedo tubes, bolng ono of tho lnrgor Gorman sub marines. Tho mnxlmum radius giv en by tho marine authorities was 2000 'miles. Tho location of tho sinking wns not given. Tho crow will bo doprlvcd of nil speclnl priv ileges ns was dono ln tho enso of tho men on board tho U-8 nnd thoy will bo hbld for trial In connection with tho sinking of merchant ves-sols. Needs Coal and Repairs Re ported to Havd Sunk Amer ican Ship On Atlantic SUNK U. JH. SHI1 Ur Attocltte.4 rrett I Coot Dt? Timet, NEWPORT SEWS, Mar. 10. Surgeon K mnack of tho Eitel told Cust&ms Collector Snmllton that t io Fryo sunk In tho South Atlantic Jnn uary 27, after tho Eitel had taken off tho captain, his family and tho I crow. UACIA CASH Ul nr Awoclttcil Trctt lo Coot nr Timet. l'AIUS, Mnr. 10. K. N. Hroltung, of Now York, own er of tho steamer Dacln, has entered n protest ngnltiBt tho sclzuro of his vessel by tho French authorities. Ho has engaged Paul Govnro, pres ident of tho French Asso ciation of Mnrltlmo Laws, to defend his Interests. ' AXOTIIIHt KUH.MAHIXi: II; Aitotlitrd Trett to Coot Dj Timet. LONDON, Mnr. 10. Tho Hrltlsh Admiralty nnuouncod tonight that tho Gorman sub marine which was rammed and sunk todny by tho Hrlt lsh torpedo destroyer Arlol, wns tho U-12 Instond of tho U-20 as was previously stated. to CAUSES U. S. STIR IDjr Aiiocltteil Trett toft'oof nr Timet, WASHINGTON, D.C, Mar. 10. Tho news if tho sink ing of tho Amorlcnn sailing ship William P. Fryo caused n sensation ln official and diplomatic quai'tors. Undor principles of Intomntlonnl law, tho Kltol had no right to sink tho Fryo If tho lat ter carried no contraband. If sho did carry contraband, tho law of military necessity war rants tho destruction of tho vossol, but compels repara tion to tlio owners. GERMANS SAY BIG VICTORY IN CHAMPAGNE HOW IS THIS IDr AtioclttM rri to Coot lltr Timet. NEWPORT NEWS, Vn., Mar. 10. Tho Gormnn nuxlllary cruiser Prlnz KItol Frledrlcli arrived hero today, presumably for coal nnd supplies. Sho Is also said to bo In need of repairs nnd may bo Interned horo. Sho is reported to hnvo 32G French and Hussion prisoners of wnr on board. Sunk U. S. Ship. Tho cnptnln of tho Amorlcnn sail, lug ship William P. Fryo nnd wlfo i.lso said to bo on board. Tho Fryo, commanded by Cnpt. Klelno, sailed from Scattlo Novombor Gth for Qucenstown and hnd not bcon re ported slnco sho passed Tatoosh, Washington, tho following day. Whlla tho details aro lacking, It Is said that tho Fryo, which car ried grain, was ono of tho ship sent to tho bottom by tho Prlnz Eitol Frlcdorlch. With Captain Klolno and wlfo nro other mombers of the crow. CliiiNfil by KnglMiV Last night the Prinz Eltol Fried rich appeared off Capo Ilonry, but did not enter until after daylight All officers presorved tho strictest slleuco. Tlio United States coast tUr AttocltteJ Trett lo Coot !)r Timet. BERLIN, Mar. 10. A supplemen tary statement Issued by tho Wnr Offlco today says: "With tho hattlo of today nnd those of tho Inst four days, tho winter bnttlo In Cham pngno enmo to nn end nnd no fu turo ovonts can change anything ln tho situation. Wo hnvo taken moro than 2C10 wounded prisoners. Nat urally our losses woro heavy, but tho sacrifices woro not In vain. Tho onomy's losses wcro nt least thrco times ns heavy as ours nnd nro es timated at lfi.000 In Champagne." Hnttlo Long Fought. "Tho bnttlo bognn Fobrunry 17 at tho ordor of tho French Goiioral Staff to break through at any cost so as to bring rollof to tho hnrd pressed Russians In tho Mnzurlnn Lnko region. Tho French wero not ublo to carry out tho order of tho gonornl staff and obtnlnod only tho smnllest ndvnnccs which aro not worthy of mention." Allies Claim Warships Have , Penetrated Still Further In i to Narrows There Allies' Warships Said to Have Damaged Turkish Bat teries Near Narrows $ ITALIAN FIiKlft.' SAILS nr AaioettleJ Treat to Coot liar Timet, GENEVA, Mar. 10. Tho Trlbuno says It has learned from Vienna that several Italian warships put to sea, probably bound for tho Dardanelles. Dr AnocUtea rrett to Coot Bar Time. PARIS, March 10. Operations ot tho Allied fleet In tho Dardanelles, stopped yesterday morning by un favorable weather conditions, woro resumed vigorously in tho afternoon, says nn Athons dispatch to Lo Matin. Tho worships nro reported to havo mode additional progress In tho Narrows, silencing tho Turkish bat teries on tho heights of Renkul, flro from which had proved trou blesomo to tho fleet In Its maneuvers. TU SHELLS HIT FRENCH WAfl S IPS SECOND VICTIM DIES 4 4 nr Ataoclatc1 Treat to Coot liar Timet. BRUNSWICK, (In. .March 4 io G. Tolnns, bank dork, wounded by Munroo PhllllpB who ran nmuck In tho husl- $ ness district Saturday, died of his wounds yestordny. Phillips was shot down nf- tor ho had killed flvo other porsoim nnd wounded thlr- ty-two. Ll'MHHH TRADE ACTIVE CALIFORNIA TO RAILROAD Tho Coqulllo Hornld says: "Wo aro Informed (hat tho tax levies In the Coos county cities run as follows: Eastslde, 5G.2 mills; North Bond H3; Marshfleld, 51.1; Coqulllo, CO; Ban- don, 50; Myrtle Point, 45.5; Empire, jguanl j,,,,,, Onondaga went nlongsldo ju. Tiiero is BoinouiuiK wrong i.ruilo .,. ., ,,, wath to nrnsnrvo somowhero. Coqulllo and Myrtlo,,.,0 .,,,. n, ihn .,,, S(n.,.H Point nro "dry" and wo havo leenuntn U)0 0fflulnl8 nt Washington taught that direct taxes aro bound l8ni dcd(,0 w)mt 8,m1, bQ ,,ono to bo hlghor In a town doprlved of J senrrod. by red rust nnd salt of tho rovonuo from liquor llconees. Yet tho two towns mentioned havo tho lowest taxes, except Emplro, which Is simply n corpso presorved In al cohol. It Is very confusing. . CURRY CHEESE FACTORY Gov. Johnson Wants State to Acquire Western Pacific, Now in Receiver's Hands IDr Attociated neat tw vuut Br Timet. SACRAMENTO, March 10. Gov ernor Johnson has Initiated a move ment for tho purchase of tho West ern Pacific Railroad, now In tho hands of receivers, by tho Stato of California, was announced today In tho Governor's office. Stovo Morrill's checso factory at Euchro Creek will commonco opera tions about April 1st. Tho lnrgest patrons of tho facory will bo Ooorgo Dunn with 10 cov,p, Walter Moore with 35, and Frank Moore, with 20. Sovoral others will probably milk n few cows each, and whllo tho fac tory did not pay Jnst year, which was tho first year It was operated, becuusa It handled tho milk only about 75 cows, tho outlook this season is very encouraging and Sir. Merrill should receive fair re turns from his investment. Port Orford Tribune. mouths at eea, tho Gorman nuxlllary was painted white on ono sldo nnd black on tho other. It Is reported that sho wiih chased to tho three mile limit by a British cruiser. Sho started hor carcor as a war ship from Thing Tau, SHIP WORTH $1.10,000 Win. P, 1'ijo nud Cm i o Wciu Worth , Considerable Money Or Aaoclale4 rrett to Coot Dar Timet SEATTLE. Mnr. 10. Tho Ameri can stool ship William P. Fryo, 337 J tons, owned by tho Edward Sownll Company, of Bath, Mulno, sailed fiom Scattlo Novombor 0 with a car- frnm ! co of 5200 onu tons of wneat for Qucenstown, and bad ii'jt been , reportod since sho passed Capo Flat-1 tery tho next day. Captain H. H. j Kiehno had his wife and two small sons with him and a crow of 31. Thoi ship was valued at f 150,000 and her cargo at f282,000. Predictions among shipping men engaged In tho lumber-carrying trndo of tho coast aro that tho season now opening will bo ono of tho biggest In tho record of tho trndo. Tlioy point to tho fact that a largo amount of building Is proposed In all parts of tho Stato nnd that with tho end. of tho rainy season such operations will be started in full force. Lumber charters are bolng mado dally, nnd within a fow weeks It la bolloyed all vcsboIh which can bo prossod into tho sorvlco wll bo needed. San Francisco Chronical. PORT ORI'ORI) SCARLiri' FEVER Two casos of scarlot fover havo broken out In tho homo of Bocchor Jess at this placo. Tho family has boon quarantined and tho public school has boon discontinued Port Orford Trlbuno. . Attend EAGLES HALL, Hall, SATURDAY NIOHT, tin's Orchestra, 1'agles Mnr- liASKET HALL GAME AND DAXCB, at KASTSIDE, FRIDAY i MARCH, 111. MUSIC HY PRATT'S ' LIHBY conl. Tlie klml YOlT havo ' ORCHESTRA. TICKETS, (JEXTS, A.TAVAYS USED. Phono 7U. Pacific 75c; GEX, ADMISSION 25c, Livery ami Trniibfer Company. MISS HICKEY SICK Miss Illckoy, ono of tho grudo toachors, who hod boon out of school for two weeks on account of an attuck of pneumonia, had suf flcloiitly recovered to resumo hor du ties yestordny. .Miss Gladys Trend gold had chargo of tho work during Miss IIIckoy'H ubsonco. Handon World. FIRE AT IIAXIIOX. Spontaneous combustion nlmost resulted in a disastrous flro last night. Oily rags which had been loft on tho back porch of tho new A. Barrows' rosldonco under con struction on Ninth stroot West, caught flro and burned a hnlo about a foot In dlamotor through tho floor. The smoldering mass apparently fell through to tho concrcto floor of tho basement and bemmo extinct Ban. don World, French Admiral Barely Es capes Shell and Battleship is Silenced ' 111 AatqrliM Trru to loot liar Timet, PARIS, March 10. A Fragment of n Turkish shell fell yestordny at tho foot of Roar Admiral Guepratto, commander of tho French division oporutlng In tlio Dnrdnnollus, ns ho was directing tha operations of tho battleship Suffron which executed n daring muuouvor by peuotrntlng tho oxtroiuo limits ot tho mluo flehlB., says a Tencdos dispatch. Sovornl sholls struck' tho warship but tho correspondent makes no mention of dnmago. Tho battleship Oaulols, sll onred by tho powerful Turkish bat teries, wnB struck by two six inch shells ,nlthnugh tho damiigo to tho vessel Is declared to bo Insignificant, PORT ORFORD BUOY IS DARK Aid to Xui iKulorrt !cs on Strike DmiiiB Storm PORTLAND, March 10. Port Or ford gas and whistling buoy aviis re ported out again and It Is probnhlo that It cannot bo rollghtod for sev eral dn8. Captain Wobor of tho steamor Snglnaw, which arrived In Saturday from San Francisco, also reported that tho Fox Rook light, marking tho spot where tlo stoamor Navajo had troublo sovoral years, ago, was also out, Orford Reef buoy has glvou troublo all winter, Rogarded as ossontlal to navigation tho llghthouso dopniL mont will havo It tellghtcd as soon as tho tondor .Moimmlta can got a-nay. W. !'. J ISWKTT ESTATE TOTALS S-O-.OWi ROSEHURO, Or., Mur, 20 According to papers filed in tho County Court, ?202, 000 is amount of tho ostato ot W. F. Jowott, deceased, of Gardluor, to bo distributed among tho holm, Sixty per lent of tho umouiit will go to tho widow, whllo W. II. Jowott, a son, will recolvo nbout ?CO,000, and Naicissa, n daughter, $20,000, A total of $1870 will bo collected for tho Inhoiitanco tax. TURKEY AND GERMANY DENY MATERIAL GAINS Kaiser Takes Further Meas ures to Conserve Food Sup plyAttack oh Ossowetz nr AttocltteC l'reat to Coot fiaj TIbm.J LONDON, Mar. 10. Tho bom bardment of tho Dardanelles, which again wan interrupted by unfavor nblo wenthor is reported resumed and tho Allied fleet Is said to havo mado further progress ln tho Nnr rows. Berlin nud Constantinople, how ever, porslst iu stntomouts Hint no' serious dnmngo has bcon , Inflicted except to weaken tho fortlflcnt tlous nt tho entrauco to tho strnlts, Germany has tnken further moaa ures to consorvo the food Biippllcs. Tho Bundosrulh ling ordered tho ex propriation, with certain uxooptlons, of nil stocks of. barley exceeding a motile ton. Tho Gorman nltank tmOsuowotz continues In nn offort to break through (ho Russian fortified lino at this point. In Argouiio, after bolng'twico ox polled from tho trenches (hey cap tured from tho French, thu Gormaus returned tho third ttmo to nn nt tack In which tagrjiji.qriH thoy wore still engiige'd.' Willi this ex ception there wore no engagements of rousequenco In tho Wost. MCI TO COST 120 CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR RE- PAIRING AND OVERHAULING COOS HAY BAR DREDGE AT PORTLAND. PORTLAND, Or., Mar. 10. Of tho three firms submitting proposals for making mlscolliiuuous alterations nnd repairs to tho big government dredge, Colonel P. S. Michlo, that or tho Wlllniuettu Iron & Steel Works, nmountliig to $1518, was tho lowest. Thu Mtchlo Is to bo fin ished for work nt Coos Buy about .March l. Certain chungoH nro to bo mado to thu watertight doors ot the dredgu and n new capstan is to bo Installed. Thuro also will bo considerable minor work douo on tho vossol. This Is In addition to tho Job now bolug douo to tho dredge In tho wny of Increasing hor holler capacity. Tho lattor contract was av. aided to tho plant of tho North west Stpol Coinpnny In North Port laud .harbor. Both contracts will reprosent nu oxpondlturo of between $15,000 and $20,000. GARDINER GETS JITNEY BUS NOW LOWER PRICES Is GOOD nous. mi get tho iicun of HAINES. Tho red Jitney bus Is now being run between tho boat landing and tho Gurdlnor Ho tel. It Is sntd as soon us tho roads are Improved that the tar will make regular runs between tho Gardluor Ifn.tol ami tho railroad cnmpj on Flvo MIIo. Gnrdluer Courier. Times want ads brine results. "APPRAISING COACH ESTAriTJ L, II. Hazard, L. Harlockor and J. F. Sohroador, who wgro nppolutod by Judgo Watson ns appraisers of tho ostato of Arthur T. Coach, wont down to Baudou to uppralso tho property thorn belonging to tho es tate, consisting of tho Loitvro res taurant furniture and fixtures, an automobile, etc. The estimated aluo Jot the estate. Is $20,000. -Coqulllo tjjut'nol. hi?- -: "4 A ,1 "vflL S JL T i ulttt ,tt. -, , ! -, Vwm ? SUM f -- -tu.-rt t...i. J. I . -v W . rwr (f , .i jy . JMWB: i. . '3". - fu.-.- j '" ',,'535 'i Vfst f"i r 1 . -V t J J 4Vf e,W 4, t&, -f t WKh ra v . -y. r4 yv, MWi-' - - W7 "ft .jJ ttrijilMiv Vu itei vV - 5 -Ac-y tWH -rt; ?.. y -.itoajt' uwv fr"V i ww v rrJ WtfW1"' " t 1I1T ,,''f 'tt zr-rrx.- . :l f . 111 j . ". - ;m3 ..3 is -aat" " f-imiMt m t-rs""" wk'1 -J,i ' J.. - .ff r tJ - . i f- u 4 ivi r5 m 'wrmtmm-' .uiii-H" -v r" - -V " -j"-- a .m,h u ftff.,klwk1, )nrMVl $" fn r- Jt lmJ wrw $immitt. tr y , VMlaSvA WimH'-' k "t -i lf??,.. T? mrr mmmrt LtjMM. &rm ft W" -- i-w l-JNri TV- .aK f' z!rz2r tl"" m -.' i ,m. ,tv v r r t.-Arfvi s ssr. W-irti v tA v 4 r ifl M M ; "V ' T5 r r.TUT. . . ,...i-M . -. mtpK"'r--f 'w t It t,M a - mt u - rt- " " fit? ' tslBKA." ii-mir ita " ttVV'V -v ir ! x. i f VaAm Jv.1-, , I rm -awajjBwr A V V -'1 . w -!-L- ri DktmTtfir liffU' . " V--11' J ",I1IT iv-r-"' -Sm - r , iA V Vif -X' r. i f fM tK -W v - ! Ci fiZmiut. - jt Vf : J riMiJltikiinH' ,--v- ay-tjitt.tjtt .ytcTT 1 vr-w- ,. Mlfctl ..'ov , -4tUf a. .: wiU..3TMmr I"" 3W f-e' 'iJI adwMMNP UKWwlMrtt lf tM( '"SSL k 7f . i-i ' i MAa J w 1-- J ' - i -m at f,mmwa - W 4rU(Vns4'4M inni. twwjf tii r Er'rTas . . - , -a , . iKf. nn.1 !- -v w , j5fi.-Ar'r' 4 VwrfSf " JV M-" " -flWI.fc. V vAtaaW' .m .,J(it'tt i e'. "! ati Mir 411 IbM r''- J J1V - 't mirlme ( J.U.MU f 4 jrt"' rT .' - ' ---i lgb- ata -- 4iaMa .' I) j (a OON iJt'ft 'i't! fi vH-Vyf 5 j -tAk.teW,i " kmKr" ajriiKi-tjrW IS I f-asm1awr, l .1- -AuawttJl .. - TJJ-- " - " 'J . ,m' - c rot-" - --.-i. . .ri-a n ;''tv . . tfUW SBBSW - f' IsVBRm r tv .JBBBBVnBjtH jSstffltt'-'lWT '' 4HK 'i mt Mm le. - Mmtv - ?t 4K"i. ' " J!-.0 .TJMP " IWHSHW sVMfc M vV fi "v "tSJTv s 1 .Z&sa : bfimi Jf5( I tfjp trumr w WiL "w,illE TZ-mEZT W; sv' . CBU-''. taips HrriW' ''wWBffir- ItAtrTWWMr'-" alllllttt 'i JSLaM - ,J '. i LQaMEa