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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1915)
wrnn 5-v-i-x- LOOKS LIKE RAIN TO THE GIRL WITH "Coos Pay Times Your Paper .. . .. Ij.. ilil.. urn. . 111" TlllU'S It PniH'i " " """ iiio Tlie foos ,,.tM ,,t all timet to I1 , n imiiiio Iy t1t"B i,s enemies to promoting IM I'"" memhers op tub associated press Established 1878 nn Tho CnHst MSI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SIS GUI GERMANS MED STATES ORDERS II WARSHIPS 10 FLEET SI VERS CRUZ TODAY f ALWAYS A NEW GOLD HANDLED 1IMRRFIIA 1 1 1 " ill l4 tf Southwest Oregon Paper jjj I I ft f L I'l I 1 Mr jWB That's vhnt tlio Coos liny Times N. A South- ilvHl tir wJvJL &Jk' IP "lSt 0lCR0" l",iw f' Soutliwcwl Oregon people- W Zj W W"T v wW PW m ami devoted to tho bent Interests of tills great ii flH2 knocks. J I P -- ; PnUXXV111- . ,, & Consolidation of Times, Conit Mali Mn inc ( nd Coo Ilnv Advorllwr ,,,u lao U LOSING WEN BALKAN SIT11N GiWS TFNSF7 w N NORTHERN POLAND C KATIGNS CLASH ABOUT ALLIANCE 1 . 1 m AMEH1CAN lrograd Dispatches Claim B9th Flanks of Kaisers Forces Are Turned GUT WING BEATS RETREAT TO BORDER mans Claim That Russian ittacks Are Being Repulsed l-Fighting on West Front in IwcbM ITW to Coon liar Tlmm.1 E)MJ0.V, March 9- Potrogrnd ills ht, jay both tlio right and iott i, of the Oerinnn forces In tern Poland lmvo boon dlslodg- froia the positions that tlioy ns- ,,! on their ndvnnco from hast :hIi. Tho Oorniiin right wing u!d to havo beaten a hasty ro- ,t to within eight miles of tho ia. wlln reports, however, states that Rci!an offenslvo la being mot jitnlly. Scvernl Russian ns- la this region nro reported re- Id. Ite battlo In Champagno Is lens Itil Snow Intcrmptcd tho fight- In the Vosgcs and olsowhcro on ;itern front. rtrograj announces a further nd- i ct the Kusalnn army In Tur- Araenla. SUBMARINES SI FIFTEEN GERMAN LOSS IN ANTWFPD an ra English Admiralty Says That Germans Have Accomplished Little Only 29 Lives Lost jnr AMortatcl Prr to coo. nar Time LONDON, March 0. Fifteen Ilritlflli steamers woro sunk out of n total of 8731 vessels of more limn 300 tons which nrrlvcd or departed from IJtIMbu ports from January 21 to Mnrch 3. This was tho achieve ment of dormim sulitnarlncs, accord ing to tho Urltlsh Admiralty state ment. Vessols of all natlonnlltlen wero tnken into nccoimt. Twenty nlno inembois of crows lost their lives. Mexican Situation Becomes More Tense and America Takes Firm Stand Again EXPLOSION tnr AofUtM Trot to Coos nay Tlmw.J LONDON, March 9. Tho Central News correspondent nt Amsterdam telegraphs that 1-1 men woro killed and iiovenly wounded todny by nn explosion in tho Merman ursciint nt Antwerp. AMERICA! QTE I 11 APRIL 31 I Willard Leaves for Cuban Capilal to Fight John son for Championship IB; iMiUttJ rrfii to Coot llr Tlrei.J 03 ANGELES .March 9. Jess H heaty-welght pugilist, loft Way for Havana to meet Jnck i"M In a battlo for tho world iplonshtp on April 3. 'Might was orlKlnallv Bcliodulmi held In Mexico, opposite EI hut Johnson was afraid thnt "tered Mexico ho would bo do- fi to the United States to bo ea the "whlto slavery" charro hlch ho was Indicted in Chi- U. HVESTI6ATE IIIRIE FIRE ich Government Begins 'id Inquiry Into Disaster -Confined to One Hold ' to""ul fr to Coo. Dar Timet. J 4 HAVRE. Mm- n 1 i.w.i . FW'rjr has been begun into p "'9 at sea on board tho Tournlno. Tho flr0 'Ch Was rnnrinn.i i . 1 MWi, was extlngulbhed t Qldnlght SlIM.lnv .,.! .!. w P M of (ho voyage com- V'vlcfl 11-11 1 - "11110111 incident. "" Was Iln tmnl n. a!rs accepting tho situa- oa calmly. CIX)SI, Finn CALL. "'"''er IVeicnta lla.l Ula,o Sml"' CoWm),h WhwIiomso imly discovery of a fire In '00f of !,. . ... iU1 d "1B omm Company's iiJ .areh0U8e nn(l tho ' n w a flre extinguisher ?hn PrVOnted a bad V. The firo started from tho i7 W'ro burnlS out . rie. " " was discovered just U,M "er was closing for JtoB, r and ,iad U ourea i'es Ia, U Would have St k "eaaWay befor0 QEIIRE T PRESIDENT WILSON DISCOUNTS REPORTS Says Parties Who Desire In tervention Ana Circulating False Stories About It MIS. THAW HILL issneniD Woman For Whom He Slew White Expected to Testify For Him This Time 111 AxocLtn! IT, lo root m Tlirm.l NKW YOItiC, Mnrcji !). It was an nounced today by an official of tho j District Attorney's offico that in all ! probability Kvolyn Nesblt Thaw would appear as a witness In bohnlti of Harry K.. Thaw, now on trial on the charge of conspiracy to cscapo from Mnttownn. In tho previous proceedings, Mrs. Thaw has appear od against him. United States Asks England and France How They are Going to Fulfill Plans tnr A.ocLld 1'rr.f to Con. Dar Timo.. 1'AHIS, March 9. Tho Journal says tho Amoi'lcnu reply to tho French and Urltlsh notes concern ing tho blockndo of Oormn'ny has been rccchcd in I'arls and Loudon. Tho contents follow elosoly tho lines already announced in the American papers. It asks tho French unci Hrltlsh governments for dotnlled In formation as to tho purposes and particularly what measures they pro poso to adopt to carry them out. SLUSH FUND UNO JAPAN SAYS ISIE TO CHINA PRIVATE B BES OF VOTERS 11ATTLKS IS M i:ICO til AnndatM I'm. to Coo liar Time.. WASHINGTON, March 9. Tho Carranra agency has issued a ntntomont claiming that Montorey has been cap tured by tho Carrnnzn forces with ninny prisoners. Tho Stnto Department wns advis ed that l'ledrns Negras was evacuated by tho Carranza troops who fled toward Nu ovo Laredo. - Vlikado Explains Why Part of Demands on China Were Left Out of Powers' Note Or AnocUte.l rrM. to Coo. liar Time.. TOKIO, Mar. 9. The Japanese government recolved recontly a friendly inquiry from tho United States calling attention to tho dif ference botween tho Jnpaneso nnd Chlnoso Version of a sorlea of de mands mndo by Japan upon China shortly nftor Japan ousted tho Uor ninns from Kino Chow. In reply, Jnpan lias communicated a supple mentary noto to tlio Great l'owors In which sho summarizes tlio art icles not Included lu her state ment on- this subject. Sho explains thnt thoso articles, being In tho nu turo of requests, concerning old and long-ponding questions botween horsolf nnd China, sho had not folt previously any obligation to impart them to tho powers. U. S. District Attorney Dailey Explains Terra Haute Election Corruption inr A.ioclatfrl l'rcn to coo liar Tlmr.. INDIANAPOLIS, Mnr. 9. United Stntos District Attorney Dailey, In his opening statement today nt tho trial of Mayor Roberts of Terra Ilauto and twenty-soven others charged with conspiracy to corrupt elections, told how tho government contends falso rog'stiatlon wns mnde, of tho ulloged slugging nnd rough work nt tho polls urn! of tho manner of collecting, nnd tho amount of Xho so-called "slush fund" and discussed tho govern ment's right to Intorfero l.i an election. PEEDWELL SAIL GBlLBS BUT BF 01 MOUNT! (nr Awoclatod rrtti tu .uvt IU7 TIcim. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 9 , WI1II0 awaiting a reply to tho United States representatives to Carranza asking immcdlato improvement of conditions in Mexico City, tho admin istration today tool: stops to carry out what most of tho foreign diplo mats hero interpret as an cntlro chnngo of attltudo toward tho Mex ican situation. Itoar Admiral Flotchor, command ing tho Atlantic fleet at G.iuuitanamo was ordered to send two battleships to Vera Cruz to strengthen tho fleet of smnll craft already there. , Fletch er was Instructed to send a flag offi cer to tako command. Prcsldont Wilson said Carranza had been called upon to protect for eigners in Mexico City. Ho added that In all such situations it was nec essary to discount reports n groat deal becauso certain persons would like to liavo tho United States Inter vene in Mexico, oven if tlioy had to manufacture facts on which to baso Intervention. Denial by Cnrrnnn. General Carranzn, In nn oral re ply to Consul Sllllman when tho latter prosonted tho noto from the United Statos government on con ditions to Mexico City, denied thnt Obregon had provontcd food from ontorlng Mexico city or sent any sup plies out of tho city. Vesiols to Win Ciu. Itonr Admiral Flotchor solocted t' o armored cruiser Washington, now In llaltlon waters, with Itenr Admiral Capcrton, and tho battloshlp Georgia, commanded by Captain Itobort It. Coontz, now nt Guantanamo, to pro ceed to Vera Cruz. MEXICO CITY EVACUATED BY GEN. OBREGON tllr AiioclatcJ rrf. lo Coo. Dar Time.. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 9. Amorlcnn Consul Sllllman telograph ed from Vera Cruz todny that ho had been rellnbly Informed that tho evacuation of Mexico City by tho forces of Genornl Obregon bogau at 9 o'clock last night. Lato today the cruiser DesMolnes, on routo to Vera Cruz, was ordered to roturn to ProgresBO, whero there lias boon locnl trouble over Carranzn'a ex port embargoes. Carranza roportcd nn early reply, Sllllman roportcd. Sllllmnu roport cd at length, but tho officials did not dlsclo8o tho contents of his ipcosngo. It was bollevcd, however, that from tho fact that Carranza denied activity nttrlbutcd to by him by tho official roports to tho Unit ed States, tho Mexican chief would not approves any further Inconven ience to foreigners. Sllllman ro portcd tho United States noto wns formnlly presented to Carranza yes terday aftornoon. No furthor word was recolvod showing whon Mexico City would bo evacuated. GERMANS 01 EMPIRE SHUTS UP B i POULTRY 01 TOO sm LUM1JHH CAUUIKU TAKKS JiO lWSSKNGKHS FOU SAN KUAN- CISCO AND SAN PKIHtO LIH'T ritO.U NOKTII IHIXD. At 1 n. m. tho steam schoonor Speedwell left down from North IJend with a cargo of lumbor and 20 passengers bound south to San Francisco nnd San Pedro on her regular run. Tho Speedwell will return from the South in about 10 days. Thoso who loft this morning woro: J. F. O'Urlen.. It. P. Watson, Sam Wolff, Mrs. Hajdon, Mary Hannila, J. F. Harden, Mrs. J. F. Hayclon, J. W. Welch, P. Day, A. W. Rllnett, Oliver Graham, II. B. Uroughnn, II. Hendrickson, C. II Ilalrd, John Solferr, It. L, Kuril, A, K. Pitcher, C. A. Seots, A B. Wright and H. D. Todd. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Mcr. 9. Tho passing oT the Goulds from offi cial connection with tho Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountnln System occur red today whon tlioy were eliminat ed from tho directorate. 1). F. Ilush wns elected chairman or tho board of directors of both reads, succeeding George J.. Gould. Itcdoiido North. According to word recolved at tho offico of C. F. McGcorgo, tho Kedondo is now on routo to Seattle whero tl.o Alaska Coast Steamship Company, a Guggen holm subsidy, will plnco her on the Alaska run. Cnpt. Krlckson Is at his homo in Oakland and lias not decided what ho will do but ho will probably bo placed on nnothor vessel of tho Smith company's fluot. Ho 13 a most offlclent captain, serving for sovoray years undor Capt. D. W. Olson. I WATERFRONT NEWS . Capt. WInklo of tho Carlos, now londlng hero, formerly oporated out ot Coos Day on tho Washington. En gineer MecLay of tho Carlos was formerly on tho Itedondo and so both havo many friends on tho Hay who welcomed them here. Tho Carlos will probably make frequent trjps out of here. RAILROAD CASE EVIUEIIGEOIFFEHS Companies Claim They Have Been Losing Money and Others Sav Not. (nr A.aoi I tie J I'rtt. to Coo. liar Time.. CHICAGO, Mar. 9. Decauso of the reductions In 'freight and pas songor rntes since 1901 tho forty one Westorn railroads applying for Increased freight rates, aro exper iencing u falling off lu revenues of $40,000,000 a year, according to testimony boforo Interstate Com merce Commissioner Danlols today, L. L. Wettliug, statistical!, submit ted tables purporting to show ad vances In wages are greater than tho amount wh'ch would bo real ized In tho proposoJ Increased rates. W. J. I mick continuing ills testi mony today before tho ITonnl of Ar bitration in tho Westorn Itallroad rato case, presented an analysis of tho earnings of 53 represontatlvo Westorn railroads sluco 1900. Ho eald tlio returns to stockholders wero abundant whilo the companies at the samo timo had set aside con siderable amounts in resorves. TOWN IIOAHI) OF TKUSTKKS HOLDS LIVKLY SKSSION AND CUItTAILS L1I1KUT1KS OF 110 V INi:S AND CHICK12NS. Tho Kmplro trustees nt a red hot session last evening ordered Town Marshal C. I). Kolley to sco that tho ordinance prohibiting chlckcim and cows from running nt largo is rig Idly enforced. Tho action wns taken after a heat ed discussion. It seems thnt among others, Mayor It. II. Olson recontly suffered from tho Inroads of somo wandorlng bovlnes which broko Into hla gnrdon and destroyed ills early vegetables and flowers. Mrs. T. J. Ilacgonn, formor mombors of tho hoard, urged that tho nuisanco ot cows running nt largo bo abated and tho council piocecded to curtail bos sy s llbortlos. Thon another member of tho coun cil who has a cow and no chickens en. torcd vlolont protest ngalnst tho cnlcken nuisanco, saying that chick ens did mnro damngo than cows. After duo deliberation, tho chickens woro put In tho samo catogory of nuisances and their liberty confined to tho poultry yards of tholr own ers. Plan Cleanup Day Tho board also niailo preliminary plans for a Cleanup Day in Emplro. it is proposed to havo all dobrls nnd unsightly objects romoved from yards lots and streets Insldo tho city lim its nnd mako Kmplro a "Spotless town." Mayor Olson, Ilocordor James Mai koy, Trustees; II. li, Ingorsoll, Claud Hockott, John Capron, John Wlcklund and Mrs. James Mageo wore in attendance. TELL OF S Bi ALLIES Claim French Trenches Cap turedRussians Repulsed Many Prisoners Taken tllr A.soclaleJ Pirn lo Coon nr Tlmn.J HBltLIN, March !). Tho official statement today says: "In tho hills of Lorette, our troops captured two moro French trenches. In Chnm- pagno, thu fighting nt Soiinln has not yet como to nn end. In tho Vosgcs .eiigngomonts west of Minis ter nnd north of Sennholm contlnuo. "East and South of Augustowo, HtiEslan nttneka failed. Northeast of Lomza, tho enomy loft 800 pris oners In our hands. Northwost of Ostrolonko, n battlo hns dovolopod "In engagements west and north west of Prznsnysz, which ended fa vorably to us, wo took 3000 pris oners. HuBsInn attacks north ot Hnwn and northwest of Nowomlnsto proved Ineffective. In theso en gagements wo took 17G0 prisoners." 0 RITISH ROUT BY TURKS ATTACK Constantinople Claims English Force Fled After Attack in Khuzistan Recently tnr AMocL.e'l rriu lo Coo. n.r Time.. AMSTEItDAM, Mnr. 9. Tho offi cial statement from Constantinople today says: "Tliroo battalions of Ilrltlsli infantry, with two quick firing field guns, 0110 mnchlno gun section, nnd 0110 Hiiundrou of cav alry, nttompted March 3 to attack our poblttou In tho region of Ahwnz in Khuzlstnn. After n counter nt tnck by our troops, tho Urltlsh flod In disorder to tholr ships, lonv Ing 400 dead or wounded. Among the dead woro ono Itritlali Major am four othor officers. Wo captured thrco guns, COO rifles, 200 horses and n great quantity of Itcd Cross material. Our losses woro liiBlgnltN emit." Plan of Bulgaria to Seize Adrianople Thwarted by King Deposing Premier GREEK KING AGAINST JOINING THE ALLIES Allies Strengthen Fleet Attack ing Dardanelles Call in Ships From High Seas ItOL'MANIA ACM tllr A.aorUtod Pro. lo Coo. liar TlmM.J UUCHAltEST, Mar. 9. Tho Itoumnnla Senate adopt- cd today a bill empowering tho government to proclaim martial law throughout tho' country whenever it dooms 0 such n monsnro necessary. 1UIR y MAY PAV E M'SS HILDA SELANDEIt of Suinnor Is a Marshfiold visitor today. SUPT. W. F. MILLER loft this morn ing on an inspection trip over tho line. A. II. POWERS loft this morning for Wagner and vicinity, for a fow days stay. A. K. ADELSPERGER of tho C. A. Smith Timber Company is oxpoct ed homo shortly from Detroit, Mlth, whero ho has been on busi ness connected with the salo of the Smith timber holdings. F. A GOLDEN left yostorday for tho upper Coquillo section whero ho will inspect tho schools. WAY 0 0 T Lieut. Col. 0'Neil Would Know If Coos Bay Could Quarter Ten Thousand Soldiers Ib Coos Hay in danger of being at tacked by nu enemy? Mystory sur rounds uu Inquiry received yesterday from tho War C'ollego, of Washing ton, asking If a place could bo fur nished hero for the camping of 10. 000 soldiers. Whethor this means thoro Is lmnilnont clangor of wnr or whethor this is merely a military precaution aro questions unanswered. Tlio lottor Ib signed by Lloutenaiit Colonel J. R. O'Noll, 30th Infantry, Army War Collogo. "Can you help mo with a military geography?" ho asks. Ho wants (o know tho popula tion of tho country round about, tax ablo yaluo of tho property, Its re sources, tho harbor facilities and thoso for transportation. "The matter of roads is most important." says tho Lleutonant Col onol and ho askn to know which onos nro improved and which aro not. It is known that at army head quarters thoro is kopt a constantly changing map of each locality of the United States with detailed Informa tion of tho nature asked for in tho lottor Just received by Socretary Mot loy, of tho Chamber of Commerce. Possibly this is tho reason for tho lottor and tho questions though somo aro wondering if tlio Fulton States Is secretly getting ready for n war emergency. tRr AiioditfJ rtn. to Coo. Car TIium. LONDON, March 9. Reports reaching Paris jjtato that Promlor Rudoamvorr, of Ihilgarla, has been overthrown by tho influonco of King Ferdinand, becnuso ho desired Im mcdlato action against Turkey. Tho plan of tho Promlor was to occupy Adrlnnoplo, provldod Groeco throw In her lot with tho Triple Entente. Tho courso to bo followed by Grccco is still undotormluod, al though King ConBtnntlno lu opposi tion to tho war, is Bald to havo the support of the genornl staff. M. Znlinis, roquostod by ICIh Consliifw tlno to form n now cablnot, hns de clined nnd n mombor cf tho Cham ber of Doputlos, M. aournnrs, lias undertaken tho task. Moro Ships nt Dardanelles Paris dispatches mention several warships not named boforo as mom bo rH of tho Allied fleot nttncklng tho Dardanelles, Tho strength of the North Soa fleot apparently has not boon wenkonod, and tho Inforonco Is drawn tliat Groat Hrltaln nnd Franco nro bringing In for tills sor vlco vessols from tho far coruora of tho world, tying up of Oorinnn shipping mid destruction of tho Gcr mnn warships on the high seas hav ing mado this possible GOLDEI ESTATE TO BE APPRAISED Marshfield Man Who x Gave Most of Property to Charity Had $14,000 Loaned Out An npprnlsment of tho John Goldon estnto will bo mado March 18, ac cording to Judge John Hall. Mother Agues, executrix, who arrived yes torday on tho Eldor, expects to re main hero until nftor tho appralsment Is mado. Today an Inventory of tho estate was gono over for tlio checking of money on hnnd and tho nccountH outstanding, 'I ho thrco appraisers aro 8. H. Cathcart, G. W. Kaufman and D. L. Rood. It Is estimated that tlio estnto loft by John Goldon a mouutod to approximately $20,000, of which between $14,000 and $lf, 000 was in cash loaned out, Tho bulk of tho proporty was bequotlicd to Catholic charities which aro under tho direction of Mother Agnas. Mr. Goldon's sister, Mrs. Kennedy of Rnudon, waa talking of contest ing tho will but whether It will bo contested or adjusted out of court romalns to bo determined.. Mrs, Ken nedy felt thnt sho was entitled to the bulk of tho property Instoad of tho different charities, HAKKKT HALL- GAME AND DANCE, nt EASTSIDH, FRIDAY MARCH, lli. MUSIO HY PRATT'S ORCHESTRA. TICKETS, GENTS, 7.-SC!; i:.V. ADMISSION, WANTED Somo 0110 to pick up a simp. 170x110 on Central avo. Phono Tltlo Gunrnntco aud Ab l stract Company.