v SIX "T - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. rr u WAGMEB IBU HAVE BG PAYROLL DEATH ENDS LIFE' ICLEfll UP STARTS OF CENTURY NKW TOWN AT HMITH-POWKHS HENRY HEADQUARTERS SOUTH OF nvicrr.i,' iintvr 1111. t. ii.ivi.' WATER AND SEWAGE SYSTEM WHEN PLATTED i D. ,ir. Smith Is here from Wagner where ho recently opened n barber shop.'. He states that the townslto nt Wagner will not bo platted and .opened for the tlmo being. A, II. EARLY TOMORROW ALWAYS A LITTLE IN ADVANCE HXItV MILLER, CKNTKNAHIAXUVAH OX HL'ltlllSII SCHEDULED SIXTV YKA'.HS OX COOS IIAV, HETWHHN SUN RISE AXI SUN DIMS AT COUNTY POOR FARM WAS GERMAN. Ilonr Miller, 100 yenrs old on January 10, died last evening nt the county poor farm following nn Illness of only a few dnys. Almost to the end tlio old man was nblo to move set many will flower gardens. IMjAXT Father nnd mother nro to retire i I early this evening. Hrothor Willie and Httlo sister Mary nro to seek their downy couches as the sun sets In tho west, nnd there Is to ho n j about with tho nld of his stubby general tuning up of nlnrm clocks,! l'owors who Is looking after It plans cane. For years ho was a small, nil or tiicin ncing set ror nn cnriy to havo a water system nnd sewago rancher on Larson Inlet nnd It was' hour. Clean-up Day will bo on Snt- systom Instnllod when ho pints tho Icss "Inn n 'cnr "K t,int no finally , urdny. This have tho women of thoj ;townsItes nnd in order to do this, Bnvo " tno struggio or making ins cuy iiccinreii ami mo .Mayor pro- 'lio has deforrcd action for n tlmo. own living. claimed. -Tho Morris tract, not far from there, 0o0(1 llcallh nml not rcslght Is Rubbish thnt hns been all year has already been nlnttcd. snld to bo the causo of tho old man's gathorlng beneath tho hnck porch, 3 When things got to swinging on K0'"S to t,13 "oor tarm- For almost, j,, tho front ynrd nnd out on the t ho new Sni t i-Pnwnra I tin nni! Mm U" JL'"'S " vuu on v.uua u v.u itMn umuiri unuin Jlliu itliu lliu i 'camps nro all aponcd up, Wagner Svlll bo tho center of operations and Mllll i tin . n linVnntl n.Mn.tM nt.mil tin iiu,v liajjuii nt vtitblJlb nuuui 13,000 per day. A. now camp mny bo opened on Mill Crock soon. Moro logs nro being 'taken out nnd a second train may bo put on by tho company soon. nnd during this tlmo acquired nil 80 acres farm, where for years ho raised vegetables, nddlng further to tho exchequer by fishing every fall. It was this land thnt was sold but a few years ago, Mr. Miller nt thnt tlmo figuring that tho proceeds would' Inst until his denth. vncnnt lots must bo banished. Great er, to us, than tho war In Europe-, thero will be tho war on filth. With looks of n sot and dctormln od purpo3o on their faces heads of f'lmlllcp started homeward this eve ning. For, dnys they hnvo been out lining tho enmpalgn over tho early morning coffee. Hakes and hoes Strikingly Effective New Spring Suits Hidleiilly changed fashions. Women will ivvcl la tho diversity tho license to study porsoimlHy.lK'. coitiliiKiie.sH. Conservntlvcly munrt Mylos with nlcctlcH il line nnd finish Hint, iimko them most iiiiiihiiuI values nt their price. New Coverts, Satin Cloth, itch Vlgomcnitv, HhurUy. Checks nnd Kino Seines for gonoi-nl wear, travel, sports or motor- lug. Xol ii stylo Idea missing. Xot mi authentic ' Hue lacking. f ELECT OFFICERS Alumni ampler of Slgiiin Chi Pro- pines for Annual Convention nt San Francisco. At n mooting of tho newly organ- 0i8 ll0 cnmo to Co08 Uny cnvlng Izod nlutnni chnptcr of tho Sigma i,8 snillng ship hero nbout 1857, Chi fraternity hold last evening r.t j1Ist nftor tho Itoguo Itlvor Indian tho homo of John W. Flnnngnn wnrB. ir infer mnrrled nn Indian offlcors wcro elected for tho year. Womnn, though old residents hero 1'inns wore mnuo ror tno nnnunl convention of tho frnternlty to bo hold In'August at San Frnnclsco. An invitation has boon extended to nil uruiiiuniy mo ciiicuiimon unm . mvo ,nn(lo tlluIr n,)1)cnrnnre, lmvo nno occn correct, in mis enso no beo 8,lInC(, nm, nr0 nBaIn rcn(ly ouuircu mo iiinus anu noi mi men, ; for U(f0 did ho glvo up nnd allow himself to bo taken to tho poor farm. Henry Miller was born In Gcrmnny At a mooting in tho Chnmbcr of Commerce a short tlmo ngo tho wo- i.. ioir n.i .i. ,... ,,,., ilmcn of tho clcnn-up comtnltteo dl In 1815 nnd when n young mnn lofti . , i., o n n. T...iMr t.i ... i vltloil tho city Into five districts, np homo as a sailor, During hlg trnv- . , , . . $15.00 $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $35.00 Dili ; lm New Arrival, i, Vnng Coa Novelti les Xew Cents will, nil ,l0 ncnr hrliiKH. FliiL'er.11,1 .,.. i ti- ! hi nn nii.i. . ,lITOl1i(ikI .T " UlPi, ik., ""'hi ,fmiM '"'"' Mvt f''jr" Nklrcn,,,: M lnil8-AJ .,..,. .aiKO, loose ,,,, j, herd Cliccks. (inii,....i .. L i Wtium Iho new Hli.es, ,, ,,, WTilIjJ '" niui AHyJHMey nro tli Wt,. ,.,, ,,ov (V)ntJ Jutkets, $7.50 $10.00 $12,50 $20.00 $25,00 an(, Women's Smart New Dresses pointing a chnlrmnn In charge of each section. Saturday they will , wntch tho efforts of tho citizens, . but hero tholr work Is not ended for nftor that they will make the ' rounds, looking for rubbish that hes not Hindu Its wny to tho gnrbagn nro not suro thnt tho couplo had any children. It Is at least known ho I has no relatives In this country nt!"0""8' Whom posslblo they will re-J TIIKSK l)Hi:SSi:S AT .".." to ."iSIO.OO are, wo liellevc, tho licst vnlues we have shown. Afternoon nnd evening frocks of Faille Clotli, Silk Poplin and Wind Civpe, Irt ail tho new shales, Putty, Hntitl, HelKlnn lllue, Hrono nml Xnvy llliie, Shirred and Conllan flared Skirts, Xa- ery Collars, Streamer Tunics. Jinny now novelty collars and other (plaint features. THK DHKSSKS AT l?ll).0( (o SUO.oo show m... ... tloas, liirliidlne; Kinplro, Himslau IVnsant and viirlou nil iiimliit Iwllln" styles. Wide Hkhtn, many 0 J ""' '"" "i. "eno Mt'nvi'H or ituo tulle, whlih U ilniMk normal nod liluli walst-llnos. PuNsy hJHow Tnffcln Orw and Slllc Poplins. present. A hnlf-brced girl was adopted nnd rnlsed by Miller though it is believed alio Is dead. Tho body of tho do ceased will bo burled by tho county nt Coqulllo. port such matters to tho City Health Offlcor. In every enso thoy will take tho host means at tholr disposal In putting tho finishing touches to tho city's clean-up campaign. Hut better than clcancd-up bare alumni members In Oregon and Idaho and also to tho actlvo member? In tlio chapter nt tho University of Oregon asking thorn to go to tho fair through Coos Hay, coming horo Hf 1U0 on 1110 lioni. rrCWOIIB 10 Almnl mnnll, ntrr, llnnrt. Mlllnr Slinpnu nin Mnu-nru lilnnnitmr flllln.. tholr going a big picnic will bo held cnnio over from tho county sent and ! tho forlorn spots. And for tills roa- gavo testimony In tho enso of Waters son thorc will bo u general planting versus I)nvls In which Mrs. Wllllnm of trees nnd flowers tomorrow. Many Wattors Ib seeking n shnro of tho cltlzotiB havo already Bocurcd shrub- Mart Davis estate, alleging that sho . bcry for parking improvoment mid Is a daughter of tho deceased plo noor. hiiro. J. W. Flanagan was elected pres ident; Ocorgo Stevenson, vice-president, onii Hen Fisher, Eccrotnry nnd trormiror. Thero wcro nluo prcront at tho meeting. ; for the gardens nbout tholr homos. Kvery womnn should SHU the display nt CIjAKKK'H MIMd.NKHV. CIIAMI'IOXSIHP I-rJday mid Kntiudny. hAV KVKXIXfi. HO.VT miss tlio COOS COUNTY AMK, SATUH. HO.VT miss tho COOS COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP (IAJIIJ SATUH HAV KVIJXINCJ. HAHIiKY, 9 1. .10 nt HAIXHS. FI.OUH, .-jIl.HO nt HAIXKS. , Dr. H. H. KKLTY, DKXTIST ' j Phono 112-J, Hoom 204, Coko bldg. Things New In Women's Separate Skirts $5.00 $6.85 $7.50 $10.00 Snappy models for seuil-divss uud stiret weur. AmoiiK tlio iiiutoiluls aro lloiupuii, Chiiddah Clotli, sttiuulup; Hluclc mill White Checks, Series uud Poplins. Tho stylos In clude the new cuff skirt, circular, pleated uud nerordhni mulcts; many have pockets; deep pit hers aro often used in the had: at the hell line. Fitted-Top Silk Petticoa $3.00 to $6,50 Petticoats niado of nertlcealilc KJW Metssalliie Silks with soi'tlotinl lloonrtvrt plentvtl. New styles to conform 1thll skirts. AH new colors to select fna, ! many Sprlup; novelty shades. Allilin. HUB DRY GOODS CO. Corner Central Avenue and Broadway. SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN Another Cut On Prices On the Clausen Shoe Stock. Sec New Prices In Window. Because of Many Sizes Getting Low We Have Cut The Prices Even Deeper Than Before NOTICE THE SAVINGS BELOW Lot No. LndloK low KhooB uud Pumps. 2.50 and J3.00 values. Nc 35 Lot No. 2 Ladles' Pumps and OxroriW. in palunl, mm motal and tan. pn lil.r.0 vnluos now QJQ Lot No. 3 Ladles' Patent Oxforda and PtiinpM. ja.BO, now 65c Lot No. 4 100 palra Ladles' Laco Shoes, kiiu metal, tan, patont nnd Viol Kid. ja.00 mid f.'t.r.O (ti fn and ? 1.00. Choice, ipiUU Lot No. 5 Ladles' Hutton Shoes, ood stykw In ft- HP pntunt nnd kuii motal. $ 1.00. Choice ,J) U J Lot No. 6 ' Children's Low and HIkIi Shoos, sninll slzos only. ItoKulur $1.50 and $1,00, Cholco JOG 15i Lot No. 7 Children' Low Shoos, $1.00 nnd nr $1.50. Cholco QQg Lot No. 8 ItnyiT Sumnior Shoes, slo i:i to 5. Cholco 75 Lot No. 9 yon prs Mon's Oxfords In Patont, ki letul, Ox Hlond, Tan and Vlel, b!zo 5 to U 1-2 In $LO0 and $5.00 values. a4 nn ui $1,08 Lot No. JO Men's $1.00 and $5.00 Dress Shoes. Cholco .$1.65 Lot No. J J Men's $5.00 Dross Shoos In tan nnd 01 4 r hhu.k hutton or laco. Cholco JJjQ, Q Lot No. J 2 100 pairs of Mou'h High Top Shoos sold at $7.00, $8.00 and $8.50, cholco $2.im, $;U5 and Jil.15. Sizes loft nro U Vj to U only. Those Selecting Early Get The Best Choke. "Money Talks" UUD CLOTHING & SHOE CO. "Money Talks" FREHEN ASSIGNED TO FIBE STATIONS kjhk ciiikp hi:ati.(s maicks annua h appoint.mhnts to vahious c(ipanikk at.mkkt- 1N(5 LAST KVHNINt!. " Annual nppolntmont of tho moni hers of tho Mnrshflold Voluntcor Flro Dopnrtmont to tholr stations which thoy will occupy durliiR flro nllH was mndo hy Flro Chlof Kont I Iiik nt n mootliiK hold In tho flro hall last ovonliiB. A majority of tho momherH woro prosont to receive tholr Instructions. Tho appointments mndo hy Chlof (KfutIiiB anil Assistant Chief Sloop follow: j llosu Company No. 1. CoorKo (iulovxon, foromnu; L. I). Illnnchnrd, Wllllnm Ahlo, N. John son, k, Lodwnrd, .1. K. Pottlt, Dol Hhodos, II. P. Mauzoy, Ouy Stuts ' mnn, I), KorKiiRon, Hook nnd Lndder Ciiiupuiiy No. I. J. V. Davis, foreman; Hohoit ICniKor, P. Waltors, Oscar (lulov fcon, R. V. Nushuri;, William Loiib Htnff, It. Laos nnd N. Stamhono. Steamer Company x, i, Charles Jensen, eiiBlnoorj J. Mart onsen, onclnoor; J. W. Hunt, foro man; L. Arlundson, nsslbtant on Bineor; M. J. Ostrow, R. A. Olllvnnt, II. lllllyer. I lose Company o. , M. KriiBor, foreman; Kd LlndhorK. C. Lando, II. Lococq, G. Lecocq, i. Mattson, Charles Mattson, Hon Davis, L. v, Travor, Lloyd Roso, W. McDonald. Jlotor No. , Comnanv No. 1. Cordon Smith, eiiBlncor; A. H. Cnnipholl, foreman, L. k. nilvon, 1 1. Carllslo, O. C. Lattln, Arthur Mil. Ipr. V, A. Pratt, A. SooIIb, Goorgo ScoIIb. CO G T TO BE GIVE 0 f DAIRYMEN RATHER AT BANQUET TABLE DIHKCTOU 1'IJNTON AXNOUXCKS COOS HAV COW TKSTINO ASSO PHOCHAM l'Olt i:XTi:HTAIX-j CIATIOX IXVITHS COOS ItlVHH .MI3XT AT Till: ORPIIKUM, OAIHV.MKX II Kit K ON NKXT TIIKArrKH. AVKDXKKDAV. NEW PP ARRIVE Director It. N. Fonton today nn nounccd thnt tho followiiiB proBram will ho Blven next Sunday uftoruuon nt 2 o'clock nt tho Orpheum theater hy tho Coos Hay Concert llimd: March "Knlsor Fredurlck".l-,rlcdmnn Ovorturo "Plquo Damo" Suppo ChoniB. (a)" Tho Lord Is Groat." MoudoluKohii (h) "All Hull tho Lund or tho Kroo." Rico (c) "Our Old HIbIi" l'nrks (d) "Tho Hoaiitlful llltio Dan uho" StrniiKu (With hand accouipnnlmout.) Flnnlo from "Arlolo" Hneh Uallot music from "William Toll" a, KOHHlUi irnwallun Patrol "Kllauoa". .Slowart Star SpiuiBlod Hnunor. CARD OK THAXIvS. Wo doslro to express our henrt folt thanks to many friends whose acta of klndnoss and words of svm. pnthy llfihtoned tho hurden of our! Briof durlns tho illness and death of our holovod wife, daughter and I sister, Mrs. Henry Olson. Wo also! tool Bratoful for tho many honutiful floral offeriiiBs. UK.NRY OLSON, MR. AND MRS. C. O. LARSON AND FAMILY. i Along the Waterfront. I Tho Pnrnlso, of tho Swnyno nnd Iloyt lino, has hoon chartorod for a trip to Alaska, nccordliiB to hor n Bonts horo and hut a day or so ubo pnssod Cooa liny on hor wny north from San Francisco. Whether she will ho taken off tho run In horo for booiI Is not known. Tho Paralso haa hoon coming horo slnco last spring. At ono o'clock tomorrow tho Hroakwater will leavo for Portland. Tho Speedwell is expected from San Francisco (and Randon olthor Into this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Sho lonves Sunday for tho south. Lato this afternoon tho Carlos has not heon reported. Sho is expected In tomorrow morning at tho latest. THK SPKKDWKLL SAILS SOUTH MONIIU, MARCH K, AT 2 P. M. XOTICH, Tho monthly mooting of tho Ex ecutive Committee of tho Mnrsh flold Chamher of Commerco will ho held Friday afternoon, Mnrch 5th, at 4:30. Tho regular meetinc of tho cnn. oral chamher will ho hold Friday I uYumng, Aiarcn 5th at 8 o'clock and nil memhers nro requested to ho present. J. W. MOTLEY, Sec. I WIIKW, !ji2.(l.-5 per 100 at llnlues Dairymen from this entire vicinity will nieot In Mnrshflold on Wednes day, according to J. L. Smith, Coun ty Agriculturist, who nunouncoH tho Coos Hay Cow TesthiB Association has completed plans for a hnnquot In honor of tho Coos Rlvor Associa tion, InvltutloiiH havo heon oxtonded to nil dulrymon to attend. I'm fossor W. A. Hnrr, dairy and alio export of tho Orogou Agricultural Collogo, will ho present to glvo an nddross. Thoro will nlso ho talks from prnmluont dulrymon horo, tho work of tho last year will- ho rovlowod, uud of principal Importuuco, will ho tho good got-togothor spirit nnd tlio hauquot which .It Is claimed, will ho tho host tho dairymen hnvo ovor hold on tho Hay. To havo tho farmors moot horo nt 10 o'clock on Wednesday morn ing tho present plan. All hoats will ho horo hy thnt tlmo, It la ox poctcd, and tho mooting will con tinue up to tho tlmo thoy leavo in tlio nrtorii'jon. It Ik posslhlo that tho hnnquot will ho hold in tho I. O. O. F. Hall, though lator nn- nouncomont of this will ho mndo. "Sow Associations Formed. Tho sixth cow testlng'nssoclatlon of Cooa County Is Just holng or organlzed on tho North and East Forks of tho Coqulllo, In near Gravolford, McKlnloy, Leo and Dora, according to Mr. Smith. At prosont thoro aro 20 herds ontored; seven or eight moro must ho secured. With this completed Cooa County will then rank second to no county In tho world as to hor numhor of associations. Complete reorganiza tion of tho Myrtle Point, Coqulllo and Lower Coqulllo associations has hoen effected. For tho next year thero will ho a groat Incroaso In tho numhor of herds and cows register ed. Professor W. A. Hnrr la just re turning from Langlols, where ho hns estahllshed tho first association In Curry County. A tester will be sont In soon to take chargo of tho Work, also ono will go to Gravolford. Cow Milken Mnnev. Pacific Lorelol, a roglslorod Jer- RKV. KTUIIIll.mil ' MAItSliriKUl I CHUtCll.TOrOM i-ici: ovuiiunn Tho MarhfleM Ij uTCKatlon Ib JHW mmllnOHa for tb tf .1. s. siubblclleld, I' horo In tlmo to UlU duties tho tint S::X Rev. Stubblcfleld w ... I.'lnn.nlh ftlll !' cnmhiB originally In filled tlio .MnBU" Hiimnicr and mlt' .i thi time' IIUIU 111 , Tho MnrshfleU 0 gone over, neirW' . . i imnroim. lllliei widu ."-i-- ,i .. wnhbltfWi l panlcd horo 1 " 1 daughter", a -woh'onio tlicra "' r ranged later. 80y owned fcf . f-H tho Cedar Jim ""' . . r.l tnr 111' in nor rt-v- - ,fj 1015. bM "-. for her ownw, -,i .. . nn ftl Uivt" I tostcr la chars "1 qUillO A80CIM n,,.- Torsnv W 1,,u . : ,uir pounds ol mi"" ,lHj tor fat valued l cost of feedms - ?ua' ..ihHI Tho aver if. tho I"' u ' . ..Id IB -""T eonis rlrti)l per cent at th U g huttor mi u ' rlrtiI .. i The averJlJ fat hero is 35 ce FINDS 5' Hnndon M .$ tie ,s:;.'i;' tn nre.. " j. gan Picked up h"! , a bottle on " tl, wrecked from tei T11 V 11 COOS u"" tiiil'y iit fa ling ,u l nun "' erfrf: - u.a kei Fehruarv 5. Je ' i-Huii the noW H""