""" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915 EVENING EDITION. C FIVE AN IDERTAKING PARLORS will 1)0 kept TO TIIK PUIILIO eulnr stnlo iicctiocu rtnker will lo In ihlllgO Phono 105-J r--. I (ALL PAPER See VIERS About it, immutation tt,ntn C9 AH ILiVGIa' PwUv f forth Bend Atito IJ Ften minutes from rt n. m jj; (n South Slough ouco a (it 11 '! to hmpln' n day. BT KlVfl. Prop CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS L Phono UtlO-L. fight nnd Day. Right Cure. Careful Driver In. i;. foote. VARIETY STORE, North Bend, incy anu uomestio CHINA (GEWOOD riru sign ok tiii: stove A REPUTATION. (II find (hat It Is (ho tllEST VALUE HAKEItS VVRti SAVERS JTELY GUARANTEED Id North Bend ' I ' W i Sfl$i& rhen you buyjgfoj Mjytnebestjj PS CltOCEItV. They uro nil Just light. Keo iih first. .-1-,-t,-, HE DELICATESSEN CO. 136 NORTH BROADWAY clnl functions nnd prlvato gnthorlugs. tnsto In Quality and Prlco. Announcement F-H-r, New York City, nro being shown. Norton & Hansen's. 'ALL US FOR CARS, T.WICAHS, FAPRITSS WAGONS. Copritcht llait Sthiffnef & MitV I .1? you want to bo well dressed J'or business, for everyday affairs you do, of course, conic and see our new' Hart Schaffner &Marx suits; we'll fit you no doubt of it. right; At $25 wo have somo rcmnrknblo values In fine business Suits; others from f IS to $35 Woolen. Mill Store Two Stores BAKE YOUR. BACON" I'll find the HACO.V, tho HAKKIl nnd tho METHOD nt N'AS- NASBURG'S GROCERY Tho (iiiotl llotisekeepln Store. Scarry nt nil tlme3 n largo variety of DELICIOUS HEADY lltED FOODS for tho tablo and family trado, ready to servo. Rlvo our best attention and efforts to all special orders OUR. QUIGK .SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Clc3 of till kbdn to chooso from. A lunch to suit your ItlHSDAY, MARCH 1TH, I WILL FORMALLY OPEN' MY arlor Millinery Io my stock is not largo, it Is representative of tho latest Hug Mvles anil tho Indies of Coos Hay nro cordially Invited anil Inspect nty offerings. A few tailored models from lay Agent for Schwcl.er & Co.'s Imported Swiss Embroideries. t illey" Maker of Gowns and Hats Phono 100-J MESSENGER SEHVIGE 1SH TWO PHONES. 15(1 HltO lmV.YY ww WEATHER FORECAST D Amo:IMM rrtf to Cons Bar Time. OREGON Fair, winds becoming cnatorly. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE ' RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:4.1 n. in.. March fi. hv llonj. Ostllntl, special gov- crnntont niotoorologlst: Maximum 51 Minimum 30 At 4:43 a. 111 41 Precipitation 21 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1911 C3.29 Precipitation samo porlod last year 51. CI Wind: South, cloudy. Holds .Service Kov. 0. L. Hall will apeak at North Inlet at 11 o'clock Sunday morning and at Lakc- slilo Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tonight ho will hold sorvlcca nt Johnson's mill on tho Coqullio River. Lenten Service Thoro will bo a Lenten sorvlco this evening In tho Episcopal Church nt 7:30. Tho choir will assomblo nt Mrs. Horsfall's homo Immediately nftor tho Borvlco. Thoro will bo a vestry meeting at tho Hec tor's study at 8 p. in. Putu On New Car. U W. Stlno, originator of tho jitney bus In Marsh field has Just purchased a new Ford for operation on his Forndnlo run, starting again today. Uotli operators declare they aro satisfied and aro getting good results. Llbmry Donations. Mrs. 12. C. Drows has given tho Public Library T HIGH CLASP VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURES .MISS DIME SOUTHEHN' In n'n cntlro chnngo of character songs and Impersonations. Tho second chaptor of tho MASTHK KEY In two rcols, from tho story wrltton by John Flommlng Wilson. . HEHIDON'S PHIDl:. A Joker comedy. It tickles tho world. SISTEHS. A henutlful Vltagraph showing how two girls boenmo victims of two married scoundrels, THE UNKNOWN COUNTItY Lublu tint ma that will please. KTKAND WAH KEItlES .No. J. Always Intorostlug. Six rools of tho vory host pic , turos." voryotnoishrdliiotaolSIIll turos. A vory clnssy vnutlovlllo net. Lower floor 15c; balcony 10c; .children 5c. ! Saturday night: Tho first eplsodo 'of "Exploits of Elaine." 0RPHEUM 'Where Motion Pictures Look Better TONIGHT. ThiirhdavKrlihiy WHEN THE MEN LEFT TOW J Edison two-part comic. Voo clever and well dono. WILLIE'S HAIR CUT Good now fun. HIS FIRST RIDE Acrobatic comic net. PIE-EATERS' CONTEST Luhln comody. HE WORE A WIG A subject full of laughs and with a climax which Is oxtromoly so. REDSKINS AND RENEGADES Two-part Kalcm apeclal. A good reloaso with faithful work on tho part of tho artists. KASHMIR (Drltlsh Indln.) A beautiful sconlc in natural colors. EIX'AR CASO.N In new Mings. 10c :: ALWAYS:: 10c Special Sunday matlnoo at 2 p. m. Free public band concort by the COOS DAY BAND including chorus of SEVENTY voices. Don't miss this. Romomber, it's nbsolutoly freo. Hlg ORPIIEUM matlnoo immediately following special concort. w HE HOME B AFFY MADE I AVERN CANDY Wo make lep cream 378 Central nvo., P"ouo 131-L NOBLE T TM Hi IS, two year old choice roso hushes I Johnson, Mcrton Lowry, Mcrlo Kurz to bo planted on tho library grounds hal, Coach II. W. Qulgley and W. D. on "clean up" day. Mrs. Geo. Murch Lawcho. Tho llandon men will meet has presented tho library with tho 'the Marshfleld flvo tomorrow oven fiction book, "Ho Comes Up Smiling." Ing. Wlnncr of Contest. Helen Recs nnd Huby Carlson wero tho two girl winners of tho Frcshmnn dec Inmntlon contest nt tho high ccliool Inst evening, nnd Josso Front;;, tho winner for tho boys, one of the con testnnts not being able to come. Next week tho Juniors will hold their contest. Hold Monthly Meeting. Tho reg ular monthly meethiK of tho Marsh- field Chamber of Commerce will bo hold this evening In tho rooms bo - ginning nt eight o'clock. At that tlmo President McLain will mnko a re- port on tho Coos nnd Curry county exhibits at tho Fair and explain what changes aro necessary. A meeting of tho exccutlvo commltto this afternoon at 4:30. was held Investigate. "IHack Hand". When somo ono tied a "Hlnck Hand" noto to tho door of Attorney C. F. McKnlght, tolling him to ."Dcwnro, defender of Flro Dugs," tho nttorney admired tho noto ns a plcco of art istic temperment. Sheriff Johnson, according to his profession, took n different attltudo and camo Invcst' gatlng. Ho was told that a Joko was being played nnd sot up tho cigars. Sacred Caiilntn. Tho choir of the Episcopal Church, under tho direc tion of Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., or gnulst and choir director, has been practicing for somo tlmo on n beau tiful cantntn, based on tho Cruci fixion of Christ. It will bo sung in tho church within a short tlmo. Thoso who linvo heard it liavo been dcoply . Impressed by It nnd It Is hoped that nil will hoar it who can do so. To Hnvo Myrtle Point Cnsc. It. O. arnves, of Grnvcs nnd Mclnturff, wns cnllcd to Coqullio yesterday after - noon and after a consolation with Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrenco Hussoll, in Jnll nccuscd with poisoning Frank HuBsoll, announced that tho firm will havo chargo of tho dofenco and will bo tho lending counsol in tho case. William Pontlnnd Is expected to nrrlvo from Idaho about Monday,, , tf , QlMn Am,0 but In chargo of Doputy Sheriff Laird. ,. ,,, ,v..,nn rln ,In Bnva ,, May Sell Ties. That thoro may bo u present domnnd for Coos Uny tics, llntian.wlit nf ..ltlr.1t ni n. ltn...1 la I pointed, out by n report from Port Innd that Doston Is Inquiring tho prlco on 300,000,000 foot of railroad tics. If tho Inquiry dovoiops into n snlo tho result will probnbly moan n! thlnks.o.f tho old chorry treo, ho pays revival of activity In Bovornl tlol,B tax and forgets tho Inclination making camps. 11,000,000 feet of to sell, tlos woro rccontly contracted for by Charles It, McCormlck & Company, i.0,.t odleds AKsomentw. At tho for delivery at San Francisco for tlio ,noollnR of t)l0 ,ort Commosslonors Denver nnd Rio Grand Railroad. to bo ,lol(, noxt MondBy n r0)0rt will I bo submitted to tho commissioners March 12 Salmon Day. March lSjBhowlnB tlint I)rnctlcally ?33,000 of Is tho third annual Nntlonnl Canned jnb0lt $10000 ,llI0 for flH , tll0 Bajmon Day and on that dato ro-Boulh Mnrahflold fill has already turant keopors and hotel mon nro ox-!,)COn co,0(!(ciI. At tll0 llBt l00tlnB J. poctod to servo snlmon on tholr, T. nrn,i wnH ,..,. ilnri,n nf ni,t moniiB mid tho housowlfo re-, ?10,000 to $12,000 oiitBtnnding, 30,- Joicca Hint tho 12th Is on Friday nnd! 000 thon ,,olnB , tho treasury. Groat thoroforo fish will como vory handy. I llcIulwny ,mB 1)fcen inn(lo , potting As a moans of sotting nn oxamplo to,lhlB moil0V .,,. .... Mmil,,. ., ia n. tho rest of tho nation President WII-! son will havo cannot! salmon on tho vt-iiiio jiouso menu on inni tinio, olKop tho ,lnrth MnrHliflnlil flll thoro shipment having boon sont by n can ning association, Hrotht'i-s Not Jealous. That tho f'tl tun tl in ItrnMinHK nl'ik ii.ii (nnlniiu Is tho report of Jlabo Dixon who on Monday night swallowed somo nntlsoptlc tablets. Trouble nroso ! when Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Chantzla, & X Sitt ' , asked for tho Catsnulos hrothors to Itcop away. Judge Duller, unable, to follow tho testimony, continued tho enso Tuesday afternoon for want of moro'evldonco. Hasliotluill Toani Hero. Tho Dan. don basketball' team nrrlved horo this morning and this ovonlng will battlo with North Rond. Tho ontlro contingent consists of 18 members, Thoy aro Principal JL Hopkins and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. E. Doak, Ivan Pullon, Raymond Wobb, John Wind sor, Losljo Pullen, Sam Armstrong, Kouon Smith, Tom Chatham, Clnlro Shumato, Goorgo Stoltz, Harold, 1 t V i TOMORROW IS CLEAN-UP DAY V l Wo can't all bo Michael Angolos; but almost any man can 'work wondora with a can of houtfo paint. ?! MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. 1 : , "i""u' "" "" j" i jK wi,011 ,)r. Q( w, l4080 W(ll,t ,low:, i of each oilier and that only ono,, . , ., ,. , ,, , . ,,..,,', . . ' . tho Btroot h inso f nnd Ills htmrt was ,of thoni, Sam, wants to marry hor, I . . . ,...,. , Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y riiuinlnndc Club Sings. Tho fac ulty nnd students of the high school and tho grades ns well,' wero enter-1 tallied this morning by tho appear-1 nnco of tho Chnmlnndo Club In the I auditorium. Tho program wnB tho same as tho one In tho concert of Tuesday evening. May Move Hero. Clyde Cage, for mory deputy sheriff, Is planning to movo f ro,n Coqullio to Mnrshflold. j ,110 llns boon look'nr allor somo in-1 , vestments, doing somo special work for G- T Troadgold in tho Simpson- i Trcadgold-Coaeh cases and looking j nftor otllcr "nttcrs. W. W. Gngo has ' not 8,Sn,f,ert wllnt h Intends to en- gago In. Qnn.sh .Motion. Judge Coko htto yesterday afternoon allowed tho mo tion of tho city of Mnrshflold to !"""? i'Vr u rr0V,M T";1 by C F. McKnlght for tho South- em Pacific relative to tho condemn- .t . , . . m ,, atlon of a right of way arrow the tack nt Ferry street Tho next Btop will probably bo tho condomn ntlon proceedings by tho city, fol lowing which tho railroad attor neys state the matter will bo held up. ltldt Part Way. When Clifford Nicholson nnd Qcorgo Prlnzlor left hero Inst Fridny they mado a loud "hip hurrah," stating they would walk tho cntlro dlstnnco to Wiscon sin using no public convoyanco nnd "hoof" It clear through to Milwau kee. Jerry Kinney gnvo thorn n rldo up tho bench as far as Winchester Day. Tho men nrrlved In Engono on Tuesday morning. Had t)iey walked tho dlstnnco from tho Umpqun to Eu geno tlioy would hnvo had to nvcrngo 33 miles n tiny. Thoro thoy obtained ! tho slKiiaturo of Mayor Yoran nnd ' continued on tholr war. Has Flno CherrlcH. Dr. Walter Citlln of Coqullio who wns hero yes terday says ho has tho finest cherry I ii uu in luu (juuiiLt lib inn 1IU11IU III ' rm Tl ,. . B,rnn vnriniv. i.n! produces about n ton onch year, nil tho children nnd neighbors fenst oft! It nnd myrlnds of birds enjoy tho luscious fruit. Ho will not permit any ono to drlvo awny tho fenthorod songsters from tho cherry treo. Ho Bny8 that high taxes havo tempted i,lm to soil tho homo but when o 110Ct0(, thoro ,,.. ,l0 outBtandlnir only' nl)0t t9i00o fr mturo collection. Is about 12,000 copilug duo, but not for sovornl months yot. ItmririiM Ifikiuuil- fPlm nlliiiH hinril. " itMiuiiuu iij iiiu ni.fi ui it juiuifi limn who told him ho had Just walked In from Rosoburg and noodod some thing to ent. A quarter was Immedi '!'", aan , ately produced for tho breakfast. Yes- noon tlmo tho young Intercepted tho doctor. "Whoro nro you from?" tho man was nskod. "Dandon.". Tho doctor walk ed nwny up tho strcot. "Somo travel ing man, that," ho told his frlonds. Several peopio in tho rosldents dls- i" rI0" 'onK man or mis samo description who has boon making n ll(niB0 to ,l01")0 cnnviis for food mid clothing, tolling at each placo about how far ho haa walked. DR. E. V. MORROW wna a profup- slonal visitor In Coqullio this morning. - COACH HAROLD QUIGLEY, of tho llandon High School, camo hero this morning. i J. 12. P. NORTON, N. Moon and F. V. j Catlorlln woro among tho Coos Dayltos going to Coqullio yostor day. MRS. ROnERT MATTOX wns brought over from Coqullio this morning and taken to tho Mercy. Hit. HARRY SIMPSON UK. PORTER VERY ILL According to a report re ceived In North llciul, Dr. Harry Simpson, a son of tho Into Capt. A. M. Simpson, Is reported to bo crltlcnlly 111 in California. Ho has been In 111 health somo tlnio nnd Is said to bo afflicted with tu berculosis. 15 GEO. M'llO.NALR, RHOTIIEH OK MltS. ALIIERT MERCHANT, SUS TAINS 1IHOKEN JAW AND OTHER INJURIES AT RANCH (Special to Tho Times.) RANDON, Or., March 5. Qoo. MacDonnld, a brother of Mrs. Albert Mchant, was seriously 'injured In ,mw M, ,. .... , i itx-itt AJtiitti ii iina iiiui dins iiia Jm w brok , ,nJ Inflcl0l 0 ,8 bohlB tnkon to Itnlitrr tnlntt ' Mercy hospital at North Uond nnd will probnbly arrive thoro this ovo nlng. Until ho arrives hero and an examlnnttou Is held, tho extent of hlti Injuries will not bo known. LOCATE IN (SOLD llEACH 0, II. llurflugton, Attorney, Decides Xu Movo to Curry County (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) GOLD' DEACH Ore, MnrchC. C. H. Duffliigton of Mnrshflold, with John D. Goss, In tho First Na tional Hank Untitling lins been in Gold lloncji a fow days, and has do ceded to mako this ills future homo, and will return to Mnrshflold to closo up his business, when ho will ,novo '8 offlco to this city. Ilia of ' "co will ho in tho llrcnkors hotel. Mr. Uufflngton has created n vory favorable Impression among tho bust iiofiH men and pcoplo of tills locality. Mr. Dufflngton returned to Mnrsh flold yesterday afternoon. Ho states there nro nt prosont but two nttornoys In Curry younty nnd 'bollveb tho field n promising ono. W. C. SELLMAR, tho Ilanilon mov ing plcturo magnate nnd wlfo ro ttirnod homo yesterday nftor a short visit- hero. PERCY ROSS, of San Diego, nrrlvod liore yesterday for n visit with his pnrontB, Mr. and -Mrs. I), D. Ross, on Goldou avenue. PRINCIPAL UI. HOPKINS, of tho Dandon High Scliool, with hla wlfo, la lioro for the gamo of tills ovonlng nnd tomorrow. in J. McKEOWN returned today from Wagner where ho hna boon enjoying n visit with Ilrlau O' Kourko mid A. H. Powers. J. L. SMITH, county agriculturist, is expected down tomorrow morning from Siimnnr nnd will comploto plans for tho banquet on Wednes day. CAPTAIN N. J. CORNWALL drop- - ped In from Gnrdlnor on tho stage yesterday for a busliiosa visit lie snya that everything s well In Gardiner. MRS. OSCAR FRAN, of Heaver Hill, formerly MIhn Lola Montgomery, la spending a few days with hor parents Mr. ami Mrs. George Mont gomery of Mlllliigtoii. MISS ELVIRA FRIZEEN who linaj Iieon visiting In Portland for the' past week n lived homo today, Sho was secretary to Senator I. 8. Smith during the last session of tho Oregon legislature MltS. A. LAIIOWITCH and son, Ed win, returned todny from n six weeks visit to San Francisco and San Diego expositions and visits In other California points. Thoy eamo up on tho Speedwell to llandon, bolng at soa from Tuesday until last nlgnt. MltS. G. L. WILLIAMS of Coaledo is a Mnrshflold shnppor today. Sho and tho family will movo next v.ook from Co-lodo to Wagnor, tho now headquartors of tho Smith Powers company. Coaledo will soon bo a deserted vlllngo, S. DARTO.N and wlfo and son ro turned to Coqullio today from Portland whgro thoy visited for a ' tliuo'followliiK the hearing at Rose-j buiijf. TJivy loft Fioronco at 2:301 this morning and arlvod in Marsh Hold about Jo. Mr. Ilartgn sgys tliat tho most liicunvenlout feat uro . pf tjiu tflp jigw Is tho slow boat Ik sorvlrw between Jarvls lauding and ' Mamtiftold 1 ; Bit INJURED NEAR . i- AMONG THE SICK 1'nglnccr Gordon Smith is laid up with tho grlppo and today was not nblo to bo on duty nt tho flro sta tion. Mrs. ltobcrt Mattox updorwent an oporatlon nt tho Mercy Hospital this morning bolng brought from Co qulllo by Dr. 13. V. Morrow. Dr. V. L. Hnmllton, of 'coqtillle, is reported down with tho grlppo nt his homo after n visit hero two days ago. Mrs. Donaldson, of Coqullio, who , underwent an oporatlon at tho Mercy Hospital a fow days ago Is recovor j Ing very wol. i Mrs. Tom Lawhorn will bo nblo to , return to hor homo In Allegany tho ' rl. . iimi oi ncxi wcou, statos tno doctor. Mrs. Lawhorn uinlcrwont a jsorloua operation, about tiirc.0 weeks ago. DIJ WISH nnd ATTI5ND tho OWLS HALL, KAOLKS JLVLL, SAT. KVi:., .MAIICII (I. TVTKST SPltlNO MILLIN'KltV DLSPUVV nt CLAHK1VS, Central Ave., Friday nut Saturday. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I : FOR RENT Furnished n-rooni house. 438 Hall avo. Apply 708 So. Fifth atroct. WANTEI? (Jiu-net Chlllu PotntocH. Address Herbert Rogors, caro of Btcamor Rainbow. FOR RENT 0-room house, with bnlh, and lot for gardon, at Forndnlo. Phono 1511, North Dcnd. FOR SALI EggH for hutching, 8. C. Whlto Leghorns, none hotter; $5.00 per 100; baby chicks nlao; Rocky Point Poultry Farm, Em plro, Orogon, Phono G0-8. FOR HALE Hean hlgli-prassura spray pump, for spraying of nil kinds. Regular prlco $37.50; spe clal prlco, $25. Ploneor Hdw. Co. ART NEEDLE SHOP Corner out! mid Mnrkot. Sec- WANTED WANTED A live wlro with 9100; 'to tho right party will glvo 40 por coat of tho host proposition In Coos County, No trlflors need npply. Dox t'C" TlmcB. 1 FOR SALE rf , I'Oll HA LE HainejtH nearly now, nl so housoholtl furniture. Iiiqulro at Powers' Dliickaiulth SJiop, North Rend. FOR KALI!, Cheap If taken nt once. Furniture comploto for 5-room hoiiBO, Apply cornor Virginia and Ilrondwny, Dnngor. FOR HALK I'lHimo oloctrlc motor nnd v1(JVntor hoist, cheap, F. To lander, 802 North Front Btroot. FOR HALE Alredalo TerrJerH.cIinm ploiiBhlp stock. Another llttor 'of tho kind of ptipn tluit nro too good to glvo nwny. Tho dogs Hint mnko good at anything. $10 each either box, but to gopd homos only. Address I'M" Times offlco. FOR HALE Motor bont. .Excellent onglno. F. A. Sncchl. FOR HA Li: Cluster Whlto hoar, 30.00 Phono 307XC or nddrpss P. O. IIox 312, North non'd. 1 FOR RENT f FOR RENT Fin ulshetl Hlx-room lioune, with bath, on Shormnn avo line, closo In. Iiiqulro Powers' lllacksmlth Shop, North Rend. ' l"OR RENT Doslmlilo seven-room liouso on Elrod, near Tonth. I. p. Kaufman & Co. FOR RENT Romas with Imtli 91.75 and up, also housekeeping rooujs. 237 North Uroadway. FOR RENT Hoiisckeeprng Milte, MurBhflold Ilotol, Cor. Third and Commercial. Phone 137-L. FOR RENT, Rooms with or wlt. out board. ICC So. 10th Street. - FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight ami ItaggAK'N Call FEIUU SON TRAXSVKR Phone IQX Rc-ldcnro 4 V Market v. WrMi Ill SHFIFLT) CYCLERY. Hospital, .1 I ' Itrlbjf rwulu, t '& .tt.