Ml- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915-EVENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES, M. C. MALONKY, Editor nnd Ptib. DAX E. MA LONE Y, News Editor News of Nearby Towns KIT OF fl NEW CASKS FILED OfUcUl rpr of Coos County Entered at the Postofflce at Marsh nld. Oregon, for transmission through the malls as Ball matter. The following cases liavo boon filed In tlio Circuit Court during tlie second-class ' lst week: E. Uarfternn vs. Susetta Geddls. CHIPS t. M. Collver. X. V. Morgan and - W. I. UoaebraKe. trustees ot Coos . P. GOSS WINS EDITORSHIP: SON OK .IOU.V 1). C.'OSS AITOIXT ER MVXAGIXG KDITOU PELI- cax. r. ok c. humorous CLEAN-UP CHIPS t. M. Collver. X. V. Morgan ami; .u.u...i.m.. i V. I. UonebraKe. trustees ot Coos Rogof Kulton (,osg of tho cln9g of i Don't be tlio mnn who put the sit ( mver Circuit l'. U. Church vs. Henry 1 15 M6 at t,1 nilversdty of Cnllfor ln city. L. Bradley, j,,!,,, 8on 0f j0lm D. (loss, lias Just A H. Smith and William Wade boen an,)olntou managing editor of tho Pelican, the college Geo. Geddls and humorous a copy of and shelling peanuts doesn't help It ; Qq yg Coog Countv Qroson. much. Set a few flowers oui in me ,, c grrett front yard ana sei a poou e."iiMo. Walter Oliver Oliliann vs. nniei mllKSane according to P. Mason Oldland. Suit for divorce. The Day callfornlan. Tho man who works for nu town jGaenhino A. Truoman vs. Harm Vnv .., .,... year It. P. Goss has doesn't havo to apologize for It. , A Trueman. Suit for divorce. ' jervod as associate editor of the i J. J. McDonald vs. Chas. Skorrett. monthly and Is known ns the "per- Sholllng a cathedral hurts a town Th Amerlcin Multln-anh Sales . netrator-ln-chler of the llnspberrv Press ,a comical department of the Pelican. "He has been a frenuont contributor to the ningazlne," said The Dally Callfornlan, "for the past two years, and his work has won favorable comment from Eastern publications. "While most of his work has been In prose, ho has also contributed considerable versified humor. Ills prose articles, many ot thorn fables In slum?, have featured most of tho recent Issue of tho Ponllcan. "Perhaps his best known contri bution was "Tho Ijvo Lire of a If You Want the Best In the Meat Line Telephone Us TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU WANT AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS We buy the best that Coos County and Portland can fur nish us. We have equipped our market to keep and ripen meats and qive the most prompt and efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION MARKET J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. Phone 58 What some homos In Mnrshflold need isn't new tango steps, but new front ones. So live that when your summons como to Join tho clean-up brigade you will Jump at tho chance. Frank A. Plerson and Clara A. Plerson vs. W. B. Myers. A. McNalr vs. J. P. DeGosen and same as administrator of estate of Anita DeGesen. Coqulllo Sentinel There are a good many ways to help Mnrshflold, but the host right now is to help clean up tomorrow. alley ix trouble. KoH'burj: Man. Well Known on Omw liny .Indicted for Fiitiul The following from a Portland paper, will bo of Interest here ns Frank E. Alloy Is well known GET YOUR ZER.OLENE AT Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: :: Phone 180-J Important Notice to ' . Property Owi GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR po0PFPTv utr Aii I naTAiw mo v ' tPl ... ... w,v,n, un i uu AMOUNT Of imauo uiy ortivit. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU F OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For Htm. Mill on Mnrshflold would look bettor if i Cooa Pay through timber operations ; Kroa,.. wn,.i, Wns awarded tho S. somo of the peoplo who go out driv ing nutoa would take tilting hammer nml nails. six allotted timber nml stone nffl- 'davits at the Hoseburg land office, i If somo Coos Hay people wo know woro ever caught by a moving plc turo camera, tho spectators would think they woro statuary. Get n movo on tomorrow. It Is asserted thut they had claim- Instead of planning n campaign ants swoar that tho applicant had for tho French or Husslans or Ger-'mnde n personal examination of the man Gonernls, why not plan to help land, nnd that Its total value was tho clean-tin campaign tomorrow? .not more than $425, when It fact no applicant hnd soon tho land while j Thero Is only ono bettor man than ' each claim was worth more than ' tho man who gets behind and pushes $i"000. nn effort to Improvo Mnrshfleld, and' Uyron and Alley havo locatod np-. proximately Cf. peoplo on tho Hydo- Ilonson fraudulent land selections, rnd under their contracts Inivo charged $500 for tho location with n stipulation that JfiOO additional fhall bo paid whon tho laud Is fi nally secured. In tins soctlon: .. i-..i ri.0 fr bumnr. Goss Carlos L. Hyron, n timber opor-, n.KlBtur- froI, jnirahflold, Oregon, ator of Seattle, and Frank E. Alley, j md 0l0,U(l u,0 College of nu attorney ot Hoseburg. were In-, SocM Sehmca wItll n llinJor ,,m. dieted by tnu rtuiorni granu jurj , .... . It member ,,f the on a charge of intent to tieir&mi tue L'oi'irnuient through tho filing or osophy. Ho is a Press Club and tho Chi Pal frntor- ! nlty. The Pelican In n monthly magazine large In size and which eontnliiH ma terial very often copied In Eastern magazines. Tho honor of liiannglng editor of such n publication Is con sidered ono of tho highest offices In tho University of California. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes : .;; ,.'. Conner & Hoagkmd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 that Is tho man who goes ahead and pulls. G CO TO PEOPLES FORUM Tho Coos nny Times will ho pleased to publish letters from Its lenders on all questions of public Interest, giving his or her nddresf, nnd bo far as posslblo limited to 250 vcrds. In publishing theio loi ters Tho Times doos not Indorse the lcws cxprcssod therein; It it slmolv affording a means for the YOXCALLA HANK CLOSKD nOSKDUHG Ore., March 3. Tho Yoncalln Stato Dank was closed by tho Stato Hand Examiner who took BEEARLY REPORT Marshf ield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrshfleld nt Puny Coiner 10:00 n.m. 2i00.ii.ui. r.:00 p.m. Leaves Xnrtli Ileml 1" min utes later Leaves Hmplro. 8: HO 11:.'10 n.m. 3: HO p.m. FLUIICU & BEMIIE OLDK.ST HANK IN COOS COUXn Established 1889. Capital, Surplus and Undivideil Profits $118,000 Utercflt 1mI(1 on Tlino Dcpoilts Offlcori: J. V. Itctiiiett, rrcsldent. J. J I. Flanagan, Vlcc-l'rcsldent. It. 1 Wlllliutis, Cashier. Geo. I WlnchMtrr, Ait,C pi.owixfi and sowixd wniJi, I'XDKIt WAV DKCIiAltllS COt'.V. tv AcsuicrirritisT maxv Xi:V TltACTS OPKXIil). , Spring plowing nnd planting ot crops In tho Coqulllo Valley Is at Its height, according to .7. L. Smith, voicing of different opinions on all W of it. The bank has $10,000 j county, who camo over questions affecting tho public we! ire. capital. SS0.000 deposits nnd a sur plus of $1,000. M. L. Dungay was president? (5. C. Knott, vice-pros- MHS. IIKMHXO DKXIKS ; juont, and Hnrry Drawn cnshler. It CIIAIlfilCS OF lirSHAXI) Is said that loans mndo to tho Yon- Icnlla Orchard Tracts Co., of which this morning nnd will spond sovoral days on tho liny. In tho upper part of tho Valley,' far up on tho north nnd south forks of tho Coqulllo HIvor, vogetablos aro already put ting in their first npponranco this FltF.ICIHT. rni ? BTOIIAGH ARROW LIME STEAMERS San Frnnclico Plor No. 20. Evory Wednesday 3 P.M. SAIL FItOM Coos Day Evory Friday To Portland And Tuosday To San Francisco Portlnnd Albors Dock No. I Erery Saturday 0 A. M. Phono U7H. THOMAS II. JAMF.S, Agent Ocean Dock Mnrsliflcld Editor Coos Day Tlmos: This Mr. Dungay Is ono of tho loading yoar. man, Mr. Otto Holblng, who had stockholders was roiponslblo for tho a letter published In this paper has closing of tho bnnk. It Is reported mado somo false statements. Ho that nu effort will ho' mndo by Yon Btoted that ho lived happily with calln buslnoss men lo reorganize tho his family and that whon Mr. Grind- 'buBinoss nnd roopon tho institution. rod camo In the family ho wns turn ed out. lhit thnt Is not truo ns -wo always had trouble with him. Wo lived on n ranch and ho worked in Vancouver, Washington. Ho would como out Saturday evening and spend Sunday nnd ho would do nothing but find fault bocause ho thought "Harvey" hjs oldost son, was not doing enough work. Mr. Dungny nnd Mr. from tho Hast. Knott aro both HU'SLAW II AY FAMIXi: ItuiiclierK in Had l'mllcniuonl its lie Mill of Fivelug Weather KUGKNi:, Or., March B. A food fnmluo Is wild to exist In tho Sins- Tbo hoy worked hard and cloarod ' law region and many cuttlo aro In threo acres of stump land, got it ,jangor of starvation, according to jondy for plowing and novor hnd (;UOigo lluwloy. county couimliwlou tho help of a horse. So ho told or wj, returned from u trip to In hls fathor to koop nwny until he ,Uan Crook last nlKht. Ho states that could como to tho placo In a hotter fr001tiK WMthur has klllod off tho'l'OBt. grniw, nnd that few of tho farmers' ot liumor. Ho knew wo woro on the Day ns wo havo recolvod let tors from him right along. As for Mr. (Jrludrod being sentenced for at tempted train wrecking wo novor heard of such a thing. Ho always lived at ItldKofleld, Washington, with his parents nnd wns novor cou nldenxl an outlaw. The peoplu (hero wild ho was list as good as some of tho Ultlgi fl.ld people. Mrs, Homiotta Helling. Mnrnhfleld, Oregon. Tho fact that lu thoso soctlons It, Is n llttlo warmer, says Mr. Smith, ' accounts for tho oarly start. I.ot tuce Is up wall and the pons nlr'ondy have a holght of sovoral Inchon, nu advance ovor tho gardens on tho Uny. i That the farmers aro cloarlug more land HiIh year than over bo- foro Is qulto noticeable, stntos the , ngrlcutlurlst. Plecos adjoining cul tivated acres have boon slashed, tho timber and brush cloarod and now aro bolug plowed up nnd this your, will produce their first crops. Mr. Smith In just recovering from ti xuvoro attack of poison oak, the result of u trip last wook Into tho Ornvolford country whoro ho nccl dontully enmo into contact with tho For several days ho wns nl- TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon a hobby with us for a good many years nnd a lot of our customers will toll you whon It conies to gottltg good, sound, durablo framing matorla at tho right prico wo know our busi ness. Juat toll what you want to build nnd tho amount you wnnt to spend nnd wo'll got buBy with our pencil nnd flguro out tho host your aonoy can buy. Try us. ,. , , , i(Ji C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. It F.TA 1 1, DIU'AIITM ENT CUT THE FUEL UILL I TWO IJY U8IXG OUIt WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH IWtOADWAY To Portland every Thursday To Etireli every Mori THE FAST AND COMFOIITAIILK S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH l'ACiFIO HTEAM8HIPC0. O. F. McGEORGH AGENT W,l Phono VI, Mnrshflold Phone UI.KjM EQUIPPED WITH WIIlKLE&l Steamship Breakwaf ALWAYS ON TIMB. HAILS FHOM MAHSIFIEL1) DUIIING MAUCH fX THj LOWING DATES: HATL'HDAY, MAIICII (I, AT I r.XU DAY, MAKCH 1, AT 8 A. M. TICKETS OX SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFml AND OAK STUEirr.S, POHTLAXD. I Phono 85-J. O. n. IAXDHM incapacitated for have stored any hay. Somo feed Is being shipped in and many are footl ing oats. Tho dost ruction of grass In this manner is very uniisuul, tho funnel' states. tluiiwi'Hlly cattle are ulilo to Mrixtt hII tho jour around and winter his work, oyos mid tho poison being In Ills mouth. Haiilii I). Smith, n bruthor of the iiKrlcutlturlst, who was In this conn tiy about lx mouths ngo, has nn aitlc!u in tho lust County (leutlemiiii about the prUo dairy herd of Kd TINT FIRST AN1D AFTER COSTS FORD H TnBY SAVE YOU AIONEY CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "THE CJUNNETvY" Front Street Marsh field, Ore. fading is iDiuecemury. The only hopoli:''' II Wlllnnietto Valley dairy., of mvIhk many cuttle. Mr. lluwley , " wl,u "trl," ,l1 ll li" 'UBr sm. Is thutiho weather will turn.iff "" inoriwmlim his farm to securo f'JOU with which to buy good stock. dry at onto and bring tho new gran up. , USE FOR OYSTim SHELLS Editor Time: I wUh Ui endors the article spiHarliig in a rtnt Ihsiio or The Times as to th publli being supplied with oyster khclU from the bottom of the bay bad add In addltln to want JndK Wat kins wild of the uses they lutrH I put to In the absence of convenient gravel or decomposed irani'c such ns the Willamette and Koge KUer Valleys havo and that is. for prt vato walks anil driveways, also they would bo HE WISE anil ATTEND the OWLS HALL, EU1I.KS HALL, SAT. EVE., MAUCH tl. Orrine for Drink Habit THY IT AT OCR EXPENSE We are in eanu-st when wo auk you to gbe OKIUNi: a trial. You have luithiug to link and everything to sain, for your money will bo re unied If after a trial ou full to set reeults from Orrluo. This offer flue on the school gives the wives and mothers of those grounds Instead of the estenslve tt0 (lrlnJl t0 0NCWW na opportunity plauHlng recontly put down at the l0 try lhe oitUINK trontmont. It itlgn Bonooi grouniU. I would aug-iu Verv aininlu trontmont. onn 1. , nr.uun.i iiimiiBu-. i.. tnvnr m inin given In the homo without publlolty lug, declaring tho results nro more Now hu U rated an ono of the largest dulrymun of tho tuto. I At tho prevent tlmo II. I). Smith I la In San Diego writing up the model ' dal.'y farm thure and later will re-; tin u to Coon Hay for voveral htorloa reguidlng the cjw testing nanoclii tloua. For three year ho wag In structor in Induatiliil Jounuillmu .it the Uulvei'Mlty ot Kauaa and also wiu odltor of the Experiment station paper. This afternoon Mr. Smith went up to Sumner, oxpectlug to return to morrow. He la looking oer the i work being done in tho cow touting association and oxpocts that for thu new year thero will bo a great many additions to tho association horde, many farmers already having ex- Abstracts FOR RELIAHLE AHSTKAOTS OF TITLE AXD INFORMATION ADOPT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSUFIELD AXD COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AOEXTS, EASTSIDE AXD SEXGSTACKEX'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN' PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS HEXRY KENGSTACKEN, MANAGER HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See G0RTHELL Phone 3171. -4 - New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend gest that that the Port Cooimleaion- ors might dump at street eudi at two or three convenient placea whorovor tho shells might be lo cated nnd then chargo the public a nominal sum tor oxponte ot the dredging. Yours truly, J. W. Watt. IJbliy COAL. Tho kind YOU lme ASVSED. Phono 72. X'uclflc d Traubfer Coiniwuv. .. or toes ot tlmo from busluoss, nnd at a amall prico. OitltlNE U prepared In two forms: No. 1, secret troatmont, u powder: QltlUNtt No. 2, in pill form, for tboee who deelre to take voluntary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come lu ami talk ovor the matter with us Ahk for booklot. Owl 1'robcrlptlon l'hnrmncy. Frank than wotth the uxponse. PHKASAXTS DO WELL The China pheasants and Hun garian partridges from tho State Camo farm which woro liberated last year at Fain lew on tho Win. Uettys and Homer Holvetstott plncos, are D. Cohan. Central Avenue, opposite reported to be doing flue Chandler Hotel. Phono 7 1. i Sontluel. 1 I Coijullle THE HEAL QUESTION Tho nuostlon is not, will mon honor you for your work? Hut doos your work honor you? Your concorn is not only to oroate profit for yourself, but to make that which will profit many bo sldes yourself. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono n-J. ' l o i I SOUTH COOS RIVER IJOAT j SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS j lenves Marshflcld every day j 8 u. in. Leaves head of river j at U: 15 p. m. j STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river daily at 7 j n. in. Leaves Mars"iold at 2 p. j in. For charter apply on board. j ROGERS H.MITH I Proprietors IIDHIEU T1ISPBII HIP Ml SI Weekly Servlco Coos Hay nnd San Francis STEAMS Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco; Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays. From San Francisco Tuesday, March 9lh,at3j Knit Francisco Office, (100 Flfo Hulldlng, '"! m Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McdEOKaE, m Paget Sound Bridge Dredging Co. nnms Rririnoo. Riiiiriinns. General CjJ COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBU"; Our Coos Bay office has available; for w work the Dredge "Seattle" ... ,.. ., ,i most tUorous twenty-inch JiydinuHc dreilgo l 1,,,rlflc ' thorouJf ' Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Main Seattle, W m BENNETT TRUSTf1 MARSHFIELD, CUU3 -v., Capital, surplus and undivided profits .. OFFICERS: . $& J. W. Bennett. President Arthur .B. in Benneu o -- , Tom T. Benuett, Vice President v. uenne ,.. ol Transacts a. trust business only. Acts a TM o a, iiuai, uuoiucm um.. 0te3. ' 1 and also na executor and administrator ui v.. uBaeiri Company lu Oregon outsido of Portland orB law in this state. 44 "HI'HW ' ,"1 . -frj- tnik