i. r- JET'S NOT BE TRYING TO STOP SOMETHING ALL THE TIME; LET'S START SOMETHING i The Aim Stay Qftmra The Armies Tlio nlm to bo nhvnys bright, uholosomc ami In teresting, keeps the, contents of Tho Times up to Its high standard of news excellence. All tlio news nil tlio tlmo is always tlio niiu of Tlio Times. of Ettropo nro engaged in n dentil stnigglo which may etinngo tlio map of tlio world. Ench day brings now developments of vital Importance Keep yourself posted roml News that Is News subscribe for Tuo Times nnd "wlso up." MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED PItESS fOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 nsTho Coast MSI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1915 E VENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) nd Coos Bar Advertiser No. 192 QuUtf LAM EVIDENCE CAUSED BUNKER DILI FIDE F. McKniaht and R. 0. FGraves Announce Roomer Admits Causing Fire ' IAME OF ROOMER IS WITHHELD BY THEM ays Foreigner Was Smoking III DUU IIIIIU UIVUII Ull- fcrs From Time of Alarm Discovery of tlio cnuso of tlio Hun ker lllll flro, tlio knowlodgo of tlio inn In whoso room It started and testimony Hint In every wny exon- Iratcs Charles Skorrctt from nny Im plication was announced this niorii- ig from tlio offices of C. F. Mc- Cnlght nnd Graves & Mclnturff, at- irnoyH for tlio defense nt tlio ro- ont hcnrlng. Further claim hi undo tliat Information wnH given n member of tlio Coroner's jury Ind of tlio Sheriff's offlco last Frl- lay provloiis to tlio hcnrlng on Snt- irclny a week ago. "Tlio man hnd boon smoking n (garotte In bod," said Mr. Mc Cnlght this morning "and tlio stub no throw nwny, carelessly, nnd went own from his room on tlio second Poor, to tlio first floor, for n drink if wnlor. Whon ho returned, accord ig to this mnn'H own statement undo In tlio presence of four dlsln- urosted witnesses, ho found his oom ntilnzo and so full of smoko lint ho fled lenvlng behind his Botlics, watch and monoy." "Tlioro wns nbsolutoly no crlm- pnl Intent. Tlio flro wns a euro- Ms accident. Tlio man Is n for Ignor. Ho did not undorstnnd that lis tostlmony would help In clearing p tlio trouble. Wo hnvo his name id tlio names of tlio four wltuesscs whom ho told tlio story." "I went down stairs about 1 "clock after n drink of wntor and imo linck In about ton minutes id my room wns nil on flro. Tlioro rag ko much smoko I could not ollor.' I did not hnvo tlmo to got py watch or monoy." This Ib tlio Intomont tho attorneys glvo from 'io man who claims tho flro utnrted his room. Tlio flro alarm was turned In nt n minutes to 1! o'clock or nearly irco-qunrtors of nn hour nftor tho Qv witness claims that ho dls- avorod It. Tlio nnmo of tho man Is not mndo ibllc, according to tho nttornoys, ar tho ronson that It would affect Jrthor nctlona nt law, monnlng imngo suits that may bo started Salnst tho C. A. Slinth Company. Bclarlug thorn orlmlnnll llablo for no alleged poor construction of tho ilhllng. t'nilg Tells tluryiuon. 'Whero did UiIh hows como from pel why wns It not produced nt tho rial?" wn8 tho question naked. "(Icorgo w. Crnlg, proprletpr of lio boarding house, found out this iiforiiwitlon hlmsolf and Immodlnto- enmo up to toll us about It. That jns hist Friday after Charles Skor- ott had boon nrrcstod and Imnio- llntoly boforo his hoarlng In tho jiEtlco court on Saturday. Mr. Craig camo hurrying up tho jreot and on tho wny to our offices je mot Waltor Condron, of tho Cor ner s Jury and also tho deputy who jarrted Skorrctt whllo ho wns un- or arrest. Condron wns told tho lory. Not a bit of this Information nio out In tho hoarlng on Satur- y and Sunday, through tho stato's fitnesses or tho District Attorney. 'o can't Imagine tho reason for eeplng secret tho Information that rould freq an Innocent man charg- wlth tho crime of arson and In- Identally tho murder of seven men. Flro uii Second Floor. According to tho story of James lammond, said Mr. McKnlght, tho patemont has beon made undor oath iat ho declarod tho flro started cxt to room five which ho occupied tho second floor. This would bo aom 3, occupied by tho man who Is claimed unintentionally started io fire. Doth rooms are at tho head of e stairs on tho second floor and P'st off the Jobby. Tho room occu- ed by Charles Skerrett was on tho frst floor and In tho north end the bul'dlng, "Remn-.its of the purso that mtalned tho paper money, said by anie to have been stolon, have been -nnd by Hen Mnthlsnn," declared R. r Graves, AThls In Itsolt will show THAT IE ED OUII FDUND IT Logger, Well Known on Coos Bay for Many Battles with John Barleycorn, Dies (Special to Tho Times.) (JOLI) BEACH, Or., March G. Ed Qnlnn, n logger, alnglo, 13 years old, was found (lend on the railroad track about a mllo from tho ferry at llrooklngs, by Mr. Drlscoll, foro mnn of Camp No. 2 of tlio llrook lngs Company. Mr. Qnlnn hnd been working for tho company for somo tlmo, but quit on Wnshlngton'B blrtlulny and wont to Crescent City, whero ho proceeded to spend what monoy ho I hnd for boozo, nnd camo bnck to llrooklngs to sabor up nnd got n Job and go to work: Ho stopped at the Antlers Hotel a few days. and. 0 brookings .un w.o iiami aim stuncti lor wmp now (lccrco of Gonorl Olirogon, or No 2, nnd was found .lend nsstntod.)dorn niorcllnntB , tno cnpltn, Justice Uenhnm hold nn Inquest Q opol U0,r nml nccopl tho nt which Dr. Saunders was nn ex-, constltutlonnllst currency. pert nicdlcnl witness, Tho verdict of tho Jury wnB Hint tho decensed, Ed Qnlnn, camo to his death from heart failure, caused by tho cxccsslvo uso of liquor. El) QUIXX K.VOWX HERE. It Is believed that tho Ed Quiun found dead near Brookings is tho Ed Qnlnn who for tho pnt two yoarB has beon frequently nn pollco court In Marshflold. Almost Invariably ho was broku nnd tho fines Imposed on him woro chnrgod. Qnlnn work ed In tho dlfforont camps of tho Smlth-Powcre Company, llo wnn ofi tho typical hobo typo, excessive ' drinking having robbed him of his j better solf. At times, ho would re-' form nnd work stendlly for months nnd a fow days In town would sco i his savings nil gono. Then ho bo-1 enmo a "moochor" nnd finally wns j placed on the blnck list. Ho hns , not boon around Mnrshflold since I about Christmas tlmo and Is bollovcd j to hnvo Kono South. Ho had wnn dorcd nil over tho country nnd cnino to Coos County originally from Cal lfornla. LL IS DEAD IN PARK in? askum rr" io coot nr tidim.j NEW HAVEN, Conn., March I. An nutopsy In tho enso of Lillian Mny Cook, tho 18-yonr-old Ilrooklyn Btonngraphor whoso body was found In tlio park bore yostordny, wns to ho porformod today. Tho Coronor hnH doclnred that Miss Cook, for'" whom tho pollco of throo stntoaj senrchod for a wook, cimmlttod sul-j cldo. An autopsy was ordered to dctormlno her physical condition whon sho sent tho bullet Into hor heart. Miss Cook's employer, Vlrglnuls .1. Mnyo, who ns bend of tho Mnyo Iladlntor Company, rosldod horo with his wlfo nnd supported In a houso In Urooklyn a woman who formorly occuplod tho position hold by Miss Cook, said that In offering a roward for information concerning tho whereabouts of Miss Cook ho was prompted by a dcslro to aid hor family. nnfjwuwwvw tho purso was not stolon. "Also grent heaps of booKs woro found in tho location that had beon , Skorrett's room. Tlio mon later j nokod through tho books, stirred, hpm whllo they burned. Two boxos full of romnants woro picked up as evidence and all tho rest destroyed. Ward Dlake at "the Smith mill found many partly burned volumes In tho ruins." 0. W. Cralg said today that he did not know tho last namo of the roomer whoso clgaretto Is said to havo caus ed the flro. He said his first name was uus Mr Skerrett said that he Informed ' rn rr..trnn of Mm whole matter and that Mr. Condron immedlatly loft them to lav it before Geo. Wat- , kins, who was then looking nftor tlio Btate'a case. II, SOUGHT Campaign N w Overshadows ' UU8SIAX FIjEETi TO All) ATTACK til AnaocUtdl l'rcl to Com lUjr Tlmc.,1 LONDON, Mnr. 1. Tlio Ilusslnn Black Sen fleet Is stcnmlng toward tho Bos phorits, snys n dispatch from Homo. A Uuchnrcst corres pondent telegraphs that tlio Husslan fleet has passed llurgns, llulgnrln. MEXICO CITY FOOD SUPPLY ORDER SHARP tnr Ai.orUtal l'rcil to Coot 111? TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1). C. March I. Tim fnml Hlhintlnn In Mitytnn f!llv lin8 beon further complicated by a Tho Spanish Ambassador discuss ed tho situation with tho Stnto De partment officials and Secretary Bryan took tho latest official, dis patches to tho Cablnot mooting. UROES QUICK RELIEF After rccolvlng tho Intost re port, Secretary Ilryau dispatched an urgent mcBsngo to Consul Sllllmnn nt Vorn Cruz, tolling him to mnko tho strongest possible roprosontn tlons to Curraiun, urging him to take somo action which might re lievo tho dangers threatening Mex ico city. CAHA RIir DEFEATED AGAIN VILLA TKOOl'.S HEl'OUT VICTOUY NEAIl HAIMNKS MAX1" SLAIX IXHEAVVFKlUTIXd , lljr AuocUtel I'rcu lo Coon llajr Tlmr, WASHINOTON, March Ti. Heavy righting between tho Villa nnd Cnr rnuzn forces nenr Snblnou in which tlio Cnrrnuzn forces lost ninny and ro trontod nftor cutting off one column of Villa troops, Is reported today to tho Stnto Department. WILSON TO DELA! President Postpones Visit to San Francisco Fair Until Later in Summer tnr Auoclitel rrw to Co nty Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch f. Prosldont Wilson practically has de cided not to go to tho Kan Frnn clsco exposition this month, but will go later In tho summer. Ho wants to stay In Washington to kcop In closo touch with tho European situation at tho prosont stngo. ss BI MINE FIELDS Commander Gherardis Denies That False Directions Were Given Commanders JD AwoUtoJ IT to Coo. Utj TlmM 1 "WASHINGTON, I). C, March 4. Commander Gherardis' Bupplemen tary report on the investigation of tho sinking of tho American steam- ers Carlb and Evelyn In tho North Sea. received today from Berlin, says: "Both both were sunk by mines. No false directions were given by tho British The boats jw.)ly ran on Uie mlno fields. ' TRIP TD EXPOSITION s s s for Dardan Conflicting Reports From Al lies, Russians and Turks Regarding Situation RUSSIANS TO JOIN ALLIES IN ASSAULT Begin Attack on Bosphorus From Baltic Allies Con tinue Shooting Pr AuocUlfcl rrrti to Cot n7 TlmM. LONDON, March C. Although tho assault of tho Allied fleet on tho Dardanelles Is continuing, thorc h audi n confusion of reports thnt It Is lmposslblo to gnln n elenr Idea of what has been accomplished. Tho Turkish authorities admit thnt somo dnmnga hns been dono to tho outer forts, but stnto that tho defenses on which main rcjlanco wns plnccd woro still Intnct. From British sources It Is reported thnt tho Allied fleet penetrated woll Into tho straits nnd thnt tho Inner fortifications were bndly dnmnged. Whllo tho Anglo-Fronch fleet Is striking nt tho Dardanelles, tho KuBslun son fleet will attack tho approaches to Constantinople from tho EnBt, according to unofficial re ports which say tho Ilusslnn floot Is stcnmlng toward tho Bosphorus. War on Land. Berlin todny snys tho French left moro than 1000 (lend boforo tho Gorman entanglement ns a result of sovoral attacks yestorday north east of Colics. Paris ropbrtfl tho rccapturo of tho trenches lost to tho Germans Inst Wednesday nenr Notro Damo Do Lor ctto. In tho Enstom cnmpnlgn, tho Ilusslnn offonslvo coijtlnue8 but with out doflnito results. MIDDLE WEST IS T Four to Seventeen Inches of Snow in Oklahoma and in Middles Western States (II7 AuocUt4 rrtM (0 Coo. IIr Tlraf..) CHICAGO, March C A blizzard that swept portions of tho Middle WoBt nnd Southwest Inst night renched Chicago todny, lloports from Kansas, Missouri, Nohrnska, Oklnhoma and Arknusns told of a snow fall of from four to seventeen Inches. Traffic Is sorlously affected and ninny wlros nro down. DUM BUM BULLETS (11 Awm IttKl ITm. to Cou. 11 Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, D.C., Mnr. 1. InvoHtlgatlon of tho al leged mnmifnctiiro of diim dum bullets In tho Unlto Stntth for tho uso of tho Allies hns boon undertaken by tho Stnto Department with tho result of tho sub mission 'of now ovldeuco by tho Gorman Embassy, n:.m it.t lost IX VIBGIXIA MIXE 11 AwhI.IM I'raw to Vtym lUy Time ) HINTON, W. V March I. Flvo moro bodlos woro tn- kon from tho coal mlno to- dny at Layland, whero n gas' explosion killed probably 175 men. Tho total list of recovored bodies is now 4 1 $ 4 PLATL'BLV BELEASED Ily Amk Ulrl Vrt toH'oo. liar Tlinr. J NEW YORK. Mar. 5. Tho Ftandard Oil Co. received a cable today saying that tho tank steamer I'laturla has been released. Easter lint display, CLAItKE MILL1XEUV, Central Ave., Friday laud Saturday, MAltCH 5 nnd (I. I BE WISE ami ATTEXD tho. I OWLS BALL, EAfiLES HALL, SAT. EE., MAUCII . BUZZARD SI All O tli CHEW IS LANDED llr AmocI.IciI I'rr to Coo llr Timet. DOVEIt, Englnnd, Mnr. 1. Tho crew of tho U-8, num- berlng 29, wns lnndcd nt Dover todny nnd tnkon to Dovor Castlo under nn arm- cd escort. Tho U-8 wns smnllor than tlio latest flcrmnn submarines, hor dls- placement undor, water bo- lug only 300 tons. AUSTRIANS LOSING AGAIN IN BUKOWINA (llr AmocUIO'I I'rra to Coo. Ilr Tlmn. LONDON, March I. Tho Buchar est correspondent of tho Evening News telegraphs that RiiBsInn offon slvo movements In Cnllcta have forced tlio Austrlnns to ovneuato Czornowlth, tho capital of Bukow tnn, and says that tho main Aus trian forces In this region rotlrfcd In tho direction of Frnnzouthnl. Miss Josephine Redding, Red Cross Nurse, Gets Legion 1 of Honor Cross 117 AmocUIoJ Irtt to Cool IUj TlmM. SAN FIIANCISCO, March fi. Ml 8s Josophtno Hcddlng, n San Francisco girl, who Is a trained nurso In tho lied Cross sorvlco of tho French nrmy, has been nwnrdod the Cross of tho Legion of Honor, by tho Ft ouch government, according to word received by hor parents. Tho honor, bestowed for brnvory on tho lmttlo fluid, Is said to hnvo boon rocommonded by General Jot fro, commander In chlot of tho French nrmy. SALEM P DIE , AFTER FAILURE Pros. John Pemerton and Supt. Ralph W. Fesney, of Defunct Insurance Co. (H; AHocl.teJ I'rrM to Cooa IL7 TlmM. SALEM, Or., .Mnrch I. John I'om burton, until recently president of tho Horticultural Flro Belief or Orogon, which has gouo into tho hands of a receiver, dlod horo sud denly today. A physician pronuonc ed his death was duo to hoart troublo. Ilnlph W. Focnoy, aupor Jutomlont of tho snnio company, ommlttod Biilcldo In Portland yes torday ns n result, It la bollovod, of worry ovor tlio failure. MEXICO C1TV FACES JtEKJX OF lA)OTEBS III AhuhIiIoI ITM. to Cooa 11. TlmM. 4 WASHINGTON, D.C., Mar. 1. Socrotary Bryan and Ambassador Dagnmn, of 4 Brazil, conferred today ovor tho reports that General Obregon Is threatening to ovneuato Moxlco City, cut- ting tlio water supply, and that looting may begin. 4 Throe huinlrod merchants who resisted Obregon'a do- creo to opon tho stores woro Imprisoned. MRS. IIOBOEHT McCAN.N of North Bend was In Mnrshflold yesterday en route to South Coos Hlvor whero she will visit at tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs. K. Goorgo Smith, ' L HDNflRED 1 GE 1 DARDANELLES W"V""NSVW SDK BY ALLIES English Admiralty Confirms Reports of German Craft Being Sent to Bottom AXOTIIEU HUNK tn AmocI(p4 t'mt to Coo. 11. TlmM. PARIS, March 1. Tho Ministry of Marino today 4 gave out n statement to tho effect Hint a Oormnn sub- marine of tho U-2 typo, was fired upon by a French 4 cruiser in tho English chnn- 4 nel yestorday. Tho buI- marlno plunged nnd no fur- thcr trnco of her wna found. 11 AnocUt.J l'rrirt to Com Pr Time LONDON, Mnrch 5. Tho British Admiralty confirmed today, tho re ports of tho sinking of two Gor man submarines, tlio U-8 which tho French Admiralty previously an nounced hnd boon destroyed by n torpedo bont, nnd nn unidentified Biibmnrlno, rammed by tho collier ThordlB. Tho text of tho Admiralty's stnto tnont Is "Tho Nordln hns not boon examined In drydock and Injuries to hor keel nnd propeller confirms tho ovldonco of tho crow that on February 28 tho Thorls, bound from Blyth to Plymouth, rnnimod nnd In nil probability nunk n Gormnn submarine, which hnd fired n tor pedo nt hor. Yestorday afternoon tho Gormnn Biibmnrlno U-8 wns sunk In tho channol off Dovor by French destroyers nnd tho officers nnd crow woro tnkon prisoners." American Ship from Galveston Reaches Bremen and Re ports Disasters (0 AMOtLI Pre. to Co. m Ttoiro. BREMEN, Murch R. Tho destruc tlnn of two frolKhtors by a Hubmarlno In tho English Channol was witness ed by tho captain of nn American ship tho (liilfllght, from Galveston, which arrived In Tho Wosor ThurB day with a cargo of cotton, nccordlng to tho Morgou Post. Ono of tho siiukou vossols wna loaded with rlco ami tho other with coal, whllo tho captain says ho panned safely through tho mlno fields by following tho di rections Issued by tho Gorman A(U mlrnlty. RAILROAD RATE 1 Western Lines Claim They Must Be Allowed Increase to Give Better Service (11 AuocUlea I'rcu to Coo. U Time CHICAGO, March 4. That tho railroads operating throughout the West must bo permitted to earn moro If they aro to kuop paco with tho public's demand for Increased service, wns tho substance of testi mony given boforo Intorstato Com merce. Commissioner Daniels today in tho hearing of tho application of 41 Westom railroads for Increas ed freight rates. S. M. Felton, prosldont of tho Chicago Groat Western, resumed his testimony under cross examination by an attomoy for the shippers who opposo tho Increases. Felton don led his road was so prosperous It did not need the lucroasod rates nnd nsscrtod thnt tho railroads should bo assured a reasonable profit, TWO S I IE SUBIR ES1S 1 TERS UCflDIMP DP IS ABOUT 10 EALL Berlin Announcement Says Three British Warships Were Badly Damaged CLAIMS THEY ARE NOW AT SALONIKI Says Direct Reports From Forts Do Not Indicate That Allies Fleet Has Gained (11 AmoclKfJ rrr.i to Coo. nt Tlm..J BERLIN, Mnrch C (Wlrolcss to Hnyvllle.) Dlspntches from Constan- tluoplo continues to controvert tho report bolng given out In London concerning tho dnmngo dono to tho Dnrdcnnlloa forts ns n result of tho porslstcnt bombardment. Two Turk Ish newspapers, Eltanln nnd Tasftrl Ekflor, published reports of wit nesses of theso operations, who do claro that thrco British warships woro bndly damaged nnd hnvo boon lying In tho port of Snlonikl for a week. Ono of theso Is tho Sphur, whoro smoko stacks woro shot away and tho machlnory destroyed. Paris Claims to Have Recap tured Lost Trenches Successes Elsewhere (n AuocLt! I'm. to Coo. P Tin... PARIS, March C,-Tho official statement this afternoon says: "North of Arras, noar Notro Damo Do I.orotto, wo recaptured most of tho advance trenches wo lbst Wednosday. Tho enemy again bombarded Itholnis cathedral. In Clinmpngno tlioro Is nothing now since yesterdny. In tho Argonno at Vnmiuols wo ropulBcd two coun ter nttneks and mado now prog rosM, Inflicting npproclnblo lossed nnd tnklng mnny prlsonors. Wo nro mnstorH of tho grcntor pnrt of tho villages, I Announces French and British Troops Repulsed in West and Russians in East (11 AuocLt! I'rew lo Coo. IU TlroM.J BERLIN, March 5. (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) The official atntment to dny Eiiya: "South of Vproa wo In fllctod consldornblo loss on tho Brit ish with nrtlllory flro. In tho posi tions In tho I.orotto Hills, which wo took from tho French, a countor at tuck wns repulsed yestorday. In Champagno, tho French continued their attacks north of Lo Moaull, but woro ropulsod. Attncks on our positions at Vauquola and In the Cousonvoya forest failed. All at tomtits to dlBputo our possession of tho ground captured tho last fow days at Badonvlllor district fulled. An nttack undertaken last night on tho heights northeast of Cellos broke down with heavy lossos to tho French. Sovoral night attacks woro also unsuccessful and ovor a thous and Frenchmen aro lying boforo our outanglomonts. Tho situation around Grodno, In Northorn Poland, re mains unchanged. Russian attacks northeast nnd north of I.onua failed. Many prlsonors of tho First and Sec ond dlTlslons of Russian Guards woro captured, A few advances by the Russians east of Plock woro unsuc cessful and strong nlKht attacks ox ecutod by tho onomy oast of Skier nlewlco fulled completely. OVER 1,(10(1,000 AT SAX FRANCISCO FAIR ' tl) AKltt4 I'rtM to Coot l!z Tlm.J SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 4. Shortly boforo noon today tho million mark in attend- wns passed at tho Panama- 4 Pacific Exposition.. Tho largest single days.' attend- unco was 240,000, on the opening day 1 1 t t 1 1 FRENCH GAINS 0 GERMANS AT ARRAS 1 GL MS I TO ...... c t 1 r