T -" ! ., . afC ..itw l'f ' "' "ft i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915 -EVENING EDITION. TWO ' WflW It I COOS BAY TIMES M. C. M.!.OXKl KUItnr nml Pub. DAN K. MAI.OXKY, Nov IMItur The ValUe Of A Clean City Official Paper ot Coos County Kilitor Times- -The proposition Ho snjs: "Thse people don't ti.ke of cleaning- up and bejiutlf.UiiK our 'enough Interest to keep their homes Entered at tb Potofflce at Marsh-, ity has been discussed rioui many in ood condition" and then he Held, OrftgOR, lor traolekw point of view. Various methods goes nwny to nnother place. A Ujrough tt assllt at sconii-claji f ,irocwlttre kavo hwn suggested, dirty looking town arouses no In- can att . J( o (h(?jn jmVnK merit. Now, Itorost In him. lie doe not envy the Till! SPIRIT OK KRl.MWSHIP the method has been under ' Inmates of tho.e slovenly place. , discusclon so much, 1 propose to l IJut If the same stranger conical HR MeT FVxIowfifclp Cluh flwTt that phase of the subject and to look over the town, nml finds it MarsMirtd fill a nnlqn aad , writ y few words on the value of . cleaned up, and sees nowt, woll Important plae la t aortal , beantUylitir by cleaning up. (Kept gardens In front of our Tit actnai money vaiue ot a mouses, u maKes nun t nunc, no is thoronjrh cleaning would be con-1 inspired with n fooling of onvy stdarabl. It Is a well-known fact j he compares tho placo In his mind that a discontented. Idle, slovenly j with other towns be lias visited, lie lot of people can be told by the says to himself: "Would not Mary condition of their yards and house, enjoy those flowers, would not They fret and worry, and become she love a little place like tlmt?" untidy, both In personal appearance, and tho thought arises that ho OifiSraes SAVE MONEY by onloiiiiK tho rntnoua HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, pur ton $I.H liti nip Coal, por ton 00.00 Or hnlf ton of both $5.00 1). JIUSSOaV, Prop. Phono J8-.T or lonvo orders nt II II Iyer's Clpir Store. T and civic life of the city. The net-, together spirit which Is o necf-, s.-irr to communal advancement ' finds its beat expression In the in-! tcrcsting meeting of this aaaocla- liOI!. Of the value of uch an orjmniaa tiou in promoting community life there is no doubt. It can bt made a vehicle for united action In all public affairs. It can crystallae public movement Into singleness of purposi and unity of action. It can accomplish what cannot be accom plished otherwise, Man Is a gre carious animal. His temper Is bet ter when he ) under tho glamor of social intercourse, When he meets bit neighbor mid converses with him he usually concludes him to be a better porson than he bolleved. The presence of gathered numbers and a gonornl spirit of good follow-) ship Incident to such association, civilizes, litimnnlzofl nnd harmonizes.' It is tho touchstone of sympathy i and kind now. It Is tho heart ofj hnppy nnd holpful oxistoncc. It' causes forgctrulnoss of the dollar mark. It brushos nway the mercen ary impulse nnd substitute fraternity. It molts and merges factionalism into fratemallsm nnd unity. It teaches business and pro fessional mon that after all they are not enemies, but friends. It give to public movement solidarity, not division. It focuses effort with a nnltednesa that brings lnevltablo mult. It Is uplift in Its every influence. It can be made a first and foremost factor In community proareas. It Involves every oaaen- and In the appearance ot their places. On the other band, a prosperous, contented people keep their places In Rood shape. A well trimmed lawn, fresh paint, and flower In front of a home give the improe- mtght locate, nnd finally live thorc. We may not believe It, but It Is the little things that often decide i a mau In a question like this. I Those flowers will stick in a nook i In his mind, and finally, when he Is decided whother he Is to renin In Without "oilmess" any lubricant would be worth ies. Vou can feel the oilincM of Zerolcnc by pouring a little on a piece of glass and rubbing it around with your finger. ONiness is in reality the molecules of the oil rolling over each other miniature ball bearings as it were. I hus when you use a good surface! of your engine roll ... r ,liart I'll ill !. tttt, a U1V1 .III... f.l, UIMIIIIL. Dealers everywhere i vol sfcii oil like Zcrolcne the wearing It instead of rubbing together, SOUTH COOS ItlVKK ROAT SXRVICIO LAUNCH KXPRK8S lcnvr-.i Mnrsliflelil every tjny j 8 n. in. Loaves heiul of river nt 51:1G p. in. HTKAMISIt KAIXROW j leaves heiul of river ilnlly nt 7 ii, m, Leaves Miiis"leld nt 2 p, j in. For ehnrter apply on hoard. HOGKRS & HMITII ( j Proprietors ' . !!! . I Important Notice to rroperty liHOLEHI sion that the Inmate Is contented , here or not, tho memory of their with his lot and Is there to stay. fragrance nnd beauty may Influence So the stranger, visiting our him to make his homo hero, town, glance up and down the I It Is really n coniuiorelnl proposl streets, observing nil those signs J tiou, from which wo shnll get ro with Interest. He notices things turns for our works, Just ns surely that we pass over, simply because as if wo 'were mnrkotlng or selling we have seen thorn so ofton. Tho something. Our returns will como ike Standard Oil K iovMoior Cans Standard Oil Company cAi.tron.MiA ' tumble-down sheds, tho straggling dirty front yards, tho littered va cant lots all have a meaning to him. COOOILLE Marshllctd TO BE DREDGED srattlk to itn aiVK.v co.v- TUALT AT i:iHTi:i:.V AND TWKIA'I) CIJXTS PKK VAHD NO IIOXI) issui: NOW in tho shnpo of Inrronsed value to our property, nn influx of now poo. I pie, bringing In new money, nnd the prosperity that goog with it, ' Wp are trying to dovolop this city' of ours, nnd hero is n wny In which J everyone can liolp. As In college sports, "tenm work" i Is whnt counts. Kvoryono working togothor, oven If Individually thoy ' do but llttlo, will nccoiiipllBh n groat I dcnl. c. I). Iloostor. YOU AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS I'llolto UIIO-Ij. Nllit nnd Day. KlKlit Cnfo. Good Cars. Careful Drivers I). Ii. FOOTH. Owners hh I I. . , m,m t m . . ' uivt Ui a utiSUKlrllON OF YOUR Ppcr W!LL OBTAIN fOR YOU AMOUNT np' TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU " FIRST HhlU Mi OF COOS BAY Sofetu Deposit Boas For Rent, New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend HAIIMJV, ljH.no at I! INKS. GET YOUR ZEROLENE AT ara Koontz G WQ FWISIEiEnil COQUILLK, Jiarch 1 Tho suction dredge Senttle, which has been oper ating at Coos liny, is to bo brought! tn tlio fiimilllo rlvnp nlinut Anrll 1 4J.I .w t.. 1m.h1.. u.. .... - f a .... . m, '""i hp ""'"and set to work digging a channel Priam, barbarism to hi. present ,toa fcot am, a ,lundrC(, foct lofty position on earth because , wde h , ,)0twccn Co. intent ves and factors of invention. and discovery come out of the ai-L. , , ,. . ,.,.,. ., , ' tX. . ., the plans decided upon by tho l'orr aoclatlona of men through tho var- ' , .. , , .uiiiiuimiiuiiura K" iniuiitiii us eAjn-xi- ions epochs. It Is a master influ ence for general good, well worthy of the membership and good will, nnd wishes of ovory man In Marsh-field. EIUBII EULTTDII LUST IF OF TAX i:i(3i:XI3 HANK O'KANTKI) IN .HXtTION AHAIXST LANK COPXTV THKASUItKH KHOM J.MPOSKI) PKNAIrV ON DKLAV- .v. KD PAV.MKXTS. KUGIJNB Ore, Mnrcli 3. S. W. Taylor, county troaaurdr, nvili on Jolnod from Imposliig n ponnlty on tho second half of the ltd 5 taxos, suit liavhur beou Inatltuted by tho First National Hank during tho day. Tho case Is exactly tha Biimo ns tho ono last your whon tho bank, act l:iK In hohalt of tho pooplo, onjolnod tho trotisuror and made it posslblo for tho taxpayers who wore uuablo to rnlso nil of their tax monoy nt one tlmo to make two payments. In its complaint filed yoslorduy forenoon, tho bank atateg that If the treasurer la not oujolned ho will col loet mid take out of circulation J0S3 rtst.ll and doprlvo thu taxpayers of tho money of which thoy ro In proa out need and such sums will bo do ported with tho stale, the county, cities ami school districts when thoy nro in no immediate uowl of it. The ed. Knglncor Cbnrloson, of tho Port .r fljin. tin.. !... !. A....M.l 1... ,1.-1 in v.uuo liu), nun ul'uii uilftiiKUU "J ll,e commissioners ot this port to make it survey of tho Couulllo river from hero to Kb mouth to determine how i many yards of cxcavtlon must bo mnde to glvo us tho 10-foot cliannel I proposed. Provided ho can set a totn jporary vocation from his Coos Uny Job ho promlsos to hnvo this Coqulllo f If ill rm til flint ml In 4 lift . txt nor " VWIII1MWIUU J iltU Villi Ml Hl'Al weok, so ns to inako a reiort to our commissioners nt tholr rogulnr incot- lug on Saturday, March Gth. Tho contract offorod by n. K. Mll lor. provides: Tliut tho dredge shall work li-i hours por day and 7 days In tho woolc with three ulilfts and that tho amount paid shall bo IS cents, por cubic yard for tho first 100,000 cubic yards and 12 coats por cubic ynrd for tho noxt 200,000 yards oxenvntod during ono month. That not loss than $20,000 of ex cavation Bhall bo done, and that $20, 000 shall ho paid In cash; but that for additional work, up to $20,000 more, tho Port'a noto will bo tnkon. That If ?B0,000 ot work Is to bo dono ono-half nlmll bo paid in cash and tho other half thu Port's noto. Tho coinnilsslonora flguro that with $0,000 from tho Konoral gov ernment In Inst year's appropriations, nnd $0,000 moro In this yonr'a bill If It pnsseas, and with $5,500 of old tnxoa now on hand, and $1S,000 to be realised from tho taxos of mil, thoy can take caro of tholr oxponses,1 JM fSIflHrVSPf' 3V.ll lTBBBBK W V'T'l iTQt SWUIssK imAW-i 1Z I Jv Ofvos n brllll'nt clofinv alilnn ii,n, vW ' f Ooch not rjb o:( or dust eft lint )i SB nnncttli tothalriii-l'ii.t lasta (mir HI MB tlmisuiljujmcny ot.icr, N Black Silk Siovo Polish 1 M In In n rlai- bj I n-lf. W moro H fit c"'''nl!jnit.CQii"ilvu4o P llill ttlt.r tnui'ri,' , V TryllnnynirrulMr --5 "" totc, uurroi . . sr "Jv fa ' m ; tt ; rr i CT7T0 fl ljnnl, i f!, j. Infjf'rtffj. U ll.oivitpuk.iit a tJliJfi!hSflJt9I f enr moil. i. Vj,J"2 A U . Iiinlw.ry or ?'(7 rVVlI' H U iisr,1 ..tIj OjKvi S,V vAi 1 fl f ii n il your sf'tjVt?,Ij7A jl i ttjai'a''',) NlwM IV, ' Cva.-j2rap" Sfl ; ( ft I I. Afioncv for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: :: Phone 180-J OM1KST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 188tf. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Isitcrcst Paid on Tlmo Deposits , Officers: J. W, Dennett, President. J. II. KIiiiiiikiiii, Vlce-l'msldcnt. It. I WllllllllH, CasliliT. , Goo. l?. WlnrhcMor, And, frd High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent witli good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 3 To 1MMMM-M I U I- I i i w I ltd I J J ij I '1 UEEZsKiwrawasaassxsx Portland To Eureka every I iiisrstfay every Mond TDK VAST ANI) COMKOHTAM,H S S. Geo. W. Elder NICWIjY KQUIPPKI) N'OHTII PACiKIO UTKA.MSHIP CO. W. ar - r i . -. - u. r. inniuuuuu AGENT W. M. RUSH! mono n, flinrsnnold Phnnft it vhiuI fill .I, ---. .. .( tyiMI VWSJ i mil ifiwri i wmttjmehsxmusmsxxYyjaKomBOitTX a Marslifield-NordiBend-Eiiipiie Auto Service nracic silk stovu polish For Sulo by KCIIItOKDKIt IIILDIi.VDIIANI) Phono 177. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Leaves Multifield nt Dusy Corner 10:00 n.iii. 2: 00. p.m. HiOO p.m. Iciivcs Xortli llciid in min utes Inter Leaves Kinplro. 0:!50 n.m. 11:30 n.m, J5::J() p.m. EQUIPPED Willi WIKKLEU. fteamship ft reakwai MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable I Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y I a rni:iGHT. IBM fFBDSSISaiiBl'Jf" IIS BTOHAGE TEMIEHS -SAIL FllOM- flan Francisco Plor No. 20. Evory Wednosdar 3 P. M. Coos Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuosday To San Frnnclaco Portlnnd Albors Dock No, 8 Erory Saturday 9 A. M. ATtW'AXB ON TiniK. mils j.'W)3i MAItSIIKIKLI) DIIUXG .M MICH OX THE FM LOWING DATKS: SATt'itDAV, MAI (CM (I, AT 1 P. M.J Sllttl ivv, makch j:i, at a. m. TIOKKTh ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITV T1CKLT 0FFICHI ANI) OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. rnono aw, o. II. iaNDERS, J Phono 27H. THOMAS II. JA.MES, AKeut Ocean DocK Mixrshficld. and jwy all tho cash roqnlrod ns tho ('iiipiHini mrthwauiw that thu tax-i'K l""roi, '"Is sprlnjs for If pnwis Mould ho canipidlod to hor-' tu contract is niailo It la oxpectod to row monoy at hitch rnto of Interest! ve thu Sonttlo catlnK away the to i,:y their tuxes nnd tho stnte the i l"l by tho first of April. cIU.-h and school districts would no-! Uio halnuto, for which n noto (iiiuiilitto lure siiihh of monoy which M" ' be ulvon. it u oxpectwl to tnl;o thoy imild not ub at tha ptosunt cnro f Hint out of tho tnxoa of 1915. lime. . ,,,. ,777 "" DON'T miss tho t'OOS COUNTV 1IUDK ATTIIi: PALACE ME.Tt'IIAMPIO.NHIIIl (a.MK SVl'UR. MA'UI:'- I)AV KVEMNG. ? oor iw98mm&m&m8iw&m THE REAL QUNTIOX The iiieatlun la not, will men honor you for your ork? Hut doaa your work honor jou? Your concern Is not mly to uroMte profit for yuusolf, hut to make that which will profit uiauy be sides yourself. COOS II.W KTIMM UIMMIV Phono .57-.I, a TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- bas been a hobby with us for a Kood many roars and int nt C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT OUT THE FUEL RILL 1 TWO RV USING Oirn u-nnn 182 SOUTH UltOADWAY PHONE Uio ITR m r Bomii Weekly Svrvico Coos liny nml Sim Francisco. CTEBSHIP UH 5 HI Freight and Passenger Service From San Francisco, Tuesdays, From Coos Bay Saturdays From San Frnnnknn TiiP.crfnv Nlnrr.h Qth. at 3 P. M Sim l-'ninil.scu Office, 000 l-'lfo Ritlliliiif,', und 1'icr Xuwl1 Coos Bav Af?onfc. O. TA Mc.avnnnv.. PhOueM " o 1 ' -.-- ;a0a4aaa4 I A i S3, SAYIN' to be don't have to be bitin It can be like YELVET-jes full o' flavor without any bite. bright, mT& te,',0C8 "v'm Xf.Jff ho"ario be full of flavor & and Iragrauce. Vl.LVEr proves that. VKLVKT. Tho Jl lmlo that uro natural to Kentucky's ISurlev do SW -"ve. loael her n it h , .,1.: ,1 r.i " ,,y " i. " . ' - "" n1'"'iuv'nuuii incnnwnptii Ed fa aiaCd'ba ,LCr l'il,e t0baCCO' 100 Us fyqeit'tjlfue.x&tfetacco & ffimniVW3mm&war$ .NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nrtle is hereby xlVen that tho undersisiiod have heen duly appointed I exr.utor and executrix of the Estate ' of William s. Wheeler, deceased. ' Now, therefore, u persons liav-' Ins claims nualnst said ostute are n-iei.y notuiea to prosont the sainu to the undersigned at tho office of & Hull. Hoont ii, Kidorado "lock, Mnrshfleld, Orogon, wlthm six months from tha date horeof, with tho propor voucher, duly veri fled ns hy law roiiulrod. Uatod this 18th day of February GKOUGB h. WHEELER, KATE C. HAMPTON, Lxocutor and ISxooutrlx of tha Kstato of William 8. whoolor. da coasod. First publication, February IS: last publication March IS. IN PfRST ANT) AFT.E1Z COSTS ru R C A ISAAC R, U YC s TIIRY SAVE OU 3ONEY Front Street TOWER . Asont Coos and Curry Counties. 'pril? rTTXTXTinT it.. AEnrshfiold. Orn. f -, v. Poget Sound bridge & ' Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildinqs. General Construe OnilIDI trTtr ni amto ffn ijadddD WnRK wwtvirucic ruHii I o run nnwun "v,-.ji filir Hnno Row r,ft',nn Kn noilnl-,lf.' fnn flrPflOll Wl n. wuwu uaj UIIIUU I UIO tlVtlllUUlU l"l wia- work the Abstracts T7rm I,,......,.. . - . -.t,i,viuJu; A1ISTRACTS OF TITLE ADOUT C00S BAY REAL ESTATE, See AM) INFORMATION Dredge "Seattle" I tho most powerful, host equipped mid most thorough twenly-lncli hydrnulio tlredso In l'miflo waters Coos Bay office. Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. . l iviam oi'ivw i Seattle, WaslunW TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc MARSRFIIJLi) ANI) COQL'IMiU CITV ORITnv HKNRV BlJXBSTACKKy, aiAXAGRR BENNETT TRUST CO, MADCUCin r rrrc nr nRFfiON Capital. BUrnlllR nnd iiT..ltvl,lnfl nrnflta ' I 21 ITMB' Dennett sw anion. "tbM OFFICERS; J. w. Donnett, Proaldont Arthur McKeown. ffOin T. Hoillintf Vino TlmoMniil Tlnnnnit RwnlltOfl Transacts a trust business only. Act3 ns trustee of expr, and also ns executor nnd administrator of ostates. Tneo i Corapnny in Oregon outaldo of Portland organized under n law In this Btato. r.'N.