UT MANY A MAN IS UNABLE TO HOLD AN OPPORTUNITY AFTER GRASPING IT The Aim The Armies I'fnM.n ilij 41 Iia nlirnvu fi(l.fi a I...I-. - mmm FiJLIIU .. I" "U """( ... .(,... XIK'IUSIIIUO IlIHl 111 Lrcstliig, keepq (lie contents of Tlio Times up Jo of Europo nro engaged In a ltnth strugglo which may clinngo (ho map of (ho world. Each day brings now developments of vHal Importance. Keep yourself posted rond News (lint Is News suliscrlbo for Tho Times nnd "wlso up." high scniHinru or news excellence. AH (Iio bws all tlio tlino Is nlways (ho xthn of Tho TJjncs. MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (Slum mn NO. XXXVIII. t TT TTT' T"7r"T - 1 ' in hi hu Nunnm.n mm ue IEGAINED NORTHERN POLAND CUV lin Claims Czar's Attacks fear Prussian Border Have Been Repulsed ISER USES BIG SEIGE GUNS AGAIN ich Claim Victory in Cham- igne and Germans Claim Gams Near Arras liny Aiioclatc.il I'rraa to Cooi nay Tlmra. )NDON, Mnrch J. aormnn mil- nutlioritlcB ndtnlt tho recapturo 'rznsnyBZ, In Northern Poland, (tlio Russians, but ausert tlio sinus Biifforcd so severely dur- Itlio nttnek Hint thoy woro unublo llHturl) tho rotrent of tho Cor ps. JJuriiu Hays mo. uiibbmi. nt s near tho Prussian ljordor fall- lorn.ni. efforts to cnpluro Osso- lmvo reunited in n violent bat wltli no doclBlon In Bight, nc- Ilng to Potrogrnd, which says Germans havo brought up their koim 1 C-lncli Bloga howitzers. tlio WcBt, Purls reports tho Al- now hold aormnn positions In inipngno to tho depth of two- rds of a lino along four miles of ut. llorlln snys Fronch nttnclcu woro rcpulsod. Tho Germans Im tlio enpturo of a nillo of nehes north of Arms. AUSTRIAN FLEET 1IUSV luhnitN Aiitivnrl, Inflicting Con slderablo damage. mjr AuocUtrJ rrrai lo Cooi Bay Tlmra. LONDON, March 1. Austrian rshlps linvo boon bombarding Ali- nrl, Montonogro, Thoy Inflicted Bsldornblo damage report "which comes from Cot- jjo roads: "Tuesday morning flvo Ltrlnn warships entorcd tho port Vntlvari and bombarded tho town, Btroycd a quantity of valuable pros, sunk tho royal yacht and lied ono civilian." X TEAM DRIVER 1 JRA MEEKER, WHO GAINER FAME OX OREGON TRAIL, (WILL FLY OVER WASHINGTON BUILDING TODAY. IDj AuocliltJ TrM to Coot (lay Tlroei.J ,SAN FRANCISCO. March 4. laborato preparations woro mado r tho dedication at thrco o'clock ils aftoruoon of tho Washington to building nt tho Panama Pa- tic International Exposition. Dur- tuo coremonlos, Ezra Meeker, ox-tcnm and Oregon trail fame, lans to fly ovor tho building In nn proplano with Robert G. Fowlor, ad scattor souvonlrs to tho crowds plow. Tho objoctlvo of tho Wash- Sgton exhibit Is' to portray tho ransltlon from tho wilderness to 'productive commonwealth. Hun- rods of residents from Washington ro hero to nttond tho coremonles. VisKors From llrcwsfci. Nova lorry, known as Coos county's best oad builder and who had twonty- no years oxporlonco as supervisor Brewster Valley whore ho has ro- fded forty-threo years, Is in Marsh- leld today. Ho nnd J. C. Klngsloy id E. C. Abornethy camo ovor from foqulllo whoro they woro on matters of ore tho county court. Mill Accident. A cylinder head ff ono of tho Llg Corliss engines H tho big mill of the C. A. Smith -ompany blow out this morning and "osed down tho plant until noon, fo one was hurt and tho damage, rhlle small, was qulto complicated, out Chief Engineer Bennett got busy and with his assistants had tho ill running again at 2 o'clock. Myrtlo Point Wedding Miss eda Leon and Mr. Allison Roberts, Mvrtle Point young people, were pnairled at tho homo of Rev. and Mrs Cannon last Monday evening Pn Myrtle Po at. The brldo is a Mster of M ... II. L. Bargelt, of Rtarshfield. Her father. Dr. K. A. -pep, Is a prominent Myrtle Point 'hyslcian. Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mnll. DIVINE SARAH 1H CRITICALLY ILL tllr AiwoclalM I'nm lo Com Ilnjr Tlmra, BORDEAUX, March 4. Mndainu llornlinrdt, wIiobo condition wub considered ox collont several days nftor tho amputation of her leu, has Buffered a rolapBO. f S TELL OF Claim Victory on Heights of ' Loretto French Cannon ading Killed French Illjr AmocUIfJ I'rwa lo Coot Ilr Tlmn. DERL1N, March 4 .Tho official statement today Bays: "On tho heights of Loretto our troops yes torday occupied tho positions of tho ononiy nearly a nillo wide, cap tured CCC prisoners, soven machlno guns nnd six small cannon. Fronch countor attacks failed. Renowod French attacks in Champagno woro repulsed. West of St. Hubort wo occupied tho Fronch trench. Ono of tho recent Fronch communica tions declared a Gorman column whtlo mnrchlug across tho holght of Tnhiiro, was successfully sholl ed. Wo must confirm tho accuracy of this announcomont. Tho column consisted of Fronch prlsouors who woro being led away nnd suffered a loss of 33 killed or wounded, "IluBsInu attacks northeast of Grodo led thorn Into a flank flro from our artillery and failed. North oast of Lnmza, tho Russian attacks broko down with sovoro losses. South of Myszniov and Chorzollom and northwest of PrznBiiysz tho Russians again attacked." DARDANELLES T Dr AuoctttaJ rrru to Cooi Dr Tlmri. LONDON .March 4. Tho Allied fleet this morning resumed the bombardment of tho inner forts of tho Dardanelles, according to a dispatch from Athens. Ton war ships took part In tho operations. According to n RritlBh offlcor, only two of tho Turkish forts romain m tact. Tho Allied landing parties found charred remains of soldiers In tho damaged forts, showing the Turks had not burled their dead bo foro ovacuatlng their positions. PITTSBURG IJAXIC CLOSES Sociultles Affected by Finny Causes Dlructors ( Act. IDy AaioclitiJ rra to Cii Py Tlmea.l PITTSBURG, Pa., March 4. Tho Gorman National Bnnk of Pittsburg did not open Its doors this morning. Tho Cnshlor Issuod a statement say ing that general unsatisfactory con ditions nnd cortnln papor which tho bank hold, which ordinarily would bo all right, had caused tho direc tors to decide to close. AMONG THE SICK - Mrs. John Potorson, of Temple ton, underwent nn oporation at the Mercy Hospital this morning. Sho Is doing very well. Mrs. Charles Bonobrnko is recov ering from her operation of a few days ago, Georgo Maloney was able to leave the hospital for his homo In Bay City following an appendicitis op eration six days ago. II. E. BULTMAN left this morning for Gardlnor and vicinity. He came in yesterday from Ten Mile and re ports that fishing is poor except at Eel Lake, BE WISE and ATTEND ho OWLS BALL, EAGLES ILUiL, SAT. EVE., MARCH O. gerin GAINES FRANCE MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915 rasmaifiiy By ENGLAND SEIZES U. S. OHi TANKER tllr AMoclttdl Vma lo Coos nay Tlmra, LONDON, March 1. Tho Standard Oil Steamer Pltu rla, bound for Malnio, Swe den, Iiob been dotnlned nt Klrkwoll, Scotland, by order of tho Admiralty, pending an investigation. Tho Plnturla sailed from Philadelphia Fob- ruary 3. SHIP RAMS SUBMARINE IN CHANNEL (nr Anoclnto.1 I'rfii to Cooi !lr Tlmn. LONDON, Mnrch -l.--Tho state ment of tho captain of tho Colllor Thordls, which arrived at Wnymouth two days ago, thut his vcbbo! rnmincd nnd sunk a submarlno off Poachy Road, appears BUbstnu- tlatod. An examination of tho hull of tho Thordls shows tho kcol nnd propollor woro damaged by a col lision. HONOR .IAS. CREELMAX. AiiiciIi'u'n Mor.t Famous Newspaper Reporter Hurled In llerllii Tinhiy tur AMotutx rra to cooi nr tubm. 11ERL1N, March !. The funor al of James Crcolmnn, tho Amorlcau nowBpnpor corresifondont, who died horo Fobrunry 12, waa hold yester day at tho Amorlcau church. Min ister of Foreign Affairs Von Ja gow was represented at tho ser vices by Councillor Horstman. ONI A" TIHRTV-F1VE BODIES RE COVERED FROM HINTOX SHAFT EXACT NUMBER OF LOST IS UNKNOWN. Dr Auoclit J'reu to Coo. Day TIium.) HINTON, W. Vn March 4. Tho number of deaths resulting from tho explosion Tuesday In tho Lay-i laud mine, remains unknown nt noon today. Thlrty-ftvo bodies have boon recovered so far. It Is bellov ed that about lfiO perished, C. II. BUFFINOTON returned this morning from a week's trip Into Curry county going ns far south as Gold Boaoh looking over the country and attending to somo FEAR 150 LOST INVHAMINE business In connection with tho;,,u,v """' " -u" , ' , "T , ... , T, i nuo tonight, with Jack London s law office of John D. Gcs. . . ..T . J groat story "John Barleycorn,.' 4j It was Mnnngar Marsdou'B lnteu- WATERFRONT NEWS tlon t0 rochrlston tho Lomunskl tho ' Now Qr,nnd but thoro was a doslro Shortly after soven o'clock this ; expressed by tho bulldors and own mornlng tho Georgo W. Eldor urors of the building that It bo called rived in from Eureka, leaving at 12;30 p. m, for Portland. With 35 pasEejigura tho BnUk water camo In from Portland this morning. Lnto yostorday nftornoon tho steam schoonor Hardy loft down for San Francisco with a lumbor cargo. From San Francisco nnd San Pe dro tho Speedwell is expected to morrow from Bandon, having arriv ed there yesterday. THE SPEEDWELL SAILS SOUTH SUXDAV, .MARCH 7TH. BE WISE and ATTEND (ho OWLS BALL, EAGLES HALL, SAT. EVE., MARCH O. " Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery aiid Transfer Company. . . Dr. II. E. KKLTY, DENTIS'J Phono 112-J, Room 204. Coko bldg, LATEST SPRING MILLINERY DISPLAY at CLARKE'S, Central Ave., Friday and Saturday, TRADE AT THE PALACE MEAT MAJUCET. Willing to Abide United! States Suggestion WAAfti - - . . Official Test of Berlin Reply to Note on Neutral Ship ' ping is Given Out APPROVES "PLAN OF PRESIDENT WILSON Says Neutrals and Dictates of Humanity Demand Adher ence to Rules ttljr Auoclitfsl rrru to Coo. IUj Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 1. Tho official text of tho Gorman gov ernment's reply to tho American nolo suggesting thnt Germany and Great Urltalu ngreo on n plan to lessen tho dnngor to uoutrnl ship ping In tho war zone, was mado pub lie today. "It Is in nccordandco with Ger many's wishes," Bays tho note, "lo havo tho mnrltlmo war conducted according to tho rules, without dls crlmlnntoly restricting ono or other of tho belligerent powors In tho tiso of tho means of wnrfnro, aro equal ly consldcrnto of tho interests of ncutrnls nnd tho dictates of human ity. Tho Gorman government hns carefully cxnmlncd tho suggestion of tho Amorlcau government nnd believes thoy can actually sco In It a BUltablo basis for tho practical solution of tho (luestlons which havo arisen." Declamation Contest to be Held This Evening at Hjgh School Auditorium Tonight nt 8 o'clock In tho High School Auditorium tho Freshman class will glvo Its declamation con test to which ovorybody is Invited to attend. Tlio two girls nnd two boyB ro "elvlng tho highest marks will bo dcclnrcd tho wlnnors. The contestants aro: Misses Myr tlo Ionacson, Ruby Carlson, Mary Rust ,Graco Brown, llolou Rcos, Marjorlo Fuimor and Gcorgo Hon Roll. Ablort Johnson, Jcsso Frnntz, Lloyd LoMloux, Hugo Reed and Guy Clauson. NOBLE THEATER .MANAGER OF FORMER GRAND. THEATER OPENS NEW NOBLE THEATER TONIGHT WILL CLOSE GRAND. Robert Mnrsdon, Jr.. who mndo such n popular success of tho Grand Theater on Front street, opons tho i .... Krn.l,i mlw.n.i.. An nnli.nl n..- the Noblo Theater, nnd Mr, Mars don grnntod the request, In addition "John Barleycorn," which 1b a six-reel featuro, thoro will bj vaudovlllo; Miss Dlxlo Sothorn ap pearing In monologue. Manager Mnrsdon states that It Is tho purpose to mnko tho Noble tho leading exponent of refined vaudovlllo nnd high class pictured In Southern Oregon. Ho has al ready booked somo high-class at tractions and somo of tho best pic tures ovor producod In America. There will bo a largo audience present tonight to welcome Mana ger Mursdcn to his new theatrical heme and wish hi in a full meusuro of success. FINANCIAL Ono to four tlious. and dollars lo loan at current rates for term of years on Improved ranch; glvo full description. Corres pondence confidential and returned. Box 057, Marshfield, Oregon. Easier lint display, CLARKE MILLINERY, Cenlral Ave., Friday aud Saturday, MAIICII 5 and O, FLOUR, $1.80 at HAINES, IN 1TI T IO BES EVENING EDITION. I " ---. "WVWWNWVtfl. TRIPOLI SC'ENI! OF f VIOLENT Ol'TIIHEAK IUy AMoclttetl I'm to Cooi Ilajr Tlmra. ROM 12 .March ( A intn of solgo hnH boon proclalmod in a greater portion of Cy- ronnlca, In nn effort to put down tho rebellion. Cyron- nlca is ono of tho Indopon- dent ndmlnlstrntivo and mil- Itnry districts of Tripoli, which Is now under Italian control. .. ERENCH GAIN ON GERMANS IN BELGIUM ID; AaaocUtfcl rrM to Cooi DT Tlmn. PARIS, March 4. Tho official ntatomont thin afternoon says: "In Belgium on tho Dues our nrtlllory demolished tho Gorman trenches. Near Notro Dama Do Lorotto tho enemy captured an advnnco tronch rocontly constructed by us In Im mediate contract with tho Gorman linos. Tho bombardment of Rhelms lastod nil day, u sholl fnlllng ovcry three minutes. In Chnnipnguo It Ih confirmed that tho Gorman counter attacks against tho crost taken by us northeast of Mesnll woro of a vory violent chnracter. Twb roglmonts of gunrdB fought with gront ferocity. Tho defeat of theso efforts has been complete Wo mado progress in tho Vaunuols roglon." DIG FOR BURIED INVESTIGATORS DIG ABOUT IN CA1TAIN WHEELER'S GAIHDEX, BUT SO FAR FIND NO HE SULTS. That Investigators havo boon dig ging about In tho yard of tho Cap tain W. S. Whoolor proporty, 173 Ninth stroot north, during tho past ton days, Is the roport of neighbors wlo live In thnt vicinity and who havo noticed tho men at work. So far tho results havo boon un successful. At tho tlmo of his death It was stated thnt Captain Whoolor at var ious tlmos had drawn largo sums of nionoy from tho bank and thut no tiaco of this monoy could be found later, and It was generally believed that somo of It might havo been burled. Captain Wheeler was a trltlo skeptical of banks nnd often said that ho felt a trifle moro safo with tho monoy actually In his own pos session than In thu trust of the hank institutions. Soon after his doath James W. Watt was placed in charge of tho proporty, awaiting tho tlmo when tho proporty should bo appralsod, and told not to nllow nuyono to como onto tho plnco, Ono of tho main reasons for this, bollevo tho neighbors who live near thoro, is that a search was to first ho insti tuted for tho probable buried treas ure. Asks Monthly Allowance. Mrs. W. S. Wheeler Is filing n petition with tho County Court asking that sho bo allowed tho use of tho Wheeler resldenco for at least ono year and C0 n month for her expellees. According to tho will of tho doceased husband, tho wlfo was to rocelve only a dower Interest In tho Incomo bearing proporty. Tho estate was appraised nt a little over J8000 In valuo. NOTICE. Tho monthly mooting of tho Ex ecutive Commlttco of tho Marsh field Chamber of Commerco will bo held Friday afternoon, March 5th, at 4:30. Tho regular meeting of the gen eral chamber will bo held Friday ovening, March 5th at 8 o'clock and all members aro requested to bo prcsont. J. W. MOTLEY, Sec. GARDEN A Consolidation of Times, Conit Mai) nrl Coon liny Adver(lmr BILLION DOLLAR SI 4 SIGNS SEAMEN'S BILL tllr AMortatrtl I'lCM to Cnoa liny Tlin.i. WASHINGTON, D.C., Ma'r. 4. President WIIboh today signed tho seamen's bill, Im proving tho working condi tions of Amorlcau seamen and Increasing tho llfo-Biiving equipment rcqulromonts. WILSON GULLS IT n i i n i-Miin President Pays Tribute to Ses - sion or National LawmaK crs Just Closed. tny AaiorlataJ ITraa tu . IUy Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. For ninny mlnutu boforo adjourn ment, thoro was n lull In Sonnto business while tributes were paid to leaders and presiding offlcors nnd rotlrlng mombers. In tho IIouso Blinllar tributes woro paid, Wlillo tho speaking was going on, Prcaldont WIIboii workod steadily In his room signing measures. After his return to tho Whlto House, tho President dlctntod a statement as follows: "A groat Congress hns closed its session. It's work will provo tho purpoBo aud quality of its statesmanship moro and moro, tho longer it Is tested. Ruslnoss has now a tlmo of calm and thought ful adjustment boforo it, disturbed only by tho European war. Clrcum Btnncos created by tho war put tho nation to n spcclnl tost, a tost of Its truo character nnd solf control. Tho constant thought of ovory pn triotio man should now bo his coun try, Kb peace its ordor. Its dignity nnd strength nllko will nppoar not only In rovival of business, despite abnormal conditions, hut also Its powor to act with disinterested fairness In a spirit of onllghton incut which will firmly establish its Influonco througlit tho world." T OF i RESUME OF MOST IMPORTANT J,EGISLAT10N ENACTED DUR ING (Mil DAY SESSION AT WASH- INGTON DEMOCRATIC MAJOR ITY REDUCED Dy AMOcUti! Preaa to Cooi nay Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. 0., March 4. Sixty-third Congress, first under com plete domination of tho Democratic pnrty since 1895, tended .itodny at noon. It has been In almost continuous sosslon slnco President Wilson's In auguration two years ago. Beginning with nn extra session called by tho President April 7, 1013, tho Congress has worked 037 days, Much Important legislation was accomplished, hut much contempla ted, bo mo of It hard prossod by the Prcsldont nnd party loaders, was left updone. It Is tho prosont Intention of tlio President nnd his advisors to glvo Congress a lost. Rather than forco an extra bossIoii, thoy would Icavo tho romalndor of tho adminis tration's constructive aspirations to a now Congress next winter, which, although under Domocratlo control, will havo a greatly reduced majority in tho House. Tho closing sosslon of tho Con gress was alniost wholly devoted to appropriation bills, the ship purchase bill fight, and u few gonoral measur es. Asido from appropriations about tho only Important logh('.atlvo en actments included tho creation of tho Coast Guard by consolidation of tho Llfo Saving and Rovonuo Cutter souvlces; reclassification of grades in tho Diplomatic und Consular sor of and Imposing special taxes upon all doalors, manufacturers or im porters of opium, or its derivatives, and tho creation of tho Rocky Moun tain Park In Colorado. Much dobato on tho condition of national defenses enlivened tho clos ing session. Proposals for special in vestigation of tho proparcdnoss of fl GREAT CONGRESS 111 SS CONGRESS No. 191 CONGRESS ENDS Appropriations Exceed $1, $120,000,000 But Are Un der Other Congresses IMPORTANT MEASURES ' SIGNED BY PRESIDENT Senators Root and Burton Will Retire to Private Life Business Done. (Dy AMoelit! rrrai to cool Hay Tlmoa. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mnrch 4. Congress adjourned sine dlo today. Tho Sonnto adjourned at 12:04 nnd tho IIouso of Representatives, after turning back tho hnnds of tho clock, adjourned at 12:18. Tho total ap propriations of tho session nro ap proximately ; 1,1 20,484,324; Bovoral i millions under the record of tho Tj;roVi0n Co,,gre8. Two appropriation bills failed. Current appropriations for tho postal sorvlco and tho Indlnn offlco woro oxtondod for another year. In tho closing hours, President Wilson signed tho scamon's bill; n neutral ity resolution empowering him to provent ships leaving American ports with Biippllca for bolllgoront wnrshipB; a resolution giving med als to the "A. B. C." mediators, and many others. Tho ship bill, Phlllpplno bill, tho consorvntlon bills nnd ratification of treaties with Columbia nnd Nic aragua foil by tho waysldo. In tho Somite, sovornl prominent mombors, nmoug them Root and Burton, stoppod back Into prlvnto life as tho curtain fell. In tho IIouso, Domocratlo Loador Undorwood Bald good-byo to sit In tho noxt Senato- and .oyer throo scoro othor mombors retired, Tho sosslon has last C13 days. PROITED TODAY Col. Goethals Elevated to Brig adier Generalship Oth ers Also Honored (Dy AimcIi: DIM lo Cooa Day Tlmaa. WASHINGTON, D. 0., March 4. Four othor nominatlpns for promo tions of offlcors nssoclatod with Col. Goethals woro prosoutod at tho saino tlmo nnd nil woro Immediately con firmed in opon session of tho Senate, an unusual proceeding, Brigadier Gonoral Oorgas was mado Major General; Colonel Hodges nnd Lieu tenant Colonol Slbcrt woro promoted to Brigadier Generals, Commnndor RoUBSonu was olevotod to Rear Ad miral, INDIAN BILL LOSES. IIouso HofiiMSS lo Push Measuro Even After Senate KccoiiHldorti It (lly Auoclat I'rraa to Cooi Day Tiara. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 4. After tho Sonato had onco ro Jcctod tho Indian bill, It roversod Its action today and passed It, but tho IIouso rofusod to agree and n Joint resolution extending tho cur rent appropriations for nnothor year was allowed to stand. ( col. GoirniAus is given high: honor Illy AwocUM I'riM In Cooa IUy Tliura WASHINGTON, D.C., Mar. 4. Colonol Goethals was nominated today to bo Major General In recognition ur his services in building tho Panama Canal. tho nation for war all failed. IIouso naval and military commlttoos, how ever, conducted public hearings on tho subject In connection with tho military supply bills. With tho fall of tho gavol today many Senators and Congressmen long national figures passod Into pri vate life. Senators who retire aro Root, of Now York; Burton, Ohio; Perkins, California; Thornton, Louis iana; Brlstow, Kansas; Stephenson, Wisconsin; Crawford, South Dako ta; Camden, Kontucky, and Whlto, of Alabama. Representative Under wood leavos tho Houso to go to tho Souato. Scoros of Representatives la tho House glvo way to new members 0 1 YEARS HI OFF S iB