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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1915)
H&aMkiM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHF1EUF, OREGON, TUESDAY,. MARCH 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR "TrtflplJ DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL -.1 FIRE DINK I! RURAL RDUT E RETAILERS 5IFE- 8! GUARDED LI by tlio Council, nml tho plans mul specifications will bo drnwn u by Mr. Qlilloy. It vns believed tbnt bo cause nu excavation Is necessary In one ilnco and n fill In another that the two projects should bo grouped together. Chief Carter was Instructed to or WHOLESALED MUST PAY CITV,dcr Liul1 & Hnrr8( bulI(ng con. LICENSE AS WELL AS GOVERN- 31 ext tax, sats new citv ordinance. Liquor licenses will hereafter bo collected by tho city as well as vby tho government from wholesale and retail liquor dealers selling Intoxicat ing liquors not to ho drunk on the premises. An ordinance authorizing this was passed by tho members of tho Council last evening. Dealers selling spirituous, malt or vinous liquors will bo restricted from soiling In lessor quantities than tractors of tho library, to removo tho rubbish said to hnvo been loft by them on Market street. Would Straighten Commercial A plan to take tho sharp turn out of Commercial avenue nt tho corner of Seventh street was suggested by Dr. G. W. Leslie. Ho bollovcs that the nvenuo should bo slanted off In a manner llko tho straightening of Anderson avenuo and that at the samo time Markot street should bo opened through from Fifth street over to Seventh. Tho Councllmcn, CEMENT SIDEWALK in i PLANNED WOODEN WALKS AHE STUMB LING IILOCKS IX MAIN TRAF FIC DIST1MCTS, H.W THE CITY FATHEHS. NET IE IEIIH IEUIINFIELI .MAKE UNIFORM WITH STATU REQt'lltHMENT.S, HAYS coun cil need moiik fine es capes is plea. jfi sum C D THAI! two quarts and must pay an annual license of $100. For bottling wofks or wholesale dealers who sell only malt liquors and not In quantities under three gallons n liqenso of $50 will bo re quired annually. "This ordinance" said Mr. Ken dall, I'has boendrnwn up for (ho reason tha a particular place hero ljos been evading tho law. Wo want to safeguard tho retailers that aro paying their $,1,000, tax Into, tho city treosury. Also wo want to mako It cortaln that theso' places aro not entered on Sunday and that they ob sorvo tho regular closing hours. A bond 'of JG00 will bo required of bottling works where beer Is bottled. ' "It's a tax that won't last long," said Councilman topple, "but it will aid in keeping every ono within tho spirit of tho law" A ponalty of a flno not loss than 25 or moro'thnn $100, 30 days In Jail or both Is affixed as punishment for all trans gressors.' Present 1'ctlUon. A petition signed by a sharo of tho property owners on Central ave nuo between Fourth and Eighth streets asking that a grado fill not bo mado on that avenuo at this timo was presented to tho Council, At tho Inst mooting of tho Council It wns decided to plank this street and no action was taken on tho potltlon. Dr. Lcsllo enmo asking that Atn kdorson nvonuo bo opened between Third and Fourth Btroot, tills to bo planked. Tho City Engineer was authorized to draw up piano nnd BpoclflcntlonR for tho work, that will bo commoncod In n very short time. Near Third street boiiio grading will bo necessary, according to tho En glueor. MiiNt 1'ay for Itopnlrs. Mr. aidloy stated that ho has so cured blanks to bo signed by prop erty ownors affixing tho cost or mending any cut In hard surface pavement on tho companion who tear up tho pnvomont for tho laying of tholr pipes. Open U Klglith Htrvet. Tho opening of Eighth street bo twoon Commercial and Central ave nues and also from tho Intersection of Eighth Torraco to tho intersection of Seventh Torraco, wna authorized with mnps, talked over this plan, but no action wns taken. To Haul Off Gaibngo. "Next Saturday is clean-up day," said Mayor Allen. 'Tho ladles of tho five districts in the city want to know If wo aro willing to pay the cost of securing teams to haul off the rubbish taken from tho yards on that day." A new phase of tho question enmo up when Councilman Kimball sug gested that ;nany. property owners will tako ndvantngo of tho chance to got rid of whole yards full of cans nnd rubbish that thoy hnvo been caving all year for Just this chnnco. "And tho result will bo that the fow wngons wo can got, will servo only n few of tho people." No action was taken regnrdlng tho hauling away of tho garbage "Wo ought to havo a wood ordin ance" I'That would bo moro successful than clean-up days. It would work tho entlro year. Under such a Inw a proporty owner could cither bo compelled to clean up his property, tako off tho weeds and rubbish or tho city could send men out to do It for him and levy tho cost with his taxes." This ivns not officially acted upon. Front Street Klldwnlk Pondec. Again Inst ovonlng tho question of paving the Jog In North Front street nlongsldo tho rails or tho Wlllnmotto Pacific and tho laying of n slilownlk Itisttlu tho rails for tho Rafoty of pedcstrlniiB was brought onto tho stand. Tho mat ter wns referred to tho Btroot com mlttco and tho City Englneor to tako up with tho Southern Pacific, tho officers of tho Terminal Rnllrond Company nnd with C. E. Nicholson. "It was tho understanding In 1912," snld Mr. aidloy, who had gono over tho minutes of tho Conn-' ell meetings when this mnttor was Ihon dlscuBBod, "thnt tho -Tormlnal pooplo would build nnd maintain this sidewalk. Thoy wcro also to pnvo tho Jog In tho street. Then this company sold out to tho South ern Pacific and tho matter was droppod. Tho paving necessary to mako tho street nafo ia approximately 3S0 square feet and would cost about $100. EFFICIENCY SUPS AWAY Jiioio ewhlly through fruity vllon than fi, ,ly ,jlt.r uxue. When Eyesight MilTerx, all other dependent, season must Ikh-oOiio iniimlred j.lbo. Ha.l Mii tolls upon us 1m.Ui phyMcully mid mentally. ' THE WORKER ran only do things us mil n ho can see them. If lie , n crafts, man his work will boiouio moio difficult and less reliable as Ills oyohlglit Incomes Impaired. If ho Is u lirulu woikor, Ii0 W3l become hlmwr and lib tusk will riwv burdensome. REFLECTIONS RctoilornUon of ability H Inevitably reflected in n, c,.. lugs, whether iiiaster or employee, or niusiulur or mental in his occupation. Wo cannot "loso gin,." without losing monoy busings .,,,. iUijh Ik too rinvo for that. Wo must retain our hold, u ,,,. not afford to lot blip tl.o advantage lihh , nr time's ll,or Iiil liroiiBht us! AfM tho first Mop U to lmprou our UMiiu. Much can bo done. ' nlrVm '1., C", l nC nn'1 ,0 MH tvaml" TORIO LENSES GltOUXl) WHILE YOU WAIT. Red Cross Optical Dept. Tho laying out of a cement side walk district to conform with tho fire district of tho city, within which no board sldowalks can bo repaired other than by tho substi tution of comont, wns tho order given City Engineer GIdlcy by tho city fathers last evening. This action followed tho appear ance of C. 1. Itolgnrd, on behnlf of Mrs. James KJollond, asking what sottloincnt tho city Is willing to mako for personal Injury 'dnmnges suffered by Mrs. KJellond last fall. It Is claimed she tripped on the end of nn ununited plank In tho Urondway sidewalk nnd for sovornl weeks wns laid up because of tho resultant injury. "City Attorney Goss took up tho matter with mo before ho loft," stated Mayor Allen,, "and wo would prefer to hnvo tho matter rest until ho returns from Salem." Make l'rojierty Owners Llablo Councilman Copplc, nt his tlrst meeting in several weeks, during which ho has been East, declared his boliof Mnrshflcld should ndopt nn ordinance similar to ono In St. Johns. Thero tho city condemned all wooden sidewalks, thus throw ing tho responsibility for any dam ago suits becauso of such walks onto tho property owners. Such nn ordlnnnco could not wholly relievo tho city, thought Mr. Ilolgard, but could make tho owners nnd tho city officials Joint ly llablo for personal Injuries. Lay Out District. I'That Is Just what I havo been considering," broke In Mr. Gldloy. "I bollovo thnt wo should allow no repairs on wooden sldowalks. Every tlmo thoy nro out of ordor let tho city condemn them, this to mean tho owners must replnco them with cement. Eventually such an action will mean a vast Improvement over tho entlro city nnd It would como gradually enough to work n hardship on no ono." Thereupon ho wns authorized to outllno such n district and .roport nt tho noxt meeting of tho Council. An ordlnnnco covering this will bo drawn up by tho City Attorney. Make Assessments. Though tho building of n sldo- walk on Hemlock botweon Front .'ml Sixth strcots has already commenc ed, having been lot last week to tho contractors, under tho new law tho Council must meet ns u board of equalization nnd re-affirm tho assessment. This thoy will do on March 15. Tho samo nctlon is truo on South Broadway, whoro tho re planking of that thoroughfare be tween Hall and Kruso Is now undor way. I'laiiB nnd specifications for a sidewalk on Illrch nvonuo botweon Urondway nnd Second wero prosent- i oil by Mr. Gldloy nnd sanctioned ; by tho Council. This work Is on a 17 por cont grado and will bo jdono entirely by tho proporty own ers, though notices of nn Improvo- Imont will bo posted. Thero nro In all SOS feet flgurod at about 10 conts u foot, making n total cost of approximately $82.10. Ask for Improvements. That thoy bo nllowod to Improvo Twolfth Court South between El rod and Golden nvonuo Is tho glut of a petition presoutod Inst ovo ' "Ing by proporty ownors bordering tlio proposed Improvement. Tho slgnors of tho potltlon woro William Grimes, Don H. Chandler, Dr. llousoworth and J. Albort Matson. Hecauso of tho heavy grado on tho street between Elrod and Flnnngan tho potltlon asks that planking bo used In opening tho streot, but botweon Flnnngan nnd Goldon a hurd surface pnvomont Is uskod for, this to bo bordored by a sldowalk, bonrd or coment, six feet In width. Members pointed out thnt Twelfth Court South ends at Golden nvenuo and It would bo unjust to nsk nil proporty owners along that strip to pay for a hard surface pave mont. Thero woro somo ownors who had not signed tho petition. Tho matter was referred to tho City Engineer with instructions to draw up plans and specifications. THADE AT THE PAIiACE MEAT MAItKET. Phone 32. TH I A 5 HOME aFSL m a d e AVERN CANDY Wo mako Ico cream 78 Central avo., Pono lni.Jt New city ordinances making tho local flro laws comply with tho state statutes and flro escapes thnt nnswer tho best of requirements us n menus of safe-guarding tho pub lic In buildings of moro than two stories, wns tho substnnco of n re quest presented by Flro Chief Dan Keating. Tho City Attorney wns Instructed to draw up now flro ordinances for Mnrshflcld. Sovoral years ago tho laws of this city nnd of tho stnto regarding flro escapes wero uniform. Since thnt tlmo thero litis boon n change made by tho Legislature, but tho local requirements hnvo remained untouched, and hence, hnvo fallen behind. "Tho Btnto requires," said Chief Keating, "n flro escapo for ovory 100 feet of trontngo of n building on nny Btreet. This Is for nn ex nmplo. Right hero In tho city tho enforcement of such n statute would mean n change in many of our buildings." Flro escnpes should hnvo ladders reaching down from tho Inst lnnd Ing to tho sldowalk, pointed out tho Chief. It's n long drop nnd if peoplo nro in n hurry, thoy haven't tlmo to wnlt for tho flro department nnd the putting up of ladders. Tho men might mnko tho Jump," ho snld, "but it would bo Bovoro on women nnd children." To hnvo flro escnpes open off prlvnto rooniB thnt can bo kept locked during tho night Is especially dangerous, bollovcs tho Chlof. "Any ono occupying tho room off thq flro cscnpo would, In nil probability, leave the building through tho win dow without first unlocking his door. Thnt would lenvo n helpless band In tho hallway hammering on his door, caught liko rat In n trap." "Neither tho Chnndlor nor tho St. Lawrence Hotels hnvo escnpes ' opening off n hall way," said Coun cllmnn Evertsen. I'Tlils is com plying nil right with our present ordinances, but I belluvo this should ho changed." Mako Esrnpos Accessible. This subject will ho tnken up thoroughly In thq now flro ordln nnces. Tho Council men suggested tho plan of having nil rooms opon Ing onto tho flro escapes olthor loft vacant or that tho locks bo removed from (ho doors. Somo bollovod tho rooms should bo tnkon out nnd inmlo into n hallway, though this plan wns not countenanced. In apartment houses, somo snld, nn ontlro apart ment might bo ontlroly disarranged. School Hulldlpg Protection. School buildings should hnvo oven moro osenpes than tho law requlrea wns tho boliof of tho Coun-. cilmon. Two woro suggested for tho Central School nnd nnothor ono for for tho High Solioql, which now has ono oscnpo, that on tho south sido of tho building nnd londlng down from tho third floor. A spiral chuto making it possiblo to whizz tho children from tho top to tho bottom of tho, building many times quicker thnn stnirwnyH and flro oscapos can ovor work woro suggoBted by tho Council, though it wns polntod out that tho cost of construction would bo qulto largo. Children Endangered. "Why I heard sovoral days ago that thoro was n flro drill in ono of tho Bchool buildings hero," said Councilman Copplo, "and thnt it took moro than four minutes for ovoryono to got out of tho bulhllng. Now If thoro had been smoko nnd flro In addition tho result would havo probably meant tho loss of sovoral lives." "In drawing up tho now city or dlnnncos," said Mr. Kondnll, Cwo can mnko special precautions for school buildings." On a motion mado by Mr. Copplo, Flro Chief Dan Keating was Instruct ed to mnko a thorough Investigation of tho flro oqulpmonts and oscapos in both school buildings of tho city, n roport to bo presoutod nt n later meeting. "And ns n parting remark," said Councilman Kimball, "lot's not let this business drag as soon as wo forgot tho bad fires wo havo had lntoly. wo'vo got to keep ham mering on this subject." WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF OARS 17 Central Av. Phono 378.Ii PETITION FOR SERVICE WILL SERVE SEVERAL lllV DRED FAMILIES IX HUNKER RILL AND EASTPOHT. A petition nsklng for tho estab-' llshment of a rural freo mall sor vlco for Hunker Hilt. 'lng8tuff and Eastport, is being completed i nnd will bo forwarded today to tho Fourth Assistant Postmnstor General. At prcsont thoro nro no freo rural delivery routes In this section of tho Rtato. Tho routo , would sorvo n largo numbor of families nnd that it will bo granted Is practically assured. Tho routo Is described as follows: i Beginning nt tho U. S. Postofflco In Marshflold, thenco south along South Urondway, thenco along tho Coqullle-Mnrshflcld county road to tho intersection of tho Llbby county rond about four miles south of tho City of Mnrshflcld, nnd thenco back on snld Llbby rond to Eastport, re turning to Postofflco via Tenth street, Johnson nvenuo nnd Fourth nnd Curtis. Among those signing tlio potltlon, which wns circulated by Jim Hunt, nro W. H. Dlndlngor, H. L. Pratt, F. C. Mostollor, Carl Renson, Potor Dlnmodn, E. L. Peterson, Durt Mu thlson, C. F. Lund, Alex Snndon, Oren Allen, Frank Gray, Frank L. Compton, L. E. Roborson, C. Thor wnld, Otto A. Wnllmnrk, P. L. Tur loy, J. R. Rhino, J. F. Iluffmnn, F. G. EdwnrdH, II. N. Edwards, L. F. Edwnrds, Fred GrlnoldB, F. M. Mnrhoffor, W. II. Foloy, J. A. Olo sonJolin Ekblnd, Carl J. Jnrgon son, A. D. Snow, R. F. Rush, W. 11. Ferguson, A. II. Hammond, Chns. A. Hughes, Follx Kestor, Axel Rud borg, Jns. Forty, Poto Sunno'son, J. A. Colllor, ir. Snmson, Poto Kn gtBrom, JoBoph J. Ilenncssoy, Ed Erlckson, Jiimes Mnlonoy, W. Erlck- son, A. E. Gngnon, John Heck, ChnB. J. Knox, F. A. linker, Win. E. Ilomdon, Honry A. Olson, Ilnrt lett L. Knox, GiiBt A. Stoon, C. A. Westborg, V. F. Collom, Aug. Cnrl Bon, Edwin Collom, J. E. Duucnn, J. J. Kondnll, Geo. Han, Fred Mil ler, E. Ynko, R. Glntzor, C. G. Larson, J. Rrockmuollor, M. E. Raymond, II. M. Alboo, Pete Erlck- Bon, u. E. Ilnycs, L. G. Ross, a. Johnson-, L. Knulson, E. A. Nelson. M. J. Anderson, Alfred Hngqulst, Mlko Ilnginnn, Ocorgo Rourko, E. Rofslnnd, J. E. Rofslnnd, J. C. Moyors, E. W. Cole, Jolur Dotson, Gonoro Porry, J. A. Whlto, R. A. Cortholl, John Hnllo, P. J. Klsllng. Dnnlol Small, Jas. II. Sutton, Wil liam E. Phillips, Dan S. Orr, IL J. Harnhnrdt, Rex. I). Harnhnrdt, Alonzo McDougnl, Harry Gnlbrnlth, Mrs. V. A. Williams, Mrs. S. A. Mandory, Mrs. A. Schwnrtz, G. D. Windblglor, W. W. Duncan, E. Gran doll, II. H. Harper, P. C. Dlrch, Marlon M. Lesh, II. R. Grnnby, J. Durrnnd, R. Duffy, Win. Ruffnor, Elmn M. Roberts, L. F, Edging ton, Leo Nunn, Arthur Williams, Don Cooloy, E. M. Smith, R, L. Mlllor, L. M. Ilnzolton, Geo. L. Dlndlngor, W. J. Rust, Alfrod Jowoll, Chas. II. Codding, Nolllo Wolf, O. P. Nonh, N. Ekblad, MIbb Marion Smith, Zoo A. Snndon, Mrs. Goo. Montgomery, F. L. Caldwoll, A. E. Sleop, D. Y. Wymoro, Mrs. L. L. Smith, Harry Graves, Goo. W. Smith, Win. Honron, A. II. Nonh, O. W. Rudborg, R. II. Harris. argam A Comer Lot, 50x120 peet In First Addition; lot noaily level with Li '""in homo Mirri; Ntreet gradetl In front and .sidewalk Inld -imA mi m h Only $450 If taken nt. oner. Tohuh If desired. Vpply. Going & Harvey Co, NEW DRUG LI IS DRASTIC Emily Hnrrls, John Hnrrls, Oscni Ingmnn, Carl Carlson, Matt Ander son, Homer P. Hnuzoy, Simon An derson, H. E. Rennlor, Mrs. C. Col ombo, Win, N. Abol, L. L. Rrndloy, M. L. Stromborg, J. c. Eggleaton, S. Raymond, F. E. Raymond, Rort Hnwso, A. L. Evans, Mrs. W. II. McClure, Win. A. Pugh, E. 'T. iinich, Roy Cameron, Ray Pondor grass, Mrs. Kuthryn 'Pondorgrnss, J. E. Kuch, O. Kuch, Joseph Tro wolla, W. II. Stoward, R. J. sto wnrd, Mrs. E. Roborts, Gus Fla qlBt, P. H, McDonald, R. F. Maol, Mrs. Etta Drown, O. K. Hulln, C. McComor, C. A. Pottlt, J. E. Potlt, G. M. lllnkoy, W. O. Stono, J. E. Cooloy, R. r. Mynatt, D. Klm nol, Matt Rankila, .s. Uondrlckson, H. Wlstl, p. p. oar, F. H. McEIroy, Geo. Treanor, A. Struffert, M. C. Wood, E. R. Heaslor, P. W. Dodson, Roy Carpenter, E. wist!, J. a. Nowmnn, Robt Hobort, F. O. Wu kasch, Mrs. H. A. Harris, Goo. S. Potorson, August Petorson, M. jr. Crabtrco, A. E. Nolson, Nick Stam bouo, Jas. Cunlff, j. a. Edwards, John Kerrigan, Edw. Cnmoron, W. II. Mcllroom, Frank Hunt, Joromo Loslngor, Mrs. M. L. r0Ss, Joo Rogers, Roy Rogors, J. m, Carrol, E. Lothard McCluro nnd James E. Hunt. TAMALES MED. AT M. E. CHURCH QUATERMAS STUDIO n UUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10G-L. MARSHFIELR, ORKGON WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrcli 2 A now Federal law providing for strict regulation In tho imlo of certain nnrcottcH wont into offect yesterday and Its enforcement nnd regulation will ho part of tlm du ties of tho Department of Inter nal Revenue. Thu law requires Hint unynno who produces, Imports, manufac tures, compounds, deals in, dis penses, distributes or given nwny nny opluiii, or tho other other drugs Included in tho Inw, nhnll roglstor nnnuully with tho Collector of In tornnl Revenuo for thq district In which ha dooH 1)11811108.1 nnd for tho purjioso of tho law, tho rosl denco of nnyono doallng In such drugs Ih regnrded ns bin plnco of business. Registration shnll bo mulled to July 1 of onch year nnd tho denier nt tho tlmo of registra tion Hhnll pay n upci-lnl tux of $1. A majority or physlelnus, druggists, dentlstH nnd veterinarians will bo compelled to roglstor. Government mid stnto officials purchiiBlng for hospItulB, etc., aro oxompt. It will bo unlawful for nnyono to hnndlo tho drugs without registration. In nddltlon to tho-tux of $1 for registration, tho snlo or theso drugs shnll ho exclusively mado through n form prescribed nnd to bo sold by tho. Collectors of Interunl Rov nuo In tholr rospectivo districts. It will ho unlawful tb sollj ox- cliungo or glvo nwny nny of tho drugs without n written ordor of tho poraon to whom such article Is sold or glvon. TIiIh ordor Is to bo mado out on tho form mid n dupli cate of tho ordor Is to bo kopt by tho sollor. Tho original in tho hands or tho buyer nnd tho duplicate rotainod by tho sollor must bo kopt tor n porlod or two yonrs, urlng which tlino.nny ngont or tho Intor nnl Rovonuo Servlco or nny stnto or imlnlclpnl oMcor In whoso chnrgo tho regulations for tho snlo of drugs Is placed, may oxamlno olthor tho original or tho duplicate Conviction for vlolntlon of tho law Is punlshnblo by n flno of not mora thnn $2000 or Imprisonment for not moro than flvo yonrs, or both. professional! m. n. Harrier .. uunu U1U-J, I. M. Wright Est'Klai ""UN oa tctMl Dr. H. M. Snnw Eye, Ear, KMe nl TW DR. MATTIB 11.' 8IIAW DIbwisch of Womfn end rt, umco mono 330-J. RooaiTii 202, Irving Bloct ' Beniamm Ostlind COXSUII'INO KXGl.NTEHI ARCIHTcnr Offices, 206 Ir?lDE!i Phono 103-L or :ew. Manti((ld,t W. G. Chandler AltCIIITTfrr Rooms 301 and 302. Cohl liarahflcld, 0rt(oi Wm. S. Turpen AIlt'IIITECT Marahtleld, Orttoi. Perl Riley Baiter PIANIST AND TEACM I Rosldonco Studio, 217 No. TkHI I'liono JC8-U LEJT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Truat Co.. k)n thoroughly dopondable, Ix dlato aorvlco, prompt tun to nil Intorcato ot our ik MINIMUM 00 III !. S. KAUFMAN 4 CI Dr. K. E. ICEIrV, DENTIST Phono 112-J, Room iiOi. Coko bldg. 11 Times want ads bring results. 9391 Get a Can TO-DAY From Youp Hardware or Grocery Dealer AT- CAMPBELL'S WOODYI North Froit ttm, Phone 70. Low Rates for Handling Tn Wa hntil trunks bfitirMQllff 1W VI ! --- ,. . In Marshflold and doieaaru . ....i1Ia Iai iur ruuuuijuuiu utva. ij STAR TRANSFER & 6T0W1 Phonet 120-J. 40-U m T. J. 8CA1F1J J0A.U.I .,.,T lilt Marshfield S rurnls1' Phono 1I0-R. JtaAlfcH Pictures &Prar Walker Studio iTKTFcTT pi CAWING P UHUItO "l-r,":!.,' o do French i"7 "-'j, most dollcuto fabrics. "r tlvely gunrantce all lllmnil JSl'Ai A.i,iKa as I Central Af. RLACIC SILK STOT3 POLISn For Sulo by SCHROEDER HILDENnRAND Phono 177, PICTURES nnd Picture Framing REHFELD'S 20 CENTRAL AVENUE . Phono 275-J. AiiAAAlAlMMtt"' I ST. LAWRENCE JOJ t w .. .. . f Mri" i In tno iioan w - t All Outs!d?rIWst i sasfc i WJitmM jHm". o "..- r unTEL IHtwjuo vifl Formerly "j,vCB O, A. SleOlnIW. nnnciWR onMTBAC ' J.L. BRICE B. 118. M ZMLL. ?&&z??zrf