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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1915)
ratch Our Window Next Week For That Royal Tailor Suit Display Siahh to vont measure ; $16.00 to $40 k'ST IV TIME FOR EASTER FIXUP Two Stoics JaHiflohl Xorlli Rend AN WANTED $125PerMonlh WANTED A iiinii to huiidlo Kkm1 business opportunity pitying $i K'l' lllOlllll. Hlllllll cnp ilnl required. Worth In cstlgutliitf. Owner must M'll ul once. (Jet in business for yourself. 'Soo Held About K." W. A. REID J ."SO Trout Street. I The 3 Vital ELEMENTS IX HUVIXO A Piano ARE Quality Price Terms you will kind aijj these ' wii.ij please you at THIS KTOIII1 '."Viuii Money' Worth or Your Money Hack." THE WILEY B.ALLEN Co. It. I. Thomas, 'Malinger. Central Ave Russcl Rhlg. 1 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Jiflold-Nortli Rend Aato U every ten minutes from fl a. m IS p. in.; to South Slough onco n y, leaving nt 11 n. in.; to Empire reo trips a day. GOR8T & KINO. Props. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON trccry and Diseases of Women a Spoclalty. arton & Hanson bldg. Phono 229-J es. 890 Cor. 9th & Elrod. Ph. 1CC-J DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo Icopt OPEN TO THE PUBLIC A regular stuto licensed undertaker will ho In charge Phono 103- J , High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness maKes . t . Conner & Hoaglaiid The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 M5 WIESSENGER SERVICE 15H TWO PHONES. CALL US FOR CARS, TAMCABS, EXPRESS WAGONS. MARSHFIELD OYCLERY. 15 BROADWAY THE ECONOMY Reaches It full height nl ' THE FAIR SPECIAL HARfJAIXS for Wednesday, Thursday am) friday Conic mid xec how much joti really tan save. 7fii! Ladles' Cnshniero 4 Oloves; various nn 4 kln.lH. Onlv .IMP. 20c nnil 2fie Ladles' Sloovo- loss VestH, plain or fancy trliiiiueil. rim special Li 4 7Tic mid SRn Ladles' finest 4 CliHlunoro Hose, somo with silk lieels nnil Jin 4 toes. Only tf.jjb 4j 4 4 4 Men's GOc Silk Sox, tnns 4 oru.aek. on 4 Only jjC 4 H Men's latest GOc Four-in- 4 hand tics. nf 4 Only aC 4 4 4 Extra special In ladles' sam plo Waists, In Voiles, Lln gorlo and nil-over ombroid ory, biggest bargain over offored. ?1.C0 to $2.C0 valuos. Now on salo tr at bSC Beautiful Curtain Scrim, 4 whlto or ecru, pretty flornl borders, 25c to 35c values,' On salo nt per 10 yard ' I Ub 4 30c flno Morcorlzcd Black Satoon, 30 Inches wldo, on salo nt )) 4 per yard LLA Ladies' whito handkqrchlofs, ombroldory corners, lOo vnl- ues. po 4 Special Ub ABSOLUTELY YOUIt MONEY'S WORTH OR YOL'H MONEY HACK THE FAIR CENTRAL AVENUE NEXT TO CHANDLER HOTEL It thoro woro inoro "pleasant homos In tho world, and FEWER BATTLESHIPS Thoro would'nt bo any war. OUR QUALITY FURNITURE Helps to mako homo pleasant Johnson-Gulovsen Company The Quality Name with a Service Fame. ' DRESSMAKING and TAILORED HATS Work guaranteed and priced . rensonnblo MRS. If. O. WILLEY Over Norton & Hansen's Phono 1C9-J. 44 -- 1 !fr i COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. (iermax club social Tlio German Club ot Mnrshfield bold Its Mltlnt social gathering Sat urday evening at tho Odd Follows hall. Thoro was n largo turnout of tho members and their families. Dancing was tho diversion until midnight when a banquet was serv ed. Tho spread was largly of Ger man dishes and was greatly enjoyed. J A chorus of about twenty men ren- dorcd a number ot Gorman selections and later dancing was again enjoy ed. About ninety woro in attendance. Times wnnt nds bring results. tORPHEUM "Whqre Motion Pictures Look Better TONIGHT. Tue.sdny-AVednesday WHEN FATE WAS KIND Three-part American drama by American artists. Tells a dltforont story In a very dramatic way. SECOND CHILDHOOD Comedy drama. Novel and Inter esting. ETHICS OF THE PROFESSION Ulograph drama. Strong story. 1915 PATHE NEWS Includes following topical sub jects: Animated Map ot Australia's Dream, Now Breastworks mado by Canadians; Dig French Gun Bom bards Gorman Positions; England Shelled by Gorman Worships; Sub way Flro Endangers Thousands; Presentation of Horo Medals; Base ball on Ico. Edgar Cason will appear In now songs. 10c :: ALWAYS :: 10o Matlneo Sundny 2:00 p. m. Wo havo Improved our pictures. THE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE FAREWELL NIGHT. EXTi: LOXH SHOW Tho WorU Film Corporation fcaturo In flvo partB. Tom Torrlcs in THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DHOOD, by Charles Dickons. THE TAIL OF A LONESOME DOG. A Victor comedy. iV .M.wii,tii.i win;, univorsai Iko, Jr., coniody. Sovcu nil now reels of pictures. Lowor floor, 15c; entire balcony, 10c. An exceptionally good show, so don't fall to attend. BUY THE VERY BEST sr mm MADEr UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A OLKAX AND AIQDURN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 . m, nml 3 p. m. Phono 73. FAILURE IS IMPOSSIBLE An advertising expert, Who Is n largo user of newspapors, was asked this question: "In your Judgmont what- aro the chances of success for an ordinary sowspaper advertis ing campaign?" Noto tho emphasis of his answor: "If tlio article has: Piopei4 distribution, ono hundred per cent quullty and character, ami tho right copy Is used in tho right newspapers it can not fail, "In ray judgment there is no guess work about It and I speak from a varied exper ience." There" Is no guess work about results when you ad vertise in tho Coos Bay Times PHONE 133. LEMHI THEATER TONIGHT i , - ;. .X .j ." J .. Ilfll ftpAli-o I Hi lit! 2 m tl naai i i 4 ir-su- ' IB 1" --... j -- w ....!, &?m mum Qirininri BREVITIE WEATHER FORECAST ID Associated rrm to Coot nr Times. OREGON Fair, winds mostly westerly. tOOAfi TEMPERATURE RECORl) For iho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 a. m., March 2, by B011J. Ostllud, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum r3' Minimum 37 At 4:43 a. in 38 Proclpltntlon 01 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 191 i 52.74 Precipitation samo period last year ,50.88 Wind: Northwest, clear. Party Today. Mrs. G. A. Bennett is cntcrtninlng today complimentary to Mrs. If. G. Butler and Mrs. HIrsch. Go South. -Holt Nordrum and UJalto Nordrum loft for San Fran cisco whero It Is expected n confer ence will bo hold to dotermlno future operations of tho pulp mill. Enters Contest. Emll Gabriclson, with Norton Hanson, has entered tho Portland Telegram's contest for an auto or trip to San Francisco and 1b planning to mako a hard fight for It. Sonttlo Insurance. Tho insuranco adjusters yesterday settled tho claim of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wells for tho loss in tho flro at their rcsldonco on South Second street last week. Tho claim was sottlcd for $339. HiiH'Mari'ricH. W. B. Moyers, of Myrtle- Point, enmo over this morning seeking a market for his tics. Ho has on hand about G0,000 which ho wish es to dlsposo oft this being tho win tcrswork of hid crowd In tho camps. liuiiiluct Tonight, At G:30 this evening tlio Fellowship Club will gather nt tho call of Chef J. C. Kend all at! (ho Swedish Lutlioran Hall, corner Third nnd Commo'rclal, for tho big banquet following which will bo sovoral Interesting talks. TnkoN on Cargo. Tho Hardy nr rivod In today from tho south and Is loading at tho O. A. Smith mill. Tho loading of tho Hardy was taken by somo ns an indication that tho Ho dondo deal has been closed nnd that tlia Rcdondo would not return horo. No oflclnl ndvlsos havo been rocolvod though. On Ranch. Wm. J, Lent on, form er city recorder of Eastsldo, was hero yostordny from Allegany whero lid Is living on a ranch. His father and family moved thoro from 'Eastsldo recently and aro occupying tlio placo bolonglng to Martin Loaton. Thai plnco Is about six Hilled boyond Al legany on tho Loon Lako road. Ten Mllo Assessor. T. J. Thrift, county nssossor, who Is horo from Coqulllo announces that C. J, Furhop has boon appointed doputy assessor for tho Ten Mllo region, Clins. St Donnts, who is now postmaster at Lakesldo, bolng unablo to servo tills year. Tho other doputlos woro an nounced a few weeks ago In The Times. Fountain Is Repaired. Sovoral Weeks ago the fountain presented to tho city by tho A. N. W. Club was put out of commission when a run tMiy horso broko tho bowl. Slnco then tho fountain has boon useless but today It was ropalrcd ami again thirsty dnlmals ahowoil their np proclutlon by stopping often nnd drinking their fill. Como Seeking Ancstk. Two Greoks appeared in Justice Ponnock's rcinrth Jt his mnrnlnif. i(lntlnc thitV woro shlppod out of South Inlet by J "nbdut 20 men with guns" and ask- tho oponsos or HI hearing will prob cd that warronts bo sworn out for'dbly tako up most of It. tlin nrrout rtf Minlr nftanltnntn. Tlio' . ' mon wero referred to District Attdr-1 p O R I T V UNIFORMrTY RELIABILITY EFFICIENCY Rr'iilg lis your prescriptions uml get tho bet at tho lowest pi'lco. THE CENTRAL AVElOld DfcUG Sf ORE FRANK 1), HI IMVII IU UUIU1UL Hake dlvon swallows anti shitio tablets As dram, atlo climax of domestic troubles. A Voiricn's love, friends that ob jected to her choice, two brothers JoaloiiB of each other and tho result, n fight nnd an attempt of suicide on the part of tho woman wero Iiulf way explained In tho police court this morning. Judge nutlor con tinued tho case, asking for more witnessed nnd evidence. Lnto yesterday afternoon n lnlrry up call was sent In for a doctor from tho homo of a. Ciiantzla, o Greek, on Broadway and arriving thoro Dr. Horsfnll found lmmbdiato tiso for tho stomach pump' on "Bnbo" Dlxoh who had taken an ovordoso of antiseptic (ablets. Her llfo Was saved nnd this mdrning slio npponrcd to testify. In a. long recital to tho Juctgo slio old of how her life with her first husband was unhappy and that now sho is attempting to got a divorce. This done, slio expects to marry Sam Catsailles, a Greek. So far Was" all right but Babo Dixon 1b living with Mr. and Mrs. G. Ciiantzla. This couplo objected to her keeping company with Sam Calsaules, an cmplbyoo al tho mill. Troublo was created at onc6 bo tweon thom and Sam's brother, who is named Frank, sent word to tho lady'd protector, G. Ciiantzla, to como down and fight and thou bo coming impatient', ho followed up his lead, going directly to tho house. Upon onterlng, so Frank Catsaules declares, Mrs, Ciiantzla called hiln names. This is denied by Mrs. Ciiantzla, who declares tho story should bo turned vlco versa. At any rato a fight was started arid tho lady of tho houso, bo It Is claimed, began hitting Frank with a stick and In attempting to ship Mrs. Ciiantzla, tho latter fell to tho floor and sprained her wrist. It was then than Bnbo Dixon, seeing what a furoro had bodn started and believing Sam Catsaules would "throw hor ovor," drow tho climax by taking poison. "I nm an Amorlcan and proud of it," sho told tho court this morning, I'nrid' this man, (pointing to Sam Cat saules) Is n gontloman, nnd I in tend to marry him as soon as I got a divorce" Sho is n young woman of about 23 years of ago nnd has two children by hor first husband. "I don't caro who slio goes with" declared Ciiantzla, through nn in terpreter, "ns long as thoso follows stay nWay from my houso." lioy Llljcqvlst and doclarcd thoy would go to Coqulllo on tho after noon train. Soven areoks wdro de ported from tlio tio camps on th6 In let yostordny, because tlio consult ed to work for less wages than tho other laborors. ' Sign Bivaks OhiRs.-Yestorday, tho largo pinto glass in tho front of Tho Cyclory crackdd, a. 'lnrgo jtri- angular plcco bolng nlmoBt broken out, Tho crnck Is insldo of a circle of a largo sign which Mr. Bnndol re cently had painted on tho window. As near as Mr. Handel and otl!o'r' that ho hns consultod can figuro dilt, tho heavy paint sign concentrated, tho heat from tho sun's rnys yostdr' day and tho expansion following tho sun disappearing behind n. shade broko tho glass. Tho glass is worth J $50 so that Mr. Bandcl figures It was a rathor oxponslvo sign. Policy Is Ahhlgi,el.-Tho JG00 flro B- C STmNQBR, formerly connected Insuranco policy which Mr. Skerrottl w,lh t,i6 ,Jnltetl States .engineer had on his books and personal bo- n Bt,rvlco ,n ho PhlHH'Inef, loft longings wfalcli- -word destroyed ih , tor Ban "nclsco. tho Bunker Hill hotol flrd, was trans- ferred to It. O. Graves yesterday. Out of tho 070 found on Skdrrett w'hon ho 'was arrested, C. F Mc Knlght aa his attorney paid' about J17f on a noto which tfid Flanagan & Ilonnott bank held against Skdr ro'tt and on which Jack McDonald was security. Tho halancd of tW J100 was left ill Mr. McKnlghts hand's by Sheriff Jdhnsoii for Mr. Skorrott but TAMAf.ES WED, AT M. E. OlTURCH T H E O W L COHATf. I ...f. To Open Restaurant. Workmen today wero busy taking out tho clo- , yiuu nuui in 1110 Din urpneum Theatre- on Front street whero Hnnl walt and Moydrs arc getting, reddy to open a restaurant. Go fa Ittaenurgv According to parties from Myrtla Point, .1. E. Shilling nnd wife who recently ro tlr'cd from tho Guorln hotel, havo a bout mado arrangements tff locato at Itosoburg whero they will 6ngago In tho hotel bushiest Wwfitei Hero. Rev. B. F. Bong ston Saturday evening officiated at tho marrlngo of Miss Tokla TosUo and Peter 13. ErlcKson of" Hunker Hill. Tho y6i)ng couplo Woro attended by Wllholm, B'uriiian nnd Dagmaf Erlcksoh. Jifry Che VonlfcU That William Sweeney, ordorly At tlio Mercy Hos pital camo to his death da tho result ot heart failure wfttf tho fcpbrt or th6 coroner'a Jury lit North Bond yesterday riftorrioo'n. Bccnuso of tho absonco of C6r6nor Fred Wilson nt Stimnor Judgo Shustor nctcit In that capacity and summonorf tho following Jury, Frank Woods, B. E. Smith, A. H. McKay, (William Dolan, Edgnr McDHnlols and C. W. Gregory. Dr. Uartlo was called in nnd testified that two months ago ho examined Swoonoy nnd fdund his heart In a dangerous condition. Tho mother and relatives In California nnd this stato havo been notified. BORN Bfnlrinwr To Mr. arid MrB. C. L. Brnlnord of North Bend, n nlno- liound son. Mother and child nro do lng1 nicely. AMONG THE SICK j Mrs. Hollo lforroll, who was oper ated on nt thb Mercy Hospital two days ago is nuicli bottor today. Mrs. C. I. Bbriobrdko la reported rccuporntlng nicely fbllowlrig a rath er serious lllncBfl nftor art oporntlon f6r n'ppondtcltls. Mr, Rbblnibn, of c6qul"llor was Wrought ovof ycBtcfday by Dr. V. L. Hamilton rtnd tbday undorwont an' indr'atl6n nt tho Mercy IHspItal. Mrs. Ross Smith un'ddrwont a in In or oporatlon sdvernl days ng6. Sh6 Is much bettor today. II. ORANT 8ALYARDS of,rChlcagb, Is a businoss vlsltqr i;t tWcltjr' , A. LILJEQV1ST went hack, to Coqulllo today from conducting tho hearing of Chnrloa Skorrott, h, WEISS nrrlvod Inst ovcnlng from Eilgene. Ho comes horo looking for a business opening. ADDISON PAHIIY, of tha O. A. Smith company has roturnod from a business trip' to San Francisco, MRS. OEO. N.BOLT left, today for .Redwood City, California, to visit hor mother who has boon quite ill. J. II. FLANAGAN loft on' tho.Nnnn Smith this nftonioou for Snn Francisco whero ho expects to bo gono for about tWo weeks. V. C. OORST, of tho Marshfleld North Bend Hue, with til's wlfo nnd family left on tho Nairn Smith for a visit at tho Exposition. itRS". R. A. HARRISON, of Rlvorton Is visiting at tlio homo ot her daughter, Mrs. Geo, A. Haines". Sho has boon In poor health for somo time. WILL WHITE of Wdd'dorburn la spoudlng a fow days on tha Bay. Ho brought tip about forty liead of bedf cattld from tlio Weddorburn ranch1, driving thoni up tho coast. W. C. LAIRD loft on tho stngo this moriilug for Couor 'd Aldu'o, Ida- ho whoro ho goes for William Pentland who Is wanted as a wit ness ill tho Ilusadl edso n't Myrtle Polrft.- RUSSELL DEMENT of Myrtlo Point was hero yesterday on business. Mr. Dement owns somo of tho . largest and finost ranches in Coos county and has turned tho man agement of them ovor to his sons. WM. HOLLAND, who has been spending a few dnya on the Bay with frionds, will return to his J 4 ranch at Parkorsburg today. Gulf heard who was also- over return- ed yestdrdky In, ojdor to, Iwvd t)ie ranch In prefer form to greet "BUI," . "" THREE ; WEDNESDAY ' Presbytorlan Auxiliary in church hall . W. If, it, ' C. with Mrs. A. V Downs. Open meeting of Cham!- undo Club. Swedish Aid with Mrs. Erl6 Johndbn." ' Prlsclllds with Mrs. Rob- 4 ortsori. 4. Klostcr Club with Mrs. O. Wilson. Auction Hrldgo Club with MrB. E. Crosthwalto. Coon Bay Women's Club nt Library building. North Bond Presbyterian 4 Aid with Mrs. W. R. Simp- ' son. THURSDAY Alort Olub with Mb. Jab. V Nowlln. A. N. W. Club with tits. F. Hazard. North Bond Eastern Star evening social, 4 4 FRIDAY 4 Thlmbld Cltih With Mrs. W. Hdndrlx. 4- Norwegian Lutlioran V, ti. A. nt Chapel pnrlor. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. E. D. McArthur. ' Cafeteria Club with M"rs. A. B. Gldloy. 4444444444444 - TRADE AT THE vHjACK HEX'S MAlHtET. Llbby COAL. ThoklmTYOU Iitivd AliWAYd USED. Phono 73. Pacific jtixery nnd Transfer ifompanjr, ...., TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ) : For Rent, . room liousd with1 hath W. AVply 8th nnd Junlpor, Fern- dalo. Phono 302 L. FOR RENT Two well funilMioul rooms, cheap to steady roomers, 240 North Second. FOR RliNT Suite for hoiiHckoophiK nnd slnglo room at roducod ratea nt tho Old Morchant homo. 415 South' Fourth Bt. Phono 49-t. FOR RENT (l-rooiik house, with bnuoiriont and 16t -iOxOo far gar den, 10-13 Commorclnl avonito. P. H. Holland. WA'NTE()-i.A ll'vo Ir6 with rtOO; to tho right pnrty will give 40 por cdnt of tho host preposition In Cdos County. N& trlfloril need apply. Box I'd" Timori. FOUND Havngo hlcyclo. Owner may havo biuiio by calling nt Copplo's storu nnd paying for this uotlco. WANTED Work on ranch by youiij man. Milking proforrcd, Phona 434-L. fOUND' Pair kL! - rlinmert glnssos, on fioutli Broad way, 3wnor niny hnvo oamo by paying for this ad at Tlmos of fice ART NEEDLE SHOP CYtrncr Sec-, ond and 'Market. : : FOR SALE I Foi' Sale. Calves, Mircil by reglhter ed Holstoln, F. B, Rood, Phono 3015. FOR SALE 3 electric, motor, 1 JoWolors' polishing motor, $20; Yal9 bicycle, .now, 27. Jowrfor nt Itcd Cross. FOR- SArtli Trt'o hoiVoiioWcr olec trie mot'dr and starting box, $50 cash gdtr it If taken at onco. Koontz aarnge, NoVth Front fit. FOR SAL1' Motor boat. .Excellent engine. F, A. Bncchl. FOR SALE Cheater Whlto boar, $30.00 Pnono 307.'0 or address P. O. Box 342, North Bend. t FOR RENT f FOR IfENT Housekeeping suite, ! Marshflold Hotol, Cor. Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L. FOR RENT. Modern (i roonk houso on Elrod Ayo. luqulro 1102 El rod Avo. FOR RENT. Roohtf lth or wli oat bdard. 16G So. 1 0th Street. 4V4f4 4 4 4 FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Freight ami Bnggago. Call FERGUS6N TRANSFER Phone J 03. Residence Phone 13-7. Market nvo. ad WjitwfroHt 0t4t 4 iS