Ittft36333 U IIOMEAND FAIM MAGAZINE SECTION War and the Poultry Industry iiv a. Xj. wood. TIIlj war lias thrown a scnro Into tho poultry business that Is bo Ing felt In ovary nnrt of the country. Tho Budilcn nnd steady rlso In wheat lias caused a flooding of tho markol with chlckons of ovory description. Many breeders havo re tired from this branch entirely for tho present. This docs not rotor to brocdors who handle poultry to nny largo extent, but to small brocdors. Tho commission men havo been at u loss to dlsposo of tho surplus stock nnd tho prices havo droppod away uuiow ma nctuui cost ot production. Even with prices declining nnd with eggs selling lowor than they havo at tins time ror years, thcro nro still somo substantial bcnoilts to como from tho clinnge. It means tho soiling of thousands of hens that lino no pnrtlculur blood lines In their breeding and who hnvo seldom paid their feed cost. Tho mnn who has to buy wheat for a flock that will not lay will shed fow tears In getting rid ot them. These will In tluio bo roplnccd with birds that hnvo boon bred nlong modorn Unci nnd can pay tholr keep and n reasonable profit. Tho poultry busl ness as n wholo will boncflt greatly by this Improved condition of breed ing flocks. With experiment sta tions spending thousands of dollars In educating tho public ns to tho proscnt possibilities with a modern hon nnd with peoplo In ovory com munity paying absolutely no atten tion whatovor to tho trend of tho times, nnd still hanging on to their almost worthless Btock, It will bo n blessing to RCO tllpftn flnrlro. wlnm! out entirely. Tho poultry business Is not going to suffer permanently from tho wur. It will reap Its sharo of the benefits In dUO season. Whon llmr.q i-nt una. ICr anu tlln llPCCHHltli"! rnn lw tinr. chased liberally thcro will be n larger demand for cggB nnd thoso who havo stayed by their buns will got tho business. Tho supply being short of tho demand tho prices will bo high, nnd thcro will bo a big rush of brocdors back Into the business. Thoso men will hnvo to bo supplied with sotting eggs nnd now stock nnd thoro will bo greater activity than tho poultry Industry hns ever exper ienced before. It Is advisable to get rid of your poor stock and non-lny-ors but stay by your good birds and get bottor onos. Tho opportunities tor profits In tho poultry business In thoncar future wero never greater. f3 Whito Wyandotte Club of Northwest Formed nv a. ii. wood. TUB Northwest Whlto Wyondotto Club hns been organized with tho following olllccrs: J. A. Griffin, ot Kugeno, president; G. U Wood, of rortlnnd, vico-presldent; 11. V. Mnrx, ot Portland, sccrotnry und treasurer. While tho otflcora nnd members nro mado up entirely ot Oregon breeders nt present, It Is planned to ombraco ulso tho states of Washington nnd Idaho, i Tho present organization is In rcnllty a temporary working forco thnt hopes to get In touch with ovory breeder In theso threo states during 101C nnd rally tho Whlto Wynndotto forces for u inrgo permanent, ormiu izatlon next Winter. The Whlto Wynndotto Is well os tabllshc'd on tho Coast. It ranks among tho lnrgest In nunibor of on trios nt ovory oxhlblt. It cnrrlos nway Its sharo ot tho specials when competing with other vnrlotles nnd there Is probably no breed that comes nearer to standard rcqulro monts. Tho reputation tho Whlto Wynndotto has mndo In tho cgg-lny- I., nnnlml, frnnl tlirt Ktfirt llBB 1)0011 a nmirrrt nf lirldo to OVOry WhltOI Wynndotto breedor. It lends nil heavy varieties In egg records, nnd ts regularly Bhnrlng honors with tho Whlto Leghorus ns tho champ on layers of nil fcrecdors Irroapcctlvo ot WOlglltB. Tho Whlto Wynndotto nnd tho .n.i. t .i,n.n m-n nnt tho only broeds that can bo raised profitably, bowovor, nnd thoro nro some i goou features about ovory varloty. Eyory one docs not know tho good qualities of them ull. But It is tho Intention of tho Whlto Wyando o brooders that tho Biiperlor qualities of their variety shall bo no secret. Thoro will bo nn organized publicity campaign nnd ovory breedor of this varloty who wants his bird to tho trout and s willing to help keop hor thoro Is asked to Join In tho movomont. lho working plans will bo developed Intor. At present wo wnnt tho name of overy Interested Whlto Wynndotto breoder In tho thrco Btates abovo Bent to tho temporary organization headquarters. G12 Buchanan build ing. Portland. Or., to whom details will oo sent out w w"""""-1 Will Wage War Upon Predatory Animals ACCORDING to tho announcement of tho District Forester at Port land, Or., tho agricultural appropria tion bill contained a provision by .which $100,000 Is to bo sot aside to ward tho destruction ot predatory animals. It is estimated that over $16,000, 000 worth of stock la destroyed an nually in tho United States through tho depredations ot such animals as wolves, coyotes, wildcats, cougars and bears. . While tho biological survey will have charge ot tho work, tho Forest Service will co-operato with them In the regions ot tho West, whore thoro nro National forests. Tho service has already had somo oxperlonce In hunt ing wild animals. Tho invasion of tho National for est range In yeara past by wolves, coyoteB and cougars has been very. marked, and It has nt times been ound necessary to omploy Unfiled hunters to trap and kill theso In vndors. Tho rnngors, too, hnvo dono excellent work In trapping and poi soning thoso preying nnlmnls. Hut tho service- hns been handicapped for lack of funds to spend In hiring men for this purposo nnd furnishing them with tho necessary arms and ammu nition. Hence, tho work done hns been but n temporary relief. Vnw hnu'nvnt Mint nn nnnpnnpln. tlon hns been made, tho work can be carried on with somo hopo ot sue- nnaa n nil alnnls nwnnpfl rintli nnd outBldo ot tho National forests, may iook lorwnrti u uio tunc wiivn their sheep and cnttlo will be free from tho attacks ot theso rapacious marauders. An n rnuitH nf Hila npllvltv nn Hin part of tho Fodoral Government, tho stock owners themselves hnvo nwnk oncd to tho needs of tho situation. At a recent meeting ot tho Oregon Wool Orowers' Association, n resolu tion was passed and a petition mnllcd to Washington, urging Congress to mnko an appropriation of $300,000 for tho extermination ot predatory anltnnls In tho United States. While It Is felt thnt tho present appropria tion of $100,000 will do much good In reducing tho nionaco, It Is not suf ficient to bring about a pormanent rnllnf. Thnroforo. finnererm Is nrced to Increnso tho appropriation with n vlow to tho comnlcto extermination of nil predatory nnlmnls In ovory part or tno unitcu amies wncru uicy havo dono dnmago to stock. moke rowruv phofit this YUAN. Moro depends on kcoplng tho birds freo from lice than nnythlng clso. Tho old way of powdering tho flock takes tlmo and Is not offectlvo. Usors of Llco-0 trcnt their birds but twice a year and tho results are al most marvelous. Sold undor a posi tive guarantco of money bnck. Large tubo GOc postpaid. Circular freo. Llco-0 Co., 286 V4 Washington street, Portland, Or. i i Novel Unco Course. What Is undoubtedly the most novol automobile race-course In tho world Is nt Salduro, Utah, whero nat- mi .nit imHn furnish tho roadway. Tho beds aro 0G miles in length nud Mrrl.f mlloa In width. fumlslllllC U smooth, unbroken surface, level as a table, and nro from two to 20 feet In depth. Tho salt Is crystallized 98 per cent pure and whlto as snow. Tho surface Is hard nnd dry. i There are mnny miracles in the nntural world, and we do not think of thom ns wonderful because they aro so common. Ono such Interest ing phenomenon Is that observed in tho caso of fish llfo, fish being en dowed with tho capacity to retain tho llfo spark oven though frozen solid hn Ice for months at a time, 'ine freezing and thawing process must bo slovf or the fish will not survive It. It is INDEED A Powder a Woman may trust, but not a Trust Powder. Hence its reasonable price and increasing popularity. "CRESCENT BAKING POWDER" Crescent Ufa. Co., Seattle, Wn. GET XT FROM YOUR GROCER 25c per lb. By J J ej j 1 fc J mm Vim nl vlor chlcke are to Ihilre oJ mature qulcUy, CONKHY'S et, then Hariri tight and keepe llitm trowing. Paclcatte or pall 'jc, joe, ft, tad j. 5501 should be tlrm In the ii .v w""r ifom toe nut. It win utip io brinr your ckUIa tlitoti(b finely jjc and 50c. txtvIciorConlity'l 1'oultry Hook waith couaxa 10 you. What Do You Think OF THIS? 3,000,000 Acres piwb Fncrc noMKSTRAna nnd Montana Drdeil Land Oil (o HO an acr neady for th plow. Tlelda 30 to CO bu. wheAt, Oati, Imrley, flax, hay, tc, In proportion, rinrat Inlaml Cllnialr. Land BelJ on Crop I'ayment l'lan. Low fare II o m e .1 e e U r a' Kxcuralons on flrnt und third Tueiduyn ot each month. Wealcrn ImmlRrnllon Aerrut, C. M. A HV. 1. III. 2d and Cherry, Srattlr, Waah. p' Ziiff2w3 IwraiJ ITHECCCONICIYCO.. ll-o I Coalcay DUt CUt.IujJ. O. ' Our Baby Chick Hatchery will start Jnnuary 1. Placo your order J,?,9f..lJ,,,ck from hlKli-bred W1IITH LhCllIOltN ctnr-proUilcorii. Somo ot our birds hnvo a record of 280 okk CatalORuo nnd prices on appllrutlnn. .... ML. i '''' -rr" T..V.I.11 iIJnil(t.t rnCiftnT !AiO Hxr, ,t.n UmP. im.4 .Ik'iumu,, wm TRIt niniAU fftntirwriM f Mr.. (T). .11 .. witH fafc.HM. puAiykftuco '" ' -it U MrU iiui ujr cm pl. t h.lth.4 CIM t.ukt-M4lwriUrrr4rrM ar4Tt trti f 1.71 yp t. Halana Inaubalor Co., Toledo, Wihln1on A New and Popular Proposition for Suburban and Country Placet W e have cvolveil a plan Hint Klve you a complete modorn bathroom At wholemilo prlcex una iimi HnuHH you now la aavo 1110 piumuurs bin. fetalis fur uliihd upon request. If you will uuviao 11 111 juur nceun. STARK-DAVIS CO. AVItolranlr I'luniblnic SuppllrN. SI'- Third St, SIO Suliuou, rortlnnd, Orritou. FREE Beacon Burner mi Vflllt OIJI LAMP. 100 Caatfla Powar lnanafnt pura whit llaht from (krroMia coal M. llata aitber ra or tlMtrlcltr. COJIS ONIY 1 CBiT TOR O HOIKS We want one peraon la each locality to whom we can refer new niaijmera. Take advantage of ourSperial 0ftr to arrureallMroallurnrr JPaee. Virile toJar. AQKNTB WANTW3. BOUESl'PPLYCO. 10 UmcBld..KintuClty,U. 50,000 CHICKS S C WHITE LEGHORNS Why watte food on scrubs nnd In bred Btock when you enn net chicles from pcdlurecd ureuon free rnnKc. Trnpnentcd, 174 ckbs and over for 1! per 100. Aurnt for the JUBILEE INCUBATOR World', Drat. ittM.llltOOKN JUIII- I.l:il IIATflllJIlY, I'll.'. Jcaaup H l'ortlaud. OrrKon. L ? 1 aary. rrStM MM A BUCK LEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED tj Cuttir'i Dltakl.i mil. low lilfJ. trr.h, reliable! crrfrntd bl WMtern lUcunia became thiy ere Wilte for bookltt and totlmonlilt, I0CH )k. Blaiklti Pllli 11.00 lO-rttie kgi. Olllklii run 4.09 T.a an tntMly.r fill, rsrtt. I.K. The inDepfeitte tot Culltr nnutucta U itna la M.t II y;ra U .p.flilfilni In vaMlan 1.4 l.rumi aaly. mini ea uun.ri. ir iinoniiinarjif. nrarr direct. THE CUTTER LAOOnATODY, Blfkil.y, CaJIfwola. tm? B j(M aH S, C. W, ORPING- TnUOnirtTa. lVnu, I UHO Tiloa, Cocka, Coekrrela for Mile. S. C. W. I.rKboruH, II, I. Ilockx. M. .. Iteda. E6GRICULTURE HKSV PIlKli CAHA n It A XI) A I'.UOI, il o c h u r Mt Ore C"b , Cash Register Bargains Our prices are about halt other deal ers'. We pay highest price for second hand registers. Wo do expert repair Ins and guarantee our work. Will ex change to suit your requirements. t.U.MVAi.l, OO, 80S Sd avenue. Bee tle. Wash. I'honeMaln 1180. il AIII3 CASH HUVKItH KOIl YUUIt l'OUIrilV, KfitJ.H, VIJAI. ANU 1IOO.S. .NO COMMISSION. Highest Prices Alwi,ys Try Us PATTHHSOX A CO Bl Pront blreel, Portland, Or. fteference; Northwest National L'anW. h'. C. III.ACK .MIN'OHOAH AM) IIAIIIIHIt HOCKS Stock and tggt tut a ale, aood Uylne strain .V. I., VIMiV, llox 20, Hex, Or. 540 Egg Size "Pioneer" Patented Incubator $15 F7THaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsPlBlV II f YOU BE TIIE JUDGE DOW.V AM) Till: JIAI.ANCIJ nar blr III (brer equal piiytuentM of 30 ilnjx each. Wo pay frelKht, Hhip on upproval. Ouurunteo the Pio neer to bo the highest class hot water Incubator In America bar nope. You to bo the Judge !il KOItn you pay a cent. Write to. day for freo 32-pago catalog.. All sizes, l'rlccu lower than others aslc. Pioneer Hatchery Co. 112 KaHt Eighth Street Los Angeled, Cal. DAY OLD rr0M CHICKS w. Itcds, per 100 Hocks, per 100 Whlto Leghorns, per 100... White Wyandottes, per 100. .118.00 , 18.00 . 13.00 . 18.00 Pacific Poultry Co. 10." .Seiitfu Street, Srattlr. WualiliiKlon, i m m Will