i Si m CALLED FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS PLENTIFUL AS LONG AS YOUR MONEY HOLDS OUT The Aim The Armies Tlio nlm l bo nlwnys bright, uliolcsomo and in of Kttropo nro engnged In a death struggle which limy climigo tlio map of "10 world, Ench day brings now developments of vltnl importance. Keep yourself posted rood News Hint Is News subscrlbo for llio Times nnl "wLto up." est lug, kcops tlio coat cuts of 'J1io Times up to high stnndnrd of news excellence. All Iho b'ws nil tlio tlnio Is nlwnys tlio nlm of Tlio Times. MEMBERS OP TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 BsTho Coast Mnll. r-t MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coaet Mall nil Coon Ttny Advrrtlnor No. 187 England to Sim Reply to BLUES FLEETS DESTROY FORTS U..S. Propal AbMlL Shipping AT ENTRANCE TO dims Wxmm mm BRETT'S HEARING ADJOURNED : AT NOON UNTIL NEXT IK' 4 S felve Witnesses Testified Joncernmg Bunker Arson Charges NEW WITNESSES FOR STATE DESIRED javor to Connect Garage With Destruction of Boarding House ' her examining 12 witnesses tlio Ing of Charles Skorrott, chnrg- tho coroner's Jury with arson, Fpostponod until ono o'clock on Bay nftornoon on motion of Pros- an Attorney LHJeqvlBt who do- tho Btato now scoks two wlt- bb that can not bo locatod. ivcrnl times thoro wcro wordy 'between Prosecuting Attorney dBt and C. F. McKnlglit, tho Interrupting and nHklng tlio Inunnco of tho trial mlniiH por- illtlcs. ho court room at tlio Wilson Un- aklng Parlors wns . filled enrly iiornlng nnd dozens' tttood dur- ktho hearing, most of thorn re ding until tho hearing was con bd. Charles Skorrott, woll drcHBOd black suit, wns seated with hlB boys, C. F. McKnlglit nnd Qraves IMdnturff, at a long tabic. eorKO W. Crnlgj wni tho first r-ss called to tho stand. Ho tcB- tlint ho hod gono through tho lug Iioubo shortly nftor jilno ck on tho evening of tho flro was woll then. 'was awakonod by Skorrott com- lo my door," ho continued. "From on I was ho busy getting my lly out that I don't oven know ro tho flro was worst or how 'it took tho building to buvi." I Know Kkerrett Iliul Money Ir. Craig testified that ho know rrett had monoy. Ho had soon a bill a fow days previous to tho "I lost about $3 IT. In bills," ho tinned. Skorrott gavo him ?f0 tho day. Ho lived with us an ono of tho (ly for four years," snld Mr. fg. A description was given of tho ling. It was a frame utructuro at 00 feet In longth and about foot wldo. How long havo you lived In this bk?" asked Mr. McKnlglit. Sov- , times tho word "shack" was nsod him In referring to tho Idlng. Iliul Troublo AVItfli l'tihcs Riat thoro had boon troublo with electric light fuses In tho build- during tho two wooks previous Iio flro was Mr. Crnlgn statement. FO. Wllletts. Junltor and later Boss, testified tho wiring sagged was In poor condition. don't bollovo any nrchltcct M havo designed n hotter flro ho voluntoorcd nu ho loft tho ad. Had Warrant for Arrest Paul Zollklo, assoclato of Chnrlos rrott, enmo to tho stand, but tho question of tho prosecution -was krruptod by Mr. McKnlglit. "Your aor, tho stato has not had tho vo to arrest this Inari and now biimmon him bb a witness. A frant was IsBed for his arrost; It ; drawn this morning. Tho witness not noed to nnswor tlioso quos i on tho ground that ho may bo r arrested and theso would provo rlmlnatlng." ITho dismissing of tho complaint moro subtorfugo," declared Mr. Cnlsht. objection was over ruled and klo was told to answer though 'as proceeded in each nnswor by tho defence, "I object." pie witnois told of coming homo visiting tho room of Skorrott on. lower floor. In tho north ond Iho building, and loavlng thoro for upstairs about 1:30 a. m. Thoro no trace of smoko. Skenott Smelled Smoko But Skorrett said to mo 'Paul I eve I smell smoke.' ", pellklo was shown a copy of tho 'Plaint that had been drawn up kfc'lng him with arson and which been cancelled before serving. said In knew nothing about the iplalni fhat tho flro was burning In tho end of tho building when he T HILL FIRE Coroner's Jury Finds Boarding House Was Deficient in Fire Escapes Tho final report of tho Coroner's Jury on tho Bunker Hill Hoarding IIoubo flro In which sovon lives woro lost wns made today and Is as fol lows; Wo, tho Coroner's Jury duly Im paneled nnd sworn to Invciitlgnto tho causes of donth of tho victims In tho burning of tho boarding hoiiso of tho C. A. Smith Lumbor nnd Manufacturing Company on Febru ary 17, 19 in, mako this our Biipplo montnl report In tho matter of tho flro protection of said building nnd do find nnd recommend as follows: That tho Bald building wns a throo-story, oil-shaped building, tho main part of tho building being about 100x30 feet In dimension with nu all about 40x30 feet In dimen sion. Tho first floor contains n din ing ropm, kitchen, nnd tho living apartments of Ooo. A. Crnlg nnd family, who w.th tho lcssco of tho building. Tho first floor or tho building contained tho lobby, two bath rooms and tho room of If. C. Skorrott. Tho second floor contained 22 bed rooms, lobby nnd toilet. Tho third floor was similar to tho second floor. Tho building' was built entirely of wood nnd hnd been constructed about six yours. It appeared that tills building was of a temporary character and wns built to moot tho Immcdlato necessity of oaring for tho employees In tho early con struction nnd operation of tho Smith Mill. Tho building was properly wired and Insulated as tcHtlflod to by sovoral witnesses. Tho building wns equipped with 1 1 flro extinguishers located as fol lows: Ono on tho first floor, two In tho lobby, two in tho dining room nnd ono In tho kitchen. On tho second nnd third floors, ench, two In tho long hnlls, ono In tho lobbies, ono In tho short hnlls, Tho only flro escnpo, attached to tho building, wns a woodon ladder Btructuro at tho south ond of tho building oxtondlng from tho roof to near tho ground. Doors opened from tho ends of tho long hnlls on tho socond nnd third floors to this flro c3capo. All of1 tho rooms In tho mnln part of tho building oponod upon theso long hnlls. Tho short hnlls woro In tho oil part of tho building nnd thoro was a connected passago way from tlio short hnlls to tho long hnlls by crossing tho opex lobbies. To this tiro escnpo thoro was an unobstructed passngo way from tho door of every lodging room In tho building, In addition to tho flro osrnpo constructed at tho south ond of tho building and tho stair way through tho lobblos on tho north wcro natural flro es capes presented by tho roof of tho porch, extending across tho wholo north Bldo of tho building, upon which nil occupants of rooms on thnt sldo of tho building on tho see ond floor might stop out and thenco descond to tho ground. Llko wlso to this porch roof ono of tho occupants was ablo to swing down from tho third floor window and thonco escape. On tho west Bldo of tho building wns a small porch roof ovor tho kitchen which aided sovoral of tho occupants of tho building In making tholr oscnpo. I.lkowiso on tho onst sldo of tho main building was a water tank In tho fork of tho build ing, with n laddor on tho sldo thoroof and running southorly from said water tank wns a narrow porch roof connecting with tho roof of a storage leanto all of which material ly aided many of the occupants In making their escape from tho burn ing building. Tho building was not provided, with any knotted ropes as flro es capes, or with any other similar dovlso for fire escape purposes. There were fourteen occupants of rooms on the third floor on tho night of tho fire and the three F OB MB WILSON FIRM AGAINST ANY SHIP DELAYS Dr AuocUJcd rrett to Coot nj Timet.) NEW YORK, Fob. 27. Dohlnd tho Fedornl grand Jury Investigation In progress hero to dctormlno If thoro has boon n systematic viola tion of tho Amcrlcnu neutrality nnd customs laws, thoro was said todny to He tho determination by the United Stntcs government to mako offcctlvo Its stand ngalnst tho de tention of nn Amoricnn vcssol by any belligerent power on suspicion that thoro is contrnbnnd in tho cargo S i n? AuotltteJ TrfM to Coot IIr Timet, PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 27. A million-dollar swlndlo Is chnrged ngnlust tho of fleets nnd Bnlcsmon of tho now defunct Cashier Com pany of this city In nu Indictment returned against them by tho Fed ornl grnnd Jury todny. Tho Indict ment chnrgos conspiracy nnd hiIbubo of tho mnlls,' selling over n million dollars worth of stock on false rep resentations thnt tho compnny own ed pntents to n cash changing de vice It proposod to manufacture HUGH mruM 15 E Appointment Made by Presi- dent Wilson Today Mc Lain III in Eugene Now nr Aiioc lato.1 rmi to Coot nr Timet.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 27. Hugh 1'. MoLnln was nomlnntod to dny by Prcsldont Wilson for Post mnstor at Marshflold. Tho above mossago simply con firms tho report published In Tho Times fiotno time ngo thnt Senators Lnno and Chamberlain hnd decided to appoint Mr. Mcl.ulu. Tlioy took tho Btnnd as thoro wns hot compe tition botwoon Thomas Coko, F. A. Ooldon, W. J. Rust, F. L. Sumner, Geo N. Holt nnd othors for tho plnco that to appoint nny of thqm would Htnrt political troublo. It Is expected that Mr. Meliitln will accept tho uppolntmont. Duo Homo .Sunday Mr. McLaln will nrrlvo homo to morrow fro'ni Sun Frnnclsco. Ho telephoned from Eugono to Mrs. McLaln saying that ho had boon sick, hut would bo ablo to como homo tomorrow via Florence W. 1). Curtis, who holds tho of fice now, has sorvod several terms was to retlro March 1, but as the chango can hardly bo arranged that quickly, ho will probably sorvo un til about April 1 when Mr. McLaln will assume tho post. Mr. McLaln has Ida contracting nnd fuel business in such n way that ho can continue It, his son Leo, and pnrtnor, Frod McLean, being In chargo of It. Whom ho will appoint doputy Is a question, but it would not bo a burprlso If ho continued F. L. Sum por, tho present doputy, In that ca pacity. CLAIM RUSSIANS OIIIXKKD AUSTRIAN'S tDr AMOelttM rrM to Ceot Br Tlmtt ) LONDON, Fob. 27. Tho Austrian ndyanco In Er.storn Callcla liar boon checked and the RuwrianB havo recaptured Stanlslau and Kolomea, says a newspaper dispatch from Rmimania, rMRS. A. O. AJKK.V Villi OPEN 'her SPHIVfl .MILLINERV, WED., M UCII aitn, PORTLAND u SWNDLE POSTMASTER ER Some British Cabinet Mem bers Insistent on Reprisals ' For German Acts FRANCE OPPOSED TO ENGLISH CONCESSIONS Declare That Great Britain Must Not Remove Food Em bargo From Germany Dr AttocltteJ t'rett to Coot I)r Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 27. Indications of tho Drltlsh govern ment's nttttudo townrd tho American government's proposals to Groat Britain nnd Gormnny for tho rcmov nj of dangers to noutrnl shipping, officials hero thought would bo forthcoming today. At nny rnto, nn nnswor is oxpected In a fow days. Tho Gormnn government's nttl tudo on tho Issuo Is already known to bo fnvornblo to mnklng conces sions nnd supplying n basis for ne gotiations between tho nations In volved. Somo Drltlsh cabinet mem bers hold reprisals, nro ncccssnry In retaliation for Germany's submnrlno cnmpnlgn. FRANCE IS OPPOSED. Decline England Must Not Italic Embargo Against (ioimniiy. Pr Attoclttcxl rrett to Coot l)r Timet. PARIS, Fob. 27. Tho French press Is unanimous In declaring Unit Great Rrltaln cannot accept tho In formal proposals, said to hnva been mado by tho United Stnton, that tho embargo on foodstuffs for Gor mnny bo raised, provided Germany nbnndous tho destruction of mer chant fillips. Tho pupors, however, oxpross appreciation of tho spirit in which the proposals nro mado. RESTA LEADS 11 E Averages 80 Miles on First Ten Laps Thirty Starters in Great Auto Contest HAix ii:lays SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 27 On tho -Hth lay, Ilughcii, who hnd taken tho lend, wns aloppod by engine troublo and Rcstn ngnln forged iilicud, Wilcox, Alloy nnd Dlsbrow followed In ordor. A light rain foil, causing tho cars to slow up tho paco. 4 tlir Auoclitwl Prm to Coot Dr TlniM.J SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 27. With no stnrturs, tho Grand Prix nuto raco bognu ut 10:. '10 on tho PnnnmniPaclflc courso before nn Immenso crowd, Tho dlstanco Is 100 miles, At tho end of tho tenth lap, Rosta was leading, followod by Ruckstoll, Alloy, Hughes and Do Palmn. Rosta's average wan 08 miles an hour. MISS IIOIIIIH QL'ITH JOIJ AT SALICM (ll)r Aumltle-I I'm to Toot lit Tlmra ) SALEM, Or., Fob. 27. Governor Wlthycombo today nccopted tho resignation of Miss Forn Ilohbs as a mom- bcr of tho Stato Industrial Commission. MIbs Hobb's of- for to resign recently broke tho deadlock botwoon thq House nnd Sennto on tho 4 Workmen's Compensation 4 bill, hoc action causing tho 4 4 Sonato to ccr.so Its opposition 4 against retaining the Indus- trial Accident Commlfeelon 4 of threo mombers. 4 WHITE OKDAH MOTH PROOF CLOTHES HA.VGERK FOR HALE AT JAY DOVLE'S PMCE SHERIDAN TO RETURN T. R. Sheridan, who was called here as a witness n the several cases filed against tho First National Dank, expects to leave 'for his homo at Marshflold lato this week - Roso hurg Rovlow GR ID TURKS DENY DARDANELLES VICTORIES (Dr AttocUted Preit to Coot Hr TImft. CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 27. An official announcement today says 'After being subjected for sovon hours Inst Wednesday to a bombnrd mont by heavy guns, tho outer forts of tho Dardanelles wcro damaged at somo points, but wo had only flvo killed and fourteen wounded, Tho enemy's tlcot resumed tho bombnrd mont todny, but In tho nftornoon ro treated out of range of our bnttorics nt Sedd 121 Bnhr. Somo hundreds of soldiers who Inndcd from tho French cruisers on tho const nt Aknbnh, Arnbln, woro compollod to fleo nftor n two hours' battlo. Uo splto tlio severity of tho cannonad ing nnd mnchlno gun flro, wo hnd only threo killed and thrco wounded, E Wt AMotltt! Prrtt tu .uut nr Tlmtt. 8ALKM, Or., Fob. 27. Discov ering thrco burglars robbing tho stores of Joseph Gooding nt St. Pnul early today, Daniel Glrdlo op ened flro with a rlflo and killed an unidentified mombor of tho trio. J nines Qritdy and Frank Uudormyor woro Intor urrcstod. Tho former hnd plunder on him, It Is alleged. President Wilson Will Let Nlc- araguan and Columbian Treaties Rest. Dr AuotltteJ rrM to Coot Iltf Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Fob. 27. President Wilson has practically do cldod not to call n special session of tho Senate to consider tho Colom i blnn nnd NIcnraguan troaty. At i tho Whlto Hotiso today It wbh Bald i that whllo tho question was still under lonsldorntlon thoro wns llttlo prospect of n special sosslou bolug called. SULTAN'S HIKTKIt DKAD I (nr Auoclttol i'rett to Coot lit? Tlmtt. AMSTERDAM, Fob. 27. A Con , atnntlnoplo dispatch rolatos tho 'death or DJomllo Sultana, tho oldest 1 slstor or tho Sultnn of Turkey. Sho was born In 1843, Denver & Rio Grande Claims Line Has Defaulted on Interest Payments (11? Auodtted Trent to Coot Otjr Timet NEW YORK, Fob. 27. Appllca Hon for a receiver ror tho Western Pacific Railroad will bo mado aftor I tho railway defaults Interest on Its first mortgago bonds March 1, ac cording to an announcement of tho directors of tho Donvor & Rio Grando, which controls tho Western Pacific. Tho proceedings nro of n friendly linturo, RAISE PAPER PRICE 4 III AwotUtM r-rtwt to Coot Vf Tlmft. SEATTLE, Fob. 2C Tho Post-lntolllgoncer, now sold 4 at a cent a copy, announces an Inoreaso of Its prlco to two cents, beginning March 1, This paper has been sold for a penny for about three years R ira T SPECIAL 0 CEDE OR WESTERN PGIFIC RUSSIAN RALLY TO IT Petrograd and Berlin Reports Indicate German Advance Stopped Again IDr AitocltttJ rrftt to eot Hi; Tlmtt. LONDON, Fob. 27 Tho efforts of tho German nnd AiiBtrlnn armlos to crumplo both ends of tho long Russian front, It Is reported todny, hnvo boon chocked. Pctrogrnd Btntos tho Gorman drive' nt Warsaw from tho North has been countered. Ror lln says uowniusslau forces havo appeared In Northern . Poland nnd begun nttnckB. In East Gallcla, at tho othor ond of tho front, tho Rus sians claim tho rccapturo of Stan Islnu, In tho west, tho fighting Id prac tically at n standstill. Tho French report tho loss of n trench ns a re sult of tho Gorman's sprnylng It with burning oil, Irorllu reports tho ropulso of tho French north of Verdun. L TORPEDOED TODAY French Torpedo Destroyer Sent to Assist Damaged Ship in Channel llr Auotlit! PrtM to Coot IU; Tlmtt. DIEPPE, Franco, Fob. 27. It Is roportod horo that n Irrltlsh mer chant ship has boon torpedoed In tho English chnnuol off Saint Val ory Sur Souinio. A French torpedo boat destroyer loft horo to assist. Germans Cause Allies to Re cede After Burning Many Soldiers French Report Dr AttoeltttJ I'rttt io uoot Mr Time.) PARIS, Fob. 27. Tho official statement this nftornoon says: "Our artillery In tho Argouno oxplodod nn uuimunltlon dopot nonr St. Hit bort. In u wood near Mollncourt, botwoon tho Argonno and tho Mouso, tho enemy again sprayed ono of of advanced tronohes with a burning liquid, necessitating tho abandon ment of tho trench, tho occupants of which woio seriously biirnod, A couutor attack Immedlntoly checked tho Germans. "In tho region of Verdun, and tho Heights of tho Mouso, our heavy artillery wrecked some Gor mnn guns, oxplodod tho ammuni tion wagons, annihilated detach monts nnd destroyed an ontlro camp. In Hols Drill, a battlo continues (o our advantage." M ATTACKS BY F Berlin Tells of Gains Fight ing in France New Rus sian Attacks (Dr Attoclittd rrett to Cos tlir Timet.) UERLIN, Fob. 27. (Wireless to Sayvlllo.) Tho offlclul statement today snys; "In Champagno yester day and last night woro ronowod strong French attacks. Tho fight ing In somo places still coutlnuos. Otherwise tho attacks woro repuls ed. North of Verdun, tho Germans attacked a portion of tho Fronch position. Tho fighting still con tinues. "In the East, northeast or Grod no, west of Lomza nnd south of Przusuysz, now Russian forces have appoared and began attacks. On tho Skrodun, south of Kolno, 1100 Russians wore captured.' ENGLISH SSE PUT BO i OIL W FREIGH TREHGH GERMAN OGES French and English Battleships Penetrate Entrance Fourteen Miles BEGIN SHELLING INNER FORTS OF WATERWAY Forts at Entrance to Straits Crumpled Opens Way to Constantinople KAISKU HONORS von iiiximxiitma (Ur AttoclttcKl rrnt to Coot Unr Tlmtt.) UERLIN, Fob. 27. Em peror William has conforred tho decoration of tho Pour In Morlto ordor upon Field Marshal Von Hlndcnburg In recognition of his over whelming victories ovor tho Russians In tho East. (IIX AjmotUtttl Prrti to Coot Iltf Tlmrt. ATJIEN8, Fob. 27. Tho allied fleet, aggregating 40 warships, to day penetrated tho Dardanelles Straits ns fnr as Ifortarl and with in rango of Fort Intopo on tho Asiatic Bldo, according to rollablo Information, Fort Intopo was de stroyed. Varloup Turkish encamp ments wcro also bombarded. Ships aro now within rango of Fort Dar danelles. Tho French squadron In crulBlng under tho forts nt tho on franco to tho straits which nro now ontlrnly dismantled. SHELL INNER FORTH (Ur AocUlJ rtttt It Uoot tit j Tlmtt. PARIS, Fob. 27. Tho Athonfl correspondent of . ,Le Matin for warded tho following: "Aftor the comploto destruction of tho forts at tho ontranco to tho Dnrdnnoltos, tho Allied fleet ponotrntod, tho strnltu and shotted tho tntorlor forts. It proceeded down tho Dardanelles, H in lies from tho ontranco." ITALY IN THROES Vehement Protests Made Againsi Order to Prohibit Public Meetings tlir AttoeltttJ rrett to Coot Dtf Timet. ROME, Rob. 27. Vohomont nt tacliH on tho government woro mado In tho Chnmbor of Deputies yester day by extremists because of tho Instructions glvou to protects to pro hibit meetings If thoro Is a reason to bollovo they would result In dis orders, "I do not know whothor our na tion Is dostluod to mako war," said Promlor Salandra, "hut If this should bo tho enso, wo must All un animously nboy tho ardors of tho Fatherland and tho King." T French and German Aeronauts Busy Along Battle Line Rescue Aviators (Of Attocltttd rrett to Coot Dr Timet. PARIS, Fob. 27 A squndron of German aeroplanes bombarded tho district bohlnd Nletiport. Only two casualties were roportod. Fronch aviators droppod throe bombs on tho Gorman barracks at Motz. AVIATORS IN SEA. Htitlbli Tinnier Itcocucti Two (Ior " man Aeronaut Totbiy (11 Attotltttl I'rett to Coot Utf Timet. LOWESTI.OFT, England, Fob. 27. Two Gormnn aviators, who for two days havo boon clinging to a muchlno In tho North Sea, woro landed horo today by a Drltlsh trawlor, whloh resotted thorn. Tho Germans met with an accldont whllo trying to fly from OBtcnd to Eng land last Sunday. .MRS. A. O. AIKEN will OPEN Iter SPRING MILLINERV, WED.., .MARCH aim. DFWAR DISCSSON TORS ra ATTACKS S (Continued on Pago Four.) (Continued on Pago Four.) T! r