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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1915)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1915-EVENING EDITION. THREE. ' n I , - eemg Is Believing Perhaps you have boon skeptical about (lie Halms io have boon iitnkliift for Dutchess Trousers Maybe you lmvo boon doubtful nbout their IioIiijj sowed wt strongly tlmt wo could wifely of. for you to cents for every IiiKton (lint conies off or -Y 1 .00 If lliey rip. Itut look in our More window. ' . See tho pair of Dutchess Trousers linngliiK there, exactly like this picture, supporting n, ke of Meel nails weighing many pounds. Tlmt will fdiow you tho Htoutness of weaius and stitches in Dutchess Trousers. Then stop Insldo and examine the Iiuttons and the garment. Wo will lenvo tho decision to you. , j j Wo keep your clotlioa Woolen Mill Stores THE HOME OK KELLY RLE WEAK FOK MEN Marshfield North Bend DON'T BE MISLED They say WAR PRICES aro high. Wo say OUR THICKS nro not hlfih and VH CAN' HAVU YOU MONEY as wo cany no over head expense and save you that on tho cost In HARDWARE, PLUMBING and FARM IMPLEMENTS, which Is to YOUIt AD VA XTAOK. Schroeder 6& Hildenbrand's Hnrdwnro .i Plumbing, Genornl repair shop. in first ANDrr,ror AFTER COSTS f -IJJLI CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agont Coos and Curry Counties. "THE ClUNNEItY" Front Street Koontz Garage Agency for OVERLAND CARSGOOD YEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: :: Phone 180-J 11. II II1IIM-W A Few of Our Permanent Specials ENGLISH WALNUTS, por pound 13c FIRST-CLASS CREAMERY BUTTER, fresh 2-pound aquaro 73c COOKING APPLES, 4 tlor, por box $1.00 Wo carry a full lino of Frcbh Vegetables and Fruits. Wo Savo You Money Get a Itccclpr, Coos Bay Tea; Coffee and Spice House. Phono :t01-.T.' Abstracts POR KELIABLE AIISTRACTS OF TITLE. AND INFORMATION ABOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSIIFIELI) AND qOQUILLl'CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENT'S, EASTSIDE AND SENGSTAOKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDS IIENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus, and undivided proflta $125,000.00 OFFICERS: J W. Bennett, President Arthur McKeown, Secretary Tom T. Bennett. VIco President Bennett Swnnton, Treasurer Transacts a trust business only. Acts ns triistea of express trusta and also aa executor and administrator of estates. Tho only Trust Company in Oregon outside of Portland organised under nivw trust law In tbU state. prosaod frco of chnrgo. THEY SAVE YOU MONEY Marshfield, Ore. BRtVITI TIDES FOR FEBRUARY Tlino mid Height or Tdes Marshfield. at Tho titles aro placed in tho order of occurrons beginning at midnight with their times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of onch dny. A comparison of conso cutlvo heights will lndicato whethor It is high or low wator. High wntcr on tho bar 2 hours nnd 31 minutes Earlier than nt Marshfield; at North Bond, 1 hour nnd 11 minutes earlier than Marsh field. 21Hrs.. 3.20 10.08 JFt. . . 3.0 ,C2 2CIIrs.. 0.10 4.C2 Ft. .: -i.O 3.0 2CHrs.. 0.C7 G.GG Ft... 4.4 ,2.1 27Hfs.. 1.3C G.47 Ft... 4.7 2.3 2SIIrs.. 2.10 7.32 -Ft...5.1 1.8 E5 C.14 0.0 0.7 0.0 11.13 C.17 r.4 0.3 12.10 C.B1 G.7 0.7 12.G9 7.30 C.9 0.1 1.13 8:04 C.l 0,2 i 0RPHEUM "Where Motion Pictures Look Better Chango of program at present! Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, TONIGHT "Reign of Terror'-' A true history draiuatizatlou of tho world-fniuniw novel by Diiuiuh. IT'S IN SIX REELS and a wonderful picture It tells a very vivid and complete story of tho iIiivh (luring tho Meucli Revolution ROBIJRTA8AUNDERS la entirely new Ming. 1 0c :: ALWAYS :: 1 0c Matinee Sunday 11 00 p. 111. Rig font ti it) coining Thursday and Frlduy. LEMAWSKl THEATER T THE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE Tu vaudeville FAUST. Mtirili'iil nilnii'. nets, FAUST novelty panto- ' MISS PAULINE .70SEP1I, dainty hoprano, ulnglng two tlmt now I and popular ming. I MUTUAL WEEKLY, Hhowlng hov !eral inteivrttlng happeiilngs anil Hcenes fiom the seat of tho Euro pean war. THE AZTEC TREASURE. Two I reel ICelalr drama. I THE KTItlKE AT COAL DALE 'A good ueMorn drama. I TWO PALS AND A OAL A ; hcicmuliig comedy farce. Joker. Seven i-eels of nil new photo- liayn. Iiouer floor, l."5e) balcony, 10c; children under ten year, ftc. Hero tomorrow night THE ONLY SON, A Progrehhlvo feature borvlco drama In five reels. Don't forget that the MASTi:R KEV" HtartH l;lday nlghti tho mopt liitereMtliig feature rcrlnl titer run. Ik'Ucr than TI10 Tivy o' Hearth. All kinds of FINE CHEESE Coqulllo and .Mt. Hood Butter Frchli Eggs, Eaiitoni Oysters, Fish. Fresh Columbia Smelt. COOS BAY OYSTER CO. "Palnco Meat Markot, Phono 3 04-J. , t D0TS0N HOTEL t ROOM AND BOARD 90.00 PER WEEK AND UP FREE BATH So Second a'nd Curtis Avo. It. B. Barnes, Prop. J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHl'SICIAN AND SURGEON S'trgory and Diseases of Women a ' Specialty. jsorion Hansen oiug. mono -j Res. 890 Cor. 9th & Eirod. Ph. 1SCJ . , , . , . , , T.'J, SOAIFE tg A. II. HODGLNS .,.,T ..lrv ! Mar-chfJnlfl A IN I AINU. i IVIdlMllltlU DFfORATING CO , viA.uimiiiu w. Intimates l-iirnLshed f v rt V ni AAA V Phono 1 10-R. Marshfield, Oregon j TON CH 445 MESSENGER SERVICE 158R TWO PHONES. CAfiL US FOR CARS, TAMCABS, EXPRESS WAGONS, MARSHFIELD CVCLERY. iM BROADWAY 1 V, J,fT,.T !L. WEATHER FORECAST iur mkuin i rfi io coo Dr Tltnta. A OREGON Rnln, souther- ly wind, reaching gale forco along coast. LOCAL TEMFBRATURE RECORD For t,10 2i hours ending nt 4:4 J a. m Fob. 24, by BonJ. Ostlind, special govornmont meteorologist: Maximum ni 4 Minimum, 42 At 4:43 a. m 49 Precipitation 37 37 t 1 I h Precipitation sinco Sept 1914 Gl.GC Precipitation samo period last year ... .,.,..47.47 Wind. Southwest, cloudy. BORN MOIIR To Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Mohr, nt tho homo of "Grnndma" Chnpman, Wednesday, Fobruarv 24, n son, their first child. Moth- 'or and child nro doing nicely nnd 4 ll ft frlMlnH tll1l la L Sunt. M lor. n r n,n sS , t.. clflc properties, is elatciHovcr tho arrival of tho futuro prcsldont of tho Coos Bay, Rosoburg and Eastorn. Ship Salmon. Tho Goo. W. Elder took qulto n shipment ot stcellicad salmon from Coos Bay for Tho Eu rckn mnrkot. Return Hero. Under tho auspices ot tho Sons of Norway, Mr. B. B. Haugan will deliver n lecturo at FInnlBh Hall next Sunday tit thrco p. in. All Scandinavians aro most cordially In vied. All Get. Full. Tho luro proved too much for" J. Luro nnd Inst night ho got drunk nnd n little latter got In Jail. Ed Erlckson scomod to lmvo tho samo difficulty and ho, too, sought tho depth of tho cooler. Both men had plenty of monoy to pay their fines nnd wcro allowed their freedom. (let in Dairy Stock. F. A. Snc chi will rccolvo within, n short time flvo 2-yonr-old puro bred Jersey bolters, out of daniB with authen ticated records of from 9000 to 12,000 pounds milk; GOO to 800 lbs. butter fnt for a year. Thrco aro for James Roberts of Ton Mile, and two for Rnmolll & Ilajc otlon. Smashes Wheel. Returning from tho fire yesterday afternoon Richard Bohr, driving n largo Overland our lug car, underestimated tho speed ot hla chnlnless maclilno and nt tho corner of Second nnd Curtis crashed Into tho BJdowalk, collaps ing his loft front whool. Tho ma clilno was loft standing until an other '"pedal cxtromlty" could bo procured. Slv-Reeler FulflllH Promise 'ITI10 Rolgn ot Terror," nt tho Or phoum tonight Ib n fonturo In six reels worth Boolnff. Tho photo raphy Is perfect nnd tho climaxes aro woll carried out In a truo-to-history stylo. It tolls nn authen tic story ot tho trying times during tho French Rovolutlon. Tho snnio program will bo run for tho last tlino tonight and n largo audlonco Is expected to result from tho sat isfaction evidenced by Inst night's patrons. Roberta Saunders will slnB. Bank Examiner. Bank Examlnor Lloyd Mullt arrived hero today to examlno tho National banks In this soctlon. . .let.s Now Car. Mrs. Tulloy of Conlodo. hnH trndoil thn nutn which her husband prosontod her for a I Christmas present to Goorgo Good- rum for tho now Dodgo car. Tho! nr'wiLTv 1 U! .! iD0'lK0 Thursday afternoon of next week, car was desired by her. Sho is howl,.. . ' ,,, ,,. ,,, tho owner of tho First Dodgo car brought to Coos Bay. Dixon Here.- Stipt. Thomas Dixon or tno AiacAruiur U'erKs company Hni,inB.,Tr m Gn. I,,,ldnmh ftr - rived in today, Mr. Dixon sayH n crow is working on tho Point Torrnco rlKbt of way nnd tho atono quarry mattor will soon bo Bottled. No work has boon dono on elthor tho Umpqim or Slusiaw bridges. Gifts to Library. Miss Topping, City Librarian, roports tho gift of a fluo lot of books by J. v". Ronoy, of the Coos nnd Curry Tolophono Cmpnny. It Included twonty vol umes of Fronch clnsstcs, a Univer sal Encyclopedia, "Tho No'er Do Woll," by Rox Roach, nnd MEyos of tho World,'' by Harold Boll Wright. Jns, Watts uindo n cash donation and tho Marshflold Presbytorlaii Sundny School donated Its library ot sixty volumes. TCeplioiv War Prisoner. Capt. Adam Donaldson, of tho .Daisy Put nam, a heavy ownor ot Coos Bay real cstato, whllo horo, statod that ho 'had Jus( received word that IiIb sister's son, Capt. Burt Hamilton, ot tho English Army Modlcal Corps, had Just been released from tho German military prison, Ho was tnken ,)r80nor nt tho batUo of Mon8 n,ul ,recelvcd I)arsU treatment. Later no wnB aji0Wed to return to his homo ln England. Bridge Ruiiioiv .A report about town that ono of tho big concrete Ptcrs of tho Southern Pacific bridge acroB8 Ul0 JJay )1(U, ,)Con founil ,,0. fectlvo and would have to bo blown out caused somo flurry tho last fow daya. It was stated today that ;t l U10 report .probably originated from i tho ract tlmt some noor concroto. that or rather concrcto that was slow to "set" had' been unci! In mm nt the smaller pjers nnd this might linvo to bo taken out. This la not cortnln. Anywny tho trouble is not of a soHous chnrrtcter. Baby Die? Tho little child of V JZf. U STEWART, RIGGING GAR - nla following othor complications. I 1EN ON VALLINO ISLAND, AT mi Is Promoted. E. K. Jones ' SOUTH isurv, FINDS MAN'S Mr. and Mrs. Fred' LyBter of North louny recoiveii a letter from D. C. Green, formerly manager of the Oregon Power Company's plant here, uui recently manager or. tno plant M Everett, Washington, saying ho . . " - w.- mil Jiib Imnn nnnnlntn.l .,. ,.t ra ?aar tf WBiKB proi ernes resigned somo tlmq ago lo lon,l n hlt nrM.Mllnn ,..1.1.1, to l "u,lu " "B curporuiion wnicil owns tip Salt Lako City plant. It Is n ninruoil niivntirnmnnt Trw t a marked advancement for Mr Green nild his Coos Bay friends will bo highly gratified ovor It. Detective Bujiy, Parties from Cotiullio state that Detective M Itch oil, who ins been tliero for somo tlino, spent considerable effort dig ging up ovldonco for J. 8. Barton In tho enso pending at, Roseburg. Tho work Is said, to hnvo boon dl- roctcd ngalust Madgo Yoakum, the ! '"80.1 victim of Barton's assault nnd ,l 's expected at Coqulllo that somo BnlacldUB ovldenco was secur- od. Clydo Oago, former Doputy Sheriff, Is said to- bo hnndllng pnrt of O,. T, Trcadgold's caBO in tho Slmpqbn'ConclwTrqadgold nffalrfl; rr It. A. COPPLE Is oxpected homo soon -from nn extended eastern tour. JOHN WIIOBREY, tho Myrtlo Point lildo doa'lor, was horo yesterday on business. P II. SOULE, tho well-known trav ollng man, arrived In Inst evening nnd today Is calling on his trade, JUSTICE OF THE PEA CIS STAN LEY, of Coqulllo, was hero today sorvlng some papors for a clv,ll stilt. CSSORGE W. IIAZEN, a Portland attorney, arrived horo last evening and will bo govern) days on Uo Bay. MRS. ANSQN ROGERS, a well known Coos River ploncor, camq down yestordny to visit nt tin; homo ot her son, A. O. Rogers. CELL IRELAND has returned from n short visit with his sister and nlcco at Bnndoiu Ho Is rccupor ntlng rapidly from an attack of la Krlppc. CONSTABLE E. BLACICERBY, of Bandou, was n visitor horo yes terday, passing thrqugh (o Ten Mile, where ho, wont to servo somo civil papors. GEO. P. IiAIRD", of Bnntlon, qnnio ovor today on business. Ho ox pcctH to close up his nffalrs nt tho Clty-hy-the-Sca about tho mid- dlo of next month nnd movo toJ Luroka to ongago In business. r AMONG THE SICK Night Offlcor William Shoupo h down wltl) n bad enso of tho Krlppq mjd hla plaeo was taken on tho bent last eyqnlng by L. V. Traver. : I NORTH BEND NEWS I ; Tho Lntllos' Aid Socloty of the Methodist Church ot North Bend, will meat Jn tho church nnrlors on This is tho regulnr monthly social mooting nud nil tho ladles of thu congregation and tholr friends will i bo wolcomo. Tho hostesses for tho ldny nro Mrs. C. 13. Maybe, Mrs. i ' v, ,, ' ,,,,, , I Wn1, Iso.ll80 -Mr8- J'- "!'0'. nl M". A. Knowlton. Whllo Mrs. Win. 'Laird, Mrs. R- O, Holm and Mrs. M. Kohoo will net ns reception com mit tco. Dennis Hull is taking: ovor the had Just been appointed inaunKor ot I gar, in on Vnll no ' H10 iUtnH L'Bllt & 1mvcr Comimny'tll """do li Tl !!'tt"t "A Salt Lnko City, Vk-o-Prw- J,1pTh0 . Z ? u2 I . -l 1 'I 'IJ I tt , LemanskI theater In North Bond and I Lnko district, was la Murshflold tu It Is understood that ho will con- .i ,, i,,,Bi,,M m'Iu.k imv ! tjnup to opernto It as woll as his own. STATE WILL TAKE MARSHFIELD FAWN CIiinIi Over Pet Deer to bo Ditled by (lauio. Warden Soon .May bo Exhibit. ' Doputy Gamo Warden James Thomas announced last night that tho pet fawn belonging to tho Ross family In North Marshflold and which was brought horo from Camp Ono, will soon bo placod where It will not can so any further trouble, Mr. Thomas said that ho would tnko tho deer and havo it sont to tho S.tato Gamo Farm unless some pend ing arrangements matorlallzo quick ly. . Mr. Thomas said that nn ono has the right to keep a fawn or deer lu Captivity except wjth a special per mit from tlp pregon Gamo Com mission. S,onfo tmo ago' tho Ros famjly made application for this pormlt, but It bus not been grautod. J. A. Ward, In ehargo of tho Cops nnd Curry exhibit at tho San Francisco qxpqsltipn, wanted to tako the fawn there for tho exhibit hut has not segued tlio necessary por If Warl aenires tho porinU. tho Ross family will receive some remuneration for caring for tho fawn. If tho state seizes It, thoy will receive nothing. SOUTH INLET HIS ANOTHER MYSTERY SKULL. What may bo another chnntor of tho continuous Rtory of South Inlet v 1 111 vyini'ina iiinn iiinniiin.i .. .1 . . wi.r.:. n t m..",Yi.",T: " "" " " alV""." 'SSi"K in ins Island, rainmud hard object and 22- iu- "',;...""." fom, ln T, ' vlpliVltv n nnao .,0H".11 " V10 MCIIUIJ, BUppOSOd i, i, .vi.,... r i. . i..r.. uf...i ! ,, ,n B,T ' . iii.i,inrv,,:; . 1 : :.i . " -r --...v i.-B. Llljonvlst and nn investigation will pronauiy bo mnue. That the skull belonged to n whltp man Is tho belief of Mr. Ste wart, who slates ho has seen n great many skeletons and known wol1 tho dlffercilco botWcen tho bones of whlto men nnd Indians Ami t nt.x tiniinirit n.n iri,n lmo not been burled moro than four 0r woro, urM '"", niohibofs of tho Epls flvo years," said Mr. Stouort this I ro)'al c"olr WUI ovoral hymns. Tho morning. "Tho bones woro In good I"1'1 bearers woro D. L. Rood, Judgo condition, and tho skull, tho Jaw- bono of which is missing Is ln pui lect condltlpn." It would take moro dlgots than 011 both of onos hnnds to count reu mat several hundred wcro un tho murders that have takou place "bio to gain ndmlttnnco to tho liouso nt South Inlet. Old pioneers toll BtorlqB ot troubles that stnrted way back ln tho early history ot Coos Bay. Tliero has been n succession ot murders nud strange dlBappcarnncos, nil ot which nro now romantically accounted for with stories of which there aro dozens ot versions. Flvo years ago n loggor cmployqd nt Camp Four of the Smith-Powers camp at South Inlot than, disappear ed. Ho was last scon sitting on tho track ot tio logging rond. Posses searched, but found no trace ot the mnn. About thrqo years ago Jnk'o EviVns was . killed In his. cabin. No ono know Who did the Mood, though an other was suspected. Ho disappear ed shortly afterward and has not been seen since. FIRE DDESSMALL FIR)? FROM FAULTY FLUE CAUSES BLAQE AT HENltY WELLS llt),M I 'r LITTLE DAM-' AGE DONE. J Fro supposed to hnvo boon, caus ed b'y a faulty fluo In tho' front room of tlu, Henry Wells homo, 73Q Smith.-Second street, cnllpd Out tho flro department yesterday nf-' torjioou about five o'clock. Vigorous ubq. of chumlcnlu quickly subdued the flames and tho entlro danrngo did not amount to moro than, J 33. Tliero Is Insurance on tho houso. Mrs. Wells had loft hor resldunco not more, than nu hour hoforo tho first ulnrui was turned In nnd hnd loft u flro. In tho sitting room stove. Somo whoro at tho Joining ot the -pi no with tho chlmnoy, tin. firemen bellovo, sparks cropt through Into tho attic nud but for tho timely arrival ot tho douurt- mnnt tho house would havo boon a l mnsit of, flames, Embers smqiildorod down botwoqn th9 walls of u renr bodroom, mid there ect flro to 'clothes standing In a closet, filling tho liouso .vith LcloudH of smoko, making It difficult for U10 firemen to work, No furniture was destroyed nnd no damage u caused by wator, chemicals only being necessary. LOON LAKE PHONE ' " LINE IS ORGANIZED Robeit I took o and Other ProgiVhshe Hauchorti of .Section to put In I Line. t Robort Rooko, 6np of tho pro- gro8lo young ranchers ot tho Loon Instnlled. a tolophono lino In tho Loon Lake district and expoct to ox tond tt beforo long so that It will roach both Seottsbur and Allegany. Tho ranelTeVs gonorally aro Joining ln tho movement. Thoy I111V9 six subscribers on the part of tho lino now built and will booh bold n moot ing and . organize. Tho toluphono wil bo a grqnt convenience to thorn and Mr.- Rooko' Is elated over sot ting'' It Started. 1 i i' ' : COL'ONEL HAZEN COMES TO ORGANIZE ROYAL ARCANUM Portland Attorney, Pant. Grand Re gent, Seeks Establishment ot New Order. Colonel Georgo W, Ituzon, prom luont attorney ot Portland and Past Grand Regent ot tho Royal Ar canum in this state, arrived I1010 last (ovQulng upd for several dnya will be hero establishing u braiiu'i of tho order whluh ho reproaont. Tho Royal ArcanumU n frntor- OaJ and beneficiary prdor, 3i yonrn old and' with a motubtirship of moro than 11 quarter of a million per sons. In Its ranks are some of ti bout known men In the state. Mr Ha zon may also take trips to Co qulllo nud Bnido.i lu the mtcrt t of His lodgQ. DAMAGE TO HOUSE . L. M. NOBLE LEFT MUCH IN CASK According to apparently woll verified reports today, L. M. Noblo loft more actual cash In his cstnto tlutii nny that .has left in nny estate recently. This Is on deposit In various bnnlts. Besides tilts, ho had a largo amount loaned in notes and mort gages. Mrs. A. V. Bowhay and Charles Noblo nro said to bo tho principal heirs. ! I '! ! i ; NOBLE FUNERAL TOD VY .'"W NiimiUt Pny TrlMUo to Coo Buy Pioneer A largo assemblage of friends of tho lute Lyman Noblo gathered nt tho family resldonro todny for tho funeral services which were con ducted by Rov. Roht. Browning of tho Episcopal Church, the I. O. O. F. l-otiRo having chnrgo of tho cero- i monies at uio coinotnry. T ho sorv COS J"n . Hall, Capt. Alex Hall, C. A. Johnson Win. Doiibnor, nnd I. a. i. nn do. So lorgo wns tho crowd that irnth- but remained b turn! I he In tho street during tho services. Tho I. O. O. F. nnd Rebeknh lodges nttonded In n body. Tho floral offerings wero num erous and beautiful. BURY VICTIMS Coroner Wilson nnnounc od today that flvo of tho vic tims of tho Bunker Hill ho tel flro will bo burlod tomor row In tho now Sunsot cem etery on Istlimiirf Inlot. Ser vices will bo hold nt tho romotory. COOS BAY TIMES WAR MAPS, TEN CENTS BUY AN UP-TO-THE-MINUTE WAH MAP WHILl THE SUPPLY LASTS . . Qu&mt I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ' LOST Lady'H back comb. Bet. Otli st. and town. Lcnvo.nt J. A, Mat sou's storo. x NOTICE Will tho person who took the wrong umbrella Sundny night from tho Methodist church, ploaso return thu same to tho pastor, Rov. Kuotts? LOST AND FOUND' f LOST ldlcti bar pin at Nprth Bond lilgli School Baud concert. Reward for return to Mrs. Francos E. Bnlloy or phone or return to Times office. liOHV Small pocket itccoimt Ixwilr, partly filled, nnd having nanio of Albert Bussford, Coos Bay Times, In front. Plcaso return to Tho Times. WANTED I WANTED To bell -clulr lmrbcr outfit, fi mirrors, 2 workstnnds, gat) heater, polo and cash register. Ap ply to G. II. Truman, North Boud. FOR SALE f I FOR SALE it-room liouso and two lots ln Unstable, S00. Will trado for lot In Bunkor Hill. Ph. 7C-L FOR SALE - 7-t'ooni modern house, will tuko good building lot. Twins, Phonu 125-J. FOR RENT 5-iooui house. (US So. Elevonth street, Phono 253-L. FOU SALE Motor boat, .Excellent engine. F. A. Sncehl, FOR KALE Chester W'llto hoar, J30.00 Phono 307XC or nddross P. O. Rox 312, North Bend. FOR RENT FOR RENT llousekeip'iig biiRe, Mnmhfluld Hotel, Cor. '1'ilrd and Commorclnl. Phono 137-L. FOR RUNT (Urnoiii liouso on Fii-t stroot. 17. Phona 219-.1. FOR RENT Lurgo front rooms villi bent. Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. 205 N. 4th St. FOR TRANSFER STORAGE AND IIQl'SEIIOLB GOODS l'-elgit ami ltaj;i;aK. Call I'ERGrSON TRANSFER P.houe t:L Rtvltlence Phone l.'l-.T, Market me, and Ma lei front . Jm Hrt flL. - I WKtim