mmsmmmmm Mi&kkumkMASSSS ijrjW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEID. OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1915 EVENING EDITION, FOUR ri II' APPOINTMENT ONLY FOR POLICE POWER DOANI3, AH SPECIAL DEPUTY sheriff, not to iiavi: GEN- EHAL COMMISSION, SAYS HHEHIKF JOHNSON. 'With tho appointment of J. C. Donne, officer of tho Merchants Patrol, ns a Deputy Sheriff, tho belief wns freely expressed Inst evening and this morning thnt there would bo n conflict of powors, thnt nt times the patrolman would bo called upon from tho Sheriff's of flco and would havo to leave his bent. This will not bo so, says Sheriff Johnson, the power given to Mr. Donne being understood to definitely mean for uso only along . hla bent. Tho fnct thnt ho Is serv ing ns n county deputy without pay enforces this supposition. "Several petitions enmo to e," said tho Sheriff last evening, "ask ing that I glvo tho patrolman the police power necessary for him to retain his position as night officer for the Merchants Patrol. This Is tho reason I appointed him n Deputy Shnilff." Should occasion nrlso In tho dny tlmo for tho uso of a Deputy Sheriff Mr. Johnson said, ho could vo"y easily uso Mr. Donno, but during tho tlmo ho Is supposed to bo on his beat ho will not bo disturbed. Tho giving to tho patrolman of tho Deputy Sheriff commission em powers him to carry n weapon uud to lrako nrrosls, though ho will havo llttlo to do with tho ordlnnry breaking of city ordinances, such os tho reporting nutoluts for' being without lights on their tnnchlnos. ''1 don't want tho pollco power that I Jiavo hnd before," argued Mr. Doano boforo tho morchants yestordny nftornoon, "I often had to roport tho very men who wore hiring me; that caused bad feeling nml often tho men loft tho Mer chants' Pntrol on thnt account. Ho denied tho accusation in ado to ninny mombors thnt ho carried tho tlmo keys in his pocket during tho night and sat In tho flro hnll "punching" his tlmo clock nt tho prunor Intqrvnls In nn ensy chnlr nt tho pollco station, thus cutting off tho necessity of visiting nil pnrts of his beat at tho prescribed intervals. That thoro may bo no chanco of doing this, tho tnorchnnts yestordny voted tc chain tho tlmo clock koys to the wnlls In their proper places, thus Insorlng a visit ovory fow minutes by tho night patrolman. THEY STILL ARGUE ABOUT WILDiMESS OF TAME FAWN AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Chns. Ilonebrnko, who hns .. , i ii Mrs. Chns. Ilonebrnko, who nns If It Prance, Fr ! nn, I- flln.l (, To He A he, Then Is I.. Croat- rntll0crIc, condition last SAYS HIKE CLUBS ...... .. Mill. 1 IUII ""- " """ "-" l1, Wild beasts generally present to j 13. S. Dnrgelt, who has been con tho mind roaring lions, bellowing fined to hla homo for a weok by a elephants' galloping through Jim .(., nU,l nf xliAiittintrnhi tind eiepiiMiitfl gniioping inrowgii jim- buuiu huu ui "'""""'"i " L'lns. illevnoilots. creatures of pre- ablo to bo down town yesterday af- . . ... . .,!. ! -.,! Il...... iiiH.oric niiKeiiess wiiii iuuk suuuio, iuihuuh. or a Jngunr that tears Its proy Into Dr. B. Mlngus wns confined to bloody strips but In nil tho cnta-ils homo yestordny by nn attack gory not ono thought is given to of in grippe. fnnns. Fnwns nro young deers. j Jack Farley, who suffered n par Whcn they como down Into tho tlal stroko of paralysis nt Empire, nlttv Ihnt la. urn In limit nml rnnm nt wna lirnnrtit in Mnrshflnlil tndnv nllil ViVI I' ", . .....M ...... .- -. .... U.w..0... - .. .- their own frisky plensuro, ever nnd will remain nt tho homo of his nnon prancing In gleeful fun onto j daughter, Mrs. Florenco Holland. tno oncK oi smnu jukhhbiujs when SHOULD BE JOINED fnwns do tneso tilings, aro 4 they wild nnlmnls? , Tho City Attorney has puzzied 4. nvnr llila nnstlnn. Ho linn been ablo , D. C to como to no decision. Tho 1111-' 8ti!.no"tlnK fnwn still ronms nt I largo In Its llttlo way, goes through people's yards, tears through now Hardens nnd enjoys Itself hugely and nil this whllo thcro wns a nad scrnmblo through books to find out In what category this fawn could bo plnced. Tho lnwyors gnvo It up. "If t,t 13 a wild beast," said John D. Gens, ('then tho Chief of Pollco must round It up for tho safety of the community; If It Is a tamo animal, Mion. like a dog, It can bo put In tho city nound for running at lar3." Instructions hnvo been sent to Chief Carter but oven ho is wondering In what catorgory tho beast must be placed. GET ALUMNI CHARTER Hlgmn Clil, Collego Fraternity, Ks- tubllMic.q HnuillcKt Alumni Chapter on Okih liny A largo charter, boarlng tho of ficial sen! of tho Sigma Chi Nnt lonnl collogo fraternity, whb re ceived hero today, thus nuthorlzlzng In nn official way, the establishment of tho Coos Way chnpter of tho or gnnlatlon, tho smnllcst of Its kind In America. fovotnl months ngo mombors of this body, most of thorn from dif ferent collcgcn nnd uttlversltlos, hold a meeting In tho offlco of Dr. I.loyd Mott, In North llcnd nnd decided to organize Tho mombors 'of tho local chap ter nio: John W. Flnnngon, Claudo NaBburg, Tom T. Ilonnott, I. H. Tower, Itobort Booth, John C. Kon dnll, Gcorgo Stovonson, Dr. Lloyd Mott, Ren S. Flshor, J. E. Mont gomory and Hnrry Ilutlor. PERSONAL OVERFLOW . BOGART arrived hero this week from Portland, represent ing tho Prenl-Hegglo Co. This Is his first trip In hero In about six years, having recently been making nnothor territory for tho firm. Walter Hummcrt, who for merly represented them in this section, 1b now trnvollng north from Portland for tho company. D. FLETCHER, local mannger of tho Spcrry Flour Company, ex pects to Icavo In Juno to tnko in the exposition at San Francisco nnd nsslst with tho company's exhibit thcro for awhile. Ho wnnts to bo thoro for tho Fourth of July. With tho lino of boost ing thnt Mr. Fletcher hns dem onstrated on Coob Dny thnt ho Is n master of, ho will bo strong nddltlon to tho Spcrry boosters at tho big fnlr. ' HOME IS BURNED. FLORENCE, Or., Fob. 23. Tho xosldonco of Chns. Vnndorburg, on tho North .Fork wan complotoly do ntroyed by flro, starting from n fireplace Their threo-year-old daughter narrowly csenped cromn tlon, tho fnthor reaching her Just In tlmo to snvo hor. Prnctlcnlly ev erything wns burned. I. O. O. F. NOTICE Mombors of Sunsot Lodgo No. Si, L 0. 0. F. nro requested to nssom blo nt I. 0. O. F. Hall Wednesday at ono o'clock p. in. to attend tho funornl of our Into brothor. L. M. Noblo. Flno Will bo strlrHv nn. forced for non-attendanco. HERBERT PHILLIPS, N. G. I. LANDO, Secrotnry. I NEWS OF NORTH BEND. I p 4 Miss Normn Chnsc, who hns been assistant Postmaster under Postmas ter RU880II, will bo retained In that capacity by Postmnster Magulrc. Itov. F. S. Shlmlnn who hns been vory sick nt his homo on McPhorson Avcnuo Is slowly Improving, W. II. Gamble Is slowly recover ing from a partial stroko of para lysis. Mrs. W. D. Simpson and daughters Edith nnd Ilornlco spont tho week end nt tho W. N. Ekblad homo In Mnrshflold. Tho Prcsbytorlan ladles will hold n social Wednesday nftornoon In tho Mlzpnh class rooms. Tho Methodist Episcopal Lndles' aid will entertain nt n social nftor noon in tho church pnrlors next Thursdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Frcoluntl nnd children Mildred nnd Cllfflrd spont yestordny with rclntlves on North Inlet. DODGE EXPERT ARRIVES HERE Standing of Candidates In Our Great Free Trip to tho San Francisco Ex Position for the Week Ending Feb. 20. Vlclun CrnlR Hnnker Hill 11) "HO Mlmt Rnlglo, Hunker Hill .1,574 Mwiim . im, city m, iff0 norcilco j,,,,,,,,,,,, clt ,...1S80 Frehlu Holmes City KM,o Norma Chae, North Bond. .5,000 Mr. J. Brmvn, kiiMMdo ..7,785 Wliilfriil .Simpson, City . . . ..1,000 Adclll aarke, City ,,(,0U Golda n,.y, Kmpho ,,,, Mw.Il. It. Ilrinkley, East- Lni,, Boeder. C.uim 7 i.n.M " -" "Wo n.fwio Mm. Ahblo Braluarri, South Sl"uii n.oui MIm Kllailietli McCiillough, ')' .'i.no5 Mr. Curl Thorn, city 1,500 Wnlwl King, Hunker Hill ...1,001) Virginia Clarke, City ....a.000 .niiutio ronklln, city a,800 Howiml Kclley, city :i,500 C'lmirto Pust, City 7H5 Hlldtir Wit, Kiisthldu . ,.,a,125 Thorlii Lund, KuslMdo 51,721 Stella Pe(eien, Easthldo ..2,701 Hnttio MeKiiy, EnsUldo ... 51,7111 Mlhs .McCutvheoii, Heaver , l111,1 1,701) ineinrn ixxige, ramii 1 ....I.S75 Kiv.1 Kulgl.t, Klrht AiM... 2.500 M,,rv M.,.11., v.... ,. .V ,..,"i. Slauilo Zliiiiiieniian, Hlver- llmco Kolley, City .V7.iJ ..U1 1.000 livtla Holmes, city ! ! ! ":?75 Alpha M,uey, Cily 1,000 Mr. Amy Case, City . ! . a7.S Mini llnwkiiuiii, city ....1,000 Killih GernuiiiMiii, City si' 171 llutli llarrln, Cily 1,000 Lillian Gldnmrk, city '.'.'.YjiOl IUmsIo Saiulimlht, CHy. .. .2,8115 Mm. II. O. lliuwlt, CHy . . .l'o7 ImiIwIIo Macgenn, Kniplro 1!.1TI flmro Fiirrin, City . '.,t)75 Lj. Ha Holmes City "500 Vera Harris, Fi,t Add! '.'.i" 570 Liry IdimlMirlli, City .... 2,5105 May Duirand, Cily .... 7.15 llorenco HnUth, City 2,700 Mih. Noola Haines, City . .;7t10 lOito Anthony, Xorlli IKmiiI 2,100 Kvelyn VIhiwbiiu, City .... a 251 Ho riumiKuii, Fifth 8t , .2,a00 Nettlo Sneddon, City a'15 Htelhi Clnlstiaiisen, City. .2,000 Ernest Divws, Citv ' ' ' '"'vm Violet Moffltt, City 2,ai)0 Lulu Hh1mii, AlleK'ny ' ' ' 7 70 Hay i,,,mM), Cty lm(() NoI, Gmfrol e, ' ' Mm. Clara llrlwi, City ...a,57l OroKn ... i-m a,700 Amy Oleum, City ! ' ' ' ". 'J.? l)a.K.e, Hunker Hill .1,5120 Mw. H. O. K. w,' Oregon a,837 ASIC US AHOUT IT Red Cross Drug Store ' Phone 32. It. a. HILL COMICS FHOM DU. TltOlT TO COOS HAY TO KX PLAIN' MHHITS 01-' OAK AT (iOODKUM'S AHA(li:. H. G. Hill, n technical export from Dodgo Hrothors' nutomoullo factory In Detroit, arrived In MnrBhflold this morning nml will spend a cou plo of duys nt tho Goodrum Gnrncro. detailing tho flno points of tho fa mous Dodgo cnr. Ho will dlsmnntlo tho cnr tomor row nnd botweon tho hours of 2 o'clock nnd 4:30 In tho nftornoon nnd 7:00 nnd 8:30 in tho ovenlng, ho will glvo a detailed demonstra tion of tho matorlnl and tho moth odB of mnnufnetura thnt mako tho Dodgo car tho best in tho world for tho prlco. Ho will tako tho car apart and show how in ovory way and ovory part It la mado of bet tor matorlnl nnd assombled In hot tor Bhnpo than nny othor cnr In Amorlcn at tho snino figures. Kvoryono Interested In any way In nutoB nro cordially Invited and urgently requested to bo prosont nt Goodrum's Gnrago tomorrow nf tcrnoon nnd ovoiiIiib nnd lenrn somothlng renlly worth whllo nbout nutomobllea In gonornl and tho fa mous Dodgo car In particular. E. S. Cattron Advises Organ ization of Oregon Coast Sportsmen's League Organization at tho const gnmo assoclntlons Into ono body both for tho cooperation of sportsmen nnd tho forco In securing necessary legisla tion wns strongly ndvocnted by B. S. Cattron, 'migratory bird Inspector with tho U. S. Uloloclcal Survey, who returned this morning from a trip to Coqulllo nnd Unndon. At both plnces ho In company with Gnmo Warden Tliomns, wns roynlly entor talncd. Such nn organization has already been effected In enstcrn Oregon ho told the huntsmon. "And to show you tho forco thoy hnvo, on December 3 thcro were 1G0 dolcgntcs from tho association that mot nt Ln Grnndo for nn nnnunl convention." . UNITY IS STKKXGTH With such 8trcnght thoy woro nblo to got n bill throtiKh tho legislature. Introduced by C. C. Clark, of Arling ton, allowing tho snlo of ducks. How ever this now lnw will bo construed only for enstern Orogon, nnld Mr. Cattron, and will not mean that birds can bo shipped into Portland for dis posal. "Another point in favor of this organization, "ho continued, "Is that you peoplo hero would stnnd n good show of getting n man on tho now state gatno commission." Tho lnw now provides thnt tho governor shall appoint two men from eastern Oro gon nnd two from tho western pnrt of tho atnto. "As it Is, "ho snld, "tho berths will now probnbly go toWIU nmotto Vnlloy men." ki:i:p tah ox uiitns killkd Kcoplng close watch nnd tabula tion of tho number of ducks killed would bo n grcnt help ln framing gamo laws declared tho Inspector. "In Portland wo can gonornlly tell wlthlng 1,000, tho number of ducks brought down during a Benson. Kvory gun club 1b pnrtlculnr nbout this point. Thou wo enn toll If tho ducks nro decreasing nnd mako laws accordingly." Tho Bnlo of ducks Is not covered In tho federal zone lnw. Imnn. ia loft to tho etato for regulation. Tho aim not law Is pnssod by Congress. "And whllo I meet many nnortsmon hor.0. jvIiq want n longe hunting 1'oriotl In the. evening, I try to show thorn", anld Mr. Cattron, "that to chnngo this would bo a hnrd blow to duck hunting for boiho atntos nllow tho snlo or birds. To extend tho Bhootlng tlmo would result In lesson ing tho flocks ovorywhoro." Tommorrow Mr. Cnttron will co down to Umpire with Gnmo Wnnion Thomas and Thursday and Frldny will spend In meeting with tho sportBinon of tho Ton Mllo country. Prom thoro Mr. Cnttron will roturn to Salem. ifc mm . 1 IU L IW & SOCIAL CALKXDAK TUESDAY Eastern Star social North Demi Auction Drldgo Club with Mrs. A. S. Hnm- mond, C. W. V. M. with Mrs. II. W. Pnlntor. WKDNKSDAY Narcissus Club with Mrs. Inglo Peterson. Jolly Dozon with Mrs. Drockmucllcr. Itoynl Auction Club with Mrs. Mnlr Dnuo. North Dend Presbylorlnn Aid nt Church pnrlors. D. JL 0. Club with Mrs. Hoy Dralnard. Haptlst Ladles Silver Toa with Mrs. J. T. Dyors. Mothodlst MlBslonnry Homo Society with Mrs. W. II. Perkins. THURSDAY American Yeomen with Mrs. II. M. Albeo. Ilniubow Club with Mrs. Don McCrnry. Norweglnu Luthornn Y." L. Aid with Mlsa Klalo Lar son. KnstBldo Sowing Club with Mrs. Frank Proy, N. 11. Altnr Guild with Mrs. Archlo Phillips. FRIDAY Now card club with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Colomnn In North Pond. Ladies Art Club with Mrs. L. G. Lang, SATUHDAY Minno-WiH with Mra. Mnry K. Thompson. Motliora' nnd Tenchors' Club ln Hunker II1U. Light Is The Till . I SCHOOL KXTi:KTAIX.MI''XT I J DHKSSMAKIXO nnd a TAILOKKI) ll,T ! Work (riiKrantecil nml i.rlr.w reasonable MK8. 11. O. WILLUV Ovor Norton & Hnnson's Phono 1C9-J. Pictures & framing Walker Studio LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on tho modt dolk-ato fabrics. Wo post. tlvely giinrantco nil work Phono -151 1-X, Address 51 Centrul Avenue. WILL BE REMEMBERED A. Memorial from tho Teachern nnd Pupils of tho Hunker Hill School. Words cannot express tho sorrow wo all fool ut tho loss of Byrnn from our midst. Ills ontiro school llfo was spont In this school and his kindly dis position lind ondenrcd him to both tonchors nnd pupils. Ho showed a great oarnostness in his studies, es pecially in history, In which subject ho would havo undoubtedly excollcd nan no not ucou called ao early. Wo shall chorlsh his memory, and try to omulato his good record, ro momborlng as In tho words of tho Great Poet: Thoro Is n reaper whoso narao is Death, And, with his sicklo keen, Ho reaps tho bearded grain nt a breath, And tho flowers that grow be tween. "Shall I havo naught that Is fair?" salth ho; "Havo naught but tho bearded grain? Though tho breath of theso flowers Is sweot to mo, I will give them all back again." Ho gnzod nt tho flowers with tear- nil eyes, Ho klBsed their drooping leaves; It was for tho Lord of Paradlso Ho bound them In his sheaves. ''My Lord has need of theso flow orots gay," Tho Uenpor said, and amllod; "Dear tokens of tho earth aro thoy, Whoro Ho was onco a child. "Thoy shall nil bloom In fields of light, Transplanted by my care, And saints, upon their garments white, Tho- sacred blossoms wear." Aud tho mother gave, In tears and pain. Tho flowers sho most did love; Sho know Bho should find thorn all again, In tho fields of light abovo. Tho first, second, third and fourth grades of tho Unstport school Friday nftornoon gavo nn oxcollont program In commemorntlon of Washington's birthday. It was un der tho direction of their tenchor, MIbb Ella Weiss. Thoro woro roc ItotlonB, Bongs, etc., nnd later nn address . by Mrs. Mary Thompson, princlpnl of tho school. A number of tho patrons woro prosont.nnd tho children recolvcd ninny compllmonts on their oxcollont program. Tin children from tho different grndos pnrtlclpntlug in tho program wore: First Stanley GrnvcH, Mnlv Nonh, Clydo Gosncy, Wnllnco Cnm oron, Joromo Hnnnomnu, Jncob Kuch, Edith Anderson, Aloleon Mc Donald, Luolla Ilawso, Ithoda Con tors, . Tliolma McCluro, Isahol Hol land, Eloanor Oldlnnd and Itosn Sattl. Second Mnry Stownrt, Edward Centers, Lloyd Iludborg and Wallace Connor. Third Konnoth Lowls, WIlllo Yntes, Albort Yates, Alton Henron, Viola Wilson nnd Ellon Rudborg. Fourth LouIbo Connor, Virginia Gosnoy, Ella Smith, Leonard Old land nnd Georgo Colombo. The lighting of a clothing store, tailor's shoo or where colors and textures must he accurately dm most important. The light must he bright slmulatintj daFi closely as possible but it must not be dazzling, oj contrary it should be soft, well . diffused, pldasing Electric Light Is Best Adapted Ideal Illumination Indirect lighting by means .of Mazda lamps andi designed diffusers will produc c the correct effect nli omy anil at the same time add a touch of distinction b store. OUR LIGHTING EXPERTS ARE ALWAYS AT YOM Oregon Power Co, Second and Central Phone 178 Times wnnt ads bring results. Ia Ia HE HOME AFFY M a n p AVERN CANDY o mako ico ciwhii :17H Central nvo., l""ono 1.1 Mj If there were more pleas ant homes in tho world, and FEWER BATTLESHIPS thcro wouldn't bo any war. OUR fiUALITY FURNITURE Helps to mako homo pleasant Johnson-Gulovsen Company The Quality Name with a Service Fame. HAVE THAT ROOFI NOW See CORTHELl Phone 3171, MERCHANT'S CAR Popular place in Good Meals, Prices Reasons, Cor, Commercial u w The 3 Vital KLKMKNTS IN HUYIXfl A Piano Aim Quality Price Terms VOU AVIL1, FIND ALL T1IKSK WILL l'liKASH YOU AT THIS STOHK "Yoiii- Money's Worth or Your Money Ikick.' THE WILEY B. ALLEN Co. Ij. L. Thomas, Manager. Central Ave. Hussel Hhlg. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY XTmio Hfrwlnl "HENDERSON CORSf .l.n nrlnolnul i'.MVt "ONYX" and "CADE HOSE , S.S. JENNINGS, h SMITH'S VARIETY! North Ben for Fancy and W CHIWA E. Lothard McClure ATTOHNKY AT LAW Practices In nil courts. Rbom 12, Flanagan & Honnott Ilanb H. H. Harper IIOUS13 HUILHEIt Genoral Repairing and Cabinet Making, Phone 349-J. I. M. Wright HUILHING CONTRAOTOn Eatlmato8 furnlBhod on requeit THE COOS m Formerly o "," WASHINaTON'AVE vmiTH I1KXD 0. A. MctUn, m Commutatiofl Tickets JW Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Knr, Noao and Tliroal. OiaSSKS FITTED OR. MATTIB 11. SHAW DUeasea of Women and Clillilre OKlco Phono 330-J. Rooma 200, 201, 202, Irving Block. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 20C Irving Block t-uuuu iU.J-.lj or ZOY-J, Mar'ahfleld, Oregor Lrshfl6ia-Noriu ';fh day, leaving nt 11 ' threo trips a. nny, -I GOItHT & KWO. m nnnclMft REpA,n.MG CONjfiS roofinij &m FELTS AND cM B. 11B. W. G. Chandler ARCHITEOr Roomi 301 and 302, Coko Building Uarshfleld, Orogon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Uarshfleld, Orogon. Perl Riley Ballinner tiAWiHj,' AND TEACnER Residence Studio, 217 No. Third Bt Phonn 3R8-U Timea want ada bring reaulta. niiKtnAM UNDERTAKE nw ... 1.. kM)t Will " " ' ,tf OPEiN'iU""- , . .t.(0 VfT A regain - u uudertnker churj.'e will 1'liono 105J riw-myw-"i -tw iiiMrM , - - anTWilniiiriiTTiafi-inff mi imm ..JiiAi&i JL ' .-