I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 19 15-EVENING EDITION. THREE High Quality Groceries Our nwn firomnt and oartlcular dellverv RRrvlr.fi Ff- jclcnt cletks being out of the high rent district and fneninc: our prices as low as consistent with good busi- iess makes Connor & Hoagland -The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries f97 South Broadway. ENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON :npltal, surplus and undivided OFFICERS! . W. Dennett, Presldont fom T. Bennett, VIco ProBldent Transacts a trust business only. and also as executor nrtd administrator of estates. Tho only Trust ompany In Oregon outsldo of Portlnnd organized undor now trust Jaw In this state. THE DELICATESSEN CO. 136 NORTH Wo carry at all times a largo I'KKI'AKED FOODS for tho tablo Wo Klvo our best attention, and for social functions and prlvato fRY OUR, OJUIGK SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Oollcaclos of all kinds to chooso tasto In Quality and Prlco. w MESSEHGER TiWO PHONES. CALL US FOR CAIt.S, TAXICAUH, EXPRESS WAGONS. mahsiifield cyclery. , imesavers If ' NOTICE ! ! jwReignafTeffw" AT, HAVE ENLARGED OUIt ipair Department Phone Us Your Koy Troubloa Bring Your duns and Dlcyclos Send Your Broken Umbrellas Your Work' Will Ho Dono Promptly. arshfield Cyclery Two Phones it 115 130 BROADWAY D0TS0N HOTEL t ROOM AND HOARD po.no pint week and up FUEB IJATII so hecond mul Curtis Ave. It. It. Ramos, Prop. HIGH QUALITY RUSH FRUITS. VEGETABLES AND NUTS. erjihlng in Season Exceptionally Keen Prlco. larshfield" Fruit Company, At l'aiaco Meat Markot no :$u.j. PICTURES and 'icture Framing REHFELD'S 220 CENTRAL AVENUE Phono 275-J. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAICES OF OARS JJ7 Central Ar. Phono 37S-L Phones 348-J and 326 profits - $125,000.00 Arthur McKeown, Socrotar7 Dennett Swnnton, Treasurer Acts ns trustee of oxprcss trusts BROADWAY variety of DELICIOUS READY and family trado, ready to servo. efforts to all special orders gatherings. from. A lunch to Bult your -I irso dhoadway ORPHEUM "Where Motion Pictures Look Better Chango of program at present: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, TONIGHT Tuesday mill Wednesday At truo history dmmntfatloii of (ho woihMuiuous novel liy Ruuuis. IT'S IN SIX REELS nud u wonderful pic Into It tells u very vivid mid complete story of tho days during tho French revolution ROUEItTA SAUNDEUS In entirely now songs. 10c :: ALWAYS :: 10c Matinee Suiidny 2:00 p. in. Rig feature coming Thursday mid Friday IT T FHE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE FAUST FAUST In a jiuutoinliio novelty musical net PAULINE JOSEPH. That Dainty Soprano, In nu en tire change of all new program. Two vaudeville acts. Tho World Film Corporation pre scnts tiio "Win. A. Brady feature, THE DOLLAR 1? MARK A feature In five parts, showing tho greed of man for tho almighty dollar. .A district llrondWMy SUC CeSS. THE LAST SHOT A Reliance dranui of tho Wear, llllih MANAGES A PRIZE FIGHT A Ivoinlc ivel full of good comedy. Keren reels of all now feature reels. Lou or floor, 13c; entire balcony, Hie; children under JO yours, Be. Jfero tomorrow night, tho Mutual Weekly showing tho latest news from the sent of war, ami nine other Interesting subjects. J. H. Jessen, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BUROEON S'trgery and Diseases of Women a Specialty. Norton & Hansen bldg. Phono 229-J Res. 890 Cor. 9th & Elrod. Ph. 15gTJ T. J. SOA1FE tjj A. H. HORQINS Marshficld JJgg c0. Estimates Furnished Phone UO-R. Marshfjeld, Oregon SE LEMWSK T TON GH I For Host Results In I PAINTINQ, PAPERING and ) DECORATING E. F. LE MIEUX j Wull Paper and Paint Store I 803 No, Front St. P"ouo U&R j A wm DREV1TIE5 tides for February Tliuo and Height of Tides Mnrshflcld. nt Tho tides are placed In tho order of occurrens beginning at midnight with their times on tho first line and heights on tho second lino of i each day. A comparison of conso- cutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, i High water on tho bar 2 hours and 34 mmutcs Earlier than nt Mnrshflold' ntNorth Dond, 1 hour and 11 minutes carjler than Marsh flcld. 22Hrs.. 0.43 Ft. .. 2.5 23Hrs.. 1.42 Ft... 2.8 24Hrs.. 3.20 Ft... 3.0 2GHra.. 0.10 Ft... 4.0 2CIIrs.. 0.G7 Ft... 4.4 27IIrs.. 1.3C Ft.... 4.7 28Hrs.. 2.10 Ft... G.l 7.19 C.3 8.GG C.l 10.08 6.2 4.B2 3.0 G.GG 2.1 G.47 2.3 7.32 1.8 2.GG 1.0 4.09 0.9 G.14 0.7 11.13 G.4 12.10 G',7 12.G9 9.48 3.G 11.09 3.7 0.0 0.0 6.17 0.3 P.G1 0.7 7.30 G.9 0.1 1.43 8.04 C.l 0.2 WEATHER FORECAST Dj AmocUIM rrm to Cool tij Tlmn.J OREGON Rain west, fair cast, southerly winds, 4 modornto nonr conBt. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tbo 24 lioura ending nt 4:13 a. in., Fob. 23, by UenJ. Ostllnd, special government motcorologlst: 4 Maximum CO 4 Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. m 43 Precipitation 8G Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1914 C1.19 Precipitation samo porlod 4 last year 47.47 Wind. Southwest, cloudy. Moose Smoker.- Tho Mnrshtlold Moouo Lodgo Is enjoying a smoker nt tholr bnll this ovenlug. Plans for tlielr now homo and a member ship cnmpalgn may bo taken up. Council Meetings. Tlioro will bo a mooting of tho City Council nt eight o'clock tills evening, tbo first In two wcoks. Also tho city fath om nt North Demi nnd Enstsldo will ba iu session. Return Soon. Scnntor I. S. Smith nnd wife, Representatives O. R. Barrow and S. P. Polrco,- nro ox poctod hero In n day or two from Salem, tho Legislature having clos ed Sunday. Hunker Hill Ser-lces. A. F. Bass ford will preach In tho Bunker IfJII school houso Wednesday evening. Thoro will bo a twonty-mlnuto song sorvlco boforp tho prcachlilc All nro welcome. Chntt Joins Fraternity. Word bnu beon recolvod hero that Sidney Clark, who loft horo a few days ago to enter tho University of Ore gon, has becomo pledged to tho Phi Gnunuu Delta National fratornlty. Woman Frightened. Mrs. R. E. Browning sent In a call for tho po llco Sunday evening after sho heard soino ono mako soveral attempts to opon tho door at their home. Whon tho pollco arrived, thoro was no traco of anyone Kelly Named At tho annual stato convention of tho Oregon Christian Endeavor Society at Eu gono last week, Ned C. Kelly, of Coqullle, was elected one of tho vlco-prcsldents for tho Southern Orogon division, Postpono Meeting. -Out of ro spoct for Mrs. L. M. Noblo, who Is OUR POLICY Satisfaction or 'Your Money Back. Abf olutily One Price, Agency ILoyal Tailors and Kuppenheimer Clothes. Crpssebtf $hoes. FIXUP Two Stores Marshficld f; :: :: North Beml one of tho oldest mcmberfl of tho A. N. W. Club, the ladles of that organization hnvo postponed its meeting from Thursday of this w.eek to Thursday, March 4, when JIn. Frledborg will bo hostess. Couplo Mnrrtcd. Roy, Q. LeRoy Hall yesterday porformed tho mar riage ceremony for Miss Nelllo F. Church nnd Harold Moore, both of Catching Inlet. Tho young couplo expect to tnko up farming and will settlo Bomowhero In Coos County, their homo not yet being decided. Mrs. Poolo Hurled. Tho burial of Mrs. William Poole, who died Sun day morning, was held this morning from tho Dungan Undertaking Par lors, tho Borvlco being Conducted by Rev. Unssford, Mrs. Poolo was a former resident of Florence, nnd came hero in the early fall for med ical treatment. Firemen Hold Dance. - Mursh flold's Volunteer Flro Department laddies with their ladles' gathered last pvonlng In the I. O. O. F. Hall to onjoy tho annual dance given by tbo organization. Practically pvcry member of tho Department wns pres ent, and tbo ovonlng wns mndo live ly with lartln'B orchestra. Sees Prowlers. Mrs. Hugh Mc Lnln last night about 11 o'.clock called tho pollco to her homo on Hlghlnnd avenue, telling them that sho had noticed n suspicions charac ter prowling nbout tho Central school. Tho pollco visited tho placo and nftor staying about for somo time wont away confident that tho man had vanished. Starts Cleaning Business Charles Terry, who has boon employed for tho Inst flvo months ns a barber in J. T. Terrol's barber shop, has sent for paraphcualla to start a cleaning and pressing establishment next door to tho Marshfiold Bakery on Second street. Ho states Ills dry dry ccanlng and pressing buttlt will bo horo In n few wcoks. Drunks Hothcr. Nlghwatchman Bill Shoupo says that most of tho recent reports of prowlors and bur glars have been caused by drunks getting mixed up Iu tho location of tholr homes. Tho majority of thorn havo beon cniiBod by parties seeking prlvato lpdglug houses in various parts pf town, tho oxnet location of which thoy do not know whon thoy got too much liquor, Lecturer Here. Mr. Haugan, a Scandinavian locturor and newspa perman, arrived horo Sunday from San Francisco to spond a fow wookB on tho Boy, Ho will speak under tio auspices of tho Sons of Norway horo. Ho wns formerly located at Minneapolis, and Is an old frlondB of C. A. Smith. Ho had luncheon with Mr, Smith In San Francisco tho othor day and said tliat tho lat ter was optimistic concerning tfio oirtlook. Wife Allowed Alimony. Judgo Coko this morning grnutod Mrs. Dlxlo Egenhorf $100 suit money nnd $2G a month as temporary ali mony pending hor suit against her husband, William Egonhoff, tor dl yorco. Iu hor complaint, tho wlfo alleged that ho had boon cruol and inhuman Jn his treatmont, often b.o capiod runk and has conunltted adultery. Sho found him at South Inlet In company with another wo man. Egenhoft has beon running tho gasolluo boat Allco II. Go to Supremo Court. John D. (loss nud Tom T. Bonnott expect to leave about Thursday for Salom, whero they will conduct tho caso of Burnum versus Lockhart, carried thoro on nppoal from tho Circuit Court, "whero tho caso waa decided In favor of tho plaintiff, who is now dead. Tho issuo involves tha purchaso of Point Bnrnum above Flagstaff, tho tract being boughl under contract and tho controversy l8 over tho fulfillment of tlo Pa tract. About $18,000 Is Involved In tho caso. Phuitlng .Mines. Emmet Plorco, who was up from Tarheol camp this week, taformod Frank Denning that Homer Ring had discovered a craft laying mines in tho loyyor bay, fig uring out that thoy woro anticipat ing somo uaval attack in tho fu- turp. However, It seems that Homer Does Net Rub Off, Lasts 4 Tims as I ah a. fits....- mmm ,. T-f T-T. -. S.ui Work. Get a Can Today BLACK BILK STOVE POLISH For Sale by SOIIROEDER & HILDENnitAND Phoiw 77, was passing off the dredge Seattle. ns a real mlpo layer and when Don- aid Chnrleston was Investigating the character of tho rock ledge across tho bay near tho government work?, hla diving suit was most convincing evidence to tho Tarheel aggregation, Made Quick Time. Sunday, grab ably for tho first tlmo In tho history of Coos Bay, n Snn Francisco paper I was read hero tho day nftor pub lication. It waB brought In by Cap-1 tain B. W. Olson on tho Adeline j Smith. Ho left San Francisco early' Saturday morning, soon after tho Examiner was Issued and secured a copy. Ho arrived In hero early Sunday morning with tho Adeline. It happened that tho edition was tho San Francisco Exposition Open ing number of tbo Examiner, mak ing tho event n llttlo moro note worthy. Englners Ask Figures. Tho gov ernment engineer's pfflco In Port land has sent to tho Port Commis sioners asking tho amount of money expended on tbo harbor project and also tho amount pf cubic yards removed frpm tbo main channel. Tim figures, ns they nro being sent back by Secretary J. W. Motloy, show that between March 31, 1913, and December 31, 1914, G4C,439.35 has been expended and 3,938,47.8 cubic yds. of drt excavated. Tho fig ures aro to bo used in making a report to tho war department at Washington. Fear Skating Rink Noise. That a skating rink erected at tho cor ner of Elrod and Broadway, an has been planned, wll b,o a. nuisance, Is tho contention of tnembors of tho Ferry cstato, who own rcsldonco proporty adjoining tho propoBod Bite. Georgo Ferry Uvea noxt door, Tio contention is that tho building would shut off light from tho houso nnd that tho nolso of tho rink would mako It Impossible for any ono to ltvo In tho vicinity. Graves & Mclnturft hnvo boon re tained by tho Forry Estate, and wll lnvcstlgato tho matter. Cloan-up Committee Meets. Thoro was a meeting of tho clean up campaign commlttco, tho chair man of tho flvo city districts jn tho Chamber of Commorco, whoro thoy met with City Attornoy John D. Gobs nnd tho health commtttoo of tho Council, Harry J. Kimball nud Georgo E. Cook nnd with Health Officer Dr. E. E. Strnw. Methods of cloanlng up that may bo opforcod togcthor with tho gist of now qr dlnancos wuro discussed. Word will soon bo glvon to start tho general campaign that Is oxnectod to result In tho cleaning up of tho city. W. C4 BRApLEY left today( for Gard'lnof and .'Sdpttstiun. x'. J. CONLOGUB, of Coqulllo, caino over last evening on business nnd plonsure. MISS AGNES MILLER, ot Myrtlo Point, roturnod homo today nftor a short, visit In Mnrshtlold. A. P, DAVIS, of Sheriff Johnson's office camo over last ovonlng to nttond a meeting of tho Masonic Lodgo. MRS. W. J. HJLL and son, William, havo beon ppondlng tho past wpok at tho J. A- Goodwill homo on South Coos River. J-. ALBERT MATSON oft for Son Francisco this afternoon on tho Nann Smith, expecting to bo gono for about two wcoks. CHARLES M'PHKRSON, wlfo nnd child, roturnod today from Alle gany. Mr. McPberson has been conducting roylval services. J. O. LANGW.ORTHY roturncd this mornlug from Allegany, whero ho wpnt on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Captain '.ornion Edwards. MRS, C. R. P1?CK Joft on tlm Nann Bnifth for tho lower bay and ul timately San FranqlBco, SJio will visit In tho South untl) .about May 1. PR. AND MRS. J, O, STRMMLER, pf Myrtlo Point, woro poBsongors pn tho Nann Smith this afternoon Your Doctor's ''First Aid" In Sickness SquiWs Cheniicals "THE OWL" TJuTX'eriU-m Are; Drug' Store, ffikmmofa A Few pf Our Permanent Species ENGLISH WALNUTS, per pound ..,.,.. ,f 15c FIRST-CLASS CItEAMERY BiUTTER,' f resh! poiintl tfqunro1 76c COOKING. APPLES, 4 tier, per box ijjl.oo Wo carry a full lino of Fresh Vegetables nnd Fruits. Wo .Haro You Money Oct a Receipt. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House Phono :10I.,T. for tho South, whero they go on a vacation. 0. It. BUFFllNQTON loft yesterday afternoon for Gold Beach, whore he goes on soveral days legal business In connection with the Tohn D. Goss law office. MRS. OEO. N. BOLT, who expected to leavo yesterday for California on account of tho serious ilncss of her mother, received a telegram stating that tho latter was much Improved and It would not po npcessary for hor to como. MI8SES KATE ANP EVA FARBRR of Myrtlo Point, camo vcr last evening to still on tho Nann Smith for Sap Francisco. Miss Eyn Farbor will tako a courso ns a professional nurso thcro nnd Miss Knto Farbcr will return after a short visit. II. G. REKDER, tho gonial proprie tor of tho Beaver Hill Hotel, was In Mnrshtlold today on business. fo states that tho mlno Is shut down on account .of a breakdown. Mrs. Recder will lcayo tbo first pf next month for thplr homestead in. Washington, whoro sho will spend a few months whllo ho wll handle tho hotel nlono. MRS. L. W. LANGDON nrrlved horo Sunday to Join Mr. Lnngdon, who roturnod to tho Bay recently af ter an absonco of about two years. They will rcsldo In Bay City to bo near Mr, Langdon'a work. Thoy will bo warmly welcomed back by tho many friends thoy mado during their former resi dence on tho Bay. JOHN ROSS, ot tbo Smlth-Powors Company, was hero yesterday from Wagner, arranging to start a storo thoro. A Postofflco will bo on oued at Wagner beforo long nnd a number ot email stores will bo put in, making It a rcnl town, whothor tho namo will bo Wagner or Powors is n question that l still uudocldod. BARGAINS FOR ,WEDfISAY THURSDAY AW FRIPAV AT. THE FAIR t IVBpoojs.Clarks bost( QCn 0 Cotton for ZUC ., f f f f f $2.00 and $3. GO Thompson f aipvo Fitting Cprsots, var. ious now styles. &k rn Only ... , ipliwLI 11.00 Ladles latest folt hats. AH shados. CCP ' All our Blankets, Comfort- ors, Sheets, Pillow Cases and U Bed Spreads at special nrlces. L . S1.S0 and $1.75 Men's styl- Ish, Dross Shirts, abac-nn 4 . Intply fast colors Only JJu r v 30c quality , best atrlpod feather-proof bod tick- 4(n . Ing, Only yard .i...du ., 3Cc and 40c ladles' laco trlruniod pantsi light nn weight. Only Up 4 lCc and 20c ladles' ptifo linen and Shamrock f h lawn handkerchiefs ....lb , Rear Cloth and silk bon- nets for children and Infants. All reduced. 7Cc, QCn COc and ZOli 4 Navajo Indian Moccailns, 4 all sizes, at special prices. 4 ' Spoctal bargains in stamped llnons. Wo aro giving nbso- lutely freo 4 skeins D, M, C with any piece, bought .here today. 4 ABSOLUTELY YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY HACK THE FAIR . HCENTRAL AVENUE NEXT TO'ClLVNDwHt ifOTEL -I r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 FQK SALE IJ-room hpiuo ami tvo lots In EnBtslde, $500. Will itrado for lot in Bunkor Illl. Ph. 7G-L NOTICE Will tho person who took tho wrong umbrella Sunday night from tho Methodist church, plcnao return tho snmo to tho pastor, Rov. JCnottsT FOlt RENT 3room house. P48 So. Elovcnth street., Phono 253-L. VOll SAliE CI'RP Horscv, liar- ncEs and rubbor-trod buggy. Phono 31C-L. J. J. Kendall, Marshfiold. LdST-i-indles, bar plu nt North Bend High School Band concert. Howard for roturn to Mrs. Frances B. Balloy or phono or return' to Times office. FOR SALE 7-room modern Louse, will tako good building lot. Terms. Phono 42G-J, FOR RENT Furnished two-rui npartmonts, 3rd and Anderson, Phono 249-L. Ii08T uuUl jKckct ax'coiint book, partly filled, and haying namo of Albert BasBford, Coos Bay Tjmcfl, Jn ;ront,. Pleasp roturn to Tho Times. 1. WANTED WANTED IX) EXCILVNQE SO acrca ot land, or atono building or stock ot drugs, Iu I'awneo County, Ok lnboina, for saw mill outfit. Ad drots J. S. McMurtry, Maramcc, Oklahoma. WANTI-Hl To sell .l-cliair J)rber outfit, .5 rarrors, 2 workatands, gas boater, polo iind cash reglstor. Ap ply to G, II. Truman, North Dond. V FOR SALE f FOR HALE Full blooded, younK Holstoln calves, All(lros W M'organ, North Coos Rtvor, FOR SAL1 Motor boat. .Excellent enrino, F A. Sacchl, FOR BALK Chester Whte boar, $30.00 Phono 307XC or address P. O. Box 342, Norjh Bond. FOR RENT X FOR RENT1 Housekeeping sulto, Moisbflold Hotel, Cpr. Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L. FOR RENT 0-rooin Imuso on First streot, 17. Phono 2J0-J. FOR RENT Largo front rooms with heat. Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. 26G N. 4th St. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU 1ito ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Pimm MAN WANTED $J25 Per .Month) WANTED-l man tg haiidto good hifslucsii op portunity payjng $123 pei niontli. Snwl cap JtnL required. Worth l)i vestlgiilng. Owner muit hcl at o.nco. Get in lmslijeijn fpr ypijrhelf, "Sep Held A?ou; It." W. A. REID 100 Front Street. FOR TRANSFER. Sl'OJtAOi: ASi'P HOUSEHOLD GOODS FixUght and lhtggago, Call FERGUSON TRANSFER l'houo i;. lttwldcnco Phqno J't.J, Market hvo. and' Waterfront ft