E MAN WHO 'SELLS HIS HONOR DEALS IN SOMETHING THAT HE HAS. NOT GOT The Aim The Armies E TIio aim o bo always lirlftlit, vhoiesomo anil In. of Europe nro eiiapcd in a death slnigglo which may change tho map of tho world. Each day brings new dcvclopmcntx or vital importanco. Keep yourself posted rend Xcw.q that Is Xows subscribe for 3 ho Times and "wlso up." cresting, kcopi Iii contents of TIio Times iii Id high standard of now h excellence. All (Iio tews nil tho tlino i.i nl ways (Iio aim of TIio Times. MEMDERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mum .. NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 hs TIio Const Mail. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. COND ierici SHIPSUMK IM MDHTH H SEA EARLY TDDAY Pr o w SaYs Slunk A Oonsoildntlon of Times, Coagt MnU ntl Ooo Unr Advrrflsor No. 183 amer Carib Goes to Bottom 5oon After Striking Mine Off German Coast UN SAYS VESSEL WAS IN WRONG ROUTE 1ms It Disregarded .floute Kivcn by Germans bveiyn Was sunK uy mine Dr Associated TrrM to Cooa Day TlmM. lERLlN, Fob. 23. Tho Amor i' steamer Carlb lias gono to tho lorn off tho flcrninn coast on tho Fth Sea ns n rosuit or running n mine. At tho tlmo of tho Inter, tho vessel was not using llio to lnltl down In tho dorm tin mn- - instrttcttous. EVHLVN STRUCK MINE HUr AHOtliUoJTrrirt to Coo liar Tlrnrn, ASH1NGTON, 1). C, Fob. 23. flfasaador tierard today forward- report from tho American Con- ito at Ilremurhavon, Baying tho inter Kvolyn wiib destroyed by a o; tnnt tuo crow ion mo Biup m feo boats, ono of which wob uiIbs- tbo other two being plckod up (lerinnn scout ship. Ill TELLS OP $.0,000 WORTH 01-' JEWELRY STOLEN IE SUCCESSES Ilr AnoclalM I'rcM to Coon liar Time. LOS ANGELES, Fob. 23. Within four houro aftor hor arrival horo In Iter special car, Mra. Alfred Smith, wito of tho president ot tho Now York Central Railroad, im ported to tho pollco that hor bungalow had been oiitorod and $GO,000 worth of Jewelry stolen from tho offectB of herself and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Emory II. Smith. o Jisoim f Evelyn Tra in a A ic Ace id ait MMH. HKHILAHRT'S CASE 11 Associated rrnM to Com liar Time DORDEAUX, Fob. 23 Tho condition of Sarah Rcrnhnrdt whoso light log was ainpu- tatcd yestorday, was said to bo satisfactory although sho was suffering considerable 4 pain. 4 LOST I UFO D THOUGHT wio shins Bombard Calais, Al- js Repulsed and Russians Are Reported Losing 1 Dr Associated rrrvf to Coo. nr TlfOM.1 8KRLIN, Fob. 23. Tho official 3rt today says: "CalalB fortross bonibitrdcd night beforo last by 'airship. Yostordny tho French kin doHvorcd nn attack in tho imnguo district north of Perthes, woro repulsod. At Aiiloy and rcinont, tho French woro driven bk after having socurod soma nor sticccBsoB. Battlokopf, in tho Vosges region, taken by storm by tho Germans. In tho East, an ndvnnco was nt- nptcd by tho Russians, wRh coa quickly gathered together di Grodno, moving in a north- stern direction, but tho attempt Bed. A numbor of cannon woro ken in tho pursuit of tho litis- us aftor tho battlo of Mnzurlan kes, was Increased to ovor 300 Includes ten pieces of heavy liber. tx'ortuwest of Ossowoz and noar lasnysz tho fighting continues. On Vistula, oast of Plock, wo nd- uced farther Into tho Wyzogrod Itrlct. South of tho Vistula, tho trance by Russians on our pool- on tho Rawkn Rlvor was roptils- FUNEHAL TOMORROW riio funeral of L. M. Noblo will hold tomorrow nftornoon at two Bock, tho sorvlccs bolng conduct- by Rov. Robort Drowning from Noblo roaldonco on First stroot. SEARCHERS RETURN IHSCOUR A(Ji:i ROV KXK1IIT MISSINO SINCE EARIiY SUNDAY .MORN 1N(. Discouragod tho Bonrchora who Imvo traced ovory foot of tho bay looking for Roy Knight, tho 1G-year-old lad wlio disappeared Sun day, have returned, firmly bellovlng that tho youth was cither drowned in tlto bay by tho capsizing of Ills boat, or that ho was carried out ovor tho bar with tho ebb tldo. Lookouts from tho llfo saving sta tion, nlwnys on gtinrd at the on trnnco, stnto that no small boat lias been seen oven ns far down as Charleston Day. However, oarly Sundny morning, soon after Roy Knight loft for a row on Pony Slough, n storm enmo up that klckod tho bay Into foaming whlto caps. It is thought posslblo that tho boy, getting too far out, was ovorturnod in tho rough wator and that drifting up sldo down his boat may Imvo boon washed ovor tho bar without any ono bolng nblo to sco It. Had ho landed anywhoro on tho beach along tho bay, tho boy by now would liavo had plenty of tlmo to mnko bis way back to North Dond. Ho had boon horo but a short wlillo, coming from Eugono to visit with his unclo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Watt, who havo lived In North Dond for tho last throo or four months. Grappling Irons at prcsont would bo of no ubo for tho soarchors do not know whoro thoy should grap plo, having no Idea In what spot tho boy might havo gono down. i Early Sunday morning, about sun rise, tho boy told his rolatlvos that ho was going for a row and tho last seen of him was on Pony Slough, whoro ho secured a small boat. When ho fallod to return later In tho day pcoplo becamo anxious and searching parties started offorts to locato tho youth. CALAIS RAID BY ZEPPELIN IS WELL MADE D AnoclilM rrrst to Coot liar Tim. CALAIS, Franco, Fob. 23. Tho Zcppolln which yesterdny bombard ed Calais apparently was driven by pilots thoroughly familiar with that vicinity, for it cnino from tho sea directly to Fontenlotto, crossing tho city nt Its groatost width. It flew nt a height of about 1000 feet. Tho first bomb foil when tho Zeppelin was nbovo a point whoro the rail road tracks Intersect. It struck tho track leading to Dunkirk. Thou It dropped fivo bombs In tho vicin ity of tho railroad. In ono houso on which a bomb fell, all tho mem bers of two families woro killed ex cept a fivc-montlm' old baby. 1 CI E UTAH BATTLEFIELD Band of Piutes Driven From One Gulch But Are Forti fied in Another Dr Associated IVrtt to Coo. liar Timet.) SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Fob. 23. A special to tho Desert Evening Nows, from Muff, reports today that tho Indians, tlrlvon from Cot tonwood Gulch,' at tho edgo of tho town, havo received reinforcements and havo fortlflod thomsolvos in Dutlor Wash, eight miles west of Dluff. A posse Is organizing to advanco on tho Indians' now posi tion, Tho news correspondent givos tho list of casualties as five Indians, Including ono warrior, ono girl and thrco babies. Tho known casual ties among tho whltos consists of ono killed and ono wounJod. Says Captain Did Not Follow Route Laid Out Through the Mined Area NOT DECIDED ABOUT REPLIES TO NOTES Government Officials Anxious About Fate of Part of Evelyn's Crew. Or Associated rrcaa to Coo. liar Tlmet.I WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 23. President Wilson vlows tho sinking of tho Amorlcan atenmer Evelyn In tho North Sea ns a tragic accident, ho told callers today, and ho has been unofficially Informed that her captain was not following tho Bafo courso laid out for him. lto added thnt warnings havo bcpn given that mines wera planted in tho area In which tho Evelyn wns sunk. Tho Presldout indicated that ho linn not yet determined whether re plies would bo sent to the recent notes from Germnuy mid Great Brit ain on tho war zono and use of tho American flag. Government offlclnls awaited with some nnxlety word as to tho fato of 13 of tho crow'of tho Evelyn, who woro reported to havo rowed to tho Holland const, after tho ves sel sunk. JO 0 E US FIRE WITNESS TURKS ARE DEFEATED Dr Associated l'rese to Coos liar Timet. PETItOGRAD, Fob. 23. Tho report of fighting In tho Caucasus received today, says that on Fobrunry 21 thero weio engagements with tho Turks In tho vicinity of Tohoruk, tho rcBtilt of which was that tho Turks woro driven beyond tho rlvor. GERMANS FAIL TO PAY COST 0E PRISONERS (Dr Associated ritu ti..uu Dar TlmM. WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb. 23 The Entente Allies (England, Franco nnd Russia,) havo nuulo representa tions to tho United Stntcs that Germnny la not mooting tho cost of caring for tho prisoners ot war In tho Allies' camps, and thoy havo asked tho United States, as caring for tho diplomatic Interests of all tho warring powers, to mnko rep resentations to Dorlln. RUSSIANS CLAIM AUSTRISAR E BADLY DEFEATED IM GALIGIA EIGHT HOUR LAW FOR WO.MEX VALID WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23. Tho California olght- hour labor law for womo'n employed In manufacturing and morcantllo ostnbllsh- ments, except thoso In hor- vesting and conning fruit, boarding houses and grndti- ato ntirBes In hospitals, was upheld as constitutional to- day by tho Stturomn Court. 'Petrograd Announces That uzars r-orces are Staying Germans in Poland NORiei c CARRIER su SHERIFF ILL, COLLECT TAXES RINDEiURC ROUTES G R mm IF IS 0,001 II THE IMTH RHEIMS UIDER HOT FIRE OF GERMANS spatches From Poland Today 3laim 30,000 Slain and 60,- uuu Taken Prisoners iMNANTS NOT ABLE TO CHECK VICTORS rd Fighting and Extraordin ary Marches by Germans Accomplished Deed1 IDr AaaoclateJ Trcaa to Cooa Par Timet. 3UWALKI, Poland, Sopt. 23. p German forces undor Marshal !! HIndenborg, by hard fighting Id extraordinary marches, has ln- li-'tfit a striking defeat on tho Rus- ns. opposed to thorn In tho recent litles of the Mazurlan Lakes Coun pTho Russian remnants are a neg- pblo quantity In tho operations pw In progress. The Russians killed and wounded the last four days flshtlnc aro ftlmated at 30.000. Over 60.000 Joo Drookor.tno supposed eighth victim ot the Hunker Hill flro and tho mnn for whom search was Insti tuted as, far north as Soattlo audi south to San Francisco, camo ovor from Myrtle Point this morning with A. P. Davis, of tho sheriff's offlco and this nftornoon appeared as a wit ness boforo the coroner's Jury. Despite tho fact that tho man is said to bo only a witness in tho caso he was placed in tho Jail nt Myrtlo Point last night by Doputy Shorlff Laird. Constable Cox for sovoral days has carriod an order from Ward Dlako, nt tho Smith Mill, to arrest tho man on sight, though It Is doubt ful If tills could havo been dono as no warrant was scut hero for au ar rest. What Drookor will havo to divulge is a matter ot rlfo speculation. "Ho undoubtedly was a light sloopor," said Charles Skerrott this morning, "and awakened at tho first alarm. Ho would havo had plouty ot tlmo'l to got dressed. Ho didn't havo much to put on'nnyway." Tho fact that Drooker was soon hurrying through tho halls fully dressed in his exit from tho building I first of next month will bo appolut prompted suspicions when ho left ! cd chief clerk and given chargo of llllrllll' tlln tlrn nntl fnllnri In atmur Hin nfflpn WHI-If. A. I'. DllvlB. WllO Maytorena'S Soldiers Force i up whllo tho officers wero searching' has been looking aftor tho offlco Saloon and uance Han men to Flee to United States I AMERICANS OUT Arranging For Taking Back Duties Davis Becomes Second Deputy Soon Shorlff Alfred Johnson, Jr., Is beginning preparations to rcsunio tho collection ot tnxos in his offlco, a now law enacted by tho Legisla ture last week transferring tho col lection of taxes back from tho Troas uror's offlco to that of tho Sheriff. Tho law will not becomo offoctlvo for ninety dnys, so for that interim County Treasurer Dlmmlck will handle tho collection. Tho Loglsla turo, which adjourned Sunday nftor a fow days deadlock, first sought to attach an emergency clauso to tho moasuro, to mnko it offoctlvo nt ono and thus havo tho Sheriffs' of fices handlo nil of this year's col lections, but this was not dono. This will add considerably to tho duties of tho Sheriff's offlco nnd ho will havo to increaso his clerical forco considerably. Treasurer Dlm mlck now hns sovoral assistants aid ing him, Makes Change. In consequeuco of this, Shorlff Johnson has uiado a slight chango in ids nppointmoiits. L. W. Oddy, who hn3 bcon second doputy, the Steamer Rcgin Goes Down as Result of Mine or Torpedo Near Bordeaux Ilr AlvkIiI riTM (o Cooa liar TlmM.) LONDON, Fob. 23. TIio Norwe gian Btonmor Renin was mink this morning off Dover, either by n Biib marine or mine. Tho crow wns sav ed. Tho Hegln was carrying coal from the Tyne to Dordeaiix. Slin sank ten minutes after sho was struck. THE000R LOSES' OUT IN HAYTI Anothcr-Revolution Overturns Government of Turbulent ,lsland Republic BERLIN AND VIENNA DENYTHESE CLAIMS Claim Russians are Suffering Heavy Losses and Reverses Almost Everywhere (Or Ainotlalad rrria to Cooa nar Tlmo.J LONDON, Fob. 23. Potrograd claims tho Austrlans suffered boavy losses In tho recent fighting In Gnl Icla and claims sovoral victories for tho Russians, in Northern Po land, It is said, n successful stand ban been made agntiiHt tho Germans. Dorlln nnd Vienna, however, toll of Russian reverses and heavy losses. Dorlln roports that thp attompt of tho Russians to check tho Gor mnn advance uorthwost of Grondo failed. In tho west, tlto Gorman war of flco reports tho town of Snttlokopf, In Vosges, tnkon from the French by storm . TIio French attack north of PorthoH wnH repulsed. Paris saya that tho Gorninn bom bnrdmeiit of RIioIiiib yesterday did much damage, especially to tho cathedral, Olhorwlso, there was lit tle activity In tho wost. (Dr AaaoclataJ I'rena to coat Dar Tlmw.J NACO, Fob. 23. Americans who recently opened saloons and dauco halls In Naco, Sonora, woro fugi- for him during several dajs. Ho appeared for work at tho'Smith Powers camp at Wagner on Monday morning and word was at onco sont to tho coroner's Jury. work, will bo appointed second dop uty, Geo, Laird continuing as first doputy. Tills will mean that Messrs. Johnson, Laird and Davis will han- ' d!o tho criminal work and outside NEW HAYTr REVOLT (Ilr AiwkUIM I'rrtt to Coot liar Tlntra. WASHINGTON, Fob. 23. Dnvllmnr Thcodor has ab dicated as Presldout ot Hay tl and tnkon rofugo on the Dutch steamer Frederick Hondrlx at Port Au Prlnco. Tho stoamor will proceed to Curacao. ft Dr Atiocltt! Treat to Coot Dar Tlmw.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 23. Local officials havo taken chargo of Haiti's capital, awaiting Gonornl Giilllaumo, leador of tho revolution ary army, which is outsldo tho city. Thoodor's abdication Is tnkon to forecast a bettor condition in Haltlcn affairs, In which tho United States will carry out Its purpose to solid a commission to tho republic In an effort to put Its finances In n con dition satisfactory to foreign cred itors and restoro order. FLEET II LIED BAY (HITS TIDE Worst Bar This Year Says Captain Olson; Elder Out- Side Since Yesterday Tho worst bar this year is tho way Captain Olson, of tho Adolino ex pressed himself Inst evening aftor ho went down In tho lower Day nnd found It Imposlhle to cross out. Word from the Capo Arngo llglithouso also stntos that tho sons aro breaking n- croBs tho entire ontrnuco. At six o'clock this morning tho George W. Elder, lying off tho bar slnco olcou o'clock yestorday morn ing, nttomptod tho entrnnco but Captain Lorstodt was forced to go back again, Iio sout n wiroless that ho would mnko another attompt at throo o'clock when thero Is a high tldo and ho may arrlvo In tho upper bay lato this nftornoon. Thero nro nt tho prosout tlmo four boata In tho lower bay waiting to cross out. Tho Yollowstono, bound for San Francisco, tho Redondo, also for tho south, wont down Sunday nrtornoou but found tho sons too stiff. Tho Adolino wont to tho on tranco Inst ovonlng and tho Nnnn Smith loft down at throo o'clock this nftornoon. Though tho wind lias died down nnd tho Indications aro that tho sons arq quieting it Is bollovod that nono of tho boats will get out at least bo- tlves today on tho American side, . ... , .. ... , i . ii i - i io. .'j'ns in tho morguo at tho Wilson JIUVIIlg UVU UU1UIU 11 UUHU "l .' No arrangements havo been mado work and Mr. Oddy will look after for thn liiirlnl nf th flvn l.mllnn nnwi l"0 OUICO WUIK torena's soldiers, who terrorized the town last night, looting the liquor establishments of tho most costly stocks nnd then shooting them up. No ono was killed. Many Houses Set on Fire, 20 Citizens Killed and Much Damage Done Dr Aaoclale4 1'n.a to Cooa Bar Tlmet.J PARIS, Feb. 23. Tho official re port this afternoon says; "The bom bardment of Rlielms yesterday wns extremely violent, Fifteen hun dred sholis dropped in all quarters of the town. What remains of tho cathedral was made a special target and sufferod seriously. About 20 houses wero fired and 20 citizens killed. East of Argonne, between Malincourt and the Meuse, our bat tery found a German battery, and blew up their ammunition wagons." ALL vfsiTIXa MOOSE nnd ALL Asians out of a total of 150,000 LOCAL MOOSE are EXPECTED to pngaged, aro prlsonora In Gorman bo PRESENT at tho MEETING AND ands. SMOKER TONIGHT. iTHORAI LOF OIL LAI VALID Undertaking Parlors but Fred WII- Durlng tho past month, tho Sher iff's offlco has collected more than Dr. If. E. KKLTY, DENTIST- Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coke Dldg. fforo tomorrow sometime UNITED STATES' PLAN TO 00 T EMBARGO YEN son last night stated they would l.avo ?50001,ln ''"J"03, , u , to be bulled at leant by tomorrow. . "H?" lt Hnlary. iiuoriri jouiiHon wisues u niiuwu thn.t in his appolntmont of J. C. Donne as Doputy Sheriff, It wna with tho strict understanding that Mr, Doano was not to recoivo any sal ary as Deputy Sheriff, his ontlro re Very fow relatives of tho dead mon havo beon heard from, lli-ooker Tells Version Coronor Wilson said at 3 o'clock that Lrooker would probably not comploto bis testimony in less thun an hour. Ho said that Drooker had 1 not revealed much now. Ho said thnt numeration coming from tho Mer chant's Patrol. Furthermore, Mr. Johnson says that ho Instructed. Mr Drookor claimed that ho had been , Daano to ,)ny attention strictly to awakened by a cry of firo, then . dressed and had all his clothes when U. S. Supreme Court Sustains VTA th0 door ,t0 0' "7!" i- 'in :.i i Ttt ! that ho gavo ono of his blunkets to an almost naked inmate who was trying to escape. Ho said that ho stepped out on tho porch went down tho watertank tower and spent tho nigiit In tho little depot and pro ceeded to Wagner to get work, walk ing out. Coroner Wilson said that the Jury would probably adjourn again tp Investigate some other reports and also check up Drooker's story. Incendiarism Rumors Action of President Taft in Two States Br Aoclite4 Treaa to Cooa Dar TIojm.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23. President Taft's withdrawal of oil lands in California and Wyoming. In 1909, was upheld today by the Supreme Court, and entry claims of Individuals and corporations valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, wore annulled thoroby. PALACE MEAT MARKET 8F.LLS Stories of possible Incendiarism THE REST MEAT. are being gono Into as complotly as his duties as ulghtwntchman and not to Interfere In any way with tho po llco of Marshflold. He said that as Doputy Shorlff, Mr. Doano should only make arrests In cases of fel ony. possible. These apparently are more rumors but it is the determination ot the Jury to make tho investigation most complete In every respect. Until Drooker completes his testi mony, It will not be known whether ho will be released. Drooker had not settled his board bill at the Craig hotel and if Proprietor Craig wns so disposed, ho could havo boon apro bended for beating bis board bill. Proposal Submitted to German I and London Foreign Of I ficcs Simultaneously DETAILS KEPT SECRET PENDING ANNOUNCEMENT Berlin Says Germany May Ac cept No Intimation of Eng 1 fish Action DKRLIN. Fob. 23. Ambassad r Gerard last night prcsontcd to tho Foreign Offlco tho Amorlcan note which ombodlos tho Amorlcan pro posals for a settlement of tho situa tion arising from the Dritlsh em bargo on food stuffs luto Germany and Gorman warfaro against Drit lsh merchant shipping. It is understood tho proposals OR SALE nt very low figures wero submitted simultaneously In and easy tinns; 1 1 pure invd and London. I joar old Jersey cows of (lie piodtic-l No statement regarding the nature lug kind, duo to freshen soon; also of theso proposals or tho Gorman at 10 Jieifeit from io to 17 nios. old? tltudo on them can bo obtained also fine bulls, If Jiiteiosted inquire hero, but It Is holloed thero Is nt of V, A, Sacchi, Miirshflold, Or. least a prospect of their accoptanco This stock Is not In Coos County, bj Gormauy. FLEET SHOOTS UP SOUTHERN FORTS Or tsoelated Trot to Coot Ilr Tlmm.J TPARIsf Feb,"" 23. Tho llalkan Nows Agency received a dispatch from Athens, saying that tho Al lies' floot in bombarding tho Dar danelles, throw 2000 heavy projoc tllcs into the Turkish forts Sunday. Tho Ottoman battorlea replied foo bly without hitting tho warships. Tho Allies continued tho flro Mon day, but with diminished Intensity.