THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1915-EVENING EDITION. THREE W$2W Button s igi nriL iitue liung , so bothersome when it 3S off of your trousers at wrong time! The manufac- I'S of ' DUTCHESS TROUSERS so confident- that every in and stitch are doing I duty that they au- jjze us to pay 10 Cents .every button that comes or1 $1.00 if the trousers vyithin two months after base. Read the warranty attached to the waist- oleii Mill Store Two Stores DOTSON HOTEL $ ROOM AND HOAUI) i.eo per aveeic and up free iiatii , Second mill Curtis Avo. II. H. Itanic.H, Prop. I. Jcsscn, M. D. MIYSIOIAX AND SURGEON nry and DIsoaBos of Wotnon n Specialty. on & Hanson bldg. Phono 229-J F890 Cor. 0th & Klrod. Ph. 1CC-J aim: you going to PAINT THIS SPHIXG? Yor ought to. ;wi: iivvi: the quality vi: have tiii: price SlIltMCi: ALWAYS rshficld North Bend et a Receipt Phone 394-J. Coos Bay ea, Coffee & Spice House badway bet. Central and Commercial DON'T BE They hjiy WAR PRICES nio high. mi not high and WE CAX SAVE YOU MOXKY aa wo carry no over- 1'Ciiil expeuso and save you that on tho cost lu HARDWAHE, 'UMIH anil FARM IMPLKMEXTS, which is to YOUR AD- ytaoi:. J Schroeder 8h llarduaro Oeiicral repair Bhop. W5 MESSEMBEH TWO PIIOXES. CVLL US FOR CARS, TAXICA1IS, EXPRESS WAGONS. MVRSIIFIEl.n OVCLERY. BREVITIES TIDICS FOR FEBRUARY Time mul Height or Titles Mui-ghflcld. nt Tho titles nro placed In tho ordor of occurrons beginning nt midnight with their times on tho first lino and holghts on tho second lino of each dny. A comparison of conse ciitlvo heights will lndtcato whether It Is high or low water. High wntor on tho bar 2 hours and :M minutes Enrllor than nt Mnrshrield: nt North Hand, 1 hour nnd 11 minutes earlier than Mnrsh flold. 22IIrs.. 0.13 Ft... 23Hr8.. 1.42 Ft . . . 2.8 2-lJHrs.. 3.20 Ft... 3.0 25Itrs. . 0.10 Ft... 4.0 2fiIlrs.. 0.157 Ft... 4.4 27llrs.. 1.3C Ft. . . 4.7 28Hrs. . 2,10 Ft. . . CI .7.10 fi.a c.i 10.08 n.2 t.r2 a.o n.iiG 2.1 C..I7 2.3 7.32 1.8 2.155 0.18 1.0 3.C 4.00 11.00 0.9 3.7 ft. 14 0.0 0.7 0.0 11.13 C.17 fi.4 0.3 12.10 O.fil (J.7 0.7 12. GO 7.30 CO 0.1 1.43 8.04 C.I 0.2 TRADE AT Till-: PALACE MEAT MAHKET. 0RPHEUM "Where Motion Pictures Look Better Change of program at present! Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, TONIGHT SUXDAV-MOXDAY SONG OF SOLOMON Two-pint KiIImiii with Edward Bouillon, tditmlnj; how song sue ct'Nhos uro ninrkvlcil. KNIGHTS OF TROUBLE PLOT THAT FAILED Split reel comic from tho Sollg studio. THE FATHER'S SCAPEGOAT Rlograph drama. BLIND BUSINESS CASEY'S BIRTHDAY Two-mibject coiulo by tho Lubln Manufacturing; Cominiiy. POWER TO FORGIVE Yltugruph hli-ong western drama with Anita Stewart, A good pic til 10. ROBERTA SAUXDEHS will sins, Big Orphcuiii Mulliico Sunday ut 2:00 p. in. 10c :: ALWAYS :: 10c LQIHSKI THEATER T FHE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE FAUST AND FAUST, Pnntomluo musical comedians. This team comes hero woll recom mended and l euro to mnko n hit with tho public. THE TEST OF FLAME. Drama In two reofs by Domino Co, Floronco Lawronco nnd Matt Mooro In A MYSTERIOUS .MYSTERY in two rools. King Baggot In SILENT VALLEY n two-reel Imp drama. MUTUAL WEEKLY XO. 08 Latest plcturo nows from tho sent of wnr. Eureka, California, colobrates the completion of tho now $ 13,000,000 railroad. Sovon of all-featuro reels and a high-class vaudeville act. Lower floor, 15c; ontlro balcony, 10c. Children under ten years, Cc. Horo tomorrow' night: tho World Film Corporation presents THE DOLLAR MARK In flvo parts. Paulino Joseph was detained to play nn extra night in Bandon, but will bo horo tomorrow night. MISLED Wo wiy OUR PRICES nro Hildenbrand's & Plumbing. SEHVIGE ISH " 15( UROAUWAV TOlu WEATHER FORECAST llij AMocltted Fr to Coos I), Times. Oregon nnin west, rnlu or snow East, southor- ly winds. LOCAL TEMPEILVTURE RECORD For the 24 houra ending nt 4:43 n. m. Feb. 22, by BenJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont moteorologlst: Mnxlmum 49 Minimum 30 At 4:43 n. m 42 Precipitation 85 Prcclpltntlon Dlnco Sept. 1, 17014 50.34 Precipitation samo porlod Inst year 47.19 Wind, Southwest, cloudy. - horn i 4 FLOTON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Floton, of North Hond, at Morcy Ilospltnl, Fpbruary 21, a nlno and ono-hnlf pound boy. Doth mother and son nro doing very well. Xow Engineer. Mnjor Henry. C. Jowott, of Washington, D. C, has been nsslgncd to tnko tbo plnco of Mnjor Morrow nt Portland. Ho will nrrlvo thero soon. Xow Houses. Mrs. Rosa Proilss Is plnnnlg to erect a liouso on Elrod Avcnuo noar Fourth stroot. Mr. Halo of South Ton tli stroot Is also figuring on erecting a flno home. Father Vljeiv Alfred Johnson Jr. who was horb today from Coqulllo said that his father, Alfred Johnson, Sr. wnB gradually growing wenkor at San Rnfnol, California. Cnso Still Up. On consent of counsel of both sides tho dlvorco enso of Oraa McQInnls wns continued today In J ml go Coko's office-' nd probably will not bo finished until somotlmo tomorrow. Another Man. Ernest W. Smith, son of Lovl Smith nnd brother of Frank Smith, of tho Coos Rlvor Hatchery, wishes it stated that ho wns not tho man In Jail Thursday night for Intoxication. Mr, Smith does not uso Intoxicants and ho thinks that uomo offender simply used his n a mo. No Action "ikou. Tho County Commissioner i did not tako any action on tho nppolntmont of a Roadmastor or tho merging of tho Job with that of tho County Engin eer last wook. It Is understood that It will not bo takon up until tho April torm, probably. P. M. Hall-Lowls had a long petition In asking that ho bo rotalnod In thnt capacity. Weil Saturday. Irving LoNoir Ragdalo and Miss Nolllo J, Olson woro united in marriage Saturday ovonlng at tho homo of tho brldo's parents nt Eastsldo, Rov. B. F. Bong- (iton officiating. (John L. Johnson nnd Miss Illldur West nttonded thorn, A largo number of relatives and frlonds woro In nttoiidanco and a (jlnnor wns enjoyed 'following tho nuptials. Council Mietrt TomoiTOW. Bo cniiBo todny Is Wnahlngton's birth day, honco n logal holiday, thero will ho no mcotlng of tho city council tonight. Tomorrow ovonlng thoy will gathor around tho long tnblo to discuss tho enroa nnd worrlos of tho city. Tho banks woro closed today, but tho schools held neaslon cme o: tho classes, marking tho day with appropriate exorclHos. Quarry Case. Partlos arriving from Floronco stato that tho first reports from thoro about tho troublo over tho right qt way across tho stono quarry being settled woro er roneous. Contractor Scarpa!!! and hla crow aro constructing tho right .i i. .i i. fP.. of way through tho Point Terrace Mill property nnd not over tho quarry, the latter still being held up by condemnation proceedings at Eugeno. Finds Elk Horns Max Robberts, who enmo In from tho Smkh-Pow-crs camp at Coaledo to spend Sun day nt tho homo of his sister, Mrs, Cha8. Van Duyrf, brought u a sqt of elk horns that woro found In the woods near tho camp. Thoy woro a largo sqt. Tom Dashnoy is now foreman of tho camp and thoy hayo about u mouths work tearing up tho balance of tho old rallwny after which they will movo to tho Myrtlo Polut lino. Flno HhX'ilcil Poultry. F. E. Ray mond, of First Addition, recently re-, celvod a prlzcwinnlng Plymouth Roqk cockerel from tho yards of A. O. Bernt?en, Of Eugene, Oregon. Mr, Berntzen's stock has taken tho bluo ribbons at a great mqpy of the Ore gon shows and some of the Califor nia shows during tho past upasqn, p,nd Mr. Raymond thinks with his breeding pen, headed by this prize bird, that ho has ho best pen of Barred Plymouth f Rocks In Coos County. S. Cattron, of tho U. S. Biological, survey, while hero Bald thnt ho did not think that Representative Dnrrow's bill extending tho open Beason on ducks from January 1G to February 1 will avail anything. Ho snld thnt tho Federal law fixed tho season as closing January 15 nnd this will bp ndhored to. Mr. Barrows tried to get tho season changed for tho Coqulllo Vnlley only, but tho bill wns amended to Includo nil of Coos County. ShcWduu Lost A Jury nt Hoseburg brought In n verdict for $5090 for Mrs. Lnurn Vorroll, who wnB suing tho First National Bnnk of nosoburg. T. It. Shorldnn, of North Bend was tho principal In tho enso ns Mrs. Vrrell charged that ho took $5000 from her de posit nnd used It himself. Mr. Shcrldnn claimed ho had her con sent to do so. Later tho bank was sold, tho old stockholders of tho First National retaining $48,000 of doubtful paper, Brother Is Snfo. Miss Louisa Blatt has received" a lottor from Hugh S. Gibson, sccrctnry of tho American lcgntlou nt Brussolls, stat ing that her undo, Armniul Blatt Ducobu, nnd his wlfo, nro safo In Brussels nnd both nro enjoying good health. Armnnd Blatt Is n brother of John A. Blatt, of Marshflold, and wns n prominent Bolglnn manu facturer, tho tltlo of Ducobu bolng glvon him by tho Bolglnn govern ment. Slnco tho war, thoy havo boon unablo to correspond direct. Funeral Yestcnl")'. Tho funornl pf Mrs. Ben F. Wymoro was held yestordny, Rev. 0. LoRoy Hall of ficiating. Sho was thirty-four years old nnd hor father, J. A. Roberts, Uvea nt Jennings Lodge, Oregon. Mrs. Rita Bohlman, n Bister, lives nt Portland nnd nnother' sister, Mrs. Emma Hess, lives at Park Place, Oregon. Tho flvo chlldron surviving aro YJoIot, Florence, Mau rice, Lnthor and Paul. Tho family resided near Mtlllngton and Mrs Wymoro died nt 'Morcy Hospital fol lowing an operation. Will Return Hero. Dick Mills, or Miller, ns his right namo scorns to bo, Is expected to return soon from California, whoro ho was taken to answer n chargo of non-support. Ho was employed as a brakonian on tho Smith-Powers lino and lived at Mtlllngton. A tologrnm was re ceived from him tho othor dny, ask ing It his Job was still good nnd saying that tho California Judgo boforo ho was arraigned, wanted to know. From this It was takon that tho Judgo Intended to pnrolo him If ho lint! stondy omploymont. A tol ogrnm was sent to him saying that ho could havo Ills old position. Hoi'ho KIckH Boy. Playing In tho farmyard nt his homo in Allegany yostorday nftornoon, five-year-old Harold Ott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess N. Ott, was kicked in tho head by n horso nnd last evening wns hurried to Mnrshfleld 'whoro sovoral stltchos woro takon in his hond abovo tho eyos. Today tho llttlo follow Is much improved and will soon bo nblo to return to hla homo. At the tlmo of tho nccldont a dog ran undor. tho horso barking, and this worried tho nnlmul and Imme diately ho struck back, tho llttlo following being struck full In tho faco. To Apiwil Judgment. Not Ico of appeal In tho Circuit Court of tho caso of Lamboth versus Morrow has been mado by attornoys for Lynn Lamboth, who seek to tako tho caso out of tho Jurisdiction of tho Juutlco Court. Two weeks ago Judgo Feimock decided Lamboth was re sponsible for surgical operations performed on his brother-in-law, Lewis Mnrtln, constituting a remark of Lambeth's to moan that ho prom- IboiI to pay Dr, Morrow. As tho ',7, ' ,;. In. . .i-i should pay tho $17G bill presented x,' fn n,A ,,, result tho Judgo found that ho tho lattor was told to pay Lambeth $17 for automobile )ilro, Appeal to Supremo Court. An appeal to tho Supromo Court is be ing mado by August Nolson In tho caso Involving tho Fletcher Tlmbor Estate which was decided October C, 191-1 by Judgo Coko in favor of tho heirs, Henry H. Fletcher and Mlnnlo E, Stadelmnn. Tho propqrty, which consists of 1G0 acres of timber land near Bluo Rtdgo, now said to bo worth about $10,000, was sold at an administrator's salo by Nolson for G40. Tho two heirs woro afterward found and tho salo was declared vod. Tho property has changed hands several times and at tho tlnie of the first suit was Ip tho hands of Miner and Warden, of Menasha, Wis. quy C. H. Corliss, of Portland, has been retained as attqrn,oy fpr Nolson whllo Hoy and Miller represent the heirs. lVY 11LOOBED STOCK; W. E. Smith nnd Fred jressorle havo both purchased young bulla put of F. A. Saechl's herd. i Kxlvnd SeaM.n. H. &fkmM W. II. KEATING loft for Portland Saturday on tho Breakwater. MRS. W. F. HODSON will leavo on the Nairn Smith for California. J. L. MILLER, a prominent young rancher from Coqulllo, Is spend ing a few days here. F. L. WILSON and wlfo and son, ' Clifford, expect to leavo tomor row for San Francisco. J. ALBERT MATSON expects to leavo tomorrow for n fow weeks stay In San Francisco. MR. and MRS. C. R. PECK nnd child spent yesterday up tho Coob River nt their summer cottage. MRS. EVELYN JOHNSON and chil dren, Paul and Virginia, oxpect to lenvo tomorrow for Cnllfornln points. PROF. DAVIDSON, Instructor In iiiuslo In tho Myrtlo Point schools, Bpcut Sunday with Mnrshfleld friends. ARNO MBREEN, of tho Smith Mill, loft today for San Frnnclsco whoro ho expects to be gono for scvcrnl days on business. S. A. CARMICHAEL enmo in today from Bunker Hill whoro ho Is con? noctod with tho Swnyno & lloyt. logging oporatlons. NELS OSMUNDBONTdoputy County dork, canto over yesterday to Bpend tho day hero with frlonds, today being a legal holiday. MR8..C. A. DUKE, of Portland, who en mo down to attend tho funornl of Ivor sister, Mrs. Winkler, re turned homo Snturday. SHERIFF ALFRED JOHNSON came over from Coqulllo this morning and tomorrow will sorvo n fow papers regarding legal enses. MR. AND MRS. A. L. BUT, loft Oil the Rcdondo yesterday for San Francisco. Mr. Blitz expects to return nt tho end of a two-weeks' vacation. W. O. CHANDLER nrrlvcd homo from Snn Francisco yostorday af ter spondlng thrco weeks in the Pouth recoivlng nttontlon from a throat specialist. ' JOHN R. SMITH, who claimed to havo discovered gold noar tho Coos nnd Curry county lino roturnod yesterday on tho Nairn Smith from San Francisco. D, T. MAOEE, drug salesman, caino back yostorday on tho Nnnn Smith from Snn Francisco af(or throo '.woks visiting his southorn terri tory nnd in Snn Frnnclsco, JOHN DASIINEV, foreman of tho Smith-Powers Logging Company, will return to his camp tonight nftor spondlng sovoral days nt homo rccuporatlng from nn attack of rhoumutlsm. OEQROB SCHAI'ERS, rancher noar IfOon Lnko, was Id tho city today for tho flrpt tlmo In A year. Ho walked down 1C miles from hla ranch to Allegany, whoro io took tho boat. MRS. HARRY O. HOY has gono to Waldport with tho two chlldron and will spend soveral weeks thoro on a Ymlt. JSho passed through Albany on her way for a abort stay with her sister. JAMES WATSON, County Judgo, enmo over Snturday to spend u few days at tho homo of his parents, Judgo and Mrs. D, L. Wntson, nt Cpos City, whllo ho Is rccuporatlng from tho effects of a sorious attack of la grippe. J. O. STEMMLER nml wife, of Myrtlo I'ont, aro expected horo today on route to San Francisco, Whoro thoy will tako In tio ex position, Mrs. Stommler has not b,eou fn the best of health nnd hopes that a short stay n Califor nia will provp bonoflclal to her. AMONG THE SICK Because of delay In the Paralso's leaving Portland this weok, frolght for tho Arrow Line bound in hero, was brought today aboard the Elder that thoro might bo po do)ay in del'v ery. James Boone, englnocr on thq Smith-Powers lino beyond Myrtle Point, came in yesterday to securo med'eal treatment fpr au Injury to his finger, which had become infect ed. Ho went to Sumner to seo his mother, who was quite ill. Mrs. Stanley Henderson has been qulto ill pf la grippo tho past week. .PALACE .MEAT MARKET SELLS TIE 11EST MEAT, f SOCIAL CALENDAR MONDAY Open meeting of J'rogross Cl)ib with Mrs. A. 11. Old ley. TUESDAY Eastern Star social North Bond Auction Bridgo Club with Mrs. A. S. Ham mond. C W. B. M. wllh Mrs. H. W. Painter. WEDNESDAY Narcissus Club with Mrs. Inglo Peterson. Jolly Dozou with Mrs. Brockmuollor. Roynl Auction Club with Mrs. Mnlr Dapo. North Bend Prcsbytorlan Aid nt Church pnrlors. 1). M. O. Club with Mrs. ' uoy urai nard. Baptist Ladles Sllvor Ten With Mrs. J. T. Byors. MotliodlBt Mlsslonnry Homo Society with Mrs. W. II. Perkins. THURSDAY American Yeomon with Mrs. It. M, Alboo. Rainbow Club with Mrs. Don McCrary. Norwegian Lutheran Y. & L. Aid with Miss EJslo Lar- t son. Eastsldo Sowing Club with Mrs. Frank Proy. N. B. Altar dilld with Mrs. Archlo Phillips. . FRIDAY Now card club with Mr. and Mrs. M. G, Coleman n " North Bend, , 4 Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. . L. a, Lang. SATURDAY Mlnno-WU with Mrs. f Mary E. Thompson. Mothers' ntid TcachorB' Club In Bunkor Hill. r FINE DAOE. Tho Marshflold Lodgo of Elks hojd tholr monthly dance Wodnosdny ovo nlng. About twonty-flvo couples oil- Joyed ono of tho best times thoy havo had In a month slnco tho last danco. ! THE GERMAN OLUIt Slnco organization of tho Marsh flold Gorman Club, it has grown into n practical reality and Its future buccoss ussurod, Tho chartor com prises n list of forty mombors, nid whllo Its object la good fellowship, tho club has donated Kb first ton dollars to tho Gorman Rod Cross Sucloty. Tho organization being comploto, n celebration befitting tho occasion will bo had in tho way of n ball nnd banquot In strictly Gor man style, op Saturday, February 27, In Odd Fellows Hall. jaDlliS GUILD MEET1XG 4 Tomorrow afternoon la opon moot, lug of tho Ladles' Guild and nil clubs and soclotloa nro cordially In vited to nttond, Mra. Guy Warper and MrB. Otto Schottor will have chargo of tho program and have preparod Interesting papers on tho subject: "Moving Pictures nn Aid In Education nnd Who Censors Them." 4 IXTKRKSTINO WEDDING Many Marshflold jieoplo will if mombcr most pleasantly Miss Helen KayMimd, of Charles City, lown, who was the guest of Mr. nnd. Mrs. H. 8. Tpwor during the summer months throo years agp, and tio nn nouncomout of hor marriage (9 Mr. Edward N. Waterbury, of tho samo city will bo honrd with Interest, Mr, Watorbury has also vlnlted In Marsh flold, whoro le was thq guest of Mr, and Mrs. P. M, Wilbur, both tho Wll burs and tho Towora bolng fprjnor Charlos city residents. Following Is the dqscrlptlqn of (ho wedding taken from tho Dally Press of that city; 'Mr. Edward N. Watorbury and MIhh llnlnn llnvninnd. twn nt dm . 8t R(, prqm,ielU peon,0 of tio cty, wore married nt 8:30 hist ovonlng by Rov. W. L. Dlbblo, of tho Congrogatlonal Church, at tho largo and elegant homo of tho brlo on Sprlggs street, tho Episcopal aor co bolpg PBed. The brldq wa.s dressed in a Veau t:fu' gown of crepe Georgette over v.htp satin trimmed with crystal, arid she carried a bridal bouquet f rpsqs, Hllqa pf tho valley with maiden hair fern, which waa a clus ter of raro beauty. Tho groom wuru tfto conventional black. ''Tho mi8e room lu which thoyf W?rp married, was n display of thousands of cut flowers and plants, of special mention bolng tho decor' ntlon of tho fireplace. I'Tho guests to tho number of about 40, following tho ceromony, Wero sorvpd an olabornto wedding luncheon. At tho bridal tnblo was n long mirror In tho center, extend ing nearly tho entlro length upoa which wns placed a candelabra. Among the decorations on tho tablo were mlntaturo roso trees, nn orig inal, Idea of Mr. Edward Mathows, dpslgned and mado by hlm( tho treo meaiiB hours of patient and artistic work. Tho walls wero decorated with sheaves of carnations. Each of. tho smaller tables woro also pret tily decorated with a. roso tree and othor decorations. "Tho groom's wedding gift to tho brldo wns a most beautiful largo dia mond lavalllor, while- tho lnrgo number of pretty wedding prosonta consisted for tho most part of cut glnis npd Bllvor wnrc. The brldnl couplo loft on tho onrly morning Illinois Central for Chicago Washington, Cuba nnd Intervening polntB, and thoy oxpoct to bo ab sent from Charles City for about six woekr. ' Only rolntlvon nnd tho moBt In- Uwnli frlonds woro presont. "Mrs. Watorbury has resided In Charles City most of hor Ilfo, tho daughter of tho lato Mr. nnd MrB. II. C. Raymond; sho is tin accom plished lady with mauy friondB nnd n wldo clrclo of ncqunlntnncos by Whom sho is hold In tho highest cs toom." . AT CLUB RECEPTION I Among thoso presont nt tho Coos Dny Womon'n Club recoptlQn for Mm. J. W. Wilson woro Mrs. A. E. Dimont and MrB. C. II, Curtis, Whoso nnincs wcro omitted from thq original list. MARRIAGE L1CEX8E3. Grovor E. Wilson nnd Lois O. Johuson. Irving LoNoir Ragsdnlo and Nolllo J. Olson. Chnrlcs H. Jlonrs nnd BJancli Edith Jones. Wlllinm A. Brldgos and DoEtto M. DoMoules. David O. Krantz, of Arngo, nnd Grnco Margaret Hubor, of Port land. Coqulllo Sontlnol. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 iVAiTISl 'XV JS.viy'lirtAUi.' on navtt of lnnd, or stono building or stock of drugs, In Pawnoo County, Ok Inhpina, for saw mill outfit, Ad droflB J. S. McMurlry. Mnramoc, Oklahoma. FOR HALE Full bloodotl younR llolsteln calves. Addross W. O. Morgan, North Coos Rlvor. IAST Snmll MK'ket account iKHik, partly filled, and having namo oC Albert Bnusford, Coos Bay Tlmos, In front. Plonso return to Tho Times. I WANTED I WANTED To trwlo for proHrty, real or personal, two Hinall Judg montn ngnlnst Klnnoy estates. Tel. 211-J. WANTED To sell H-chnlr harbor outfit, G mirrors, 2 worksttnds, gaa lteatqr, polo nnd cash roglstor. Ap ply to G. IL Tr.umnn, North Bopd. ' FOR SALE f FOR HALE a pair rubber !ootfl, slzo 7, Cheap. 2C(i N. 4th st. 1-Xlll SALl Mutor 'Kt. .Excellent qilglno, F. A, Saqclil. FOR HAL1 alitor White boar, J30. QO Phono 307X0 or address P. O. Box ?42, Nprth Bond, . 1 1 ii i FOR SALE 5-acro tract. $100. Ap. ply Box "R," Times offlco. J FOR RENT FOR KENT Housekeeping sute, Marshflold Hotel, Cor, Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L, FOR RENT Mtooiu hopso on First strcot, ?17. Phono 219-J. FOR RENT Largo fro?it rooms wjth boat. Sultablo for 2 or 3 persona. 2G5 N. Uh St. Idbbjr COAL. The kind YOU lavo ALWAYS USED. Phono 73. Pacific Llvory and Transfer Cqnipany. .j.M l-'OU TRAXSl'ER A'l STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOQDS l'Yelght and llaggugo, Call FERGUSON' TRANSFER Phono ldii. ltehldonco Plioiio 1U-J. Market ao. and Watw-front ' : L-H