The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 20, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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rat I T i 'iSfemrflE J
IbI 3ll 'rlM a! lw
III 1 flf II ,1 A'rSVvV
hA II II la,(vl 2dy Jw
fc II II jl It jAflr' jSjTi
Unnd Concert at 2 o'clock
In Orphoum Theater.
tlzlng refreshments, enabled ovprj'
one to thoroughly enjoy UiomBolvos.
nnarcta word expressed that Mrs.
Templln must loavo the neighbor
hood In which bIio has matlo many
i . . .
i friends nnd acquaintances.
4 i Tim following wcro present; mrs,
Open mooting of Progress K. Tomplin, Mrs. Oldmnrk, Mrs.
Club with Mrs. A. I). .Old-
Contlnucd Prom Pngo Four.
The liomo of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
"Connor, of First Addition was the
.scono of n most pleasant nffnlr
Thursday evening, Fobrunry 18,
when they entertained tho tucmliors
of the Lucky Thirteen Club nnd
their husbnnds. Tho ovonlug pass
cd nil too quickly with Jolly games
nnd conversation after which n
most nppctlzlng luncheon wnB serv
ed. The guests ndjournod nt n
lato hour nnd all voted Mr. nnd
.Mrs. Conner n populnr host and
Thoso present wore Mr. nnd Mrs.
Clydo OoBiiey, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. K.
close, tho hostess, nsalstcd by Mrs.
Ilussoll, served a fine lunch to the
I following guests: Mrs. A. Hend-
rlckson, Miss Mahaffy, Mrs. Chns.
Mnhaffy, Mrs. James Lnndrlth, Mrs.
Holm, Mrs. Knrdcll nnd members,
Mrs. If. B. Edwards, Mrs. Ed Nonh,
Mrs. P. E. Lhrson, Mrs. V. K.
Hood, Mrs. W. IJ. Piper, Mrs.
Heap, .Mrs. Clnudo Plpor and Mrs.
James Nowlln, who Will ontertaln
In two weoks.
4 .;. .j.
"5(H)" PARTY
Last Monday evening, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. II. Stnddon delightfully en-
tortaluod nt eight tables of five '
hundred In tho Stnddcn Studio on
Ilroiidwny. Mrs. Norls Jensen and r .
illnmlrv. Miv nml Mrn tl I.' Innn- , .. .. ,........ ... I
. " " '" - .wr. I'crrj" uuus'jn winning prizes,
lor, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. O. Oravcs, .An nbundnnco of huckloborry and
'Mr. nnd Mrs. Irwin Ynko, Mr. nnd
Mrs, Edwin Cameron, Mr. and Mrs.
.Lqwronco Hrndloy, Mr. nnd Mrs. 15.
C. Drews, Mr. C. W. Knight, Mrs.
M. L. Strotubcrg, Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
4 4
Tho Indies oT tho liny City Aid
mot last Wednesdny afternoon nt
tho homo of Mrs. A. L. Foster nnd
HPonttho tlmo In sewing and clint
ftftor which dnlnty refreshment woro
sc'rvod to Mm. C. Dcnnlson, Mrs. A.
A, Allnrd, Mru. J. P. Moloney, Mrs.
Kenneth Keller, Mrs. W. E. Park,
'Mrs. J. W, Illolmnn, Mrs. J. Hem
mlngwny, Mrs. II. Itogor drlnkloy
and Mrs. John Poole, who will bo
hostess In thrco weeks.
4 4
Lnat Thursdny afternoon, tho
Alert Club mot at the Coos Rivor
homo of Mrs, J, 12. Noah, tho mem
bers nud guests being convoyed
thoro pn W. II. Piper's lnunpli.
A pleasant fcaturo of tho after
noon was tho vocal duet "Sllvor
ThromlR Among tho Cold," hy Mrs.
Frank Jtood and Mrs. V. K. Hood.
, Tho Indies chattod over tholr
fancy work nud nt tho nftomoon'H
red hcnrtB woro used nnd gavo a
St. Valentino atmosphero to tho oc
casion. At n lato hour, refreshments
woro sorvod by tho hostess, assist
ed by Mrs. N. Jensen, Mrs. F. Den
ning nnd .Mrs. J. V. Ulldonbrnnd.
Mr, nud Mrs. Stnddcn's guests
Included: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V.
Mitchell, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win.
Schroedor, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. F. Lo-
Mteilx, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Q. Jnrvls,
Mr. and Mrs. Norls Jcnson, Mr. nnd
Mrs. T. S. Hnrvoy, Mr. nnd Mrs.
II. L. Crnwford, Mr. nnd Mrs. II.
A. Wolls, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 0. Kin
ney, Mr. nnd Mrs. F, L. Denning,
Mr. nud Mrs. J. W. Ulldonbrnnd,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Fourier, Mr.
nnd Mrs. K. N. Fenton, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Perry Dodson, Mr. and Mrs.
0. L. Dlndlngor.
Miss Helen Sprnguo and Messrs.
Louis Schroedor and I'M Llddcll.
4 4
Tho Sumner Sewing Club met
nt tho homo of Mrs. Win, Norton.
Tho nftornoou wns spent In noodle
work nnd social chat. Itofreiltmonts
Eastern Star saclnl
North Ilond Auction Hrldgo
Club with Mrs. A. S. Ham
mond. C. V r'. M with Mrs. H.
V. Pnlnter.
NnrclBsus Club with Mrs.
Ingle Peterson.
Jolly Dozen with Mrs.
Hoynl Auction Club with
Mrs. Mnlr Dnno.
North Ilond Presbytorlnn
Aid nt Church parlors.
D. M. C. Club with Mrs.
Hoy llrnlnnrdi
Dnptlst Ladles Sllvor Tea
with Mrs. J. T. Dyers.
Methodist Missionary
Homo Society with Mrs. W.
II. PorkliiH.
American Yeomen with
Mrs. II. M. Allico.
Hntubow Club with Mrs.
Don McCrnry.
Norweglun Luthornn Y.
L. Aid with Miss Elslo Lac
wen. EnstBldo Sewing Club with
Mrs. Frank Prey,
N. II. Altar (lulld with
Mrs. Archlo Phillips.
Ladles' Art Club with Mrs.
L. 0. Lnng.
Mlnno-Wlo with Mrs..
Mary E. Thompson.
Mothers' arid Teachers'
Club In Hunker Hill.
New enrd club with Mr.
nnd Mrs, M. G. Colcmnu In
North Rend,
llentz, Mrs. Karl Anderson, Mrs.
Hoy Snubort, .Mrs. Grandoll, tho
mIssos Mabol, Cora nnd Allco
4 1 Mnthlson, Slgna Larson, I.llllnn
.. .... i..l- nMM.lll .111.
urommcr, iunnu unuiuvii m,..
Th'orwnld, Lilly Dnlgle, Esther nnd
Myrtlo Nolson, Lilly qidmnrk nnd
Messrs Poter Ommel, liorbort Phil
lips, Osknr Antonsnn, Andrew An
derson, Cyril Hobert, Alfred Jaron,
Edward Erlckson, C. J. Nettld
ton, n. L. Knox, Alex Anderson
nnd Emit Qidmnrk.
.j. 4 4
Lnst Valentino's Dny, Miss Mario
nrnndnll nntnrtnlnod for n few of
' her little friends nt her homo In
Dunkor Hill. OnmcB nnd rofrcsh
montH afforded a plouBnnt pastlmo
for tho llttlo folks who woro: Eve
lyn Jackson, Elslo Lliidobcclt,
Edith Duncan, Hannah Hngqulst,
Myrtlo Stoon, Lndrn Holmoa, Agnes
Holmes, Agnes Llutlebeck and Jim
my Ludwlg.
; .
Tho Cotillion Clilb hold tholr
"Hard Tlmo Party" lnut Friday ovc-
. Inlng nnd nil present report a wondor
T I ful tlmo. Tho hall wnB artistically
Jdocornted and "good old" npplo elder
wns served. Tho music was furnished
by tho club orchestra, Morton's Harp
j Harmony Four.
1 Tuesday evening, Fobrunry 10, tho
4 I club mot nt Dr. Mott's for a social
4 I meeting und tho election of officers,
4 tho following being elected:
4 1 Arthur Harris, President.
4 I Eilznbeth Hooding, VIco President.
4 Ottilia Hooding, Secretary nnd
4 Treasurer.
Maud Martin, Nowb Agent.
Tho following committees were np-
Mrs, Wnltor Rogers, lone nnd Fern . pointed:
Rogers, Mrs. W. It. Spnde, Ar- Social nnuV IlofroBhmont Arthur
doth Spado, Mrs. L. U. Mastois, HarrlB, chalrmnn, Eugono Johnson,
Mies Olllo Richards, Mrs. J. .. Richard Rogers, Leo McLnln nnd
Mosters, Miss Hlldur Solnnder, M'ps ' Wosloy Taylor.
Iiothol Stock, Miss Agnes Mntson, I Membership Commlttco Ottilia
Mirs Oraco flnnfonl, .Mrs. II. W. Hooding, chairman, Jesslo King, Ollvo
Saurord, Clydo und Orln Snnforl, J Phillips, Thoresa Stein, Leo McLaln,
MIhh Jetso Norton, Mrs. Win. Nor- Percy Phillips and Tom Hngo.
ton nnd two visitors, .Mrs. Albort . Entertainment Commlttco Hor-
werc Horved In which Mrs. Norton j",vul """ llH '-iena urani. Jho bort Morton, chalrmnn. Hex stratton,
wiu assisted by Mrs. Farrln. Thoso ",xl ",ueu"K wl '" w" " I Qoldlo Rlggs nnd Anna Truoman.
present woro .Mrs. W. II. Farrln,
Frances nnd Wllnm Fnrrln, MrF.
Fred Hnnson, .Mrs. A. D. Wright,
L. (I. Masters.
(An Old Style lfa&f llAniQmi
Tho present memharshlp of tho
club Is ns follows: Mabel Wlckmnn,
Thoresa Stoln, Ottilia Hooding, Jesslo
King, Frieda Holm, Elizabeth IIool
)lng, Anna Hold, (loldlo Rlggs, Laura
Kruso, Mnllnda Andorson, Mnrjorlo
Swearlngcn, Anna Wlckmnn, Anna
ot Its cIobo served very dainty re
freshments to her guosts, who woro:
Mrs. W. M. Make, Mrs. E. MlngUB,
Mrs. A. E. Adelsporger, Mrs. J. S.
Hanson, Mrs. W. 8. NIcIioIboii, Mrs.
Converse, Mrs. Georgo F. Murch, Mrs.
It. E. Irwin, Mrs. Irwin, Sr., Mrs. W.
F. McEldowney, Mrs. Q. O. Suthor
Innil; Mrs. Vernon A. Smith nnd Mrs.
Rolfo Ncrdrum.
II. 11. II. MEETS.
Last ovonlug tho Ilaptlst Hoys'
Ilrothorhood enjoyed a delightful so
cial hour at tho church parlors.
Games, followed by refreshments
wero the chief diversions of tho eve
ning for tho following: C A. Smith,
teacher, Claud Post, Hector Stovons,
Harry Swartz, Lawronco Danlols, Job
bo Frantr, Lorcn DavlB, DoForest
Mason, Guy Clausen, EbiiioiuI Glos
sop, Win. McMnhon, 13. a. Kolscy and
Howard Kolloy.
; .
Tho EaBtsldo ladles' oystor sup
per given last Snturdny evening In
tho Council rooms, proved a do
cldcd success, tho ladies noting
about ?12. A lnrgo adlcnco lis
tened to tho following oxcollont
Song. "America." Audlonco
Recitation. "When God Was Just
n Llttlo Hoy." Nod Wllloy
Vocal Solo Win. Stcckol
Recitation. "Curly Head."
Ginovn Pcot
Vocal Trio. "The Slnnor and tho
Song." Mrs. West, Mrs. Drown,
Mr. Wtldo.
Vocnl Solo. "Haby Is Not For
Sale." Wllla Hyorly
Recitation. "Tho Vlllngo Hlnck-
Btnltli." Edna Vlncynrd
Recitation. "Tho Cottager's Dy
ing Child." Joan Mcllalo
Vocnl Soloi "Mother."
Her. Williams
Vocnl Duot. "Sing Mo tho Ro
sary." .Mrs. drown, Miss Drown,
Mario Galbrnlth.
Recitation. "It I Woro n Sun
beam." Horthn Vlncynri
Vocal Trio. "! Cnnnot Under
stand." Mrs. Drown, Mrs. Woqt,
Mr. Wilde.
Recitation. "Only n Tramp."...
. Jas. Mcllalo
Vocal Solo. "Tho Gambler's Con
fession." Roy Lcaton.
who included: Mr. and Mrs. Wnlto,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kontlng, tho Mlssfta
Esther Silverman, Dnfir, Eva. Dresser,
Holon Landlrth, Francon FranBo,
Gladys Graham, nnd tho Messrs. Roy
nt Nllcs, Flnndors, Sllvonunn, Dahr,
Johnson and A. Y. Myors.
Mrs. W. A. Held was hostoss Inst
Wednesday nftornoou to tho momborH.
of tho KloBtor Club, formerly tho iTruomnn, Ollvo Phillips, Maud Mar
Young Matron's Society. Mrs. Jny tin, Arthur Harris, C. W. Tnylor.l Stockol, Hyorly nnd WllllaniB.
H. Tower nnd Jlrs. J. W. Motley ' Eugene Johnson, R. W. Rogers, L. II. Rtnr Spangled Banner... Audlonco
Recitation. "Znchory Sot a Hon"
J. W. Stcckol
Vocnl Solo Mrs. Dyerly
Dlaloguo. "Tho Jonos Family."
Florenco Wllloy, Roy Loaton,
Lestor Horton. Nod Wilier. I
Rending Mnrlo Galbrnlth
Quartet. "Tell Mother I'll bo
Thoro." Mesrs. Kltson, Hyorly,
W. Stockol nnd Mnrlo Galbrnlth
Recitation. "Ostler Joe."
Jas. Mcllalo
Quartot. Messrs. Kltson, W.
woro ndded iih now members to tho 1 Mott, Sidney Btreot. Kobt. Donsmorc,
club, nud Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrcdo nnd , Win, Davis, E. M. Simpson, John Hnf-
Mrs. T. C. Ilussoll woro special ' nor, W. J. Phillips, Harold Jennings,
K"CHt8 j Tom lingo, Roy Hago, Roy Carr, Leo
A pleasant nftornoou of sowing McLnln. nonnlo King, Iris Elrod. Hor-
wns spont after which, tho guests
seated at 0110 tablo wero sorvod
a dollclnus ten by tho hostess, Mrs,
Ilussoll assisting. Mombers present
bort Morton, Rex Stratton, Harold
Simpson nnd Joo WliiRor.
Twolvo names woro ouggostod as
new mombors, tho following bolng nc-
woro: Mrs. It. W. Morrow, Mrs. J.lcot0li: Aiico McLnin. Hnlbort Car.
Q. Jarvls and children Ruth nnd ,8,0( Cyr Hobort. JHhol Connors,
Hllllo, Mrs. N. II. MoMlllun, Mrs. Kromont nodson, Anthony Eborhart,
1). E. Mnlonoy und dnughtor Ellz- Alfrm, Nun0Z( Knma Qimrtornin88
nboth nnd Miss Mnrgnrot Shaw. ,, nr Mon,Komory.
4 1 Tho club will hold Its next social
1 i.Miii.'iri.'i 1. putw 11 Wednesdny evening, Mnrch 10, nt
1 -.-..
Loggia Hnll,
4 4
Over a million people have forsaken the old style
uisngunng oirocais lor
XX glasses!!
Have You Had Your Eyes Scien
tifically Examined?
We have fitted over 500 particular people
with up-to-date glasses during the past
twelve months.
Why not join the throng of contented
We Duplicate Broken Lenses
While You Wait.
Jewelry Department. DRUGSTORE
Mrs. Ornndoll entertained nt n I
fnrowoll party last Monday evening ' i
flm t,n- nlatn. ftl HI 'Pn 1I ' I
i iuji omiui, .u in, i, minium, i fr .j.
who loft this woek for her homo In .,. . ,,, a, ,, .
0 . , , ., , Mrs. W. W. Stockcl wns n very
n .', irn '' 'I V0Ca,,l'IHlug hostess last Tuesday nf.or-
and InBtrumontnl, gnmos and appe- n(Jon o tho mQmbon Qf Kn8t.
"' ' sldo LudlqH' Aid, to whom sho sorv
od dainty refreshments uftor n
plonsant tlmo of Borvlng and chut.
Tho Aid will moot again In two
I weoks with Mrs. W. P. Hyorly.
Tho following woro presont: Mrs.
H. Rogor Ilrlnkloy MrH. W. P. Ry-
erly, Miss Swanson, Mrs. Kltson,
Mrs. ailbort Stockol, Mrs. Percy
peot nnd Mrs. W. Stockol.
. -4
Tho Chrlstlnn Slstorhood wns
nicely ontortnlncd by Mrs. George
Craig In Hunker Hill last Tuesday
aftortoon nt sowing followed by a
delicious luncheon,
Next Tuesday Mrs. II. W. Paint
er will bo hostess to tho C. W. H.
M, and on tho first Tuesdny In
'March tho Slstorhood will meet with
Mrs. H. W. Painter.
Presont lnst Tuesday woro Mrs.
H. W. Painter, Mrs. S. J. Immol,
Mrs. Irvin Smith, Mrs. Yako, Mrs.
A. W. Gregg, Mrs, J. C. Jones, Mrs.
IC. A. Sehlbrode, Mrs. W. A. Hold,
Mrs. Chnrlos Powers, Mrs. W. H.
, Cox, Mrs. D. L. Rood, .Mrs. Mcln
Williams Hloik, Phono 1M7-J
Aro you sick? Want to got
woll and stay so? Of courso
you do. That's my business.
CURING PEOPLE without drugs
or knlfo. And I know my busi
ness. Ask any ono of my pa
tients. Phone NOW, today, for
a consultation appointment. It's
PREU. Trcntinont b) appoint
ment only
Tho Indies nro planning to glvo
another ono of tholr popular sup
pers on Saturday, March 13.
thoy wish to thank Going & Harvey
and tho Star Grocery stores for tholr
donations for tho oyster suppor.
4 4
4 4
Tho young people of tho Norwegian
Luthornn church mot in tho church
parlors last evonlng when tho follow
ing program was glvon:
Reading Potor Thorpo
Reading Miss Allco Mnthlson
Vocal boIo Mrs. R. 0. Thorpo
RomnrkB E, G.-Mollom
Refreshments woro sorved hy Miss
Mnbol Mnthlson nnd II. Peterson to
tho following: Rov. and Mrs. R. 0.
Thorpo, Mlesos Sonnlo Rofsland, Jon
nlo Johnson, Elslo Larson, Cora and
Allco Mnthlson and tho Mossra. E. G.
Mollom, Chris nnd Potor Thorpo, Hort
Ivorson, Oliver Larson, Potor Omll,
Andrew Andorson and Oscar Anton
son. Tho society will meot ngaln un
der tho ontortnlnmont of Miss Allco
Mnthlson and Androw Andorson In
two weeks.
Perhaps tho two most olnbornto
soclnl events of tho -senson woro
tho brldgo pnrllos on Mondny nnd
TiicBdny aftomOoiiB undor tho IiobU
ess-ship of Mrs, Hugo E. Qulst'nnd
Mrs. Georgo P. Murch nt tho homo
of the former.
Wild currents nnd huckloborry
interspersed with numerous llttlo
pink cuplds formed a very pretty
design in pink and green for tho
pnrlor decorations. Pink heart
shnped bnskota 'flllod with wild' cur
rents Borvcd na dnlnty center pieces
for tho luncheon tablos, nnd the
fnvdrs wero Individual hoart bnskoth,
all very BUggostlvo of St. Vulontlnb'B
On Mondny, first nnd second high
scoro wcro won by -Mrs. E. 0. l'or
liiim nnd Mrs. Clnudo Nnsburg ro
npoctlvely, nnd oil Tuesdny Mrs. J.
b Hanson nnd Mrs. ,A. T. HalncH
Wcro tho fortunnto ones. Tho hbst
cils,os woro assisted both days In
sorvliig by Mrs. Vernon A. Sniltl),
Mrs. W. H. Kennedy nnd Mrs. .
T. Lngorstrom.
Monday's list Included Mrs.- C.
Nasburg, Mrs. II. Nasburg, Mrs.
Nets RnBtmiBsoh, Mrs. G. A. Den
nett, Mrs. Henry Songstncken, Miss
Gonovlovo SongBtackon, Mrs. J, II,
Flanagan, Mrs. Malr Dnno, Mrs. W.
S, Nicholson, Mrs. Converse Mrs.
Will Chnndlor, MrB. W. 8. Chnud
Idr, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mm. I. S.
Knufmnu.'Mrs. J. W. Honnott, Mrs.
C. W. Towor, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs.
E, IC. Jonos, Mrs. H. M, Richard-'
son, Miss Agnos Hutchinson, Mrs.
B. E. Strnw, Mrs. A. It. O'Hrlen,
Mm. E. O'Conholl, Mrs. Prank
Hnguo, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs.
D. E. Mnlonoy, Mrs. C. K. Perry,
.Mm. I). Y. Stafford, Mrs. Win.
Horsfall, Jr., Mrs. C. P. McKtilght,
Mrs. Anson Rogers, Mrs. L. W.
Travor, Mrs. S. C. Small, Mrs. L.
L. Gorr, Mrs. George Flanagan, Mrs.
Dan Keating, Mrs. Ellzaboth Mer
chant, Mth. II. S. Towor, Mrs. J.
A. Matson, Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs.
G. W. Kaufman, Mrs. E. G. Por
hnm, Mrs. W. Grimes, Mrs. P. W.
Payne, Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. C. W.
Cumbers, Mrs. It. A. Wornlch, Mrs.
C. M. Hylor, Mrs. Lnngford, Mrs. L.
J. Simpson, Mrs. Goorgo Mnudlgo,
Mrs. E. A. Roso, Mrs. Donnls Hull
nnd Mrs. R. M. Jennings.
Tuesday's guosts woro: Mrfl. W.
P. Mlllor, Mth. E. P. Morrlssoy, Mrs.
A. T. Haines, MrB. J. S, Hanson,
Mrs. Eugono Crosthwnlto, Mrs. W.
II. Kennedy, Mrs. A. E. Jonson, Mrs.
Vernon Smith, Mrs. A. L. House
worth, Mrs. D, Kroltzor, Mrs. Goo.
Goodrum, MrH, E. Rargolt, Mm. C.
R. Peck, Mm. A. T. Lngorstrom,
Mrs. H. W. OIhoii, MrB. E. M. narry,
Mrs. ,W. P. McEldowney, Mm. Q.
0. Sutherland, Mrs. Win, McGoo,
Mrs. P. W. Powers, Mrs. A. II.
Powers, Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor,
Mrs. II, E. Irwin, Mrs. A. H. Old
loy, Mm. HJnlto Kordrum, Mrs.
Rolfo Ncrdrum, Mrs. J. 8. Lyons,
Mrs. H. Lupton, Mrs. W. Clny
baugh, Mra. Charles Vnn Duyn, Mm.
P. I). Cohan, Mrs. Jno. I). Goss,
Mrs. John Kendall, Mrn. E. Mln
gus, Mm. Hon Chnndlor, Mm. Irv
ing Chnndlor, Mm. R. K. nooth,
Mm. It. W. Morrow, Mrs. C. P.
McGeorgo, Mm. R. E. Mlllor, Mrs.
W. T. Stoll, Mm. Prank Parsons,
Mm. P. K. Gottlns, Mrs. R. II.
Corey, nnd tho Misses Nora Towor,
Evelyn Anderson, Grnoo Kruso,
Floronco Alkon nnd Margnrot Shaw.
4 4
A. d. Snow, Mr JS
llrnn m.ii.i. " W. t
tron, Edith, n.' ,.".i
'd John. nn,l u. T"
llnson, violet L ('
two weeks. ",1
T-rrr-r- - I
UIIM.Ht fr,..i.v
: ilir,ATKnf-
lroroodctl . ?u "?
Jiohso where thoy S
df "movies." fth,,.. "
ta ;!,;: urvb
iiihk i v.r :rnfl!f
nf , nu """'" "MIIH
oro served by lb. aiEl
The "tlnml Tin.. ,...
tlculnrlv fomi nt ,...,
Botiuontly on Monday ew
1. Mss Cnrrlo nM, JJ
in uniiiuo" patty, tl,
wiiicji is not annouMij,
nt (III) ,mrt.. I.i. .. .
" " ''""' "i mm,
woro, thb mnmhof. h:..
Irene itud Margafft St'
nu barrio hom, fw
Loona Utter, Eva hjm
Vnsoy, Helen tUiirili,
MailZOy nnd r.horM ,.
Oldland, Esther Whltaejuj;
FOR MRS. ffiuJ
Mrs. P. E, Allon ontortained tho
Past Matrons, tho presont Matron and
tho visiting PnBt Matrons ot tho
Eastern Star Lodgo yesterday after
noon. Delicious dainties wore served
to tho following Past Matrons: Mm.
P. M. Friodborg, Mrs. D. C. McCarty,
Mrs. J. T. Had, Mrs. Goorgo F.
Murch, Mrs. P. Hazard, Mrs. C. H.
Marsh, tho present Matron, Mm. Don
McCrary, tho visiting Past Matrons,
Mrs. J. H. Jcsson, Mrs. G. L. Dln
dlngor, Mrs. Smith and spoclal guest,
Mrs. .Mary McKnlght.
4 4
Miss Anna Volz dispensed her
tyre. Mrs. McDonald, Miss' Smith I charmlns hospitality Inst Saturday
evening at an evening of "five hun
dred" at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
P. II. Dresser, four tablos being
played. The decorations wero all of
St. nlontlno suggestions and produc
and Miss Vivian Craig.
4 4
Mrs. Hjalte Nordrum entertained (ed a very pretty effect. At a lato
n number of Indies nt nn afternoon hour deleetnblo refreshment, were
I of sowing on Friday of lnst week and (served by tho hostess to tho guests
MIbs Nolllo Olson nnd Mr. Irving
LoNoIr Ragsdale will bo married this
evening at 8 o'clock nt tho homo of
tho formor's parents, Mr. nnd Mm.
Charlos E. Olson In Eastsldo.
4 4 4
Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Parkins aro
entertaining tho ladles of tho Mlnno
Wls Club and tholr husbands at nn
evonlng party tonight at tholr homo
at Tenth nnd Elrod.
IiiBtoad of meeting Wodnosduy,
tho regular mooting day, the Prls
cllla ladles decided to call on Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Dodson in a body
and surprise the worthy .couple,
who loft Thursday on tho Elder for
Montana. Tho surprise was com
plete and a thoroughly good tlmo
was enjoyed.
Music by Violet Roberson, Doris
Phillips and Mrs.. Dan Orr was nice
ly rendered, after which all joined
In a big "sing" and several lively
games. After wholesome refresh
ments had been served, tho club
members presented Mrs. Dodson,
who Is also a member, with a beau
tiful silver carving set in appre
o.ntlon of her frtondship and ser
vice In the club activities.
Thoso nresmt wcro Mr. and Mm. I
Par tho ntaainu .)
WrlL'ht Wltnmt wkn.nitJ
lly left for their old to J
puma, .Moninna, loaiy, hji
of thn Cook IIiiv U'imm',i'
tortnlned from 3 to ( liitti
ilflnrnnnn nt thn &. ii
A. Jones. House plural
err, nnu hucKiebcrry til
iicnny nrrnngea lo cs
.uwn iu .uu ,14
fct. Dainty rclrtiiua-i I
Horved to tho (olloibf.J
guost, Mrs. J. W. U
Chnrlos Fciisler, Mri. T t
Mra T It Totinn. Vrl hi
Ingham, Mrs. D. A. JotHUt
In nAlnnllmnnt In tfcl 1
r,.-,.. I... I -... J tl. .iL
nil tho gucnti were UmJ
liuiuun ill .uiouii"i
. .
I ladii:h AWIUIM
Tho Ladles' Auillluj i
I'rnalivtnrlnn ChUFCb l
Wednesday with Mrn 1
Eldownoy nhd dlKOHH
nortttlnlnir to tho nev d
which will start April 1,
Stubbletlold will UM
tho nnstornte.
Mrs. A. T. lUlnw. mi
r M,n Imiirovflnient (OB
soo that tho church U iljl
Iness for his arrival. th
I.. ..Innnlnir In rlV6 IS Mi
lii tho near future anJ H
Sweotmnn has been ip?"
.. t thn rnmmlltMll'
lllf.ll " "' -' ,
nni M'mlncsdir, U'
will bo guests of th Hl
Presbyterian Udlca' l
Tho Indies "HI p"1. j
March 3, but l i'-i
elded ns yet. ,
,i. .miiP In at"1
1 III! llllll.."-'- ,
Mrs. B. Hyde, J Mi 0
land, Mrs. A. '"' "u,mil,
m u.eMnvnDr, Mr. wi
ki.on.Mn, P. A; yg
k wnson. ! ' -
u" ., i.. fr. EvaOiJ
D. A. Jones and MM. -
-J : TTnTih!
At tho meuiu'6 - - , i
Thimble Club with JJ
n North Hena "" ',
the ladles aWK" v (iJ
rick's Part, on MWj JJ
homo Of Mr. a"u " 7 -
M wn!: "r:".uur.
P,uU.n "8.T vested
spociai buoow ,, ,
beorjio Hater. Mrs. HT
i . .,..i. Unrr. JH
Mm. liaipu " ,-
Assisted In serving
uneheontotne ;;
Hazer. iu "- .,rt:j
. i- .llenac'.
guosts wero. ..-- ,
Groves, Mrs. . . i
Russell. Mrs. ',.(
E. Durmelster, Mr ,
shire. Mrs. r. :
.. A Mrs. It"
aianaigu " -
Tmiit W1"
Mrs. H v. " ";:4(yi'
agency for Schweie
edSwlssEmbro.a - .
something eA " ' jw'
commencemeni- v.
Bummer waisis,
her large - - rt-
come In wniio " .
voile, crepe, nw 1
are very reasonable n I
mn.o.1 not to fad ot
Norton & Hniwon'- .
LnriPmwmt mr&-nmmr.tommm
..... 3i . .,, L..vmmmmTi,aFZj -wsia
- f
fv-v l ... ,ilrfl
-' hiiTT