THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN I H H H H jB H HiH vA fft tt B b y Coffee Quality Sr, v v lur object Is to vc everyone a innce to note IC ailiwiiki; Btween 'R cenr )ffcc and cnenp grades. Und the coupon runiif tfrnccr at bur Uoor or at U tiorc. be L. Mn Knitter A toldcn Gntc olfee he can bci m tpcclal value HcrcJ o wo mi itllw Inft met: i i ,"; tardlilma ilninc LLiinA nt trade itlce. throunti ny cliinnri B olunalct. Ho hakrt Hit (CKUiar, wout.- J. A. JFOLGER THE H3IBS3 t " ' ,- fjrsmvm&jm&sm- M . I :Klf.'. Tr.WMKMVkMsOv iVJ HEINZ & CO. are ready to convince you that their goods arc among the best on the market t t t t Messrs. Peck and Graff will demonstrate that fact to the people of Marshficld on Saturday, February 20th ttttttttt !onnor .&Hoagland Come in and get This Powerful Lamp Requires no Repairs or Upkeep The Double Efficiency Mazda Lamp is a giant illuminant requiring but one-half tho current por candle powor consumed by the ordinary efficient Mazda, ft has already gone into use by tho thou sands in front of and inside business estab lishments throughtout tho United-States, Light given is brilliant and white. It com- pels attention shows colors correctly means a flood of clear, beautiful illumination at remarkably low cost, Inexpensive to install ask us about them. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Phone 178 " x I Vs v & 1 i unc weeiv uniy f FEBRUARY. J5to. 20. 1915 THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 1Qc. to SOc. IF PRESENTED AT GROCERS FEBRUARY 15th lo 20th, 1915 FOLGER'S GGT COFFEE Regular Special sale price f (tail price - with coupon 1 la TINS .40 .3D 2 " " .05 .05 2l" " '1.00 '.75 Grocer will collect the difference from ui ti yy'va. enter your order below Wg. c&K,, Jymi tin cl lint . 1 ,&CO., San Francisco I DAY YEAR a pickle. I PEOPLES FORUM ,,im.-i ?oos i1!." ,Tln,0B .w,,t JJO cxlorm'nntlon of a vntunblo food !2E! 5, "at'SLffio'fT-biSir1 wh,ch b0,0,lg8 10 n11 of t,,e IiHf-rosl, giving Ills or her nddross, 1 11C0"lc- ami so far ns posslblo limited to Not ono person In a hundred In f"! m,(l8V,ln P'J,,8'"nB th?B0 ,cl- Cooo County will racolvo any bono tvr Tho Times does not Indorse,,. frm ,to ..... ., ... . ' . .., ,tlio a cwa oxpressod thoroln; It U Islmplv nfford'ng a means for tho polling or dltreront opinions on all tfiu-ftlons affecting tho public wol f'iru, j ACJALV THE CHAR KILL , Ktlltor Times: With your ponnlsslon, wo bog to differ with Sir. Harrow In his tie- I fenso of tho crnb bill In February i 0 lssuo of Tho TJImcs. As wo understand tho bill It will bo n hardship on Coos County and Coob Day In particular. Tho bill la open to criticism In that It cro atcB n monopoly by exempting from 1 Its provisions cannorlos In operntlon previous to 1007. It Is Btiroly nn outrageously un- . JiiBt bill that will punish by fine or Imprisonment n poor fisherman ( for shipping a few llvo crabs to i Bomo point In his ovn Btato, while It permits n canning company to ship crnb meat In unlimited qunntl tlea to any point In tho world. i Llvo crabs ran bo profitably ship ped by rail and If they nro to bo shipped out of tho county nt all j Individuals should surely linvo tho same right to ship them In tho shell that n company has to ship them out of tho filioll. Rut It Is n mlstnko to ship food products of tho nature of crabs and I clams out of tho county under any i circumstances. Wo fall to sco how a pcoplo who Urliif: Your GOLDIJ.V GATJJ COFFEE COUPONS TO US ' VK WIIjTj IlKDKCM TIIII. Call Phono !!-() or linml to our tlclUerytnnn, CONNER & HOAGLAND , South Hrtmtlwny. Golden Gate Coffee Week WILL BE OBSERVED BY C. W. WOLCOTT NOII'III l-'UONT STUHirr Phono l7-.I. Bring Your Coupons to Us I mm n . .e Bring Your Goldem Gate Coffee Coupons TO THE MODEL CASH GROCERY 86 Commercial Avenue Phone 433 KINDLY REM13MBKU AWD GIVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE HAKEHV LINE MAttSlTFIELD BAKING COMPANY 133 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE -111. COOS BAY WATER CO. Marshficld, Ore. Family wator rates fixed by Stnto First faucet Additional faucets for bowls, sinks, Baths Additional bathB , Toilets , Additional toilets , ..,.." Ratos pqynble In advance before tho TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with .ub for a good many years and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to gettlLg good, sound, durable framing material at the right price wo know our busi ness. JuBt tell what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and we'll get bUBy with our pencil and fliture out the best "your uoaey can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL DILL 1 TWO BY USING OUR WOOD PnONE IOO 183 SOUTH UHOADWAY httc tho Intoio3ta of their commun 1 ity nt heart enn snnrtlon n bill, that, ! In tho Interest of a fnw. tiormlin thn fit from this bill and tho loss to all tho people will greatly exceed tho profits received by tho few Inter ested In the cauncilcs. If tho cities of Cooa County make ono half of tho growth claimed for thorn by tho boosters, wo shall nood all tho crabs for our own use. Tho Increnso in population will create n demand that will extormlnnta thorn only too soon. It Is Idle to say that the ocean .Is full of crabs and thoy can not be exterminated. For tho vory reason that thoy were approaching tho extermina tion point tho bill of 1907 wns passed for tholr protection. Com mercial fishing will exterminate anything. This Is tho way we loolc at It. If Sir. tho Harrow, or tho orlglnntors of crnb bill can bIiow whoro wo nro In error, thoy will oblige. Consumers. QUATERMAS STUDIO I QUALITY PHOTOS J Opposite Blanco Hotel. I Phono 10G-L. MAKSHFIELI, ORtiGON I THE COOS HOTEL I Forpierly of Marshflold I WASniNOTON AVENUE I STADDEN STUTCUT I NOHTII IJKNI) I O. A. Mctlln, Prop. WE WILL ACCEPT Goldem Gate Coffee Coopomis THIS WEEK Bring Them Here OHivant & Weaver PURE FOOD GROCERS ' Central Avenue Wo Redeam Golden Gate Coffee Coupons THIS WEEK. nrlng them to tho original homo of "Good Things To Eat." Stairff s Grocery Front St. - Railroad Commission. 9 etc 10 35 20 , 50 f. 25 10th of oach month. World's Greatest War From Day To Day WOMEN TO AID SOLDIERS Anioi'Vitiis Prmlilo Fieo Canteen nt liOiulnit Depots for l'eiml- lcs Men. Illjr AwioclatcM Pre to Coos Nay Tlmw 1 LONDON', Feb. 10. Uudor super vision by American women, canteens are to bo established at nil tho load ing railway stations In London whoro sandwiches, coffee and other light ro froshmonts will be supplied freo to soldiers In uniform. Thousands of soldiers pass through London dally, frequently without sufficient money to buy food. In work nt railway stations, the American women who linvo been look- Ing nftor stranded Americans and Hclglnn refugees, have learned of tho great need for canteens whero tho soldlcrti can bo promptly provided with nourishing food without cost. Tho War Offlco Is so woll Impressed with tho women's plan thnt Its as sistance In carrying on tho work hns boon assured. Sirs. Viola Scott, Sirs. A. T. Slew art, and a scoro of other Amcrlcnn women who havo been assisting tra velers ever bIuco tho opening of tho war aro tho prlmo movers In tho plan and havo tho backing of tho entire American Womon's War Itollct Com mittee. Sirs. Hcnjnmln Lnthrop, who Is ono of the most nctlvo workers In tho French Emergency Committee organ ized to Biipply tho Immcdlnto needs of hospitals In tho north of Franco, has Intorcstod Sirs. II. C. Hoover and many othor Amorlcan women In this particular movement and Is collecting generous quantities of ether and other hospital supplloH so sadly need ed In many of tho Isolated hospitals nenr tho battlo lino. Sirs. Lathrop left London this week for nn Inspec tion tour In northern Franco. Tho Duchess of SInrborough has ac cepted tho chairmanship of tho phil anthropic commlttco of tho Society of Amorlcan Women In London. This nlrondy has n number of workrooms established for tho employment of women thrown out of work by tho war, but tho need Is so great that a marked extension of this work is planned. Sirs. A. T. Stewart, with tho assistance of this commlttco, has Just opoucd a workroom nt 123 Vic toria street, whero Indlgont gentlo womon will bo afforded nn opportu nity to earn a living. At present fif ty women nro employed thoro, most of them knitting supplies required by tho nrmy. nn 1L IDV'RYTHING, good -' bad, gets mo so with age. Thar even ain't no fool like an oh fool. D f11 fM MolloMne h the the bctt of man ioriialuroliaiiillworkllio finowlne. the fino iiiliii nnd VLLVIH'. VKLVKT.Tho Smtioiheit SiimLlng Tobaccn, U Krnturl.y Hurley da Luxe, with all its natural flavor and body mellowed lo an nged-in. thr.tood fiinoatliiica by nioro than two years' careful curing. n'CMimami 5c meisHlncd boc.. 3E K nwinirtm . - MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo do French Dry Cleaning on tliu most dolknto falnitrt. AVo pohl. fl'vuly gttitrnntt'o till work IMiouo I.'tl-X. AiMicmn Hilt Ccn I nil Areiiiio. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfielcl RIJTTFRi: So Til1, U Ave : Crconicrv' l,LI! BrADR UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STEIULIZICl) BULK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Tree delivery, 8 t. nt. and 2 p, m Phouo 73. AUSTRALIA AND WAR Clash Tlieto Cher .Viiinbor of Men to j lie Furnished Kugliunl In Simple. Illy AwxltoJ I'itwi to Coon Hir Tlmrn. smMJOlMtNW, Feb. 10. An Inter esting nowspnper tllspussion has nrls en In Australia over tho question whothor tho Commonwealth Is do ing Its duty In tho number of troops It is sending to tho wnr. .losoph Cook, former Llbornl pro uder, and Senator 15. D. Sllllon, tho former Mlnlstor for Defense In Cook's Cabinet, who nro now both members or tho Opposition, nro siding with various papers which ehargo that Australia Is behind Canada, and oven Now Zealand, In showing Its loyalty to tho omplro. Thoy contend thnt at least 100,000 men should bo dispatch ed from Australia this year, whoroas tho Flshor ministry now in powor Is providing for only 3000 volunteers monthly, In nddltlontu tho first con tingent of 20,000. Tho .Minister of Dofcnso, Senator Poarce, declares that tho Government Is doing nil thnt It can nnd that by Juno 1 Austrnlln will bo represent ed nt tho front or In' Egypt where tho first expeditionary forco Is now In training by some 40,000 fully equipped soldiers. For reasons of military Bocrecy tho figures showing tho rato of enlistment nro not given out. Whllo Minister Ponrco assorts thnt tho recruiting Is satisfactory, Op position newspapers ehargo that tho ministry Is Inx In not providing n stumping nnd publicity campaign to stir up Intent patriotism. . wiiiiinijMiN'A to GO TO Pltl.IJ COURT (D AmocUIM I"km to Coo Dj TlraM.) LONDON, Fob. 10. Tho llrltlsh government announc ed today that It had decided tho cargo of tho Amorlcan steamer Wilholmlnn should bo held for tho decision of tho prize court. notici: Notlco is horoby given that my wife, Hnzol Oldland, having left our homo, I will not bo responsible for nny debts contracted by her olthor In her nnmo or in my naino after this .ditto. February 10, JOIG. WALTER OLDLAND. int. 31 rare gift Irstoweil by Time on only JtJfi. &. U C or f b-yb L niai -jczzltz IE - ' Rnnpiwrj REp;.,n,f.,S, CONTRACTING, hUUNNU IVIAItmALiJ, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. WALL PAPER See -VIERS About it, t D0TS0N HOTEL - ROOM AND HOARD 80.B0 PER WEEK AND UP FREE HATH I i) For 70jS,t Results In PAINTING, PAPERING und DECORATING E. F. LE SIIEUX I Wall Paper nnd Paint Store I j 303 No. Front St. P"ono JJ5.R ! . T-C9I ouotj.i i 8,uosun V UOJON joao AM'PIIAV 0 '11 'KHK , opiuuowuo.t I KO, PIIU I.10)IIIUIIIli) 3JO.V , KXVH triHO'llAX i'B f)viMivs.:iii(i 'l ' . 4.-. PA.VASIA CJAXAfj flti:CI3IPTSTjAHGll Illr AiliiorlMol TtUt to Coo nr Times. J WASHINGTON t. C., Fob. 10. Up to February s2, nftor tho Panama Canal had been In operation JtiBt 13tlays short of six months, tho totnl amount of tolls received passed tho ?2, 000, 000 mark. Tho quantity of enrgo passing through in January exceeded all previous months, although the vessels numbered on less than In December. " TO MM ttT IN POItTliANI). Western Itetitll Lumber Dcnlers ('on vent Ion In Session Wr AnofUted rmn to Coon ltt TlmM. SAN FHANOISCO, Fob. 20. Portland, Orogon, wns chosen yes terday by tho Western Retail Lum bermen's Association as tho con vention city next year. Tho follow ing officers woro oloctod: President, J. SI. Crawford, of Walla Walla; v'co President, W. II. Dean, ot Chlco, California: Secretary, A. L. Porter, of Spoknno. I AT THE HOTELS I Chandler Hotel. L. L. Phllllzor, Portland; W. F. Cnrrmnnn, Portlnnd; A. II, Groon borg, Portland; A. C. Ullory, Port land; A. J. Slnrcus, San Frnncleco; K. S. Cnttron, Portland; Z. S. Sllsh, 8nn Frnnclsco; J. JJ. Norton, Co qulllo;. F. R. Graft, Portland; SIlss Eva Farbor, Myrtlo Point; J. E. Carr. Portlnnd; I). R. Drown, Sled ford; T. W. Lloyd and child, Jack son; J. SI. Slostors, Ban Frnnolsco; I.. P. llnrrlnRton, Snlom; V. V. Lewis, Portlnnd; Goorgo II. Terry, Rluo Rldgo. St. Tiiuvrcnro IIolol. W. .!. Williams, Tacoma; U. SIc Iniils, Wngnor; Sirs. W. G. Uqssoy. Ccos River; Hnrvoy Slooro, Lnko Bldo; Frank Simmons, Sonttlo; Ed Dyron, Seattlo; James Crow, Port lnnd. Rlnnco Jlotel. F. W. Lang, Coqulllo Hatchory; Charles IJowman, Tnr Hool; Fred Rathor, . San Francisco; Goorgo Kruso, Isthmus Inlet; Ed Forsyth, Lakosldo; C. Aloxnndor, Lnkesldo. Lloyd Hotel. It. Flold, Wumpson; P. C. Swnr, Coqulllo: H. A. Simmons, Grnnts Pass; C. SIcKonnn, 'Portlnnd; J. Johnson, Norway. HELPING HANDS. Good friends may help you nt tho stnrt, and bend you for success nnd j fnmo, but on your own undaunted i heart you jnust dopond to win tho gnmo. I ofton think thnt helping hnnds nro prono to Injuro moro than aid; Avlion thoy'ro withdrawn tho helped one RtnndH all undecided nnd nfrnld. Ho's learned on others to re ly, his courage leaks nwny oft-soons; nnd ho who started out for plo, is satisfied to gather prunes. Not nil ( unlucky !h tho youth who snys, "I havo no friend to, help; I'll have to boo mv row, In sooth, with nono to nld mo when I yolp. Sly comforters, 1 like thoHo of Job, will Jar mo moro tlinn thoy will bless; bo I must show this cheap old glohn what sort of ! mottle I poBsesH." So ho at onco ! getH down to tncks, nnd bucksaw or tho ax, ns though ho mount to nniko I things whiz. And, having learned I to iniiKo Ills 'way, without tho help of any mini, he gains huccohs, whllo t'other Jay wo nlded, Is an ulso ran, Walt Sluson. LIMiy COAL. The kind YOU Imvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific fry and Transfer Company, YOU MAY BE SORRY IF YOU ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE FOR This Reliable Cough Medicine That sough it nstnroa err forb.lp. It fa rnrnltiB a fyiniitom, mnybo of bronclittja, ' laKrlii, oyn of jiuouuioula, It mutt bo I cliooLoil atooco. llurrr to ttio drug itoro for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound AND JIB BOttlJ IT IS TllU OEXUINU Dnn't tako a chance with a inbitltuto. TJnro- llovoaiougbaquloklreet wores.ctpeoianr at ' niguiiau. rotai a HW9 n aam wm- found will sooth tail heal the irrltaUU throat, taLoawar tbs tlollo ami roltevo toe tluht feellog la taa cbest. It lias no equal for any kltvt of couitb. Koroter fort jeari Foley's and Tau CoMrouND baa liAn thn itandbr witb tliousuudjol (amlllsa. Ttemember the nama-J"ot.iif8 lloxar and Tab Oomcocnd ami look (or the beehlre on the yellow vrrappar. be yellow wrapper, yr Vt EVERY USER 13 A FRIEND. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" flnrl "CADET" . Wf V WW -., . , , HOSE S. S. JENNINGS, No. Bend I I SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA r;-: X , ?