mmm pT " ijifjJM K!:f: ' t ! i ? r.ntf afcftttffttffliiftte 1 1 Ll M-f" .K -f'J-'1''M TIMES. MARSHFIEtA OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 191B-EVEMNG EDITION. THE COOS BAY SIX ; ,r wnufptitii tW7i AT THE ;(B 7TTT7T7 Skr r ..ri ''-'r-'-VL n HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. i I Tho Class of 19 1G ns composed tit present includes the following stu dents: Dora Drown, llortlin Davis, Hessle Douglas, Cora Dyo, Hona Ilag lund, Clara Snrgeant, Olga Shutter, Lena Thornroso, Margaret Staclc, Samuel Hunter, Allcno Lender, Elsie Hall, Mary Kruso, Cecil iloborson. Edith Kalno, Andrew Thomas ami Noel Laphani. On tho cvonlng of Fohrnnry 17 tho following program was given be fore the Hysoerle. Tho general sub ject was moving pictures: History HI Hlmllor Most Noted Actors and Actrossos. . Evn Hnnson Tho Operator and His Experience , , , , , May Church A Typical Scono While Pleturo Is Taken Fnnnlo llosholn Piano solo Allono Leader Hlography of Favorllo Moving llcluro Actor . . . Florence Poworn Experiences of Noted Antdrsi . . . Until Cowan Singing by tho society. Tho Hysoorlo will present tho Marshflold Public Library with ono year's subscription to tho Outlook. Six pieces of furniture made by tho students In tho Manual Training Department of tho Marshflold Schools and destined for tho Orogon lllilldlng nt tho Panama-Pacific Exposition, nro on exhibition and thoso interest ed will find thorn In tho window of tho Marshflold Hardware- Company's storo on Central Avonuo. Thoy will bo taken out 'Monday and crated and shipped. Those plocog aro tho work of tho following students: Loo La- Cbanollo. Claronco Uurrowfl, Emll nackmnn, Carl Hack and Ralph Chris tenson. Tho University of Orogon will offer n "Summor Field Courso for Toooh- erfc" In tho suinmor school this yoar It may of Interest to know that tho trip Includes Bluslaw Ulvor Valloy, tho Coos Hay Boctlon and Crater Lake. Tho concert of tho Chamlnado Club before tho pupils of the public schools will bo given March Cth. Tho plungo room of tho gymnasi um is being given two coats of load and oil. Tho whlto paint adds great ly to tho nttrnctlvonoss of tho room. A commlttco of toachors has boon appointed to nrrnngo a program for tho formal oponlng of tho gymnasi um iu tho near future. Tho seventh grade girls of tho High school building havo organlzod two basketball teams, Mnrahflold'H socond basket IhiII team is showing up well Iu practice It Is hoped to arrange a schedule of games for this team. Dr. Uortha Stuart, director or the women's gym. at Eugene, who spent u day In tho Marshflold schools Iu October, visited Tillamook. She spent two days with thorn and now they want a gymnasium. Tho Wo men's Civic Club of tliu plaea U tak ing an active Interest In tho move ment. All pupils In the Mnrtdiflold lllxh School give elthur declamation or or ation In class dining the eur. The twelve best are chosen from each class by a proutms of elimination and these compote Iu class contests. The best from these cIiim contests com pote In tho annual lted Cross Medal content. Tho Sophomore Declamation Con test will bo hold tho evening of Feb ruary 26. The contestants siul or der follows: Mabel Iniiuel, Velm Ross, Zoo Doluu, Helen Smith, May Church, Ida Shutter, Loo LnClmpolle. Jack Merchant. Ludvln Stone, Harry SchwnrUt, Loron Davis and Harvey Walter. Tho Froshmaii contost will be held on the evening of March lib. The contestants ami order follow: Myrtle SOUTH JIAHSIIFIELD (SHADES. Third (Jiiiile. Tho following pupils have bscll noithor absent nor tardy slnco tho second stfinostor began: Margaret Wood, Josephine Savage, Dorothy Snow, Jack Snrclil, Eugeno Sampson, Florence Knrdell, Helen Payne, Paul Johnson, Mabel Nelson, Augustus Hoffman. Myrtlo Johnson, Violet Cur ry, Robert Hoffman, Francos Hall, Dotty Frlzoen, Until Hopson, (Utidys Culloy, John Clausen, Lois Hastiford, Florence Atkins. Evolyn ltuoulx, (leo. Scott and Fluydo Scott. Fifth (Si-titlr. Thoso pupils iiuido no tulilnku In spelling this week: Fred Knight, Jack Collins, Howard Post, Elwln Church, (HadyH Rurrows, Tliolmn niack, William Watts mill Donald llldloy. Mrs. llsssford visited our room on Thursilay innmlng. Sllh (Jmtl Pupils who have lind perfect spel ling papers all week aio Horschol Clausen, Margaret Powers, Jonnotte Wilson and Mnybollo McLaughlin. Excellent papors on geography havo boon written by Cronjo Noble, Loulfo (lldloy, Arnold Sampson mid Ervin Storm. Mnble Drown has ontored this grade. She roinos from Dandon. Mrs. Hassford, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Hodglns woro visitors this woek. A mill D Seventh (.'ratios. On account of HIiiosh the following pupils wore nbiont during the week: Lillian Seaman, Nudine Schou nnd Lolnnd Uayllss. Tho A nnd I) Sovonth Grade have otgnnlzcd two basketball toams. They havo been practicing from 2:30 until 3:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tho A and 11 Sovontli (Irndoso woro given tests In geography mid gram mar during tho past week. Tho following' pupils handed In very good Illustrative drawings on Fildny morning: Edith Johnson, Na- dlno Schon, Edyth Ayro, DeWItt Lnsh, Fred Uohfold, lllnncliu Copple mid Dornlco Patchott. t N WSWERED PRAV1.H Dost thou of God a spoclnl favor crave? And doth tho pr.iyor remain un answered yet? 0, supplicant, wait a whllo. Do not forget and bo brnvo. ' BENNETT TRUST CO. MAKSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and undivided profits $126,000.00 OFFICIOUS: J. W. Dennett, Piesldont Aithur McKcown, Secretary Tom T. Dennett. Vlco President Dennett Swanton, Treasurer Transacts n trust bualnoss only. Acls as trustoo of express trusts and also as executor and administrator or estates. Tho only Trust Company In Oregon outside of Portland organlzod under now trust law In this stnto. i Koonfz u Fol io If thou shall havo an answer thy prnyor i only thy polltion seumath j Bond. Cod's laws mo true when right-1 ly understood; 1 Ho cannot conse for huinhlo hearts to care ' Itouow thy prajor with perfect confidence, Although Cod's laws thotm dost not uudorstnud. llf trleth hearts that ho may prove their love. And though thy longings may be most Intense, live thy hand, And bo will xhower his blessings from above. Henry J. Cox. aroge Agency for OVERLAND CARS GOOD YEAR TIRESEXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: " Phone 180-J Important Notice to lerty Own Prop GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY!, WE WILL UdlAIN rOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF , DOES' NOT NOTIFY YOU n rsi 1 1 in i OF COOS BAY So'ely Deposit Boxes For Rent. IN FIRST AND FORD Tm3Y SAVR YOU MONEY A FT Ell COSTS CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "THE GUNNERY" Front Street Marsh field, Ore. O 4 CENTRAL school notes. I , O Second (Srndo. Mrs. John llutlor, Mrs. J. H. Flnn nniin nnd C. F. MrOoorKO visited tho Thursday piny porlod. The pupils In the A Class havliiK tho IiIkIios! Krados In arithmetic for the week nro Vlrgina HndKlus, Jooy McKoowu, l.nwreiK'o Chrlstonson nnd John llutlor. I'imiiIIi (ii'tule. Tho following pupils bad perfect spoiling letwnus: Akiioh KiiIJii, Clay ton Drlscoll, Monroe Mc.Mahou and IMIth Krlesou. Tho following rocolved 100 poV cent In tho weoldy HpollliiK ttt : Marxuret Koulkes, Kdlth Hrlesou, An nex Kulju, Clayton Drlscoll, Monroe McMahou, (Iuoiko Kerry, Slolln I.ash mid Violet Moffltt. Sixth Crude. l'uplls III this Kiudo are tuMuir Xiet lutenwt In hiiiiiihuh1:Ip. Knvnr ablo mnutlon Is made of the follow lux: I.eoru McCleos, l'iij-o 1'restou, Kdun Itoos, (iuorgo Miiko and Itob ort I'orKUttflii. Maude Htutsmnn. Alice KIuikikihi and Ore it llaaebruUe lisvo been ab sent on account of lllnoss. 1 Mi-s. S. J. linmel and Mif. II. V. Pointer whiv IhI1ois Krlduy. I viuar iiai'tist riiuiicii Albert l- llaHsfoid. M. A. Rosldeuco Ci:i So. lltli street no-x lllblo School nt 10 n. m.. with urndod classes nnd competont tench- ars. Worship nt 11 a.m. nnd":30 p.m. with sormons by Pastor Hassford. A cordial welcome Is oxtendod to all. 4 UMTKI) UKIvTimK.V CHUItCH NOItTH HKX1) I Mrs. It. N. howls. Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Christian Kndeavor at 7 p. m. PranchhiK nt 1 1 a. m. nnd 8 p.m. Prnyor Meeting Wednesday ovo alng nt 8 o'clock, J. ;. . O 4 NOKTII I1K.N1) CIIItlSTIA.V CHUItCH Mrs. s. GrcBff, MlnlBtor PronchliiK at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. lllblo School, 10 a. m. Sunday School nt 12 Sunday. KondltiK room opon every day oxcopt Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. in. : idOtitfrmni Abstracts POIt ICICIjIAIIIjK AllSTHACrS ()!' TITIiH AM) IMM)lt.1IATIO.N AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. .MAItSlll'IlMd) AND COQI'IIjIjU CITV, OltlKJOX OKXKHAIi AOi:TS, lUSTSlDK AND Sl'XGSTACKKX'.S ADDITION' AtiKXTS l'OU'CAXADlV.V PACIFIC KAII.ItOAI) LANDS HMXltV SnXdSTAt'KICX, MANAGKlt FLHIGH & BEMMETT III OfiDICHT HANK IN COOS COUNTY K'Htabllfdicd 1HH0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 lutcreNt l'nlil on Tluiu DcpoMu Otflcora: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. I'luiinpiti, Vice-President. It. V. Williams, CiinIiRt. 3oo. 1 Wlncbe.iiir, Ami. CW), To Portland every Thursd ay To Eureka every Monday Marshfield-North Bend-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mai-shricld at llusy Corner 10:00 ii.iu. 2:00. p.m. n:(i() p.m. Leaves Nortli Ileuil 1.1 mln lites later Leaves Kmplro. H:!IO n.iii. lliitl) n.iii. :i:!IO i'i.iii. T1IK FAST AND COMFOKTAIII.K S S. Geo. W. Elder XKWIiV 1CQUIPPKD NOUT1I PACIFIO HTKAMSIIIP CO. O. F. McOKOKGK AQKNT W. . PAUlBl Phono 44, Marshflold Phono 421, Nqrth 1 NOKVi:IAN LUTIIKIIAN. Hov. It. O. Thorno Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho N'nr woBlnn Lutheran cliurcli nt Maish flchl Sunday at 7:45 p. m. SunilAy cchool meets nt 10 a. m. Sorvlcos will ho hold In tho Nor PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard McCltiro ATTOItXUY AT LAW Practices In all courts. woRlan Lutheran Clinnol at North Uoi,m v- '"""Ka" Dennett Daub iemi tiiinuay nt 1 1 a. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. HPISCOPAIi CHUItCH. I llli iinil Market. I It. K. IlrowutiiK, Hector S a. m , iloly Communion. 9::t0 n. m. Sunday School. 1 1 a. m. MornlnK sarvlco and frer 11 n. in. MornliiK service. Litany and wti'iiion. Text: "An Hnuost and (loud Hoiirt." !l u in. SorvUo Iu St. Mary'i Church, North lleud. 7:30 Service In SI. Luke's Kmplro, H. H. Harocr HOUSI-: ItUILDKIt tienoral Itopalrlng nud Cabinet Making, hone 349-J. I. M. Wright "Phono 188-U. DUILD1XO CONTKACTOIt Cttlmatos furnished on request Or. H. M. Shaw Kye, Knr, Nose nnd Tliroal. OISSl-:S I-TITBl) l)H. MATTIN II. 8IIAW DlscascH of Women mid Chltdrra Office Phono 330-J. Itooms '-'00, 201 202, Irving Dlock. CHIMNEYS FinK PLACE8 J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Crick Work at Prices That Aro night And till Work GuiirnnteeI Call nt "Tho Firoslne," Johnson Uldg., 137 Socond St. Phono 434-J. F reach Ranges. Boiler Work I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NIOIIT HKIIVIOH For taxi, phono 20, Chandler I Hotol. For touring cars, phono 20 Chandler Hotol I j LYNN LASII1RTII, Prop. j New Cabs : : N0,T Cars I KQUIPPyi) WITH WIltKLKSH. Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TIMK. HAILS FHOM .MAHSIIFIHIiD DL'HINd FKDItPAItV ON THKFOt LOWINO DATES: FED. O, 10:00 A. .M.j FED. lit, 0 A. JL IB 20, 1:00 P. ji.j FED. 27, 8:00 A. M. TICKETb ON SALE AT POKTLAND CITV TICKET OFFICE, AND OAK 8TUEETS, POUTLAXD. Phono .1.VJ. O. 11. IlVNDERS, if A I SEVENTH DAV ADVEXTIST.S. I l.iwBl Kldor. J. H. OiihIIs. Seventh Day Adventlst servlcoa nro eonductod ovary Saturday as follows: Snblmth School At 10 a. m. Illlito Study at 1 1 u. in. Voiiiik People's Society at 3 n. m. TsniTm. 'M80,""S W0l,,18",,ny nt W. G. Chandler . . ... I AltCMITKCT V rtooms 301 nnd 302. Coke Uulldlm Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING EX01NKEH AND AltCHITKCf Offices. 20G In Ins; Hlook 'hone 103-1 or 207-.T. Marshflold. Oioum Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any polnti ui Mnrahflold and do gonoral hnulInK for reasonable rates. 4TAH THANSFEIt STOHAOB CO Levi Hclsner, Pioprietor Phnnrat ISO..). 41M,. 08-11 - SWEDISH EVAXtJEMCAD I I.UTIIEUAX CIICIU'll. ltev. D. F. IleiiKtsfln, Pastor. Heitldeiu 291 Illuhlnud nveuuo. Phone '.M-lt. Sunday school nt 0:1 15 n. in. gorvlctw 1 1 a. tu. North lleud iwrvlce. 7:80 p. m. : .j. I XOItTII DEXD PlllSllTEItlAN I I ltev. Frederick Rlilmlan, Pastor . lllhlo school at 10 h. m. Christian Endeavor at 0: IS p. m ;. . . C1IIIISTIAX CHUItCH Samuel dregs;, MiulHtor, Marahfleld, Orespn I Hesldonee, 2S0 North Eleventh JVm. S. Tumen Phone 402. . ,A. ,,......, iitv in i r..i I Servlcoa as follows nt tho Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular son Ices every Sunday. HIUlo School at 10:00 a. in. i Preaching service 11 a. in. nnd 1 i:.tu p. in. ' .,. Mnrsbfleld, Orevun l , UIKISTIAX SCIENCE I Christian Sclonco Hall. 887 Third Street North Service nt 11 . m Sunday nnd p. in. Wednesday. Subject I'Mlml." :- n. Perl Riley Ballinner PIANIST AND TEACIIEH 88ldonco Studio, 217 No. Third Hi . Phono 368-L. WOL-aaMi an Tir.f yiTBr-irlMriiin ! Times want ads bring results I SAVE MONEY by OHlerlng tho famous I , HENRYVILLE COAL I Nut coal, per ton S 1.00 Lump Coal, por ton $0.00 Or half ton of both $.1.00 J 1). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-.I or lenvo orders at I IHIIyer's Clar Storo. 2(1 METHODIST CHUItCH ltev. A. S. lltsey, Pastor. North ifend Isaacson, Ruby Carlson, Mary ltust, j follows: Tho sorvlcs Sunday will bo as CATHOLIC CHCHCII NOETII HEND -Eev. Fathor McDovltt Commutation nn Tickets $2.00 U O ' tmli(loliI.North Demi Auto Uno , I ur -vcry ton minutes from K a, m ' I to iu p. 111.5 to South Slough once n Oraeo Drown, Helen llees, MurJorU, Sunday School nt 10 a. m. Ariuimr Ptrnltt l.i.-..ii. i ..... Fulmor, Oaorge Honnoll, Albort a 7 p. in. Jolinsoii. Josso Frnni, Lloyd LoMloux. Sermons by tho Psator at 11 a. 111 Hugo Hood and Guy Clausen. I aml s " ' A A . 1 Tho Junior and Senior contests I . '' '' v 1 will lio linlil lntor ; . "..'. : .. mMw IM h 11 -TIIIWIM1WW ' llnv. Iiinvlm, i.t 11 .a ... ,1 i i Mu ulll l.u i.i,,r o ...:. ""' " '" i"rr morning at S by tha ov. F her ' ,,,rco ,,,,,w " ,ln'' ' Wallace. I OOI18T KIN'O. Vrocn. , I AIN'T IT THE TRUTH. I Wo novor blnmo tho tailor when j our panto wo havo to pin, j Wo novor blamo tho ohoo man I when our solos grow old and I thin, j Wo never blame tho hatter I whoa our lids wo have to flout, j Dut wo always fc' tho laun- dry when ou, onlrts wear out. j COOS DAY STEAM LAUNDUY j Phono H7-J. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MAKES OF CAHS 817 Ceutrul Av, Phono 87;t-L catholic niritcu MMtSIIFIELD I Mas win be celebrated nt S;00 , t 10.30 o'clock Sunday nioinlng ny liev Fulliur Jlcllevltt. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. jH fD iaiWoivriorr twt a Receipt Moinlug Service nt 11 a. m. ! DL nrA 1 1 iiuiiu oc'r-J. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Broadway bet. Central- and Euugel!t Dr. W. II. Sellwk will pi oath mornliig and evening. Mrs. A. 11. Oldloy will slug n solo ut tho mnrulng service nud Mowrs. Chas. Stauff and Harry Uultmann will lng a duot In the evening. All ro cordially Invited. Epwnith League at 0:30 p. m. Junior League Survloo Thursday iftornoon at 3: IB. Prayer Meellnir Tlmrsilnv nn. I lug ut 7:30 o'clock. , I . .;. .;. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Phono aSB-J Night nml Day. Whlto ICIcphant drill Ooort Cars. Careful Driven. D. L. FOOTK. DRY 100 Commercial Mti . T-. .f.l Times N ant Ada tor results, AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Prom Strout, Phono 870. mta 00 T RANSPDRTAT 11 Semi-wcokly service Coos Bay and Snn lhtw& ' ''1 I REDDNDD S WILL HAIL FOK SA1S FHANCLSCO, SAX PEDDO AND MX "J (JO FHOM COOS DAY Sl'NDAV, FEDItl'AHV 151, AT 3 P. Equipped with wireless and subimrlne bell in8Sonpors ana rroigui. STEAMS P il S KID Equipped with wireless nnd submarine- uell Pussonjrera and freight. tiuii n.iiu i'itw.1 ri. I'liiiAtiniu rim i"" -y FItlDAY, FEDUl'AHV 10, AT 3 L Hoti T?TnTir.ian tift'inn C t-nnniTrirtll KTrOfll Die! l niwl finn 1?ifn hnilflinir. Ooos Bay Agent, O, Jb McGeoroe, Phone 4i FHEIC1IIT. STOlUfl ARROW Ui E uTEIEIld -SAIL FltOM- San Francisco Pier No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. Coos Day Every Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco Portland Albert Dock Erery Stu 9 A.M. Phono 7ft. THOMAS H. JAMES, Agont Ocean Dck im Afli LEH" US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Titlo & Trust Co.. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imrao dlato service, prompt attention to nil Interests ot our clients. MINIMUM O O 8 T i. s. kauFman & CO. t ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ! In tho Heart of Marshflold W I SOUTH COOS IUVEK SKUVICK LAUNCH E.WnE8i I leaves MarMiflcld eT J 8 a. .... Leaves head of o.iK n. HI. steam'ek iwww ,' I loaves head of rher dU . ,. Leave- MaWleM " I in. For charter WW ROGKnS & n I'l-oprletors All Outside Itooms. 1 t, . Sto;ii Heat t iAr-0,iV!.'.oPo,ii Watnr matt l. mav Western Oregon Repre'w mvAS iwT,,3c T1 III rmnarter and Wholej ' x.nrHl field. OreK k. -. nfvruo . lies. - Marsl field Tel. SO-l-K. 4- fcv ,--?- i- .tfcJir-iiitn.. i aSSSS ArtiMfcS; -C,'