THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE ! 41 Now is . v w && a a i ml a .. nw. sr u a n inew agring Mollies Wc hdvc I Spring Hats, Spring Buy New Tf: MARSHFIELD m MESSEMBEB TWO PHONES. CALL US FOE CARS, TA VICARS, EXPRESS WAGOXS. MAHSIIFIELD ('VCLEHV. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings.' i COMPLETE PLANTS Our Coos Bay office has available, for Oregon Coast worK tne Dredge "Seattle" Mho most powerful, best equipped twenty-Inch li)draullc Coos Pay office, Marshfield, Oregon. top Paying Rent ! Cut down your living expeuso by eliminating tlio lent Itc-iu You ran buy nit nttinitlvo building slto In Perliaui Pnik, close In anil on easy terms, and no ran also urrnugo to bavo a small temporary homo eroded on your lot on tlm inoiithly payniciit plan if you m ilu-div. Riop In ami "Seo Held About It." W: A. REID, 150 Front Street AIHJ YOU OIX TO PAINT THIS SIMUXR? YOU OUOHT TO. wi: haa'i: Tin-: quality wi: iiavi: tiik piuci: SintVICK ALWAYS blifield North Bend scaifi-: $ A. II. HODOIXS irshfiplri PA,NT AND Kstluuites Fiinilshfd mio 1 KI.R. Mnrshflold, OregoiF DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPRX TO THE PUHLIO A regular state licensed undertaker vlll bo in charge Phono 11)5. J Pictures & framing Walker Studio iat When you buy mDuylhebestJjH Th Time To just received our first consignment of Shoes, Spring Shirts, 1 Place your order now for a new ROYAL TAILOR MADE TO YOUR MEASURE, $15 AMD UP. IT WILL BE HERE FOR EASTER. erchaiidise and .3 TWO STORES. SERVICE 15 toll IIHOADWAY General Construction FOR HARBOR WORK anil most thoroughly moilern X UP dredgo In Pacific water Main office, Seattle, Washington. J. H. Jessen, M. D. pnYSICIAN AND SURGEON J'lrgory and DIbobbob of Women a Specialty. Norton & Hanson bldg. Phono 229-J Ros. 830 C6r. 9th & KIrod. Ph. 1D0-J mORPHEUM IN T THE HOME OF BIG FEATURES iAND VAUDEVILLE "MOCK SAD ALU" Master Magician, lu a leportolro o( conjuring and mlglc. Don't fall to see tho optlcnl Illusion and trunk trick. 1 "ZUD0RA" Thnnnhousor's greatest photoplay. Bplsodo No. 1 In two reols. This won derful now sorlnl production bus cre ated n sensation among all thoator goors who havo witnessed it, so fnr. Bplsodo No. 22 of tho MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY entitled Waterloo of, the Conspirators. .This Is tho last beforo tlio final solution, "THE NEW JANITOR" A rlp-roarlng comedy featuring Chas. Chaplin. "THE FOX TROT CRAZE" A Sterling Comedy. A hot tlmo in a ballroom. SK all-new photoplays and an A No. Ono VaudovIJIo Act. . Lower floor, ll$c; Kntii-o lUlcony, JOe; Children Under JO, 3c. Now vaudeville act hero Monday FauBt & Faust, Musical comedians. Also Paulino Joseph, singing all new songs. Mutual weekly with all tho news of tho latest happenings every Monday DAINTY aftei BARTERS. -theater JA'XOIIES 0 GT of .4 Spring Underwear Spring SUIT fee Satisfied. NORTH BEND Til) US FOR FKRRUARY Time and Height of TidcH at 3laiMhfiuld. Tho tides aro placod In tho ordor of oceurroiiH lioehiniiiK nt tnldnlBiit with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day. A comparison of conso cutlvo IioIkIUh will lndlcnto whetbor It lu high or low water. High wntor on tho bar 2 hours and .11 inlnulGH Karl lor than at MarSbflold; nt North Rand, 1 ho.ur and 11 minutes earlier than Marsh field. 20Hrs.. C.1G Ft... fi.C 2llli'ri.. 0.05 Kt... 2.2 22IIri.. 0.1 1! Kt... 2.r. 2 :i 1 1 1 r . . 1.12 Ft. . . 2.8 21)11 in . . 3.20 , FU. , . 3.0 2r.llrn. . 0.10 Ft... 1.0 20Hr8.. o.r7 Ft... 1.1 27Hr8.. 1.3G Ft... 4.7 28Hrs.. 2.10 JFt... CI 12.18 0.0 C.r,7 r..i 7.10 fi.:i .rr n.i 10.08 fi.2 i.r.2 :i.o n.r.c 2.1 0.47 2.3 7.32 1.8 7.12 1.0 1.0 2,nr. 1.0 1.00 0.0 n.u 0.7 11.13 n.i 12.10, fi.7 G.O 1.43 0.0 0.0 M.23 3.7 SI.4S 3.G 11.00 . 3.7 0.0 , 0.0 0,17 0.3 cm 0.7 7.30 -0.1 8.04 C.l 0.2 SYIIh Rlril, Mrs. Clias. Kronholm bad a canary which bIio wished to Roll and Inst night Inserted a for salo ad lu Tho Tlinoa with tho result that tho bird was Bold beforo noon today. THE HOME AFFY MADE AVERN CANDY Wo inalco lco cicjim S78 Central avo., P'ono I.TI-L iiii mm wnere motion Pictures look :: :: Better" :: :: I Change of program at present: fintnrrtau. SnnHnv. TiiAcrtav and Thursday, Tonight and Sunday Matinee ACCUSING EYE Two part strong drama with superb acting, splendid scenery and perfect photography. Tho roal thing. SNAKEVILLE EPIDEMIC A critic says of this! "Con tains a dozen laughs for a wooden Indian." THE SEA GULL Vitagraph Indian legend closely fol lowing a poem with the sub titles. DEATH'S WITNESS. Biograph fair drama, PARTICULAR COWBOYS FOR TWO PINS Lubin split reel comic, Roberta Saunders in new songs, Site's a charming and satisfying and com pletes., a. performanco of considerable merit, J 0c :: ALWAYS :: 1 0c Free Public Band Concert Sunday at 2i00 p. m. by the Coos Bay Concert Band, Orpheum big matinee im mediately following con- cert, ; New pictures and songs j Sunday night, ' Think Mwwiiii jwrwniniwtiiiiiiiiiii imi j t ' WEATHER FORECAST nr AmocUIrI rtwi to Coo nr Tlmn, OREGON Rain In west, ' rain or snow oust, past i Bhlftlng to southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD ' For tho 21 hours ending nt 4.13 n. in., Feb. 20, by Ret-.J. ' Ostllnil, spoclal government meteorologist: Muxlmum 01 ; Minimum :ir, ' At 1 : ta n. m 41 Precipitation 05 j Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, V 1011 40.10 ' Prcclpltntlon samo period ! InBt year 44.GG Wind. Southwost, cloudy. hohx. i I ! NADU To Mr. and Mrs. Charles i Nnbb at tholr homo In Porter Ad dition, February 20, lOUi, a nine and one-half pound boy, tholr first child. Doth niothur and eon nru doing well. Very Sick. L. M. Noblo, tho MiirtOifinltl plonoor, Is reported vory III. Ho has boon suffering from heart trouble Rack From North. Q. T. Troid 1,'Old, of Uandon, passed throut;h hero today on routo homo from Port land, whero ho has been for a wcok on business. Minister III. Rov. F. S. Shlnilnn, pastor of the North Rend Presbyter Ian Church, who ban been ill, took a turn for the worst hint night nml was lu a critical condition today. Moves Home. Merchant Pntrc man J. C. Donno has moved hU fam ily .from South Fifth street to tho second floor of tho Hnrrlgnu .ind .Noff building nt 1G8 South llroail- wny .Moo Camp. J. L. AnHon, of Co. (liilllo, was hero totlny on ImihIiiohj. Ho Kays that nB Boon as tho luiubbr bullions plclcu up ho expects to movo their camp which hna Just cloAed down near Coqulllo to Rink Crook. Alfred JolniHon, Sr., ac cording to word received yostordny, Is crndunlly falling. Legal Holiday. Monday, Fooru ary 22. bolng Qeorgo WiiBhliiKto'i'B birthday, and heneo a National holi day, there will bo no Hchool, tl.o 'Uiikri vlll bo closed and no mull i will bo dlBtrlbuted. lIowour, tho Kenernl delivery window will bo open between 11:30 and 12:30 and i A a 1 1 will lie tsont nut on tho train and etnKC. as usual. Mnko Appralsi'inent. Appralao in out of tho ustnto of Captain W. S. Whoolor, doconsod, was coinplotod yestorday by J. W. Watt, S. II. Catehcnrt and MnrHhnl Nay, ap praisers. Final ostlmato of tho os tato was placed at $8,713.3,0, roal estate) Icing valued at $ 1500, ildo flntrt near Kmnlro nt SflO and two n...,... . fu ...u. .... gnsollno launchos, $1000 and (ho romnliidor bolng in notes and cih. Apixilnteil Triihti, At a meeting nfb tho creditors in tho offlco of C. A. Hohlbredo, roforoo in bnnkruptey today, Hon. R. L. Snbln, of Portland, was appointed truateo In tho Dandon Dry (icoda Compnny caso, which closed tho Pooplos 10 and lfi-cont I store hero and in Myrtlo Point. 'Joints wore placed at I2G0O. Sidney r el Her ronreaontod abln. II. ':. Murphy and Frederick Wosterborg ' ',",t ot 'or w" nto, "81 were m'eeent at tho meeting. .1. C. ' "08' " vcA iho J'' Kendall wb appointed roforoo , , ot -oonor tho b II nevor would .1- n.l.!.. n,.rl,n. l..nlrr..ntnV r..n ' hV0 bOCOUlO a IaW, bllt It WB8 pond- IN..',,..,, KMl,srrl,,.lo.,s. A vounir. man, R. D. Rlckol, about 18 years of ago, was queried last evening nt tho... ... . t. .... .. . ..-! ... 4I. ll 1.Ann..nA I. la . "u,l)u H'u ,, ""iBiBnoa by ti.o aovomor. operations through tho city collect- Ing 25 cents for soven niontliB sub- Bcrlptlon to tho Pictorial Rovlow. Sov oral womoy paid tho monoy and lat er becamo suspicious and callod in tho pollco, who located Rlckol. Ho stated that in tho Oregonian ho found nn ad of this publication saying thoy would glvo n scholarship to any collogo for a certain number of sub scriptions. Without writing thorn Rlckol linmodlatoly started to work. Ho promised to return tho monoy and wob' allowed to go, Rlckol told dlfforont stdrloa nnd somo woro still worried today about him. Your, Doctor's ""First Aid" In Sickness Squibb's Chemicals "THE OWL" Tho Central Aro. Drug Store. HO 51 WDT CLOSED YET; (Vessel Inspected and Price ! Fixed but Alaska Company j Has Not Accepted Her i Arno Moreen, general superinten dent of tho O. A. Smith company, stated today that no deal had been closed yet for the salo of tho Re dontlo. lto said that for tho past; j year or moro the vessel bns been on i tho market and recently they fixed a I price on her to tho Alaska Steamship , .Company. Tho company had her I IllllPPlI nil lll'Vllnok mill lnalinnin.1 nl a.. t ..-i ,a - .. . i announced whether they will tako tlio vessel or not. It la expected that lu enso tho deal Is closed tho local offices will bo no tified by wire. FOR TRIP WORTH BREAK OUT j In a gamo not so ono-slded as tho I nouoo ot rinn n'Plnol AHL!BCOro '"'t?"1 Indicate, tho Marahflold UUUVbd UV V-MIU J JlJJT Willi 31 Passengers and Fair Freight Cargo At 1 o'clock tho Rrenkwator loft out for Portland carrying 31 cabin passengerB and five lu the Btecrngo. TIiobo who wont north woro: W. II. Keating, Ray Portly, L. L. Smith, Oco. ,Colo, F. Snvln, L. W. Cochran, Mrs. 13. K. Stlllwoll, Qeorgo Thomas, MrB. Oco. Thomas, II. Rob ertson, C. F. Lea, Mr. and MrB. K. C. Penchoy, aeo. Mcyors, Mr. and MrB. J. W., Wilson, Mildred Wilson, Lornn Wilson, 'K. O. Ooodoll, Mrs. C. A. Duko, II. C. Rny, W. liny, g. Tolsor, II. A. McICellan, W. A. aoodmnn, Jno. Knulte, Win. Datchnm, J. Rubllch, J. Rugtch, T. Churlch, 11. Mouleh, R. Chullch. Canning Open to All is Sena tor Smith's Interpretation of New Measure Coos Rny crab.i, mute uulmalH that crawl H10 Bllmy on, have, IliroiiRh tho Harrow Crab Law, elic ited morn attention In tho past two weeks that over boforo In tho his tory of tho Rny. A lottor from Senator I. S. Smith, at Salem, ad dressed to J, Tom Hall, explains the machlno-llko grinding out of , . . ,,,-, , ,;,,,,,, ' ".J" .1 , . "-'"" u'linvu inu iwliii nirii iiunuiii'iun, "I will Bny," bo writos, "that l " wo do not caro anything nbo it wliallor or not n bill la unconstl tutlounl, Wo put them through Just the saino and lot tho Supromo C'tirt do tho rest. "I presumo thoro is no doubt but that It would bo Illegal to glvo 0110 person tho privilege of canning crabs and not otliors, so It may bo ,n. fop threo wc0,8 nnd dozons of copies had beon sont to Coos Rny ntnl itfA tmt'nti linnr.l n ini1 nf ' '"' " W'UI ,,w HW YSy this It Is taken that Sonator SjnIth ,IlU)rnnit8 th0 ,low ,ftW M moaning nny ono may can Coob Ray crabs, a point dobntod since tho posslng of tho mensuro somo tlmo ago, for on tho fnco of tho law It scorns mention is made of allowing to opernto only cnnnerles oponod boforo a curtain date and this would havo loft T. II. Harry tho only por son In tho Hold. I'l got n bill through oxemptlng women paying a llcenso for tho privilege of fishing," writos tho Senator, "which I think will bo qulto satisfactory to our people. J Sevcrnl of my bills bavo passed both Houses and two of thorn aro Mill ponding lu tho bouse." PEHKOXA L M EXTIOX. F. L. GREENOUQH, a woll-known Randon booster, is in Mnrshflold on buslnobs nnd pleasure. W. E. REST, local manager of tho Estabrook Company in Randon, was a Mnrshflold visitor today. P. J. LINDRERO of Port Orford Ib spending a fow days at the homo of his son, Ed Llndborg, on tho Ray. IJ. It. NICHOLS, of tho Do Preo Chemleul Company, waa in the city yoflterday calling ut tho Owl with his lino. II. I. RED HATCHIXO EC'OH, OO contH dozen. Reasonably strong fortuity guaranteed. 1330 North 8th st. Forndalo. G T. TREADOOLD, City Attorney or Randon, passed through the ' city this afternoon on Ma wa homo from Salem. , SPOTLIGHT AG 1 CO Bfll GRAB DON'T BE MiSLED They say WAR PRICES ato high. Wo say OUR PRICES mo not high unit WIJ CAN' SAVE YOU MONEY u we cany no over head expense and siuo you that on tlio cut In HARDWARE, PLUMRIXG ami FARM IMPLEMEXTS, which Is to YOUR A)) VANTAGE. Schroeder Hildenbrand's lliirdwnrc & Plumbing. General repair Bhop. I HID TEN DSES BANDGN , Fn$ Sc0,re 1 ?, t() 1.7r".l:.0?al Independents Vanquish High scnooi by 47 to is. Dandon ldgb achool climbed nn - other notch toward tho county high school pennant when last evening on her f'rrr she dofentod tho baskotball quintet of tho North Rend high Bchool 17 to 10, tho visitors fighting to tho Inst whlstlo, losing tho victory by tho close mnrgln of one bnsket. laical Toonw Play. Independents Inst ovonlng bostcd tho high school 17 to 10 In tho first of a series of practlco games. At tho end of tho first half tlio acoro Htood 20 to G lu favor of tho Independents and from then on the uphill aggressiveness of Conch Nllea men wbb exceedingly clovor. Lccocq, high school contor, wns In all wayB tho pivot of bis team, For tho Inde pendents, Nllcs nunoxed ton baskets, Otis G and tho romalnder camo via Morrow. INFORMAL CHAT. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1). Cohan, MIbs Dorothy Chnntlor and .Mr. Konnoth llnupor composed n little dinner party nt tho Chandler hotel on Wednesday evening. Mm Hazel Powora roturncd homo this wcok for a three months' visit from San Frnnclsco where bIio Is taking a nurso'u training course Mr. and Mru. .1. Wright Wilson nnd family left today on tho Rrenkwator for their old homo lu Hamilton, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. .J. T. Hnrrlgan loft this week for California In hopes or benefitting Mrs. Hnrrignn's henlth. Thoy will remain several wceka. A. L. Rutz, timekeeper nt tho C, A. Smith mill, and wlfo, leavo tomor row for California. Ho will spend n couplo of weeks' vacation thoro nnd sho will romnlu for n longor stay with rclatlvot). Mrs. C. It. Peck oxpocts to loavo Tuesday for nouthorn California, whoro in Los Angeles sho will meet a fllstor coming out from Dos Moines nnd togothor thoy will spend sovornl weeks In tho south visiting both tho Ban DIogn and tho San Francisco fairs boforo returning about May 1. I SOCIAL CALENDAR. I SATURDAY MIiiiio-WIb Vnloutino party at homo of Mr, nnd Mrs W. II. Perkins on 10th nnd El rod. - DAXCE at XORTir IX LET HALL, SATURDAY, Fell. 'Z. ROATS leavo I .MARHHI'IKLI) at 7 o'clock and from NORTH REXD nt T.-JIO. Music by MORTOX'S ORCHESTRA. THE OXLY OEXUIXE .MEXICAN TAMA LlCS at SARTERS. U for i!Sc. Timesavers ! ! ! NOTICE ! ! ! WE HAVE EXLAHOED OUR Repair Department Phone Us Your Key Troubles . Bring Your Guiib and DIcyclea Send Your Rrokou Umbrellas Your Work Will Ro Done Promptly. Marshfield Cyclery Two Phones 188-11 413 115(1 RROADWAY NOTICE. AH mombors of tho Merchants Patrol arc requested to bo prcsont 'at tho City Hall, Fobttiary 22, at 8 o'clock. Important business. I MERCHANTS PATROL. DRESSED CHICKEN down to 17 . ' S. VV"' VA1tACK MK-M' a"kot. popodxa am no -Huhioao 4xVf l""VH ''1'IVII .SAVOTK-LI (KIO 1" 'ilOXiKU HOJIV'I fI1IJ,v?rO 'l'lVH A1IVS1IHAIXMV LmiUl ... 3 I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR SALE nt very low figures ami easy U-inis: II pure binl !l and I yor old Jei-wey cowm of tho produc ing kind, duo to frtvdieu noon; aIbo JO helfctti from JO to 17 mos. old; iiIno flno bullri. If IlitcrCHtcl Inquire of F. A. Saccbl, MarNhflvld, Or - WANTED l4iro knitting mill In vites correspondence from women deslroiiB of onrnlng money, part or full limo. Qood pay. Exporl onco unnecessary. INTERNA TIONAL KNITTINO MILI, Woat Pblladolphln, Pa. FOR HALE Full bloodvfl young Holstoln calves. Address W. O. M'organ, North Coos Rlvor. I-'OR RIONT n-room Iioiino In Hun ker Hill. $7.00. AddrcHs Mrs. Llzzlu Rowron, MnrBhflold. , WANTED WAXTED Hoard and room for boy in refined family, near soliool. Qlvo phono in reply. Address "11," euro TIiuob. WAXTED To trado for property, real or personal, two small Judg ments against Ktnnoy estates. Tol. 211-J. i WAXTED To soil :-cluilr barber outfit, D mirrors 2 workstandu, gas beater, polo and cash register. Ap ply to Q. II. Truman, North Rond. WAXTED Experienced gardener, J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 3151. 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE a pair rubber boots, alzo 7. Cheap, 205 N. 4th at. FOR HALE Motor boat. .Excellent ouglno. F. A, Saccbl. FOR KALE Cheater Wlilto boar, $30.00 Phono 307X0 or address P. O. Rox 342, North Rond, FOR SALE 3-acro tract. 91BO. Ap ply Rox "R," Tlmea offlco. FOR SALE CHEAP Four Improved lots, 200x112, with 0-room house, In North Marshfield, also lot COx 100, on 10th street, Songatacken Addition. Apply owner, Tbos. P. Miller. ' I FOR RENT FOR RENT lu Hunker Hill, good 5 room modorn bouao with pantry nnd bath. Apply E. M. Smith, Phono 3125, i i FOR RENT Housekeeping suite, with bath. 240 No. 4th at., Tolo- phono 242-L. FOR REXT Housekeeping Milto, Marahflold Hotel, Cor. Third and Commercial. Phono 137-L. FOR REXT Well furnished flt with bath. $20. Phono 443-J, FOR REXT O-rooui liom.0 on First street, $17. Phono 219-J. TIRED OF HOTELS? Try good homo cooking with prlvato family. NIcoly furnlahed rooms. Rato reasonable 230 So. 4th St, ... FOR REXT Furnished two-room apartments, 3rd and Anderson. Phono 240-L. FOR REXT Lnrgo front rooms wltli boat. Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. 2C5 N. 4th St. FOR RENT Flno stock or lUlry ranch, within a mile of Marshfield, 150 aero; with 100 acres ot bot tom land. Vory reanonable term. Apply E. I. Chandler, Room 300 Coko building, Clfi55Int W'JiMt