5AwlSw 7 ss;.vf ;$fl v &(,'. V ' ' 1 TUr: onno hjlu. j "TWJ jrW $hrhRHIHHIIh9HHBIJHmhEwHI5m19iIv m h 1: FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES", MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915 EVEMING EDITION. J f COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor nml Tub. DAN K. MAfA)NKY, News Editor Official I'npcr of Coon County EXTEND WELCOME TO NEMI1S lMB$j (Contlnubd from Pago Throo.) LADIES Altr C'LUIJ Entered At tho Postofflco at Mnrsb Holtl. Oregon, for tranBmlBBion through tho nialli aa locond-claM !.... . . . ol - nan matter. , "Get Acquainted" Slogan of Successful Gathering at Millicoma Club Wore you welcomed to tho city Inst evening at tho Millicoma Club? If not you missed something. Sov- ornl hundred men and women gath ered there, somo of thorn old cit izens hero, others newcomers. To gether they mingled, beenmo ac quainted and all wero brought faco to faco and made to fool that this Is a good world after all and that Mrs. Henry Hoeck was hostess to every person on Coos Day wishes tho Ladles' Art Club at her home In North Uond yesterday after . noon, having as special guest Mrs. Anna Ijarsen, and was assisted ' In .serving by Miss Margaret Hoeck nnd Miss McDonald. The memborB present wore: Mrs. John A. Dlatt, Mrs, A. 8. lllnnch- ard, Mrs. W. D. Curtis,. Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Sr., Mrs. Olivia Edmnn, Mrs. P. M. Plyo, Mrs. H. Foley, Mrs. L. . F. Falken8toIn, Mrs. W. E. Hoag- land,' Mrs. A. L. Ilousewortb, Mrs. -'E. D. McArtluir, Mrs. N. Itasmus- son, Mrs. Hoss Smith, Mrs. C. H. Walters and. iMrs. L. Q. Lang, who will entertain next Friday. 4. the other well. Tho occasion was tbo "got togoth or" planned by tbo Ladles' Auxll Inry of tho Chamber of Commerce, , ,irCBB of welcome, "but In this I and tho cntortalnmcnt committee mean that wo have only partly Thin followed a vocnl solo by Mr. Koy Miller, who responded to tho encoro with '"A Jolly Monk." Mrs. Miller was obliged to appear three times nnd oven then sbo was loudly applnuded for another en coro. Mrs. llalllngor and Miss Es ther Asplund rendered very good piano solos. And through all tho entertain ment there wont tho spirit of In formal good fellowship, tho feeling to even tho newcomers that they aro welcomo hero nnd that others are taking an Interest In tholr welfares. Tho members of tho refreshment commltteo wore: Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. W. A. Held, Mrs. Eugene O'Connell, Mrs. V. A. Toye, Mrs. J. A. MtitBon, Mrs. William Crimes, Mrs. K. M. Jennings, Mrs. Hnrry Nnsburg, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. "Ward Dlako, Miss Louise Dlatt. Welcomes Newcomers. I'Somo of us nro old-timers bore," said Judgo John S. Coke, In his nd Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tlcdgon; P. P. Norton, Klngfleld, Maine; M. C. Ma lonoy, OU City, Penn.; Allco D. Mn loney, Coos Dny; Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Preston, Lowell, Mass.; Miss Edith Preston, Lowell, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Ebbecka, PlttBburg, Penn.; Mrs. C.-E. Elliot, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mrs. H. A'. Elliott, Indlnnapolls, Ind.; T. J. Irwin, Oregon; II. M. Sbnw, Berwick, Canada; Mrs. Cbas. Stauff, Coos Day; Mrs. DunJ. Ostlind, Coos Day; Mrs. D. J. Decs, Dooneboro, la.; Mrs. I). L. Ditcklngham, Wahpoton, Mrs. W. V. Douglas, Maishflold; A. II. Powers, Minneapolis, Minn.; C. P. McKnlght, Coos Day; Mrs. C. P. Mc (leorgo, Mich.: Mrs. E. Krommlnga, Oldenburg, Oermnny; Mrs. I. 8. Kauf man, Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. J. S. Coke, Marshflold; Mrs. C. H. Peck, Vermont; Mrs. A. H. Powers, Minne apolis, Minn.; Mary A. Haley, Wll mar, Minn.; Mrs. E. M. Sprnguo, Su perior, AVIsc.; Helen M. Sprnguo, Su perior, Wise; -Mary EvanR, Spring Valley. Ohio; Helen Darlington, Hock Crcok, Ohio; Mrs. H. Q. Dutlor, Mnrshfleld; Mrs. Vnrlli nnfenln! Francos P. Pranso, Freeman, Mo.; Mrs. P. E. Allen, Uklab, Cnl.; S. C. Small, Glasgow, I N. II. PKKSDVTEIMAN LADIES 4 . Tho North Uond Ladles' Aid will glvo a ' social Wednesday aftornoon In tho class room at 2 o'clock. O 1NFOHMAL CAIID IA11TV : ' Tho Misses Ellzabolh Mooro, Grnco ' Qrirfon, Doll O'Connor, Ethol Hocf'J, and Ftanccs Hnrkncss entortnlned a number of frlomls at an Informnl ' evening of cards last Saturday eve ning at ''Tho Dungalow." Tho guoatH Included Miss Evelyn Ander son, Miss Nora Tower and Messrs: .1. T. Drnnd, A. K. Peck, George Murch, Welch, Joy Doyle, Del Dong Mon and Tom Dennett. Dainty re freshuiouts wero served. . I A. X. W. CI.UIl I appointed somo tlmo ago. "Women should bo nllowed to Jtln tho Chamber of Commerce," said ono of tbo members at a meet Inn of .that body a whllo bnck. Every ono thought It n good move, the motion was seconded and unan imously pnBsed. And with this watched this community grow up. You nowcomers aro hero In tlmo to watch It grow Into ono of tho lnrgest nnd beat developed commun ities in tho state perhaps second only to Portland. Wo who have been hero for somo tlmo, wo wol- como you who nro new. May good dono tho invitation was sent out . fortuno como to you hero nnd may to tho womon Inviting them to bc-jy0u always feel that wo aro ready como honorary members. to do our best for your good boost." Tho way In which they responded ln a , py ,0UBlnB ,011g nc to their now duties was plainly evl- tho ,8 thoml nnd , by don last evening. They said: I'Horo tho ..cnfotorla tab,0,.. woro ,Iolpcd WO httVO now people arriving In OUr - ,n ,,,,., mn.ln onffnn nml .nn.1. Tho A. N. W. Club met with Mrs. Call Evcrtson Inst Thursday uf tol lmen when sowing and social chat hold full sway until tho hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Hazard and Mrs. Frlcdborg, served appetizing dainties to tho following members In U- tuiilnnco: .Mrs. F. E. Allen, Mrs, . Olivia Edman, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mrs. Frnnl Hnguo, Mrs. Ellzaboth II tie, Mrs, E, Mlngus, Mrs. Georgo V Murch, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs Mary McKnlght, Mb. Hugo E. tjnlst. and Mrs. Chhrles Stnuff. Mrs. , Frledburg will bo hostess lioxt Thursdny. , ' I.NTOKMAIj EVKXIXG Mr. niu.1 Mm. I.yn Schmidt entor tnlned tho following friends nt an Informal evoulng of cards last Monday evening: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haines, Mrs. Juo. A. Dlntt, Mrs. Carl Haines and Messrs. C. E. Ash, Rudolph Copplo and A. Ackor .inn. ' I LITTLE FOLKS 1WHTY I mldBt every weok. Thoro should bo somo way of gottlng acquainted with them." And bo acting on this tho women with tho Clmmbor of Com morco Immediately planned a "got acquainted" gathering. In All WiiyM a Success It was a success. At least throo hundred peoplo nssomblcd In tho club rooms, grncfously given over for tho occasion. Director It. N. Ponton, of tbo Coos Day band, was rtingrr-tulated on tho first nppear anco of tho 30-plcco symphony or nnliuiitra. It was a musical treat, tbo playing of trained musicians and tlmo nnd again was vigorously an lauded by tho delighted visitors. slated by Mrs. Turnbull and Miss Sherwood, Those present woro .Mr. Mrs. Colllor, Mr. and .Mrs. Evlnnd, Mr. nnd Mm. Cnry, Mr. and Mrs. Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Hazard, Mr. and Mra. Shorwood, Mr. and Mrs. Snnford, Mr. and Mrs. Folsom, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling, Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull, tbo Misses Shorwood and ,Mr. Harlockor and Mr. McKonnn. On last Friday ovonlug tho moin bors of tbo Kokocl Klub entortnln ed tholr wlvoa nnd Bwoothearta at a Valentino party. Tho club rooms woro prottlly decorated with hearts and Cupids nnd also ln flags It alao bolng Lincoln's birthday. A largo crowd waH present and tripped tho light fantastic until a lato hour. Punch was norvoil during tho ovo nlug and lntor lunch was sorved. Mrs. Win. Candllit wns hoatess on Monday aftornoon to a few frlonds at aowlng. A dainty lunch was aorved by tho hostess. Thoao prosont wero Mosdnmes Folsom, Llljoqvlst, Endtcott, Sanford, Ster ling, Lamb and Miss Shorwood. On Tuosday aftornoon Mrs. J. A. Colllor wub hoatoss to tho COO club, It being tho election or of ficers. Tho following woro elected: Mrs. Ilohlnson, prcsldout, and Mrs. i nnd treasurer. wlchcs and It wns not until aftor cloven o'clock that oven tho oldor persons began to loavo. President Hugh McLnln, of tho Chnmbor of Commerce, somo tlmo ago appointed n commltteo of five women to hnvo charge of tho social entortnlnmont of visitors to tbo city. Tho members of this comml tco wero Mrs. Henry Songstnckon, chnlrmnn, Mrs. C. H. Peck, Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mrs. F. E, Alton nnd Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Tho per sonnel of tho program commltteo of last ovonlug wns: Mrs. G. W. Kaufmnn, chairman, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, J. Al bert Mntson and Tom T. Dennett. Tltoso Win) Were Tliei-c. Following aro tho names of thoao who registered and tho placcB from which they hnll: Jas. Flanagan, Coos Day; J. A. MatBon, Coos Day; Louise C. Lock hart, Coos Day; Virglnn A. Matson, Coob Day; L. P. Houpormnn; Henry Marshflold; Mrs. A. 0. Hogors, Marsh field; 0. It. Peck, Vermont; Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W, Painter, Okln.; Annlo Smith, Mnrshfleld; Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mnrshfleld; Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Marshflold; Mrs. Ida Conrad, Port land; Mrs. Prank Cnttcrlln, Port land; Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. Cumbers, Oakland, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Curtis, Heppner, Ore.; Mrs. A. J. Snv- ago, Ohio; Frances Hazard, Marsh field; W. P. Welsh, Vermont; W. A. Ackermnn, Portlnnd; Cbas. II. Wal ter, Missouri; A. J. Savage, Mich.; I). L. Hood, Alaska; Elizabeth Mer chant, Marshflold; Win. Goodrum, Now Orleans, La.; I. S. Kaufman, 111.; J. M. Wright and wife, Oregon; Mrs. G. W. Kaufmnn, Spokane, Wnsh.; Dr.. and Mrs. Win, Horsfnll, York shire, England; Mrs. It. J. McKay, San FrnnclBco; Helen Doblo Nnsburg, Minnesota; Frank II. Starr, Norwich, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Corey, Portlnnd, Oregon; Frank D. Cohan, Portland; Don S. Fisher, Anderson, Intl.; It. E. Lnraway, Portland, Ore.; W. A. Toye, Mnrshfleld; Mrs. It. E. Lnraway,, Portland; Mrs. Malr Dano. Marshflold; Mrs. H. M. Jennings, Boston; James E. Montgomery, Ind.; A. J. M. Robertson, Marshflold; Win. S. Turpon, Mnrshfleld; T. A. Wood- worth, Portlnnd; Chns. I. Hclgnrd; Mrs. Chns. I. Hclgnrd; Wm. Long staff, Marshflold C. Ashley Cook, Chi cago; D. II. Piatt, Marshflold; H. N. Fcuton, Mnrshfleld; Herbert Morton, North Dend; It. Lyon, Marshflold; W. II. Kennedy, Day City, Mich.; Tom T.' Dennett, Marshflold; A. E. Di luent, Mnzomnnlc,' Wis.; J. S. LyoiiB, California; Cbas. Stauff, Arago, Ore.; A. 0. Hogors, Coos ltlvcr; E. K. Jones, Marshflold; C. P. McGoorgo, Michigan; Mrs. L. E. Marshcl, Spo kano, Wash.; Alma Wobstor, Mnrsh flold; H. M. Jennings, Doston, Mass.; P. 0. Ilorton, Wise; II. Nnsburg, Mnrshfleld; John W. Motloy, Mis souri; Hugh Dnrclny, Penn.; C. C. Going, Portland; Mrs. C. C. Going, Portland; O. W. Drlggs, Ind.; Mrs. A. E. Dlmont, Mnzomnnlc, Wise.; Mrs. D. A. Jones, Dolso, Idaho; Mrs Moutnn Sweden 0. Duller, California; P. E. Allon, Marshflold; Mrs. C. II. Waltor, Kan sas City, Mo.; C. W. Wolrott, Mnrsh fleld; Joe WllllaiitH, Maiuhfleld; Mm. E. W. Sullivan, Pon Du Lac, Wise.; J. C. Jones, Marshflold; It. 13. Miller, Seattle, Wnuli.; Mrs. M. A. Swootman, Kansas; 1. A. Jonos, Valley City, North Dakota; Gladys Clrahnm, Glnd wyu, Mich.; .Isaac- H. Tower, Coos Day; Mrs. 1). D. Hood, Doposlt, N. Y.5 Mrs. Hugh MoLaln, Philadelphia, Pa.; D. J. MeKlnnon, Portland; Mrs. If. E. Kolty, Mexico; Mrs. M. Strom horg, Cambridge, Minn.; Mrs. C. M. Connor, Dendwood, South Dakota; Mrs. II. E. Hennler, Portlnnd; Mrs. Maurlco Hlrsch.'I,. L. Drndloy, Mlddletown, Cnllf.; Annlo J. Holland, .Miirsuiioiti; i'jvo lyno Conway, Seattle, Wash.; P. E. Conway, Ashlund, Orogon; W. U. DouglnB, Portlnnd; A. T. Haines, Ok lahoma; Mrs. H. E. Miller, Esthor vlllo, Iowa; P, W. Dorlam, Marsb- ia; Dcn. Ostlind, Stockholm, r, Mrs.' Hobert N. Ponton; II. flnlih 11,.... .. ' ""w i- n... MrB" v- W. lie Uh ? Mrs. L. LnilBiM - "inn, Sweden! ... ' e" W Mnrshrlpl,; Uoi ' Mint, . ,... . JLL h Miss ilazcnw.. 'I. Corey, i. p..,,.." K aottms, Mnr,hffe,7J HnlnoB, lown; Ma h thwalto. oiini,. .. Marshflold; Mr8. ' Spokane: Q. P, s J Wiuh.: Mis. ja. J "old; Mr. nnd Xlt, 7 '' Portland; Vnl ""'" "rry Fonberr Sweden. ' Songstnckon, Ilnnovor, Gurmnuy; Henry Songstnckon, Mnrshflold; Mrs. Jack Iinhoff of North Dend onto! tnlned a number of llttlo tots yestorday afternoon with Jono Da'.loy 1 Currlo socrotnrv iib guest of Honor, it Uolng tho r.lh Lunch wub served, Mrs. Currlo ns-l blithdny of tho llttlo Miss. Mm. slating tho hostpss. Thoso presont iiiiiuui, iiBsisien uy .Mrs. lrryant .urn woro Mesdamoa Hohlnaon. Evland. EVER HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE Mrs. Petorson gladdoued each llttlo hoart with dainty refreshments nt the closo of tho aftornoon. I'iio gitoatB Included Misses lono Dnlley, Myrtle and Margaret Poteraon, Syd ney Dyrnnt nnd Dlnneho Hloblo.. I COQU1M.E SOCIAL NEWS (Special to Tho Tlinoa.) COQUH.LH. Or., Feb. 20. On last Sunday ovonlug Mr. and Mrs. Geo, A. Hobliiboa ontertnlucd 11 fow friends to a Valentino dluuor. Tho tnblo was prettily decorated with flowers and hoarts. Tho guosts found their places by n comic Valentino which caused much mer riment. Tho ovonlug was spent ln muBlc. Thoso present wore Mr. and Mrs. Will noso. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Llnogar nnd son, Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Hobt. Watson and chil dren, Mary and Jnmoa Watson, Collier, Folsom, Currlo, Shorwood,' llnzard, Llljeqvlst, Sterling, Ed Lor onz, Henry Loronz, Geo. Loronz, Sinclair, llartson, Plorce, Nloman, Gnmblo and Miss Shorwood. On laat TuoBday ovonlug Mrs. Wllllaina nnd Mlsa Woodford entor tnlned tho J. 0. W. Club. Tho evening was spent In sewing, music and nmrry-niaklng in gonoial. At n lato hour wo woro told to tako our partuora for a grand mnrch and following tho loaders wo nil march ed to tho homo of .Mrs. Fred Slaglo whoro a delicious lunch nwnltod us. Tho tablo was prettily docor ntod with vlolota and hyacinths. Tho guests found tholr placos by protty llttlo Vnlontlno place cards. Thoso present wero Mosduinca Sin gle, Lnmb. Johnson, Folsom, En dlcott, Hawkins, Gould, Cnry, Law ronco, Jonos, Candlln, Ed Lorona, Goo. Loronz. llonrv T.ornnz. TFnrlnnn On Wednesday ovonlug of last Istorlinc. i.vnns i.,.i,r.,. u.r,i week Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Evland , sanford, Llljeqvlst, the Mlsaoa Shor eiitortalnod a few frlonds. The wnod Jones am, Dnvonportj Mr8t ovonlug was spent in playing S00.,slngIo niul M,.8 Lnmb anMoi , Tho bostons sorvod a dollclous lunch ' g0rvlug. being assisted la serving by Mra. Folsom, Thoso prosont woro Mr. and Mrs. '.. S. Strang, Mr, and Mrs. Goo, Hoblnson, Mr. and Mra. D. Folsom, Mr. and Mrs. N. John son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sterling, Miss Kclma Strung and llttlo Eleanor Folsom. , Mr, and Sirs. C. A. Howard on- tortjilned on last Thursday evening On Thuradny ovenlng Mrs. Archlo Phillips was hostess to n few friends and tho ovenlng was spent In mu sic. Tho bostoss sorved n dainty lunch, bolng assisted by Mrs. Mc Klnloy. Each guest found her place by n dainty Vnlontlno place card. Thoso presont wdro Moa damos Plerco, True, Nloman, Juza, MoKiuloy, tho- Misses Dess Maury, Myrtlo Lund, Dorothy Watson and to elx tables of "500." Mr. Turn .buD and Mrs. J. A. Colllor carried Ujao jones off high prizes. A delicious lunch wus served tho hostess, bolng as-' (Contlnuod on page eight 7 Start again and again to save, and have some small demand cut into your surplus till you got discouraged? That's the common experience, and the reason's just this: , . Saving, to be successful, must have a definite and compelling object and plan. When you can secure valuable property on an easy savings plan you place yourself in just the right posi tion to succeed, and you have, besides, a sense of own ership and achievement that soon becomes a habit. The first successful effort encourages you to greater ones, and you've no idaa how the habit of "getting ahead" grows on you and develops the ability to per sist and make good. ' We Know You Can Make Good in Bay Park We believed in this property heart and soul when we first put it on the market. Its development has exceeded our expectations. Now its success is certainthat's evident to all who see it. And you can buy lots there for only $100.00 each, and have practically your own time to pay for them, although you get possession at once. Isn't it worth while? Ask us more about it. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Streqt. Spring Houi ledeaning lime .. t . i ...r-..t. j r.ii -l tt Is Always a Kemincter to oareiur auu uuui nousewive of the need of NEW NITURE Mi fariAA$r(rwcwd "dOAML aA ha)vL tier, fakst. xmifnkhMl i ji . . i . .. : tv id. riAjLuvbVurvirL iAU) ilQMi wwufo -rJiiiiY ' ''if r vv j v jyn '"i.-VW.r (S JSj&S,,'' 5 jj JpO rj-;- fW h A 0 m ii V" Old thln, oiwria'ir. lOft'f: tyAFouTZufffi It may be a room is to be refurnished or it may bo a few odd pieces to iili different rooms to make the furnishinns oomnlete. Our large stock with its varl ietl assortment offers unusual opportunities for selection whether it is a sirfl piece, a single room or a complete outfit, and remember always "WE SELL IT FOR LESS." GOING HARVEY COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS Feb. 22 Indian Day All Over U.S. jnfc JBGr s Mpto- KJ.VttKA-W f Y Wf.S iJdi7'Jt ml yi v7oy m the'S ttfcNDattWIAhTJKWTimG CQ J Sprimjijleld-Massj Everybody Showing the 1915 Indian Motorcycle Some of the few improvements are as follows! One, two and three-speed gears. Heavy Duty Clutch. Mew Starter Without Paddles. Foot and Hand Control Clutch. Neutral Countershaft on all Models. Heavy Driving Chains. Dixie Magneto. . These many improvements make The ! 9 1 5 Indian Motorcylce Master of Them You must see our dsmonstrator" to appreciate the full extent of the ln"j periority over all other machines on the market. 1 M EKBLAD , SON. .v. jft - -. -.? ?-: