THE COOS BAY TIMES. MABSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE A V X&W1'": ia.,.. "'iKi r 'si$fc HH '. f ,i&v. t .-.,sas3fty7 ' VUfitt "SV fcSKf.lVA frncolate Filling br Layer Cake ; TFiW !' f& ' Ground Chocolate "fiE!M$, VVtT'.M This is the most economical of all chocolates I iM A?" J-l NkLWU r . , .. . fifes' 5fi!&v'.W VTJt"v make many new desserts, but to serve i-' ' W lllc ,nost healthful of all beverages ITTrfRft ' NfffjMfV at a vcry small coat. W WiMv Till fj r. U" '"RARDKLLI CO. '-'v '("f iP NLJgjS? San Francisco Since 1SS2 l M.iftTriSrrSxie A ""VV iCTT f? lit'- " jf1 ' W "vf wLrs'iy tR. . HiA-" ;8xi THE WORLD'S LEADING PIANO MANUFACTURERS Among llto ninny lending piano man ufacturers wo rep resent mill of which we nra tho Pacific Const distributors, Ih THE CABLE CO. Concerning this woll - known firm tlio Piano anil Or pin iMiuiiasors (illlllc, tllO leading authority in tlio , iniislnil trade In fllio United Htiik-s, (peaks as follows: Tlio Cable Com. ; jinny Is onu of tlio largest, most ills- I tliigulshcd, outer. prising mill wealthy roiucnis In tlio pi-mio-plnycr, piano mill orpin industry. Hccopilcd ono o( tiic great leak. tiii: KISS lii tlio trade Incorporated "ltd a capital of sjW.OOO,. OHO, all paid In, and In ndilUlon thereto, huvo u The fnctoiy en pne 1 1 y, wlikh gicntcst iimiiiifiittiiieis of t largo (lint It Is a leading fji u couiplcto lino of liihtiiinio i'liimvi'i' Carola-liiiici'-l'liiyo nuns, Cuplioim Player l'lano iiiitloniil reputation uuI Km number of branch houses of Europe, Asia, Africa mi til fnctoiy facilities enable. tlio most econonilcal condltl lately unquestioned. Representing mnniifaetiir dealing has mndo tlio Wiley ns lieeu a feat mo loiitrlhu lug concern. tins COOS BAY lenrik Gjerdrum PIANO INSTRUCTION tudio MYRTLE ARMS Phone 356-J. Central Avenue Tnkc one eun nowd- r it ftugar and mix with Ihirr tablr. imunfuls ofOliltarJcllrnUrounJChocolntr. Then take tliree tablennfianfula hailimr w.. coftce, poured Into two tnbloipoonfuW of butter, tlr Into nbove and bent well, flavor with vumua. Here is a recipe for a fillinnr that will make your layer cake so delicioualy differ- cnt that the family will be delighted- try it wncn next you uake, out be vM SS-SSwS'1!! if "' ' - ''iiiPilii The Kingsbury Piano cmiuk i' co.s ( m:adi:u i. pianos Niirplus of ijiftOO.OO. In coiihtnntly Ih'Iiik enlnrgwl, noW iiuiktv tlio company ono of tlio Imuw, Iniier.l'layer I'iano.s ami orpins In tlio world. Tlio autniit Is m ctor In tlio piano, player-piano and orpin Industries. It nianiifactnres' K roiiover pianos, Calilo pianos, KliiKslinry pianos, Wolllnnton plnnos, r plnnos, KliiKslniry Cnroln-lnnei-l'layer plnnos, Cariiln-lnnei'-l'lnyer pl h, and Clilcap Cottap orpins. This dlMlnpiMiod Inniso Ims nn inter Jiihtnimeiits ai-o sold tlio world over. In tills country It lias a Inrps and hundred of npMieles. It also .has ap'iits In tho principal cities d Australia. Its practically unlimited financial resources and iiiisurpnss. It to put upon tho market Mand.ird Instruments of niiiihtial merit under oiks. Tho financial and commercial Mandlug of this concern Is abso- ei's of this character with Internatloiial rupiitatltui (opither with honest II. Alien Co. tho leadhiir dlstilhiitors of pianos on tho I'm-'flc Const. It on tho splendid .success of tho (Aios "VOl'lt 3IOXKVS WOIJTII t)U ' yot'lt MONKV IJACIf." TALK TO THOMAS AUOUT IT." ft ji-mPM9-mirzwza L.L. THOMAS, Mgr. MUSICAL DIRECTORY rs. FiramikHini VOICE yirtle Armms 89L sure to use Hay branch of this over-p-ow HX. Russell Building. Miss Edna Louise Larson Pianist and Teacher Studio Corner Central mid Ktli St. Telephone -137-II M USIC -:- Marshfield Developing A Musical Atmospliefe KXI'OSITIO.V MlSIC. N THE rivalry of tho nrts nt the exposition, music lovers nro fully convinced Hint their particular devotion Is to bo pre-eminent. They wero mora than satisfied on tlio point when It was announced that San Pranclsco was to hnvo nn ornn which would rank with tho first bIx of tho world's great Instruments, but now that it Is known that Canilllo Snlnt Sacns himself is to bo present In tho flesh and preside at tlio keys dur ing the first rendering of a compo sition specially dedicated by him to Sun Francisco, enthusiasm Is without bounds. It Is lndocd a great nchlovumont even for n city already so conspicuous In music history as San Francisco. Snlnt-SaeiiH Is by universal acclaim tho greatest of living composers, nnil tho one remaining link with tho mas- terH who wroto not for a day but for all time. There Is something In his music which cnu bo expressed to perfection only in that full orchestra under the bruin and direct control of ono which Is tho grand organ. His presence will bo tlio crowning tribute, to San Francisco ns a music center, a tribute which, If ono may bo permitted to dogmatjzo In matters of tnste will bo oven higher tlmn tho visits of Mnscagnl and Leoncavallo. Hut tho grand organ mid Saint Saons nro not tho only big music nt tractions of the Panama-Pacific Ex position. Thoro will bo In addition, a monster sacngorfest and rcpresen tntlons by tho world's most distin guished interpreters of classic opera, n continuous round of melody cater lng for every variety of tasto from tho Bacrcd to tho much abused but widely enjoyed ragtime. Of much interest on tho opening programme in which tho choir will participate will bo tlio singing of Mrs, H. H. A. Uoach's ''Exposition Hymn," tho words of which wero written by Wendoll Phillips Stafford of tlio Un itcd States Supremo bench, and which wero accepted by tho exposition dl rectors as tho official hymn, Mrs. nonch Is popularly known through her song, "Tho Year's at tho Spring." Tlicso two numbora tho Haydn composition and Mrs. Uoach's hymn will constltuto tho vocal contrlbu tlons to tho opening ceremonies of tho exposition. In view of tho excltomcnt Into which eastern organist's roused them solves by tho exposition's soloctlon of Lomnro ns tho official organist,. It Is Interesting to learn that tho organist who Is honored with tho duty of "opening" tho beautiful organ is Wnlaco Sabln of San Francisco, invited by Qcofgo Stewart, chlof of tho exposition's music department, to undertake that splendid task. Tho first concert will bo plnyod by Sabln on tho day of tho opening of tho oxposltlon, and will bo ropcatod 1 on Sunday. On tlio following day Claronco Eddy will provldo tho muj- lo which will flood tho Festival Hall with tone. Many will bo Interested to know that tho first number to bo playod on tho organ will bo Handel's "Hal lelujah Chorus" from "Tho Messiah." STUDIO RECITAL. Miss Edna Loulso Larson Is plan ning a studio recital for tho first week in March at which a number of her students will appear. Thoso playing solos will bo Misses Doris Songstacken, Ida Cook, Irono Holm, Frances Lyon, Thelma Lyon, Clara Ferguson. A quartetto of Miss Lar son's pupils composed of Misses Ireno Holm and Ida Cook at tho first piano and Misses Doris Songstacken and Is abello Ferguson nt tho second 'piano will piny tho Faust Waltz by Gounod and a Polonnalso by Charles Donneo, . IIAXR CONCERT. Director R. N. Fonton of tho Coos Day Concert llnml has announced an Interesting program for tho monthly concert which will tako placo tomor row afternoon nt tho Orpheum Thea ter at 2 o'clock. The program is as follows: 1. March, "Curro Cucbares" .... Motallo 2. Overture, "Light Cavalry'; . . , Suppo 3. Creole Serenade, "Down tho Dayou" , Do Koven i. Selection from "II Trovatoro" Verdi G. (a) Piwlcato Polka from "Syl via" Delibes (b) Valso Lento Polka from "Sylvia" Dollbes C, American Fantasia, "Goms of Stephen Foster" Tobani 7. Star Spangled Banner. DAXCE at CHANDLER HOTEL, SATURDAY EVENING, Feb. SO. AND M CJKHDHOt MUHICAIjK. That Marshfield music-loving peo ple appreciate the work of Mr. Hen- rlk Gjerdrum was demonstrated last Monday evening by nn audlenco which taxed tho capacity of his stu dlos whon ho gave his second pupils' recital of this season. A proof of Mr. ajerdrum's special genius for teaching was shown In tho fact that thoro wero no potty errors of execu tion to put tho listeners on edge or to catiBo them to feel a harrowed sympathy for tho nervousness of tho performers as is often tho case with youthful Btudcnts. Tho numbers wero each given with an case and fa cility that left no room for anything but puro delight In tho musical treat. Mr. Alfred Fllcsburg, who opened tho program, has improved wonder fully in his plnylng, both technically and musically, and his selection wns very well rendered. Ho was followed by Miss Victoria KJcllnnd and Miss Hlldur Solandor, both of whom show ed decided musical ability In their performances. The solos of Miss Ed na Loulso Larson, who Is n favorlto with Marshtlold audiences, wero glv en with her usual finished stylo and in nn artistic manner that justifies hor popularity. Tho vocal numbora by Messrs. Hoy Miller and Itolf Nordrum wero very flno and tho audlenco Insisted upon hearing tho slngors a second time, Perhaps tho best number of tho eve ning was tho Peer Oynt sulto for two pianos which was resorved for tho last numbor and which loft tho hear ors longing to hear It a Bccond tlmo and hoping that It will bo ropoatod at somo futuro recital. .Miss Mary Kruso and Mr. Alfred Fleisbcrg carried tho first piano part and Misses llertha Davis and Flor enco Powers tho sccontl piano, their onsomblo work being exceptionally woll executed. After tho program an Informal so cial hour was enjoyed, Mr, UJordrum serving punch to bis guests. Following was tho musical pro gram of tho evening: WaldoBrauschon (Forest Whls- pors) Ilraungardt Impromptu in C Minor . . Holnhold Miss Victoria Kjollaud To Spring Grieg Ulrdllng Qrlog Miss Hlldur Solandor Volco On tho Shoro Koldllngor My Aln Folk N. G. Lemon Mr. Roy Miller Piano Vlsno Dlado (Withered Leaves) Por Lasson Impromptu Op. 90 No. 2 Schubert Miss Edna Loulso Larson Volco Viol Traumo Slndiug Aria from Pagllaccl In Swedish Til Ostorland vll Jog fara, a Swe dish folk song, in Swodlsn... Leoncavallo Mr. Rolf Nor drum M1LLIOO.MA PROGRAM. Tlio commltteo in chargo of tho en tertainment at tho Chamber of Com morco reception at tho Mllllcoma Club last evening presented an un usually flno musical program which wab thoroughly appreciated by tho guests, who woro enthusiastic in ap plause of each and every number. In addition to tho musical numbora a short address of welcom6 by Judge John S. Coke was a featuro of tho program. Tho symphony orchestra numbers woro very good, showing tho Improvement duo to faithful practice on tho part of tho mombors of that organization, Following is tho pro gram: 1. Orchestra, (a) Intermezzo characteristic, "Tho Wedding of tho Roso." (b) Angelus from "Scenes Pit toresques" ,.,...,,. Messernt 2, Address of wolcomo by Judgo J. S. Coko. 3. Vocnl Solos. (a) Beloved It Is Morn .Aylward (b) Carlsslma Kenn Mrs. Roy E. Miller G. Piano Duet. My Balladino , . . . . Llpborg Mrs. Dalllngor Miss Esther Asplund 6. Vocal Solos. On tho Shoro ........ Neldllngor A Jolly Old Monk .... Dohannon Mr. Roy B. Miller N. Meyer of Calgary, Canada, ar rived on Coos Bay this week and will play bans with tho Coos Bay Concert Band. Mr. Meyer is an old acquain tance of Director R. N. Fenton, who know him eight years ago -when both woro residing In Calgary, Mr. Moy er Is Hungarian and camo to tho Unit ed States with the Royal Hungarian Band, which toured this country for four years. USICIA MS I ' i i. CHAMIXADE CLfcll. Tho Chamlnado Club met Friday morning nt the library auditorium for their regular weekly business meeting. Tho choruses for their evening meeting Wednesday, March 3, were rehearsed. A very flno paper by Miss Louise Blatt was enjoyed, the subject being Harmony. Next Friday Mrs. Malr Dano will read a paper on Intervals. Thoso present Friday wero Miss Evelyn Anderson, Miss Bes sie Ayro, Mrs. Perl Rlloy Ualllngcr, Miss Loulso Blatt, Mrs. E. I. Chand ler, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. Levi Dalglc, Mrs, Malr Dano, Mrs. Edwin Dolan, Mrs. W. N. Ekblad, Mlas Ursula Far ringor, Mrs. A. B. Gldloy, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Mrs. Job. Knotts, Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Mrs. It. E. Miller, Miss Clara Myron, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. BcnJ. Ostllnd, Miss Editli Preston, Mrs. E. L. Robinson, Mrs. 1). II. Savngc, Miss Genovleve Sengstnckcn, Mm. II. H, Smith, Mrs. Charles Stauff, Mrs. M. A. Hwcotman, Miss Allco Tlckoll, Miss Nora Tower, Mrs. L. Tower and Mrs. F. 13. Wilson -" MUSIC FOR PROGRESS CLUB. 4 Mrs. A. H. Gldloy, 'who was np pointed to hnvo clmrgo of tho pro gram for tho open meeting of 'tho Progress Club Monday afternoon nt her residence, has nrrnnged tho fol lowing program, which Includes ninny Interesting musical numbers ns woll as tho usual literary offerings scho dulcd In tlio year-book of tho organ! zatlon: 1. Quartetto. (a) Irish Folk Song Footo (b) Nearest and Dearest .... Caracctola-Lynos Johnson SIstorH. 2. Pnpoi, .History of tho Yollow stono Park Mrs. W. S. Nicholson 3. Vocal Solos. (a) Lovo's Entreaty . . Brnckott (b) I Hear a Thrush at Evo. . !, ! Lfiuitnnn (c) A Roso Fablo Hawloy ' Mrs. Roy Evorolt Mlllor 4. Paper, What I Saw In tho Park Mrs. R. K. Booth B. Piano. (a) Marcho Mlgnon. Op. 15.. i Qiuini (b) Scotch Poom. Op. 31, No. 2 MncDowoll (o) Vnlso do Concort. Op. 3, No. 1 WlonlawskI Miss Clara Isabel Myron G. Quartetto, Forgotmonot Qloso-Llchtor Johnson Sisters Mrs. William, Horsfall, Jr.. will act ns accompanist. -I TUESDAY'S CONCERT. , That an appreciation for what Is really good In muslo is bolng devel oped In Marshfield wns shown by tho, interested and Intelligent recognition accorded tho nppcaranco of William Wallace Graham, violinist, and Edith Clarko Paterson,, mezzo soprano, who wero prcsontod In concort at tho Lo manskl Theator last Tuesday evening. Tho program was of tho highest or dor nnd music lovers agreed that tho performance was of a high grado of oxcollonco. Many of tho numbers had not boon henrd in Marshfield be foro, which added a special lutorest to tho program, Tlio fcmlnlno part of tho audlenco admired tho striking gown In which MIbb Patorson appear ed. It was of white laco with serpou- tlno tunic of black laco with glrdlo and roso of coral silk, tho effect bo lng unusually protty. Mrs, Horsfall, who playod accompaniments for both Miss Paterson and Mr, Graham, woro gold brocado with bead trimmings and a corsago boquot of bluo flowers. CHURCH MUSIC. , Tho following music will bo sung at Emmanuel Episcopal church Sun day morning; ProcoBslpnal, Hymn Hi, "Oh Sa- vlous, Precious Saviour"... Mann Venlto Robinson Oloria Patrla Mornlngton Bencdlcite , . . Macfarlano Boncdlctus , Chant Hymn 80, "Saviour, Whon In Dust toThoo" Hymn 81, "Christian, Dost Thou Sco Them?" , . . , Dykos Offertory Solo, "Tho Lord Is My Shepherd" Llddlo Mrs. L. Tower. Presentation of Alms, "All Things Como of Thee, O Lord" Recessional, Hymn 32, "Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name" . . Hopkins Mrs. William Horsfull, . Jr., Or ganist and Choir Director, I In splto of tho Inclement weather last Tuesday evening quite a largo audlenco greeted Mr. Wm. Wflllnco Graham and Miss Edith Clnrko Pat terson In the LemanBkl Theator In tho concert given by these two artists under tho direction of Miss Rhoda Seat. Never have tho Marshfield peo plo had tho privllego of bolng entor tatned in such a manner and their appreciation was manifested by re peated applauso calling for ono en core after another. Mr. Qrahnm proved himself an artist with tho vi olin and as tho tones rang through the auditorium In rich splendor or in Boft tones tho audlenco wns held spollbound. Long will thoso beau tiful tones linger In tho memory of tho people. Miss Patterson's volco showed tho most thorough uiiltlvatlon, each tono produced bolng woll placed. Sho Iran a wonderful range. Wo hope wo, mny havo tho pleasure of having thoso two nrtlsts with us again In tho near futuro. Contributed, Mrs. A. B. Gldloy will sing Tho Nlnoty and Nino, by Champion, at tho morning service of tho Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday. NORTH REND LIBRARY. Tho North Bond Library noard hold Its first regular monthly moot ing at tho library rooms Thursday af tornoou at 2 o'clock. Tho commlttc' on books and porlndlcajs roportcd Jt new magazines subscribed for nt a coat of JM.1G; 2G books wero addM during tho month by purchase and 27 by donntlon. Tho trcaBiiror reported the library finances n good condition nnd tho Board voted $7. GO (or tho uso of tho book commltteo tho coming month. Mrs. R. A. Wornlcll, who wns appointed chairman of a commltteo last month to ronBlder nn outlined plan for raising funds to mcot tho running expenses of tho library, re ported tho pluu nn outlined unfeasible at tho present tlmo. Tho commltteo advlsod Instead tho employment of a financial secretary on a commission basis. This report of tho commltteo was nccop'od and adopted by unani mous voto ami Mrs. L. C. Roynolds wns employed nn flnnnclal secretary, of tho library board. Tho library loaned 053 books dur ing tho month nnd was vlsltod by ap proximately 1000 pooplo. This shows a marked growth In tho Interest tak en In tho roadlng room and rotoronco facilities of tho library. Tho Board passed a voto of grato ful appreciation to tho Marshfield Library Board for its helpful gift of two tables, a desk and lottor filo for merly iisod by tho Marshfield library, and Instructed tho socrctnry to con vey tho samo to tho board In writing, A voto of thanks was also tondorcd Mr. Lomnnskl for hl kindness In al lowing tho library a porcontngo of tho proceods of tho play "America." Tho following books woro glvon to tho library this wl: "Etholyn's MIs tako," given by Mrs. Moorhouso. Myrtlo Holm, who assists tho librar ian dnlly, gavo two oxcoltont hooka for young pooplo, "Porothy Dale of Glonwood School" and "Two Years Boforo tho Mast." Tho Whlto Houso Cook Book" was also donated. Ono of tho best book donations yet re ceived camo from Mr, P. M. Roborg and consisted of "Tho Contonnial His tory of Oregon" in six handsomo vol umes bound In hall morocco. This sot Is a valuablo nddltlou to tho rofor onco sholvos of tho library. AN' Al'PHIXTATIO. ' HIGH QUALITY FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND NUTS at reasonable prices 4, MARSHFIELD Fit U IT COMPANY Phono 3C-J-J At Palace Market 180 No. Broadway Wo have extra bwcoI Navel Oranges at i!Oc, ii!io nnd ilOe per dozon, Becker " Brothers ARTISTIC IN DESIGN " DURABLE IN CONSTRUCTION Henrik Gjerdrum Solo agent for Coos liny. MYRTLE ARMS Marshfield, Oregon. ,