The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 20, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 20

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In the Home-Household Hints-Fashion Notes-Recipes
llic Uilltor will he plpnil In
rrcelte nml ptililluli hint of In
tcrmt to our remtcm.
May Manton Weekly Fashion Talk :r;
Household Hint.
CL13AN your nickel with whiting
mid ammonia.
Don't forgot to air the collar often.
Never cook vegctuhles In nn iron
Turpentine is good for cleaning
hardwood floors.
If a enko crncka open while biik-
ing, there Ib loo much flour lu it.
Soaking In cold water makes tho
washing of all gnrmonts much easier.
Tho quickest method of warming
cold plates In Winter Is to dip them
In hot water.
Baking soda will sweeten nilllc
vessels, elenn brass and Is good for
dish washing.
When a vegetable has lost its firm
ness, soak it lu very cold water until
It Is crisp and plump.
Hard soap with enough ammonia to
soften the water Is very effective In
cleaning white paint.
If boiling milk Is poured on the
beaten eggs when mukliig baked cus
tard, it will bake them firm.
All brushes, even tooth brushes,
should be in ado us dry as possible
aftor using and kupt with bristles
down lost tho moisture soak Into the
Thero arc In the market many good
washablo papers sultablo for wash
room, kltcheu or any room where
children's finger murks muy bo ex
pected. Bedroom floors uiny be kept cool
and very fresh lu Summer if wiped
dully with a cloth wrung out of strong
salt water. Moths, microbe and
other pests aro thus destroyed.
'To proveut corks sticking In inucll
a&co mid paste bottles, grease them
with lard Immediately after drawing
thorn tho first time. A thorough
greasing prevents their sticking.
Placo a hot stovo lid on top of the
cover of a fruit Jar for two nilnutexv
Tho top can bo easily unscrewed
without Injury and may be used again
without fear of tho fruit spoiling.
Sour milk will take tho placo of
sweet milk In cooking If you add one
fourth teaspuouful of bicarbonate of
soda. After that follow your usual
roclpo with Just a llttlo loss baking
A sllco of loinon added to tho boil
er on wash days will make tho clothes
whlto and take tho stains out of hand
kerchiefs ami such things. Sllco tho
lemon without tho rind mid lot It
remain In the holler until tho clothes
aro ready to come out.
Keop tho heels of your shoes in
good condition. Do not wear thorn
when run over. The perfect balanco
In disturbed mid much fatlguo to the
whole body is cnusod, as woll as dis
comfort to the feot. Many find rub
ber heels a comfort.
. If you have a largo plcco of volvet
which needs pressing before It can
bo used, try this plan: Let tho flro
In your rnugo die down, wring a thick
cloth nut of cold water ami spread
over tho top of tho stovo, noxt spread
tho volvet, right sldo up, on tho wet
cloth, and lot it remain until tho
bteam raises tho nap. Do not crush
tho latter until porfectly dry.
Aftor u pieco of oyolot ombroldory
has been lnuudored it Is a good plan
to go over It nml got tho ejolots into
shnpo. Tako a stiletto and pross into
each to tho full slzo but without
stretching It at all, and pross through
from tho under side. This will causo
the work to stand up and will gtvo It
u beautiful appearance.
Thero is a now wny of uslug raro
old lace If it Is of the right shapo
and size. Fasten a band around tho
bond, woll down over tho hair mid
brows In tho front and somewhat
above the napo of tho neck lu tho
back. At right angles to this baud
fasten another going under tho chin
ami straight up across tho top of
tho head. It can bo fastened togeth
er over one oar with a Jeweled orna
n l ii
1 1 VI
Ii i Jill vKV
Dnit h J'jy ij"
8380 Gtrl'a Combination Under Garment, 10 to 14 yeari. cuntH
,. 1 .... .. .. 1
NU UI1UUI sunn 11 1
means greator
comfort.. Tor
growing glila than
this one. It hangs
from tho shoulders,
there nro no confining
bands serves Its
purpose admirably
woll. Incidentally, it
may bo added that It
Is .so simple that tho
older glrlu could mako
It themselves without
troubl e. Preferably
lawn or batlslo would
bo used with trim
ming of laco or um
broldery or of needle
work, aud needlework
Is tho daintiest
ami prettiest. In tho
back view are shown
simple scalloped edges,
They cau be worked
very quickly, yet they
give a finish ami a
touch of personality
not to be achieved by
any bought trimming
whatever It may be.
As the Illustration
shows, the front por
tion of the garment
is cut all lu one, hut
at the back the body
portion is separata
and tho drawers aro
gathered aud attached
to a waistband that Is
buttoned into place,
For the lL'-jwir size,
tho garment will re
quiro - !'.-S ds. of ma
terial .10, t :i-l yds.
41, with 2 yds. of em
broidery for the frills,
It 1-2 yds. of Insertion,
4 yards of narrow
The M u y Munlon
pattern of the gar
ment 8380 Is cut in
sizes for girls from ID
to 11 years of 11 go. It
will bo mailed to any
address by the Fashion
Department of this
paper, on receipt of 10
Marketing Home-Canned Goods
THE home caiiuer has been of
great benefit to farmers lu help
ing thorn sme surplus fruit,
vegetable and berry crops which
would otherwise have gone to wasto
for want of a market. But after the
goods me canned. If there Is u sur
plus above the home needs, there Is
yet tho problem of marketing to bo
solved. Unfortunately nil farmers do
not put up home en lined goods or a
uniformly high grade, consequently
tho grower with a first-class product
sometimes has to convince the dealer
that his goods are up to the murk
lieforo he will consent to luiudle
Then, too, home conned goods, oven
of the best quality, are not uniform.
That lb, one fanner's puck will not
be exactly llko another's, which U
apt to cause the denier enibarrass
nient mid the customer to hosltnto
about purchasing buch goods when
ho can got tho factory product of
known grade and reliability.
Tho solution of this difficulty, how
ever, lies lu boiling direct to tho con
sumer. Then the farinor who turns
out a high-grado product will find u
growing demand for his goods, be
cause his customers will soon learn
that they cau depend on his product:
nml It Is a well-known fact that homo
canned goods, put up proncrlv, are
superior to the factory product.
Selling direct to tho consumor Is
not always an easy matter, howovor,
for not every furmer can sparo tho
time needed to work up a trade. T
H. Dyer, a busy IVxns fruit grower,
has solved this problom, though, and
secured buyers for his canned fruit
by nieatiB of newspaper advertising.
Mr. Dyer had a considerable quan
tity of delicious Elberta peaches, put
up In threp-pound cans, on hand,
wh oh ho did not need himself and
which the home market would not
tnke because It wns overstocked. A
small advertisement In a farm paper
which circulated largely among cot
ton growers who usually do not
ralso fruit of their own brought In
enough orders in n few weeks to tako
up all his surplus. Thus ho turned
his fruit Into monoy without the loss
of time from his farm duties.
"Thero Is ono thing positively
necessary In building up n successful
trndo of this kind," Mr. Djer says,
"aud that Is absolute honest)." In
this his exporlcnco exactly tallies
with that or tho thousands or busi
ness firm who havo made a success
of advertising.
Have a "CliumoN" Handy.
A "chamois," It by 12 Inchos or
turgor, is a very useful article to havo
In the kitchen. Tako tepid wator and
use it In washing windows ami wood
work and llttlo wlplug will ho re
quired. To Open Cans.
For unscrewing can tops keop in
your kitchen supplies a couplo of
strips of rough sandpapor about nn
Inch wldo and seven or eight Inches
long. Fold and strip around tho edge
of tho cover and give It n good twist.
Use for Ollclotli.
Whon you hnvo no nioro uso for
tho oilcloth from tho kitchen table,
mako an apron for tho llttlo girls.
Cut tho best pieco a llttlo longor
than it la wide, cut loop for tho nock,
sew two strings at tho neck and two
nt tho sides. It Is easy to tako off
whon they come In from play uud you
will bo surprised to aeo how clean
their dresses will look,
A noted chef Is responsible for this
hint for his famous pnBtry. Uso hot
water (not boiling) rather than cold,
for mixing dough. The crust will bo
flaky, tender aud crisp.
Pitddlnir Sunn..
T-AKB equal parts of 8ugar and
I water and half aa much butt"
Ar (1 ,u w'.Bh cornBtarch to thicken
aftor lotting tho first IngrelK
cok l0 ' bot1' 1,,avor to taste 0?
with a llttlo nutmeg or vanilla.
Halo Pudding.
Ono egg beaten light, one rill nf
sweet milk, ono ounce of '
melted, two tahlespoontuls of wat"
enough flour to nuiko a stiff bn tier
ono teaspoonful of baking pow kr
Chop stoned dates, dust with iCJ;
Btlr them into tho batter, turn int.,
greased mold. Steam one hour 01
a quarter, servo with a sweet sauce!
Vegetable Soup.
MInco ono-olghth cabbage, one car
rot, one potato, ono-hnlf turnip, one
half onion, six whole cloves uud some
co cry. Wash and lot drip. it tho
nlnood vegetables In saucepans with
two or threo quarts of water and add
n llttlo unit. Boll ono and linno-half
hours. When ready to serve add ono
Klnss of milk, one tablospoonful of
butter nncl sonio small pieces of toast,
HnMn lliimn Bread.
Threo cups yellow cornmcal, one
and one-hair nips grahnm flour, one
and ono-hnlf cups whlto flour, one
cup Now Orleans molasses, one tea
spoon Hoda dlsNloved In half cup hot
wator, ono teaspoon salt, enough sour
milk to mako sort batter. Mix flour
and salt, then molasses with soda, stir
until foamy, then add milk and ono
and ottc-huir cups Sultnnn raisins. Fill
mold half full 11 ml Htonm three hours.
Ovum Tomato Soup.
Tako ono quart of fresh milk: lot
come to n boll. In another dish put
ono pint of tomatoes and boll till
tender. Mix nn oven tnhlespoonful
of flour with as much butler and add
to tho tomatoes; boll till thick. Then
add one-fourth teaspoonful soda, btlr.
ring thoroughly. Then slow I) add
tho boiling milk, stlnlng rapidly. Add
ono-hnlf teaspoonful of salt nnd n
dash of peppor. Add a few sticks
of macaroni, broken In short length
and bulled separately till tender.
Honey Cakes.
Half pound each of strained honey
mid chopped almonds, ono ounce
finely chopped citron, united lemon
pool, nutmeg and ground cloven to
tnsto, half pound of flour and half
cup of brandy. First boat the honey,
Biigar and almonds, ndd spices mid
flour and work Into n dough, set In a
cold place for several days to ripen.
Whon ready to bake, roll out halt nn
Inch thick, bnko In n shoot ami cut
whllo hot Into strips with a sharp
heated knlfo.
Chicken Soup.
Savo tho water In which the chick
en is boiled. 7'o this add one cup of
tho meat chopped very fine to ovcry
pint of broth; ono cup of sweet
cream, one-half cup of bread or
cruckor crumbs, yolks of three ego.
0110 teaspoonful of salt and one-halt1
teaspoonful of peppor. Soak the
crumbs In a portion of tho croain.
Bring the broth to tho boiling point
nnd mid tho meat. Broak eggs, sep
arating tho yolks from the whites.
Drop tho yolks Into tho boiling wider
and boll hard. YVhou douo rub
through ii slovo and add to the soup
with tho cream aud let simmer 10
THEItB ia no need of your ever suffer.
Ing any embarrassment because e
superfluous hair. Demosant' removes un
elKhtly and unnatural hirsute grow ia
easily and quickly a single 0PP"W
nnd In two minutes. Will not Injure or
discolor the skin. Docs not smart, cin
not illsflguro and Is Ruaranteed to PJ
absolute, satisfaction. Its ""..(S the
bo detected, nor will It stimulate
Krowtti of new liolr. Demosant' MM w
endorsement of ono of America s ap,J
specialists. It will be inal ed !'
In plain wrapper upon receiptor P"
35c; or any driiBKlst can obtain 1 !i
you if lie hasn't It In atcK;,,a,-Y,eorM
Cbemlcal Laboratories, Portland, uw
" . . &p
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