esa HWTilJStgHffl UgWRBafemmSRUK TrT '': u1" it:l. f- ' . ? ,. ...i .. ijii m THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1 915-EVEMIMG EDITION. 7wo J' . PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Day peoplo who visit in other cities, together "wlta notices cf social affairs, nro gladly received In the social de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of club nicotines will bo published and secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. CONTRIBUTIONS concerning i social happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of Tho Tlmos, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later than C o'clock p. m., Friday of each week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases where tho events occurred later thnn tho time mentioned.) the land imuATiiKs ijii-'i-: i. Life in tlio old land, peoplo Havln, our time an' chance; Toll all day In tho old-fashioned way, Hut never too tired to dance: An' that Is why. in tho twilight gray, Wo danco the shadows of Care nway. n Life In the old land, people Wo toll In tho fields of life; For golden miles Tho harvest smiles, Far from tho storm an strife, An' when toll tnkes us to twilight Bray Wo danco tho shadows of caro away. A MAN who knows mnnklnd and the world, writes: "I know, from observation and cxpcrlcnco that tho vast major ity of narrlcd men will not hesl tato to flirt with any comely woman who gives them encourage ment, and this dcsplto tho fact that they lovo their wives. "I know that many good men nro divorced on statuary grounds whllo still loving their wives. Rut n good woman, married to tho man she loves, will remain faithful to him and never think of nnothor mnn with unlawful thoughts. A good man, on tho contrary, will "slzo up" ovory pretty and attractive woman ho sees with undisguised ndml.ratlon, and will often outer into nn affair with her, taking a chnnqo of being found out, oven though ho knows tho discovery mny break up his homo nnd ruin his llfo. "What is tho 'why' of this differ ence between tho soxoe?" I (hlnk thoro nro thrco unsworn to this question. Tho first Is sontlmontnl. No mnn over lovoa n woman with tho complcto nnd nbsorblng pas sion with which a woman lovos a man, says Dorothy Dlx. No woman wives nro to mny be found In the simple fact that wives condone husbands do not condone their wives. Mon hnvo done tholr moral duty by woman far better than woman have dano tholr moral duty by mon. A girl knows flint before n man marries hor ho Is going to look Into hor record, nnd that It must be spot loss, or ho will not hnvo her for his wlfo. Ji wife knows that she must wnlk as straight as n string, else her hushnnd will divorce her nnd tnko her children from her. There fore women ns n sex are virtuous. On tho other hnnd, no girl dare3 look Into her prospective husband's record. Few wives but find It the part of wisdom to be blind, nnd con vention pormlts n man to Indulge his Impulses unrobukod and do ninrifo Pnitnrson and Mr. Wllllnn. 1 1 1 'illnce Graham, noted artists of Pcrtland, appeared In concert, un der the mnnagcmcit of Mlrs Khoda Gcrtrutlu Scat. Aflcr tho concert, Mr. and Mr. Mny entertained nt a delightful col lation in honor of Miss Patterson, .Miss Scat nnd Mr. Graham at th'o Chandler Hotel, with dnnclng be tween courses. The luncheon table were beautifully arranged with sml lax and maiden hair fern, whllo p'nk and white carnntlons ns fnvora glared tho covers laid for tho fol lowlnc: Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hors- fall, Mr. and Mr3. F. I). Cohan, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pnlntor, Mr. nnd .Mrs. II. S. Harris, Mrs. E. Far rlnger, Mrs. Armstrong, 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Mny, tho Misses Dorothy Chantlor, Rhoda Seat. Edith Clarke Patterson, Ursula Fnrrlngcr nnd Messrs. Wm. Knlsor, Will Goodruni, A. J. Monllol and Ilinrlk GJcrdrum. & i't 1IIUDGE Cl.Ult Tho membors of the Drldgo Club enjoyed a dollghtful afternoon of bridge preceded by n luncheon laHt Tuesday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. W. A. Toyc: the prlzo go ing to Mrs. E. 0. Pcrhnm. Espec ially pretty wore tho parlor decor ations; the color schemo of yellow bolng cnrrlcd out effectively with HlrfiHm 1llintn1 ..nn nt tnitmittH .1 M .1 nn . ........ ...... .... ' i.u 1.UW...1 uou ul juiiiiiiB ...111 .IV. things that ho would divorce nnd'cacln, which contrasted beautifully disgrace his wlfo for doing. with tho brown background of tho What Is the remedy for this? AI-' artistically nrrnnged pnrlor. At mighty wisdom nlono knows. tho luncheon table tho placo cards , also wcro In keeping with tho color scheme. Mrs. R. M. Jennings, guest, THIMBLE CLUB I assisted tho hostess In serving tlio following club membors: Mrs. .1. Tho lndiOH of tho North Dcnd 3, coke, Mrs. Herbert Lockhnrt. Thlmblo Club woro hostesses to Mrs. Elizabeth Morchnnt, Mrs. Ward' tholr husbnnds nt n Valentino cnrd(M. Illako, Mrs. II. S. Tower, Mrs. party Inst Monday evening nt tho n. M. Richardson, Mrs. 0. W. homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. I. n. Uartlo. icnufmnn, Mrs. E. CI. Porhnm, Mrs. Progressive whist nnd Informal dancing woro tho evening's diver sions nnd In keeping with tho St. Vnlontlno rule, hearts wcro trumps during tho ontlro ovonlng. Tho spacious parlors of tho nar tlo homo wcro beautifully arranged with lnrgo bunches of huckleberry, while myriads of llttlo hearts nnd Ci.plds wcro in evidence. First nnd second high scoro winners wcro Mrs. m. a. eolcmnn C. M. Uylcr nnd Mrs. J. H. Fian ngnn. On tho ovonlng of tho first Wednesday nfter Easter Sundny, which will bo April 7th, tho Indlos vl entertain tholr husbnuds with an '.'ovonlng pnrty nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Knufman. j. 4. 4. j , f "Buy It Now" M Thnl site for your now lioino. Plaice youi- 1', payment 1 P now on a portion of happiness and prosperity. ,(M in lino 1 V with (ho live and prosperous poople; tlio .pcopio wiio -aro I FIRST AQHITJON TO MARSHFIELD real (Mty Builders; Iho ouos who Imvo tho interest of! tlie eoiniuuiiity at lioart the homo owners. Clo out to First Addition, the section where the hoine huilding spirit is in evidence. You'll get it too. One of those 50x1 20-root lots fronting on a graded street at only ,$:W0 will give you a home-owning spirit you can't resist. 15uv it now on terms to suit your income. Call nt our of fice for a plat. Water service? Certainly, the best in the IHL8' IIVHOHIME. 4 nnd Dr. H. E. Hurmcstor, respective- Last Thursday ovonlng tho girls ly, and Mrs. II. O'Mnra nnd S. S. "Hysoerlo" hold n business meot JoiMilngH woro prosontcd with tho Ing nt tho' High School auditorium consolations. t with the following members in In' serving, Mrs. Irartlo wns ns-' nttonduncoj Misses: Esther Sllvor slutcd by Mrs. E. E. Rlggu, Mrs. mnn, Instructor, Margaret Stack, Onorgo Groves nnil Mrs. A. II. Der-' Mnrlo "VnBoy, Mablo Immol, Vera byshlro. Thoso of tho party woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo D. Mandlgo, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II. I Inzer. Mr. nnd Mm. M. over tnkes poBsesglon of tho heart jo' Coleman, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Dor nnd soul and Imagination of n man . bvuhlr... Mr. ..n,i Mm. s r. in,,. ns a man often doos of n woman. No wlfo Is literally nil tho. world to her husband ns many n man Is tho whole universe to his wife. Thoro nro plonty of womnn who never think a single thought thnt does not ccntor around tholr hus bands; who begins ovory Hontonuo with "John says" nnd who hnvo not an Inlorost, mi nsplratlou or nn Idea that doos not focus on hlni. There nro no such mon. Evan tho most devoted hushnnd must think about his business nnd his nmbl tlons. Ho dnro not boro other mon tnlk Ing about his wlfo ns alio horos othor womon talking nhout bur husband. Ho bus nmusomontu mid Interests in which bIio has no part. All tho clrcumstnncos of llfo turn! to concentrate n womnu's gnzo on hor hiiHbuud, whllo hU oyos uro froo to roam. To begin with, thou, niun nro lotw faithful t( tholr wives than tholr wives nro to thorn boimuKti they nro loss capable of n Hiiprttmo de votion; nnd nlso, to bo porfoctly truthful, bocnuso thoy nro more Hiibjooted to temptation. Thu powiml rotiBon why men who ronlly lovo tholr wlvos nro still ovor roHdy to follow nny flutnrr Ing pottlooat, howovor groat thu risk, Is, uh William Dunn llowolls onco aptly wild, "Ireoauso, at tor six thoiiBand yours of civilization, mon am still Imporfectly imiito- gUIIlOtlH." No woiiuui U unfaithful to lur hiiBbnud iu long us hIio has ono particle of affection for him In hor heart. When sho broults hor mnr Irago vow thoro Is tronohory In hor eoul iigalust her husbnud; hut a man may bo faithless In tho flosh to his wlfo nnd yot hold her In his hourt as Iu a shrltiu, nnd ho strains ovory norvo nnd niiisclo to surround hor with ovory luxury nnd kuup hur safe and sholtorod from tho hardships of llfo. In u way, womou do souso this dimly. That is why thoy forglvo so often whon tholr husbands stray off of tho strnlght nnd narrow path, and why thoy shut tholr oyos to so many things thoy do not want to seo. As long ns a man is kind nnd tondor to Ills wlfo nnd ngroonhlo at homo, his wlfo recognlzoa thnt ho is truo nnd Jiors In spirit, howovor his fuot may wnndor, and bIio seldom fools callod upon to take hor troubles to tho dlvorco court. Tho third roason why mon nro less faithful to tholr wlvos than their rings. Dr. nnd Mtb. II. E. Irurmos tor, Mr. mid Mrs. II. J. Linden. .Mr nnd Mrs. J. II. 0 roves, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. O'Murn, Mr. nnil Mrs. Wm. Vaughan, Dr. nnd Mrs. I. 1). Uar tlo, Mrs. Chas. Williams, Mrs. K. E. RiggH, Miss Goldlo Rlggu, Miss Laura Lnwlor nnd Dr. Mot't. I LADIES' UUILD o Mrs. Robert Drowning wns host oa to tho Ladles' Guild at tho hall last Tuesday nftoruoon. Sowing on enrpot rngs for tho hnll floor occupied tho nftoruoon hours, un til tho sorvlng of dnlnty rofrosh innnts by tho hostess. Next Tues day Is open meeting nnil nil clubs cud snelotles uro cordially Invited to bu prosont. Tho HubjBct for dlscourso will bo: "Moving pletiiroK nnd tholr Aid iu Education. Who Oonsora Thorn?" Paper will bo preparod by Mrs. (liiy Warnor and Mrs. Otto Schottor. Tl.o lnonibora proBont last Tuosdny t weiu: Mrs. Mary MoKnlght, Mrs.' C. K. Purry, Mrs. Eiumn Nnsburg, ' Mre Mury llrownliig, Mrs. J. N. Ilnvlliw, Mrs. E. P. Lowls, Mrs. ' McClino, Mrs. Arthur MoKoown, j Mrs. Otto Sohottor, Mrs. F. W. I'ujiie, .Mrs. Hurry Nnsburg, Mrs. A. R. O'llrlon, Mrs. Franols Har.ard, '.Mr. Robort Ilrnwnlug, MIbs Aguts Hi trhliiHou, MIhh Oauovlovo Songs-' tnrkun nnd Mrs. J. II, Flanagan KUWt. I .V. It. (UTIIOI.IO (iUII.K I Mrs. A. Houlllng was hostess nt tho mooting of tho North Hond Catholic I.adlos' Guild last Tuosday oltoruoon. Sowing followed by ro fiThiuonts composed tho program for tho ladles who will moot with Mrs. Goorgo IHaok tho sucond Tiic. duv In MRroh. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Ingram and Mrx. Lulghton woro prtont us kuoktH mid tho membui'ri In at tendance woro: Mrs. Matlior, Mrs, AIcDounld, Mrs. Lemnuskl, Mrs. Loltshton, Jr., Mrs. Rodmon, Mrs. G. Illaok, Mrs. R. Danks, Mrs. R. F. Gubhart, Mrs. Hoolllug and Miss Anna Truomnii. fr 4 4 I DKLKillTt'TL COLLATION Mr. nnd Mrs. Mat L. Mny woro host nnd lioMe-a to n thontor party last Tuosday cvenlnu at tho l.e mauslcl Tlionljr, where Miss Edyth Carrol, Helen Immcl, Alono Lcndor, Wlldn Harris, Sarnh Escott, Ruth Cownn, Florouco Powers, Volma Ross, Roxio Hnl( mid Rosslo Doug Ins. Tho regular meeting night is ovory other Wodnesdny hut until nfter Lont, tho girls will meet on Tuosdny ovonlngs. I DINE AT CHANDLER 4 Mr. W. KalHur had ns guostu for illunor ufc tho Chnudlor Hotel last Wednesday ovonlng: vMr. and Mrs. Matt L. May, Mrs. E, Farrlngor, Miss Rhodn Gortrudu Sont, Miss Ursula Farrlngor nnd A. J. Mon I PIIILATHEA PAUI'V Tho Phllnthoa Society of tho First Ilnptlst Sunday School, Miss AIlco Tlckoll, teacher, ontortnlned tho boys of Clnss 3, C. II. ft. Smith, L Reynolds Development Co. L (OWNER) M L 178 Central Ave. Jp teacher, nt a Vnlontlno party Inst ' Saturday evening in tho church pnrlois. Gnmoi, music nnd tempt ing luncheon furnlBhod a vory plcnsant ovonlng for tho Misses: Alice Tlckoll, Mnrjorlo Fulnior, Myrlo Cox, Anna Downs, Loona Post, Ruth MrLmighlln, Miriam Wright, Volmn Robs, Naomi Dnn lols, Frances Lang, II0I011 Stack mid Mesani: Esmond mid Horiunn Glossop, Jcsso Frnntz, Harold Hnlncs, Howard , Kolloy, Harry Swartz, Win. Mc.Mnhon, Lorcu Davis, ' Lnwronco Danlols, Albert Dnssford, I Guy Clnuson, Do Forest Mnson and Chas. II. D. Smith. .j. .5. . mm MSI !"Ett ! AUCTION llltlDOIl CLUIl - I I . ,. Jlrs. A. O. ItOL'orH ontnrtnlned .. : , 1 1110 lames of tlio Auction Ilrldgo Club lust Wednesday uttornoon, special guest, Mrs. T. It. James "winning tho prlzo. Evergreens mid hluo vIoletH woro used nrtlstlcnlly in decorating. Dollclous refresh ments wero served by tho hostess to tho following proBont: Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. J, S. Ilnuson, Mrs. A. E, Adelsporgor, Mrs. Curl Dn vIh, Mrs. E. Crosthwaltc, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, Mrs. Larson nnd Mrs. 1 T. IV. Jnmcs. Tho club will meet I flfrnln 11 ,1,, tonnla ,1A tllnnn nn 1 yet undecided. (Contlnuod on Pago Thrco.) " 1 3V 'PURE GOLD IS PURE GOLD IN OUR STORE WHEN YOU GO TO BUY JEU'ELERY, CAN YOU TRUST YOUR - JUDGMENT? IF NOT, YOU MUST TRUST JUST ONE THING- THE ''REPUTATION" OF THE ESTABLISHMENT YOU DEAL WITH, OUR "REFERENCES" TO THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US, ARE WHAT THEY HAVE BOUGHT; OUR REFERENCES TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT. DEALT WITH US ARE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN OUR CUSTO MERS. , JEWELERY MAY "LOOK" THE SAME AND YET NOT BE THE SAME. J UST A FEW WORDS ABOUT RUGS NLY QUALITY STOCK CARRIED IN THIS STORE. ' Here are showins that captivate critica customers no trash stock at amy price Service is a point we never overlook Obligation to buy never comes with a visit New patterns are now on display a QUALITY FIRST Good quality is our motto always Unassuming prices but splendid values Legitimate business methods have their effect Our service excellent Values the same result success Satisfaction always follows service Every sale carries our personal guarantee No SALE COMPLETE UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED Comparison throws into bold relief our offerings- 0UR 4tiiAl,t(iWn?IS(lME RICH AWD RARE COMBINATIONS OF WEAVES AND COLORS. Small Rugs from 90c to $7.75. Room Size Rugs from $3.50 to $67.50. "Why Pay More?" JOHNSON-GULOVSEN CO. ' THE QUALITY NAME WITH A SERVICE FAME i HIMiMHBmjB(HBBB !i - PICTURES nnd H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER Picture Framing REHFELD'S iO CENTRAL AVENUK "Phono 275-J. Don't take any chances A etnA-i Yourself T(W You cannot afford to bo without health or accident lni, V.. -.. ft. A aTlro " ,uu "Ul ""' need tho insurance, but you want to " - hnvo tho correct policy in tho best and most reliable cooipw tho business. Seo mo or phono mo at onco nnd I will orplaln it to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Mnrshfleld. 300 Goko Building. AU Kinds' of JobTrinting Done at Tho . " I . .$, . - -r- -. ..i rv ".m MM'Mfi? ,' uvmm ;v j' !&,,. A-lMw-i-- i ". ' 7iJS-- f 1-11 - - - - --