nOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION U Growing of Alfalfa "The Queen of Crops" (Contlmicd from Lot Wcok,) ALFALFA seed should bo Inocu lated by means of artificial cul turo cither obtained from tho Government or from somo firm who propagato It, and it costs nbout $2 jicr aero for tho inoculating fluid. Directions always go with tho prep aration and should bo carefully fol lowed. Another monns o"f Inoculation is obtained from dirt from a well established alfalfa field. About .100 to 500 pounds per ncro of this should applied by hand lato In tho after noon or on a cloudy day, and the soil, nftcr It has been taken from tho al falfa field, should bo kept a llltlo moist and not bo allowed to dry by tho direct rays of tho sun. Tho bac teria of Inoculation for alfnlfn aro very sensitive, and tho sunlight kills them. Auothur means of inoculation for nlfalfn is obtained from dirt un der tho roots of Bwcot clover, and this is usually along tho public roads. Sweet clover Is so Intimately con nected with alfalfa that tho nodules on Its roots furnish Inoculation for alfalfa as no other plant docs. Tho Inoculation should bo applied Im mediately beforo tho seeding and lightly harrowed In. It tho land has been seeded with n machine, it will need no other treatment, but if It has been applied by hand or by wheel barrow seeder, thon tho surface of tho field should bo very lightly bur rowed and uovor rolled after seeding. Treatment of Meadows. Mnny fields of alfalfa hnvo been destroyed by weeds and grass talcing them after a few years of good pro duction, lilucgrass Is one or tho worst enemies of alfalfn, and this and all other weeds can bo easily eradi cated by means of a good spring tooth harrow run crosswnys over tho field. Somo will doubtloss sny thnt tho harrow will tear alfalfa all to pieces, but I hnvo never seen n slnglo crown 'of alfalfa destroyed by n spring-tooth harrow. You can lit erally tear tho field nil to pieces by harrowing both ways, yot tho alfalfa is not disturbed, and It grows all tho better for tho working nnd tho woods nnil grass aro killed. A disc sot slightly slanting is uometlmes used to cultivate an alfalfa Hold. If a farmer can not got n spring-tooth harrow, then I would recommend a disc hnrrow run ono way nnd a fine tooth harrow run across tho field. I would recommend by nil means to keep nil unlmnls oft tho nlfnlfa meadow. Tho less tramping It gets, tho better is grows. However, mnny men deslt'o to pnsturo nlfalfa and torao hnvo dono so vory successfully both with sheep and hogs, nnd in tho "Went nnd fioutli alfalfa meadows nro Kraxcri during- tho Winter with horses and cattle. Improving tliu Soil. As doubtless many of you know thnt after an alfalfa flold which has stood for several years Is plowed nnd planted to other crops, tho succeed ing crops on this nro far better thnn on other land whoro nlfalfa has not grown. Tho reason for this Is, bo causo tho llmo and phosphato havo been put Into tho soil, In nddltlon to nitrogen, which nlfnlfa breathes in from tho nlr and deposits through its roots by means of tho llttlo nodules of bacteria growing on tho roots of nlfnlfa and other legumes, nnd it la a wlso provision of Naturo that theso plants brontho In nitrogen nnd do- Effective February 1 Reduction No. 3 On Goodyear Tires Making Total Reductions 45 Per Cent in Two Years To Give Always the Most for the Money Wc.nre'nlad againfor the third time in two yearsto announce n-bie reduction on Goodyear tires, -effective February 1st. Goodyear policy on price' is to cive the utmost. in n tire at the lowest possible profit. Our reductions are made to that end, without ever reducing the quality'. That always mean's, with our matchless output, more for the money than, any other maker can-give. As rubber enmo down our prices came do.wn. As our output multiplied,, reducinc factory cost, our prices came down with it. In two years our reductions Including; the presenthave totaled 45 per cent. Last year we increased our output 26.G per cent. A few days ago the embargo on rubber was modified so that supplies seem assured. The market price for rubber seems for. a time established. Fabric costs less than last year. So, under bur minimum profit policy, we announce this new reduction. Only Fair Basis We consider profit margin on n tire the only fair price basis. We keep that margin just as low ns our line allows. While wc do that, Goodyear tires will nl ways undersell any tires that compare with them. That is because wc have 'the largest output. We have a new factory, modcrnly equipped. And we. huvc world-wide facilities for buying rubber.-of our extra grade, at the lowest market price. For n long, long time most tires have sold much above Goodyear prices. Some have sold one-third higher. A few havcsold lower, ns some always will, because of less rubber, less quality. But we can and do, under all conditions, give more for the money than jiny rival tire can offer. The Best We Know Goodyear Fortified Tires offer the best we know. They are built to give you tho lowest cost per mile. They minimize tire trouble in five costly ways employed by no other maker. And they are always the same, re gardless of price reductions. Most tires will always sell higher, becuuse of smaller output. Some tires will always sell lower because of lower standards. But we promise you that none will ever give bet ter thun Goodyear value. This poltcyhns made Goodyenrs the largest selling tires in the world. It will make them more so as more men find them out. Ask your Goodyear dealer for our new price on the size you buy. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Akron, Ohio MuLctt of Coodjrear Tiro 3r Accriidilct and Covdyear Wins Canliit Tiro and O'Jxr Tpi GoODypYEAR AKnON.OHIO Fortified Tires Rlm-Cuu by our No-Itlni-Cuf feature, ftlowoui,- by our On-Air" cute. Lout Trt.di- by many rubber ilveta. Imttuiity by K briildid piano rliei. I'uncturat anil Sklddim-by our doub!' thkk All-Weather tread. tnv) rations for all llvo stock. If any ono tho land for alfalfa. In Jofforson can Imaglno a flold crowing nix to County I havo seen eight tons per eight tons of wheat bran ior acre, aero taken In four cuttings and It Is worth $2G per ton, then you hnvo a dono without affecting tho stand, comparative valuo of alfalfa hay. It Take, for instance-, n flold that Is will In tlmo enter into nil of our producing six tons of nlfnlfa por year, feeding rations, and Is doing so now which Is worth $20, this makes $120 with a great many of our fecdors. taken from tho land without cultlvn- I know ono dairy farmer who raised Hon and socdlng, and thus avoiding eight tons por ncro of alfalfa, ana uicso expenses, ana yet producing takoB hard work, Intelligent applica tion and Its costs somo monoy, too, hut It menus an investment snfor than a Nntionul bank, and it will pay big dividends for years to come, because the llmo and phosphaton that you put thoro to grow nlfnlfa aud tho nitrogen that nlfalfa deposits In tho laud will mnko your land rich, besides having had tho harvesting of tons nnd tons dirZTI v II nJ cottonseed meal and clover hay, crops. A good crop of wheat Is 30 deop, rich mvi thi. rini.?.h,Mnn5 iLS ?c nu" ihon on0 dn' ho lcMea that it bushels to tho acre, at $1 por bushol, nro. It : Yon nnv nil- i,,?i 2 i '.f u was to buy concentrates at all tho net liicomo la $30. A good crop voreo wrlti win m 1L fi Ju8t ,,or li0W nlfnUa and ho fed ensllngo and alfalfa hay of corn Is 7G bushols per ncro at 7Cc Station wc nnult It l.,ln tl. ll .!.. .l. ; ii.l. T I'lKtll lUllH l'r UCru 111 llliuilll, llliw tuvsv vaivuowd, ll Jl'l ll UUIIVJillK "u iiui lunuuh " vwiio ..... w.. llmo cor .innVinP rniii n'i provlous to sowing It ho fed ensllngo moro not Incomo than moat othor of flno hay for feodlng. Alfnlfu lovca . . ".-: " -... .. ...w.u ,. .nttnnnnpii mrni nnn ciovor nnv. ciuiih. i unon cron nr wnenr lu :iu uuun. nun luuiu uuu u liiuniy ui iiimi- t ronunus mo or mo myo rlttou by an Ohio Experiment oriior: nnd obtained exactly tho samo result per biiBhol, not Incomo $50. 2G per l" anil llmo without innnuro In milk and butter as ho did when ncro. A good crop of clover Ib two 5.,n'? U" ''" ami farmer poor. i .l i it: , i,.B,r,.w lurnci1 feodlng tho othor rations. Thus you tons perncre, say $17 per ton, $34 in- "" " TiT" ",,? "' ,i-i .mi 0, r undor and fits In splend dly n our ro- i i10b.0fip,i ti,n nocossltv of riur- como A cood cron of tlmothv Is J.,uUo ,,,01oW " rich nil ocr. tntlon. Alfnlfn win urnw tnv n nn 800 l 'uo i"0 noccssii) oi pur toiiio. a h"croii 01 umoiny is jn growing nlfalfa wo aro incul- chaslng inny conccn iraica ormoi pro- auu uia mhiq aniuiini. do you boo calil)g Illoro mtolltKOiico In ourselves, toln. Alfalfa hay Is tho best hay for alfalfa Ib ono of tho host cash crops ,nnllng boUor far,ncra, bettor mon nil IIYUBIUUK. 11 la kuuu iui nuin i..uv imuiu vuuiu iuiou. tjiil It. will fit Into tho crop rotation of our ugriculturo? Clover stands for ono or two years, then tho land Is turned tntlon. Alfalfa will grow for n groat many moro years, but it can bo turned unuor in two yeaiB with ovon moro 1"" CLT Tr8,,!,u,t 1'orfios nnd driving horses, although Bhould never be turned into cash, but In i-inin . . n 1 ?lnb,l8llcd! lfa ; they should not bo given nil thoy fed on tho placo, by all moans. A . 10 ncid, ho Is not apt to sacrlfico It at t0 cnt mit u Bi,ould bo supple- farmer is committing Innd suicldo it n two jearaj honco tho rotation can ,nnnl wui snmn tlmothv. For milk ho over soils clover or nlfalfa. Ho and boyx. . .- . . . . imn.LCd wiLiibUiitui.iutui.ijt u iiv v jv ounn viwhjj vi uuuiiui ,,,.; '.Tnrt; ' ?,a,vo n5nra !0,n. cows thoro Is no bottor hay in tho should feed it nnd mnrkot It to his men say that thoy did not want nl- ....,,,. nn iRO for bcof cnttlo. For cattlo and tho residue will eo bnck to """?? "? ri,lr.m'1Veca"8,0 n m"8 ' ?' hogs It furnishes a good. pasture, pro- tho land In tho form of manure, poss blo to kill it, and ordlnnrlly dhln you wl8h t0 imsturo your What placo has alfalfa In our per- spoaking I will say that you must n)ca(iows. Alfalfa hay can bo fed, manont ngrlculturo? I claim it Bhould ? if?wBha,ri p,?w lR cut th0 r.00t.!l chopped short, with grain In tho Win- have the very riwt place. Tho tho it' it W i ii iy "!'? e" t ter, nnd It makes an ideal ration, element of llmo and phosphate i.A.iir -lii i7 1 .V "w" For poultry aiiaua lurnisaes an us- musi do suppneu in oruor to grow .. . """'"B "IWUHCJI IU UIO BUM, pollon f0C(J. add humus also and mnko tho land collcni ,otv,lll ,lf .,,,, porous for Bovernl feet deop. No T , ' , , Vun r.- other plant does this. When planting I l'"v0 rl)orta from alfalfa grow - nlfalfa ono must remembor that wo ors from over tho Stato of Kentucky, nro entering into a plan of permanent hundreds of thorn, and It is Intensely Improvement of our soils. Interesting to noto tho variation In Alfnlfn liny. tho yield of this great crop. It may Denver VMh Iluttcr. jl0 uno crcniuory in uonvor uses iu,- 000 gallons of cream dally. Moro than hair or thls'nmount Is shipped In from Kaunas, Nebraska and othor ndjolnlng Btntes. Sixty-five- cents a gallon 1; paid. So this ono concern alono pays moro than $1,000,000 an nunlly for crnam from outsldo of Colorado. This creamery manufne- nlfalfa successfully, but In doing bo turos 2C.0OO pounds of butter dally, wo aro putting Into tho soil olomoutB that all crops require. Theroforo, In growing a field of alfalfa wo aro fit ting tho land for all or any following crop, because tho alfalfa adds tho nitrogen. It means permanent Improvement which nt tho'retall price of 35 cents amounlB to $8750 a day or moro than $2,rJ00,000 a year. This means that Denver folks eat somo button Of courso tho entire amount is not consumed in Denver, but thon It must bo remembered that tuoso figures It is needless for mo to tell you of run from three cuttings of ono ton of our soil, putting back tho natural apply to but ono creamery and thoro tho value of this great clover for hay. per ton to four cuttings of eight tons elements that man hns ruthlessly and aro a dozen others right In tho town, It Is as rich as wheat bran and It por Benson. These variations indi- selfishly robbed our lands of. Al- to say nothing of tho bull butter and furnishes tho best hay for balnnclngcate to me tho difference In preparing falfa Is not a lazy man's crop. It process factories. rmm .iCTtMmJ.x.aCCaJtTr7nr1tmmiTTtitttTi