HOME AXTi rKM MAGAZIXK SECTION United States Department of Agriculture Special Pa ., j o ii Ai Tn Yrc ihr nnvcrnmont. of Interest to tiie Northwest: Sassiions Covering a Wide Range of Activities; Results of Federal Investigations, Stt. Government Will Ston Adulteration ftf o.h MTVn? tTit ... ... Aid Foot-and-Mouth S RVKNTY. -.. i - J MII Miin-nlnn RStvli Mli Remedy "Damping Off Not Be Shot, Says Law D.sonsc Erad.cntion rOKVERCUL sulphar ; acid has F"0M ,bc nu.nber of loUors w,, (JNDnil J JiSirsiUS.iSwSrs ,s,"-iTb.i,Dfl;. i'j!: s:l!;v matter nr a itiii riiKA nn inrn ninr - v v -- - o: ju hit 'botljM intend! far a,.. .... ., .... -ti , nivr .... I ttdawji V. !. ' "TWIT -"-- . ii inflMi .. vepanmeat oi Agriculture jo oe Cll . !;,"'" . t"'1 ,.-. 000 it; now available for tbe erie- enee tW , ,-"-"" effective remedy for the lose of pine i o Asrccuuure uouuti- mi - - , footHHMl-iiiiUi DImm hMM iilt. .. "" TO 6. nad spruce seedlings from "damp- sportsmen may unintentionally vlo- iJo.S.fttTS? oEl JSTtJl. .T lb. lag off." It is quite common for ttie ie me precisions oi uic reuurai hn(, r09t Jh. ivnu (torwrainettt a Thurmia u i ur. sort tissues of these voune seedlings Migrator Bird law. which it Is the total of $t.lf.lSS.. Of to deeav o rnpidlr soon after purpos of the Government to en- Sl.Stfl.srS.S? rewreer?. Iter ! tTtoTL r ' v fcs sprouting that they disappear some- fore rigidly. Under the provisions era! Oeversmeaf share ot '; "w wwwtiw MnUonttot time before the nurserjmau knows ' " law no water fowl can ik jnr oT "M JJjKL L i2L? W "W ftT that there is anj thing the .natter ht In the Northern or breeding and Z" !L2? llIE ' ti with them. So common indeed is ione after January 1P. except in Ne s rt wkk te J' g Ww ne r-,lT rt low from this source that many i' "" t'1 6W'8on " . ,I--J 2 .ST "iwwwu horr- V?" nurserymen Import their eUHus c,oruar".1-, ., ., , ., reT- r T ZTw2Ll- " a.' n- stock from i'uroixw This however ln most of t,ie Southern Tir A In- exensT f tne wrt t .tftwnr. "" r"mf xl li not only troublesome, but danger- tering zone the acasoii closes lVbrn- 1M" )? ?!!tJy.g' W T ATwI!li,'1: rrj,, ous. The white pine bllter rust has nT' J ,,ut oxIpiuIh to February 1R In tered. CX ! .tS wr Mm. T, pTie: 0. -v- nlrmdv been Introduced Into this 1'lorldn, Georgia nnd South Ourollna. 4T,T: f1. 4 te rteanlMrr tr ktvi a) V tni-p . country In this way and continued T"so rogulntlona wore proclnlmed hheep aa pwt. w W wrm rtfn,.,, ,. T" Iwportutions of edllng are cr- on October 1, 10 H. The wow bow at the Hvl t tmh fww Atpwoc tL,ZJZ talu to rwult in th esublbhment . ,As n, ,nat ?r .ot fnct- ih(k ,aw W !h 'l; f Ar-iiw win. fe M j- wu T, in tne LUiteu states ot otner toreigu ' ' ' v . """'" n''- " " .T-r-w, -t ,, .r?. ..j. -j-, ..... nk t ona must be considered for n iter, aaxlwsl tW WMiiMm V WWwMtag . . '"' " wr? .( M llrt tr4 w -t v.. - - - m n twx For thi rMHrfnn h i-tjrtnint lod of 00 days, nnd tlicn must be nt- the OowhwmibI lo wafc MMM attached much Importune to th Proved and Blgned by the I'resldent. payment to N rwiMr tfrct4 HF?.- . J! ' -rn reeent lnretlgutionB of jwaslbl dls- before they become effective. It is herds, and thn witatmtw m rehw !?!! .y1"1' Wte-N N,X lof'tldit anut8 wbloh will rid the ''" evident that there Is no powl- tMee of farmer t i iet . SLf!-3L2.w ii' ,!,T, v "'. soil of th puruHltiu fungi which " tksu the prohlliltlon of Spring slaughtered lTti-I!!5i 11' " p eaaw "dumping oft." Ot thei shooting will be in an way modified In IHInoK fr ow trwi.t- JirTJT; "l, 'wtM.tw ur asents thi mot sHUsfuctory for tnH year. matel) ff.Os.Pe w twOiMr r rf ?? .Krf th w Wh eoataierclMl inw In the majority of Ta ottklals of the Unilcsl States this purpoM. Th Kmw In ton ee "7 wev jlV Thknj eoaes haa btwu found to b itlphnrtc Department of Agriculture who are has lefl larger taa la . I"WH nehl. TreatntHiit with thia acid aoc atratted with the enforcement of .TfS animate. attfrf4)tr, mTfi .r.?m?r1 ''",'e C eejy relneiM Iommm from 'liampla tB taw r anxious that these farts lieen HlaMgirHI fVwiTfcWi. jj'" "i iht htt tf" hut iMrHMM XM-mlnaUon. impressed upon tlie people be- cowes at llli 1?.SM! IIk 4 ' a t , rt -sa . The treatment la not expetuir, caate It is the Intention to Investl- Oh in third with ll,U Niwe eff Ww xTvLJ " v.-vit , nr eommerctai unipnurtc acid can careiuuy nn leporis oi vinia- e Dwcoaiied in quantity at vry low ons uiaue to tuu uepnrtment s in tufeae. At on nursery where careful spectors and wardens and to prose- aceooats were kept tt was found that cute all such violations in the fed- Ue entire cost of the treatmeat. in- eral courts. In this conueciton ii Cladiajt labor, material and extra I pointl out that prosecutlonk ma waterlajt. was tea than l per instiliitcd at ii time within him bee iMr to ., Sr' . . eJT tkoosaad sauar feet of bed. On the tr'-' J ears of the offense. the range wlihou feodma x Other aaad the savtas; la the cost ot weedta alone, which the treatment made pcMibie, amonated to 43.30 pee thousand square feet. The Milphnrlc acid Is dlssolred in waur and applied to the beds with a paraffin-coated sprinkler Just after Live Stock Increasing in U. S. A. lfl otler sat In wkw tsssre waw n-e r -i,r an nmhroal. ha, hwt a asv Wr af we e t, soon. " ' r- n v The range It r'fa Cm. New farftaaeart eA-retTv n i. Mexico. J unusiialb fine Kaeatem T ' rfc . i saw uat, ,a range witbou reeding tww i xw fssssssa e vn-iiit IS S ".rs - me seed u sown and covered. From ins H. Depiirlmeiit of Agriculture V to of a fluid ounce of acid sIiowh that all rlnsses of livestock in shoHhl be used per square foot of the United States nre Increasing In uwu, uishoiveu in enougn water to uuiniiors. Thus the roal facts eon- eaiiee ea tawae swewww VrHn er-w4. tia .tter kin n,. vrk . r-fi.VY, "M iwttit i : . ii i 11 'S1 (Pi' havr arltned rsvo mt iha Sisreev 'aiii. amafssst fsrei o -nav.-j their mine bHng i i . j mc x -mwtrui n tw- FOIl the first time in man ean. make a bune ' h-tvdmt wtw '' lr,ai e tW -m .c Itifonimlloii collected b the I foi sale la eJher eetwas. re a: -wW n wVsrc b vv Vrte V 7VnXri bead less than a susn The emfcusattM h r w vmim s .. . - , . Mtlka Hi nr Illntli nt itlifl.n At Irmllnl nlinliil.l. ..uni l..l . thx dmlll lSni tm .. . . VjrteWPAUKNTI Ot rC some nurseries It Is nlso necessary ports that prices for meat and hoes 'a d(uattiw ta tlie St?tV wtttek t to wmer tue ueua onco or twice dally would rise to unprecedented figure "' rsei asantsn tee srue. A tee- Tr v ,. ... . . during the germination period to pro- In tho Immediate future. It has ew loresert ta tt fwapeer wit j I t,..1".".1. l " wst vent chemical Injury to tho acud- buuit Btild that u tiovernmeat ttti- " reeairv ikr eVasaaC w '', J,Wvei r t lings. IndUldiml conditions, how- dun predlciud men! at 6 eenu a aeirre s tlm: Wrae: smssasO- "a k mnissaniii ean.tat M over, niiiHt determine for each pound unil shoes nt $10 a pair with- r rtaVnaj: w juwrna etf "' a A rWr Vn-'rwt nursery whuthor or not this frequent In tho noxt two years. Such a pre- borar taaster " ww-vuw rt; Tat aaM e MMme. v -wd i3 nuivnuK is uuccssnry nnu oxnctiy uiciiou, tno nnii tiovernment how much ncld should bo used. tlstlclnns sa. Is oulie nnwrratd In soiiio Norlhorn nurserioH whoro On January 1, for example, tfee nun uiBiiiicLiion una not neon ro- numiior or lieof cattle ahowd aa tn- Bortod to, 1'nll sowing hua bcon cronse of 3.4 per cent over the nam- found to control "dniupliiB off" bor ii yenr ngn. nnd an actual In- fnlrly well. At nil nursorlos whoro crenso of 1,212,000 httad. Hitherto the boII remnlnH frozon during tho tho number of beef cattle in ttie Inter, It Is worth whllo to test sow- United States 1ms declined Meadll Ing Just before th0 soil froozes. Hx- since 1010. There are atoo more uosslvo mnlstuio should bo avoided in milch cows In the countn than lae: unsterlllzod seod beds. jenr, the Increase lelng t.f per rea. or in numbers a!Ma 3iae Tin Silo I'llnriple. however, showed the graatw i- C!o over to tho inarkot and buy u mm of nil classee . per r-'. (luart of flno sauor kraut miido from P" Jnnuary l, ll 4. there ew home-grown flat dutch cabbngo. onl ''f.03S.O0O swine la the cou- jiuvnig i no Kraut noxt purchase n ", "" '""? i, iri, ,fi .! sparerlb or two. Cook the two nr- r'1,a ,8 accounted for by the la, tlolos thoroughly nnd tho roault will ,lmt "" Production of pMlae cax be bo n dish fit for the Kaiser, when ho ncrMd more rapidly than thai vS Is Kood and lmntri-v. 'nu- imw ,.ii,i other classes of UiMtork and nu. n dish prepared In this way compnro fluently an enlarged demand cat i MW ' u ai oa wjiii ii mess oi Hiin-uriod cabbngo ",vv ore renuuj. leaves for pnlntnblllty ami nutrition? The !. lien this oiiostlon Is miKwured mi ti. ,..n.,i. . will bo able to uudorstand tho vnluo and $to Vhies wM nccLSj' ?L .i"11.0: lhB.Vrw,0,il ripening corn the declaration that rraawTTiloi,". rtTTLT.1' .r -Tr aMr fee e rrW-m- ,l -wk Mf nr heta aasce fe. .. 1M , ,:im t T jTsimisii. w, isshl aertr ssmci. As tn aatuv taw at:uaai a et J ; eerem ih .alt m cmt hm. eem bsve mt ' t mn4 hw wf - "Vas has We. s(t jntm m, t m i. " ?" i $,vxx "wui Preaa tvttra w eass usaa emesnK t I" k fcu. hdla d ttse I ttir uwMd 7r ssser Manar. m. ta jvumr- oni tanaesnatV en ri sw- rsec eW A iNr . wrwtn 'aipi. ua nsataag rwu mipairii i. i eanhi jsu4 eenteNK n hi II ewa: trmst omii. z yer am rafSma, paaatawer sa Mag jaas tfsmt hssanaa w nc . pearur4 asai -iae 'v ma Suiaai. T'lsnna sust " v tue wbe ased! e? x mm: m.ii i i a -f swai m et r eac H.-v'mstt Vm; "V m m "a swt sftvawt x betttee egjafumat Vear sk "wad tu 1 a nr - Ve ttV aafisbv inJ te w,i- fr be l. r sna a. aar jaw ftael e4 btx e Isftw.- 'ms tl mwmsa. aaaussi: sr i.- at tfce aaae w. rt j-mk n. rse- IH0 -mmr mMK Cint. ihv v - w.. . Tbene m tamsws. ittt ism. i amse busLg. rk mAi i fur ea sj iaswr. tbe ammmm w IL lunilH won tor sw man tr tu mamssl sje aaa sn msc issbmu. m - - i a TteeaH. rihaat iv kmt K bahi Wea. Staait mm hit vsNkt tea ta fsOWiwmc Mmaaeti eam L Vs.? OBsV te. mtlr M aat amsssaoav ki bv mn mhmmuas IB 111 WiH m a . .. -. K. ,. . . rivtiavi; iin niu iiiuuireu cuouitKp s ins taken from Awm-Imi war), ir. 1T" - -sssr sr smsi ww e aem put ill). Can there bo any question 000 hoAos wUWn laen !Li'' U .""" . bear w Am a man nbout tho practicability of silos, ospe- months and that the fL ,!! ITfL-f1 ii1'1 ' tint Hnautf bsansmr dally In this Western country, whim t " ? lave drawn ,? i T -amrreat . Osantaiia at a ilk Rll hinds of fcod aro so expensive and sources I the mm ikLT tI TLI"I, mmm' whoro the climate dries out tho fod- facta are that TnoreSI!-. l? ,VHL sm- J. lv 4 9v W.sst.r ean dor In the shock so that It tastes like 0 farms of thewSiaTaEmT m ftJL "2L -k-f Oa iVaMat . n hemlock shingle? January' ?, WK llSSJflZ S "SZJT' hmSm. 'kZZZ Inff lS """" JS With referouco to fewllug Sudan So far from Prance atone ha vim 2. Zm -i T V? i?? flni HHr . n wa sad grass as a catch mid solllus: cron. Mr. takon son ona hi.r. .. ... HT zT m m " m . .tatuurat It t&nt euoer ttlirt. -us ' i ' wwi, IMVMM1K 11111 JT1 VHV H a t "...-.:..:- : . "- ""- .. ut, uv cV 'I",,a,j"..rnary Illinois toiai exports since the ww haax Wsi n prlvalo eommunlcatlon: 100,000 and very llkeh not vZr bUdail grass is 111 Iliv nnlulnn nun 7T. 0A0 SI,,... ti..c.c ot the most valuable things that has mately S5.060.000 horses ataacetiJ, ever beeu brought out in this section In tho United States, the dwO oi . ... ..umi), otiwiiij mr i eaten account oi the aar crop. It personally gave me wovder- alarming. va.r v , Sl,m,,,,er Miu" 't '" tcl pointed out by Ow ?u.B'iV"AM,,.i',?rra. market value of farm fcoraas ia! taw iiMi. ... . '.u!m . uly u".1" a attuay docllaad to sueb aa enetu - Z ew uajs ago. and still It hoi uhaa.1 n, tka ,..t.,.- i. .. yJL. T?" ttt asasse m acaroelj of tiw.m . .i . ' . . "', "e" "i iu aoraga is How aaoct Hi a eid the tfw ov," a lBM ot m ollao Is mot notloVabU Xtbi m Js, states and In thoae statea wknh bnitasai estrtx ixmtuL 1 iSOi ' .' 11 JIM Bna u.. nu.,,.1 uau . 4w. .irkHH4. a taw tusat eaasssk tua .ta rtu anMtmm tt wdUsatt i " f '" oi. ttte vita imtm mm sT.t.rt-jjut . .. ... . .,- !! u . . i?'l-r!!L Uu ' "UiU awea-vt e atiwat aw liu: v tVierteaMt m 'tu. in. mu a. r.-...., , tKer seam aaiiwtsalaai teat ' w kvm- i.sa. ,dko .a M aar saat' rtm rtM umm. ... ,t.,....D ,aMe mitst esft - ' "' rv-ipHiisia taca jesjssse)t " ttthsr t a MsxMf, fbH MMMa ttaweaft i t 0.. west samiBssti saataar tsswi an, aw. .,J.. . kMaMnHB c Iran MW "Wf wr Maw IHIWU :. JMSM FUMlaat. SajHtaas) Usrwati "I U jeLaflssk iIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK injini'1' SBBBtflRsSBBBBSK IssssssssMl 'HIM !idl , far-'' riJisTsgaajaM sjBsBssjspeejejasjsssja .