The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 20, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 9, Image 17

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Late Inventions and Appliances
fw'ovn iii,aoki.v(j imusir.
poultry-Browing establishments, but
each Individual poultrynian Is n law
unto himself, playing his game as
best suits him.
Fanciers and Utility llrccders.
SHOVELING coal from an ordinary 'T'HH newest kind of Btovo brush Is Roughly speaking, poultrymon may
box is difficult work, as every- A a combined brush and blacking l)0 divided Into two classes fanciers,
ono who lina had to do It will agree, reservoir which docs away with much Growers of exhibition fowls, and
Nils Bketch shown a hotter way.
There aro "two boxes, ono largo and
it s:
iJ?j) now.p yJ
narrow, tho other nearly sauarc, and
In tho comer formed by tho two Is
n shallow box, only a few Inches
deep. Tho sldo of ono and tho end nt ono . , ,",. B
of tho other aro partly cut away, and combination AN
tno coal is easily reuencu uy remov- tor ti.iB ,, ,,.,
unpleasant work.
Tho reservoir
which holds tho
liquid blacking Is
attached In tho
back of tho
b r u s h, serving
also as a conven
ient handle. Af
tor tho desired
quantity of
blacking 1ms been
poured on (ho
stovo top It Is
smoothed around
by means of a
dauber which Is
utility poultrymon, producers of table
eggs nnu moat. Hut there Is no sharp
lino drawn between them. Tho fancy
breeders aro striving to mako their
beautiful birds moro productive, and
tho utility breeders like to have uni
form and attractlvo flocks. It will
bo a great day for tho Industry when
tho two lines are successfully com
bined and beauty-business stock
found on every poultry plant.
Most pcoplo who tako up poultry
keeping havo In mind tho question
of financial profit to bo secured there
from. So this very prnctlcal ques
tion Is hoard on all sides: "What
amount of profit may I reasonably
expect to sccuro from my birds?"
Of course this query Is not easily
answorcd, nnd frequently when ono
i.u w... . ....., .y-.-.. .w ..- tor , tJ,0 ,rUs, js nilt lnt ... unsworcu, nnu rroquontly when ono
Ing the looso boards, mown In tho nnd 10 nolIXBg 0Vn ,onis po tclls tuo truth '" not "cllovcd, slneo
! WJ"E: .1A":i.C,?i..V'C!1 8,.0U. formed without soiling tho handsP or 5 any fairy stories regarding al-
logcd enormous profits havo been
widely circulated and generally ac-
Acroinotor Cnr coptcd. It Is a very simple matter to
After working 13 years. William e8llnmto h."B? vrR1 ln llvincc; It
A. Sharpo. a moehanfo n S!! L, .Pi1""1 "?"?' mn.llor .A0
i . .. -...-., iuuiiu iiiL'su ureams come iruo in prac-
drops ln tho Blmllow box. It la a
good plan to keep different sizes of
(oal In ouch mrgo nox, mixing tuo
rlzca In tho shallow box as desired.
1 folds Screw-Driver.
The llttlo Invention shown hero Colo., Is comnlctlnir a iiaasoncnr-rnr- m
YatllunZnl!M,'lwI ry!.nB ,nnchluo which Is designed to Many Inexperienced Individuals
rom slipping. It Is a clip with jaws Ban In tho nlr llko nn noroplano, to havo been carried away by figuring
ww i.uvn tin it nuuiuuriiiD iinnr. t.i. -:"....- ... . ..
ni,.. . .,,, ... ... ,. uuij juuiiiiiuiu wuun riumiy mull-
Sharpo Is confident that his "aoro- nen.i if it worn n .Pn iiiin.- if
motor car, an ho calls It, will bo a every ono could mako a liugo success
success. Ho says It Is constructed of It, our mnrkctB would bo flooded
on well-rocognlzod principles, but Just nml Poultry products would sell at
how ho Iiuh dono It Is a secret. All rulno8,' low figures,
that Is known Is that tho ontlrn vn. The Flmuiclal Itcttiriis.
Remarkable Trees
i:uilofil nml Clirrk,
Merlin, Or.. Nov. . 1014.
I rccrlvnl my "Orpnco Trf" today,
and they are entirely ratlsfactory. it
Unea me rood to receive audi romarkntile
trees, lucked In iiirli jplrmlld aliape. Un
cloned tlnil he Ji far S23I.&0,
(Sinned) II, K, THOMAS.
We crow our own tree nnd suarantM
them to be In flrit.elnis condition In
exery reaped when delivered, It you need
any rrult, Shade or Ornamental Treea, It
will La to jour Interett to communicate
with us.
We are the original Introducer of the
now famotn Vroomun Kranquelte Walnut.
Atk for our free walnut literature on thli
remarknblo walnut,
Wo alio hnvr a tine Hock of Italian
Prune. Clicrrlei, 2-car-oUl Pears, lane
Hhade Trect and ntno very fine Uerrled
Hollies, at well aa all other llnea of rella.
ble irret. Kor llellable. Dependable Trcei
Oregon Nursery Company
Salriraen WnnteU. Orenco, Orrcon.
that fit ovor tho head
of tho Bcrew. Tho
scrow-drlver Is lnsortcd
Into tho spring of tho
dip and tho screw Is
driven in tho ordinary
way. Then tho clip Is
taken off. Anyono who
has observed how n
Bcrow-drlvcr persists In
slipping ln or jumping
(pit of tlip slot of u
screw will wonder why
such nn Invention was
not thought of bofore.
When tho drlvor Is
piiBhcd down It Is hold
securely in position bo-
tweon tho Bprlngs, and tho end can
not slip out of tho slot.
Tho Strongest Cable.
All records for cnblo strength wero
Our Baby Chick
uii on tho land llko an automobile theso paper profltH and Invested Inrgo will start Jnnunry l. riaco your order
o travel tho surfaco of water op tn BUma ln Poultry plants that failed to "owor ciiici fr0m hisii-breii wurrn
...i iiiu buiiulo oi waior or to nmi(0 .,0.i Tln l,.,np,a la rnnnnii. LtQllOHN olfK-proiluccM. Somo ot
o used nH n submarine boat. S S,' J. J,"8'"0, ',", J'0'1" our bin la lmvo u record of SM pwj....
ColaloKUo nml prices cm application.
' ry '' Tlftl, fall RtlvUtWf.CkNk
PAtO Ntr faf Umm. ImJ ikonuuLt a
r Rtt U miAL cwmiIm thtt i) u f w,ih uhiM
til t ... . vtl ,i .a 'nit finwu ivmmiivi i f'tf IIM )! tf with uh
hlclo Is built of pressed steel nnd Briefly, tho returns as in other ouaraWo " t..h..u. . ,. ,. ,.,uj,
aluminum. It Is dcslnncd to enrrv ncs of work vary according to tho .r'"' 'Sriuiir1'
four pnBsongers, but tho Inventor says oxtont ot tho operations nnd tho nbll- at. Helena inaubatarco'
It turn. I.a ItV nf ifin trtnn fn i.Alinfnl fnrmn If -bk-
v ...; nu .uuoii uciuu ior many more. , . ,,,,,,. t..iv.... ....... o
iia lo mo SPCCU, 110 Bays that Will bO ' uuuuun iw iiiuku iowib imy u
irom ju to aoo miles nn hour.
Toledo, Wahlnton
Practical Business
Of Poultry Raising
(fnntlnued l-rom IMge n.)
net annual profit of $1 per head. On
commercial poultry plantB, whero
market eggs aro produced, a profit of
$1.50 to 2 por head Is commonly so
cured, and frequently this, flguro Is
exceeded. A friend of tho writer
clears up from $2000 to $3000 an-
BurpiiBHod whou In a test at Lehigh dor such cIobo confinement, and theso nun,'' rom tho growing of tnblo
University recently a section of n should not nttompt poultry keeping l)0H,try. Mnny Inrgo duck farms pny
now stool ropo, now In ubo by an Iron on any extended scale. ,ron' t-uu to io.uuu prom per
company at Kb mines, withstood tho Then thcro Is always present tho . A 'w fancIorB, who havo cs-
pull of a giant testing miichlno up to clangor of loss from cpldomlcs of din- t,lbll8nci1 Kopu roputntlons as breed-
751,000 pounds. This was a pnrt of ease, from Incubators and brooders orfl.?r superior stock, aro said to bo
tho longest and Btrongcst hoisting going wrong, from thlovcs nnd nnt- "lahlng fronj iGOOO to ?1C,000 each
cablo ln tho world, which Is employed urnl enemies of feathered life. Kur- ycnr' Ijut 't ,mi8t uo remembered
nt tho mines for lowering trains- of thor, such nintters as tho weather and l,int tn.CB0 ,nrKer Incomes aro secured
60-ton cnpaclty cars down n Btoop In- prices of feed, ovor which tho lndl- .n.'y nftor years of work and a con-
.llnn fnr mnrn tlinn n mllii In tnnplli. vlilnnl lino nn rntrn1 f. w SldCrnulO fllinilCIUl Investment.
Tests of a similar cablo used dally and tho returns secured. 9ro.nt ns. t,,(3 Powltry Industry Is
for 20 months showed a Btrongth of Summing up tho wholo matter, tho U lfl .!,ou? .gr?w ,n. tho tn
170 tons. ndvnntagoa moro than offset o nSl1, th dividual poiitryman who
drnwbackH. nnd poultry koonlnc ns wishes to succeed must bo propnrod
Wind Shield for Cigars. ,, oxcluslvo occupation offers tho . n,co,t , Ul cnrttlons, must stud
A wind shield for lighted clgnrs Intorostcd nnd competent worker n 1,ls l,roblon,B nntl worlc IndustrlouHly.
has been patented by a Now York In- steady Job, whero ho Is his own mas- (Conyrluht, 1MB. by Mntoa-Mcnx A.h
vontor. It 1b tho form of n thlmblo tor, n normnl, healthful Ilfo, a com- co" lnc,)
or tuuo cioscu at its outer ena nnu lonnnio living aud nn opportunity to
fitted loosely over tho lighted end ot lay by a reserve fund for uso In tlmo
tho cigar bo as to Icavo passage for of need. 1 havo no patlcnco with
tho nlr. thoBo who stato that poultry fnrmlnc
la a lazy man's business or a gct-rlclu
quick proposition. It Is nolthcr,
very iow poultrymon mako really
50,000 CHICKS
Why wnalo feed on ncrubs nnd In
bred Dtock whon - you can cat
clilcks from pcdUrreed OreRon freo
rnno. Triipniiatcci, 17J eififa and
over for Wi por J 00.
A are nt for (ho
World'n Ilmt.
1.1:1: n.iTciiiiiiv,
l'lir. JraNtip Nt.,
1'ortluud, llrcKon.
Noxt wcelc, Trofcaaor Stone
burn will tell exactly how to
mako a start In poultry keeping;
tho land needed nnd a I in pic, prac
tical cqulpmont.
Xotcs of lllVCIlllOllH.
Two Oregon Inventors havo pat-
enieu a gnrmoni ior coi.i wvninur lnrK0 nconiC3. and tho samo energy
inn. n? llnnn , nil A'f X-hnra UU "bl,lty WU,cU W, ComP BUC MOHI5 POUIntV 1MIOF1T THIS
f? nS,ulVi S. fjL a mnHod C0BS ,n U"fl ,,n0 w, Mn a C0"0' V,:A"'
?. n, frnm Mrn i,5i r "I'ondliiK roward In other flolds. Uut Moro depends on keoping tho birds
"I'-r'fi111 . B y u ,B a lslrnblo occupation for thoso froo from llco tliniNanytl.Ing else.
to warm tuo vearor. who aro Interested In and enjoy It, Tho old way of powdering tho flock
To culdo n. kov to n kovholo ln tho Provided thoy aro satlsflod to stay ou takes tlmo and Is not offectlvo.
dark thcro linn been piuentetl a V- tho Jb nnd nro willing to llvo qulotly Users of Llco-0 treat their blrdB but
cimn.,i nirin nf nmtni i.n fnotpnii and simply. twlco a. year nnd tho results aro al-
tn A door with tho nolnt surround- Ab n ldo-Hno, paying n fair profit moat marvelous. Sold under a posl-
. . " . fni flin ffltilA tlntmtml i r It n n linlilm l..
ing tho hole.
for tho tlmo devoted to It. as a hobby, tlvo cunranteo of money back. Largo
at ouco fascinating and hoalthtul. tubo 50c postpaid. Circular free.
A now dustpnn that n woman haB as nn adjunct to tho homo placo. Llco-0 Co., 28C 1-2 Washington
patented hnB tho liandlo on ono Bldo, keeping tho family tablo supplied street. Portland. Or.
nnd In front a guard plato over which wiiu ino oesi oi ioou, poultry iteoping
dust is brushed into a pocket section, possesses great morlt. It may bo
successfully combined with other
A ladder consisting ot a Bluglo rod, worlc, mnklng tho worker moro offl-
bent to form hand and foot holds, lias dent In his rogular duties and adding
been Invented by a Now York man. somowhat to his Income It may bo
, ,, ,,.'. .'. ' , , , followed by business and professional
For tho blind thcro has boon In- mon na nn outdoor sport or recrca
vontcd n watch with tho hours tIor,t It may wo bQ taUoIl up uy
marked by raised dots and dashes nml othor Ramo ulrds nnd cnB0 u,rd8i
that can bo read by tho senso of Ths doflnltIon may not bo scientific
touch. . ally correct, but It is quito commonly
Tho tines ot a recently Invented .. Jh",?i00' ,!!0"ltIl;n!t1?nopinnLia
fork nro diamond Bhaped, instead ot 'nmJn8' Z Ifllul,'
flat. Tho Inventor claims that this ono mcaus . of rcdVlns 1 '"B";
fork can bo much moro easily cleaned. pnB0,8- , 0n, BLdi5t0nnrfi0,f
his whole tlmo, or only a portion of
A phonograph Is built Into a now It, regulating tho Blzo of his estab-
nlarm clock to awaken a sleeper by llshment In accordanco with tho con-
playlng his favorite tunc Instead of dltlons surrounding his particular
ringing a bell. enso.
in a nroati sonao, mo wora -pout-
lr Cultir'a Bliill.j mil. Iw.
rl(Yil, (r ilk rrlUtlti prtrrrtil t(
Wr un ftlncKRivn ticcauie thty art
tMt uhirt atner viulnn (tin
Wilt fur tookl.t tn, tnllrannlils.
lo.doH pk. nuikitt run 11,09
so-aiM pkii. nutkiii rim 4.0a
!T .v lnlMlAP. l.iit Putf- l.L
Tli mril.r1!r ot fuitr vrutlucu U tlui te eter II
f tin it ipM-Ullilnf In iriMlnti and itrumi enlir,
Imlit en Cuttir'l. ir uiiollalno.le. onltr illrrcU
wis Aim cash iiLvr:iiH roit youii
I'oui.Tiiv, i:;(;s,, am
lions. ,) COM.MIS.SIO.V.
lllsheat I'rlcoi Always Try Us
31 1'rout S'trrrl, I'ortlunil, Or.
Hofoicncc! Northweat National UituW.
540 Egg Size "Pioneer" Patented Incubator $ 1 5
iMd.niaataaarTsmuuni-rl-' -,
IKIWV AMI Tin: iiai.anci: nor
nhlf In Ihrcc riiinl pnyiiirnlN of
ao ilnjH null. A o pay trclKlit. Khlp
uit approval. (Hiitrantoe tho J'lo
uccr 10 lio tho hlKhcat clnia hot
water Incubator In America lnr
110110, Yon to bo tho Jmlifo lli:
l''OHB you pay a cent. Wrlto to.
day for free 32-pm;o catalog. All
lzc. I'rlces lower than others
Pioneer Hatchery Co.
8 112 East Eighth Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
Ono shock of corn that stands up try" Includes all feathered creatures
straight and Is securely tied at tho grown under domestication, as chick
top is worth moro than two shocks ens, water fowl, pigeons, pheasants
that aro looso and twisted out of a diversified industry, and tho poul
shape. Don't forgot that wo would tryman may speclallzo ln ono or more
glvo our noses a rather sharp upturn branches as his Judgment and lnclln
If moldy food was brought to the atlon dictate So It happens that
table. thoro Is but llttlo standardization In
I 'run 1
Hrn y
lied, per 10) ,
Iloclcs, ror 1 i-
Wlilto Leghorns, per 100...
White Wyandottes, per 100.
. 18.00
, 12.00
. 18.00
Pacific Poultry Co.
105 Sfiiecn Street, henttlr, Witoliliiiitou.