I "' HOME AND FAIM MAGAZINE SECTION The Park Goddess and the Rose H BY V. A. HUNGEUFOHD. tossed it townnl him. It fell nt Ills B STOOD hesitating a moment, ' ... . ,lMh, Tho nurB0.8 i" 22rSiUbScS ""it So ke!l vh ollowcd the oWiTm made for the nearest bench. It .. ,,. , .-... iIri,rn,. n was Isolated from the rest of the fInsh of bluo 8ll nnd fiyinB curiS( park by n bit of hedge. Directly be- She disappeared around tho other hind the bench was a rose bush In end of the hedge, full, heavy bloom. Krom the othr The youth nto tho food greedily, side of the hedge came childish theu picked up tho rose. Tho brood voices nn.i lmichtor. ami th chatter IiiK bitterness wnB Kono from his of nurse maids. From farther nwny came the steady drone of a lawn mower. The youth he was but 22 slouched down upon the bench nnd face: Gradually houo began to dawn In his eyes. Ho had had sympathy without revulsion, charity without condescension. Tho food did him much good. Tho kindness did him nulled his pan mw his pvos. His Infinitely more It envo him confl- eheap suit was badly wrinkled as donco In himself. Ho felt middcnly though he had slept In It. His fnco that things wcro going to turn for was unshaven nnd of a peculiar pal- tho better. There was good stuff In lor. His expression was bitter. Ho him and ho would bring it out. Thoy was tired and hungry and heart- couldn't keep him down. His faith sick. He hnd been unable to get n In himself restored, and tho pangs single day's work slnco ho had of hunger quieted, tho memory of his started life all over ngaln two weeks temptation earllor In tho day struck before and his $5 was gone. him as gross weakness. Ho tremblod Tho merriment about him, tho at tho thought of It and firmly de warm sun flooding him, ho snt wrapt cldod to stay straight, no matter what In brooding meditation. What had happened. Ho never wanted to sco happened to him In that ono long tho Insldo of a Jail again, year? l'olgnnntly sorry for what ho Tho run warmed him pleasantly, hnd done, anxious to redeem hlmsolf, Ho told himself ho would rest a lit ho had looked forward to tho day tie boforo again trying to got work, whon his punishment should bo over, Ho felt suro that this tlmo ho would nnd he could start again with a succeed. Ho settled hluiBclf com clean slate. Ho had faced tho world fortably and dozed off. itgnln with squared shoulders, clear- Ho uwoko with n shiver. Tho sun oyod., n cheap suit, ?5 and tho was sotting. Tho park wns deserted, stigma! He hadn't figured on tho Not a sound broko tho stillness, ox stigma. Full of good resolves, ho copt tho bcdtlmo fuss of birds. Ho hnd started out, first In tho business started to leavo tho bench when ho Miction of tho city, tlion in tho lower caught tho measured crunch of districts, and now In final dospcrn- grnvol beneath tho tread of tho park tlon ho had tried tho fashlounblo policeman. Ho snt very still, hoping avenues, begging for odd Jobs In tho mlnlou of tho law would pass payment of a meal. And It hnd al- by on tho other sldo. Ho wns happy ways been the same. An appraising nnd confident, nnd felt ho couldn't glance, narrowed to a staro of com- boar tho gimlet stnro junt thou. Ho prohonslon, refusal and tho closing glanced down nt tho roso ho still of the door. held, and a hnlf stnllo curved his Ho had had nothing to oat slnco boyish lips. Ho would keep thnt the day before yesterday, nnd all day roso always, as n sort of mascot. It thoughts kept cropping up In his might bring him luck, mind, thoughts that preyed through But tho policeman didn't pass by his weakened body upon tho good on the other side. Ho enmo and rosolvos ho had mado only two weeks stood looking down upon tho youth, .before. A row of pies cooling on n Ho recognized tho "stigma" nud convenient window lodge, easily scowled. within roach, had caused him agony "Bettor movo on!" And then ho thnt 'brought tho cold perspiration saw tho rose. out nil over him. Nothing but tho "Been picking flowers, ch? Don't sudden vision of grny stono wnlls you know It's $10 flno to pick flowers nnd a tall, Iron gate saved lilm. Ho In tho pnrk?" turned nnd fled from temptation. Tho youth wont whllo nnd began But now his eyes wore furtive, his to tromhlo. Ills oyos followed tho shoulders drooped, and his stop wns pollcomnn's glanco from tho roso ho dead and hopcloes. hold to tho laden bush behind him. A short distance- nwny he glimpsed Tho blooms wcro identical, n bluo uniform, nnd drew farther "I I didn't pick it!" ho stnm- bnck into seclusion on his bonch. Tho mered; but tho knowlodgo of tho park policeman passed by on tho stigma caused him to drop his eyes other side of tho hedge. Tho ox- guiltily. convict rolaxed, and resumed his "Don't Ho!" threatened tho police brooding ngaln. man. "It's 10 bucks or 10 dnys Ho told himself thoro was nono to you can linvo your choice!" enro whether ho mado good or not. Hcnl terror looked out of tho And thero always muiit bo somebody youth'a oyos now. to enro If it's nothing but n stnrvod "But but -n llttio girl gavo it to cur from tho gutters to lick your mo I didn't pick itl A llltlo girl hand apologetically and wng n In bluo silk with brown curls sho friendly tall nnd look nt you with gavo it to mo!" Hympathotlc oyos. Ho Buddonly "A llkoly story!" Tho officer's bowed his faco In his hnndH. oyos swept tho youth meaningly: After a whllo ho beenmo conscious thon ho lidded: "Tho less troublo thnt someono wns wntehlng him. Ho you make, tho hotter for you!" raised his oyos slowly nnd thon Tho lmv'a ovoh m-nw tmcin win. Sho Btood on tho grass be- bitterness. Ills palo fnco Bet in B NOT. BLEACHED m i!L There's Great Comfort about baking with "Crescent" Its leavening action is so sure ami so thorough. It leaves the dough delicious ly moist. Crescent Mfff, Co., (tealttc, Wn, GET IT FROM OUR GROCER 25 c per lb. SSl id ThcXUfS? ADTo JB. XlJLu.X. JL ,j WHEAT A NATION'S IIUn.VKKAST i:vi:itvvut:iti: inc. If your dealer does not linndlp, send 16c ntampn for rcirulnr bIz pnckaKo by I'arcol I'ont to MORGAN MILLING CO. t:ui.ii:M.ii.i:, wash DRAG SAWS mra ,M.vdfiSmrji!i ' W&Pi WVL Sm ssmwAijXt " -f k rt zt&,- . ., ,f "" 1X71 . T 1 c.".t '.ol,.r vvoo,l w'" " Vaiichiin Tort- Fine Wheat Ranch ss.yju.Awfftejs or hy two mou on nny kind of grouni .'iiiiiiiiii-iiircii ty mo VAUflllAN .MOTOII WIIIIKS SIO Vnnt K.-voiillt St., I'orllnnil, Or. .Srnltlr Aurney 7N Mnrlnn Nlrffi. 1'or n Full llrNrrliHIuii H rile Is. 0G0 nrrcs Rood land, TOO ncrcs fino wheat land, Lialnnco bunch Kraut), pHfltiir: 400 aToa now In l'nll-nowi grain; coinforlablo liulldltiKni on main county rond, clone to school; 12 iiiIIoh from county snnt and railroad; lo cated In tho best wlicnt noctlon of Kntrii Oregon. 1'rlcu $2S per ncro; 14000 cniih, Imlanco crop imymontH, 0 per cont. Wo liavo kooiI wlicnt rniiclien from K0 to xnvcrnl tliovixund accca. .Also otock mnchc. Wrlto us. ACME REALTY CO. tot i:.iiiIImI.Ip Untitling, Tni'omn, Wnnli. V'",'' DROUTH jrcparc your son 10 retain moisiurti nmi protluce blrg'r crop II1, by making a perfect lied with tin i.mim'.iiiai. ft i.vr.iu.r.u J'Acki the utitotl and rruih, rolls, level and nulvrrlsts tli toinoll, Don the vicrlt of 3 Implement! all In ono trip. C,,... builn more Implemtnli OaVeS two extra trli oer the rloned Kruund, 8'nd nt c ire lortiur booklet IVIern Jlfir. In.. 11H lllver t Knit, tlhlo.B Mnred. foro him, n dazzle of bluo silk and storn, hnrd linos. With sneorlng lips brown curls nnd deep, gray oyos. ho looked down upon tho flowor ho Sho was a woll-trulncd child, but with hold, emblem of lovo nnd friendship, Jlno enrelossnosa tossed nsldo con- turned to a weapon ngnlnst him. His ventlonnllty to bo human. Sho Impulse wns to crush It In his hand recognized misery whon alio Haw It. nnd throw It far from him. Thon 'Aro you sick?" Sho looked botwocn It nnd him thero visualized straight at him and thoro was no a dainty child's fnco. framed In fear nor shrinking- In hor oyps. brown curls a fnco Innocent nnd "No, ho said slowly, "I'm not full of sympathy and confidence A that Is no I'm not!" That sick- moment ho tottered on tho brink of onlng hunger was gnawing nt his reckless dospalr. Thon tho black btomach again, and It was imposlblo look loft his faco. to koop his gazo off tho applo sho "ifB Just luck," ho Bald to hlm hold. Ho was unconscious of tho solf reassuringly. "Whon I got out suddun Brood thnt lit his oyos. ni Bhow thorn! Thoy can't koop n She was only 0, but sho had heard Kood mnn down! Thero's good stuff of such things. Hor oyos widened and plenty of It In Billy Mc in Incredulous nmnzoniont. Mnhon! I'll provo " "You'ro hungry!" Aro you coming?" Tho harsh Tho youth flushod, dropped his voice cut his thought In twain, oyou aihnmed, and flngorod his cap "os I'm coming." uorvously. , Sho thrust the npplo Into his hand. Uocont sales by tho Qovornmont "15at it," bho commnndod. "And totnllng 120.000,000 feet of saw-tlm-walt hore. Nurso brought lunch hor In tho Olympic Nntlonnl forest, with us I'll get you soino." In Western Washington, nmrk the Sho flnshod away and ho had oponlng of this hitherto Inaccesslblo lmroly devoured the npplo boforo sho storohouso of timber, cstlmnted to nnurneu, ner iinntis tun of dainty contain a stand of 33,000,000,000 STEAM PRESSURE CANNING OUTFITS Cnn your Fruits, Voiotnldc.t. Corn. Mentis, l'lsli, etc.. for liomo uro and for snlo nt u lib: profit, Outfit moro tlmn pnytt for Itself tho first year. ICIovou different nl.:c, Hook or (;atinln(r ltoculptn frco with out fit. ToIIm Iiow to cnn uvorythlnr. Wrlto for Catnloguo II. llullt y HENNINGER & AYES MFG. CO. 17 First .St. 1'iirtlnnd, Orrsoo, EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM Wn Sri I r.l.lU'lltIC I.KillTIVn PI.A.NTS. mi: mai'iiim:s. fJAMii.iM: i:mji.m:s. bi:v.t.r. i)isimisi, i-i.A.vrs. ati:u si srmi.s, vacii m t i.i:m:us. WASIIINtJ MAI MINKS. ciii:am .si:i'u'ioit.s ami llll HNS, Corrcapcndvnco .SolMtcd INTERSTATE SELLING CO. I, it (.riiiulr, Orruoii, I'ulc)' lliillilluic. nam: timi: and .mom:v WOOD FIBRE WALL DOARD Clienpor tli nn luth nnd iil.vter. o:ny to put on, iiulllmr direct to tlitt Htuddliur. Kuoph tho homo warm and dry. (JjOl I'rr 1'lKMisiiiid (Nrnd for Vree Sniiiilr) Coinploto lllustrntod C'atiilocue of luilldliiR' matorlnlH nt ilia low. cit tint prices mailed frco on ap plication. P. A. ROVIG CO. lll'rt MVfcicrn Avrniif. sn.vri'i.u, WA.siiiM.'to.v. One Nan With A KirsHE stump Puller Cnn Clear Your Land Sis irftls for all tarpon. sU pon for U tr Chili tnd rtlU models from W7.M ft ewpUt Ct r tttslocus and llmlttd lta r" " niuiUAi j.iiiiiniiii -u. 22? CoramercItlBt, SaUm. Or. ( Euur oavn, ivutu, aw l IPJMIrt wn. . MiudwIcheM "More quirk nure saw me, old eat! Sho'll bo nftor mo!" Sho crowded tho food into Ills hands, 'flood-by!" Tho nurse's shockod face npponrcd around tho ond of tho hedge. Tho llttio Kill's exprossion changed from sympathy for tho youth to Impudenco . n.nr'ie ,n Bnoo' implshness the pulled the voie from her hair and feot. e IMPORTANT, that you mention this -" paper in answering advertisements. A New and Popular Proposition for Suburban and Country Places Vo have ovolved a plnn Hint elves you a complain modern onthrpom-at wliolc.-n)o prlcc and that uliows you how to avo the- plumber's bill, m tails fur- a,aV!SroVVXt'8,!ee,Ufs.OVVm STARK-DAVIS CO. Wliolmulr I'liutililuK Siipilr. 212 Tlilrd St. "10 imliuoii. I'orCliind, llrcKon. sT'Tnstfrn" tnunrtMB ouahantbs i iiSUJIW" SWii'J"-lj pg4Jf " 'VI'I'J ABarflsMCollecIIonol FLOWER SEEDS FOR 13 CENTS 10 cholcs rtU, jl i ,..h imJ. ll I""..! u, l?i.iJ''l,:!.r on; rrtunUMHuwwjiiSn-: it ooIoki Wrrr. .r?2n' fclocll 10 . """.".iT.L I ....... mlil.UdA1.! wiu tub cid.r nnnn PO UL Tli J qoMUilr mttlDk toI(4 to sli "V "k" '.u,. 4 lulD(. will, ,pwld ktltolloa I Ut ;,S",1 pouIut. tus kw ta mil i;oor' fi'llttui ,i'. Intlodlns ! J or w US, I.U..I,. rl. l' " . HORCWOOD FARMS COM 8utUC. mmmsvM 0 iMk 1 BpHkC' ' . tlBIMHIHIHKIlVI4MHHIia'sMHHSiDIHI BUIVnxf'JliwnUJtStTiBl iflSSIsnHiiiiiBHsnMJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHB; i