nOATEAND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Feeding Sheep on Wasted Fodder IT would bo grcntly Interesting to would still bo one problem to solve, know, could It bo known, how How would the breeding flocks bo' much mutton could bo produced from maintained during tho two or thrco fodders that now nro wasted becauso mnths of Winter when snow Is on thoy nro not utilized. In this dls- UJ Broimd? Will not tho growth cusslon thoso fodders only will bo J wheat liny answer this question consldored that grow up In tho un- nt. tIlc I'rosont tlmo? In tho near fenced fields of tho Northwestern future, u will probably ho nnswered states. u' tuo growth of sweet clover or Two obstacloa nro In tho way. One nIfa'fn "uy. is that tho lands ns a rulo nro not Iu n,K "end. fenced, and tho other Is that tho Thcso references bring up tho grain shocks nro oftentimes loft In question, will It pny to grow snoop tho Holds for weeks after tho grain on thoso lines In tho nic llcnd coun ts cut, ana nccnuso 01 uio prosonco try? That can onlv hn wnritP.t nut 17. r!,rr' " "w ' actual test. ti'Da iu mu iijiu. This means thnt the weeds and Stipposo a' section ot land woro one In a ml with fnn other vegetation nlong with tho num- WS0 u Was ,1lc!c,ko.11. wUh Bll001)' crous grain heads lost In harvesting ?"? P.030 lX wna divided In say, thrco aro not utilized. In other words, C. . "V0 Pari woum proviao tho food that would maintain not 8"nS nl early Summer pasture, lower than say, 10,000,000 for two ? BCCon l""t would provldo finish- months In thnt stnto In virtually lost. nB ,Ims.turo' ,uul third part Win In South Dakota tho jiaino would bo tcr,,.0??; i nt least mer.surably true. In Mon- would such an arrangement payjf tnnn tho loss would not bo so much, ." ojiltt pay. Each acre of such for tho reason that tho area dovoted ', Hhould support nt least nn owo fo HiS crnwlnc of nrnln Is much lnsa. nn1 1,cr. lnnV fr a year. This would lint tho loss in Montana. Is matnrlnl. n,cJ111 tIlnt 010 acrc3 would mnlntain Loss in Washington. Hut In no plnco Is this loss grontor relatively thnn In tho Hlg Bond coun try In Washington. Thoro tho Rus sian thistles grow to perfection. Thcro It Is that they tako comploto possession of tho Innd whero thoy nro not combated, lo tho virtual ox elusion of all kinds of crops. Of THE GEORGE GOGGLEI fs Worn and Indorsed by Automoblllsts Hunters Qolfors FIMiormon tiasobalt Players Motorcyclist Laborers UntrlnccM Flrdmon rnrmors Mill Worker Stonecutter irarvostors Thresher Motormon No Equal at Any Price Three Colors: CLI3AU smoki:i AMULJH Protect your eyes from sun, wind, dust and injury Alititnintlriill)- mljuntn in juiir flier, flexible Will bond but not break. Protection No tltutKer from broken Blaen run vinIoii rnniiHtructcii, will nut ros. .on-Hcfriir(eil - l'ruvontM any eye atruln. Snniliirj- No felt lo nwent. I'cnllicr-WriKlil Weighs lcs than l-o-ounee. .Mnlletl lON(inlil for 2.1 CciitN. Denier Wanted. Commerce -Utility Corporation 113 rnnnmn lliilldliic, l'orllnnil, OreKoit. 010 owes and 010 lnmhs. Tho wool from tho owes should pay tho wago hill. Profit I'Mlnmtcs. This would lcavo tho lambs for profit. Six hundred and forty lnmbB would moan nt $1.G0 each a return ot J2880, or a rental ot $4. GO per aero. Supposo this woro cut In two. ""u" .."... "'"" "' "SV"' ,t"i It would represent a rental of J2.G0 I'uuiBu, Diivuii ui iiuiiiiiuu nun uuim ,,. nnrn ,,.i,i1i -nt.l l. n .-.. kinds Of BlOCk, Will not loUCh HUB- SS ,nnrt vnlin.l It! In r R? Blnn thistles after tho prickles havo 2 0,n"'!P n'Ucd BJL ll,1 "10Pro0 i'"" boon really formed on tho plants, but ,n l'l "f- J'1,0. , "l0,Jro1tur?"' nt nn earlier period sheep will food tbn"' flnow b VT upon thorn and to tho extent ot "ctto'LU "V'S S B,V,l0 a d' prosonco win uo but uttio iinrm. ycnr,g oxpcndlturo nH n fonco wlll hummer 1 outgo, built in such nn nrca should last for This moans that tho tumbling not loss thnn 10 years, mustard, Russian thistles and Win- If thoso ostlmntoB are correct, why tor ryo nnd Winter wheat pastures would It not bo a wlso thing In tho would carry shoop through tho sea- Dig Ilond country to grow shoop? con from March 1st to tho early Can wheat bo mndo to pny hotter? Autumn months. Tho shoop would call for loss labor. Now If WIntor ryo woro sown say, Thoy would otirlch tho land, nnd thoy In May, nnd It Squnw corn woro would provont tho ubomlnnblo weeds from going to seed. Thoy would also stop soil drifting. Why would not such n system ot farming bo bet tor thnn tho growing of whcat7 ns One Month's Trial Tuition Free. Metro nomc for Teaching Time, itlg Illustrated Catalogue. Send for Our Hook Today, LEARN ANY INSTRUMENT. Our course of extension Inxtriictton bus been so nuccoRstul Hint we know, It you try n month free, you wlll bo eauer to con tlmio tho course Wo teach piano, organ, violin, mandolin, Rultar, cornet, etc. Tho inothott of liiHtructlon Is onllrcly new. If you take tho courno wo wlll icfiiml your monoy If you don't think It worth ovory cent ('hawed. Hend for tho bltr free cntulOKUo and month's frco tuition offer today. American School of Music Sixth nnil ,iiknr I'urllmid, OrrKon. grown, would not thcso two enrry tho Hheop through tho Autumn montliH nnd prepare thoso for tho market that were to bo sold? There Learning Dairying From Holland Wl.ran learn much from tho dairy to tho heavy mllkors In quantities ot methods used In Holland. That from two to four pounds n day. Tho llttlo country Is often called principal feed, howovor, Is hay, each tho cows' parndlso nnd It dosorvos tho cow receiving 30 pounds dally. It uamo. There is llttlo grnln farming, takos tho groat capacity ot thcso or mixed husbandry thcro nnd nl- cows to hnndlo such n largo quan- most no stock except dairy cattlo. tlty ot roughngo. Dairying Is tho principal occupation. Tho lnnd Is worth from $r00 to $1000 an ncro, yot tho Ilollnndors pay rents and Interest on tho Invest ment by producing butter nnd chcoso, which thoy placo In tho Huroponu markets In successful competition with thnt produced In America on land of scnrcoly compar ablo valuo. Tho secret Is: Efflclont cows, ox collont enro, co-oporatlon nnd super ior quality of buttor nnd choeso. on n G (Micro fnrm in iioiinnu tuo Clean Stable.. A cow stnblo In America Is usu ally an untidy, uninviting nnd in many cases absolutely filthy placo whoro, to tho dlsgrnco ot civilization, human food Is produced. In Hol land n cow stnblo In ns clean nnd carefully cared for as any room In tho house. In tho Province of Frlesland most of tho butter and chcoso Is mado In factories, practically nil ot which nro co-oporatlvo. Whou tho commercial Weal Ready Cut Homes Save You Big Money Big Book of Home Plans Free Whether you contcmplnto build ing u mansion or u cottngo n barn or a garngo, Idcnl Ready Cut Homos will simplify tho tnsk nnd snvo your monoy. Ideal Homos nro shipped comploto rendy to nssemblo and no skilled Inbor is re quired to do tho job. Tho Lip; Frco Catalogue tolls tho story send for It now. J. BRYSON MOORE 1099 Northwestern National Rank Dulldlng, Portland, Or. livestock usually consists of nbout starter Is used In ripening tho cream, 2'i cows, 9 heifers, 40 sheep, 1G pigs Immonso uumbors ot bartorla, cnpablo and one or two horses. About !!4 ot producing nn ngrconblo flavor, acres Is meadow and tho rest piiBturo, aro Introduced; tho growth ot tho as dalrjlng is on n strictly grass undcslrablo Is chocked nnd many ot baslB. Pow fields aro larger than tho unplcnsnut flavors already pro flvo acres, and tho cowh nro fro- duced nro covorcd up, so to speak, qucntly changed from ono pasture to cither wholly or In part. another, so tho grnss may bo ro nowod. Cow Select loh. Only a fow cholco hulls nro kept for sires and tho greatest enro Is ox- orclscd in solcctlng fcmalos. Tho cows are selected by ft throo-fold Tho cost ot thcso commorclnl pro ducts Is so small, nnd tho mothod of using them Is so slmplo In comparison with tho boncflts to bo dorlvod, that their more goucral uso Is to bo rccom niondod. Tho initial cost ot a starter Is about GO cents, and by careful handling, it can bo propagatod for Seeds, Plants, Garden and Poultry Supplies IllRhcBt Quality Stock. espeMnlly adapted to this Count. 20 yearn' practical experience hero unabloa us to son o you Intelligently, Our Xf i I'ollej "No jilti'iiln, but low prlrrx direct in the Inner, rluirK)' iirrpuld." u i"iiiiiiIIiiin to ii(, )lll ttl uio urnriii. Don't order until you havo looked Into our hnnd Homo 128-paBo aniuml cntaloKue. It tollH why. , Auk for culnloBUO No. S, the new one 1 111. I.. Routlcdgc Seed & Floral Co KIII-171 .trroiid St., I'urllmiil, Or. mothod: First, In tho slro; aecond, In nn imlofiiilto norlod. tho young calf, Judged largoly by tho puro culture starters nro put up by milking qunlltlos of tho mother; nnd, tho manufacturers In two forms; lastly, tho greatest of all tests Is ap- powdor and liquid. Thoy can bo Piled, portormunco nt nail. Not till I, t.,l"i!h.."nI dr,,K 8toro 0r tbn rnw nnnwora H.H KnMBf..(.tnrllv Creamery BlliH nuuau. la sho accorded a purmanont plnco In tho dairy. Mr. Kuperns, n lending Frloslnnd dairyman, has nn exceptionally flno herd of red and whlto Holsteln-Frlo-slans and keeps a careful record ot each cow by testing tho milk every two weoks. Tho avorago ylold of 30 ot his best cowb for ono year was 11,275 pounds ot milk and 394 pounds of buttor fat. Tho avorago lactation period wns 300 days and no cow was mllke'd more thnn ono year. In Frloslnnd there nro 3200 cow testing associations ot 12 mom bors each. Tho Winter grain ration consists almost entirely of oil enke, fed only rrEF there is any particular commodity in which you 1 1 aro interested, and you do not find it advertised in I these columns, let us help you. Write advertising manager, Oregon-Washington-Idaho Fanner, Ore gonian building, Portland, Or. 1 1 ' ' ' I lhon Main S79B - r .nN .-.' THP wm. LTPE HKALTII ACCIDENT One Policy c UMbination ONTRACT 3-1 INSURANCE CO. HOME OFFICE SEATTLE, U. S. A. Clip thin Coupon and mall to tho Home OffU-o for full Information No obligation Incurred, Name: Addren: Occupation: Abo nearest birthday A int. lnurnc Su(fill m a3frewTinPTrraygiKBPrei