n HOME AND FAUM MAGAZINE SECTION The Agricultural College Is a Friend to the Farmer Bulletins and News Notes From tho Staff nt ruiinmn. vn:w or WAsnixmox agiiicul.tuii.ix colixoi: at vvumas, wash, its soi.h aim is to aim auimo iji.tuiii.htm. Using Small Potatoes as Food for" Poultry EACH Hcnson when tho potato croii ImrvcBtcil thoru aro more or loss of tho tubers that aro comparatively worthless either for market or tablo Two Hives to Control Swarming Offer Seed Corn to Northwest Farmer 11113 DIvIhIoh of Farm Oops nt tho IT Is beo ntiture to swarm, nnd up thoy can use, and as fast as a. super ,,..,.. Ji)0"I110't blutlon at to tho present tlmo no plan of Is completed remove It to n warm, 1 m offering to send out Beed munnnemcnt has been discovered dry place, whero It can bo Iconl so- C01'11 to Persons who want in imt . uso on account of their small size. lit that will ut all times prevent It with- euro against robber bees. As soon as start with corn from seed rrown In leccnt years such potatoes have been out too much labor and a decrease possible, clean und grndo tho honey tho Northwest. Thoro will lm used to somo extent as food for varl- of honey yield, so It Is not practical, and put It on tho market because tho charges except for unit mm l ous kinds of livestock. In bouio cases Wo may, however, check or entirely first honey Is very npt to granulate amount sent nut in .mJi, , . ,.. whero potatoes havo been used as a prevent swarming In ordinary sea- In n Bhort time. In grading you will .,,.,,,,, ,,,,, l" ,,,' I,tlHon (fire poultry food tho results havo not ons by using two hives to each col- always find moro or less unfinished i"j""HB' "' uo Burriclout to plant been entirely satisfactory. This has ony early In tho season whllo tho sections on tho outside. These aro ovcr one-half acre. Persons making been largely duo to tho fact that tho queen mother Is In full vigor and called gobacks nnd should bo put In request for seed nro expected to give composition of tho potato and Its brood rearing Is on rush orders. Uy supers and return to bo finished, tho crop tho boBt attention nnd make nutrltlvo vnluo woro not considered, this plan of manugoiucnt wo may In- Some of this class will bo loft ut tho a report of its success In compounding a poultry ration, cicaso our bees by dividing or pre- close of tho senson nnd nro callod tj,0 ,wo varied "wit, i. i... It should bo remembered Hint tho vent any Increase of colonies. holdovers. They should bo kept for l1nnf ,, mi'" '" , ," " feeding standard for laying hens Is Wo may bo working for comb or bnlts to Btnrt Spring work In first , l anu 1,ia" jollow dent, hnvt about 1:4.0. In other words tho hen extracted honey. Tho Spring man- supers. "ccn Brown successfully at tho Stale requires 1 part of protein to 1.0 parts ngement will be the samo up to tho If wo want no Increase of bees, wo College for a number of years. They of carbohydrates to mtalntaln her tlmo of tho surplUB honey flow. This mny control tho bees In this respect Imvo nlso been grown to a limited ox body and produco eggs. If tho ratio plan calls for at least one Burplus In Bcvcral different ways. Instead of tent by a largo number of farmer of tho enrbohydrntes Is too largo In hlvo for each colony and should con- setting tho top hlvo for division, wo Most of these farmers, telling of their proportion to tho protein, tho hen be- tnln ready built combs savul ovcr may look over Its frames, find and rosults, havo given favorable reports comes over fat nnd egg production Is from last season. In April or May remove all queen cells. It may then Some, howover, hnvo given advene stopped. Such n condition often ro- "when tho bccH aro strong and guth- remain on top of tho supers for about reports. These two varieties of corn suits In liver trouble, Indigestion and erlug freely, wo may glvo a eccoiuI 15 days to allow all tho brood to nro being distributed to determine death. hlvo. This Is best placed below the hatch out. It will then contain tho various localities In which they Tho nutrltlvo ratio of potatoes Is old brood chamber whore no excluder about 40 pounds of honey. This may aro successful. The whllo corn Is 1:12. It Is, therefore, necessary In Is used. Movo tho old hlvo to ono then bo set away for extracting or larger thnn tho yellow und Is suited using potatoes ns u part of tho ration sldo, put a bottom board on Its place returned to ono of tho lighter hives for n longer season. Where the sea to uso somo other Ingredients that and on this your new hive, llemovo to remain ns a double deck hlvo tin- sons nro likely to be short or unfa nro rich In protein. For this purpose two of Its comb frames. Open old til tho surplus honey flow Is on tho vorablo, tho yellow corn Is moro like wheat bran and alfalfa meal havo hlvo and draw from It two of out- next season. Itemember to keep nd- ly to bo Hiiccossful. Itiqucsts for been found very satisfactory. In order eldo combs containing storos or If dltlonnl supers nddod below this hlvo. cprn will bo filled In tho order In to mix potatoes with other foods It Is some brood, all tho better, and place It will requlro about three to six ac- which they nro received until the nccossary that thoy he rooked. Dur- theso In tho middle of tho new hive, cording to tho season. Tho second supply Is exhausted. Ing tho Winter months tho cooking of Now spread tho brood In tho old ono may bo added at the tlmo tho Tho department Is also offering a potatoes for an ordinary flock of hens hlvo so as to get tho two empty combs quen cells nro cut out and a third a limited amount of field m as for ii. can bo dono with very little expense l" tho middle of tho brood nest nnd week later. trlbutlon. Field pea orders will bo since fires nro required for othor pur- Place this old hlvo on top of the new 0 .,,,, received In amounts up to 25 bushels jiuaua. iiiu iiuimui'S Blllllliu uu mill- uui-a. n iivii iiiu biiijiiub uuiicj now ouglily boiled without removing tho comes nbout a month Inter, wo may Another skins and used In tho following pro portions: find tho queen has established u off hoia 3r plan Is to not tho top hlvo f"rp """'"J"0.11' ,, A pr,co ,?.f ! ccn o of tho old hlvo as a now lnF ', """ V''b' Pu"mn. w'8"-. bo churgod. brood nest In tho lower hive, so wo swarm, ten days later all of Its a limited nmnnni nt s..ii.,i, ci Five pounds mashed polatoos, four now arrange for the futuro division, bees may bq, shnkon from tho combs oats will bo distributed ut n clmrco oi. pounds wheat bran, hulf pound al- Hnvo your smoker going well nnd In front of tho now hlvo. mm nt n.-2 rents nor imimd. fnlfa meal. blow three or four full blasts oyer time, and tho hive then sot nwny or . Seeds of other farm crops will be If alfalfa meal Is not available, and between tho frames of the top -. '. ,, ini,0l, ,iilt .,, f d strlbuted in small nunniitin iL equal parts by welBht of mashed po- hive. Pause long enough to count '' ,"'a bo ,,,atcd on a ht awnrm at tic "in Void loVm as t Si Sen tato and wheat bran may bo used. CO, then repeat. This Is dono so as "c' . . for corn to nortlM ilMirlnn? i mill Somo liquid will bo required to mnko to be sure tho queen goes below. Fr extracted honoy tho plan In tho ,rnl t j", ocailtlos whero the this Into a crumbly mash. Skim milk Hnvo your prepared comb-honey su- wimo except a third hlvo of combs valuo of such crops Is not understood or water may bo used for this pur- por reudy. Ih added In place of supers, by raising Parties Interested should address' pose. Such n moist mas h Is not a Controlling Swarming. up n comb or two of tho brood to Professor K. 0. Sclinfor, Stnto ExpcrJ. rcSK&ffiSi'hi scrat'clnSg fooJ ., "" "! ? "5 t to"'!" 1C ",out StuMon- nnd dry mash. Wo prefer to feed ,r3,:'7;. ,"" -"'' '," 'r your irou- uim lias iitniii Niiii fur Knii.? th h moist mash nbout noon encn day. nilddin nf tntii i.i . no in J .,,.- .it ' . . ' M'cr ou. " '"'"o up Anyone linvinir coed wood for snle toli "rC B" Ul0y W,U U,co!uanf1s,0brld,VONoril0coyoU,0r Sow TSX 'tic' KA'S? 'oulfl writ. tohDlil o'cfSSS tut In 10 minutes. comb-honey super on this hlvo: then tinned to tl onT. h L J 1" CroP nt Ul" Washington Stnto E Tho common symptoms of dlgos- tho oI(, ,,, 0n top of nil, there tS soon "as you find tho l ono v,mr.H iwlmont Station, Pullman, Washing. thro disorders caused by overfeeding ronmln 10 d l T8 ft cro s0010 Jou i lad t ,l0Jne' " V Ion. stating tho kind of seed, mime It of potatoes or other starchy foods aro KVfl tIn,0 for ., tho b '.. Aa?J icTJ' " .u . ,l.a'' xLl "' variety, amount nnd price, and whetb- ioosoness or tno oowe s aim unnc-coi- n- t. i.i .i .... ".:- "- . '" uuin comua ored comb ami wattles. 1ttlrt tr n MAtilAjl ni1 nAAH .All. ... If ono or . . . ?'""" """ h :" cuus 10 uo roriueu. twn l.lr.la .lovnln.i nurh Rvmntomti. .,V"M' l" w" v"u u lu,,:u UUJ thoy may bo glvon a teuspoonful of T, i. ,. lone . gccre iiiBiur uu iititu uuuu uuj iiiiiii Diiiiii n(i . . worjt elnrlClI bor 'of fowls rVqu.ro treatment they UTt'ho old .Uv'e pr or not tho Heed was grown under Ih?JL0c-.18 nlncod In a settling ,"i?l?"" Tnonlrio. nr ,.. . m. m slr bfrd onco each week ? J" -?, ' -0"'. -?.S,1 h shm,,d not until their condition Is normal. Tho .; ""'" ,."."--3 V"iS V";.i. -" '"-"'.. l",u?. ' ..." . ROttllng salts should bo dissolved In a small ,'"' I',' fc" "k7n' ritronB his hi f.Ti'v'.i wl,lfcUe be8t ,0 amount of warm wator and tho wnter h" "nL '" JJi,rif.'nJL lt,"?I,.t.,'l8...'.,.1l hl,wL thrqiigh nn opin In. iiiiiii iii u ivurni runin rnr 11 rnv i nvi . an Increase then drawn off fmm ti.n i.m... 7:.: "PnriD'eni ' Agrlculturo of the In the first glass jars and nlvon n imi i.ni. V- V. nt. K0,IB. as" "B whero various the division, a few hours to clear It. It Is then Z. aB?i KJnln ""' boob: wuitii ib how irnuy ror market. The I tcmilitrnttirn , . ... : ul I"ul'v;a "ln-iiiiK " ro a vn 1 1n for Bn, w,n b0 Proparoil In order to 1,0 nilOVO l-JO nnnnlv tl,la l f .....,. i.. "' f..o .llilll I1IUIIUII. tank Is not In enso It Is desired to list alfalfa, filrnl.i flm . ' il. in uubiicu ui ntil tlliuilil. .linn. ia.i? c,ovor an' ih0 aniallor hinds of Ecedi, IirViiI n tiin innMli Tim inns slimiTil ."?w .nmy ,J0 K'vcn n 8UrP'us supor. or a fine slevo so ns to cet rl l nf7i.n ?. HI"n,I "omplo should bo sent In to iTol! rh0 ,,,vo at ,no m 8,and 8,,ould l,e wnx pnrtlc ei an d noHoS T n viw Umt a Rwmlnntlon and purity test IIUl II llllIIU a tuiuuiijiiimun ui. .1 ,., ,1,,,,, .,,, .,., tt..,i i. .. ,. ." ." . "" """ "u ""urilllllK. c.,j i u i. L. "....... . vnrv Binnll rnsl nnd ia Ilia 111011 nu nr ." " """ ."." " """ " u moro 060S are Wanted. Ilin utrn,.. .. "w ". ."""" "" oomincn near muuo , ... ...... . .. ... iiivo nt nnv limn. 1.1. ... ,... .......; -.(, r nnu h n Tii i .,,......... ... . ,... ....... Hiiri IIIIIV nt. MIVlllRII. " l'""w....v. .ItVIU IS niJIIIU H-nilliVW it considerable having of grain. V. H. iMellrlde. -tr I)y using this doublo dock hlvo we Wit )inv. mil .11. .,...,.., .... . t lint homo-crnwn nooil In liottcr i. : ..-. . . " - "".- ..wv uivviibiiuu inn iiRn nr . . . - "" . iiuvu lucoinpiisnt-u iwo very impor- queen excludors. A beginner KoMnT, n,inI1",,i for growing In Its own Io 0 t?."xIoInts. l Lr8t' wo hnvo 8curoa has them nnd the plnn outlined nbovn fa,l,y na u ,ins ,tHe'f be produced x . -.--.. i inti-n ir ia nriAH A...n.t in vataf T nnttlnt liltmllul tti lirw ifvAiin.l cou'ple of days makes tho hard work a" ,hoB",,)l"8 ho,noy ,a n' t0P. lllv Kts ns good returns! of shocking corn llnliter if it don't ,,, ,,'"' ," "",", """': rain, litit shQcklng wot corn Is tho " l0 bro0(1 ne8t "j'8 wrplu i,n)a.i ..r ..in...i Mm . ... r migut cuiiso swarmlnK or be 11 1., .1...1 .i,.,i-r,.i ..., 11 1., . 1. 1.. dranco to the auccn all Suinnifr inner. nlinobt suro to mold In tho shock. Se,e,"ul' V hn.VQ. 8Ceured elit frames mo iop nive kois ns good returns. Tho uroni.wt l"or- 'i orion possioio to reicr .'ay. If left benoflt from tho uso of niioon nxriild U' ,M1lror to somo ono In his own irplus honoy ers Is obtained by tho oneon brooHor eBborhood who has tho kind ot Jr be a hln- J. W. Ware, Apiarian. Puvnlliin B0C(, no wants. E. G. Shafor, Agron- ummer long. , ' ,M"ul'' omlst. A !( uf Inlrrrkllr. ..v. pate ul Inlrrrkllr.e ltfin from llii Orrcou AKrlrulluml t'ullree nt CnrtnllU nlll ullrrnulc In llir furni urrkly Hllh n paKr of nrin notr fruiu the Vt'atliliigton Slnte Cullrie ut l'ullnian, TliU lll utToril nu In. trriliiiiicn uf ti frnni llio iu Lie OKrlfnlturul rcillrefn uf the Nurtli. el Umt kliuulil praf of hrnrflt (u the rruilrr, for (lie lu.tltnthn Urul Willi kliiiilar prolilrma. A SlIniillMo .l.H .1.1. r y .u ,uo lop .Dnrs' on Ah '',rc- ,hou hrobMnff. pulsintr mv I,co I,,nk coloring In an Early which to place the supers with not a r tery. so full of joy and Pii, ' "' notalo Is Bald to Indicate poor part clo of bealed honey below and no M' I not at thy fount auuaBV my Growth or bad henltli,.und that Is one empty cells In which to storo It and Mlv I,1''r,'tnf"a ; noT ' of tho many differences botween a so when tho flow Js on tho bees must ,Ma ' "ot. P,ace hy soldcn challcn to nolntn nn.i .. ..iri .,. 41. i..t . my 11ns nnd .ir nb olu. ,u UUUCi aoovc. Without IntoilcaTlonbeckonlnB me be Super noom. , o"d the brink? B me b0' Up to this time wo have controlled Muit BoC0.now,Jyebyl", to "" ,n8 ea swarmlnu aud doub ed ih nnmimn f ntnn.iin v.i:iiy...: ... .... . . ,.-.w. v. ......... .b H.tuv mints oinfm ni..a9 n arlrnt. ., """ ' ll-ll colonies without having a single nat- harken to tho cry Absolutely Free ural swarm nnd now the bees aro T1,at rises with tho morn and sur rushing work In tho supers. Wo P through my heart till late, must, therefore, not forget to keep For ,"",1'' d(,r Ood, to let the wo A beautiful 42-pleco set of dlh RlVCn In nup illrnrtl npAnm dlilnnm tali ues Jcar wrlto for partlculara. world T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. them supplied with all the super room oil via "."ralrT1 L."d wn,t I'. O. llox 23S, 1'orllnnd. Or. Creamery M. Hoventh and i:ereit fit. 1 iii :.ts