prrml' Waswr.jH. t.. nanaT I I IIIIW I MlMiMMMJiiiTr - T w M 9Sl3BfflSHW KSi'BBviaB-. t I ' I iBtoH&M . BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1915-EVEN1NG EDITION. THE COOS P . , -TfftaMiTOWf i -i 1 1 1 -HhmiMtflfmr li . ' . . - .. - .Jll II M 111, lull II ,l I I J .lI'lAI.t-J.-Jt - '" TWO n tur u a i is . . " ' rM SEfirtft'lTFESMill6PLlillS. ' HPHH L J E3Aw r t HPff MOT COMPLETE YET Simmss! NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS BRITT HENDERSON IN CASE MYRTLE POINT FAIR PLANS' ANNIVERSARY OF CRIME Tv "ii l.d1cf Aid with Mi A FoTct rrwitivtcrisi. Auxiliary itr. Mir W T McRldowwsy c- rrJactlls OMiti wtth 3T. wmtom Phillip AWfTlor Bridj On with " "Mr A O. tttr Rajtttat LudlMt' Sirwr Tm x-uh Mr .1. T. Byer on Sooth Fifth atreot. R r O K. ImaritM? party at Itavmitr Hall. W. C. T. r. "J'rane - "Wnutd MemorM" with r. Famtte Wkwlff. THITtaSDAT Alert Chnto villi b. W Noah on Coo Jtratr. A. X. W. CWb "With Mrs. Car; XvertMB. FMDAT Norwtw Lutheran T. T. , S at chared fcalL X. Thlmbte Ctao with , Mm H B. nmr. !' Art Club with Mr. H. Hoeck M North Bead. TM Matrons' Aaaoetatlon with Mrs T. K. Allen. 5ATTRDAT Mlnne-Wl Valentine party hi home of Mr and Jdrs. "W. H Jerktn em 10th and El- TtMj ' Bids on Removal of Coos Bay Station to New Location May Be Asked Soon Annual Meeting of Coos nnil Curry .vxvMtlon Profit !. Ycnr. The atimil mc:in of the Coos and Currj Coanty Klr Association w held "at the city hull In this city oiirj-llle KoMilents Mold Sort Wnlch Scnlcont Mine. (Special to Tho Times.) HKNBYV1LLK. Or. Feb. 1 7 U( ! e,'.v Xoith llentl PrNom-r l'rovos to Ho . .. . ,. ...i i it'liii lllllll tMO U lii"- Deputy Slicrlff' I.alnl i-pporta tlm iiriit itPiHlorson, the North llrn.l ,f 'youth who wns wrested In DoiiKlns k'ounty for ihibsIiir n number of worthless checks on Coog iny mm nl Ten Mile, Is one of tho most or- jirlsoncrB they linvo nnii pnnlctiil with, llentlcrson first in- with vrn nr tVrw-fowrths of the wl rni'mitltl AftAr fhf lAftdillff nvntnr nne (a niilti-itani.t it itin ' f .'. ----fc"- ...... .... , t,vtan nno nu niiidiviMj j ..-i .. M ... .... Tr. Minims t In wlpt ftf th. and the approval of the mlmitM at shonUnR .ra,,0 ,Bt vcar in Whlc!i Blsted on imitnUalnB nil mw o i followm lf crl.n.,ory ltt.r Jt y.r . inin hports for wlilclit"l wl' wna 7. . r.nnllv I o tiraanrtr were read and appro vefl. 'wi "is siayor, herran, to uio pom- ;; 0 ,,,KU U)J0S , ......i ... ., i.i nn.l Turn toy hn.1 known Kelly Intimately ' "p V " . T " V" ai,rirr gathored nt the dork's office Inst l jMwvCTBarrawmCTimtJwerJW iiii r in ; Bffi liB Sin i Sm xIa I LL 1 wiiHUw SAlt I SS! -2. rrotn CoiMtiTwniati W C. HawHc: 1 !.ubtnltt thp rltpplnjs ytm wai Th. n,or imnoTtant fact shown hv tontlarv Rovnri nf n,n nmi.lnvM Wil l'Mt '" u, iron (',,KL ! Lnndrlth we rroni in i.-'xtn waj nimn 10 i tncm reports was mat ixsies meei- wjj0 SfvirtaTj oJ Th TrNMnrrj- and r- mjt a:i riirrent expfms? tne rwkvcib-' Md (hot th Munnv&l nf th rVif lion nw nmr, nm i mc imi rv l--j --.. T d- --. - ... Pflpta. to pay off $00 of the indebt- "'Kht for a sort of watch service. In- ur -., vwr rm, ,r ipmrred hy the erection of .eldonts connected with Kelly's death I hare T new location oe mpeimo. I a lddII)on bntldln dnrlny the year. 'wore recounted, and the party broke! the rollow'M roply: l: was the sen of the stw-khold- ,. ..... ... .. .,, .,,,. ., -Bv 4',1-ertloa of the Secretary ers aaeemnlod tiiat hefore the 1S15 , , ' I have the honor to aokoowH. Mr the directors Improve the race the shootta losf year. coaree nj raining me iracK on ibc receipt of yonr letter of the ftth turns and widening the stretch on L roatant, remMj; InfariMtlfni re- tne ,jde where the grandstand Is lo amrdiay the relocation of the Coat cated. as well as make snch Improve Qnard ataUon (forworty llfe-aarlne meats oa the barns and iavlltons ai station) at Ooo Bay. Orojton. thv !,? wep9r-v- , , , , ., . ... ,"7 . The followinR were elcctcl a board ,r'rw"li '" - " of directors for the year 115: A. K. , Cooston Cooh Cotintv Ore nnrtles th rl(Matifm nf thu .Hatinti are . - , -u.I.vh.u. o . "-ooeion, ops Lonnt, ure.. parties aow about half completed, and it Gage of CoqwUle: and It. C Dement H. A. Schroeder. U A. Roberts. K. S XOTICK VTK WILL and Testament of th'. Citizens of Cooston, Coos Coun ty, OroRon. WITNESSETH: We tho peoplo of had to call for snerm ( Johnson. Later ho matie so mm-" nnlsc that Landrlth finally told him ho would turn the hoso on him If ho did not ho unlet, and finally , lleiiuirson auiiprefsed himself. ! 0ttc:$y& Is expected that they win he com pleted and ready for adrortlaetaont next month. There ha been no unnecessary delay in the execution of this work. nor will any other work b allowed prto. to take precedent over It- ' RospectlMlty, j B. T. Newton, Asaiatant Secretary of tho first part, da this dny, Fob. 1H 15, bequeath and rollnnulsh to Dement and Dr. J. L. Masson of Myr tie Toint. In the absence of President It. C. Dement, Vice President H. A. Schroe- f rt ji iiriuvi.-".ii iiv i vim. auiur the people of Kastsldo, Coos Coun- FATHER VERY ILL ty, Ore., and their descendents, par ties of tho second part, to have and hold forever, yea forover and a day, the following named prop erty, to-wit L. G. Mocks and G. M. Ilalley, Councllmen-eloct also one Bill Walk er, recently appointed Marshal, said proporty having been presented to PDBT L 0 T SI S Mrs. J. L. Masson loft Monday morning for her old home in Hum boldt County, California, In re-: the pnrtios of the first part by part sponse to a messapo telling of the los of ti,c focond ,,art nt tho rccont WIFF" ATTRaHTC HI FRK Vl '"""VX ' w 'T',8.':. S5 election. w mm VWfW VIbIbIIM (nOTVH B ub V ( n UVfcfCV fc W tuna, has also been quite 111 for 'J. W. BENNETT AND ONE We Redeem Golden Gate Coffee Coupons THIS WEEK. Ilrlng them to tho original homo of Good Things To Eat." Stauff s Grocery Front St. PLEASE AUDIEWGE San Francisco Cauc. Comment in San l-rnoclMs Kumicr. The San Francisco Examiner last S nday printed the following. ' Xow why do you sign the rog- Conoort at Lemanski Theater 1"r y"2' w m. j. w. PrnnminnftH Qnmoee hu Bennett to hor husband, in front of Local Audience MniOiflcld Slaii'a Novel Itcgivtrj- nt I vral weeks. Myrtle Point En- ICi J'i ICC. MYltTIiS POINT MOVING. Hotol dosk yosterday Upon the completion of the newly nrrangod suites of office rooms on tho second floor of the bank build ing, formerly the Benson Opera House, Dr. M. O. Stommler and At torney J. 0. Stommler moved their office flxturos there and Dr. Stemm- ler now occuplos tho west two rooms The only consideration asked, that the parties of the socond pnrt trans fer the aforesaid proporty to East side nt onco, all charges prepaid by parties of the first part. The Peoplo of Cooston. '15c Coffee 45c Ouy Our object is to give everyone a chance to note the difference between 45 cent coffee and die: er grades. IIaihI the coupon to otir uroccr nt jour door or at hi more. . I he lias no I olitcr O o I il c n Chic Codec lie enn nrt (he upceliil vjlue nllcicil ns wc chcerliilly lor wanl lilm n lnlc p;icl.iuc nl iiuile price. throut-Mi nny hnuiu'l lie tlculuiiiilct. Ho Ills ii'iiiiMr ptolli. one week only FEBRUARY r.-J5,.!jL2jU91i THIS COUPofj 10c to 50c, IF PRESENTCD AT ORoetm FEBRUARY 15lh lo 2016,131 FOIBER'S W COFFEE ReiUr SpctUI !,.; rciBiirnc. iik;:I!?" 1 in TIND ,4rj " ."' a " " .nn "ti vm ;; ;; i oo ;? n " ' n.oo i'iS J3rocer will colltcl the J.ffirentiL. 1. . .., . uuu UMU1.R Bt(f lot tins PROWLERS ARE SHOT AT "I'rcnrliy" nnrgoroiic, of ('(inleilo, Objects to Being Culled Out of Bed. (Special to The Times.) COALEDO, Or. Fob. 17. E. Bar- ...... i..j 0iw.m..., iv on, u. gorone. Coalwlo's principal mcr- ,v""" Vi i ..k " I"" ui.uu.ufc. i Chnnt. v.1. nrnii.n.1 ml ,. Into !io rooms In the Porklns building Sunda7 nlgnl bj. n coun,c of ,nob.i ted by J. O. Stommler, G. N.jriate transient visitors win' doslrod th Palace morning A rery owtheiiaotic andtemce greet- " 'You don't think I'm twins do od the appaaraaee of William Wallace !ou? Wo'vo been married long Graham, rlelmiat. aad Mtes Xdyth nt.'xh for you to know better.' Clarke a4rsoa, mesao aoprano. i she addd. -nhn n mi i at th I.a. I All of which Mtrantro niinrv wua SkaxwU TbMlcr hut evanlnc Caused bv tho followllltr loucilil In " J,.. ,k i. r n.. Ilin viMflstni Ilnnnnll linn ' Vacated HtfWTl. Wf WmUVI V. .IB ""- .0." w. .w..wv ...tu . ...... ,-.. ..O.W..V ..t.w. .. ,, i MVGIIU. lihoda Seat. 2ecp1t th stormy night entered: , ,J0Wcr tl10 olcctrlclnn lias opened an to purchaso a rackago of "mnklns.' " there waaa ood atteadanea and the' "'J- W. llonnott nntl ONE wlfo. J nlootrlcnl supply shop. Dr. C. It. Ben- "Fronchy" however, objected to bn andioBce nkowed their appreciation , Co,s V' OroHon.' p oU ,ins nlso moved to his now quar- ing awakened from sweet dreams et iie ar ftMs hy xeaerous annlauso. ' l'iinett smiled nnd Wllllnm F. lcrB l '"cuiosiwy uuiiumg. ino, and refused to leave h!a bpd. who:e aMnhadiar our MMrM lo th., nv- Kohlluiuff, tho clork bolilml tho Bi'Ito Just across tho hallway from, In upon tho callers raised tho window ctUkmUy readered aumbera on tliol1'05'1' nlso b'"11011. hut In a rather ct connected with Dr. Bennett's by threatening to pull him out. Angered jirtttcntM. Mr. Graham's masterly 'cr"fc''-"8 v,'a' , a common reception room Is not qulto by their Insistence, Mr. Bnrgurono ;mrfcmnfcee of the opening number' Jll consciousness of Kolilhnnff's finished requiring tho addition of solzed a gun' find' as tho mon fled -uva his a4iece at once and ho was ! I"nllc Vf,H (,uo to tno rnct t,mt thi!8omo shelving for law books and ho qulckonod tholr Bpeed with a called hack time and ncnln ulili nn.i Vol' hirgo 'ONE' on tho roglst'jr whon complotcd will bo tho now quar-, couplo of shots at tho saino tlmo Golden Gate Coffee Week WILL BE OBSERVED BY C. W. WOLCOTT NOK7H I-'IIOXT sTiii-:i-rr I'lunio D7-.I. Bring Your Coupons to Us . t zi i or 3fr VtVer-v; KvNjDM .i.7nvr' hit;. y--xw' -ir fmhb?mA'&' vn7;f " ,T. A. FOLGER & CO., San Francisco svEsazraorTiirrscaer rrsma2Q5'yw-,w-'i' ' vsncasmmmml wv9avrvncnmwwiaanjrarsi ;: Bring Your Golden Gate mi-ktnij un COUPON ItrltiR Your GOLDEN' GATE ritPTP 'IX TO 1'fi wk willukii:i:.m THEM. Cull PIiiiiio :t-'(l or IiiiikI to our ilcllwrjnuiti. CONNER & HOAGLAND Month llromhvny. thuaUaUc appreciation. For encores was for his bonoflt. tie playsd Salnt-Saen's "Swan," -it ' , ,,a"J'' oxi'ltons' brought ' I l.n ..! .... I ..-!.- i. it... Basiaa cradle aong by Moruda nnd lu" ""' ' 8 the Organ Grinder'. Song hy Tschal-! ru,;,,"rltftb B K"" , Lowaky. "irunnott Is not nn Infreiiuont ... " 4 visitor to tho Palaco Hotel. Tho mm itaiertons vocai mini Dure jI18t wore artutieally rendered In a most j ,y iters for Attorneys Pulford and Plor- out , son. Myrtle Point Enterprise. advising thorn to "do their shopping I early" horoaftor. HEItll BUTLEIt HUltT. Whllo at work last week In tho log- rlll r nniidi nf tli In .l I nM t 111 l,t mo ho camo unnceompnnlod 0ll Cnmp Crcok( ncnr scottshurg, V'lllH Wlfo. but WIlOll llO CIllllO lo.Unrli Itnllni. i'li v.ial.lnu n. II...1 1lnUhd atyle, her austalnod notoH ,.,. i,u Mil ii. rnn,i ii.m iim' tilaro. wn Htrnnir i. n miiiii, ui. .... , ... ....,, .,. .w.,.,1( VIMIb ' w ,. fy llr NEWS OF G.MtDINEIt. Coffee Coupons The man who stons advertisinn because he is nrospcrofisil like the engineer who shuts off steam because he is gm being particularly pleasing. Tho two ,mrK im-iuded u room for his wlf, numwrswitji violin obiiKHtoworo ex-, "tihiI'h all right," said llunnett ceidlonally fine, ollcltlng much pralso nf(01. ,10 Mil had boon corrected. "I from the muateiaas lu the wudlenco. i ,now i imvo ono wlfo lu Cooa Bay, Aa encores MIm Paterson gave tho1 but thin appeal to bo by way of Gypsy Song from Cannon and Tho j Introduction Into tho Mormon Berceuse from Jocelyn. Church." Tho aceorauaulmnnts woro playod "So, when by Mrs. Wis. Horefall, Jr., lu hor us- Bennott arrived yes- torday, Kohlhauff grootod htm nnd ual artistle and ympathollo mannor. Inqulrud If Mru. Bouuott was with him. "llonnott on tno bond and knocked over a high embankment, brenklng two rllm bosldOH Horlnimly Injuring lilm about tho head. Gardiner Courier. AT THE HOTELS C. A. Porklns, J. S. Grny and Win. Burchnrd, of Scottshurg, aro In Port-j laud sorvlng on, tho Federal grand Jury, lu which tho city of Portland1 !h being sued by a California com-1 pany. Mr, Porklns writes that It I will In nil probability tnko six weeks to try out tho caso. Miss Ituth MntthowK of Marshflold Is visiting Until and Mablo Eaton at this place. A scow load of catllo was brought down from Scottshurg last Wednes day night, and had to ho left out all night and part of tho noxt dny on tho scow in tho storm, being unablo to TO THE MODEL CASH GROCERY 86 Commercial Avenue Phone 433 Piogriiin. 1. Violin. Sonata In G Elinor (Devils Trill) Tnrtlnl Larxhetlo affettiKHHi - Alloxru moderato - Andante - Allogro' A a I . Andante - Allegro - An dante. Mr. Graham. S. Voice. fa) StandcUn Strains (b) Traum dareh die Damnuir- ung Strains (c) Fussrelw Vlf td) Zur Huh. .ur ltuh Wolf Uisa Pattoratiii. S. Violin. I (a) Bomauze i ItublmUelicWIeiilawskl (bj Chonxaiitatta D'Ambroaln-' Mr. Graham. I. Voice. ' (a) Mother O" Nine Tours (b)( Dowit'ln the Woreit ... Itouald let 'X Little Winding Uosd ' looked lit iiil.Klcally and thou said: " 'Voh, Mrs. Bouuott, the one Mrs. Bunuett, Is with mo. And, In cuvo you miiiingo to chargu mo with two wIvoh (IiIh tlmo, hero gooK.' And that wiih why ho mado big mention of his monogamy lu tho hotel register." Tho Cliiuullrr Hotel. Paul Jones, Chicago; Jack John son, Chicago: T. J. Thrift. Conulllo: land on account of tho nolnt of land Konnoth Hnusor North Inlet; J. F.,MB "e,"K "'ockod by n rnft of logs. Kohlhauff ' wnniosa. inrtint..i- a k' ,,,, It would appear that It was about tho I " "" " WE WILL ACCEPT Goldleim Gate Portland; F. A. Sponcor, Point; J. L. Goi-Btel, San Frnnolsco; W. G. Eggloston, San Francisco; A. W. Copp, San Francisco; 1 1. E. Pnrk- f.' I I """ "I'l'Vil. lUIH .1 HUH IllMIUU UlU is. no man, tmo thnt tho J)HbUc w,mrf nul nmlj IMIHI. y. JB - Myrtlo ig Woro built and put Into condition ,(( .OlKhriaa (PnTliirnMs so as to avoid tno wnltlng for rafts of I r'" ji. ,vwvuijpailSi logs to bo removed boforo landings I can ho mado. The county court has' TUIO Hrci THE DELICATESSEN CO, 136 NORTH BROADWAY Wo carry at all times a largo variety of DELICIOUS JIKAM PUIUWItKI) FOODS for tno lablo and family trade, ready toitni Wo Klo our bem ntt.ntlon and efforlH to nil "lIM wi0 for social fuiHttous and prlvulo gathorlugs. TRY OUiV. U1GK .SERVICE COFFEE BOOTHS Dolliacloa of all kladn to chooso from. A lumh to iuU joe tasto In Quality nnd Price. luirat. Portland; Win. Kaiser, North' """,0 "" on,l'r Krnntll'K II petition to B L IS 0 ARRANGED lnlot; Joouutto Soil, Bandou; V. G. I Low-Is, Portland; C. h. Starr, Port land; J. 1-3. Schilling, Myrtlo Point; L. A. Pock, Portlnnd; A. J. Groff, ! Portland; A. II. Noyos, San Frnncls- co; D. C. Bognrt, Portland. Tho Lloyd. I A. Baldwin, Myrtlo Point; Mrs. I N. Bunch and N. D. Trumbull, Lam i pa; V. Uporlngor, Bonvor Hill; L. j Groon, Norway, Tho ltliinco. Bring Them Here deep water. Now Is tho tlmo to open It up nnd nroiinro docka and hIIiih. MASCEHADE BALL lit E.(JLES . OMllVSlinit & HALL, SATTItDAY ovonliig, l-'EIU1 ty Itl'AUY 11. DO.VT FOUt.'ET TO ! VW S1VS COME anil BltlNfJ your frlondh ' Dr. II. E, 1CELTY, DENTIST Phono 112-J, Boom 201. Coko Bldg. PURE FOOD GROCERS Central Avenue get Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. , Dams, Bridges, Buildings.' General Construct COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon loan work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, host equipped anil most IliorouBhly n1 tvuMity-iuch hyihaullt- ihcilgo lu Pacific vwiU'1 Coos Bay office. ' Main office, marsniicld, Oregon. Seattle, Rnonnflnn of Milllssmn fM,.h!. .J,r"-. Conrndl. Soattlo; J. Cham-'J '"-""I"1"" "i muiiuumu uium nors. uoBoiiurg; il, Kablo, Uofcohurg; rriciay bve. win nave rviany Entertaining Features (dj A Birthday Mlii PsUeraou. 6. Violin, fa) Llaboslled (love's Sorrow) . . (b) Lteheatroud (Uvo'a Joy).., (Old VleHuese Waltaea) . .ICrelsIor Mr. Graham. (!. Voice, (a) Mon Cooitr 8'Ouvro a la Volx T. M, Garrish, South Inlol; F. .1. lriugliaiu, South lnlot; Sam Mc KInloy, .MuKlnloy; W. C. Bonnoy, Myrtlo Point; Will 11. Brugnl, Sail I'ranclsco; Fred ltothons, San Fran cisco; Ed Yonkam, Coqulllo; W. II. Keatlni!. Mnrsbflnlil: Clina Mcfrav. Club rooms thnt will bo aMcKlnloy. WnUor 0Wlnnd UIU, wlfo liluaanut foaturo of tho ovenlng. Ho- conulllu Tho LndioH' Auxiliary of tho Chnm- . her of Commorco has arranged for n ltoiuild musical progrnin for tho public recep Oowon Hon to bo hold Friday ovenlng at tho i . I ' - - -ji i w m. w m m m . m .... i. a m r m a a fr.svn hJ M 0 MkfJTX 1 J 1MJ1U& KMiU U i fieshmentH will also bo servod. Thoj reception will tako place butwoon tho hours of 8 and II o'clock. It Is os- 1 ptH'ittlly doslrod that all of our now ( and older rosliloniH win avail tin-jBull, Portland; Dr. Pojuhnllogan, ikolves of thlft opportunity of bocom-! Portland: W. T. iimlson nn.i wlfo ' Sahit-Baens ' lng aiqualntod. A cordial Invitation j coos Blvor; E. J. Crow, Portland;'' (b) Sprh Flower Iteluecko'ls eMeudud and a pleasant ovonlngi .M6a J. Slostrcem. Portland: L w ...,,.. .....1... ..t.i. . .. . i i ... ... -. vih tiwuii uuiiibum aaaurod. Mltw Patterson. Miislcal Piogiamme. 7. Violin. ii. Tnlri'innzzo (dinrnatorlstlc. "Tho Tlu Lloyd. 15. L. Farnum nnd wlfo, North Bond; Sldnoy Fox, Seattle; H. c. , Allon, Seattle; Joo Vols, Salom; Dr. Houpormnn, Catching Inlet. La Hondo doa Lut.lns (Dsnoo of tho Goblins) lLtzttlut Mr. Graham. Demonstration at Warner Grocery Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 12 to 5 p. m. eawi day and 7 to 9 Saturday evening of all Tillmann's Fruits and Vepetables. Woddlug of tho Hobu" . . , , Josset Angolus from "Sconos Plttor osiiuos" . . '. Massonrt . Vocal aolo .... Mrs. Itoy Mlllor I. Vocal oh Mr. Hoy Miller 5. Piano duet Mrs. Balllngor and pupil COMMITTEE. fttttftt Remember the demonstra tion of Tillmann's Canned Goods at Warner Grocery on Thursday, Friday and Satur day. Ladies especially invited. MASQl EIUIIE I1A1.1, at EAtJLES HALL, HATUIDW eu'iilug, FFIU P.LCE MAHKin' SICLLS THE HI H 'JO. DON'T FOIIGF.T TO MKHT NKiVI'Si VUwv -IQO-J, CO.MH "ml BHI.NG 1 juur fWiidj IN THE YEAR HEINZ & CO. arc ready to convince you that their goods arc among the best on th3 market i i Messrs. Peck and Graff will demonstrate that fact to the people of Marshfield on Saturday, reuruary zuth Z Z I X X t OVERLAND CARS-GOOd" YEAR TIRES-EXCELSIOR MOTORHYni PRiiwinw fiAS FMGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty imuiiii rroni street :: :: :: :: niuo I Connor &Hoagknd Come in and get a pickle. If You Want die Rest In the Meat Line Telephone U TELL US THE SIZE AND THE CUT THAT YOU VP ... . AND WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS We buy the best that Coos County and Portland canj rush us. We have equipped our market to keep ana ripen meats and give tho most prompt ana efficient deliveries possible. THE UNION MARKET J. F. Ford Co. 174 South Broadway. Phone ! WTW cifHSHrjrfr-it'- -- Tfrrywarr rWGnrvrPf9r-TwnnitrvrrTn ,.VM Vf$f.-mtmerv TrrrmfW!"