The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 16, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    --.-.i..-' t , iimm
l&UWto ! 1 1
""."' JTI
mrmmnwm- ' aj
Chambers Must Face Three Says He AVas Too Trusting Coasta of Or E, V. Morrow
Serious Charges for Oper- With John Whitahead. Bui With General Yon Hinden-
i? r in... ur:il fia Him J siAr ham it PrvmntAH
ations in Camas Valley
Throe sorlons charges will be fil
ed against Charles Chambers, who
is boing hold by Sheriff Qulane In
.Good Attendanca for Cele
bration of Anniversary
Some Good Talks.
Myrtle Lodge No. 3 Knights of
rythlns, held a very enjoyable ses
sion last nicht In celebration of the
fifty-first anniversary of the found- the Jlosebarc. Jail and for wnora .
Ing of the order by JusUib H. Rath- C. Laird. Denaty ShorifL loft on
bone on February 19. 1864. There the stage via the Maplelon ronte
nas a good attendance at the meet-1 Ws morning. The man will be
ing and after the regular routine of brwigbt back to Ceoaule there to
1....I.... ...) rldlnt Hraunt iJ 'W " e cnarS"" m MM.J
a -nutntinr nf thf members taade in-
. ., .. ...... .i .... j cr. The third offense IB a
lurCEMUg unu jiiDi uvii.e tains hu.di , - ..
rarnt wo, isni vi tiiiijreifc, "
Get Km Lafo-
berg is Promoted
Pepntv Gam "War. TbMnR, Tbat s cowMn s Just been
who mnrnHl lout : Trtm a ttr ratet to rte ran of astfftaat chief
thrtmgh Curry owiajty. says ts e swoon t tb anny of General
will boob haw- John TCMHea. - V Htaansvhwfi, trma leader
esaH4 from hfca tb br fty. la cwtwasc; ic KlMr' farces
neaia. whnohaaa H to fw wc ws on imKr
UNMT to mate? Ws own-ray J". Is tf new Jw receive
, T,nt mv that b -was V Dr. K. V. Morrow, -who ys-
. tHr -vraithaa IMiMM- fm Portl.
and for stoattng a bors an btr- twmrt to kfe ca-&y tb tOtrht farpeon was wwn 4 rl.4
first p:
the head "good of the order."
"L. A. Whereat called on Mayor F.
E. Allen for a speech. Mr. Allen.
who was recently presented with a
veteran's Jewel, signifying twenty-five
years' membership ia the order, told
the United States mails.
Posing as a surveyor and tWa
lag to he aaployed by Moyar and
Moyer. of Marsh (laid, a rkxttioat
outfit. Chambers woat ta the hara
of Farbr CaBter. Urerrmoa, of
very IntereBtlngly some reailoleneaB c,,,, M- st,red a hrs aad
of earlier days.
Mr. Whereat then told of some of
1i1b experiences at the Oregon grand
lodge, -which he and George Row at
tended last fall and what an eatho
slafltlc lot of men the- met there.
Captnln Ernest, who for years piled
the Bay between here and Empire as
master of the llita. wbleh now llee
upon the tide flat opposite the Cold
Storage, told of having been a mem
ber of the order for forty years. Mr.
Allen said that made him feel like a
mere kid at the bastnow. Captain
Ernest joined Myrtle Lodge In 1KT5,
in the first year of Its extateaeo. It
is now the oldost ojrfatant lodge of
J baggy. This was on last Thursday
and that night he rtoppad at Lb
I ranch of J. C. Sbtete, of Jdyrri
Creak, aad when be left tb owner
gave htm a latiar to post which con
tained a J? check ataoa oat to
H. D. Jackson, of Baaooa.
Instead of aaitiag the stamped
ibtter at Bridge as he was lastract
ed. Chambers drove all Tharday
night until be reached Canag Val
ley, where he forged the rigoatare
of Jackson, cashed the check aad
hairing the rig, started oa foot
for Reaoburg.
Already the officers were oa the
trail of the man, the check atgaa-
... .. . ms w iiiBBrr. i ftcsiBrniB
Mr. Tbooa baa Ma ta bww. - " - ---
iHKt day wb ro to Jim Af?
-.. - n.t-i tt r a. e-lcal rras iaflatel.v
his boaria:. tb Jartw left bis aors
oa bob prtfKt aad pot lata tbc
brash aad roald not be teratoid -wbf
Mr. Tbotaa ilscowrad that a -was
rfcl!r waktac bis oeeaway.
MbpJi Mlnlnc Act.ity.
Mr. Tboimw sars tast tbr is fca
naasaally larac aaaabtr caitd ta
minlax mlaac Tb Stsos. la t rovr
ty Caleb dlstrkl. a JofcaHoa Crk
and aroaad Salsaoa MMUrtata. Saaa
! in
O or mas
after a
iwioa -of lsnersblp at Btackwell
ls4aa New York. He Is a J yoars
at ape aod rclTas a salary of U.-
z, var with all fiipoases jmld.
It tke kHJw received, be states
thtat the work of tba phyjictoas and
jairpeoas Is alaaost coaUaaoas, there
botag little Use for rest la 'the en
tire SI boars of the day. although
be coasMer the experience one
tbit -win be laralaable to hint.
tVhlle ta Portlaad Dr. Morrow op-
hare besa ootep talrty wedl aloag rate-i oa L. P. Chelae, a young man
Johnson Creek tad The Sixes. Mr.
Tronf Bfdag oa clalaa oa John
sob Creek that was oaaatag oat treil.
Iany Kin IeeT.
The aisles' caatar. aaiay of the
old ones bfdsg vaeuit. all tadteate
that asaay dear are betag killed.
Tby datai tst as tooc a tbey do
who foraerly was employed here
sit the firm of Ekblad A- Son and
sow Is living la Oakdale, Washing
toa. ice hockey between the crack
teams of Portlaad aad Victoria In
the aew lee pavilion where 15,000
peHe cheered their teams was seen
sot faagktr or -waste, aad fdaapty(by Dr. Morrow. Jast before he loft
kfll bocks, that they soW not be j Portlaad. The Wg risk Is Ge feet
Pythianlsm in the grand domain of ti re having bean fonad to be forg-rr..i-nn
ed and br teleoboalac ahoad oa the
C. M. Caton. Mist crand ehaaMllor road Chambers was easily
of South Jakota was called on for a
talk. He briofly recited some of the
.Rood tbtaga of the order and araed
,tbu members to keep wide awake aad
have things morlng all the Urns.
Past Ohaneellor lJaker of TaMamaa
Xwdgv of Medford was visiting the
la'dgo and told interestingly or the
wfurl: being done by his home lodge.
3lio oomlng fall thoy aapoet to put
on ( Alio first and third ranks of.
Knighthood on tho island of Cratw
Lakc. A very Inturustlag mteetacle
is promised nud a oordlal Invitation
was extended 1o mutnbors of the
local lodge to attend.
Totn HoiiiioU made a splendid talk
on the meaning of Pythlanlm which
was well rccoived. Others who made
short talks or related anecdotes in,
connection with the K. P. work wore'
U. L. lloodf C. A. Mooro and O. S.
At the completion of this featare
of the evening, the entertainment
committee, consisting of O. S. Tor
rey, D. L. Hood und Capt Alax Hall
announced that suppor was waiting
In the banquet hall whither all re
paired and did ample Justice to the
good things found there.
Although cue of the 8ruwt lodnec
In point of membership la Maraaffeld
at the
una uffn rattier cjuleMeat of Jatq,
but last night's meeting gave promise
of great things Jn the near falars
and it is likely that new life will fc
iujected Into the lodae which w
bring Jt oncie mure close to the bond
of tbe list.
taterforoa wtta. Tier data that
tbey staoly kill eaonch to nrovMe
tbea whh freb aeat.
mcr Ijiw G1.
Baitor Cooe Bay Tlaor:
Tbe naners bare bean extensively
arenistax a dorlrion of a Jostlee of
,u uu. i Iks WniiauiLa VlU.f U
rofefoace to killing oeer oat of tea- Paclf,c Co&ti
1 bare snbmhtad tbic nutter to
and Sheriff Qalae came oat froa
Mai sbnrg aad caaght hla oa toe
road not far froa that city.
Stein to ApikmI.
Stela, the former homesteader
wboaj Ja4ge Coke prdered to nay
aa Si judgment to bis brotb-
er-tn-law. and who refnsod aaJMt.g. 4rtrirt attnwjr for wf opialoa
in eonntry. na aa reisaiw jisb . lk ..-lar... ,.,.
tftoa to tb following provision of the
-It snail b lawfal within the
state of Oregon to hant daring the
onon season Iborefor. bat at bo other
tints, tb following gme aalaals and
Mr4r. la tbe Manner, of the kind,
for tb parpose aad to tbe number
ana! exloat In this act provided, and
, tb open searaa therefor la oach year
toall begta aad end as hereinafter
i provided, both dates inclusive, name
ly: '
"District No. 1. (b). The open
aaatoa oa game animals and birds In
Game District No. One (1) of the
state of Oregon shall hereafter be
as follows: (e) Game Animals.
DMrr with horns, froa August 1st to
October list of oach year. Hag lim
it, tbreo soeh deer during any one
season." ,
Laws of 1&13, p. 1SS.
"The words hunt and hunting In-
loag and 2M feet wide. The bleach
ers coataia seats for St.OOO spec
tators. Baseball, basketball and other
forms of sport have bowed their
ha4s la Portland to the winter sport
that has proved one of the most ox
citing games yet Introduced on the
Portland has won
Mw .Spring Suits
New' 5
S Coats
n.i., find chinmnnt rnlirfisntlts the nCWGSt SorilKI ColOI'inClS nnrl Qfulno r... .
the very latest fancies according to the Eastern Fashion Designers, and in 3
ItlblllUllclUlu vvuavuo.
New Wansits aod New Skirts
ti. - : nnn ! tlin nniii Innn clonwnc nnrl hnn all tlin loin nff-j.
I I1U WUIblti ctlU III Uiu iuny.oiwuo nu uu um uiu iiu uiuuis in crfiflg rV I
cnene. me nuw omuo iiiom, nm uvnnuv aiiumny v. uiu ouajjun s styles,
First ShnpinmeimH: off New Spirnimg
Dresses Here
We have just received our first showing of the new Spring Dresses and
now here awaiting your inspection. !;.
All this merchandise is correct in quality, in workmanship and in styles tin
conform to the new 1915 fashion. Crisp new garments that will delight m
.... ...U ininUnn In liinn nliiTioot nilli llto onnonn'rt cltilnn I '
WUillctll WIIU WloilUa IU iv.Ki ciuiuuoi vviiii uio obaoun o oijfiuo.
Hnib Or j Gds Store
"Smart Wear for Wonmeim"
Corner Central Avenue and Broadway.
Phone 81
second place in the league of the
Northwest and is now to piny Van
couver, B. C , for the pennant.
tfc Rosebarg Jail oa ISsM
and has gttoa notice tn.-oagh
attorneys that tbe oas will be
Pled to tbe nprcane Conn.
Several naoathe nan t Is ctaiased
Mda noU bis timbar rtUa of biss
seli and wii for aore than JfcO.
UtosMCb ia ooart b toU tb jary ne
was alaoat 'janllsas . aad prodnosd
w. reoaras to anvw want
of tbe aoner.
Miss Ida Mataon of Catching J a let
vtsttd a lew days last wk with
Xrs. J. A. Allan oa Union aveane.
Mrs. K. K. Hooeoa and daughter.
Iras and Irone of Booth Coos Rivr.
spent tax, ek a4 with Mrs. Hod
son's paroau. Mr. an4 Mrs. Robert
Musical Event of the Season
at Lemanski Theater To
nightLarge Seat Sale
The concert to bo given at tho j
Arrived in Last Evening From" Lumber Carrier Out for San
Francisco Expected Back
Sunday Morning
Mr. A. M. laboff. who la Ijm Aa.
present time, Myrtle Loda ' neb with tbe Itaaj of baneflttlag t'de pursuing, shooting at, killing or w,l
her bonltb. wrhw Ubat she is aach capturing any game animal, fur bear
iaprpd. ''B animal, or game bird, and lessor
Mrs. W. H. Oaaole of L'aion av. "" oca a disturbing, harrying,
aae. who aoaae tltav ao saiferwt a errTlwi' or using a tun, dog or like
ntiok of paralysis. Is not aach bat- nMtBxi onmmonly employed to take
:sch game animal, fur bearing ani
mal or garao bird; whether this re-
salts la taking or not, and Includes
Oakland, Making Round
Trip in 81 Hours
LomnnBki Theater this evening com-1 ' ,,u "' ""l nrnvim iu auoui
monclng ai 8:15 o'clock will )0 ' 9 o clock laat evening from Oalclimd.
one of the nrinclnal musical events ninklng tho round trip and dlschnrK-
of tho sooson. Wllllnm Wallace ' lns n carK of n,)0Ut 1.700,000 foot pnsscngors for tho south
Graham, vlolinst, nsBlstod by IMyth OI nuor " nuot eignty-ono noura.
Patterson, contralto, und Mrs. Wm. ' u wns ono of tho bc8t trlI,a tllnt s
Horsfall, JK, accompanist, will ron-' hn8 "nilo.
dor r most Interesting proRram. Tho lumber cargo wau unloaded In'
Tho advance soat salo Indicates Just ten houra nnd thirty minutes. I
that thore will be n large audience Had It not been for a few houra' tic- i
present and the program is ono that
meet tho approvnl of every
lover of good muBlc
At 10 o'clock this morning tho
Xann Smith left out for San FrunclBco
carrying n cargo of lumbor and 38
imoai'llhuio iui U1U BUIllll, OHO IB UX-
pcctcil back on hor return trip Sun
day morning.
Thoso who left woro:
.Mrs. Kugono O'Connoll, W, V. OB'
ren, Perry Schrocdor, C. J. Andor
anti T m IT.. I . ..
lay In taking on fuel oil and Borne Z w , . "' V ,.', ' " ' "
other things, tho Adeline would have ' W "'J J"' do";i rfl' w-
beaten her best record,' which la about' J"1' Y' V Woll' W,,,,I,IM Ilorry' Qc0,
Tickets ore 11.00 on lower floor isoventy-nlno hours. imH, j. n. i.nrr, a. w. jonnaon, u.
and first balcony, nnd 7C conts In I Cant. II. W. Olson hivr I. i. '"""i""'". ionnon, u. u. urough
second balcony.
Capt. II. W. Olson flayn that It Jb
To ovoryoHe f the many, aaay
klud friends and ""("-lstiafw who
Bsolsted and afortod as duris
the hours of ear reaoat affliUoa
we duire to exprwc, froa tba bo
luu of our baaru. oar aoat sinear
gratitude for all that baa Ua doo
for us.
Jtlarshfleld, Pb. I C.
G.UtDI.VKU II.WK lll'ILDI.VG. . wwry attempt to take, and overy act
Work b tOMSHrStod on the nw
baak baildlag by Prod Sebalt. who
bas tb contract for buiMioK the
aaaa. Friday b pat a forc of men
at work prapartnn; tba foundation for
tba vault. Baveral who want to work
quit bn tby found thay war only
to aat J5 reau per hour, claiming;
that tba baak was raduclng wunnu for
tba klid of Labor for which they were
employed, aad that th i-ost of vln
was more than they were receiving.
- Gardiner Courier.
TImm Want adt bring results.
Get your candidate in the Field early. Nominate
your friend today to go to the Panama Exposition at
our expense. j jf Jg, ,
I Jl'llliliUitl!
,, (lllllt.s)
TIiIn Coupon World Kino ViUw,
Only Ono (1) NiimliiMlloii liliuik nlluwnl to rncli caiuliilato
Rd Cross Drug Store
of assistance of any other person
to take or attempting to take such
animal or bird, and any porson who
counsels, aids or assists iu any viola
tion of any of the provisions of this
set. or knowingly shares In any of
the proceeds of said vlolatlona by re
ceiving or possessing any wild game
bird, Maine animal or fur hearing
animal shall be deemed to have In
curred the penalties provided In tills
act against such person guilty of such
J Laws of It) 13, p. 121.
I lly SiiImI. 1, Sec. 'i. Chapter 232,
Lawn of 1913, p. 125, potutostilon In-
tin (I oh custody ami control of all por-
noun having knowledge or coiiHuntlng1
to tho possosHloii, nud poksohsIou Is1
intnilo prima facie uvldoiicu that tho !
gauio animal wnu killed lllognlly.
: lly Section 02, the penalty provlil
Jed Ih from $2fi to ?.r.00 anil costs or
Imprisonment Iu county Jail from 30
I daya to (. montlm or both,
I Thoso .statutes woro passed by tho
last legislature, and according to tho
iIlHtrlct nttnrnoy aro still In force
and any porson found violating tliom
will bo prnscoiitud If occurring undor
my jurisdiction,
Doputy Gamo Warden.
j exactly 308 miles from tho Smith
! mill dock at Coos Day to tho Smith
Lumbor company's dock nt Its Oak-
' land ynrda. This mnkes tho round
Tho following Is tho program for p 'cclly eight hundred miles.
inu ivuuuiiu icii uuro last rriday
' forenoon. As sho was crossing Into
' San Francisco Hay sho mot tho atcam
, or Elizabeth, which woh putting- out
' to sea for Hamlon. Yostorday tho
Adollno passed tho Kllssoboth, which
had not reached llnndon. Tho Eliza
the contort to be given at tho Leman
ski Thoater this evonlng. Tho cur
tain rises at 8:15:
1. Violin.
Sonata In 0 .Minor (Devils Trill)
Larghotto nffettuoso Allegro
modorato - Andanto - Allegro
Assal - Andanto Allegro An
danto. Mr. Oraham.
2. Volco.
(a) Standahen Strauss
(b) Trunin iluroli dlu Daininor
ung HtraiiRH
(c) KussrelHo Wolf
(d) Zur Ruh, Zur Ituh Wolf!
MIbk Clarko.
3. Violin.
(a) Itoiuanzo , i
Ttltl.lf, I 1., I
..tiffiiioiuiH-1, lumuwniti
Chonzantotta D'Ambroalo I
Mr. Ornham,
I. Volco.
Mother O' Mlno Tours
Down In tho Forest . . . Ilonnld
A Llttlo Wliulliig Uoud ....
(d) A nirtlulay Cowen
Miss Clarko.
H. Violin.
(a) LloliQsllcd (Lovo's Sorrow). .
(b) LlobeBfroud (Lovo's Joy)...
ton, Mrs. L. IColley, Mrs. K. Tomplln,
Mrs. M. Stewart, Mrs. C. II. nakor,
Mrs. A. W. Johnson, C. W. Wilson,
S. It. Connor, Frank Will, Mike Mll
lor, Mlko Probst, II. E. Stnnloy, C. A.
Stanley, Tom Eldor, William Sulli
van, Tom Gordon, Poter Uakor, W. P.
llaker, Poto Miller J. w. Peterson,
Charles II. Wnhlduhl, S. Chrlstldls.
MUHle lovnrs nf Mnraliflnl.l .!,,
t . . . . .. u. ....... I....,,,,, ,, ,,u
both did not cross In at llnndon un-m,,K8 "eoinjr Paulino Josof this ovo
til tho Adollno arrived here.
Capt. Olson roports good wenthor
off tho coast. Had ho arrived horo a
couplo of hours carllor ho would
liavo boon ablo to cross out on this
afternoon's tldo, hut now ho will not
got out until tomorrow.
Thoro wero no passengers up with
him,, Arno Moreen, who waa plan
ning to go Bouth, will probably not
go for nnothor trip or ho.
At Olgllt O'clock VOatonlliV mnrn.
Injj tho Nnnn Smith arrived In from
Rllit r.nnnlt.An Dl II ,
"ii i .uuivini.u, fjiiij win lunvft nut
at ton o'clock
again for tho south
tomorrow morning.
i Tho ilodondo lu duo horo from
I San Francisco on WednoHduy morn
1 Ing.
I Iloth tho Rustlor and tho Ilonm
Icr nrrlved in yostordny, ono from
Mho Sluslaw and tho other from
Hoguo River.
At nlno o'clock last night tho
(Adollno tooted hor whistle In tho
uppor oay, coming In from San
nlng will certainly fall to enjoy a
.upi unarming and doil-nuul tho
ntrlcal event, ns tho llttlo lady has
pleased all who havo boon fortu
.iato enough to hoar hor. Sho will
Blvo an entire chango of program.
Times Want Ads for results.
Cnplnlu ltiMcd, of CrvrtnV.I
Hun I'nhpio Way of If
lug Traippi
For an hour tho CcorjeW.!
hailed her proRrcis on U
trip to Coob liny from Earrti
n llfo bont wns sent usa
two atowawayH who were I
Trinidad, about 3S allti w
ThlH Is tho flnt cuetliir
that stowaways hare k:
aboard ships coming Into Cm
though ntcorago paiienfn
tho South havo several timMh
storloa of men who htni
nbonrd .In southern polqli d
their way north.
Not until the Rider u
of Eurckn did tho olilcen!
two vonnir men nnd CipUlil
nt onco gavo orden for 61
to ston onnoslto Trlnldtl.l
town north of Trinidad Hl
if wtia mnro than a oft
holf to ahoro nnd four ni
offlcor woro sont af
stowaways aftor they htdl
n Btronuoua ndmonlhnatHj
nfior nnv their farci or W
whnrn n "tlfl ItaBS' ll !
rr ,,.r.n hn heavy dEl
tonnngo between Atlantic i
coast ports, tlio aiww ;
Stoamshlp Company b
tho Btoumora Stanley Dp"r
Hon & Mnhonoy. ii'o
...- ioIiom nf n rate iM
a day, which, If true. miWj
iiof snnn secured or
company In soveral rooaiMv
tor rates have advanced M
higher rato of late.-WWf
To all Managors Farmora' Union
You will nolo that undor our arti
cles of Incorporation Tho Farmers'
Union Warchnuso Company Is a
strictly wholosalo concern. i
Complaints havo como to me that I
tho different warehouses hv tiAan1
soiling to other than dealer. In fa
turo please confine your bustae'
strictly to the wholesale trade.
' W. H. KIItltY.
General MAn.tcfr
j Mnrsniieiu, ore, 2--, j;,
iTll, I lllnnn... 11,-1. 1-
r n . , ;; ',,,VrU,S,0rtFi:anclsc0' "" ' fs,
fi. Volco.
(a) Mpn Cooiir S'Ouvro a ta Volx
trip, having loft down about 10
o'clock on last Friday morning.
lUIII. ", u ..
"in no iiuhBUHKOrfl am n
t?nint '" " ',a"BU"K'a auu a cargo
,. : 'a"", Salnt-Saons ' of mnii,or, the Nann Smith loft out
(b) 8-rJnp FlBwar. Rolnecke thla morning at .0 o'clock tar in
CW,M;,?,S."t"-'IO) ! I'","- " " -,-ected back
Miss Clarke
7. Violin.
La Roado des Lntlna (Danee of
th OobNft) Ilazzlnl
Mr. Orahaa
Llbby COAL. The kind YOU hare
AIAV4V8 I'flRn. I'lif.f.e72. I'nrlflr
t Livery nrt Transfer Company,
on Hunday morning.
The George Elder left her dock
at l o'elock lust evening bound
OHt for Kureka.
The Daisy Putnam arrived In last
eltiK from Portland with about
100 tons of freight and this ove-
ii,K I rxpiiiU'd to lonvo fo- San
to Eua j
Which piano Booms llkoly to glvo tho longest period of IF
Wlilnl. ..!.. -.. . ..-..., ... .BndlS1W
.. ...v.. imiuu uuuius uearost io sausiyiuB i " " t5-I
Which piano will cost least for tuning and Incident" wj
hon comparing Pianos, romombor thnt tho Outside ww
What Is Iiisldo. Insist on Beolng tho vitals of that tot
aro paying a conBldorablo sum of inonoy. Como and exam
and many other makes. Wo will clvo you oxpert Inform
bonoflt of many years oxporlonco, and quote you tho lc
mnaiy always considered. Torms easy.
Free Player demonstrations every day.
L. L. THOMAS, Manngcr.
rsr rr