THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 19 915 EVENING EDITION. FIVH TOMOltltOW IS einz boom "TIIH FAMOUS ALL OVER Til E UNITED STATUS TIIM PLACE OX COOS BAY IS iLUVANT. & PURE FOOD GROCERY Tho ladles nro cordially invited (o rail at the lllfl FREE PURE FOOD DEMOXSTRA TIOX. Instruction on how (o rend fond labels will nlho lie given. Don't forgot :: :: :: :: LLIVANT TOMORROW N FIRST AND FORD lUTEK COSTS CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos tiid Curry Couutics. "TIIIiJ GUNNERY" ivront, aircec . r4 it Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings.' General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" lio most powerful, host equipped twenty-Inch liyilruiillo dredgo In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Abstracts 'OR IlELIAULK ABSTRACTS OF ABOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AXI) COQUILLE CUT, OREGON U2XEHAL AC5EXTS, EAST81DE AXI) SENGSTACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILltOAD LANDS HEXItV BENGSTACKEX, MAXAGER RPHEUML Ihere Motion Pictures Look : :: Better" :::: Uliee of nioffmm nt nrnsnnt! Murday, Sunday, Tuesday ana inursday. TONIGHT Jesdav and Wfirinfisrlav. lie Wedding Present." A 2- pari sensational mystery itorv. ippery Slim's Stratagem" low ''Sophie" ranch corn- say, allflower." Lubln society wry aoovo the ordinary I1C udinff nnnsiflfimhlp. auditor and pathos,' anna s Rebellion." Edison fomedy, hate's Cvclo." Bloeranh Jrama, tense and exciting berta Saunders will make per fust annnamnnfi in fonps, She will give entire satisfaction, wnee. bunday 2:00 n. m. le Last Vnlimtoor" nn rilUrsdav-Frirlnv will mark ftnotlior Pnnnh In nttfinrlnnnfi fet tho Orpheum, It's in live arts ard a thrillor, P :: ALWAYS :: 10c ?.. Il'ltrsSM kixg and TAILORED HATS 4 VVork gunranteed nnd prices rensonahlo MRS. H, c. WiLLEY Over Norton & Hanson's Ph- no l CO..T .AAAA lr' IL E. IvETiTY, HFXTIST Day 57 VARIETIES." AT WEAVER'S ! i: I , & WEAVER THEY SAVE YOU MONEY f 1 ni i i y iuarsiuiciu. uro. unit most thoroughly modern Main office, Seattle, Washington. TITLE AXI) INFORMATION TBHIGHT rHE HOME OF BIG FEATURES AND VAUDEVILLE EXTRA! EXTRA! extra: MISS ItllODA d'ERTItUDE SEAT prcscntH WILLIAM WALIiACK (1RAIIAM (Vlclirntcd Violinist, MISS EDYTM CLARKE IMTTEItSOX In n progiaui of sclecteil musical number Tlio entli-o houso Is leased anil under llio inanagciiieiit of Miss for tho o veiling; , Our piojirniu for toinoiiow nlglil, (peelnl Hvt-ixtl I'eatuio, dealing uilli tho Wlilto Slave Traffic, en tilled "'I ho Lure." A Schubert llrondway MicrehS. This l.s n great and moral picture mid ouu all should soo. "Out of the l'rjlng Pan." A coiredy thai is n heream, with tho comedy trio, Eddlo Lyons, l.vm .Mor- 'l.f...l.. li..T. 4,11 (lllll IHt'H .....v. Xmv coiihss tho xviisntloii of the program, ".Mock Sail A1U" iiuigiclan mid high - eliiss entertainer. Ro ineinber, this Is AVednesilay nlghj. J. H. Jessen, M. D. imvRiraAN AXI) SURGEOX Sirgery nnd Diseases of Women n specially. Norton & Hansen bldg. Phono 229-J Res. Myrtlo Arms. Phono 304-1 EIS THEATER MESSENGER SERVICE PROM1T, COl'RTKOl'S, ItELIARLE TWO PHONES 158R " 445 MAIiailFILTiD CVCL13V BREVITIES WEATHER FORECAST Wr ArsoclatM Trcn to Cons nay Tlrnri. OREGON Rain: winds mostly northerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 a. in., Fob. 10, by UcnJ Ostllnd, special government motcorologlst: Maximum 59 Minimum 33 At 1:13 n. m 15 Precipitation 19 Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1, ! 1011 47.95 rrcclpltatlon samo porlod l I P InHt year 4 1.15 Wind: Northwest; partly cloudy! I HOltX. I f .ft. UUINOLU To Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. drlnold, at their homo In Hunker 1II1I, February 10, 1915, n girl. Itoth mother mid daughter nro doing well. Change Club Xaiue. Tho nnmo of tho Young Mntrons' Club hnB boon changed to the Kostcr Club. Moves Home. M. J. Ostrow nnd family havo movod from First streot to tho houso known ns tho Homo lospltnl proporty on Second Btrcot. ; Attends Fuiivrnl. Mrs. Clms. Ilnx-1 tor went to Coqutllo yesterday to at- tend tho funoral of Mr. MnnwnrlngHintomcnts was decided upon JiiBt prl a pioneer of tho valley, who died of, or to tho lust cnll for bank stnto- cancer. Hotel AJuiIvei-Miiy. Six ycara ago last evening, tho fornml opening of Tho Chandler Hotel In Mnrshflold took plnco. II. J. McKoown recalled tho anniversary yesterday. On Wheat Ranch. J. Wright Wil son nnd family, who nro leaving this wool: for Monte;., will locnto on n big wheat ranch uuur Hamilton, Mont. j Claudo Wilson will bo associated with his fathor. , Meet Tonight. Thoro will bo a I meeting of tho Anglican Young Poo- ( plo's Association In Guild Hall of tho Episcopal church Wednesday oVonlng of this week nt 7:30. It Is urgontly requested that nil ho present. Is Recovering. Foromnn Vnrnoy of tho Smith-Powers railroad con struction camp south of Myrtlo Point, who sustained soma brokon ribs In mi accident a few wooks ago, Is recuperating rapidly now. QMs Comnils.sloii. John T. Mn gulro has locelvod official notlco of his confirmation ns postmastor nt North Uond by tho U. S. Sonnto. Ho Is arranging his bonds, papers, etc., and will shortly lollovo Postmastor I Russoll. i (iiim to Eureka. Coo. Lnlrd, for i mor owner of tho Handon wntor j works, Is now closing out his af I fnlrs nt Handon nnd plans to niovo to Eurokn soon to hnko his homo. Ho hns not defliiltoly decided whnt ' buslnoss ho will cngngo In. SHiillhli Lutlivniii Services Thoro , will bo Borvlces hold In tho Swedish 1 Luthormi church In North Uond on VcdncEdny ovonlng, Kob. 17, at 7:30 by Rov. II. V. Ilongston and In Marshfield In tho Swedish Luthormi church on Thursday ovonlng. Hank Pivsldcnt. A. J. Rndnbaugh a well known Coqulllo Vnlloy rnnoh i ownor and business man, has beon I olectcd president of tho Hank of Myr- tlo Point, succeeding tho Into Mr. I Lundny, R. A. Annln was roeloctod ' cnshlor nt tho nnnunl meeting. ' Send Hooklets. Eor tho visitors nt tho Panama Pacific Exposition who may bo Interested In Coos Hay a shipment of booklots nnd llteraturo rogardlug tho vicinity was Bhlppod south on tho Nnnn Smith this morn- ing to J. A. wuru, uireuiur oi mu Coos and Cutfy county exhibits. Sues for Commission. W. A. Hold today began suit ngainst John Al-J lonn and Harry Sporros for a five' per cont commission of tho $1700' contract prlco for tho pool nnd bil liard hall on Front street recently sold to Hugh Sneddon. Mr. Hold claims tho contract so stipulated and I.I...I tl, ,........, la SRC UIUI HIV 41I.IW...... h t" Starts Suit. Sheriff Alfred John son, Jr., wns ovor from Coqulllo last night to sqrvo papers on tho C. A. Smith Company for Lula Kal inowskl, a laborer who Is suing for damages. Mr, Johnson's father Is still no better In San nafael and tho son believes it Is only a ques- ! tlon of a. fow duya boforo tho ond will come. Khlcr Carrie!. Klve. Flvo passon- 'gers from Coos Hay loft on tho Goorgoj V. Eldor when she departed for Eur-, oka last evening at 9 o'clock Thoy were Mr H Edwards, J, M Nr- Jr , -.Ir" J M Nye. Jr and ccn A Leb Itnd Sam Amkrson, The C"acr U' expected hero ngaln on Thursday morning and will sail nt 1 p. m. that day for Portland. Horny Social On account of sick, ness, the Hnptlst Ladles' Silver Tea j has been postponed from tomorrow afternoon to Wednesday, February 24, when It will bo given nt tho homo of Sirs. J. T. Ilyers. Enjoy' Music. A largo number of Interested friends and relatives of tho pupils of Honrlk Gjcrdrum gath ered nt his studio last evening nnd enjoyed n recital nt which soveral of his talented pupils appeared. A 'complete report of tho muBlcalo will j appear In Saturday's Times. Spends Night In .Tall .Milton Hirst I inntlo n lot of nolso In tho alley bo i Bide the pollco station early last ovc- nlng nnd tho officers, believing thnt , ho wanted to get Inside, oponcd tho door nnd brought him In. He was . booked on n drunk chnrgo and this morning was sobered up. Ho paid his i $5 war tax and departed with the Ichnngo. To Tnko Inventory. Inventory of tho estate of .John Golden, deceased, will bo taken February 25, according to .Tudgo Ilnll, attorney for tho es tate. Letters of administration wcro sent yesterday to Sister Agnes, of the Sti Agnes Ilaby Homo, Portland, who Is executrix of tho property according to "tho will. Tho inventory must be taken before nny disposition can bo inndo of riny of tho property. Sell Cotton. J. L. Hrlco lias re- mlvM n letter from n frlond who has n cotton plantation In Texas. Tho lnttor writes that tho cotton buyors havo secured tho entire crop Instead of shipping it now nro storing it in tho local warehouses. Thoro was lit tlo competition this year, tho Euro pean war knocking tho bottom out of tho demand. Tho nvcrngo prlco was less than eight cents. Untile Statements. Coos county stnto mid national banks nro being compolled to mnko out now bank statements In order to comply with n now form. Tho now form of bank ments and they had not boon for warded horc. In cotiBoqucnco tho banks In tho Coos county towns mndo out tho on tho old forms and tho banking dopartment officials Insist that thoy bhnll bo on tho now forms. Meet" Tonight. Tho following memhorn of tho commlttoo which was appointed at Sunday's meeting In tho library auditorium nro kindly asked to meet tills ovonlng promptly at 7:15 nt tho resldenco of Vernon Smith: Messrs. Itccd, Gidloy, Charles Smith, Nlles, Yornon Smith nnd Drowning. Soino dcflnlto plans nro to bo discussed relatlvo to organizing tho Hoy Scouts. Tho mooting will bo open to nny young inon ,who nro In terested In tho direction of tho Bay Scout work. Delay Port Tnv. Deputy Shorlff Lnlrd. who wim hnrn frnm flnnnllln last evening, said that tho Sheriff's offlco was bolng cnusod consldornblo' oxtrn work by tho Port of Handon I mutter. Owing to tho litigation ' ponding last summer, fow of tho f ' I .,.., -!.. .... I.. II.. .1lll.i 1 "'" in mu umnn nam v iwt v iiia iiiiii vi vwiiiou kwmj hecmuo delinquent whon the Su promo Court sustnluod tho Port. Notices woro sent out nnd now ninny nro still holding back, figuring that District Attorney Llljoqvlst may knock out tho port by his appeal i for n rohoaiing, Kind Almloiin Shell.-A largo nbalono shell, picked up near South Idiot, was brought Into tho Chnm hor of Commorco yostordny by L. C. Modllu, who ntntod that ho plekod up tho peculiar shell on January 28. Abnlonos nro vory soldom soon on the Orogon coast, thelrnntlva haunta holng tho rocks along Southorn Cullfornlu shoros, Tho lnsldo of tho shell Is mothor of pearl mid Is usod for ornnmontnl purposos. Tho moat of tho ribalbno Is drlod by tho fishermen of tho South: Is tough nnd leathory In appearand), but forms u nourishing food. AXCE at CIIAXDLER HOTEL, SATURDAY EVEXIXfJ, Kob. uo. M , . NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUIt New Spring Royal Tailor SUIT MADE TO YOUR MEASURE $15.00 and up. IT WILL HE HERE FOR EASTER FIXUP Two Stores tfnrdifWd r :: :: Vcrth Tlend Hit. CEO. K. DIX roturncd yesterday from Myrtle Point, where ho spent Sunday. misses kate and Eva Farbcr, of Myrtlo Point, nro Marshfield t-ii shoppers today. MRS. CAUL GAUOUTTE and Mrs. S. N. Garoutto, of Handon, were Marshfield visitors last evening. Mil. AND MRS. J. L. IlUltNS were Marshfield visitors today from their homo at HenryvIUe. A. P. DAVIS Is expected hero from Coqulllo today to attend n moot ing of tho Masons this ovonlng. A. II. POWERS left yesterday aftor noon for Wagner to look nfter work In tho Smith Powers camps near there. V. G. CHANDLER Is expected homo In a few days from San Fran cisco whore ho has been spending n fow weeks on business. MRS. ALFRED JOHNSON nnd chil dren, accompanied Sheriff John son hero from Coqulllo Inst ovo nlng for n short vlBlt on tho Hay. MISS GEORGIA HELL, who has been attending Bchool In Wash ington, arrived hero yesterday to visit at tho homo of her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Volckmnn of tho Snyder Hotel. FRANK ILORTON nnd E. P. Lowls went over into tho valley for a three days' trip to Handon, Myrtlo Point nnd Coqulllo today In tho Interests of tho Huslnes's Men's Association. C. It. PECK nnd fnnilly and E. n. Hryson spent Sunday at tho Peck summer liotno on South Coob River. Mr. Peek Is figuring on making a numbor of Improvements on his thrco-acro tract. F. E. WESTERHERG nnd family hnvo gono to Handon whoro thoy will mnko their homo with Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Murphy for a tlmo. Thoy will remnln thoro until tho Murphy & Wostorborg business affairs nro adjusted. C. L. STARR, former Btato tax com missioner nnd now a tax lawyer of Portland, camo uncle this morning from Coqulllo, whoro ho wont sov cral days ago. Ho oxpocta to ro turn nt onco to Portland. JUDOE HALL mndo a trip to Coqulllo on legal business this morning. Ho Btntcs thnt Judgo .Tunics Wat son wns ablo to attend u mooting todny of tho county commissioners. CLAUDE II. GILES? n prominent Myrtlo Point lawyor was. In Mnrsh flold yesterday looking after lo gal business horo nnd nt North Hond. Ho says that ovory thing is going nlcoly In tho viilloy. The chcoBo mnrkot Is now nt u low ebb and ho nttrlbutos It to tho pooi1 cotton mnrkot, tho South being tho best chceso market In tho country. You Discourage Substi tution When You Refuse to Buy "Just As Goods" T I HERE nro only two typos of Retail Morehants thoso who do mid those who do not substitute. IF YOUR donlor Is ono of tho typo who Is always talk ing "Just ns floods" you can roform him by refusing to buy his ORPHAN BRANDS TELL him plainly thnt If ho dohlros your patronago ho must cultivate) tho habit of handing you tho nrt Iclos you nbk for without ar gument. DO THIS, nnd you will Im press on him tho fact that tho modorn Idea, tho husliioES-bulldlng plan thoso days, Ih selling customers what thoy ask for. "Get What You Ask For" i Patronize the store which under no circumstances offers you a "Just-as-Good" substitute. You may well have confidence in .1 "THE OWL" Frank D. Cohan. ' "The Central Avenue Drug Store." FRS dT IWUHUJUbll " ; Oregon Power Company Takes I ni t rm I "-! oi i n-i a oibus u nupiace auxiliary Light Plant at Once Final adjustment of tho flro dam- ntrn (n (tin nrnirnn Pnivnr Pnmnnnv'o . ' nuxlllnry plant nt tho Porter lll wns rnm.ilnl.v1 vnatnr.lnv mi.t b,.I ' at a mark closo to $G000 by William Patterson, of Portland, appointed adjustor for tho twelve Insurance companies concerned, nnd R. M. Jennings, appointed to represent tho power company. To aid Mr. Patterson In junking tho flnnl estimate, H. E. Davis, of tho Davis Electrical firm In Port land, camo hero nnd went over the plant closely Inspecting tho switch- n.t.1 ,1.. itini ...Mn nut... ..mi utu iiiuiuiD iiuii. nuiu damaged In tho flro of two weeks ago thnt occurrod during n heavy wind and rain storm when hleh power wires wcro blown down nnd short-circuited. As quickly ns possible tho entire cniilnninnt will hn ronlnrml. stnlpd Mr. Jennings this morning. Imme diately nfter tho flro occured em ployees of tho company In Portland began negotiations for again equip ping tho plant horo that Is used entirely for emergency purposes. Thoro will need to bo purchased a heavy bolt, 18 Inches wide nnd about 110 feet long that oxtends ft',0111 tho cnglno to tho main dynamo. This will cost approximately $1800. Thu switchboard was n total loss nnd cannot bo replaced, according to Mr. Jennings, for much undor $3000 mid tho damago to tho building Is estimated nt between $1100 and $1200. AMONG THE SICK 4 Mrs. Charles Rouobrnko Is con fined to hor homo on account of Blckncss. Tho thrco minor children of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hlckford, of 8outh Inlet, nro In bed with tho typhoid fovor. MRS. ARCHIE 1100NE is recover ing from "hor ten-days' Illness with n vory uovero cold. Xo Overdraft n. Tho U. S. Trcas urv Dpnartment Is sqihIIiir out a cir cular lottor to National Unnlcs nn- iiQuncIng thnt thoy must adopt a rule absolutely prohibiting overdrafts on checking accounts. Tho latter Btntos that tho Stnto Dank departments ' will probably do llkowlso and in coupoquenco parties who havo been ' MWdlng their checking doposlts nro , likely to soon got n fow Jolts by having their chcckH turned down. , Tho Treasury Department says ilo , exceptions must bo mndo. ! IF YOU mid your friends get togothor and form n "(Jot What You Ask For" Club you can hasten tho day whon Imltntlona nnd "Just as floods" will bo banlshod from tho storos of your city. I T IS n recognized fact that tho dealer who Insists on offering something "Just ns flood" as tho artlclo asked for Is on tho down grado. YOU will find that tho .sue costful dealer always hands out nrtlclos nskoil for; thus ho saves tlmo, argu inont, effort mid soils mora goods. Ilo holds your confl douco, and this Is (ho soul of micoess. WHICH donlor to you profor to patronize, tho ouo who doos or tho ono who doos not sell "Just ns Goods?" BARGAINS 1 FOR WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AXI) FRIDAY AT THE FAIR ' nest uu.iity colored table on' CLOTH. Special If 13c : "" nril , i AA4kAAA:AAAAAA4fc 1 11 1 " T II 1 T 1 i 1 I 1 ' . 20c ami 25c Moil's Rubber Grip HOSE SUPPORT- n ERS. Special per pair . . UC 15c NAINSOOK EMDROID- 41 ERY, inudluni and wldo "7 O widths. Spec, per yard . . . . C 25c UEST SANITARY LELTS, special A P . oncu ...... l . 4. 4 each I tlli $1.50 Children's Whlto Wool 0 SWEATERS. QK '' Special .tJUu ! 61-Inch Host Tnblo PADDING, wns $1.00. Now CQn per yard U JU Men's Wool Shirts or Drnwers. iiitnutPi $1,25: Tho $2.00 quality. Now ! Host WIRE HAIR PINS; 250 ' In tho box. n Only, per box Jb 444444444t4 ! $1.50 Ladles' LONG FLAN- ! NEIiE'H'E KIMONAS. 71- Now IJU 35o and 50c Latest Garment DRESS SHIELDS. qr Now uC AHSOLUTELY YOUIt .MOXEY'H WORTH OR YOUIt MOXEY HACK THE FAIR Central avo. , next to Chandler Hotel - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND A jdlver ieh hag and nlno I n sllvor handle umbrella, woro 1 loft In tho Episcopal Church Btin- day. The ownors may got samo 1 by telephoning Nov. It. B, Brown in 1?. TIRED OK IIOTEI.S? Try good homo cooking with prlvato family. Nlcoly furnlshod rooms. Roto i.i- Din an Jlli CI K runnuiiuuiu. u uu. ti. " ' FOR RENT ."J.rooin house. 1H So. 1 11th streot. FOR SALE 3-nmi tract. 9I&0. Ap ply Times offlco. ij!(l(l() to loan on farm .ocurlty. L S. Kaufman & Co. MYRTLE ARMS Modern apart ments. Freo heat nnd wator. $25 and up. FOR RENT lloiisekojpliig nulto, with bath. 210 No, 4th St., Telo pliono 212-L. WANTED Woman as nurso nnd housekoopor for oldorly Invalid. j Apply MrB. Songstncken. WANTED llxperleiiccd gardoiier. J. E. Fitzgerald Phono 31fil. FOR RENT Pleasant housekeeping I and slooplng rooms. &G2 No. 2nd I St. Phono 1GC-R. I FOR SALE I - ' j'FOIt SALE CHEAP Four Improved lots, 200x112, with C-room houso, I In North Markhflold, also lot COx i 100. on 10th street, Songstncken Addition. Apply ownor, Thos. P. Millar. I FOR RENT - FOR RENT (Mount houso on First street, $17. Phmo 210-.I. FOR KENT Furnished flats, re duced ratoa. Phono 443-J. FOR REXT- npartmeuts. -Furnished two-rooju Phono Dr. Lesllo. FOR It EXT Largo front rooms with heat. Sultablo for 2 or 3 porsons 2G5 N. 1th St. FOR REXT Flno block or ihiiry rauch, within a inllo of Marshfield. 1C0 acres with 100 acres of bot tom land Very reasonnblo terms. Apply E I Chandler, Room 300 Colo bulldlug. tn j, Room 204, ColtQ Dlds