HWWK&nniutmh BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELR, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 19 915 EVENING EDITION. FOUR THE COOS ) O --0 n A-r T'TTX JTCC a quarter; France, a billion; Austria, LiUUb JJAY lllVJJCO.800 million; Helglum, G50 million: '.Japan, 200 million; Turkey, 150 mll- M. .0. MALONEY, Editor and Pub.llon snrbln, 100 million: Monte No- DAN E. MALONEY, News i-.cutur)gro flftv n,ioni Official Paper of Coos County Oho mny easily note that the ra pid I ty with which the European sol diers have been slaughtered during OBtOrilCO Bt JiarsU-! j, hl.,niil .. linu ailriinaamt nll'. Held, Oregon, .for transmission i ,,,, h'ctora k , war lllBlory, a mm innnnfi.ninai -- Entered at the Postofflco at Marsb- malls as second-class The Old Lumberjack's Lament By LAWRENCE W. PEDROSE. through tbo nail matter. WHY MANAGERIAL GOVERN MENT SUCCEEDS. THERE have been many explana tions offered for the undoubted relative success of the commls-Blpn-clty-mnnagor plan of city gov ernment. The abolition of the wards for example, Is frequently quoted as nmplo reason for the buccpss of the now plan. Marsliflold, however, hns never hnd wards, but It has not ac quired nny efficiency thereby. In fact some critics have held that wards would Improve the Marsliflold muni cipal government. Most of the explanations for the success or tne commission iorm oi government are only halt true, be cause they Involve a study of the In ternal mechnnlsm of the government, whereas tho real difference botween the old and tho new comos nt the point of contnet between the govern ment and the people. Tho secret of tho success of tho commlsslon-clty-manager plan lies In the fact that the governmental power Is taken out of obscurity nnd nnd placed on a pinnacle of light whore i tiv tntniinrlntf tho nhnva (intimate liv the following taulo: In tho Crimean war. In 1854 to 1S5G, It took nearly two yonrs to kill ISM00 man. During the Franco-Prussian war, In 1870 nnd 1S71, seven months were needed to dispose of 200,000 men. In our own Civil War. from 1SC1 to lSG'i. four years wore required to kill 1,000,000 men. Tho Russo-Turklsh war In 1877 nnd 187S resulted In killing 180,000 In n llttlo loss than a year. Tho Spanish-American war In 180S went on for eight months with only 2010 killed. Tbo Itusso-Jnpanose war of 1001 nnd lOOii continued nearly two years nnd cost u&o.'JOO lives. Rut civilization has made rapid strldos. Wo now kill nt'tllo rato or a million a year! I'm golni; to quit these woods, boysl Dog-gone such a life, anyway! AV.villlir in ltiiIi fit for cattle nnd tollln' ton lioum a day A'workln' In mud to my shoe-tops and soaked through from niornln' to night ..... Invltln' rhounintlcs nnd fover Oh, ! but these woods Is a fright! I've sniped nnd I've bnrked nnd I've Knotted for pretty close to thirty years, Till I'm bent like n crooked nx-holve nnd gray as a coon nt tho ears. 1 u&jd to be cutty and supple and quick as a squirrel on my feet; Hut now I mn slow nnd all bunged-up nnd have to take care what 1 eat. Hut I'vo saved up two hundred bucks, boys, In this last fifteen months or so; I'm goln' to have olio moro high fling thon go whore all old-tlmera go Who can't longer stnnd loggln' camp cookln' who work puts tho cricks In their back To a ranch where I'll make n small clenrin' and build mo a snug llttlo shack. FERRUARY IIEAII'II LESSONS. The following dally health lessons for February havo boon Issued by tho Kansas board of health. 1. Tho unventllnted gas stove Is n menace to health. 3. Adonnlds provont normal men tal and physical growth. 4. Smallpox raging among mi- vuecinnted Kaw Indlnns, 18G0. 7. Air your homo thoroughly Tomorrow means payday -set- Ah, thero goes the whistle; Hurrah, boys! and town; Just one more big timo on tho Skid Road, and then I'll bo good- tie down. I'll tnke a run down to tho Sound, loys, nnd get mo a squaw for a wife, Who'll dig clams nnd tend to tho garden Say, boys, but won't that bo tho llfo? I'll havo n milk cow and somo chickens, and sit by the fire and smoko Of evenln's when my squnw Is ltnlttln' and keepln' a bulge In the poke. Yes, my Innnrds Is plumb full of camp work and Hvln' the gay lum-borjack; So. good-bye, you slaves nnd you Homo Guards I'm off and I'm not comln bncK! Get a Receipt Phone 394-J. Coos Bay Tea, Cooffee & Spice House Broadway bet. Central and Commercial BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Lrcamery nil citizens can watch It. dally Xo moro form of government will automatically produco good govern ment. Tho people's will can bo baf fled or facilitated by tho form of government. Under tho commission managerial plan tho pcoplo's work nt tho polls is made simple, clonr and easy. And that Is nil tho secret thoro Is to the success of tho plan. In our old-fnshlonod city govern ment, tho kind that Marsliflold Is now existing under, wo havo committed two serious errors. First, wo hnvo scattered tho powors of government among so ninny officials that It Is nulto Impossible for tho pcoplo to watch nnd control them nil. Second, wo havo subdivided tho powor In such small fragments that no single part Is really worth watching. A member of tho city council, for In stance, under tho old stylo of govern ment Mnrshflcld'a stylo has so llttlo power alone that tho pcoplo do not think it worth whllo to becomo agitated over tho question of who gots tho Job. And becnuso this ran be truo with all rnndlrintcs, tho peo ple loso control of, tho government. Tho fcaturo of our present city government Is tho scattering of pow er b,nscd on our nuclcnt fenr of kings. Wo havo always had a nupor stltloiiB dread of giving to nny elec tive officer powor enough to do any thing for us without gottlng tho con sent of Bovernl othorn. Wo hnvo over looked tho fnct that to mako tho for mer official obey our wlahos wo havo also to oxort BlmtiltanooiiH compul sion over tho lattor whoso raiment ho needed, nnd that popular control thus bccaino anything but tho simple matter It ought to bo. Tho politician can always got his own wny if you innao ma council inrgo onougii. . j 8. llownro of tho wolves tho quack doctors. 11. Tho best norvo restorer keeping sweet. III. Food loft on tho teeth for monts mid causes decay. 1C, Tho best weapon ngninst pnoiimonla high body resistance. 18. Tho moBt valuable assot of a city wholosalo wator. 21. Tho only bad night air Is Inst night's nlr. 21. Havo you tested your cow for tuberculosis? 20. Koop your foot warm and your bond cool. Don't rub it In boya; hnvo a town That I'm shnkoy ns tho douco on my foot clown. Whoro's tho stako I had when I left hero? backs suppose? I had n few drinks on tho Skid Road and clothes! conscience! I know I inn back horo from I nnd Btumblo about like n I Why, what do you moss- I t bought mo a now suit of srAnn UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IX A OliEAX AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Tho rest? Oh, I did get somo stowed, boys wolto up In Polo Mur phy's snloon, ' For 1 mot up with Woof-Woof A'ndy who braked on the loelo last June. That's nil right; I'm not bellyakln': what's two hundred bucks, nnywny? I'm good Tor ten moro yonm of loggln' but I'LL, QUIT THESE WOODS SOME DAY! Frco delivery, 8 n. in. and 2 p. Phono 7.1. m. ? FEHRUAHV IIEAII'II SLOGANS . A An open window Is bettor than an opon grave Warm rooms hnvo killed mora peo ple than over frozo to death. A stiff drink makes tho Htomnch warm but tho nklu cold. A stitch hi tho underwenr mny savo a stitch In tho side. Avoid patent medicines ns you would n pestilence. Thinly clad foot mako for heavy colds. ICE CREAM SUHSTI- TUTE VOIt .MEAT When tho prlco of moat in its upward fllht Doom n Hoxoy stunt clear out of slKht What shall wo uat whon wo can't get moat? Simplest thing In tho world, eny Ice cream manufacturers. Their roply to tho aqiioHtlon ubout n substitute for moat'ls not offerod, council of five men occasionally feolsl ,lu,y nvor '" tMo 8nlrIt ot tlint branch personally tho proesuro of public K,n,f' wno w,um toltl lllH """Joel had opinion, but trlplo tho slzo of tliol110 mon,,( "I'llo". "' them out council, nnd tho Individual members cnko" N)- tll0 nro prions "'" It becomo so Insignificant and publicity "Tho ultml Stntos," mild J. Will bo subdivided that oach inoiubor ujCnrpontor. to tho St. Louis Stnr, "Is 9 ;)(l IjVENING. I am not bound to win, but I am bound to bo true; I ntn not bound to succeed, but I nm bound to llvo up to tho light that I hnvo. I must Rtnnd with nnybody who stands right stnnd with him whllo ho In right and part with him whon ho goes wrong. A. Lincoln. PROHAHLY THOSE CO UN- TERFEITERS C A M E TO MARSHFIELD II E C A U S E THEY HEARD THAT COOS HAY WAS A GOOD PLACE TO MAKE .MONEY. Llfo Is Ilka n nutniog grntor. You havo to rub up against tho rough sldo to accomplish anything. TO SEE HER VACE. ! HIGH QUALITY VRESII FRUITS, VUGETAHLES AND NUTS. 1 Everything In Season Exceptionally l Keen Price. Marshfield Fruit Company, At Palaco .Meat Mnrkot 'Phono HOI-.L New Models VHENDERS0N CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend I ii safely "lost In tho shufflo." Tho coinml&ston nuiiiiigor plan Is based upon no false Idoa that tho people want to oloct ovory clork. It gives tho powor to three men to nniiio a city manager who Is responsible to them for tho city's affairs and they are in turn rospousiblo to tho po- ! rapidly bornmlug n nation of Ice cronm ontors. Last yonr wo con sumed' 1715,000.000 HnlloiiH. Next yonr wo will out still moro Ice cronm. For tho hut flvo years our eonsiiiiip-j Hon of lc cream has Ineronsod nn- uually 20 per cent. j "Hvtn now thousands of our pao- plo. Tho peoplo then, have but to "" '""' ' "" lr rronm. Don't watch throo men Instoad of n score "mUo! ' l'n l,rove " )'' ' will or moro. , ,aho 'ou "1,y ,,uy t noon to con- Tho coinmlwilon-clty-ninnngar plan I r"'lnrle and wida fnuutnliis. more of government Is tho only common- n"luoromi tlin r'lunintn, and show seuso plan, and (lint's nil there In to It. All others should, and will bo soon, rolegated to tho past which con ceived them, LET THE SUNSHINE IN. It pays to wenr n smiling face. And laugh our troubles down, For nil our llttlo trials wait Our Inughtor or our frown, llonoath the magic of a smllo Our doubts will fa do nwny, As molts tho frost In early spring Rouoath the sunny ray. It pays to mako a worthy cause, Ry helping It, our own; To give tho current of our llvos A truo nnd uoblo tone. It pays to comfort honvy hoarts Oppressed with dull dos pair And leave In sorrow dnrkonod Uvea A Klt'itut of brightness thoro It pays to glvo n helping hand To eagor, onrnost youth; To note, with all tholr way wardness, Their courage nnd their truth To strlvo with sympathy nnd lovo Tholr confldonco to win. It pays to opon wldo tho heart And lot tho suiishlno in. Tit-Iltls. O jyou hundreds of porMous who lunch solely on Ico cronm. "Ice oroiini Is a dignified food. Tho prejudicial notion used to prevail that It was n delicacy suitable only for h foiuliilno pnlato. That kopt back tin growth of our Industry. Rut iOR SIN' nionihs now the ureal j Ul l'Judleo has conuoaled. II was Kurnpenu wur has boeu in pro- not nblo lo stnnd tho Ice lest of the gross, ii in jimi a sow iiHuvnr now brlno system of fioeslnir. Tlui SLY MONTHS OI HORROR. STORY FOR THE DAY. six mouths since Austiiu turuud hor brluo s.VNtoui of fitumhiK mnkos the irimu nil Kiirlilfi filtil ul iwu I liuu t lut groat nations of Kuiop. huve turn j lco ,,roniu H,a1"1 "I- '',,w housowlfo nt each other's throats, spending can take It homo now In u block or money nnd wasting huiimn lle with j cut. Just ns she would iiiont. And a recklessness unpaiulleled In I'ls- u,r husband Is not nsbamed to mt It. tory. Ono cannot ostJumtu exactly how! "" much tho first lialf year has cost iiiiocai RfillMTY Rll I PAQCCC lives nnd innuoy. but the military ox- JCML UUW ' dLL Abbtb norts nluco the total cost of the six months of tho war at $7,2oo.uOO.liou h,,""0 Adoplh MenMire IVoidlng fully oqual to tho value of the en tire 101 1 record crop In the Unltod I States. And it should bo rouiombered that ' theso are military costs onl. Klsur-: lug tho goneral loss of Europa I through business doprosslou, ruined , commerce, and other sources, It Is es timated that tho loss will reach a , grand totul of Jio.ooo.ooo.ooo. In the mnttor of llvos aucriflcnd, rough estimates, based on averages, established by precedent, (tlve 510,-1 000 killod nnd 2.11G.O0O wouuded or YJc-tlms of dlsouso. This menus a to-, tal of 2,700,000 battle Uctliiis since tho war began. I loss iy uio vnrious ' Sennto AduiiU MeaMire I'm' Slauulitor. SALEM, Or., Fob. 10. -Senate bill 100, by Leliionweher. providing a eal bounty, v.i passed by unaii Imoils voto by tho Semite. Other bills wore passed by the Senate us follows: S. II. ii'iS, by Smith (Coos mid Cmry Counties), extoiids lino for closed river against eonunerc'al lull ing In C-Miuillo ltlvo.- lo Hoffman's brldKo. S. II. 237. by Smith (Coos and Currv Comities). rsKiilutes salmon fishiUK ill New River. S. R. 1'JS, by Smith (Coos and Curry), uuieiuls sti.tuto relalinic la road districts. Two Irishmen wore phllosophiiiig, tells the Evening Post Snturda) .Mag azine. Said Pat to Mike: "Did yiw Ivor shtop to think that wan half of tho world don't know how the other half gats along?" "You're right," says Mlko, "and neither does the other half." WIIAT'LL YOU DO? V.'hnt'll you do, when soiuoouo gets the kiss HeloiiKlug to you.whnt'll you do? Wliat'll you do when you begin to miss Tho love you once know, wliat'll ou do? Uv'ry time you closo your oyos you'll see, Somoono elso amaklug lovo to mo, Thoro will eomo a time Whon you'll be sad nnd bluo, Whon somebody wants mo Then you'll want me too, Just think it over. what'll you do? I. You know Miss Spring Is comln' To fix up nil tho place, For n mornln' glory's cllinbln To sco Miss Mary's face. II. So long thoy hnvo boon wnltln' Ono llttlo smllo to win To see her nt tho window With the roaos lookln' In. III. Rut wolcomc, Mister Rluoblrd; And dress up In your best, And welcomo Rrother Robin lu your crimson-colored vest. IV. I know how woll you lovo hor With lovo so sweet mid true, Hut thoro Is ono comes singing That lovos her moro than you. LADIES' CLEANING WORKS I Wo do French Dry Cleaning on Uio most dcllcnto fabrics. Wo po.sl j lively guarantee nil work Phono i:il-X. Address it" I Central Avcniio. I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AND NIOIIT SERVICE For taxi, phono 20, Chandler j Hotol. For touring cars, phone 20 Chandler Hotel j LYNN liAMHETII, Prop. j New Cabs : t Now Cars I HI I Commutation Tickets $2.00 i tfarfcliriolil-Xorth Ileforo sho Is a gots hor ho screech owl. Itfwifl Ait T.Im Frank L. Stanton. . nar every tc minutes from fl a. m o to 12 p. in,; to South Slough onco a ho gots hor ho Imagines, day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Empire humming bird. After ho .throo trips a day. discovers shu is n GORST A KINO. Pro pi. Conscience may help somo. Rut It Is fenr of gottlng caught that keeps most Coos Hay peoplo straight. You can mako. a Coos Ray woman ninddor by Ignoring hor than you can by calling hor names. Whon n Coos Hay couple nro en gaged thoy Imagine they can get along with ono chair when thoy go to housokoeplng. Rut nftor they hnvo boon married awhllo they want two dlfforont parlor sultos. Till: WISE (JUV SAYS: DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will ho kept OPEN TO THE PURLIO A regular stato licensed undertaker will bo In charge Phono 11)5. J Tho military xt ..ilmnln.l .n trtWnwa' lOntr- t land and Germany, each, n billion and , UIJ ii vin iioL m t ft half dollars; Kusln, a billion and ,n'"sl MLAlb. Phono loo-J, THE A born shopper Is a woman who can make the rounds of tho bargain counters without spending a cent. 'Whoii u Coos Ray girl marries she usually loses a good friend and gets a grouchy boarder." Somo Coos Ray inon novor forget to tuko tho ninklngs whon thoy go out, hut they nlwnys seem to forgot to take any matches. Some Coos Hay peoplo spend so miioli time planning fur the future that they novor do anything In tho present. Some Coos Ray people would rath er die a natural death than send for a doctor. The golden rnlo Is all right, but tho one used by a lot of Coos Hay peo ple is only platod. It Is easier for tho averago Coos Hay young man to rnlsa a row than a moustache. Except for tholr vanity It would be Impossible to please some Coos Hay people. .Kvory Coos Hay married woman is selfish iu ono rospoot nt least. Sho won't allow others to shnro In the pleasure of abusing her husband. I iv.i iMLHiuuiia is une oi mo least un profitable fo.nts of insanity. ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. . p. 89. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. Prices Roasonahln. I Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y CHIMNEYS FIRE PLAOES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Drlck Work at Prices That Are Right And all Work Gunmnteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson nidg., 137 Second St. Phone 434-J, French Rangos. Roller Work 4 t D0TS0N HOTEL t ROOM AND llO.lltl) U..1U PER WHEIC AND UP FREE HATH So Second and Curtis Ave. It. 11. Raines, Prop. . 4k - Important Notice to Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY M WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF , bOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF C00S BAY Sofdty Deposit Boxes For Rent, FLANAGAN & BENNETT bST OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposlta Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Flunngnn, Vice-President. It. I Wllllnius, Ciuhtcr. Geo. V. Winchester, Atit, CuUer. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTAHLH S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH O. F. McOEORGE Phono 44, Mnrahflold PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. AGENT W. k. I'Ai.vna Phono 421, North M EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD DURING FERRUARY Off TIinFOt LOWING DATES: FED. (I, JO: 00 A. M.J FED. HI, I) A. M. FEB. SO, 1:00 P. M.; FED. U7, H:00 A. M. TICKETS ON SALE AT PORTLAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, MB AND OAK STREETS, PORTLAND. Phono 85-J. O. II. LANDERS, Aftl IT DC TRAWSPDRTATIONG I Semi-weekly servico Coos Bay and San flrancisco. STEAMSHIP RFDDNDO WILT SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY WEDNESDAY, FERRUARY 17, AT ai'. St Equipped with wireless and submarlna octL Passengers and freight. si i s 1 Equipped with wireless and submarine belL Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY FRIDAY, FERRUARY 10, AT H V1 Ban Francisco office, Greonwich street pier No. 23 inif fifin 17ifn ltiiilrlinrr. Coos Bay Agent, O. P. McGeorqe, Phono 4i FREianT, All L ITl Ti BTORACE E STEAMERS -SAIL FltOM- flan FrancUco Pier No. 2G. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Coos Bay Every Friday To Portland Aud Tuesday To San Francisco Portland AlbersDockNp.l Erery Saturw 9 A.M. IMione 278. THOMAS H. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock lUnihS- LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. . 4AAte.AAAAAAA For Rest lieMilts n T ' t , .,.... PAINTING, PAPERING and ) t ' LAWKtIMUE HOTEL I I I SOUTH COOS RIVER bO-W j SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS lenvca Mnrblifleld eveiT ' j 8 o. in. lAjnves head of rn j nt a: 15 p. ni. STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river W" n. in. Leaves MarsHeld rjr j in. For charter apply on w"" ROGERS & WTH Proprietors DECORATING E. F. LE MIEUX Paper and Paint Storn I !JO No. Front St. l"'ono 1I5.R In the Heart of Marshfield Wall t All OUtslde Rooms. Ktt-n llont unr nnn t'owi ivnSSi'iNjni'i Water, MATT L. MAV Western Oregon Represent" nAATmiOTHKna i fmnorters nnd Wholesale ur . i rmairna jjarsuneiu, '',,. y I4-R. Res. Myrtw, Tel. 804 r 'J 'iiiii'pnm'1 wiffpws'"aw lTTWH "H "wvMw,l UIW r- rar'tTr j glWiyrrr 7fmwvr'wvmwninrirf''rr':.