II nmmmmmmmmm, !VtM J'T-nww tmW&TPKUisKtotni- THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 19 15-EVEHIN6 EDITIOM. FOUR "'TPfil i m EXHUM E RUSSELL '5 and Jack nml Mars Monson mor.d. I MUIKIK l'AUTV 4, Mrs. W. !!. Kennedy entertained nt two tables of bridge last Tues day afternoon, followed by lunch con. Her guests were Mrs. A. E. Adelsperger, Mrs. J. S. Hanson, Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. A. O. Rogers, Mrs J, charming hospitality Wednesday to tho members of tho Royal Auc tion Drldgo Club. Club prize was won by Mrs. Otto Schetter and the guest nrlzo was awarded to Mrs. t ier, Elton Dean, John, Ben, MONDAY. Good Tlmo Club with Miss Alpha Mauzcy. Thlmblo Club Valentino party at homo of Dr. and Mrs. I. D. Dartlo. Mrs. Hugo Qulst and Mrs. George. F. Murch at Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stadden entertain at studio. TUESDAY. Brldgo Club with Mrs. W. A. Toyo. Christian Slslorhood with Mrs. Gcorgo Craig in Bunker Hill. North Bend Catholic Guild with Mrs. A. Hoolllng. Ladles' Guild nt hall. Mrs. Hugo Qulst and Mrs. Gcorgo F. Murch nt Bridge Eastsido Ladles' Aid with Mrs. W. W. Stcckol. WEDNESDAY. Bay City Ladles' Aid with Mrs. A. FoBter. Presbyterian Auxiliary with Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy. rrlscllla Club wllh Mrs. William Phillips. Auction Brldgo Club with Mrs. A. 0. Rogers. BaptlBt Ladles' Silver Tea with Mrs, J. T. Byera on South Fifth street. B. P. 0. D. Dancing Party at Masonic Hall. THUR8DAY. Alert Club with Mrs. Ed Noah on Cooh River. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Carl Evortsen. FRIDAY. Norwegian Lutheran Y. P. S. at church hall. N. D. Thlmblo club with Mrs. R, B. Hazor. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. II. Hocck at North Bend. SATURDAY. Mlnno-Wls Valentino party at homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Porklno on 18th and El- rod. I ELK'S DANCK I Mnrkhatn. Tho prst wr Mr. DeSbert Benson, Mr, A lVnn, .Mrs. M. A, IHan, Mr. X, Monson, M'MIe and Louttte Monwn. Greta Wker, Kdlth Mara. Mr X Mcnton. Mr. D. Benson, Bert, Hoy and Ernest Peterson. Joe, Allan, .Abo and George Roberts, Arthur, 'George. Chaa. J. and Will McC.il- noon, r.an .MarKiinm, jarara air.-(1 ti.....L L.ni:Nn(!n llechner, Harry Benson, Walter Pe-'MorC TllOrOUgh Investigation ,terscn, Arthur Ferrari, wan wai BODY SECOND T ME Dave Ray- of Alleged Poisoning Case Near Myrtle Point fSneclal to The Tlmos.) COQt'ILLE, Or., Feb. IB. District Attorney I.lljcqvlst and Sheriff John son have had tho remains of Arthur Russell, the rancher near Myrtle Point who Is alleged to have been poisoned about three years ngo, dis interred again and additional organs sent to tho chemist nt Portland for analysts. This action Is supposed to indicate that tho chemist nt least Mrs Larscn Mrs R K Doo?h found strong Indications that tho son- Mrs. Larson, Mrs. it. k. uoom. gntonn, ft of Wnu Pcntnntl( ctjn. story ccrnlng tho polBonlng, had Boino niHlntlnn llntimnnP tttrt aim I t t a ItOYAL VVCTION I M nt,l. tiiililtn -ntivHifnr Mrs. R. K. Booth dispensed her J concerning tho developments In tho case, Nothing further has been hoard from Pentland, although It. Is expect ed ho will' turn up If developments show that he Is desired. It Is stated kvo,i ivttL-n,-.. rntnv mf mob ni pnt b inni reminmi nns nu connection wuii wcro served by tho hostess to tho tno caso excepi as n witness ami con following guests: Mrs. A. L. House worth, Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzor, Mrs, Tho rogular monthly dancing par ty of tho Marshflold Lodgo of Elks will bo given next Wednesday ovo nlng nt tho Masonic Hall. JOLLY 1 )()- :.v At tho mcotlng of tho Jolly Dozen Club last Wodnosdny nftornoon with Mr. H. M. Alueo In Bay Park, tho ladlcB decided to glvo Mrs. Honry OIbcii, who Is III nt Morcy Hospital, a Valentino nhowor. Mrs. R. F. Bush had chargo of tho cntortain mont for tho aftomoon and sup plied each ono with matorlnl for a Valentino, which was to bo mado and Inscribed with nn appropriate vottti. A number of tho pretty llt tlo symbola wcro thus constructod, Mrs. Clirlatonson winning tho prlzo. In two wooks, MrB. Brockmuollor will ho hoHtosa and Mrs. Chrlston on will havo chargo of tho ontor tnluniont. Mrs. Albco'H Hpcclnl guchts woro Mrs. Win. Arclinr, who asslnlcd In Borvlng dainty Vofrcsh. inoiit, MrB. E. Kolloy, Miss 8. 81m-onst-n and MIbs Besslo Flanagan, llio nionibors present wcro Mrs. F. M. Mnrhoffor, Mrs. ChrlBtoiiBon, Mra. Davis, Mrs. Hush, Mrs. John son, Mrs. Robs, Mrs. Brockmuollor, ml Mrs. Alboo. PARTY AT THMPLI'TroX A most dullghtful iprogroBslvo wl.lst party wns given by MIbs Mil Ho MoiiHon nt her homo In Tomplo ton Wednesday nlglit. In honor of lnr brothor's, John Mohboh'b, birth day. DoIIcIouh rofrcshmonts woro nerved at a lato hour, tho hostess being assisted In serving by Mlsa E. E. Etraw, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Mrs. Otto Schotcor, Mrs. M. C. Ma lonoy, Mrs. Hlrsch, Mrs. G. A. Ben nett. Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. War ren Painter, Mrs. W. F. McEldowncy, Mrs. F. W. Powers; ' Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy and Mrs. Mnlr Dano, who will recelvo tho members as guests In two woeks. IWttiSIlYTKIUAX LADIES Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Shlmlan had ns guests last Wednesday aftomoon, tho Ladles' Aid of tho North Bond Prcabytorlnn Church, who biiBled thoniBcIvcs with sewing and nt tho cloeo of tho pleasant afternoon Mrs. Shlmlnn, assisted by MrB. V. E. Wnttors, sorved appetizing refresh monls to tho following ladles: Mrs. It I nlnrn Xfro Mnll MpPlnnil. Mrfl It.' C. Holinos, 'Mrs. C. A. Smith, ! or Armstrong lias I mniionllv linn nn ronnnn fnr flpolntr. I Offenders KscnKMl. I Deputy Gamo Warden Thomas nr- rlved hero today from a trip to Curry county. Near Eckloy ho arrested some parties for violating tho deer law, It being charged that they had been killing fawns. Ho hnd them In custody all night and tho next day) wnno prncccuinR lownru .umiiu roim ho and tho pnrty stopped to shoot a strnngo species of owl. During tho stop tho offender escaped In tho brush and two hours' search failed to locate him. Mr. Thomas says ho will get him later. Watson Ih Better. County Judgo James Watson was ablo to bo nt tho court houso today aftor being confined for ton days with la grippe. Tho county commission ers nro in session. It Ib expected that tho fato of P. M. Hall-Lowls ns county rondmnstor will soon bo decided, Sluco Commlsslon- turned against SALE TWO-FOR-ONE NOW AT ITS MAXIMUM- See Windows and Papers for Prices Largest and Biggest Value-Giving Sale Ever Held in Marshfield Is Now at It's Best. Keep Your Eye on the Clausen Shoe Sale Marshfield ,Myrtle Point Bandon Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. "MONEJ TALKS" DEFER ACTION II Mrs. Cox, Mrs. V. 13. Wattcrs, Mrs. J. Mondo, Mrs. D. A. Rose, Mrs. Georgo Hazcr, Mrs. Robert McCann, Mrs. G. Mnndlgo, Mrs. Annn Larson, Mm A. Austin, Mrs. Hants, MIsb Vera Cox. Tho aid will meet igaln In two weeks for a special session In tho church parlors when Mrs. Mrs. Georgo Mandlgo, Mrs. J. Mondo, Mrs. R. McCann, Mrs. Hevenor, Mrs. aoo. Hartman, and Mrs. Elmer Rus sell will bo hostesses. . . I BIRTHDAY PARTY I In colobrntlon of her sixth birth day, MIbs Lolsel Craig outertnlned eight llttlu girls nt an aftomoon cf f'jn and frolic nt her homo In Bun ker Hill InHt Thursday nftornoon. Jco cream, cako, fruits and loin Hall-Lowls, who was largely Instru mental In securing Armstrongs' ro election, It Is not believed that Hall Lowls can hold sccuro re-election as roadmnstor. fn Dunuitro SiiKh. Mr. Clarke of Browstor Valley has NEW1NLETBRIDGE Port Commissioners Expect to Have Enough Money to Finish Entire Project I shoal until the tho channel Is widen ed to 300 feet. This nmountB io ai least a month's work by tho dredging company at no cost to tho Port. When tho project was undertaken it was understood that tho bond Ibsuo would completo It entirely and for this rcaB on, stated Mr. Miller, his company wishes to bco tho chnnnel completo. It Is expected that this work will bo finished somo tlmo about tho mld dlo of April. According to C. R. Peck attorney for tho Port, tho bond Ibsuo will bo lnrgo enough also to In cludo what blasting must bo dono down tho bay. "And oven If thnt That tho Port of Coos Boy Is now receiving its Inlet dredging nt tho ' ,npti10ti 0f straightening tho channel rnto of fivo cents n cubic yard 1 18 0t satisfactory." ho saltl. "It would bo a very easy mntter to go nrounu tho shoal It would mako llttlo dlf foronco In tho channel." Refuse Pcrluim Offer. Tho offer of E. G. Pcrhnm that ho would drain tho north arm of Mill that thorcforo thb committee bo r Moves It would bo n hard matter to got It for less through tho purchaso of or building of a dredgo was tho announcement made at n special mooting of tho Port Commissioners lust Snturday evening. Final action SIoilgh 111 lt nml ,,Ml !n n drnfnngo I regarding tho dredgo, howover, wns deforred until tho three members of tho commlttoo havo had moro tlmo onndo woro sorved by tho hostOBS to lior gucHts, who woro tho llttlo MIhroh Mnrv Rlctor. Vista Swnrts. Myrtlo Robs, Harriot Flatnor, Sarah check nnd ondorsod Jnckson's namo Holmes, Floronco Edwards, Mario nnu casnou u. no was caugni ny proscnted a bill to tho county court for Investigation. Those who havo for $r00 becaiiBo n rock rolled down, this,' matter under udvlsomoiit nro a hlllsldo and Btruck him, bronklng. CommlBslonors A. H. Powers, Poter his nrnit etc. Ho wns on tho county Logglo nnd Engineer Chnrlcaon. rood at tho tlmo. Wnltor Ruhl also with tho original port project has a claim In for $2000 for an arm nenrng coim,ictlon tho Commission lost In an oxplos on In tho xiounty rock' ors received tho announcement of quarry last fall. District Attorney Supt Mlor of Ul0 Pugot SoMnil Llijocivlst Is looking after tho cases nrldgo & Dredging Company, that ror tuo countj. thoro ,B R BmnU (l,mtity of rock r-i . n. . .i1"0 - I : ii,. bothering them nt present off Rocky n,nC ?.8h"n,8.l).?0Mna(,0'1 Point Bhonl nnd that tho beat way tho bunch of offenders in tho county of hnndnB tJl0 .Hfflcutly would bo in J' - ShM? & " ,nr contnlntVto send down n small crow of men HMnW. fn -mw m ,"," n'""' ! It thO.,1 blast. Shlolds to anothor named H. B. Jack- ... ...... , son, to mall. Instead of mailing tho1 . Ho pointed out thnt thoro Is great lottor ho opened it. took out tho "Bor 'bik no uri-uga acmio uvur mi' uur ii biiu io lunuu uwn uu Grnudoll and Agnes Llndobcck, CONCERT PROGIUSl. Tho following Is tho program for tho concert to bo given nt tho Lomnn ski Thontor tomorrow evening. Tho curtnln rises nt 8:10: Program. Violin. 1. Sonata in U minor (Dovlls Prill) Tartlm Voico. 'i. Btandchon Strauss Tram ducli dlo Dammorung Strnuss PubbIoIno Wolfo Zur Hull, V.wr Ituh Wolfo Violin. 3. (a) Romnnso RuhonatQln-Wolnawskl (h) Chnnzonottn ... d'Ambroslo 4. Mother O' Mlno TourH Down In tho Forest . , . Ronald A Llttlo Winding Rand ..Rmald A Birthday Cowcu Violin. (i, (a) Llpbeslold Krolslor (Ii) Lloresfrend Krolslor G. Mou Col u u S'owuo n ta volx Saint ...' Snlns Spring Flowers Rolnecko (With obllgato) Llliliy COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery aud Transfer Company, ,, PALACE MA It Kin? makes BEST FRANKFURTERS. Sheriff Qulno nonr Camas whllo trying to got awny. vnlloy BO SCDDTSIHY BE REORGANIZED Rocky Point, whoro tho current Is swift nnd whoro thoro Is no nnchor ngo for tho craft. Also Mr. M"lllor do clUrcd thnt tho compnny Ib paid ac cording to tho cubic yardago and that tho. small ninout of rock thoro Is nl rondy Bvoj)t cloar of any Bodlmont and thoroforo tho dredgo would bo I useless at thnt point. I Engineer Charleson today went buying n boat has now boon tnkon ! lown in n diving sun aim waucc. U) wlt Cnpt Sw, or Ul0 Trnm about on tho bottom of tho bay and,-' ... . . ,. system for $3000 wns thought too high. Tho commissioners state that tho filling of tho area is not their project. A now offer will bo naked for from Mr. Porham. Tho shipping report of Honry DIors, of North Bond, wns received, hut was rofcrrcd again to him that ho might Boparato and list Individual ly tho roport on tho Port Orford co dar shipments from Coos Bay and also tlioso of Cnscara bark. Tho re port will bo ready for publication In n fow dnyB. boaTdeal fails Plan to Buy Randolph l)itipHMl mill Tramp may ho .Secured Gcorgo Wilson started for Coos Bay Monday morning, authorized by a company of locnl mon to pur chaso tho gasoline launch, Tramp, providing sho'nu bo bought nt a reasonable figure. T?io deal pond ing for tho purchaso of tho Ran dolph for somo reason failed to materialize, and tho propoa.t.on of , - j,' IS DROWNED AT GARDINER Kntl Plei-Mon from Tillamook Loses . Life Whllo Swimming to Boat. GARDINER, Or., Fob. 1C Earl Plorson, whoso homo Is near Tilla mook, wus drowned In tho Umpqua River nt a point this side of Bnrrott's landing known ob tho Mlddlo Lands, Sunday aftomoon, whllo nttomptlng to swim out to a bont which hnd got ten looso from its moorings nnd wns drifting away. It appoarB that n par ty of sovoral porsons, Including Plor son, loft Gnrdlnor Sunday nftornoon on tho launch Washington for tho purposo of going to tho Middlo Lands to got claims. Arriving at this point tho launch was anchored In (loop wntor nnd a rowhoat was used to con voy tho party to tho flats whoro tho clams were to ho found. Aftor nr rlvlng nt this point tho bont was se cured, 'as was thought,' hut In somo way lt becamo loosened aud drifted away from tho place whoro lt had bcon fastened Into deep wntcr. Plor Bon, who claimed to bo n good bwIiii mgr, voluteerod to swim out to tho bont and bring It back. Ho was ad vIbciI not to try It as tho water was very cold, but ho persisted. Taking off his coat and boots, ho started to swim out to tho boat. Which wbb slow ly drifting nway. Whan nonrly to tho boat ho was scon to turn ns If to como back and nt tho samo tlmo hits head disappeared boncatli tho water. Com ing to tho surface again, ho wns heard to call on co and then sank, no ono ho Ing ablo to render him any iiBfllBtnnco. As soon ns possible parties camo to Gnrdlnor and procuring nssl:tanco nnd grappling hooks, rot u mod to tho plnco whoro Plorson dlsnppcnrcd and In a short tlmo tmeceeded In bringing tho body to tho surface, thonco bring ing it to Gnrdlnor. A messago wns Immediately souk to tho young man's family, who live near Tillamook, and word wns received from his father to ship tho remains to Salem. Tho do ceaBcd was about nlnotcon years of ago and had bcon living In this com- Sunday Afternoon Meeting En dorses Plan for Expending Youngster's Energies Rovivnl of tho Boy Scout movo- inont was tho result of tho mcotlng hold yosturuny nttomoou In tho itiuii torium of tlio ptiullc library. Tho gathering was culicd by tho women of tao entireties and cluus of tho city who sought somo moans of establish ing u municipal Sunday Bchool and also for taking euro of tho younger I boys on Sunday attoriiooiis. Thai tno Boy Scout movement Is tho proper motuod for Young Amorl cn to oxert nnd lot out Its abundant energies In tho right direction was tho belief of tho representative men who woro present. Mrs. W. F. McEldownoy, tompo- rnry chairman, explained to tho men tho caiiuo of tho muutlng, asking' tlioin for their opinions on tho ques-' tlon that alio stated had long been a . i distressing ono In tho city. .Mrs. Har- wlll roport back to tho Port Commis sion. It Is hollovcd thnt with n smnll amount of blasting what rock thoro Ib will bo Immediately washed out to ! Ben by tho heavy current. In lion of working off Rocky Point Mr. Mlllor suggested that tho dredgo bo kopfat work off tho Pony Slough Orford Tribune. Tho Inttor boat though smaller thnn tho Randolph, is ono of tho host llttlo son boats on tho coast. Sho has good powor and running from Coos Bnv and llnmlon will clvo Port Orford good service Port Golden Gate Coffee Week mm DON'T DELAY Get your candidate in the Field early. Nominate your friend today to go to the Panama Exposition at our expense. !M , NOMINATION BLANK I nominate (Na mo ) (Address) Phono IQQ.J. - ry NuBburg outlined tho plan of tho ' women for a largo Sunday school, I tuia iu uu luniiii iii eiiurno uy llio older mou who would bo looked to as advisors. A year ago a company of Boy Scouts was formed on Coos Buy, ox-, plained tho men, and probably would havo been a success hnd not tho' leader of tho movement moved away. I As lt was tho company In a mouth In creased from 12 to 50 members. Six members woro appointed on n' committee to investigate tho re-es-i tabllshment of n company horo. They are Row Robert Browning, chairman, ' Royal Nlles, Vernon Smith, Charles' Smith, W. A. Reld and A. B. Gidloy. ' Among tho mon who woro presont yesterday aud who promised to nld, in tho work were Judge Coko, E. p. I Lewis, Vernon Smith, Charles Smith, ! 1 1 null MiI.nln. TnMiiin Mnllnvln I A. Reld,, Harry Nasburg, A. B. Gid loy, J. W. Motley, Rov. Brownlug, Vrlnclpal Walto and Ben Swanton, TIiIh Coupon Woith 1000 A'olos. Only Ono (l) Nomination Mnnk allowed to each iniidldnto OBTAIN FULL INFORMATION FROM Red Cross Drug Store one week only FEBRUARY 15to20. 1915, l' WILL BE OBSERVED BY C. W. WOLCOTT NOR'Nl FRONT STREET Phono 07-J. Bring Your Coupons to Us YOU AUTO CALL 1 K5N N'Kht and 1). White Elephant GrtQ uoou unrs. CarWali I). L. footi:, AIN'T IT THH .mCTH. Wo novor blamo the Ullor V our pants wo hare to pi, TTFn MnwA 1.1-. .L. .. ho uuu uiuuio ma IBM sal when our soles grow eld uj thin, Wo novor blamo th lijjrl whou our lldi ire hti A flout, But wo always ':m tbll dry whon o... onlrti WMtJtl COOS BAY BTBAM UtJMll Iliouo 07-J, Low Rates for Handling Tnin Wo haul trunks betneftotiih In Mnrsliriold and do goceril 1 for reasonable- ratos. STAR TRANSPKR & 6T0RA91 Iiovl Hclsncr, rroprittet riioncsi lo-j. 4U-U, HAVE THAT ROOF FIXB NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. SMITH'S VARIETY Stt North Bend, for Fancy and Don CHINA . COQUlLLi: MAN TO ' J1KAI) B.NIH)N SCHOOL ' BANDON, Or., Feb. in. Tho Bchool board elected as superintendent of tho Bandon schools for next jear Prof. Turnbow, principal of tho Co- qulllo schools. Ho is a grad- ' j uuto of tho Unlvorslty of Mln- ' i nobota with a 11. A. degrco, nml Mrs. Turnbow Is n grndu- mo or inoi'iiivorsitj of Mlchl- Kan. .' 45c Coffee 15c Quality Our object is to give everyone a chance to note the difference between 45 cent coffee and cheap er grades. Hand the coupon io our uroccr at lour door or at lilt nore. II ho hii no Folgfr'i Golilen Gate follce he can pel the special value olfvred at we cheerfully for ward him a tinsle package at trade price, throueh any channel he designates. He nukes his regular piotit. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 10c to 50c IF PRCSCNTCO AT GROCERS FEBRUARY 1 5th to 20th, 1915 FOLGER'S GG0i?EEN COFFEE Recutar Speclit sal pries retail prico with coupan t t TINS .45 .30 2 " " .85 ,65 D i.UU I.OO . Grocers will colltcl the difference from us ENTER YOUn ORDER BELOW llliN T 0J3,. W'MmMSg Livm:mmm, illfllP J. A. FOI-GER & CO., Sn Francisco Bring Your Golden Gate Coffee Coupons TO THE MODEL CASH GROCERY 86 Commercial Avenue Phone 433 l'AIUHIAN CLKANIXO DYKING WOHKI) 200 West Market Art., ' Second Street Undor now mnnagomwit low. and nil work iaif Ladles work a ipwW Phono 17G-J. J. H. sti:t IVop. SAVE MONEY HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton J Lump Coal, por ton J Or. half ton of both ....; I). MUS5U.V Phono 18-J or leave w' lllllycr'a Cifiur DRY MP AT fiAHPBELL'S WOODY Nortlt Fro Btrm Phone S7W- WE WILL ACCEPT Golden Gate ' I Coffee Conapoms THIS WEEK .Bring Them Here PURE FOOD GROCERS Central Avenue T. J. SOAII'U $ A.IM Marshfield jfti$ KHllmutcs FurntoW I'lmna llll.lt. SlarsliHeH HOTEL iii vwFL THP COOS IPnrTnnrlT Of MM?' WASHINGTON AVEJ nrnnTTf UHND O. A. Metlin, W Pictures &frai Walker Studio Times' Want A: Bring Re l "iiaKifi r-Mnr-in SfigusrdMSa