m&&em tu tiw Mtfili TW ttiHi 1 y. ..- f 'sssssmBss" ' mwiw,1BmWsM iJttttlU M ldrtiiwvj!r Wh iw'iwwiwijmi 'gpHWHi nil nlrJJj JlllllttitiMWIIIlBBM ""rFfFJOOb BAT lHVltb, SirRiMrlfcL'V UHtUUIV fc fWiB MUJM.1MW grfffg February 9, 1 9 1 5 l s D"' H iiiuii school NOTES. - - f -; CENTRAL SCHOOL XOTES Pupils to whom the Golden M j Ml&s Edith McLeod who will has been awarded for athlotlc i teach the primary grade 0f the prowess have organlzad what is called "The Ooldon 'M' " Club. Its officers arc William McDonald, prov ident; Arthur Lyon, Secretary. Officers of Congress for (ho sec ond semester were olocted Tuomlay night at the regular mooting. They nro President, Erlck Storgard; clorlc, Hay Davis; assistant cjerk, Ignatius Chapman; sorgcant nt arms, Clihrnor Wright. Principal Turnball, of Coqulllo High School, accompanied his ban ket ball team on thoir rocont trip to Mnrshflolcl for their gamo with ttio local team. There nto 147 boyc taking shop work this semester. Grades four, live and six of Hid Willi Schuul building, nro "boy gradi'fc," each lmvlng botwoon IT. and 30 boys enrolled. Luncheon wag servod by ono dilslon of tho advanced cookl'ti-clitf-s Thursday. Guests to tho num ber of 30 woro served. Tho hours for outsiders at tliu gym liavo been definitely fixed ns follows: ' UuslnesB men. Tuomlay and Tlirsday night, 7 to 0, also Wadnos d'ay and Saturday afternoons from r. to C:30. Business women Monday and Wednesday night, 7 to 9. Tho building Is now open for use Admission cards will bo nccossnry. (let those from Jmljto Hall. 4 SOUTH MAHSHFIELD SCII()()1 first iiai'Tist cumcii Albort F. Dassfoid. M. A. Residence 663 So. 11th street 59-X Tllliln School lit 10 8. m.. with now Coos River consolidated school' graded classes and cotniwtsnt teach- spent Thursday visiting the "r8t ;crVo,shlp at n h.m. nd7:30 p.m. and socond grades. wjth sermons by Pastor Rassford. Mosdames .1. II. Flanagan, J. It. cordial welcome Is extended tc Coko. inn! M. L. Hanson, visited the! all second grade tho pnit wok. UNITED HRETHHHX CIIUHCH I XOUTII REND 1 A numbor of children .living on Central nvonuo have been trans ferred to the High School building Mrs. H. X. Lewis. Pastor In ordor to rollove tho crowded I Sabbath School at 10 a. m. ,., Christian Endeavor at i p. m. ,,' ,.,,.,, , , Proarhlng at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Lincoln s birthday was obsorvod , prayer Meeting Wodnesday ova very uulotly. In tho lower grados, Qlng at S o'clock, storlos, songs and nnocdolos of his j llfn wnrn 1'lvnn In rnnnnnllnn Willi I 4 ...W ..w.w n..(. ... - .-. .... ........... .. ... ,.. ..-MM .MJIITII lll'.-MI IllilftI KV. CIIUHCH I 1 11.. rt n..n MlMMl.t , .urs. n. uiobs, tuiuifitut- NOTI On and after the above date nil good sold In our MEN'S and HOYS' DEPARTMENTS will bt sold for CASH OXLY. We came to this tleclslon after n enroful study. We know thut )ou will agree with us that selling goods on a cash basis will be much better for all concerned. We will now be In a position to tell our merchandise on n i loser margin of profit and our customers will derive the benefit Our motto Is to satisfy nr.d please all our patrons AT ALL TI.MKS. Any goods, bought which are not entirely satisfactory can be returned and your money will be cheerfully refunded. We solicit your patronage. The Parisnaira Important Notice to tho dally work. The children have greatly onjoy od tho new folk dance records ro omily purchased with part of tho oritcrtHlnuicnt fund. Proachlng nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Hlble School. 10 a. m. Sunday School at 12 Sunday. Heading room open ovory dny sxcopt Sundays and Holidays from 1 to 4 p. m. FOURTH GRADE The following pupils hn'd perfect lessons In spelling tho past week: j xomvKOIAN ,,UT,.:i,AX. Sielln Lash, Clayton Drlscoll, Irene jjov. II. O. Thorpo D-.nn, Violet Moffltt, Edward Wll-I Services will bo hold In tho Nor son, JulliiM Mulson, Edith Erlcson, , woglan Lutheran church at Maish (luorge Why and Huso McUIiiiiIm. ' fl"1(l Sunday t 1 1 a. in. Edna Kronbolm, Annlo Olson, Sunday school meets nt 10 a. m. Oliver Ilalrd, Floyd llalnl. Louis ' Services will bo held In llwMi iini.,..o ,,,.,i, r.i ,..i . woglan Lutheran Chapel at North Halllnser, llutli Oolng and Agnos , IIurf( SllIltlHy at 7:.r, ,,. ,. IN FIRST AND A FTK It COSTS FORD TIIEY SAVE YOU MONEY- CARS ISAAC R. TOWER Agent Coos and Curry Counties. "THE aUNXEKY" Front Street Marsh field, Ore. Kulju rocolvod 100 per cent In the i Icngungu tost. Sunday school at 10 a. iu. II EIGHTH (1HADK. FIFTH r:i(AK. ! I EPISCOPAL CIIUHCH. The A division have boen study-' ' IZvnrtnr. ltd about cotton this weok. Those j g n. , jjoly Communion, handing In tho beat papers on thoi 9:n n. in. Sunday School, subjoct wore Vorn Albreoht, Lavlim j n a ,, jtornlug sarvlco and ser Paintor and Arthur Johnson. ,, Text: "What lias Collapsed, Those making excellent grades In Christianity or Christians?' Alton and Illlmore Grant, of J n In"Kua twit this weok were La-, S,)ecHi MrvCe on Ash Wednesday Coos Hlver, entered tho gride on!Hm ,u,"ia'' " w"' ,i"l- this coming week at 10 n. m. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- hna been a hobby with ub for a good many years and a lot of our cuBtomcrs will toll you when it comes to gcttlt.g good, sound, durable f mining mnterlal at the right prlr.o wo know our bust ncss. Jiiot tell what you wnnt to build nud the amount you want to spond and wo'll gut busy with our pencil nnd figure out the boit your nonoy can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIL DEPAHTMHXT CCT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO JlY U.HIXG OUH WOOI1 PHOVI! ino 1KU SOUTH HKOADWAV Monday. CIqsbos In basket ball nnd swim ming woro organized In tho grade thin week. Daskct ball practlco on Thursday afternoon and swimming or. Tuesday aftornoons. SIXTH GHADE. Pupils who havo 100 per cont In thoir spoiling tho past weok nro CronJIo Xohlo, Horschol Clausen, Margaret Powers, Jonnetto Wilson, Irono McPliorson. FIFTH GHADE. Thoso pupils mn'do no mlHtnkos In spelling this week: Herbert .Mur phy, Howard PohI, Elwln Cliurch, Emerson Noff, Thulma Illack, Wil liam Watts, Donald (lldley and Don SoroiiBon. v FOUHTH GHADE In tho Rpolltng tost for tho weok tho following had 100 por cent: Loma Wilson, Hilly McArthur, Mark lloono, Oordoti Noff, Esther Wlstl, John NordBtrom, Alfrod McElro.", Elbort NotBh, Allco McKlnnon, Dick both Flanagan and Vera Albrocht SIXTH GHADK. Twenty-sovon of the tblrly-slx pu puplls In this grado have subscrib od for Curront Events, which will bt used In the roadlng work. Xo service at N'orth Ilend or Em pire. I SEVENTH DAV ADVEXTISTS. Local Elder, J. IS. Quails. Seventh Day Advontist services aro . ., .. . ,,', ,,. i conducted ovory Saturday as follows: ...u ...,-n.u,, i-uunuuivi. i.. Sabbath School at J.0 a. m. study of Alaska this wook. Views j niblo Study at 1 1 u. in. of Alaska woro furulshod by .lunios Young People's Society at 3 p. m. Eddy of tho A Division. Prayer Mooting Wednoeday nt In n tost glvon on. tho subject 7:30 ''' In ... , ... oxcollent gradns woro mado by '. . 4 Clinton Woodruff, lono McMurphy, CHHIKTIAX CIIUHCH Lucllo DouglnB, Lucllo McLoln, Maud Sninuel Qregg. MlnlBtor, . . ,.... ,. 1.. i,M,in.i.i -' noslilonce, 280 North Eleventh ' "' """ , Phono 402. bon Lyon and Stolla Clirlstonsoii. 1 Sorvlcos ns follows nt tho Church, corner Sixth and Contrnl: llogulur servlcos overy Sunday. Illblo Sohool at 10:00 a. m. Prfliiolilnir Kurvli'n 11 n. in. nnil Mr. Harrington, representative of 7:ao p. m. tho ExtuiiHlon Depnrtnioiit of the 1 ... ... . Oregon Agriculture College, guvej nn Intorostlng talk to tho agricul ture class Thursday afternoon. Tho class Is studying tho germination of seeds Marshfield-North Bcud-Empire Auto Service Leaves Mnrslirioht nt Husy Coiner 10:1)0 a.m. ' 11:00. p.m. .":()() p.m. Leaves Xorth lloutl 15 111I11. iitcs Inter Leaves Empire. 8::i() a.m. 11::U) n.m. .'L'ilO p.m. A SEVENTH GHADE AND It EIGHTH GHADE. CllltlSTIA.V SCIENCE Christian Silence Hull. S37 Third Streot North Servlcos -at 1 1 a. 111.. Sunday nnd Mr. Harrington showed S p. in. Wednesday. BENNETT TRUST CO. MARSHFIELD, COOS CO., OREGON Capital, surplus and ui.dlvldod profits 125,000.00 OFFICEHS: J. W. Hennott, Prosldont Arthur MoKeown, Secrotnry Tom T. Hennett, Vlco President Hennott Swnnton, Troasuror Tr.iiimicts a trust business only. Acts us trustoe of oxpross trusts nud also as executor and administrator or estates. Tho only Trust Coinpnny In Orogon outside of Portland organized under now trust law In this stato. Walter, Marshall Jloatty, Cecil Doll, I Ulcm ll0U. ,() ironuro ft ,,ox 0 ,,,, j Subject, -Soul." Lester Post, Myrtlo Conklln, VIr glnln Joliiison. Visitors to tho room woro Mrs. KoonU nnd Mrs. MoElroy, Thoso who hnd perfect spollliig IcHSOiiB this week aro Alma Wolsur, Archlo Snow. Alfrod MoElroy, El bert Nolsh, Virginia Johnson, Geo. Murphy, Lculer Post, Graco McKI roy, Wnltur Snuddun, Lillian John son, Albert Wubbor. TIIIIID GHADE. Thoso pupils hnvo hnd 100 In spoiling for tho past wook: Mnrgurot Wood, Hetty Frlzoan, Augustus Hoffman, Jnsephlno Savage, Karluo Soronson, Floyd Scott, Floronpo At kins, Floronco Knrdoll. Paul Johnson has had porfoct los eons In arithmetic for n wook. llltST GHADi:. Mrs. JoIiiihoii nud Mm. Thorpu visited tho loom thin weok, Lolltn Lapp ruturiiud to sohool after a wook'u absouuo on nccoupt of Illness. Huth Snow Is n now pupil In tho room. luniiMmiiiiuniiiiiiiiiin- , n v 1 they may watch nud compare tho ViirlniiH Hnnila unriiilniilliiir. mm... ,.n...i" "... i.., ,a I OATHOLIO CIIUHCH iii iiniuniiiN iiiiiin rutwivuii inw i S'OltTII HI'N'I) por cent In tho weekly nrlthmolle Hov. Fathor McDovItt tost: I Muss will be celebrated Sunday I II Eighth Clniilo J0I111 llHlki!.!;"0""" nt 8 b' lll Uov- Fnt,lor Waller Fourlor, Edmi llawkman. William JosopliHOii, Olgn I.axtruin. I . A hoventli Grndo -Ague Johnson, ' 1 oitTII IlKND PHK Howard I .owls. Doris Hoiigsli.ckHii, Hev. P'roderbk Shli .Wallace. I.oMko Tliompsun. XOUTII HEND ItAIM'ISl'S O Tho idoctlcu of offlcni'M of the North Hon.l liaptlst Ladles Aid tKSHYTEHIAN I iiiIhii. Pastor . 1 Illblo school at 10 n. m. , Christian Endeuvor nt U: IS p. in . . ' .SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LITUHKAX CIIUHCH. Itev. H. F. Ilaugtson. Pastor. Heeldeni'e 2'Jt IllKliland nvonuo. lust Thursday afternoon resulted I'hnno Hl-lt. as rnlliiMs: Pro. Mr. 11. E. Evans, Sundiiy sclnol at 0: IT. a. in. ' Vlco Pros. Mra. .1. II. Clarke,! Sorvlcea II a. m. , . Mm. Fred (llnaler, Troas. - Nrlh Ilend scrvlco. 7:no p. in. ' Mm. L. (luriioR. ' Tht commlUeos reported a pros- .,. , -. . ;., . uszr&ssss-Ji' oluded and a subtiitlul lMlanc Sunday selionl at 10 n. 111. -I In tl.o truasury to liogln tho new your. 1 Morulug Service at 1 1 a. in. ! year. "The Dedicated Life." This will Present wore: Mrs. S. New- j lie Ihe second sermon of tho revival. 1111.11 Mm M..l.ut. AIIum MIhmI.. 1 .mi lAw.a rt....a.. I ..ln...l ...III I..J ......, MI.Vl VIHnj t ..liaV I'HHHIW I !.. IBIWB MH I PJ I.C?JinilW 1 1 Hlf( 'The End of the Way." ' Abstracts FOIt HELIAHLE AHSTHACTS OF TITLE AND INFDHMATION AHOt'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CITV, OHEGON GEXEHAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE ANDSENGSTACICEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOE C.WADI X PACIFIC HAILUOAD LANDS HL'NHV MENGSTACKEN, MANAGEH ISMtUIIW ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L. BRICE B. 118. P. 89. v v v - )Rfkir Mnii llt Ki WVHIWi Mnij J, I A A A"" I ' ! ' 1 1 " Clnrko. Mra. Fred (Hwrter. Mrs. Uveiilug service: "With tho Muster m ..n,.. n m. 1 ,. P Ul,m" au'' ,l8V' A K- " , " tho Way of Life." Tho "Girls Gj-rn Club' la tho ronl. All are cordially Invited, nnmo tho girls hnvo chosen for, ,hit ,..,,,, ,.., llian, ,,, , ,. Knworth l.e.xu. at -.ao n. m. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y 0 I New ModcU LADIES' CLEANING WORKS Wo tloFrcucli Dry Cleaning on the nut dclkato fabrics. Wo po.sl. lively guarantco all work Phono -llll-X. AddrosM :il Central Avenue. I CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. I DAY AXI) NIGHT SEHVICE I For taxi, phono 20, Chandler I Hotel. I For touring cars, phono 20 I Chandler Hotel i I LVXX LAMHETH, Prop. . j Xcw Cabi : : xew Cars 4 thojr athletic association: nud tho weeks. IIUSY I IE ItS Junior Leamia Servlru Thursilnvl hfternoon at 3: IB. I I Prayer Meeting Thursday ovou- ilng at 7:0 o'clock. colors will bo thoso worn hy the j Independents for years orange and 0 black. I Meeting nights at the gymnasium - . .. 4 nro set for Mondays and Wodues-I The Husy lloos are planning to l" MljTIIODIST CIIUHCH dayH from 7 to !i and the girls all give the life of Obrlat Iu bongs. ' I v. A. 8. lllsoy. Paetor. , ...! .... ..... ..... ........, ...... 1 ,.., ...... . North Hond uitiiiuniiioui;uu nuiiHi umi muj 11 i rvnuiiiaa nun iKMiniu i jmunuw ,. nai'vli.aa Smulov will )ir na bp ' there." Two and perhaps more evunlug Iu tUo North llend Chrlstluu 'follows: basket ball loams will bo for mod j Church. A gouerul Invitation Is, Sunday School at 10 a. m. from tho club to match the differ- j extended to all. j Vesper Clrolo and Kpworth League cut High School Qu.nte... J " ,&& hy tho pM(Qr nt u .. . Tho club has now upwnrds of , - , ,.,.,.,.,... , , aH(i j ., w fifty liiombors uud any girls wish- Sl'NDAV SCHOOL PAHTV I Jng to Join muy baud their appUca-1 - Hon to unv of tho offliors who In- Ur- W. . Wllaon and Mr. I CATHOLIC Cll UUCH I. .4 , "HENDERSON CORSETS" I also principal dU'rlbutort . "ONYX" and "CADET" ! HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend 2B Commutation Tickets $2.00 .1...1. i).., .ui, t,..,( mi, i),.i. u;,if. Duncan Poi'muboii aro ontertalnlusr i I MAHSlll'IEI.1) nunc, i iwM.v. .... v v- . -I m n, v ii.-...i . c.n kins, Vlco PrcEldout-Miss Ww i " J f Prcwuyw.-u mw- , --' - -;- "v '"v yro SocretarwM,s Ellon Hudnas. ' i-l !. on t mi : ;j J '" Treaiuror-MlM Madgo Sln.pwu. Kwiwon'. huwo u Feradale. ' V Uev- 'J .J'"' A. ...n n..mltn Irtfl. 'I'll. t ..Bill. V I V . ' At tho niccling lMt Thursday oycnlng, tho constitution and by laws presented by tho oommlttw woro adopted. - ill'SHJm. TS M" -..vm.'. "m" Times, Want Ads AVAVS I SISD. Pliuno "L. Pacific A I L!cry and 'Iraujfcr Company, Bring Results CHIMNEYS FIHE PLAGES J. N. BAYLISS Ai'y Kind of Hrck Work it Prices That Aro Right Ami all Work Giuuniitoed Call at "The Fireside." Johnson Bldg., 137 Second St. Phone 1S4-J. Frsnch Ranges, Holler Work D0TS0N HOTEL DOOM AND HOAUD $ti.r() IP Pill WEEK AND THEE MATH Stv.ii.l and CurlU Ao, IS. It, llMIHOk, Piop. Su UrhflelU..Vortli Ittnd'Aato Lln r ...ry ten inliititt-s trtun A . ttl to IU i. m.; to Hoiitli Slongli once n day, leaving at 11 a. nt.; to Empire l In co trips a day. GOKHT M KIVQ, Prop, gS5H2aS5p DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEX TO THE Pl'HLIO A regular Mate licensed uiidoi taker will llo In (li.ugo Phono 1II.-..1 'SSsffiSISS Property Owners GIVE US A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPERTY AND WE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU AMOUNT OF TAXES ON SAME. SHERIFF , DOES NOT NOTIFY YOU FIRST NATIONAL BIM OF COOS BAY So'ety Deposit Boxes For Rent. FLANAGAN & BENNETT UK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY KnImIiUhIioU 188V. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest Paid on Tlmo Dcponlts Officers: J. W. Hennett, President. J. II. FlamiKun. Vice-President. H. F. Williams, Cmdilcr. Goo. F. Winchester, Asm. CmMm. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAHT AND COMFOHTAHLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOHT1I PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEOHOE AOKNT W. H. PAI.VTEII Phono 44, Mnrahfiold Phono 421. North Deal EQUIPPED WITH WIHELICHH. SteamshJP Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILS FHO.M MAHSHFIELD DL'HIXG FEHHl'AHV OX Till'. F0U LOWING DATES: FEIt. (I, 10: (Ml A. M.; FED. lit, 0 A. M.; FKU. 1!, 1:00 P. .M.S FED. t!7, HiOO A. M. TICKETS OX SALE AT POHTLAXD CITY TICKET OFFICE, BID AND OAK BTHEET3, FOKTLAND. Phono as-a. o. n. landkhs, a ITEB BCE MISPDBT1TI Semi-wcnkly sorvico Coos Bay and San Francisco. El ID WILI SAIL FHOM SAN FHAXClSCtt FOH COOS HAY MONDAY, li-EHHUAHY 1.1, AT !l P. M. Equipped with wiroVess ind isubmarlae boll. Passengers and freight. STEJMSHP il HTH Equipped with wiroless and snbmai'ino boll. Passnnfrers and freight. WILL SAIL FOE HAN FHANCISCO FHOM COOS HAY TUESDAY, FEHHUAHY 1, AT 10 A. M. Ban Francisco office, Qrcomvich street pier Np. 23 and G00 Fifo building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. LfcQEORaB, Phono 44. FHEIGHT. 8TOR.CB AMU1 EST EAMERS -SAIL FHOM- 3nn Francisco I'ler No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Phono 278. Coos nay Every Friday To Portlund And Tuesdny To San Francisco THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albers Dock No. Eiery Saturair 9 A. M. MarsWl'1 LOT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable Imine illnto service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM O O S T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ! u mo uvari oi .Marsliflold SOUTH COOS IIIVEK BOAT SKHVICE LAUNCH EXPHKS3 leaves Mtirblifiohl every W 8 a. in. Lenvcs head of rii at 3:15 p. m. STEAMEH HAlNHOtf leaves head of river da" ' ' n. in. Leaves Mars'lleld t 3 P in. For clmrtcr apply on bow ' HOGEHS & HMITII Proprietors All Outside Rooms. on- iiejij ii vnniV,:lfl'i. Watpr '$ M.V1T L. MAY Western Oregon Represents" HAAS HHOTHKRS Impoi ters and Wholesale Groc Marslifleld. Oregon , . Tel. 304-H. Res. Myrtle v rTi t . AA EnggTTT' OiiaTrr apowwn L - w -ji ''"-