HOME AND FAHM MAGAZINE SECTION 13 ill Pickle in a New Role LBnlC0(1 ',?k3 of th,e ,conv"i?:l lessen- muttered now that Hob was tliero and Kors. It nconicd incredible to her they'd made up. flint nil Inanimate object could ex- "Why, you ee," she explained, press such liiBolcnce. "CJoltlleb. our cm-donm- . .in'S uv MAIUA C BCIfiaitMBRllOKN'. unhappy," nnd with a llttlo sob bIio fi-B .ho,X?acbcd to ,n,ck "" a eon- "$ i0 "Jo cottage, "has a small In Los AiiRcles Times. turned ngaln and sought tho solaco t'cnm sitting opposlto who had been J0 l'tzy, who's slclc, nnd the doc- nf llin -l..,i,.... ..... ..,. .'.... . apparent v nliKnrlm.l In Jm m-,,i tor BnVH lin cnn'. imf mill itna i,in OU surely can't mean that. ,,' ' .,..,'"" """-""" nuuimg . ,,- ;,,m ". ,V " :."V;'V .7 dlsonsn i,.,, o,. "7." . . " V Mnrirery." nnd Hob's coffee """. me irvacncrous tears. Bllcnce, her cup enmo down with a crash miJ, ,uoent's Umt near., shivered It. . . 'SSS ' oA , "inacou. i uo, sue uccinreu wuu m,t ,. r..w v.'.. ,..'..".. "-v a pout, rising, quickly from the table nilci,ei,dV.nV ..iMf .fJi, 811'ro"u' ".avoid the surprlso and Indignation "u at you, word " 8Ur,y tako .....l..l In Mo wMn 1,1 im . Hl -UI WOrtl. ino orrcnding edible, deftly rolled It u'sense," Her eyes softened with In Its SCailtV wr.innlnn- nnil ln.Tn,l If ready SVmitntllV. "Tim 1nn flinn I paper, sprang forward, snatched up called I asked the llttlo follow what that sou wero " . W,U1 n Proiounu bow. Not a "" ",l-' mo 10 uring mm, nnd he r iij,'o nn,..i quiver of an eyelash betrayed his "a'd so eagerly: 'A dill nlcklo. If amusement. you please, ma'nm,' nud hero it Is," Rim 4, II l I 1... SllO Rlllltnl t'linfllllv "I lininl.t n gathering In his wldo bluo eyes. A ot'ulant ".'" . .,,. with a bare nAnnut: few. toys, too," she added, following "And for such a trifle," ho groaned, answer. " J in acknowledgment of tho courtesy "ob " curloiiB glance at n tin head and For ono silent moment ho watched "I don't caro If ho does. But ho A Eood-natured but sympathetic ?on, W00(lcn legs that wero protrud- licr, resontment plainly struggling won't, you'll see," sho assorted confl- R,ul, nickered around tho tar. Sho ne nt'gresslvely from tho dishevelled nlth amusement In his face, then dently n she gathered up some an- f,U8hcd crimson, but smlted back. lockages. tossing his napkin to tho floor In mas- gular-looklng parcels. "IJesldes," "This wretched nlcklo!" bIio ABn,n tIlolr met in smiling cullno disregard of table ninenltln. sho straightened up with nil tho lm- laughed in spite of her embarrass- uni'cr8tnndlng. 1,0 S, Z" VifA1 Lrrm h'3 chtt,r rrt;S8,V0, ,1,,g,nUy f her ve.fcetone- ent. "You see." she bejan to S- "You crazy little democrat! You and started for tho door. In-hcr-stocklugs, "besides, I wasn't P'alu, and then checked herself. Sho Plebeian American!" he murmured, Margery walked ovor to tho buffet a bit unreasonable, cither. I only Imd suddonly becomo awnro by an squeezing her hand fervently. "And and rearranged with studied but per- asked him to get sorao stationery on- Infalllblo femlnlno Instinct that tho Y0U wt " erest!" he mocked, functory caro some of tho dainty graved with his family crest, nnd ho Immaculnto and shiny black shoul- "Well. I'm going straight down now cuiiia una cui (iu mui nueu us j iiurucu; Bam it was stupid and "ore or tho aristocratic Mrs. Van l0 orer ijic we for it." siiejves, wiiiio uu iiiiiuuaiiicu a ingiu buuuuisu aim uu-Ainerlcnn, and I ouicn nnd stiffened Into rigid lines. Aro .vo" Il0'7 That's Just dear Hllcncc. She was conscious that his don t know what all. It's tho first n"'l that tho head Bin-mountlng them of J'01'." 8ho gnicd at him adoring)', eyes wero following her, but sho Ig- tiling he's refused mo slnco wo wero " poised at an nnglo that no longer "I,ut l iou' believe I want it now," noiod them, nud her girlish ficuro married, and I think lm'a ti.o nnmm. broucht hop iiui.tirin.i ti.i.. alio confessed an n finntimr vuinn nt ,. n l n tta iirc3onted nn uncompromising back, onable one." and she snlffoii nfnr within tho rnnpn nf hm- vi.in.. ri,n pair of rlcld black Rntin nimnhiore Slio heard him pause nt tho door us tho innnucrr of a scpolled child. too. nn a gnury handkerchief was roso "oforo her. If offering a last opportunity for re- ''Is that all?" questioned tho quiet raised languidly to tho averted fnco "But you will when you know what conciliation, but sho only cluttered voice. Margery caught a glimpse In ono l,1 design Is to lie," ho smiled back. the cups and Bauccrs noisily with "Oh, wo talked n good deal about corner of nn clnbortely embroidered "Why, whnt Is It?" sho looked ' nervous . fingers and stiffened Into . Margery admitted with slow re- fnmlly crest. puzzled. gicater rigidity. When, n moment luclnnce, "nnd I tried to show him Her lips closed tlchtlr Thnro 1Iu l,,lscd nnd watched with mock later, ho stolo ovor and whispered, that with such a fine old name ho should bo no explanations from lior seilousness tho question grow In her Let's kiss nnd mnko up, darling," ought to bo proud of it and do as tho Sho settled back n her seat nnd clunc fnci t,ien w,tH a teasing twinkle ho she flung herself from him nnd Vnn Amstcrdams and other old fnm- in grim silence to her nlcklo at tho niio"ced: hiicim (rnm Mm fniitu Innvln. .lr. no npn 1nln n .. A .,..,. 41.. . -. " ... . .lu i"'1 I"1-""-. . lU "Vn. I.'o n l.n A rifT T mm?i n uo.tu ...... ...u ...., iLunub linn . ...y. ..v...,, uit uou iiiu uu ii-oi- Hiiiiio umo Kiancin c nrroRH ronn t fn 1 1 v n, ,.a u uu uuu i-iviuci .inn. I Inir .lnrn.1 mwl nnirrv nrino .in r..... ..,- II i ....... . .iT ." b. '.' "'h -r"88 ruonnuil) t.-l,niVT" ktll ftV 4 Ono swift look Into his eyes, nnd standing, dazed nnd nngry. arms on our house linen and silver at the man behind tho nanor In a fow moments tho front door and and limousine when wo cet Ho wn Wniv nnL!.AA in u juw 411UUIVUIO iuu uuui unur "" uu iuiuiumiih. wnon wo cet Ho wnn 1nnnlv .......j ... ,. u" oui iouh iuio ins eyes, nnu closed with n bang, and sho know U. It would bo so classy, mumsy. readlngT and showed m ff.rM.oP h llC1' fncc bro,to 1,lto n rl',l), ot ney that ho had left tho house. Ilcr first dear," nnd Margery's eyes danced teres 'In S hor S.." " L"' "S"- impuiHo was io run nnu cnn mm back, wuu anticipatory plcnsure. nrn. -. . ,-"-"'- "un, uoui you uroll, arlstocrnUO but Instead sho watched him from Her mother shook her hend. ,,. ,g ctL . BlrnnE0 Y 8' ent t'10 humbug!" she exclaimed. Thon.-un- tho window limp stiffly down tho KmbarrasRed and n trlflo nettled ,noiJlnI1i answering tho per- mindful of tho curious gazo of a street and disappear mound tho cor- tho wordless disapproval, Mar- wim, ,,ii ." ., , ,r "elRhbor passing stronger, sho Bllpped for one ner. His football log Boemod lamer gery hurried on In confused exnlnna- !l if7 i?In5."10nosJ,,ablc8, w,'en ocstntlc Instant Into his out-stretched than usual, sho noticed with n llttlo tlon. ' r."" v.'"' ,-',.K'rT lo c.scnpo ine arms. pang. For Bomo tlmo sho stood there straining eager oyes out of tho win- w "uM && A S.lTlJtt'a.tlJ niiiuuiuf, vunui if:n uiii. Ul lliu will- " iliiiu nuuilj I1U IIKIUU rUIliarKS Iw.hlllil llm nnnnn uow, men turning slowly shu rang auout tno crrcto aristocracy, nnd a """ , " , ','"" the hell for Nora nnd restlessly wholo lot of other rubbish. When I , A iur,r . of awaited her coming, hor brow "crlu- lol'l li'm ko wns a democrat and n n ,U,R, "cr t0 a Bnm'' klcd into n thoughtful frown. And tho unconscious "peacemak er," having fulfilled its mission, fell to tho cround nnd Inv inert, forirottcn thrco blocks nnd neglected between thcin; while cottacn wliosn n nnli nf lit ir. ulutfiil nviw. ilnnn unt plebeian ho laughed nil tho harder. H'ial)U'noss was softened and nil but In a pain-drawn face, watched it "Are thoro any dill pickles In tho T'mt in ml a mo nngry," nnd Mnrgory concealed behind a tanglo of climb- hungrily from the near-by cottage glanced n bit nnx ouhIv at tho clock. " " ''" rose", as biio was winnow. "I must catch tho next car, mother! ll,out ,0.ukno 8,, llscovcrod to her f, Will jou come with mo?" and sho d,Binny tnnt tho prccloim plcklo was ou Bi'iwviii'u ior ii wuu 4BB mm The Chinese WooHlowcr house, Xora?" sho asked 'No, mum." " n t i.fi iinn'ii tn rim i..itnn.n tilrnrfi nil. I rrn! tn.i llm ltt....4j. ...a unnti'liml llfi hnn nntitAtu n...l um..1 lUlSSlngi r.vMu, .....a rw ...u ,.u ttllliVgk UI1U ...-..-,.. . .. . nl .no II1IU DIA ICU . jou can find." for tho door. uespcrate eagerness among her pnr- ' Ycj, mum. Anything elso, mum?" "No, I'll go homo, dear. A happy C.'H' "'v , l ,1in(1 1J",,, lj8appearod. 'No. And you may have tho ft- ny t you. And I wouldn't " Aflcr ni! ."I0 Amn,,A,nt'9n U had cost cmoon off, Norn, ns wo shall dlno out sko started to say. then thinking bet- IW to. u,,,nk Uin "'" P?"'0"0 ptwn (his evening," nnd Mra. Osterhout tor of it sho kissed her dnughtcr ten- J1"". ",a(!ic1scn,pc.'I at u1 .,?ho hca turned her back qulckyq. derly nnd hurried away. V .n,c ,l hnd n.fo n"l.lellborato in- When left alono sho sprang to Uio Margery stood for a moment look- tont t0 nnnoy "I"1 mortify her. With window nnd ngnln peered nuxlously lng down absently nt tho too of her ail n"Bry exclanintlou sho looked down tho street: nftor a moment sho dainty pump. tt"ont wondering whnt sho should do. turned nway with a hulf-checkod sigh. "Mother doesn't approve, I enn . Ab b" turned, n startled cry broko "Tho mean, solflsh fellow!" sho see that," bIio admitted with a frown. frora ,10r tov thoro HE stood tho murmured as sho picked up n small "I supposo sho'o right, but. oh, dear, mnn "ohlnd tho papor mutely hold plcturo from tho dressing table and wo can't all bo sensible." Margery j"B ,ut fo lier, llko n green ollvo utur.'d nvxintriiiii' ni n rnun.i i... aii'hmi nu aim dIaaiuuI .n ..iai. n branch, tho lost offcndnr. Sho onlv Ish fnco that looked up nt her with thread from her skirt. "Ho might ftnrcd. They looked at each other &J58V&ift2$&JX5Sitt a teasing smiio in tho eyes. "And to liavo ilono It If only to plenso mo. I '" snuncu, ner sensiuvo iaco uoirny- wwyiuiuniiikiioi.iiiwcoiorndiKutyu think that wo'vo been married only wonder." sho mused ns sho took '? n sor'? ot emotions, ho with n SS!SS JSSS!'' uirci llko dropped the until A slight tnp at tho door wns un- shndow of anxiety hnd crept Into her ringing laugh In which ho finally JOHN'lxvisHlIS,llPX1Y.T heeded, nnd a gcntlo "Oood morning, fnco when sho left tho room. Joined. "Whcro did you find It?" sho do- Tt Ihrff nxttt rr)u rrilrn Donttc Um wrtJ otTf rre ttl Mnfd tbtS tnirodt-ctil f lAIn thm low, ll)UllCottmfciMj CIm!.o1 CUUil Amtrtfi) a re on! It bout rttW). 1 hl ur a Jl la the hU tnotticr novflty oU Ultlton ltll miltiltf ucoirrTfirai iaa A..4MAfl t 4Vtt WmlmWi IKBI..I TlieChlnfioWfiolfttmfrli nOlcnlaor nrTr fonn ,V, taoititr notflty fnu4 WBluf, riitlly lihi1 ) CDilrruriitnlir UUIU t cy. It 0I find In Wlf Uwnotlil tl qnlcl i inoniiis, aim no suouid treat mo 'asi survey or nersoir in tho glass, "I " i'";iu" " " unmo niriuuK in roVaV ril t5i5.; .ui," " m Pu 'riilimAiSt this!" and tho uuirrv tears wonder If hn rcallv will bo menu "Is eyes. i.iANrsuM.Ipn cosmos .... .a ri4ir. . with moist reproach upon enough to tako mo nt my word and "Oh, Bob!" slio cried, "whoro ffixW,VuMtl,"7K!&)firi!tt mod fnco. nnf. Htirnlr till u' miili-n nn nn.l .. how why?" nnd slm bnrst Into a lm cr"" l i M fCta.iw... ;. uaUu, dear," startlod her out of her self- An sho hurried down tho street, pitying unifllngs. Nora called after her. "Why mothor!" nho exclaimed, and "Did yo want tho pickle, mum?" then turnod usido, rhngiined that "Oh, I enmo nenr forgetting It," itnyono oven tho dear mothor Mnrgory exclaimed, flushing with nn- bhould find her In tears. " noynnco ns sho caught a gllmpno of "Aro you not well, daughter denr?" nn nniuscd smllo on tho fnco of a her mother nskod with nuxloiiH con- passing neighbor. "Whnt n bother tern. that would have been!" Bho reached manded, pointing tragically at tho cr- ittiiu iiuji."i;fc Bob shook his hend solemnly, but said nothing. "Why don't sou speak?" she urccd with a guilty look. May I?" ho aswed with a twtnklo ALL TRADES TRADE Your Farm ... l,"u "iu "J uuuui nnu renencu ii.n, rniilrnillrl.il litu mnnlMiiisn "Yes, I'm well," was thu reserved out n dalntlly-glovcd hand for tho .,S "" ,5?,?,!, Of course, you foolish fellow! It KINDS OF HOUSES TO TRADE TOR FARMS. tC1 nlW (1rlntilno1lnnA irr t su Inn Mr 1 1 1 rtl i With n reserved look her mother Kho saw 'to her disnjny wns wrapped ws mean of you not to recognlzo me subsided comfortably Into nn arm but loosely in n single plcco of par- n ,U'Q car .""d a, 8UpIcion of i-hnir rn ..non ,.i inLm V n pout begnu to bang about her lins. It "I'm going out for tho day. mum- confining string. A car wns com- wns quickly dissipated, though, when C20 Henry Bu.ldinjr, Portland, Oregon. T. J. LONG y." Margery announced as Bho Dinned lng with a nreclnltnto directness that """..."V.?"" "J1 "l """ " "". b,,,u w"" on her hat. "It's so lovoly," sho do- loft no tlmo to cover tho plebeian pnr- "" " "" "w l" " .i h? rr.,i clarcd, nnd ngnln hor quick glnnco col moro securely, so clutching It glu- ' ?? "lUX .n.nd ""rensonnblo this sought tho window. "After pnylng n gorly, sho tried to conceal it among "',, ",' .n..ni.. ,,. .. .. - llttlo Visit I'm to moot MnHnl Vnn Imr unrpola nnil linstoncrl on. An Mm . "P. Placed a elleilcillg finger Over mmv9 tint Una IWMfaH nviiriacr ni ino l'ninco urill for onrusmng oicctno approacneu tno - .... KswflZc luncheon, and thou wo'ro going to corner n shrill voico yelled after her: , ! wnB brute, dear, for laughing f fJ the niallnoo." "Vmi'm ,!mnni cniimtiii.if at you." and ho caught un hor baud iPirSS "Thflt Rnillllla ntnian.il ,).. 14 mno.i. ' nn.l onnll Imv ifrltinlnff Blld l(l88Cd It CaKCriy. SlIMIC? - " - w......M J.w..n....(, II1.UI. II 1.144 .., .ll4 14 R.M.... mwj , t. .......iff ..- .i ... . V'WVli! will cheer you up and you'll conio wickedly, overtook nnd handed hor . " haven t told mo whcro you &Mg8S homo to Hob with n Bmlllne fnco.".tb.i olnslvo ulcklo lust as sho Htonned found tho plcklo," alio reminded him WlSSssm in Beacon Burner FREE i-ith vnim OIJJ LAMP. 100 Candl rtr l4Mt pur UL II rnsis i W wuit out iwnon in tuti lnllty In IJt lilit livm (keioMiw) fol ns om y i cfifr nu.fl uowts utKw Mtu ir "" Tk ulmntkco of mrSpii. 4iira a llpAjvMi llamrr rRI lodw. AOtNTa WANHJI. rarWp"4lO(TiH' la rRRi nru UOMESXirriYCt), U8 llomeBMKnsaaiy,M. Cash Register Bargains Our prices are about half other deal- Inir unit suarnnteo our work, .will ex- Ve nay lilchent nrlcn for second hand reghtem. We do expert. repair- chanxn to null V o u r requirements. Then Marcorv know Hint imp r.mi. iinnni tho crnndnii cnr. nftor thoy hnd read forgiveness Ish tears had not escaped the mother's Hreathlefis nnd embarrassed, pain- cn,lI,tner.8 e'cs: , , . keen eyes. fHy conscious of tho amused face of "Why.'Just whoro you dropped It "Hob's going to talco dinner at tho tho curious passengers, sho sat down " tho car as you got off. It fell at club, and and I was coming 'round In tho nearest seat next tho arlsto- tho conductors feet and I told him Id to have mlno with on, mumsy dear," cratlo Mrs. Van Houton, whom sho see that you got It. OtherwUo It and thcro was a qui very tremble In had recently met at nn afternoon would hoyo been turnod Into tho com tht) voico that brought a questioning function. Py j. 'co to bo claimed by you .-.. uuui iuu imiuiur. -iioou niuriuiiK, .nn, van-mum. --. - -- SViVVJlV . .-A in t i ;;.;,,. j... Margery falterod on. Lovely day," greeted her neighbor. Margery looked unutterable things. ?.viifV imioiIS ". iiso. ' "Iho truth la." coloring deeply, glnnciug with well-bred curiosity at "nob," sho whispered, looking fear- 2 : ' vo nnu a llttlo quarrel, our very tho buiidles, which, to Margery's pal- nuiy anoui. "uo you iinow i coma first, and I told him ho needn't conio pltatlng confusion, bad never seemed almost swear." ""mo or speak to mo till ho'd npol- in such off enslvo evidence. "Well, whnt in thunder nro you .mi.' B,1 cc'fossed miserably. Ileforo sho could answer, a dull, doing traveling nbdut tho city with Why, Mnrgory! " hor mother ex- unmlstnkabla thud struck her ear, nil thoso parcels nnd this confounded imbued, nnj xvlth nn exclamation of horror thing anyway, Mnrgory?" and ho held "3, I know It, mid ho said ho she saw that depraved plcklo lying at up and vlowed with Infinite scum ni ;ir would, nnd ho looked so queer her feet In ho middle of tho passage- tho limp, innnlmato thing. ana stubborn that oh, mumsy, I'm way, grinning defiance at tho iihton- Sho laughed happily. Nothing -IMPORTANT, that mL you mention this - paper in answering-advoi'lisonionts. nurrrfm